NAME OF COLLECTION: George A. PLIMPTON Papers and Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections

SOURCE: Gift of George A. Plimpton, 1936 and of Mrs Francis T.P. Plimpton, 198^ 1985, 19&lj

SUBJECT: ^00^ collecting; Slavery; Presidential autographs; Ginn & Company; Christian

Education; history, Calligraphy, Orthography, Writing books; Copy books

DATES COVERED: Ca. l600 ~ 1936 - c*. mno NUMBER OF ITEMS: ca. 21,700

STATUS: (check appropriate description) Cataloged: j Listed: x Arranged: x Not organized:

CONDITION: (give number of vols., boxes, or shelves) Bound: Boxed: A^g l(& Stored: 2 map case drawers Cl3-^-l; 13-^-2) ' **" '* '^" ' oversized. Presidential letters & doc, collected are in Stack I.QCATION: (Library)Rare ^o^W & Manuscript CALL-NUMBER Ms Coll/Plimpton ^vault


DESCRIPTION: Correspondence, documents, manuscripts, account books, photographs, and printed materials of George Arthur Plimpton, 1855-1936, collector, publisher, trustee, and philanthropist Plimpton collected manuscripts and early books of an educational nature, Italian literature, and Americana. There is much correspondence about his collection and his gifts to Columbia University, Wellesley College, Amherst, and to other schools. Plimpton was a member of Ginn & Company, Publishers from l88l and its chairman from 191^ until 1931. There are accounts, notes for a history of the firm, and correspondence about publishing and with the other partners. He was also a trustee of Barnard College, Amkerst, Union Theological Seminary, Constantinople Woman's College, Doshisha University in Kyoto, The Phillips Exeter Academy, and the World Peace Foundation, and was active in many organizations including The Academy of Political Science. There are also correspondence and notes for his lectures and publications, about his business activities, his extensive real estate holdings in New York and Walpole, MA, and many charities. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Andrew Carnegie, John Dewey, William Dean Howells, Sir Henry Irving, C.S, Peirce, as well as several presidents.

SEE OVER FOR THE COLLECTION, he Plimpton Papers also include: II. Autographs of Presidents: Letters and documents bearing the signatures of 18 President, of the , ranging in date from 1812 to 1918. 26 items. (cataloged) III. Calligraphy and Orthography Collection: Exercises, specimens, calligraphic ornamental flourishes, tracings of figures, certificates, etc. The largest portion of the

D3(178)M collection is the 101 mounted manuscript specimens of American handwriting, ca. 1860-1875. There are also some sketches^ of scenes and figures. (SEE OVERSIZED Map Case 13-5-1 & 2) This also includes the Alfred Manson correspondence: Letters written by W.M. Scribner of Potter, Ainsworth & Company of New York to Alfred S. Manson in concerning the publication of writing books and copy books by that firm; as well as working copies of Payson, Dunton and Scribner's National System of Penmanship; and three of Manson's account and letter books. ca. 300 items (Arranged) IV. Slavery Collection: Letters, documents, broadsides and pamphlets on slavery which range in date from 165O to 1869. The majority of the material relates to the Southern United States in the 19-th century although there are items bearing on slavery in 17th and l8th century England. Included are four manuscript articles by Elihu Burritt, 1810-1879, President.Lincoln's Proclamation-of 22 Sept 1862 freeing the slaves in the rebellious states (broadside), the clearance paper for the brig Hope in 1805 which is signed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (cataloged & shelves with autographs of Presidents), bills of sale, deeds of gifts, bills of transfer, etc. There is a group of 38 typed transcriptions of items from this collection. _ . . . .153 items . (Arranged) (SEE OVERSIZED Map Case 13-^-2) '.V. Historical Collection: Letters, documents, manuscripts, and photographs of many noted American and European historical and literary ^figures. 12*+ items (Cataloged: see p. 8 of attached list)

The Plimpton Educational Library of l6,.3.OO volumes is. housed in the Rare Book Department.

