ED 129 335 IR 004 122 AUTHOR Russell, Henry G., Ed. ITTL7 Foundation Annual Reports; What They Are and How to Use Them. :NSTITUTION Foundation Center, New York, N.Y. PUB DATE 76 NOTE 49p. AVAILABLE FROM The Foundation Center, 888 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10019 (upon request)

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRTPTORS *Annual Reports; Financial Support; *Foundation Programs; Guides; *Information Centers; Information Sources; Microfiche IDENTIFIERS *Foundation Canter ABSTRACT The annual reports published by American private foundations give comprehensive information to grant-seeking researchers. The Foundation Center has compiled a directory of the names and addresses of the approximately 397 out of 25,000 foundations which publish annual reports. They have also reproduced some 1,304 reports on microfiche. This collection is available at the Foundation Center libraries, or individual microfiche copiesmay be ordered from the Center. Information about the Center, the directory of foundations, and a listing of the microfiche collectionare contained in the report. (KB)

*********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makesevery effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * of the microff:che and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available

* via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) . EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** What They Are and How to Use Them

Henry G. Russell The Foundation Center New York



seR`15- Huoorl \\It/kik01- IA&



...., MICRO Oka

THE FOUNDATION CENTER 888 Soventh Avenue NOVI Ycrk. N Y 10019

Cover Drawing hy Leonard Herman: Reprinted with permission fT1 THE SATURDAY EVr!'HNG POST C 1959 The Curtis PubIishir.cj Company

3 Uses of the Foundation Annual Report 2 Foundation Annual Reports on Film 4 A Cumulative Alphabetical Listing by Foundation Name A Cumulative Listing by Microfiche Number The Foundation CenterWhat The Center Is 38 The Center's Publications 38 National and Regional Collection's of The Foundation Center 40 The Associates Program 42 Glossary 44 Order Form 47


4 Does the Foundation You Are Studying and there is some legitimate confusion Publish an Annual Report? The annual between the legally required 990-AR report of a private foundation is usually (those letters do stand for annual report) the best single source of detailed informa- and a separately published annual report. tion about the foundation. Unfortunately, this .31uable tool is currently available for What Is Usually Included? Foundations only about 375 foundations out of a total which do publish reports include the universe which numbers approximately following information: foundation address 25,000. A foundation is required by law and telephone number; trustees and to file forms 990-AR and 990-PF annually officers; statement of objectives and grant with the Internal Revenue Service. It is application procedures; biographical also required to make the 990-AR available sketch of the donor and history of the for public inspection at its principal office foundation; review of the year's grants for 180 days after filing the return with with brief descriptions; statement of IRS. It is not, however, required to pub- grants committed for future payment; lish a separate annual report for distribu- financial statement with auditor's certifica- tion to the public. Many persons are under tion; balance sheet with statement of the false impression that all foundations changes in fund balances; and an enumera- re required to publish annual reports, tion of investments.

2 5 Why This Is Such a Valuable Tool. There proposal within the grant-making range are many advantages to an annual report of the foundation and to eliminate those over other sources of information about a foundations whose grant-making patterns foundation. It is usually the most current clearly fall above or below his own re- available information. Due to delays quest. A researcher interested in a foun- caused by IRS processing and filming dation's financial scope, its investments demands, the time lag in the availability and assets, will find that most fogdation of the foundation information returns annual reports include fiscal data,only (forms 990-AR and 990-PF) is usually for the current year, but usually for the significant. Thus, while 1975 returns do year before, and sometimes for additional not become available until about MzArch years as well, making fiscal analysis and of 1977, the 1975 annual reports for trend identification easier. foundations which issue them are usually available by mid-1976, and often sub- Obtaining an Annual Report. The 397 stantially earlier. foundations listed in this booklet publish The annual report collects all of the im- reports largely out of an interest in keep- portant information about a foundation ing the public informed about their ac- in one place. The current listing of officers tivities. Having made the effort to print and trustees contained in the report the report, they are usually more than enables the grant seeker to personalize glad to distribute copies to the public. his proposal by addressing it to the most Most foundations would prefer to receive appropriate person on the foundation's such requests in written form. board or staff. The report also provides the most complete details regarding the Application GuidelinesHard-to-Find purposes of the grant awards or activities Information. The annual report is often funded. A reading of the foundation's the only place where important applica- own presentation of its general philosophy, tion guidelines and procedures are out- combined with a careful study of its lined. The time of year when grant grant-making pattern, enables thorough proposals receive board consideration and researchers to positively identify the best the preferred format for such proposals potential sources of foundation funding, are invaluable, and often crucial, pieces saving valuable time by eliminating un- of information for every grant seeker. likely prospects. Grant seekers should pay special attention to any geographic Using Copies Available at The Founda- limitations on a foundation's grant-making tion Center. This booklet contains foun- activity. In addition to stated restrictions, dation addresses so that interested per- it is important to note those implied by sons can write to any of the foundations the geographic locations of recipient listed to request copies of their report. organizations. When the grant seeker has Microfiche reproductions of all the foun- identified the best potential grant sources, dation reports can be purchased from The the detailed descriptions of previous grants Foundation Center. Grant seekers who allow him to structure his proposal to fit do not need to develop their own collec- well within the foundation's program tion of foundation reports are invited to while avoiding duplication of projects to consult the paper and microfiche copies which funds have already been committed. free of charge in all Foundation Center national and regional hbrary collections. For a list of our 55 library reference What You Can Learn From the Finan- collections, see pages 40 and 41. cial Data. The complete financial picture presented in the annual report allows the Carol M. Kurzig grant seeker to properly position his Director, New York Library

