Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 101, No. 16
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Charge it the Campus Shop way. ^I LBERT'S On tht CampuM—Notre Drniu liape^CiUAiOH6> QaCainpis EXPRESSED OPINION Editor: {Avihor of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf," "The Mamj I commend Mr. Rose on both of his Loves of Dobie Gillis," etc.) articles in the Feb. 12 issue of the ^* SCHOLASTIC. And I muse with disap pointment while considering that, if the quality of his articles is any criterion for value judgment, it is indeed regret- T THE SEARCH FOR BRIDEY SIGAFOOS table that certain other of his efforts have been stifled. J. Michael Kelly Will there he anj'^thing else?" It was a dullish evening at the Theta 320 Badin liouse. The pledges were down in the "Yes," snapped Dolores Vladnay. catacombs; the actives Avere sacked out "When I count to three, you will be HAIL CHRISTOPHER! upsttiirs, not doing much of anything. hypnotized." Editor: jSIar}- Ellen Ivrumbald was sticking pins "Yes, excellency," said Alice, bobbing By the devious ways best known to in an efRgy of the housemother; Evelj'n a curtseJ^ God and the Postmaster General, my "One, two, three," said Dolores. copy of the January 22 SCHOLASTIC w^as Zinsmaster Avas Avelding a manhole cover delayed until this morning- [February *' to her charm bracelet: Algelica ]McKees- Alice promptlj' went into a trance. 16]. port was writing a letter to Fabian in "Go back," said Dolores, "back into But I will not carp at that, since when vr blood. Like I say, it was a dullish evening. your childhood. Go back to A'our fifth it did arrive, it contained Mr. Foley's brilliant pastiche a la Plato. *• birthday, back to j'our birth, to before Suddeni}"- Dolores ^'ladnaj' stood up Congratulations. This is the finest and stamped her foot. "Chaps," she said your birth, to your last incarnation . .. piece of collegiate humor which it has to her sorors, "this is too yawn-making! Xow, who are j'ou?" ever been my pleasure to read. Let's do something gay and mad and "My name is Bridey Sigafoos," said Let us see more — much more — of " this capable author's Avork. Alice. "The year is ISIS, and I am in gasp-making. Anj-body got an idea?" Marion Crane ^ "Xo," said the sorors, shaking their County Cork." Lafayette, Ind. little sausage curls. "Coo!" said the sorors. "Think, chaps, think!" said Dolores "How old are j'ou?" asked Dolores. MISUNDERSTANDING and passed Marlboro cigarettes to everj'- "I am seven," said Alice. Editor: body, for if there ever was a smoke to ' 'Where is your mother?" asked Dolores. "It should be made clear that the y aAvard (patriotism aAvard to Mr. Nixon) start j-ou thinking, it is mild and flavorful "I don't know," said Alice. "She got is not an official act of the University, » IMarlboro! Things come clear when you sold at the fair last year." and is instead a free choice of the jjuff that good, clean smoke through that "Coo!" said the sorors. senior class." (Quote from Associate fine filter—knots untie, Editor Charles Tausche's story in the January 15 SCHOLASTIC). It Avould s^em \ dilemmas dissoh'e, problems from this statement that the invitation evaporate, cobwebs vanish, extended to Mr. Nixon Avas not the ac fog disperses, and the benev tion of the University, but rather one olent sun pours radiance on of the senior class alone. There seems \' to be a contradiction here as the a new and deA\y world. Oh, SCHOLASTIC editor has pointed out that A | hap]33^ world! Oh, IMarlboro! "The Vice President is here as an of Oh, soft pack! Oh, fiii>top ficial guest of the University." ("Com- ^; box! Oh, get some alreadj-! mentary," February 19). I believe these ^^T^^M' statements speak for themselves and Xow Geraldine Quidnunc, should stimulate much thought as to ; her drooping l^rain cells re- just Avho are responsible agents and un- »' Aivified by a good ]Marlboro, leapt up "Tell us about yourself," said Dolores. der Avhat circumstances responsibility should be admitted to. f and cried, "Oh, I have a perfect gasser of "I am five feet tall," said Alice. "I have Further, let us not sacrifice the of an idea! Let's h3'^pnotize somebodj'!" brown ej'es, and I Aveigh 3200 pounds." seniors' graduation to establish Notre ' "Oh, capital!" cried the sorors. "Oh, "Coo!" said the sorors. Dame as the center of Catholic life. In tingle-making!" "Isn't that rather heaA^- for a girl?" viting political heads to the campus is (Continued on page 11) At this point, in walked a j'oung pledge said Dolores. named Alice Bluegown. "Excuse me, ""mw's a girl?" said Alice. "I'm a black and white guernsey." The SCHOLASTIC is entered as second class mistresses," said she, tugging her forelock, mail at Notre Dame, Indiana, at a special "I have finished making your beds, doing "Coo!" said the sorors. postage rate authorized Jime 23, 1918. The magazine is a member of the Catholic School your homework, and ironing your pleats. "Moo!" said Bridey Sigafoos. Press Association and the Associated Collegiate Press. It is represented for National Advertising © I960 Max Shulman by National Advertising Service and by Don Spencer, College Macfazines Corp., 420 Madison Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Pub lished weekly during the school year, except during vacation and examination periods, the SCHOLASTIC is printed at the Ave Maria Press. The subscription rate is $5.00 a year. Please address all manuscripts to the Editors, We,' the makers of Marlboro, have our doubts about this Box 185, Notre Dame, Indiana. All unsolicited story. About cigarettes, however, we hold these truths to be material becomes the property of the SCHO self-evident: Marlboro for filter smokers, Philip Morris for LASTIC. non-filter smolcers. Try some. "The Scholastic The Notre Dame GommtMiafu^ '^ 1 > THE SUBLIME SUBLIMATED: The editors of the SCHOLASTIC regret veiy much Vol. 101 No. 16 that the insert entitled "Casual Reading for Fun and Profit" did not appear in last week's issue as announced in "Commentary." The Ave Mai-ia Press, printers of the FEBRUARY 26, 1960 magazine, were instructed to include the alumni-sponsoi'ed contribution, but due to [ an unfortunate mistake failed to do so. This week our fingers are crossed that the article will appear, and our hope is that the delay will not decrease from its interest to our readers. Founded 1867 editor-in-chief ON THE VICE PRESIDENT: For those of us who had an opportunity to speak RONALD BLU8AUGH with Ml'. Nixon when he was hei"e on campus recently, it was, indeed, a pei-plexing ex perience. How do you judge such a man? A politician to the core, his words and associate editors actions were polished and perfected, well-chosen and effective. He presented the ap E. (TED) THOMPSON pearance of a forceful man and put foi-ward the political essentials of a firm hand CHARLES TAUSCHE shake Av-ith a confident grip. And yet it is so difficult to really see into the man. Be tween this stem figure and the reporter at his side, something of a barrier exists. news editor and stafF He knows so well what to say and he says it with such perfection that it doesn't reaUy ROY RUBELI seem to mean anything. Yet, although his words cany little, there is still something >~> Wade Clarke behind him that strikes home. His casual humor would make him "just one of the fellows" but his dignity cuts him off from the rest and it is not what he says but how Arthur Graham he says it that makes the impression. He is at the same time the man who lives next Thomas Weiss door and your boss. He is friendly but stem, warm yet resei-ved. He is what the American press and mass communications have made him: a leader with ideas and features editor and staff convictions who must be reserved in their presentation lest he give offense. Some CHARLES RIECK f obsei-vers of the political scene have said that todajr's President must be a personality Francis Smith first and a leader second. Possibly this is a valid analysis, for a casual meeting with Thomas Sullivan the Vice President would surely indicate that it is so. Recalling Walter Trohan's r William Sweeney article in an earlier SCHOLASTIC, we have cei-tainly had it brought home to us how William Veeder - very difficult it will be for the voters to make an intelligent choice in 1960. It is hard to vote for the real man v/hen it is impossible to even know him. And if the voter sports editor and staff mai'ks his ballot according to the personality a name conjures up, we wonder which THQMASROSE personality he is voting for.