• ••'• :. • HR ~ 5/8U ,.. ... •,••• , • : . . • (BRC/RE - 1/77) Rev. HR - 12/85 . . . •••••, .Rev. HR - 10/87 ••'"• ' ' .'.. Rev. HR - 1/8&. - ' ? -••• Rev. HR -

VI. Plimpton Western Medieval Manuscripts: bwilfeft" containing collations by Samuel A. Ives (ca. 1940?) of variant readings of texts contained in ^T Plimpton medieval.manuscripts; corrected proof sheets for S. De Ricci, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada (1935) pp. 1753-1808 [= Plimpton Collection]; 2 copies of draft of revised De Ricci descriptions later published in reduced form by W.H. Bond and C.U. Faye, Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada (NY 1962) for the Plimpton Collection, ca. J^f items " ;>- (Arranged)

CD/HR - 4/94 GEORGE A. PLIMPTON Papers Box 1-7 ua-caxoged correspondents: Abbott, Wilbur Cortez /Abbott, Lawrence Fraser Bridges, Robert, 1858-19^1 N^bbott, Lyman Brigham, Mary Ann Brooks, Arthur Adams, Charles Francis Brown, Carleton Adams, Herbert Brown, Elmer Ellsworth Adler, Felix Alderman, Edwin Brown, Helen Dawes Adler, Mortimer Jerome Anderson 'Anderson, Elizabeth Milbank (Mrs A,A.) Brownell, Silas B. Appleton, William Worthen Brownell, William Crary Armstrong, Hamilton Fish Bryce, James, Viscount Bryce Armstrong, Samuel Chapman Buel, Clarence Clough Arnold, Augusta Foote Burdett-Coutts, Angelina Georgina Burdett- Arnold, Edward Augustus Coutts, Baroness Arnold-Forster, Hugh Qskeley Burdett-Coutts, William Lehman Ashmead Asser, Sir John Bartlett Avery, Samuel Putnam Burgess, Edward Sandford Aydelotte, Frank Burgess, John William ^-Baskerville, Charles Burgess, Ruth Payne Jewett (Mrs John W.) /rBattle, George Gordon Burlingham, Charles Culp Babbott, Frank Lusk Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 Bacheller, Irving Burt, Mary Elizabeth Baker, Arthur Latham Butler, Nicholas Murray Baldensperger, Philippe Jules Fernand Baldwin, Charles Sears rCecil, Lady Florence Mary Gascoyne- Baldwin, Elbert Francis ^ Cable, George Washington Bancroft, Cecil Franklin Patch Cable, Louise S. Bartlett (Mrs George W.) Bannard, Otto Tremont Cable, Margaret Bardeen, Charles William Canfield, Cass Barnard, Henry Canfield, James Hulme vBarton, Bruce Carnegie, Andrew 'Bateman, Newton Carnegie, Louise Whitfield Bates, Katharine Lee Carpenter, William Henry /Bennett, Charles Edwin Cattell, James McKeen Beresford, Lord Charles William de la ^Cecil, Lord William Gascoyne- Poer, Baron Beresford Chamberlain, Leander Trowbridge Bertram, James Choate, Caroline Dutcher Sterling (Mrs J.) Betts, Lillian W. Choate, Joseph Hodges Bianchi, Martha Gilbert Dickinson Clark, Francis Edward Bigelow, Poultney Cleland, Thomas Maitland Bikle, Lucy Leffingwell Cable (.Mrs H.W,)Cleveland, Grover Black, Hugh Coffin, Henry Sloane Cobden-Sanderson, T.J. Blackie, John Stuart Cole, Frank Nelson Blackwell, Robert Emory Coolidge, Calvin Boas, Franz Crawford, Francis Marion Borah, William Edgar . Custer, Elizabeth Bacon (Mrs George A.) Bortolotti, Ettore ^-Clarke, Sir Caspar Purdon Bowker, Richard Rogers JDavis, William Morris Bowman, Isaiah VDavis, John William 'Branson, Eugene Cunningham Dawes, Henry Laurens Brasch, Frederick Edward Dean, Bashford Breasted, James Henry Dennis, Mary Boardman Cable (Mrs Alfred L.) Brewster, William Tenney De Vinne, Theodore Low .en, Arthur Clarke GEORGE.A, PLIMPTON Papers

Cataloged correspondents (cont.):