3 6 For the past five years The Foundation The names of the foundations whose re- Center has been reproducing foundation ports are included on the microfiche are annual reports on microfiche cards and printed at the top of each card and may has made them available in this form to be easily read without magnification. To the interested public. As of April 1976 the read the text a microform reader is re- Center had reproduced 1,304 annual re- quired. Compact desk-top readers are ports on microfiche in 15 series represent- available at relatively low cost. Many ing 397 different foundations. This is the public and other libraries have microform largest and almost certainly the most readers which may be used without complete collection to be found anywhere. charge. Each card measures 105 by Prices for the whole collection, for indi- 148.75 mm. (4 in. by 6 in.), and the vidual series, and for single microfiche reduction ratio is 24:1. cards will be found on the price schedule The microfiche format makes it possible which accrimpanies this booklet. to maintain in good order and at low cost Most of these 1,304 reports in the collec- a file of hundreds of foundation annual tion are annual, but a few are biennial, reports in a desk drawer. Although it may triennial, or occasional. Reports of foun- be desirable to request some reports in dations outside the United States are not the originally printed edition from the included. nor are reports in mimeographed foundations, the microfiche set offers the or processr.0 form which are not available option of avoiding the considerable cost for general c:rcuiation. Finally, not in- of acquiring, shelving, and keeping in cluded are annual reports published only order bulky collections of full-size in local newspapers. reports. The 616 cards thus far in the collection are numbered from FC001 to 616. As new annual reports are received, they of too will be put on microfiche and will be numbered from 617 onwards. In conjunction with the ongoing produc- tion of microfiche copies of annual reports, The Foundation Center has prepared the foHowing two cumulative listings. One is alphabetical by foundation name. The second is a listing by microfiche number showing the contents of each card. With these two listings the full text of any given report can be quickly located on the appropriate microfiche card. This is a revision of the listings originally published in 1975. New cumulations will be prepared and published from time to time. H. G. R.

4 A Cumulativo Alphabetical Listing by Foundation Name

Agricultural Developnlent CouncilInc. ,The Amoco Production Foundation ,Inc. 17013 Avt.ntio ol the Americas (formerly Pan American Petrol( !UM oundatx inn,lii, ) Now York New 'York 10019 P. 0 Box 591 Report for 19:0 FC001 Tulsa , Oklahoma 74107 Report 101" 19:1 FC112 Arl/lUillne Turf 1):1 FC312 f?,,pi.vt for 19 FC207 Annual Report 19:2 FC264 R,,p,Irt for 197,: FC375 Report for 1074 FC491 Anderson (M. D.) Foundation Akbar Fund ,Inc.. The P. 0. Box 2257

I 11 East Wacker Drive . Sudo 2700 Houston, Texas 77001 ChicagoIllinois 60001 1970 Annual Report FC001 Report of rictitah,,cliv FC339 F?,,,oivt ,Alctwocs kir 1.4 FC375 Arca Foundation , The 100 East 85th Street Akron Community Trusts New York , New York 10078 One Cascade Plaza 22nd Year Report (for Year Ended Dei:ember ;31, 19741 FC492 Akron .Ohio 44300 Ri'il'ort th,, git,cufw0 Prri',.tot Tre,rsur,ir for The 15 Aron (J.) Charitable Foundation ,Inc. tonMs Ending March 01,r FC264 160 Water Street joul Report or the EToi'utitio ,rnir I reasuter foi the 10or New York , New York 10038 Ending itfarclr. ,; 1, 1,;-4 FC375 Annual Report 1970 FC001 114,11,1, C.1,1,1110 Alcoa Foundation 1501 Alcoa Building Associated Foundation of Greater Boston,Inc., The PltsbiirghPennsylvania 1Ei219 One Boston Place , Room 948 Boston , Massachusetts 02108 A rinual Report 19 1,' FC264 1973 Annual Roport 4no.v.r1 Riwort r9 FC445 FC376 Association for the Aid of Crippled Children Allegan Foundation P 0 Box 15 345 East 46th Street New York , New York 10017 Allegan . Mid loan 491)10 Annual Report 1970-1971 FC002 107.1 Aririuo'13"'ocvt FC491 Annual Report 1971-1972 FC164 NON ).,11),N,I,r, F.nir,clation tor ChM Dovolorp,olo Alvord Foundation , The 200 World Center Building Astor (The Vincent) Foundation Washington D C. 20006 405 1914 Annual Report[on IRS Form 990-ARI FC591 New York , New York 10022 1970 FC003 American Foundation , Incorporated The 1971 FC 112 1532 Philadelphia National Bank Budding 1972 FC207 PhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19107 Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Annual Report 1973 FC376 Annual Report for 1974 Annual Report, Fiscal Year July 1,1911 to Juno 30. 1972 FC207 FC492 Annual Report tor Fiscal Year July1, 1972 to dune 30. 1973 FC375 Atherton (F. C.) Trust Annual Report for Fiscal Year Endi?d June 30. 19:4 FC491 c/o Hawaiian Trust Company, Limited P. O. Box 3170 Honolulu, Hawaii 96802 American Oil Foundation Annual Report 1970 910 South Michigan Avenue FC003 Annual Report 1971 FC164 Chicago ,Illinois 60605 Annual Report 1972 FC316 Annual Report 1970 FC099 Annual Report 1973 FC559 Annual Report 19:1 FC312 Annual Report 1974 FC559 Annual Report 19:2 FC264 Atherton (Juliette M.) Trust c /o Hawaiian Trust Company, Limited Amoco Foundation ,Inc. P. O. Box 3170

