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Nigel Maxted.Pptx Nurturing the gene pool: na�onal strategies for crop wild rela�ve conserva�on and use N. Maxted, S. Dias, H. Fielder, H. Fitzgerald, J.M. Iriondo, F. Landucci, V. Negri, L. Rubio, N. Taylor and S. Kell Pre-­‐breeding – fishing in the gene pool 12th June 2013, Alnarp, Sweden Overview • Why conserve crop wild rela�ves (CWR)? • Developing a na�onal CWR conserva�on strategy Ø Crea�ng the na�onal CWR inventory Ø CWR priori�sa�on Ø Current conserva�on measures Ø Priority ‘hotspots’ for CWR conserva�on Ø CWR conserva�on ac�on plans §. Holis�c CWR conserva�on Why conserve CWR? • They are useful – IPCC (2007) es�mates that by 2100, wheat yields 40% in Europe unless climate change mi�ga�on is undertaken – CWR are rich in gene�c diversity and provide poten�al resistance to bio�c and abio�c stresses (e.g. P&D, drought, flooding, extreme heat, salt) • They are threatened – 27–42% loss of plant spp. in Europe by 2080 due to climate change (Thuiller et al. 2005) – 16–22% of Arachis, Solanum and Vigna CWR ex�nct by 2055, others have reduced range (Jarvis et al. 2008) – 16% of priority European CWR threatened with ex�nc�on; brassicas, beet, le�uce, wheat and onion gene pools of par�cular concern (Kell et al. 2012) §. They are not well conserved §. 9% of European ex situ accessions of wild origin, these represent only 6% of CWR in Europe (Dias et ., al 2012); CWR vastly under-­‐represented §. How many in situ gene�c reserves in Europe meet Iriondo et al. (2012) guidelines? None? Establishing CWR networks • Numerous diverse approaches that result in CWR conserved in (and outside) gene�c reserves • Basic geographic scope: – Individual – Na�onal – Holis�c approach to conserva�on – Regional – Global • Each concludes with CWR diversity being ac�vely conserved in situ in gene�c reserves or less formal conserva�on sites and ex situ storage for use Floris�c Approach Na�onal CWR Conserva�on Strategy Na�onal CWR checklist Taxon priori�za�on Diversity and gap analysis Develop conserva�on ac�on plan CWR are a unique national resource; each Implement in and ex situ conserva�on country has unique CWR resources due to ecogeographic partitioning of genetic Promote CWR characteriza�on and use diversity Floris�c Approach Na�onal CWR Conserva�on Strategy §. The objec�ve is to maximize the conserva�on of the taxonomic and gene�c diversity of the country’s CWR flora §. Diversity and gap analysis leads to iden�fica�on of complementary priority conserva�on ac�ons §. Gene�c reserves established within exis�ng na�onal PAs (and/or new reserves established) §. Germplasm collec�on and conserva�on in ex situ collec�ons §. Conserved CWR diversity is available for characteriza�on and use in crop improvement Progress in Europe: Belarus, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Ireland , Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom National / Regional Botanical Diversity §. Floristic checklists §. Listed in Davis et al. (1986) and Frodin (2001) §. Neighbouring country §. Broader region (e.g. Flora Europaea) §. For Bulgaria – Jordanov et al. (1963 -) §. Taxonomic checklist of country taxa §. For the UK – 2,300 species §. For Bulgaria – 5,087 species 1. National CWR checklist Crop genus Forestry genus names Manfeld’s names Schultz- Database Motel (1966) §. PGR Forum methodology (Kell et al., 1995) Matching Matching Crop genus §. National floristic / taxonomic names Manfeld’s checklist Database Matching Matching §. National crop checklist Medicinal and Data Ornamental genus §. Matching of genera aromatic genus Mining names CPVO names MAPROW Database §. Extraction (data mining) of PGR Forum CWR CWR taxa Catalogue for Europe and the §. Uses generic definition of Med. CWR Country Filter National CWR Checklist for Country X 1. National CWR checklist ‘Floristic route’ = Flora to crops to ‘Monographic route’ = Crops to flora to CWR inventory (semi-automated) CWR inventory (via workshop) World Regional National Database of Floristic Crop Crops Checklist Checklist Manual Digitised Digitised Matching Matching Matching Regional Generic CWR Botanical Checklist Checklist CWR in priority Country Filter crop genera National National CWR CWR Checklist Checklist Is there a digitised Flora available ( ? 2. Selection of priority CWR §. Broad CWR definition with generic limit = relative large number of taxa (c. 80% of the European flora) §. Limited resources so need to focus on priority CWR Ø Current conservation status, socio-economic use, threat of genetic erosion, genetic distinctiveness, ecogeographic distribution, biological importance, cultural importance, cost, sustainability, legislation, ethical and aesthetic considerations, and priorities of the conservation agency Ø Economic value of crop (Global/regional/national production /economic value statistics / IT Annex 1) Ø Relative CWR relatedness (GP1b/GP2 or TG1b/TG2/ TG3) see Ø Relative threatened status (Red List status/known threats/limited distributions) Ø Native status From checklist to inventory a brush with nomenclature: M Complete CWR checklist – a full list of all CWR found