ToURPROGRAMME&IMPORTANTHEADQRS.ENGAGEMENToF MAGIsiRATE, FoR THE 1* DR poMA TUDU, TAS,coLLECToR a uriintcr FORTNIGHT OF JUNE,2O21. CO-ORDINATING TIME PROGRAMME DATE & OFFICER DAY v ru- I 7 tvrorru CDM&PHO 01.06.2021 l0.00AM Attend UIllce worKs oa \-\-/ ":lj: -.... __-_- ls through cpvtapHolDswo (Tuesdar'') 12.00PM Convergence meetlng o

Google Meet. .-- . at oswAN l'lalrorm tilri'crr u) CDM&PHO 05.30PM Attend video conf-crencing -- Hon'ble Chiel Minister, for revierv the preparedness p. in the State . * ,--rlodar11a.t-^^'-__--c nf coVIf)-19 situation Bench Clerk t)2.06.2021 I 0.3 0r\lv1 Attend Court rvorks (WeclnesdaY) 03.06.2021 08.00ANl Randoln Tour ('lhursdal ) Hospltal, at Lrovl CDM&PHO 01.06.2021 09.00AN4 To - visit to covtD (Fridal') t)sr)c2ozl I t t.ooaira Random Tour in thc area (Satr.rrcla,v) I oI RDO" Gania 07 06.2021 08.00A-N{ To Gania- I{eview lllanagelnent Luvlu-lv (lvlondal ) Block Offlce blocK BDO, DasPalla 03.00PM Revierv lxanagement of COVTD-19 sltuatloll at nr:+-i^^ f\-"nolla Vlrtual lvlooe PD DRDA 08.06.2021 t0^luaHt I OnO,q t'er ierv Meeting through (Tuesdal') urruEr CDM&PHO '09.06.2021 07.00AN4 To Basant Manjari General Hospltal 'LnanoapLrr and (WednesclaY) Ranpur- Monitorirrg and supervision of lsolation treatnientlbretfectiveCoVlD-lgatChandapLrrGeneral Hospital. F locl( BDO. Ranpur 03.00PM Review managelncnt of COVID- l9 sltuatlon at

lvlanagement' BDO/Tahasildar 10.06.2021 l0.00AM Randoltl Tour- Rel'ierv COVID-19 T\ir rCC i. tLo t].lnnl (-l'hursclay') Mi'siorr bv WSHLTS cc lvlo )clioo DEO DSWO DPM 1 1 .06.2021 l0.00Al\4 Meeting on provisiotl of MDM +1.-^'. 11.'nol o l\,4pnf Shakti/BEOs lFriday') ^1. Kooln CDM&PHO 04.00PM Revieli, progress oiCOVlD-19 vaccinatton at eontrol lssues concelllrrrB EE RWS&S/CDM&PHO 12.06.2021 0.1.30PN,l Conduct revierv rleeting on lmportant through virtual (Saturday ) Drinking water ancl COVID Managernent mode Manageuent' ut BDO/Tahasildar I 5.06.202 I 08.00AM Randout Tour- Revierv COVTD-19 ('[r-r esd a1') TMCI,CCC in the Blocli.

\HO\ :ffiff,$)n\,,,0,. Nayagarh. Memo No. 4y /conf' ot' 01"6L''?C)'l Cuttack for Commissiouer (Central DivisigP). Copy submittecl to tf"'n"u"n* Divisional actton' favour of KnA information and necessary

MemoNo, \Z /Corrf'"tu0"",,,.:"9"1i;i,::::'; Dt' Oi' 06'Ao'l copy rorwarded to in". J:J5l,*:i-o#',,,|.?#ll,'t;?;to, DRDA,ilji"-fiffi:;"il.;;, i,;r;*;h I ,qrr pi','ict Lever orncers l'{g1''ution necessarY actiotl. .",,"",uR*, **"*"'n Dt'Ol' D6'10!i Memo No. ht Conf. All i,-,,',., / of.-cott".torsDy'vr C of Collectorate/ Copy forwat'deforwat'declforwardej tt,to illtirll concerlled/oollssrrrtrui*rJi liir/All^t' Head Clerk' Revenue Section/ G charge of uit S..rions of Collectoratei informbtion and necessary action'


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