(formerly Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation . Inc I Honolulu, Hawaii 96802 200 East Randolph Drive, MC3000 Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1970 FC003 ChicagoIllinois 60601 1971 Annual Report FC165 Annual Report 1972 FC264 1972 Annual Report FC316 Annual Report 1973 FC339 1973 Annual Report FC376 Annual Report 1974 FC492 1974 Annual Report FC559 8

5 AthwIn Foundation Dean (F. A.) Foundation , Incorporated Milltifoe,kIi 0111111,) 1.'00 Miillifood,; MinneapolisMinnesot.155.10,1 M11111,',101111., M111111,1.01.1 1 it '3 iintival iRepot Ion MY; I (ton '190 .\111 FC419 looaal liopelt 19:2 FC266 1,/'./ annul/it:0 frtiorill):., I owl 990 .N1t1 FC493 19 lieper1kin IllS I. Of 111 !PIO Ali] FC419 19 Amur,///i'eprfr/lon IBS Form 9nii Ali] FC494 Atlanta , Metropolitan Foundation of Hedley Building Bean (Norwin S. and Elizabeth N.) Foundation Atl,inta. Georgia 30303 Ono South Strool Concord , Now 11,inv,Imi, 0,1,101 /.r '.)1,,,/rtfooA (Year F rided September 30I :I/ 11 FC112 19,'11"l'opert FC 190 FC296 Atlantic Richfield Foundation 1!1:3 f iepei t FC403 South Flower Street 194 lieport FC533 Los Angeles ,California 9110,'1 Irforra/Roport 19:0 FC004 nnuat 170A,It 19 FC31b Bethlehem Area Foundation Roport 19 :2 FC317 508 Main Street Annual f?oport 19 'a FC560 Bethlehem, Perm:;ylvania 18018 rr-rizalh Ar117ust/ 1,pumff !Fiscal Yl'al taiduct

JUI'll? 30, 197 II FC005 Aurora Foundation , The Fifth Annual Ropolt 0,1,f1huiI19,.3 1Fiscal Year Ended 32 Water Street Jurie 30, 19721 FC196 Aurora 6050,' Snith Annual Report 19:4 [Fiscal Year [nded .1nnual Report f'y ear Ended September 30. 19101 FC004 June 30, 19731 FC340 Repot t Cdr Ended September 30.13.-7 FC265 Seventh Annual Report F,qmni,iry 1.1315 (Fiscal Year Ended Innual Report Year Ended Septomber 30,191.: FC265 Juno 30, 19741 FC445 Annual Report Y ear Ended Scwtembor 30 13 FC376 Erg/7th Armal Report . rehruarlI,Hi.,r; [Fiscal Yoar Ended Annu,11 Report Yeior Ended September 30,191.1 FC493 June 30, 19751 FC591

