Dear Patient, Your appointment with Dr. Garza will begin with our Nurse who will review your medical Robert W. Beart, M.D. history, pharmacy and medication information. Medical Director Colorectal Surgery Institute After you complete your visit with our nurse, Dr. Garza will discuss the nature of your Petar Vukasin, M.D. Colorectal Surgery problem with you. Dr. Garza may perform an examination, which may include an anoscopy or proctoscopic examination. AnaMaria Garza, M.D. Colorectal & General Surgery Jocelyn Moon, PA-C IMPORTANT – PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WITH YOU FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT: The enclosed Patient Questionnaire forms – please be sure to complete these before arriving for your appointment, including pharmacy and medications. All insurance cards, claim forms and drivers license. Pertinent operative reports, pathology reports, x‐ray films and their reports, diagnostic tests and their reports, and lab reports from your current physician. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by phone at 818‐244‐8161, or e‐mail at
[email protected] We look forward to meeting you and the opportunity to participate in your care. Sincerely, Colorectal Surgery Institute Attachments: Patient Medical History (Please complete) Patient Information (Please complete) Consent Form (Please complete) CSI‐GMH Patient Billing Information Conditions of Admission ‐ Glendale Memorial Hospital Maps and Directions – Glendale Memorial Hospital & Colorectal Surgery Institute 222 West Eulalia Street Dignity