in a certain geographic area; simply a list of names and authorities. CWR checklist M Annotated CWR checklist ‒ a full list of all CWR found in a certain geographic area, but (names and authorities) here additional information has been added to the list of names and authorities to aid prioritization of the checklist. Prioritization and annotation M Priority CWR checklist ‒ a partial list of CWR found in a certain geographic area that has been reduced in number from the complete CWR inventory CWR checklist through prioritization, but is (names, authorities and ancillary data) still simply a list of names and authorities. M CWR Inventory – a list of priority CWR taxa that has ancillary information added for each CWR included in the inventory. Na�onal CWR conserva�on strategy for Spain §. Spanish PRIORITY CWR Checklist: 938 species in 4 categories §. FOOD – 226 species in 33 genera (12 families) §. FODDER & FORAGE – 262 species in 12 genera (2 families) §. ORNAMENTAL – 240 species in 5 genera (5 families) §. INDUSTRIAL – 210 species in 10 genera (7 families) Vicia cracca L. included in the Spanish CWR Priority Checklist Photo: M. Luisa Rubio-Teso §. Spanish Na�onal Inventory: 492 CWR species §. 324 species in the PGRFA group (food + fodder&forage) §. 168 species in the ornamental group Trifolium cherleri L. Included in the Spanish National Inventory of CWR Photo: M. Luisa Rubio-Teso §. Industrial group – ongoing priori�za�on 3. Gap analysis of priority CWR Comparison of natural in situ CWR diversity with diversity sampled and conserved in situ or ex situ (Maxted et ., al 2008; Ramírez-­‐Villegas et al. 2010) Step 1: Circumscrip�on of target taxon and target area Step 2: Natural in situ diversity 2a -­‐ Taxonomic diversity assessment 2b -­‐ Gene�c diversity assessment 2c -­‐ Ecogeographic diversity assessment 2d -­‐ Threat assessment Step 3: Current conserva�on 3a -­‐ In situ techniques 3b -­‐ Ex situ techniques Step 4: Se�ng priori�es for future conserva�on ac�on 4a -­‐ In situ conserva�on priori�es 4b -­‐ Ex situ conserva�on priori�es Recommenda�ons for CWR complementary conserva�on in Spain Spanish Na�onal Inventory: 492 CWR species §. In situ gap analysis – PGRFA group §. Accurate distribu�on data for 286 species §. 44 ± 24% (Mean ± SD) of the popula�ons located within exis�ng protected areas (PAs) §. 17 species have no known popula�ons within PA §. Hotspots and complementarity analysis §. 3 loca�ons with 54‒66 species §. 19 loca�ons with 41‒53 species §. 15 loca�ons hold 71.68% of PGRFA CWR (Itera�ve selec�on procedure DIVA-­‐GIS) §. Ex situ gap analysis – PGRFA group §. 233 species (72%) have accessions in gene banks §. 103 species have more than 10 accessions Richness map for the PGRFA group (10x10 km grids). Proposal for complementary conservation actions CWR conservation action plans 5. Implement in situ / ex situ conservation The Lizard NNR in Cornwall SW England: survey of CWRs Spring 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 M Allium schoenoprasum M Allium ursinum M Asparagus officinalis subsp. prostratus M Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima M Daucus carota subsp. gummifer M Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus M Trifolium occidentale M Trifolium repens Progress in Europe: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Rep., Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom O 5. Implement in situ / ex situ conservation Monitoring progress in Europe Horizon scanning in Madeira (2010) Review of progress available on-line at: documents/helpdesk/ Progress_national_CWR_and_LR_conservation_E urope.pdf COMPONENTS OF CWR NATIONAL STRATEGIES (‒ = information pending) In situ conservation of priority taxa Protected Genetic Outside PA area (PA) reserve National action plan/strategy COUNTRY National checklist List of priority taxa Threat assessment Gap analysis Information system Ex situ conservation (priority taxa) Legislation/ policy National utilization Public awareness Albania Yes Yes Yes No First draft No ‒ No Partial No No Yes Partial Red Data Armenia Yes Yes Partial First draft Yes Yes Yes No Partial Yes Partial Yes Book (2010) Yes, within Seed and New Red Azerbaijan Yes Ongoing No In prep. EURISCO 15 national No No field gene Yes Partial Some Book in prep. parks banks From na�onal to regional and global in situ CWR conserva�on and use Approaches building upon national strategies: 1. Simple additive – all national CWR conservation contributes to regional / global networks 2. National selective – national CWR conservation selected by each country (e.g. MAA or MAP) 3. Authoritative national nomination – national CWR conservation selected by international ‘authority’ 4. Authoritative regional / global nomination – national CWR conservation included only if desired top down analysis Possibly a mixture of these as in Europe, where combined 2 and 4 approaches are being used! Towards a European CWR conserva�on strategy §. European Coopera�ve Programme for Plant Gene�c Resources (ECPGR) In Situ and On-­‐Farm Conserva�on Network established in 2000 §.
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