ΛΨΦ Al Event Will Give Us a Chance to Both (Et Al) Exchange, Which Will Occur at the Recover from the Hectic Holiday Season Upcoming Jan
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LambdaLambda Sci-FiSci-Fi DC Area Gaylaxians PO Box 656, Washington, DC 20044 (202) 232-3141 - Issue #250 - January 2011 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.lambdascifi.org Annual LSF Book January LSF Meeting (et al) Exchange at Jan. 9th Meeting The next LSF meeting will be held on Sunday, January 9th. The meet- ing will be held at James Crutchfield’s apartment (1414 17th St. NW, #413), near Dupont Circle. The business meeting will LSF New Year’s Eve begin (as usual) at 1:30 PM; and the social Video Potluck Party meeting will begin at 2:00 PM. Remember: announced by Peter Knapp This meeting will feature the annual LSF Book Exchange (see article to the left). Come celebrate New Year’s Eve As promised in last month’s Please also bring some munchies or soft (and a blue moon) with Lambda Sci-Fi at newsletter, here’s a short reminder about drinks, if you can. See you there! Rob and Peter’s home in DC. This annu- Lambda Sci-Fi’s twenty-first annual book ΛΨΦ al event will give us a chance to both (et al) exchange, which will occur at the recover from the hectic holiday season upcoming Jan. 9th meeting! All LSF mem- and to party some more in anticipation of bers — and visitors, guests, attendees, the New Year. Here are the details on etc. — are invited to participate in this how to join in on the fun! “blind exchange.” ΛΨΦΛΨΦ Where: The home of Rob & In case you’ve never participated Peter: 1425 “S” Street NW, Washington, in one of these before (or in case you’ve DC 20009. For directions, see: forgotten), here’s how it works: anything on the wrapped package to say http://www.lambdasf.org/lsf/club/ (1) Go out and purchase a copy who it’s from. (That’s to make sure it’s a PeterRob.html of your “favorite” science fiction, fan- “blind” exchange — i.e. no one is sup- Date: Thurs., Dec. 31, 2009 tasy, or horror book. (NOTE: Over the posed to know who it’s from at first. And, Time: The doors will open at years, LSF has expanded the concept of by the way, all of that leftover Holiday 6:00 PM. The potluck dinner and the “book” to include comics, videotapes, wrapping paper should come in handy videos will begin in the 7:00 – 7:30 PM “books on tape,” etc. If you want — or if here!) range. We’ll toast in the New Year with you’re feeling particularly wealthy — you (4) At the meeting, add your champagne, sparkling wine, and/or spar- can even make it several favorite books or wrapped exchange item to the pile with all kling cider. whatever.) the others; and you’ll be assigned a num- What to Bring: Bring your (2) Insert a piece of paper (or a ber. (Only one exchange item — i.e. one favorite genre Blu-rays, DVDs, and/or bookmark) with your name on it. (That’s package — per person, please!) digital AVI files on a USB drive (science so whoever eventually ends up with the (5) When your number is called, fiction, fantasy, horror). Attendees will item will know who it’s from and will get to you pick one of the packages from the pile. vote on which movies will be shown at know a little more about you — at least to (And when you open it up, you’ll find out the party. (There will be different con- know what one of your “favorites” is.) who it’s from.) See how easy? current “tracks.”) (3) Wrap up the exchange item, I can hardly wait to see what (continued on page 2) but don’t put any identifying marks or shows up this year! ΛΨΦ WHAT'S INSIDE? The LSF Book Discussion Group (page 2); In Praise (Mostly) of Recent Anthologies [Part 2] (book reviews - pg. 2); From Ye Olde Editor (pg. 3); About Lambda Sci-Fi: DC Area Gaylaxians and Con Calendar (pg. 4) 1 In Praise (Mostly) of Recent Anthologies [Part 2] Block, Jeffrey Ford, Chuck Palahniuk, Diana Wynne Jones, Gene Wolfe, Jona- short reviews by Carl than Carroll, Tim Powers, Michael Moor- cock, Jeffery Deaver, and Elizabeth The LSF Book Stories: All-New Tales Hand. If some of those names don’t ring Discussion Group edited by Neil Gaiman and a bell for you, then it’s probably because Al Sarrantonio you don’t regularly stray over into the If you’re interested in lively dis- (Wm. Morrow/HarperCollins, 2010) Mystery or Fiction or Literature aisles of cussions of F&SF books (with an em- I have some reservations about your local bookstore. (Go ahead – look phasis on elements of