Sir Harold Hillier-An Appreciation Lady Anne Cowdray 8 I.C.S
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The Oporla Flower Show Poster The International Camellia Society was inaugurated in 1962 with the following motives: 1. To foster the love of Camellias throughout the world, and to maintain and increase their popularity. 2. To undertake historical, scientific and horticultural research in connection with Camellias. 3. To co-operate with all national regional Camellia Societies and with other Horticultural Societies. 4. To disseminate information concerning Camellias by means of bulletins and other publica tions. 5. To encourage a friendly exchange between Camellia enthusiasts of all nationalities. International Camellia Journal No.1? OCTOBER 1985 An Official Publication of The International Camellia Society 'DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY 1983-1985 'PRESIDENT Mrs Violet Lort-Phillips, Channel Islands VICE-PRESIDENTS Mrs Violet Stone, Baton Rouge, USA Mr John Tooby, Worcester, England Mr Eric Craig, Sydney, Australia PATRON MrTomSavige, Wirlinga, NSW, Australia REGIONAL DIRECTORS . Africa Mr Leslie Riggall, South Africa America'" Mr Lewis Fette'rman, North Carolina MrThomas Perkins III, Mississippi Mr William D. Stewart, California Asia Dr Kaoru Hagiya, Japan MrYoshiaki Sakakura, Japan Australia Mr John Alpen,New South Wales Mr Ray Garling, Victoria Dr John Pedler, South Australia France M. Claude Thoby, Nantes M. Jean Laborey, Paris Italy-Switzerland Dr Antonio Sevesi, Milan New Zealand Mr R. H. Clere, Taupo Portugal Sr Jose Gil de Ferreira, SantoTirso Spain D. Juan Armada Diez de Rivera, Madrid United Kingdom Lady Anne Cowdray, Wiltshire Miss Cicely Perring, Sussex ' MrDavid Trehane, Cornwall Other Regions Mme Ghislaine de Bisschop, Belgium Mrs M. G. Reynolds, Channel Islands EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN Miss Cicely Perring, Sussex SECRETARY,' Mr Ralph Budge, Dale House, Meadowside, Ashford, Barnstaple, Devon, EX314BS TREASURER-MEMBERSHIP-REGISTRAR Mrs Joan Bowskill, 193 Ashburnham Road, Hastings, E. Sussex, TN355LL EDITOR Mr KenwynClapp, Colebrook House, Plympton, Plymouth, England INTERNATIONAL REGISTRAR FOR THE GENUS CAMELLIA , Mr Tom Savige, Hawksview Road, Wirlinga, NSW, Australia Contents Contenu Contenuto Contenido October 1985 The Presidents Farewell 3 Editorial 5 l.e.S. Membership Table """""""""""""""""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 98 By-Laws of I.C.S. 99 Financial Statement "'" """""'"'''''' 101 Membership Lists 102 PEOPLE AND EVENTS !\mazing success at Chelsea Joyce Wyndham 5 :-.lew Society Officers 6 Frank Knight- An appreciation Violet Lort-Phillips 7 Sir Harold Hillier-An appreciation Lady Anne Cowdray 8 I.C.S. Congress, Sydney 1980 8 The Brighton Congress '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Mayda Reynolds & Louise Harmon 10 The 21st Galieian Camellia Show Robert Gimson 29 The 2nd Oporto Camellia Show Valdemar Cordeiro 41 The Camera & the Garden -some hints Yvonne J. Cave 53 The I.C.S. Tour 1985 Marion Smith 57 Journey in China, May 1985 Harold Fraser 62 Eryldene Restored Sir Alexander Beattie 70 The Reginald Cory Memorial Cup Major Walter Magor 92 R.H.S. Shows 1985 ; Joyce Wyndham 94 New Zealand Camellia Society Show Jim Hansen 95 Lakeland U.K. Conference 1980 Joyce Wyndham 97 CAMELLIAS ARE TRULY UNIVERSAL The Elephant Camellia; C. kissii Tony Schilling 10 Camellia sasanqua Leslie Riggall 17 The French Enthusiasts - who are they') M. Jean Laborey 25 Villa Borrini Marcella de Meo 39 Camellias in the World Takayuki Tanaka 43 Camellias in Germany 51 Camellias in a Sussex garden Richard Willan 61 Wild Camellia japonica in Japan & S. Korea Shunpei Uemoto & Gloria May Caddell 73 The Ancient Camellias of Europe 1'. J. Savige 80 A home for the Camellia collection Don Waterhouse 87 Historical notes on Mount Edgcumbe DavidTrehane 91 Camellias in a Russian work's greenhouse U. S. Kirichenko 93 CULTURE AND RESEARCH Study of ornamental plants Chen Chih (Tr. T. J. Savige) 20 The Yellow Camellia Milton Brown 30 Raising fertilities of double flowering Camellias by high temperature treatment '''' Prof. K. Hagiya 37 Camellia tlowerfragrance update :. Ken Hailstone 40 Nomenclature report T. J. Savige 56 Camellia chrysantha - a report ""'"'''''''''''' A. E. (Peter) Campbell 59 Dubia or Dubious? : Vi Stone 00 Elimination of virus by grafting in vitro """".""""""""""""