Northamptonshire. Pub 429'

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Northamptonshire. Pub 429' TRADES DIRECTORY.] NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. PUB 429' Stroulger William Isaac, r6 Abington Daventry .Assembly (Frederic Billing­ Francis Green, hall keeper), ~ew­ square, :Xorthampton ham, sec.; 'Vm. Jolly, hall keeper), land & Princess street, :!'lorthamptm Whitlock Frederick, High st. Brackley :X ew street, Daventry .Northampton Town Haa (Geo. Bayes. Wood William Henry,High st.Brackley De.;horough Oddfellows' (Thomas Hy. keeper), St. Giles' ~q. Northampton Blissett, sec.), Des borough, Market Ouudle Town Hall, Market pi. Oundle­ Harrod's Stores Limited, Hans Harborough Peterborough Corn Exchange Co. Lirn. ~road; Basil street; Hans crescent & Finedon Temperance (Joseph Harlock, (J. W. Buckle, sec.; GMrge p __ _ 87 to to5 Brompwn road, London sec.), Finedon, Welling borough Howard, callector), Corn Exchange... · S W- T A " Eyerything ., Higham Ferrer,;· To"n Hall (\Viiliam Church street; office, Broadway.. Whiteley William, 31 to _,5 &; 6r West­ Fe:ce, keeper), Higharn Ferrer~R. S. 0 ·- Peterborough bmrne grove W & 147 t<J 15·9 Queen's Kettering Corn Exchange C'Yalter Peterborough Guildhall (David l\"oble.­ road, London W .Faulkner, attendant), .Market· ·place, caretaker & beadle), Market place,. Kettering Peterborough PUBLIC COMPANIES. Kettering Masonic & Drill Ran Co.Lim. Peterborough Temperance (Hy. Beech,. Kettering Masonic & Drill Ha;I Co. (Henry Hitcham, sec.), York road, keeper), Lincoln rd. Peterborough Lim. (Henry Hitchrnan, sec.), York Kettering Raunds Temperance (Temperance Hail! ruad, Kettering Kettering Public Hall Company Lim. Co. proprietors; John Bass, s~.) .. l'orthamptonshire Brick & Tile Co. (Capt. Wm. Gray, sec.), Yictoria Raunds, Thrapston Lim. (Wm. Shoosmith & Sons, so­ ball, Gold street, Kettering Ringstead Temperance (John Bull,. Lcitnrs), 19 Market sq. ~orthamptn KPttering Temperance (Cbas. Pollard, sec.), Ring stead, Thrap~tnn }'pterborough Grand Stand Co. Lim. sec.; John Smith, caretaker), Gold Rotbwell Odd Fellows' Hall (William. (.John Rich Smart, sec.), Queen st. street, Kettermg Asher, sec.),Bridge street, Ruthwell, Peterborough Kettering Town Hail & Corn Exchange Kettering Peterborough Investment Co. Lim. (R. (Walter Faulkner, attendant), Mar­ Towcester Town Hall & Corn Exchange· "\Y. Parr, sec.), Long causeway, ket p:ace, Kettering Co. Limited (T. M. Percival, sec.),. Peterborough Liberty Hall (G. Ogden, sec.), '\Yash­ Town ball, Towcester Ru<hden & District House Property & ington st. Kingsthorpe, Nortbamptn Victoria Hall (Kettering Public Hail Estates Co. Lim. (Frank :Xewman, ~orthampton Co-operative (A.. H. Co. Lim. proprietors ; Capt. William. sec.), High street, Ru~hden R.S.O Hornsey, sec.), Exeter rd.Nrthmptn Gray, sec.), Gold st. Kettering Hu<hden