Dewey, Annie R. Godfrey (Mrs Melvil) Grosvenor, William Mercer Dewey, Davis Rich Gulick, Luther Halsey Dewey, John Gunsaulus, Frank Wakeley Dewey, Melvil De Wold, John Dickey, James Edward Hadley, Arthur Twining Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes Hale, Dickinson, Willoughby Hyatt Hall, Charles Cuthbert Dodge, Cleveland Hoadley Hall, Granville Stanley Dodge, Grace Hoadley Hamilton, Edith Dolliver, Jonathan Prentiss Hamlin, Alfred Dwight Foster Donald, E. Winchester Hammond, William Churchill Duggan, Stephen Pierce Harding,. Warren Gamaliel Harris, George Hart, Albert Bushnell Eames, Wilberforce Haskell, Henry S. Earle, Alice Morse Hazard, Caroline Earle, Mortimer Lamson Hazard, Rowland Gibson Eaton, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Heath, Daniel Collamore Eggleston, Edward Hewitt, Eleanor G. Eliot, Charles William Hibben, John Grier Ely, Robert Erskine Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Hill, David Jayne Thomas FitzRoy Phillipps Hirst, Francis W. [ Farnam, Henry Walcott Hitchcock, Edward VFaunce, William Herbert Perry Hitchcock, Ripley Fine, Henry Burchard Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight Finley, John Huston Hoar, George Frisbie Fish, Stuyvesant \Hoar, Sherman Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens Hodges, Nathaniel Dana Carlile Fiske, Martha Thomas (Mrs Edmund W.) Hoffman, Frank Sargent Flexner, Simon Holland, Josiah Gilbert Ford, Paul Leicester Holt, George Chandler Ford, Worthington Chauncey Holt, Hamilton Fox, DiLxon Ryan Holt, Henry French, Daniel Chester House, Edward Mandell Howells, William Dean Hughes, Charles Evans Garrison, William Lloyd ^Hyde, William DeWitt Gavit, John Palmer Mlobhouse, Walter Gerard, James Watson Gifford, Robert Swain Iddings, Lewis Morris Gilder, Richard Watson Irving, Sir Henry Gill, Laura Drake Irwin, Agnes Gillett, Frederick Huntington Ishii, Kikujiro, Viscount Godwin, Harold Godwin, Parke Goodspeed, Charles Eliot Jackson, Henry Goodwin, James Junius James, Arthur Curtiss Goodwin, Maud Wilder Janvier, Thomas Alibone Gould, Elgin Ralston Lovell Jay, John, 1817-1891* Green, Andrew Haswell Johnson, Alvin Saunders /^Grosvenor, Edwin Prescott Johnson, Burges Greer, David Hummell GEORGE A, PLIMPTON Papers

Cataloged correspondents (cont.):

Johnson, Clifton Mather, Sir William Johnson, Eastman Matheson, Percy Ewing Johnson, Robert Underwood Mathews, Francis Aymar Jusserand, Jean Jules Matthews, Brander Maxwell, William Henry Kahn, Otto Herman Mayo-Smith, Mabel Percy Ford (Mrs Richmond) Karpinski, Louis Charles Mayo-Smith, Richmond Kellogg, Amos Markham Mead, Edwin Doak Kennerley, Mitchell Mead, Larkin Goldsmith Keyser, Cassius Jackson Mead,' Lucia True Amer (Mrs Edwin D.) Kikuchi, Dairoku, Baron Melville, Henry Kittredge, George Lyman Merrill, Selah Kunz, George Frederick Meyer, Annie Nathan Middleton, John H. Millet, Francis Davis Lamontj Thomas William Mills, Ogden Livingston . Lane, John Mitchell, Samuel Chiles Lansing, Robert Mitchell, Silas Weir Leach, Agnes Lisle Brown (Mrs Henry G. ) Moody, Dwight Lyman Leach, Henry Goddard Moon, Parker Thomas Lee, Laura Billings (Mrs Frederick S. ) Morgan, John Pierpont Lee, Sir Sidney Morgenthau, Henry Leidy, Joseph Morison, Stanley Lewis, CharIton Thomas : ' Morley, Christopher Lewisohn, Adolph Morrow, Elizabeth Reeve Cutter (Mrs Dwight W Lincoln, Robert Todd Morse, Anson David Lindsay, Samuel McCune •Jdoton, Robert Russa Loeb, James Mumford, Lewis Loeb, William Murray, Gilbert Long, John Davis Murray, Lady Mary Henrietta Howard Long, William Joseph • ' . '•-Mott, John R, Low, Annie Wroe Scollay Curtis (Mrs S. ) Low, Seth Nelson, Charles Alexander Lowell, Abbott Lawrence Newton, Alfred Edward Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron Northrup, William Perry Mabie, Hamilton Wright McCabe, William Gordon McClellan, George. B. Orcutt, William Dana MacCracken, Henry Noble Orr, Alexander Ector McCrea, Nelson Glenn Osborn, Albert Sherman McCrea, Roswell Cheney Osgood, Herbert Levi McDonald, James Grover Osier, Sir William MacVeagh, Charles MacVeagh, Lincoln . Page, Curtis Hidden Mahaffy, Sir John Pentland Page, Walter Hines Malmberg, Aino M. Pereius Palmer, Alice Freeman Mansfield, Howard Palmer, George Herbert March, Peyton Conway Parkhurst, Charles Henry Marquand, Allan Parsons, Herbert Marquand, Henry Gurdon Parsons, William Barclay Martin, Artemas Partridge, William Ordway Martin, William Alexander Parsons Pearsons, Daniel Kimball Mason, George Champlin, Jr. Peck, Harry Thurston Massey, Vincent rPerrins, Charles William Dyson GEQR.GE A,, PLIMPTON Papers

