The Rt Revd Robert Springett

The May 2019 The Bishops’ Office 2 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR [email protected] Tel: 01452 835511 Dear Candidate

The United Benefice of Lydney, Woolaston with Alvington and Aylburton

This is a place where there is much going on already and where there is plenty of unrealised potential. The Parish of Lydney has recently completed a significant re-ordering project in St Mary’s under the strapline, ‘Building a community where everyone matters…’ This desire is central to the benefice desire to be outward-facing. They are in good heart, the vacancy though longer than expected has been a time of refreshment and of growing in their sense of unity and purpose. There is an awareness of the challenges facing the benefice and agreement that the new Vicar needs to be a who will lead with inspiration and hope, enabling the people of these parishes to grow in faith and spiritual life, and to invite others to join in and live life in all its fullness.

You will be well supported by an enthusiastic , readers, lay leaders and retired clergy, as well as a part-time administrator. There is an additional house for duty Associate Priest to be appointed once the new is in post.

The town of Lydney is expanding fairly rapidly at the moment with a number of small new housing schemes. There are three well-attended Primary schools in the parishes, as well as the Secondary school which gathers pupils from many neighbouring villages. Building relationships with the Head Teachers and with the whole school communities will be an important priority especially with two schools whose significance in the ministry of the benefice is not yet fully realised!

In short this is an exciting post, full of opportunity, well supported and with the potential to be immensely rewarding.

As a Diocese we are committed to the wellbeing of all our clergy. We are small enough to know each other well, to care across our traditions and rejoice in each other’s gifts. We are large enough to be well resourced and you will find good support for your ministry from a dedicated team. Bishop Rachel and I seek to know and be known by our clergy and place a high value on engaging with communities across the diocese and building positive networks of relationship. We are a pilot diocese for Setting God’s People Free and are committed to developing a culture of confidence in faith in all our people. In short I believe this is a good Diocese to belong to!

You can explore this further by looking at our ‘LIFE’ vision at and our Culture and Values for ministry at at its heart we want to be well equipped to share ‘The transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ’, so that people may ‘know life in all its fullness.’

The person appointed will find resources and support within the deanery chapter and synod and will also play a part in those bodies. The Roles and Responsibilities document will be of particular use in helping you understand this task.

I certainly don’t expect you to match every aspect of this role, and the people of these churches will be partners in the Gospel, but if you think that this is a ministry that has the potential to connect with your gifts and be one in which you will be able to be fulfilled and grow further then I very much hope you will apply so that we can further discern together if this is the right place for you.

If you have any questions or want to know more please do not hesitate to contact the Ven , of Gloucester for a conversation on 01452 835555 or email [email protected]. Applications should be returned to Debbie Long, Acting PA to the [email protected] or by post to The Bishop’s Office, 2 College Green, Gloucester GL1 2LR by 12 noon on Monday 20 May 2019. Interviews will be held on Monday 17 June 2019.

With all good wishes and thanks.