14Th Annual Report the Canada Council 1970-1971
1 14th Annual Report The Canada Council 1970-1971 Honourable Gérard Pelletier Secretary of State of Canada Ottawa, Canada Sir, I have the honour to transmit herewith the Annual Report of the Canada Council, for submission to Parliament, as required by section 23 of the Canada Council Act (5-6 Elizabeth Ii, 1957, Chap. 3) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1971. I am, Sir, Yours very truly, John G. Prentice, Chairman. June 341971 3 Contents The Arts The Humanities and Social Sciences Other Programs 10 Introduction 50 Levels of Subsidy, 1966-67 to 1970-71 90 Prizes and Special Awards 12 Levels of Subsidy, 1966-67 to 1970-71 51 Research Training 91 Cultural Exchanges Doctoral Fe//owships; distribution of 14 Music and Opera Doctoral Fellowships by discipline. 96 Canadian Commission for Unesco 21 Theatre 54 Research Work 100 Stanley House Leave Fellowships; distribution of Leave 27 Dance Fellowships by discipline; Research Finances Grants; distribution of Research Grants 102 Introduction 30 Visual Arts, Film and Photography by disciph’ne; list of Leave Fellowships, Killam Awards and large Research 105 Financial Statement 39 Writing Grants. Appendix 1 48 Other Grants 78 Research Communication 119 List of Doctoral Fellowships List of grants for publication, confer- ences, and travel to international Appendix 2 meetings. 125 List of Research Grants of less than $5,000 86 Special Grants Support of Learned Societies; Appendix 3 Other Assistance. 135 List of Securities March 31. 1971 Members John G. Prentice (Chairman) Brian Flemming Guy Rocher (Vice-Chairman) John M. Godfrey Ronald Baker Elizabeth A. Lane Jean-Charles Bonenfant Léon Lortie Alex Colville Byron March J.
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