
glintara menkent romulus belak syrma (ch'Rihan) romii haakona Kolarin (Kolarus)


algorab achernar

ophiucus Sphere 5 inferna Glissa chetzia yadalla Malos Sphere 4 Calindra U’tani Sphere 41 altaiR tarkalea Muratas Cluster Osaaria Fomalhaut Triannon Vega Antaran B’Saari Imprek draylaxTeneebia Illyria Sphere 3 Tarquin’s Planet Sphere 7 (12th Sphere) Sphere 2 denobula triaxa Skagaran colony Sphere 6 Xindi Council Alpha centauri Kovaalan Krognik tellar Wolf 424 berengaria SOL rator Oran’taku pyrithia Tak (Earth) draken Arakon xanthan helaspont nebula Duroc wolf 359 zavijava kaferia (Tau Ceti) babel Norellus Chara sirius Cheron V’rad Blue axanar Cimera Jewel stars Loque’equexindus vissia Neubilia 10 Canum (andor, Andoria) Sphere 1 Venaticorum Archer Algeron (Loracus Prime) Procyon Threllvia terra nova aldus melvara Lyssaria Harmony weytahn Syrinx J'ral (Paan Mokar) P'Jem Boroth unroth xantoras xyrillia lorillia fgc47 nebula calanara akaali duronom Agosoria nebula Keto-Enol Deneva Cold Station 12 Trialas Tamaal Valakis (Menk) echo 3 coridan beta rigel burala Khitomer Nuvia NAUSICAA Verex kostolain beta Penthe Narendra tesnia (rura Penthe) unhabitable system Arin’Sen Japori Galactic meridian United Earth facility* neutral system arachnid nebula map key uncharted system nebula maluria regulus United Earth System / Colony* habitable system neutron star / pulsar sector grid (20 LY) star cluster (Qo’nos) United Earth Protectorate* quarantined system quantum singularity mazar Kronos Toroth pheonix clusteR Delphic Expanse0 5 10 light-years (Zibral) territories:(dissipated in 2154) *others are displayed in their representative colours (see territories) dakala fgc-983 (Rogue planet) risa 81 cancri United Earth empire oasis paraaga II SOL Procyon suliban raatooras (Earth) (andor, Andoria) Bre'el Tandar castor tendaras cluster kretassa xarantine briar patch EMPIRE United Planets of Tellar Kronos Tellar qu'vat (Qo’nos) Dekendi

Retellia star empire romulus Enolian Coalition Keto-Enol (ch'Rihan) vega reticuli betreka nebula krios archanis Vejar BY NC ND Confederacy of Vulcan Vulcan STartrekmap.com Ipai N’Vak the stellar cartography arkonia

pernaia gosis