."""".""".""""".""". Dr. Jean Creze 07 Camellia propagation by in vitro culture Dr. A. Samartin & Dr. M. L. Gonzalez 09 Making a garden Nancy Bird 72 Sheffield Park Garden Archie Skinner 83 Camellia Society trials in the U.K A. E. F. Lane 84 Camellia 'Anemoniflora' 1'. J. Savige 96 Camellia sinensis'- propagation Dr. V. S. Sharma 93 Cover: The President, Mrs Violet Lort-Phillips, at the l. C.S. stand at the Chelsea Flower Show /985. (Photo: Mrs Y. J. Cave) 2 President's farewell Les adieux du President Despedida del Presidente II commiato del Presidente By the time you read this, you will have chosen plexities of the hardiness problem. It is un your new President. Welcome to my successor doubtedly not just a question of Winter - she or he will, I am sure, receive the loyal temperatures (there have been many cold, if support of everyone. It has been an honour to not colder Winters in Kunming with sudden serve you; I have enjoyed my three years drops of temperature) but involves many enormously. Thanks to the help and hard work other less easily recognised factors." of my officers, colleagues and friends, it has We hope to be able to send more plants or been a golden time for me. scions to China, to fill the European leaf of the Our membership is increasing. We welcome 4-leafed clover bed prepared to receive them. the new region of Austria and Germany. Work, The Japanese already have a well-established progresses on Nomenclature, trials for cold group. It might be wiser to despatch plants for hardiness and lengthening the flowering Spring planting, which time is also the begin period of Camellias, with the delicious added ning of their rains. We have written to the dimension of scented flowers. Many of us will Kunming Institute and await their advice. ,meet at the Australian Congress in Sep Reviewing the years: there are many 'giants' tember1986, and we look forward to a visit to in our Society. I think back to the early days; of Italy in the Spring of 1988. What exciting pro the inspiration and ,help of Professor jects are in store for the years to come! For Waterhouse; of the late Sir Harold Hillier, a example, could we explore the many other fount of knowledge given freely; of the late uses of the Camellia by persuading people Frank Knight, one of our first Directors, who about its homeopathic properties? I believe died recently. The list is long and would not be the roots are used in China, and what would we complete without the inclusion of Mr. Satomi, do without the many delicious cups of tea bre gentle and erudite, who - with Mr. Ishikawa wed from the leaves of Camellia sinensis? - entertained me in Japan in 1962. They Reverting to the problems of cold-hardi opened my eyes to seeing the many lovely gar ness, tbe news from China is that they have suf dens, my mind to accepting new ideas, and my fered many losses of Camellias that the Society spirit was refreshed by beauty. Splendid men, took to Kunming. Dr. Zhang Alau wrote that who cared passionately about plants and their the shrubs had suffered from the cold Winter well-being and who grew them to perfection;, I and 'other reasons'. The American collection make no apology for qubting again the poet, with larger plants was the one that survived Coleridge, who said: "Flowers are lovely, love best; the Australian, New Zealand and U.K. is a flower like Friendship is a sheltering Tree". plants were almost all decimated. Perhaps the In the violent world in which we live, the quarantine precautions, spraying, etc. may I.C.S. and kindred Societies have an impor have contributed to their demise. tant role to play, linking the past and the fu Whilst in China, I saw several fine trees of ture, growing not destroying, communicating Camellia reticulata in Kunming, one was repu our vision of a world that has time for, and a ted to be 600 years old; also sturdy young trees. place for groves and trees, playing a part in As one of our members, Stephen Haw, the conserving and building the earth. photographer and writer, wrote in a letter to ' Au revoir, me on the subject: ' , Violet Lort-Phillips "This is yet another illustration of the com 30.7.85 3 Le President fait ses Adieux Lorsque vous lisiez cette note vous aurez deja xite du probleme de la froideur. Evidement nomme votre nouveau president. Je lui ce n'est pas seulement une question des souhaite la bienvenue avec toute confiance temperatures d'hiver (il y a eu plusieurs hiv qu'il - ou elle - recevra l'appui sympatique ers tres froids en Kunming avec des baisses de tous les membres. Pour moi les trois ans de de temperatures soudaines); plusieurs d'au la presidence m'oIit donne grand plaisir et j'ai tres elements pas facilement identiables sont beaucoup apprecie I'honneur de rendre ce ser impliques. vice a notre societe. Nous esperons envoyer en Chine de Le nombre de nos societaires augmente nouveau des arbustes et scions afin de com toujours et nous accueillons l'accession des pleter la section 'Europe' comprise dans Ie par deux regions Autriche et Allemagne. Les terre 'trefle a quatre feuilles'; les preparatifs etudes sur la nomenclature avancent ainsi que ont deja ete faits pour leur reception. Une col les essais quant a la hardiesse contre Ie froid et lection offerte par le Japon est bien etablie. pour· Ie prolongement de la periode de Peut-etre ce serai mieux si nous faisions notre fleuraison tout en y anjoutant la delicieuse expedition pour le plantage au printemps, mo conception de fleurs parfumees. J'espere que ment du commencement de la saison des plusieurs de nous se rencontreront de nouveau pluies.