Hotel, Coffee Tavern & Pub­ ~orthampton Corn Exchange (C. A. Weekley Village (C. G. Bolam), Week­ lic Hall Co. Lim. (George E. :Martin, Mar kham, sec. ; J{)hn Fe~lows, hall ley, Kettering sec.), Rmhden R.S.O keeper), Exchange hldgs. Parade, Wellingborough Corn Exchange Co~ Thrap.;ton :Market Co. (John Rogers, .Northampton (James ,V. Bellamy, sec.), Marke~ sec.), Thrapston Northampton Odd Fellows' ("Wm. Rd. square, Wellingborough PUBLIC HALLS. Ford, sec.), Newland, l\"orthampton Woodford Temperance (George Essam,. County (Alfred Long, keeper), George Northampton Temperance Hall C:o. sec.), Woodf.Jrd, Thrapston row, 1'\orthampton Limited (W. Hollowell, sec. ; Wm. PUBLIC HOUSES. Including Inns & Taverns. See also Hotels. Abington Park hotel, John Rogers, .A.bingt-on, :Korthamptn Bird in Hand, Wm. Hy. Pike, Long causeway, Peterboro'" Admiral Ne:son, Mrs. Amelia .A.bbott, Low.Weedon,Weedn Rack Bull, George Haywood, Peakirk, Peterborough Admiral Nelson, Geo. Pickering, 3 The Green,Northamptn Black Hull inn, Samuel Kempston, Deeping Gate, :Mar- Admiral Rodney, Alfred Chapman,48 Drapery,:Xorthamptn ket Deeping Admiral Rodney,.Tesse :\lerrill,High st.LongBuckby,Rugby Dlack Horse, William FJkington, Barby, Rugby Albion inn, WiJiam Reeve, High street, Towcester Black Horse, Thomas John .Fisher, Corby, Ket,tering Alexandn, .Arthnr Spence, I Alexandra st. Kettering Hlack Horse, .Mrs. E. Morgan, I48 & rso Hridge ~;treet .. Anchor, Frank Be:Jls, City road, Peterborough :Xorthampton Anchor, William &swell, Little Brannston, Rugby Black Horse, Wm. Norris, Nassington, '\Vansford R. S.O J.nchor inn, Mrs. :Mary ..inn Markbam, I High -street, St. Black Horse, David Redhead, Benefield road, Oundle .:\lartin's, Stamford Black Horse, '\Villiam Robinson, Ringstead, Thrapston Anchor, Thomas ~hddleton, Higham Ferrers R.S.O Black Horse inn, Tbos.Shortlands Slow,C-old Ashby,Rugby Anchor, Geo. Savage, Gayton whf.Gayton,BlisworthR.S.O Black Horse, George Ward, O:d Stratford,Stony Stratford Angei inn, John Allen, Yarwell, Wansford R.S.O Black Lion, Geo. '\Vooding, 19 St. Giles' st. Nmthampton Angel, Charles Archer, Dalkeith place, Kettering Black Swan, 'Villiam Hall, Bridge street, Peterborough Angel, J sph. Allan Dines,Desborough,Market Harborough Blackbird, ·william Hone, Croughton, Brackley Angel, Austin John Shenard, Brigstock, Thrapston Blue Ball, William '\Voadward,Potterspury,Stony Stratfm<f Arnold Arms, 'Villiam Thomas Soden, Barby, Rugby Blue Bell, Thomas Boyden, Glinton, Market Deeping Axe & Ceaver,Mrs. Susanna Dnnkley,High st. '\Yellingboro' Blue Bell, :Edwin Alfred Chinnery, ·werrington, Peterboro'" Axe &, Cornp~1sses, Edward Tilley, Ringstead, Thrapston Blue Bell, Charles Donson, He:pstone, Market Deeping Baker~' Arms, George Harlock, "' oodford, Thrapston Blue BPll, .T ohn "Hint, Dogsthorpe, Peterborough ll.tkers' ~\.rms, Joseph Hefford, Hugbrooke, '\Veedon