Clan NEWSLETTER No. 60 February 2006 Matheson Chief of the Clan: Major Sir Fergus Matheson of Matheson, Baronet of Lochalsh. Society Convenor: Lieut-Colonel Alexander Matheson yr of Matheson Genealogist: Athol Donald Scott, e-mail :
[email protected] DNA Project Administrator: Alice Fairhurst e-mail :
[email protected] Internet Adviser: Miss Patricia Mathieson, e-mail :
[email protected] Editor : The Chief of the Clan e-mail :
[email protected]> THE CHIEF’S MESSAGE Despite pleas for a relief editor, talented writers who I am sure are lurking somewhere are still too shy to come forward and help so once again I have been gathering in information from here and overseas. I am sorry this newsletter is late going out but it is not entirely my fault. The newsletter is made up of news and photographs sent in by branches of the Clan Society which to be helpful should be sent to the editor before the end of December. Please start collecting photographs and news for newsletter number 61 now!! During the past year Alice Fairhurst (USA) has been appointed DNA Project Administrator for the Clan and has registered the Clan for DNA testing. She has also taken over as Genealogist for the United States, and has brought a stack of information about Mathesons not only in North America but also Scotland and elsewhere and in her spare time she has been indexing and in parts updating the 1900 Clan History. I, and I am sure many others, not only in the United States, will be most grateful to her for giving so much of her time by taking on this arduous work, a benefit to all members of the Clan.