Avon Foundation , Inc. Bicknell Fund 36th Floor West 1052 First National Bank Building 100 Eneview Plaza , St Paul. Minnesota 55101 Cleveland. Ohio :4114 1972 Annual Report FC317 Report for May 1, 1970 to April 30, 19/1 FC004 FC340 Report for Fiscal Year of Mai: 1.11111 to April 30 191.? FC265 1973 Annual Report FC494 Report for Fiscal Year of May 1,19.72 to April 30, 1973 FC266 1974 Annual Report Biddle (The Mary Duke) Foundation Babcock (Mary Reynolds) Foundation , Incorporated New York , New ork 10020 102 Reynolck. Village Fifteen.Year Report 1956-1970 FC006 Winston.Salenl ,North Carolina 27106 1971 FC179 FC005 Annual Report for Year Endrng August 31, 7970 1972 FC341 FC113 Annual Report for Year Ending August 31, 1971 1973 Annual Report FC446 FC207 Annual Report for Year Ending August 31 1971 1974 Annual Report FC495 Annual Reports for the Period of September 1,1972 through August 31, 1974 FC445 ningham (The William) Foundation 1185 Union Commerce Building Baker (The George F.) Trust Cleveland , Ohio 44115 20 Exchange Place, Room 3308 Twenty Year Report: 1955-1974 FC591 New York New York 10005 FC339 Report for Year 1971 Birmingham Foundation The Greater Report for Year 1972 FC340 P. 0. Box 9096 Birmingham Alabama 35213 Bank of America Foundation 1973 Annual Report FC420 Bank of America Center P 0. Box 37000 1974 Annual Report FC495 San Francisco ,California 94137 1972 Annual Report(on IRS Form 990-AR1 FC208 Blanchard Foundation , The 1973 Annual Report FC419 c/o Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company One Boston Place Barnes Foundation Inc., The Boston, Massachusetts 02106 P.O. Box 1560 The Blanchard Foundation Report:Meeting Changing Needs Bristol, Connecticut 06010 (Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 19711 FC179 Annual Report 1973 FC493 1974 Annual Report FC495 Annual Report 1974 FC494 Blandin (Charles K.) Foundation Bayrd (Adelaide Breed) Foundation 203 First National Bank Building John A Plummer Grand Rapids , Minnesota 55744 140 Federal Street , Room 1203 Annual Report 1972 FC208 Boston , Massachusetts 02110 Annua/ Report 1973 FC420 Report 1972-3-4 FC560 Annual Report 1974 FC496

6 9 Bodinan Foundation , The Burlington Northern Foundation

4'0 Park Avenue I ;ti I,vitI ilth Street New ock , New 'honk so Paul, Minnei,ola Ii I ill hrt,, itY '011 C26li 1 h '0,11101 1 e%11 1 1 Itle.(1 Ot`Ce'1111,t'l ,"1 FC2011 /h./rot( 'WI I Ode 51 POCe'1111,e 1.11),',1 FC446 1 ie'p011 )%11 11,6 /0C: `MA v ,"1,'!) 1C447 Board of Directors of City Trusts , City of Philadelphia Soilth 1 w. ilt th Street Philadelphia ,Pennsylvania tto.' Burroughs Wellcome Fund The J030 Cornwallis Road t' 10592:11i2 liesearch I riangli, Park ,North Carolina ;,,yo,i ,1111111,11 Rt'pol t 101 the 16cal edr to April 4(', 1,4:1 FC13138 Boettcher Foundation /Innis,/ Report lilt Ph,iscal I t'.it 41pul :4", FC 196 Stieet ?open hy the fiscal I ex ilpu/,;(), FC342 lenver(Iolorailo Annual Repott 1,71 the /: isi',11 I Cal tt' JO, 19 '4 FC447 11eport lot theear rq ,) FC007 Arrou,i1 f?ep,vt f isc,111,7,71. to .1,(7111,le FC593 R00,7rt lor Thet'of IC165 1/port tor theear FC267 Bush Foundation , The f;ebott for the ),,,,t Ii FC377 VV 962 First National Hank Building 'pt'lt 1,7( !he ',it.1,) '4 FC496 St Paul, Minnesota 1.i,101 litwort lor the f.,se,P +oar Enifod 1.1,7vendier 30,1970 FC009 Brackenridge (The George W.) Foundation Arnual Rech,rt 1or the 17,scalI ear 1 ne1,7d Ni,v,707ber 30,1971 Trayi-: Parr. West FC166 Son Anionic),ro,na,-; Annual Hebert lor therscal 1\1,4/ember 30,1972 v-/ Id( 10 -1eat FC007 FC209 ,tonual 11, `,P(711 .1,7( FC341 01noo,P R,y7ort lor the f iscal Year Etrded Noyon7ber 30,197.'1 FC378 Bridgeport Area Foundation , Inc., The A171111,11 I?t'/ 1,01 kV the fise,P 1 c'dl ITI,ded November 30,19/4 05', Main Stoina FC447 BridgeportConne,thait koarth,o4 FC0013 CNA Foundation ear R _VA 10 FC 113 :110 South Michigan, Aver1110 Y0,11 Hco A 19 1' FC208 Chicago, Illinois 60604 1 973 Yeatboo1, FC377 1970 FC009 YearbocA FC496