Blue Bell, '\Vm. '\Vard Je5son, Be:! hill, Rothwell,Kettering l-l.1kPrs' Arms, Joseph Hickman, Newnbam, Danntrv Blue BPll, Alfred .Markwick, ~Ioulton, Northampton Bantam, E. (-1-. Major-Lucao;, r .Abington ~q. :Xorthampton Blue Bell, Wi:liam Smith, "\faxey, ~Iarket Deeping H Hber,' Arms. Owen ~unley, Rannds, TlirapstDn Blue Bell, RDbert '\Varren, Easton-on-the-Hill, Stan1ford R1rley ~low, Thomas Forster, llelidon, Daventrv Blue Bell, ·wiJiam '\Yatson, Cowgate, Peterborough Barley \low, ~Irs. Sarah Harris, Paulerspur-y, Towcester Blue Boar, John ::\Iann, Bainton ,Starnford Barlt>y :\low, Chri~topher J. Pell, Cose-rove, B:et.chley Blue Boar inn, Samuel Taylor, Eye, Peterborough llarle~- ~Iow, George '\Yood, ·watford, Rugby &at inn, James Hutchinson, Bridge st. Peterborough HP.H inn, Harry Chapman, High street, Towcester Boat, Tom Lea, Herriott's lane, '\Vellingborough BParward _\rms, Geo. Jas. Gwillim, 33 Rearward street, Boat, J ames Woodhonse, Yelvertoft, Rugby Northampton Boat inn, Mrs. Anne 'Voodward, Stoke Bruerne, Towcester Beehive, Jas . .Martin, 12 '\Vater st. St. Martin's, Stamford Boot inn, :Mrs. E:izh . .Ann Bailey, r Abbey st. Daventry B~es Wing, Geo. Skevington, Sheep st. Wellingborough Boot, Fredc . .Austin Barker, Earls Barton, :Xorthampton. Bell, Thom>1s .Adams, Charlton, Banbury Boot inn, lVilliam Baserey, Eastcote, Towcester Bt>J, ,Stephen Blunt, Finedon, Wellingborough Boot inn, lVilliam Rvddis, 12 College sL Northampton Reil, Henrv Coates, Lilbourne, Rugby Bricklayers' .A.rms,T. G. Dunkley,.Xether Heyford,Weedon> RPll inn, Caleb Denton, East Farndon, Market Harborongh Bricklayers' Arms, :\Irs. Henry Howard, Pau:erspm y, Bell, Ralph Evans, Wollaston, We:lingbvrough Towcester Hell, William Frisby, High street, Brackley Bricklayers' _-\rms, :Mr.s . .Ann Strudwick, Great Creato:tl,. Hell inn, George H. Garton, Little Addington, Thrapston Xorthampt:m RPll inn, Joseph Haynes, King's Sutton, Banbury Britannia, William Chapman, Hardingstone, Northampton ~ell, Thomas Newcomb, Byfield R.S.O Britannia, John Wm. Holdich, Eastgate, Peterborough Bell inn, Charles Riddock, 18 Bridge street, Northampton Britannia inn, ·wm. Threadgold, Lit. Brington,Northmptn Hell, Henry '\Vootton, Syresham, Brackley British Banner, Mark 'Va.rner, 15 Market sq. Northampton Bell & Crown, Mrs. Jones, Oowgate, Peterborough Buccleuch .Arms, Fredk. Weston, Broughton, Kettering Bell & Oak, Thomas Hewitson, Market pl. Peterborough Bull inn, Mrs. Jane S. Batchelor, Bra.ckley rd. Towceste:r Belvedere, Jn. Fredk. Goodger,31 St.Giles' st.Northamptn BuJ, J-ohn Bird, Newark, Peterborough Bird in Hand, Jas. Birt, 4 Regent square, Northampton Bull inn, l\lrs. Sarah Gilbert, Cold Ashby, Bugby Bird in Hand, Albert Eales, Upper Stowe, Stowe, Weedon Bull inn, Joseph Sharpe, Newborougb, Peterborough .
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