Introduction to the Structure of the Ewe Language And"Reasonable Practice" in Speaking
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 028 444 49 AL 001 946 By-Warburton. Irene; And Others Ewe Basic Course. Revised Version. Indiana Univ., Bloomington. African Studies Program.; Peace Corps(Dept. of State), Washington. D.C. Spons Agency-Office of Education (DHEW), Washington. D.C. Bureauof Research. Report No-NDEA-6-602 Bureau No- BR -7-0097 Pub Date 69 Contract- OEC-3- 7-070097-2201 Note- 304p. EDRS Price MF-S125 HC-S15.30 Descriptors- Audiolingual Methods, Cultural Context, *Ewe, Grammar,:*Instructional Materials, *Language Instruction, Pattern Drills (Language). Phonology. Tone Languages The purpose of this beginning text in Ewe is to provide thestudent with an introduction to the structure of the Ewe language and"reasonable practice" in speaking. It is intended to be taught with the assistanceof a native speaker of Ewe. Linguistic terminology is minimal. Suggested teaching time rangesfrom two semesters of class meetings of three hours each week toapproximately 250 hours in an intensive course. The first section of the volume presents abrief description of the language background and some general linguisticfeatures, followed by pre-speed)" phonology drills. The section on grammar presents the basic structures indialogs glossed in English and accompanied by explanatory notes onthe grammar and culture, paragraphs for comprehension practice, andcomprehension and discussion ciuestions. The final section comprises a glossaryof vocabulary used in the text. (AMM) EWE BASICCOURSE Irene Warburton Pro s per Kpotuf e Roland Glover with the helpof Catherine Felten Revised Version & WELFARE HEWN, EDUCMION U.S. DRAMMEN!OF OFFICE OFEDUCMION ME EMILY ASRECEIVED FROM IIAS BEENREPRODUCED MIS DOCUMENI VIEW OROPINIONS ORIGIIIMING II.POINIS OF PERSON ORORGANIZMION OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDUCMION REPRESENI SIMED DO1101 NECESSARILY P05III011 ORPOLICY.
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