Cabot Foundation , Inc. Bruner Foundation ,Inc. 125 High Street 00 Fast Boston, Massachusetts 02110 New York , New York 10017 Annual Report, Year Ended September 30, 1971 FC113 IFive'Yean ReQort 19118-191,?! FC317 1972 Annual Report, Year Ended September 30, 1972 FC196 1973 Annual Report, Year Ended September 30, 1973 FC342 1974 Annual Report, Year Ended September 30, 1974 FC448 Buffalo Foundation , The 1975 Annual Report Year Ended September 30, 1975 FC593 812 Genesee Building Buffalo , New York 14202 Cabot (Godfrey L.) Charitable Trust Report 1971 FC179 125 High Street Revort19;.2 FC267 Boston , Massachusetts 02110 Report 1913 FC377 Annual Report1972 FC196 Report 1974 FC560 Annual Report - 1973 FC342 Annual Report - 1974 FC448 Buhl Foundation , The Annual Report-1975 FC 593 Four Gateway Center Room 1724 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15222 Cafritz (The Morris and Gwendolyn) Foundation A Report by the Director upon 11.0 Work July 1.191e to dune 30, 1825 K Street , N.W. 19:1 FC008 Washington , D.C. 20006 Annual Reporl by 1+70 1.2.7rcr upon Its Wor.4 ,inf/y a 1971 10 June Report ot Grants May 1969 -Apr/I 1.970 FC009 30,1972 FC180 Report of Grants May 1970 -April 1971 FC268 Annual Roped by the Director. July 1197,? to June 30, 1973 Report of Grants May 1971 - April 1972 FC268 FC341 Report of Grants May 1972 -April 1973 FC343 Annual Report by lhe Director. July 1,1973 to Juno 30, 1974 Report of Grants May 1973 - April 1974 FC420 FC446 Report &Grants May 1974 -April 1975 FC594 Annual Report by 1he Director. July1, 197.: 10 June30, 1975 FC561 Calder (The Louis) Foundation Ten Rockefeller Plaza, Room 601 New York , New York 10020 Burden (Florence V.) Foundation Annual Report 1971 FC113 630 Annual Report 1972 FC209 New York , New York 10020 Annual Report 1973 FC343 Annual Report 1913 FC378 Annual Report 1914 FC448 Annual Report 1974 FC 561 Annual Report 1975 FC594


1 0 California Coinniunity Foundation Cary (Mary I lagler) Charitable I rust .1,i lop.. 'afoot l' 0 110. 10111111,11 Anti., Milibiook Now York I

Ott tit tt .A111111111,1 01)0'14 e.,it 1 1,11,q f CIII jeih Vt 1,rt V 1,dt I Odin) 1,411,1,0 I C:10 .1n1111.11 1r t',It ..! 1,111111 I ,j0pi 0,,c.,1 r`,11 Walt; 0 C3/9 Alll f C.14!1 qr'f%'11 1. V ! r'ail I C497 Castle (Samuel N. arid Mary) Foundation Callaway Foundation ,Iric. !lust Company , P 0 Box ,'01) l' Bin( :11 /0 IN lOttlf;Aft 'et ,I !away "Il'ini);" t 6.0ripo :Iot,t4() /1"fyii)11101 the` 11 I fhb I'r'1'1',"10( 'I ') IC014 /t) 'firtport FC210 Annii,i1Hoport 19.'1 I C1111 1.4 '.1 VC Sr, 1 .11r1111,11 liofh.rt tO IC:110 4/71II,11 f f C:11.10 4nnuall),,,nott I'C 56'1 Cambridge Foundation , The 19 Hishop f licharil A11.4,Inv(' Chalmers (Jessie Ann) Charitable Trust f?opor119:r) FCOO9 rtrd Companyt united .1nnu,11 h'epCrt 19 r 1 FC 166 l' 'lox ;1:00 1177,u,00',7,011 1.4 FC268 Hawaii 968114 101-,11.711,I'POrt FC421 Hoport for l'oarthfi'd ,it.) IC345 1 FC594 fl'opertior1c,irnifi'd FC450 Oat nric't AU5111...:1 37. FC597 Carnegie Corporation of New York Mddition Charlotte Foundation ,Inc., Greater NeW t'ork New York 10022 101 South Brevard Street Anr,u,11 firl,t,rt tor nre, Fiscal ca, Scptont,,,t (harlotte, North Carolina M.4),, FC010-011 IPA/ Fit`p011 FC597 f7ou,1% 1;(7,i,r! 114, Ind011 SoPtemher 30, NC/ FC114-115 Chase Bank Foundation, The 1.1'1(11 1?onc,r1 for 114, kiscal 1,,a0 Endo(' 5op1,,mh,r 30, N;./.'' Chase Manhattan International Foundation , The FC181-182 One Chase Manhattan Plaza 1110 Frided Septemtwr 30, 1973 New York , New York 10005 FC344:182 ..1nnual r'7,'porf tor Ow Fiscal 1,,ar Flidon Septernbor 30, 1974 Annual Reports 19:0 FC015 FC449:182 Annual Reports 19:1 FC 116 Annu,i1 Reverts 19:2 FC210 41717udi Fiopor; FoiCal t',71 Ended September:O. P9:5 FC595:182

