Department of Biology Imperial College at Silwood Park Ascot, Berks, SL5 7PY, UK
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EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY OF FIGS AND FIG WASPS by DANIEL BEAN September 2002 A Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of London Department of Biology Imperial College at Silwood Park Ascot, Berks, SL5 7PY, UK 1 i \ 1 'JA rvw. ABSTRACT Figs (Ficus spp., Moraceae) and their pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) are obligate mutualists, figs provide a site for larval development whereas wasps disperse pollen and fertilise flowers. Figs are attacked by non-pollinating wasps which oviposit in fig inflorescences (syconia) without benefitting their hosts. This study analyses data from Indoaustralian figs, principally from section Malvathera, and their associated wasps. Male non-pollinating wasps fight to the death for matings and display considerable morphological variation. In Sycoscapter australis and Philotrypesis sp. disproportionately large mandibles are selected for in males, consistent with their role as weapons. Mandible size varies up to sevenfold, and can be either continuous or discrete. The frequency of serious or fatal fights among S. australis males is positively correlated with the ratio of the number of sexually active males to the number of females available for mating, a product of the rate of female emergence. Fights occur in Philotrypesis sp. between males that are less similar in mandible size than average, indicating that fights occur because large males can attack small males with impunity. Figs are in conflict with their pollinators over the fate of flowers. Flowers provide wasps with a site for larval development but figs produce viable seeds by protecting their flowers. Long term stability in the mutualism relies on the ability of figs to control wasp oviposition behaviour. Phlyogenetically controlled comparative analyses of Malvanthera figs and their associated wasps show that figs can reduce investment in by fostering in their pollen production active pollination wasps -a suite of morphological and behavioural traits that facilitate efficient pollen transmission. Active pollination may have arisen more than once in pollinating fig wasps. Figs can protect their flowers by reducing flower size. This results in smaller wasps, which are able to carry fewer eggs. I DECLARE THAT THIS THESIS IS ENTIRELY MY OWN WORK, EXCEPT FOR PART OF THE DATA ANALYSED IN CHAPTERS 4 AND 5, WHICH WERE COLLECTED BY JAMES COOK, STUART WEST AND E. ALLEN HERRE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page 1 Abstract 2 Table of Contents 3 List of Figures 7 List of Tables 12 Chapter 1- Reproductive Conflict in the Fig and Fig Wasp Mutualism 14 Introduction 14 Fatal Fighting 15 Mechanisms of mate competition 15 Occurrence of fatal fighting 17 Game theory models 19 Kin selection models 20 Encounter rate and resource value models 22 Sex ratio models 24 Mutualistic Coevolution and Coadaptation 27 Definition and occurrence 27 Phylogenetic congruence between figs and wasps 29 Conflicts between figs and wasps 32 Flower protection mechanisms 34 Syconium protection mechanisms 36 Pollination mode and its impact on the mutualism 37 3 Non-pollinating Chapter 2- Male Mating Tactics and Lethal Combat in the 40 Fig Wasp Sycoscapter australis Abstract 40 Introduction 41 Background Biology 43 44 Methods and Analysis Data Collection 44 Dimorphism in S. australis males 45 46 Serious injury in S. australis males Emergence in S. australis males 47 Results 48 Population Data 48 Dimorphism in S. australis males 48 Serious injury in S. australis males 50 Emergence in S. australis males 51 Discussion 52 Morphology and mating tactics in S. australis 52 Factors affecting serious injury in S. australis 53 Emergence 54 Chapter 3- Victimisation and Morphology in Fighting Male Fig Wasps 57 Abstract 57 Introduction 58 Methods 61 Study species 61 Data collection 62 4 Allometry 63 Size matching of pairs of fighting males 65 Results 66 Allometry 66 Size matching of pairs of fighting males 68 Discussion 69 Morphological patterns in Philotrypesis sp. males 69 Fighting behaviour in Philotrypesis sp. males 71 Chapter 4- The Evolution and Maintenance of Active Pollination 74 Abstract 74 Introduction 76 Methods 78 Study taxon 78 Data collection 79 Phylogenetic analysis 80 Character evolution 81 Comparative analysis 81 Results 82 Phylogenetic analysis 82 Character evolution 82 Comparative analysis 84 Discussion 87 Phylogenetic analysis 87 Character evolution 88 Comparative analysis 90 5 Chapter 5- The Role Of The Fecundity Hypothesis in Protecting Fig Flowers 93 Abstract 93 Introduction 94 Methods 98 Study taxon 98 Data collection 98 Phylogenetic analysis 100 Comparative analysis 100 Do larger Malvathera figs produce more or larger female flowers? 101 Do smaller female flowers produce smaller pollinating wasps? 101 Results 103 Data collection 103 Do larger Malvathera figs produce more or larger female flowers? 104 Do smaller female flowers produce smaller pollinating wasps? 