interest to the this anthology. Oh, don’t get me wrong: ‘em up. I’ll wait here until you’re done.) LGBT community), we invite you to join it’s packed full of good stuff. It’s just Here are just a few of my the LSF Book Discussion Group. Each that these probably “aren’t the droids favorites. Roddy Doyle starts off with a month, we conduct fascinating round- you’re looking for” if you want an an- surprising little story about a seemingly table discussions of works by significant thology packed full of excellent F&SF. average Dubliner (bank employee, middle F&SF authors. Despite the fact that Gaiman and Sar- class, wife and two kids) who suddenly The LSF Book Discussion rantonio are the editors – and despite the discovers he has developed an obses- Group usually meets on the 4th Thurs- fact that you’ll find it on the F&SF sive taste for “Blood”. Michael Marshall day of every month, starting at 7:00 PM, shelves in your local bookstore – and Smith tells the story of a high-priced as- at Peter & Rob’s home: 1425 “S” St., NW despite the fact that the witty Tom Gauld sassin who’s been hired to kill a certain – for directions or more details, call 202- illustration on the cover mis-leads you to “jolly old gentleman” just before the 483-6369. The next meeting will be held believe there’s a “Lovecraftian” element Holiday Season (“Unbelief”). Mystery- on January 27th. to it – it just ain’t what I’d call an F&SF thriller writer Lawrence Block has penned Here are the details for the next anthology. True, there are a number of a really creepy tale about a serial killer several book discussions: really good Fantasy or Science Fiction with an unusual “Catch and Release” Jan. 27th - The Steel Remains, by Rich- stories in it – some Horror, too; but there fixation. Twists and turns abound in Jef- ard K. Morgan; moderator: Rob. are also a lot of what I’d consider non- fery Deaver’s “The Therapist”, in which Feb. 24th - The Book of Lost Things, by F&SF stories in there. If you’re in a really “negative memes” can infect humans in John Connolly; moderator: Teresa. generous mood, I guess you could class moments of stress. The very next story March 24th - Galileo’s Dream, by Kim most of the stories in here as varieties of – Al Sarrantonio’s “The Cult of the Stanley Robinson; moderator: Claire. Spec-Lit (i.e. “speculative literature”). Nose” – similarly takes the reader on a ΛΨΦ On the flyleaf, Stories is referred to as “a twisty-turny ride to a surprising ending. groundbreaking anthology that reinvi- My two absolute favorites, gorates, expands, and redefines the however, are by Neil Gaiman and Mich- LSF New limits of imaginative fiction.” OK… ael Moorcock. “The Truth Is a Cave in Year’s Eve As I said, however, this anthol- the Black Mountains” is the kind of Party ogy contains a huge helping (428 pages, lyrical Gaiman-esque Fantasy tale we’ve cont'd from page 1 in hardback) of very good stories. Like all come to love. It’s the story of a mys- the Warriors anthology, the editors of terious half-human little man and a Scot- It’s a potluck meal, so bring Stories didn’t want to restrict this an- tish Border reaver as they search for a along something scrumptious to eat. thology to any particular genre. Neil Gai- cave of Fairy Gold that can be used to Feel free to bring some appetizers (veg- man says in his Introduction (“Just Four finance the return of the Stuart Dynasty. gies, chips, etc.), a main course item Words”): “…I realised that I was not As if the possibility of “a falling out” (enough to serve at least 4-5 people), alone in finding myself increasingly frus- over the potential treasure trove weren’t dessert (of course!), and/or nonalco- trated with the boundaries of genre: the enough (think, for instance, of the 1948 holic drinks (both regular and diet). For idea that categories which existed only film The Treasure of the Sierra Madre), the New Year’s toast only, it’s okay to to guide people around bookshops now legend has it that the cave itself exacts a indulge. So bring some sparkling wine or seemed to be dictating the kind of stories magical price from all who enter it. Gotta sparkling cider (or champagne, if you’re that were being written.” And so, like love it! In contrast, Moorcock’s “Stor- feeling generous) to toast the New Year. Warriors, Stories was planned as a mix- ies” is only tangentially F&SF – but it The hosts request that no one drink ture. That becomes obvious just by really fascinated me.