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Chase Manhattan International Foundation , The 345 East 46th Street One Chase Manhattan Plaza New York , New York 10011 New York , New York 10005 Report tor 1968-1970 FC012 Annual Report. 1973 FC346 Carnegie Endowment tor International Peace [A Description of ttr tarhot ttottr!, Program Activities} FC380 Financial Report, YE?,.r Ended Juno 30, 19 :3 FC380 Chicago Community Trust , The 208 South LaSalle Street Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching , The Chicago, Illinois 60604 437 Annual Report for the Year 1970 FC015 New York . New York 10022 Annual Report for the Year 1971 FC117 Sixty-Sixth Annual Report for the Year Ended Juno 30,1971 Annual Report for the Year 1972 FC211 FC013 Annual Report 1973 FC346 Sixtv.Seventh Annual Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1972 Annual Report 1974 [including] Sixty Yedig FC451 FC269 Sixty-Eighth Annual Report tor the Year Ended June 30, 1973 FC318 China Medical Board of New York . Inc. Swetv-N117th Annual Report tor the Year Ended June30, 1974 622 FC596 New York , New York 1001/ Seventieth Annual Report `or the Year Ended June30, 1975 Report for 1970-1971 FC016 FC596 Report for 1971-1972 FC 197 Report for 1972-1973 FC319 Report for 1973-19.74 FC452 Carnegie Hero Fund Commission Report for 1974-75 FC597 1932 Oliver Building PittsburghPennsylvania 15222 Annual Report 1970 FC014 Chrysler Corporation Fund Annual Report 1971 FC116 P. O. Box 1919 Annual Report 1972 FC269 Detroit , Michigan 48231 Annual Report 1973 FC345 1972 Annual Report[on IRS Form 990-AR FC270 Annual Report 1974 FC450 1973 Annual Report[on IRS Forn 990-ARI FC421

1 1 Cincinnati! 4iiiiilFlOii I FiiI ireati%r Comenimw/ialth 1 uml, Iht+

1,P..11t41 I I, I I .110111 ,I11,1 MAO jt,A. 7011. ri,'W F.) CO (1211

IC1113.1114 , II..2,1 1,1 ; 1 C320-321 ,61 I.+ 4 C4S3 1/ IciIIi r The t dna Mc:Coot-loll) F ounriatiort 1,1 FC!)114 1&2 C.1 Continental Ccuporation I ounil.ttion , The iii M.1111,11 I 111, //I Ikr4, 0,liii Clark (Robert Sterling) 1' oundahon . Mr. 1 C2 /1 NW 'rcirk .1wiar ; 7 ') ',211.:454 vfq ICU() '' ! ,i// ci (.:4114 1C,141 I (Th911 C!)91.1 Cooke (Charles M. anti Anna C.), Limited ii,enraticiliI no.t italip,Itly f' I) NI. Cleveland Foundation , The 111,1: Ile loorillu11,1w,iii '10102 Cleveland Associated Foundation Greater 'prom In, option to FC2/1

Cit.,I twit. flopolt icy icic,1 SM I FC3113 (Thc, lel 114 .4 2 Ant111,11 hil On. FC454 vt 70 I,C017 1,10141. V;Cpiv! ! IC1111 Cooper Foundation FC212 1:411,incl1"-,troot..

FC382 Iitie.ultiNobr,v,k,1(t1,,,I8 FC4911 7 ic tlie 7,),74 'e ICO21

Collins Foundation, The Cooper Foundation Yorinmal 7;7(1,, Hull, j.u.1 1111)1 Air,tin Avonlio tLiicil )r..u...f) Waco1 i,Kas 16/1)1 liepert for)477 .1i2/1 FCO21 ..7ty'ott %c 1.,) FC018 I 2,,port for 1 1 7 ,).'.' FC 197

.1,,,Liih'e.,().',1 7," 777e' 7 '!> ' I1.4..1 FC119 Corning Glass Works Foundation r;) 'rn1),,r :2 7. 3 Corning, Now York 140 FC213 A Report of 1970 Actloth,s FCO21 ..1n"li,l/R,WI'fl Tor tn,,eat 7 7., Pecember ,)1.7 97.; goport of /WI &Nob %!: F C I 19 FC383 A !Wort of 19 iY Activities FC271 .tnetra/ Peo,,rt Mr, ' f`I 3 1.173'.1 A Report of 1973 Artroties FC421 FC499 A Report of Actwthes 19:4 FC455

Coshocton Foundation, The Collins (Joseph) Foundation plo Lawrence Burns Om] Chac,,-2 Manhattan Ple12,1 309 Main Street Now York Now York tow:, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 FC018 Annual Report for Period Endinq SoptonThor 39.1;2/0 FCO22 FC270 Arinw/ Report for Ibt, rISC7,17I Oar End,nd September ;10,1971 FC562 FC119 /72.'4 FC562 5th Annual Report, October P. 1971September 30. /972FC322 ,) FC563 bth Annual Report, October 1, 1973 September 30, 1973 FC383