Cataloged correspondents (cont.): ^Sedgwick, Ellery rPerry, Bliss /^Sedgwick, Henry Dwight Peary, Josephine debit sen Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott Peirce, Charles Sanders Schurz, Carl Peirce, James Mills Scribner, Charles, 185^-1930 ^Pendieton, Ellen Fitz ^Seager, Henry Rogers /Perry* - Edward^Delaipan ^Seeger, Charles Louis Pershing, Howell Terry Seeger, Elsie Adams (Mrs Charles L.) Phelps, William Lyon Seelye, Julius Hawley Phillips, Le Roy Selfridge, Harry Gordon Pinchot, Gifford Seligman, Caroline Beer (Mrs Edwin R.A.) Plimpton, George Arthur Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson Porter, Horace Seligman, Isaac Newton Poulton, Sir Edward Bagnall Shaw, Albert Powell, Thomas Reed Shepard, Helen Miller Gould (Mrs Finley J,) vPratt, Charles Millard Shotwell, James Thomson Pritchett, Henry Smith Shumway, Edgar Soloman Pulsifer, William E. Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred Balfour (Mrs Henry) Pupin, Michael Idvorsky Sidgwick> Henry Putnam, Emily James Smith Simkhovitch, Vladimir Gregorievitch Putnam, George Haven Sinclair, Upton * Putnam, Herbert Smith, Arthur Lionel H?rince, John Dyneley Smith, Charles Sprague Smith, David Eugene Reading, Rufus Daniel Isaacs, 1st Smith, Edward Curtis Marquess of Smith, Francis Hopkinson Reed, Edward Bliss Smith, Justin Harvey Reid, Helen Rogers (Mrs Ogden M.) Smith, Munroe Rendall, Montague John Soderblom, Nathan Reuling, George Spurgeon, Caroline F.E. Reynolds, Paul Revere, T86U-I9M+ Stelzle, Charles Rhees, Rush Sterrett, John Robert Sitlington Ricci, Seymour de Stockbridge, Fanny E. Montague (Mrs Henry S.) Richardson, Roland George Dwight Stockbridge, Henry Richmond, Charles Alexander Stoddard, Francis Hovey Riehl, Alois Stokes, Anson Phelps, l871+-1958 Robbins, Howard Chandler Stone, Harlan Fiske Robbins,. Wilford Lash Stowe, Lyman Beecher Rockefeller, John Davison, I87U-I96O Straus, Isidor Roosevelt, Sara Delano (Mrs James) Straus, Percy Selden Roosevelt, Theodore Stryker, Melancthon Woolsey Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. Stuart, Ruth McEnery Root, Elihu Swenson, Laurits Selmer Rose, Heloise Durant Frethey Rowe, Leo Stanton /-Thompson, Henry lates Rugg, Arthur Prentice \|/Taft, William Howard Runkle, Lucia Isabella Gilbert Takahashi, Korekiyo, Viscount rSadler, Sir Michael Ernest Tannenbaum, Samuel Aaron LSachs, Julius Tarbell, Ida Minerva Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin Taylor, Sarton, George Alfred Leon Thayer, John Borland Schieffelin, William Jay ^Thomas, Martha Carey Schiff, Jacob Henry /Phwing, Charles Franklin Schiff, Mortimer Leo Todd, David P. Schiff, Theresa Loeb (.Mrs Jacob H<) Tolstoy, Leo L. ^-Sanborn, Kate 'VTisserant, Eugene, Cardinal Toynbee, Arnold Joseph GEORGE A. PLIMPTON Papers

Cataloged correspondents (cont.)