107 Discussion 109 Chapter 6- Conclusions 114 Introduction 114 Fatal Fighting in Non-pollinating Fig Wasps 114 Coevolution and Coadaptation between figs and their pollinating wasps 117 Acknowledgements 120 Bibliography 121 6 LIST OF FIGURES Chapter 1 Figure 1 Sycoscapter sp. from F. benjamina collected in Papua New Guinea, 19 a) dorsal view of head and thorax illustrating piercing mandibles, b) lateral view illustrating femoral spikes. Reproduced from Boucek (1988), not to scale. Chapter 2 Figure 1 Plot showing the mean wasp emergence per hour across all syconia 49 for P. froggatti (broken lines) and S. australis (solid lines) males (thick lines) and females (thin lines). Figure 2 Plot showing the regression slopes of the relationship between 50 mandible and head length in S. australis males for (a) values of head length less than 0.6mm, and (b) for value head length greater than 0.6mm. Figure 3 a) Plot showing data points and the regression slope of the 51 proportion of seriously injured S. australis males per syconium against the mean S. australis OSR per syconium. b) Plot showing data points and the regression slope of the proportion of seriously injured S. australis males per syconium against the mean S. australis male mandible size per syconium. Figure 4 a) Plot showing the proportion of emerged S. australis males per 52 syconium against the mean number of S. australis males per syconium with a fitted curve estimated from a linear model of male emergence - 0.72 - 0.08 x number of males + 0.002 x number of 7 malest. P value of squared term <0.005, d.f. = 1, adjusted r2 = 0.46. b) Plot showing the proportion of emerged S. australis males per syconium against the proportion of seriously injured S. australis males per syconium with a fitted curve estimated from a linear 3.55 model of male emergence - 0.56 - 2.55 x injury proportion + x injury proportion2. P value of squared term <0.001, d.f. = 1, adjusted r2 = 0.38. Chapter 3 Figure 1 Relationship between mandible length and head length in 67 Philotrypesis sp. males. Solid line represents a quadratic model of mandible vs head allometry. Dashed line indicates dimorphic model of mandible vs head allometry. Dotted lines indicate mandible and head values for the proposed switch point in the dimorphic model. Figure 2 Histogram showing the means for Philotrypesis sp. of the mean size 68 difference between pairs of fighting males per syconium (white bars) and the mean size difference between all pairs of males per syconium (grey bars) from 30 syconia, using mandible, head and hind tibia body measurements(t bars indicate standard errors). Chapter 4 Figure 1 50% majority rule tree based on Bayesian analysis of combined 28S 83 and ITS alignment for 14 Pleistodontes species. Analysis run for 3 million generations with GTR evolutionary model with gamma rates. Values indicate posterior probability support for adjacent node. White terminal boxes indicate active pollination, black terminal boxes indicate passive. 8 Figure 2 Pleistodontes phylogeny showing unordered character state 84 reconstruction of pollination mode, boxes by character names indicate character statesfor each species. White shading indicates active pollination, black shading indicates passive pollination, barred shading indicates equivocal ancestral character state. Black circles indicate nodes at which contrasts were calculated for flower sex ratio using CAIC (Purvis & Rambaut 1995). Figure 3 Pleistodontes phylogeny showing character state reconstruction of 85 pollination mode, represented as in Fig 2. Tree (a) illustrates the most parsimonious character reconstruction when active pollination is hard to acquire but easy to lose (scenario 1 in the methods), tree (b) indicates the most parsimonious character state reconstruction when active pollination is equally easy to acquire and lose (scenario 2 in the methods). Figure 4 Histogram comparing the mean flower sex ratios (FSR) for actively 86 and passively pollinated fig species from section Malvanthera. Bars indicate standard errors. Figure 5 Reconstruction of the evolution of pollination behaviour across 15 86 pollinating fig wasp genera using a maximum likelihood tree calculated by Machado et al. (2001). All genera are represented by one species except Ceratosolen, which is represented by four. Branch shading indicates pollination mode, white = active, black = passive, grey = absent, hatched = polymorphic. Figure reproduced from Machado et al. (2001). 9 Chapter 5 Figure 1 Variation in the size and shape of the ripe syconia of malvantheran 100 fig species. Syconia are drawn to scale. Seven species have essentially spherical syconia and are shown as such. The other six have syconia of varying shapesas depicted. Species are labelled as follows: a) F. obliqua, b) F. lilliputiana, c) F. brachypoda, d) F. rubiginosa, e) F. platypoda, f) F. macrophylla, g) F. hesperidiformis, h) F. crassipes, i) F. pleurocarpa, j) F. watkinsiana, k) F. xylosycia, 1) F. triradiata, m) F. destruens. Figure 2 50% majority rule tree based on Bayesian analysis of combined 28S 102 and ITS alignment for 14 Pleistodontes species. Analysis run for 3 million generations of GTR evolutionary model with gamma rates. Values indicate posterior probability support for adjacent node.