Columbus Foundation, The Couch (Benjamin), Gertrude Couch and Caroline Baker Trusts C.,Ith $4.qh Strurt One South Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 Concord, New Hampshire 03:10,1 197 7 r,arbooA A Roport cvi 12'') FC018 1971 Report FC 190 7 922 1'. oarboc.A A Report 017 /O. 7 FC 167 1972 Report FC296 174,73 Yearbook A Report on t!, 7,2 FC213 1973 Report FC403 1 .0..*4 Yearhool. A Report on FC383 1974 Report FC533 f7) YearbooA A Report en b) FC499


1 2 Council on Legal Education for Professional Dana (The Charles A.) Foundation , Incorporated Responsibility, , Inc. 28? Greenwich Avenue 280 Park Avenue Greenwich , Connecticut 06830 New York . New York 10017 Annual Report 1970 FCO23 Second Biennial Report for Period Ended December 31, 1972 Annual Report 1971 FC120 FC422 1972 Annual Report Including a Comprehensive R 'view FC215 Third Biennial Report, 1973-1974 FC565 Annual Report 1973 FC384 Annual Report 1974 FC456 Council on Library Resources, Inc. One Dupont Circle Danforth Fouadatioh, The Washington D.C. 20036 222 South Central Avenue St. Louis Missouri 63105 15th Annual Report for the Year Ending June 30. 1971 FCO22 16th Annual Report for the Year Ending June 30, 1972 FC214 Annual Report 1970/1971 FCO24 1 70? Annual Report for the Year Ending June 30. 1973 FC347 Annual Report 1971/1972 FC165-186 18th Annual Report for thc? Yt-,ar Ending June 30, 1974 FC455 Annual Report 1972/1973 FC323 19th Annual Report for the Yoar Ending June 30. 1975 FC599 Annual Report 1973/1974 FC457:1&2 Annual Report 1974-1975 FC600

Cowell (S. H.) Foundation Davis (The Arthur Vining) Foundations 68 Post Street ,Suite 703 1714 Southeast First National Bank Etrildiqg San Francisco .California 94104 100 South Biscayne Boulevard Report for the Year E_ndt.?d September ,70 19,-2 FC214 Miami. Florida 39131 1965-1970 Report FCO25 1971 Report FC120 Cowles Charitable Trust , The 1972 Report FC215 1973 Report FC384 New York . New York 10022 1974 Report FC500 [Won' on 1972 Operations FC272 Recort on 1973 Operatrons FC455 Davis (Edwin W. and Catherine M.) Foundation W-2191 First National Bank Building St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Culpeper (Charles E.) Foundation , Inc. Report for 1971 FC187 665 United Nations Plaza . Room 408 Report for 1972 FC273 New York . New York 10017 Report for 1973 FC422 Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Report [1940-1974 Inclusive] FC499 Dayton Foundation, The 110 East Second Street Cummings (Charles H.) Fund Dayton. Ohio 45402 One South Street Concord , New Hampshire 03301 1972 FC273 1973 FC458 1971 Report FC190 1974 FC566 1972 Report FC296 1973 Report FC403 Dayton Hudson Corporation [including] - At ,1,',`tt: 773 Dayton Hudson Foundation 777 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Cummings (James H.) Foundation, Inc. Contributions for Community Improvement.. Report for the Year 1102 Marine Trust Building 1970 (February 1, 1970 January 31, 1971) FCO25 Buffalo , New York 14203 Contributions for Commur..ty Improvement (February 1,1971 - Report, Fiscal Year Ended May31.1971 FCO22 January 3 1, 1972) FC121 Report, Fiscal Year Ended May31,1972 FC214 t.tre reports von be ()nide. bul nnt ht+access.orted or fornnd Report. Fiscal Year Ended May31,1973 FC272 Report, Fiscal Year Ended May 31,1974 FC422 Denver Foundation, The Report, Fiscal Year Ended May31,1975 FC565 209 Sixteenth Street , Suite 428 Denver, Colorado 80202 Annual Report 1973 FC458 Cummins Engine Foundation Annual Report 1974 FC500 1000 Fifth Street Columbus ,Indiana 47201 1971 Annual Report FC120 DeWaters Charitable Trust, The c/o Michigan National Bank 1972 Annual Report FC322 1973 Annual Report FC384 503 South Saginaw Street Flint , Michigan 48502 1974 Annual Report FC566 1971 Annual Report FC121 Annual Report 1972 FC273 Cuno Foundation , The c/o Home Bank and Trust Company Dodge (Cleveland H.) Foundation , Inc. 400 East Main Street 641 Meriden , Connecticut 06450 New York , New York 10022 Twenty-First Report, Year 1970 FCO23 1970 FCO25 Twenty-Second Report, Year 1971 FC120 1971 FC121 Twenty-Third Report, Year 1972 FC272 1972 FC274 Twenty-Fourth Report, Year 1973 FC384 1973 FC385 Twenty-Filth Report, Year 1974 FC500 1974 FC501