Trent, William Peterfield Tsurumi, Tusake Tyler, John Mason Tyler, William Seymour

Vail, Henry Hobart Van Amringe, John Howard Vanderlip, Narcissa Cox (Mrs Frank) Van Dyke, Henry Van Laer, Alexander Theobald Villard, Helen Francis Garrison Villard, Oswald Garrison Wald, Lillian D, Waldstein, Sir Charles Walker, Williston Wallace, Lewis Warburg, Paul .Moritz vWard, William Hayes Warren, Samuel Dennis Washington, Booker Taliaferro Weeks, Stephen Beauregard Welling, Richard Ward Greene Wells, Herbert George Wentworth, George Albert West, Andrew Fleming Whalen, Grover Aloysius Wheeler, Candace Thurber Wheeler, James Rignall Whicher, George Meason White, Horace Whitman, Charles Seymour Whiton,, James Morris Whitty, James Howard Wickersham, George Woodward Williams, Talcott Wilson, James Harrison Wilson, James Ormond Wilson, James Southall Wilson, Woodrow Wood, Thomas Waterman Woodberry, George Edward Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene Woodford, Stewart Lyndon Woolley, Mary Emma Wright, Ernest Hunter * Wright, Helen Saunders Smith ^Warfield, Ethelbert Dudley

Yen, W.W. CYen Hui-chfing3 GEORGE A. PLIMPTON Papers Box TA Historical Collection: VAUO

Arnold, John Miller, Sue J. . Arnoux, Claudius Mittag-Leffler, Magnus Gosta, 18U6-1927 Balfour of Burleigh, Alexander Hugh Morse, Jedidiah, 176l-l826, & Sidney Edwards < Bruce, 6th Baron, 181*9—1921 Morse, 179U-I87I John Borlase vBowdoin, James, 1726-1790 Murray, Lindley, 17U5-I826 Browning, Robert, 1812-1889 Napoleon III, emperor of France, I808-I873 Burgess, John William, 18UU-1933 Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922 Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836 . Park, Solomon Carolina Maria, queen consort of Philadelphia. Committee of Citizens Con pirac Ferdinand I, king of the Two Pike, Nicholas Sicilies, 1752-l8lU Ray, Nicolas Chittenden, Martin, I769-I8I+O Reynolds, Sir Joshua Christosopholus Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 Clarke, Thomas Sawyer, Sir Robert, 1633-1692 Cole, Timothy, 1852-1937 Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906 Croes, John, 1763-1832 Scott, Sir Walter, 1771-1832 Dallaway, James,; I763-I83I* Sewell, R. Davenport, Addington Stevenson,. Robert Louis, I85O-I89I* Day, Jeremiah B., 1773-1867 Strong, Nehemiah Dewey, John, 1859-1952 Thomas, W, Dodsley, Robert, 1703-1761* Tracy, Jared Dorsey, J. Tufts, Eliza Everett, Edward, 179^-1865 U.S. Army C18683 Ewing, Andrew Waldron, Richard Falconer, William, 1732-1769 Washington, George, 1732-1799 French, Daniel Chester, 1850-1931 Washington, William A. Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August, Webster, Noah, 1758-I8U3 1782-1852 Williams, William, 1688-I76O Gagnier, John, 1670-17^0 Woodberry, George Edward, 1855-1930 Gee. Latty Wordsworth, William, 1770-1850 Gilder, Richard Watson, 18UU-1909 Gookin, Daniel, l6l2-l687 Gowdey, Thomas Greeley, Horace, l8ll-l872 Greene, William, 173^-1809 Haslewood, J.D. Hastings, Russell, 1835- Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799 Holbrook, Abia Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920 Lafayette, Marie Joseph.Paul Yves Roch Gilbert de Motier, Marquis de, 1757-183** Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 Louis Philippe, king of France, 1773-1850 McGurney, Joseph MeIntosh, Lachlan, 1725-1806 Mann, Horace, 1796-1859 (Colony) Governor, 173O-171+l (Jonathan Belcher) Mead, Richard, 1673-175*+ Mercer, George GEORGE A. PLIMPTON Papers

