Michelle Evers  Family: Brassacaceae  Subfamily: Pitcairnioideae  :  Subgenus: Puyopsis  : mirabilis  Common Name: None  Other Latin Names: Molina mirabilis, Pitcairnia mirabilis  Continent: South America  Countries: Bolivia and Argentina  Latitude:  Altitude: 1400-2600m  Zones: 9b-11  Clump forming, with basil rosette of leaves in youth and spikes of flowers in maturity  Leaves: Basil rosette with trichomes  Flower: Greenish yellow, borne on spike in midsummer  Puya ‘Poseidon's Trident’ • Puya tuberosa x Puya mirabilis Week 9 Week 12 Week 14 Week 24? Week 30-34 Sow into 288 Move Transplant Apply Plants in plug tray out of mist into 1801 ethylene to flower house packs induce flowering • P. mirabilis can be propagated with seed or vegetatively. • Seeds should be sowed as soon as possible and do not have any dormancy • Bromeliads produce pups when mature that can be separated from the mother and potted separately  Sell as potted plant or cutflower  Market for Thanksgiving • Could be table centerpiece • Use as cutflower and add to arrangements  Earlier bloom time  Vegetative production from ‘Pups’  Create cultivar with regular or repeat flowering  Slide 1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/toddboland/6658934285/  Slide 2 http://www.flickr.com/photos/taurielloanimaliorchidee/favorites/ page191/?view=lg  Slide 3 http://www.yourchildlearns.com/south_america_map.htm  Slide 5 http://www.stupidgardenplants.com/archives/tag/puya-mirabilis  Slide 6 http://fcbs.org/images/Puya/puya_tuberosa_inflor.jpg http://fcbs.org/images/Puya/Puya_Poseidon %27s_Trident_Lindstrom3.jpg  Slide 7 http://www.quicksales.com.au/ad/puya-mirabilis-great-in- bromeliad-cactus-tropical-garden/2334854  Slide 8 http://www.eldontropicals.com/catalog/item/ 7319667/9276125.htm  Citations for information are in new crops paper