Uncataloged correspondence & documents: Box 8 General correspondence, 1895 - 1936

Financial correspondence & documents: Box 9 General, 1886 - 1935 Account "books & diaries, 1888 -

Box 10 Ardsley Estates, Inc., 1917 - 1935 The Central Foundry Company, 1931 - 1936 Checks - Cancelled, 1935 Checks - Stubs, 1899 - 190^ Conant, Richard Royce *• Estate, 1918 (See also: Ginn & Company)

Box 11 Donations, 1927 - 1930 & 1935 Loans outstanding Macnaughtan - New- Ifork Wool Warehouse Co., 1898 - 1902

Box 12 Real Estate: Fuller's Tavern, South Walpole, MA Holyoke, MA, "Highland Park" - account books Lewis Farm, Walpole, MA Misc., 1902 - 1935 Park Avenue • -

Box 13 Real Estate; Plimpton Building Plimpton Corporation Plimpton vs. Alfred Baruch-John Hammer 38th Street Walpole, MA T- houses, vouchers, 1935 Real Estate & donations - Walpole, MA Touchers, 1935 Will - -

Box lU-p-23 Ginn & Company, Publishers (includes: Correspondence, Accounts, "History of Ginn & Company", Estate of Edwin Ginn, Ginn family, Ginn Estate-World Peace Foundation, etc.)": No date - photographs & plaster cast of portrait of Edwin Ginn 1877 - 1936

Subject file: Box 2k The Academy of Political Science, 1897 - 1911

Box 25 The Academy of Political Science, 1912 - 1936 The American Philological Association, 1916 - 193*+ Arizona Home School (Arizona Desert School), Tucson, AZ, 1928 - 1935

Box 26 Carpentier, Horace Walpole, 1902 - 1936 Collecting, I891* - 1936 & no date Collecting - Bookplates

Box 27 Collecting - Dealers: A - S GEORGE A. PLIMPTON Papers (.cont.)

Subject file: Box 28 Collecting - Dealers: T - W • Collecting - Exhibitions Collecting - Mathematical scrapbook, 1903 Collecting - Portraits, 1901 - 1936 Collecting - Requests to see his library & talks to students Collecting - Ricketts, C. Lindsay, 1911 - 1936 Collecting - Wellesley College gifts

Box 29. Committees; Directorships; Trusteeships Commonvealth History of Massachusetts, 1927 - 1928 Family correspondence CPlimpton and related families), I8U7 - 1936 & n.d. Family correspondence - Adams family

Box 30 Guest Album, 1893 - 1931* & Wedding Album, 1892 Honorary degrees and awards CSee also: Oversize, for diplomas) Invitations Cll items, rolled; Map Case 13-^-23 Japan, 19JL2 - 1936" Concluding Doshisha University, Kyoto) Memberships- and organizations

Box 31-33 Near East: Constantinople Woman's College (&, American Hospital of Const.), 190^-39 Lausanne Treaty, 1925-192? Near East College Association, Inc. Near East Relief Near East <- misc.

Box 3h Peace: General The Church Peace Union, 1918 - 1935 World Peace Foundation, 1911 - 1936 (.Cf. also: Ginn & Co.- Ginn Estate) World Peace Foundation - Mexican scholarships, 1923-1926

Box 35 The Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH Publications and lectures tby G.A, Plimpton).: The Education of Chaucer. The Education of Shakespeare. The History of Elementary Mathematics in the Plimpton Library. Lectures on his books.

Box 3(i Fubiications- and lectures; Rara Arithmetica. Misc, by and about Plimpton Travel: General, 1885-1923 European trip, 1899 Cdiary with photographs & diaiT of S.E. Pearsons) Japan, China, Alaska, 1918-1936 Union Theological Seminary, Nev York, 1912 - 1936 Wood, Wallace, 1907 - 1916

Box 37 Manuscripts & notes by George A. Plimpton (.1)

Box 38 Manuscripts & notes by George A. Plimpton (.2) Manuscripts by Frances T.P. Plimpton (Mrs George A.) Photographs _ „. Box 39 1989 addition: Family correspondence, 1852-1935; real estate & financial papers; photographs; misc. correspondence & printed materials.