10 1 3 Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation Educational Facilities Laboratories , Inc. 100 South Broad Street ,16th Floor 850 Third Avenue Philadelphia , Pennsylvania 19110 New York, New York 10022 Sixth Report on Operations, December 1. 1968November 30. 1971 Annual Report with Supporting Financial Data for the Fiscal 1970 FCO26 Year 1970 FC030 Seventh Report on Operations. October 1, 1970 - September 30. 1972 Annual Report with Supporting Financial Data for the Fiscal 1971 FC198 Year 1971 FCI70 Eighth Report on Operations. October I.1971 - September 30. 1973 Annual Report with Supporting Financial Data for the Fiscal 1972 FC198 Year 1972 FC216 Ninth Report on Operations, October 1.1972 - September 30. 1974 Annual Report with Supporting Financial Data for the Fiscal 1973 FC348 Year 1973 FC601 Tenth Report on Operations. Octob,,r 1.19/3September 30. [Annual Report] 1975 with Financial Statement for 1974 FC601 974 FC458 Eleventh Report on Opt-yations. October 1, 1974 September 30, Education:zI Foundation of America , The 975 FC600 16561 Ventura 3oulevard , Suite 205 Encino , California 91316 Annual Report 1972 FC324 Donner (The William H.) Foundation ,Inc. Annual Report 1973 FC423 630 Fifth Avenue New York New Ythk 10020 El Pomar Foundation Annual Report 1970 FCO26 Ten Lake Circle , Broadmoor Annual Report 1971 FC187 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80906 Annual Report 1972 FC216 Annual Report 1970 FC030 Annual Report 1973 FC385 Annual Report 1971 FC121 Annual Report 1974 FC566 Annual Report 1972 FC198 Annual Report 1973 FC424 Annual Report 1974 Douglas Aircraft Welfare Foundation ,Inc., The FC503 Annual Report 1975 FC601 5301 Boise Avenue Huntington Beach , Cahfornia 92647 Annual Report, Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 1971 FCO26 Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation , Inc. Annual Report, Fiscal Year Ending May 31. 1972 FC324 P. 0 Box 3630 , Greenville Branch Audited Financial Statements . May 31. 1973 FC459 Wilmington , Delaware 19807 Audited Financial Statements . May 31. 1974 FC459 1952-1972[Retrospective Summary] FC460 1973 FC461 1974 FC503 Dreyf us (The Camille and Henry) Foundation, Inc. 445 Park Avenue Esso Education Foundation New York New York 10022 111 West 49th Street R'eport for 1,974 FC501 New York, New York 10020 Report 1970-1971 FC030 Driscoll Foundation , The N,..,4.,own isF:,0,1Educat.n, Pou,o,o,n, VV-2191 First National Bank B.iilding St Paul Minnesota 55101 Exxon Education Foundation Report for March 1. 1970 to February 28. 1971 FCO27 (formerly Esso Education Foundation) Report for March 1. 1971 to February 29. 1972 FC274 111 West 49th Street Report for March 1. 1972 to February 28. 1973 FC274 New York, New York 10020 Report 1971-1972 FC217 Report 1972-1973 FC424 Duke Endowment , The 30 Rockefeller Plaza Faith Foundation New York . New York 10020 P. O. Box 7 Annual Report 1970 FCO28-029 5650 Kithy Drive Annual Report 1971 FC168-169 Houston . Texas 77001 Annual Report 1977 FC275-276 1971 Annual Report FC187 Annual Report 1973 FC386:1&2 1972 Annual Report FC277 Annual Report 1974 FC502:1&2 1973 Annual Report FC424

Falk (Maurice) Medical Fund Dyer-Ives Foundation 3317 Grant Building 200-G , Waters Building Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 Grand Rapids Michigan 49502 (172] Report of Activities FC217 (Reoort. Year Ended August 31. 19711 FC121 I...port 1974 (September 1.1972 - August 31. 1974] FC461 Annual Report(Y ear Ended August 31. 1972] FC198 Fifteen Years, Sixty/NineteenSeventy-Five:A Annual Report[Y ear Ended August 31, 1973] FC324 Nineteen Cumulative List of Grank; FC602 Annual ReportlY ear,Er. led August 31. 1974] FC423 Annual Report[Y e:s Ended August 31. 1975] FC567 Farm Foundation 600 South Michigan Avenue Earhart Foundation Chicago ,Illinois 60605 First National Building Report for the Year Ending Apri 30 1971 FC031 Ann Arbor Michigan 48108 Report for the Year Ending April 30, 1972 FC122 Summary Report 1972 FC277 Report for the Year Ending April 30, 1973 FC218 Summary Report 1973 FC423 Annual Report for the Year Ending April 30, 1974 FC387 Summary Report 1974 FC503 Annual Report for the Year Ending April 30, 1975 FC504

11 1 4 Fels (Samuel S.) Fund Ford Foundation, The Two Penn Center Plaza 320 East 43rd Street Philadelphia , Pennsylvania 19102 New York New York 10017 A Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1970 FC031 Annual Report,October 1. 1969toSeptember30, 1970 A Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 FC122 FC 034-035 A Report ler the Year Ended December 31. 1972 FC219 Annual Report,October 1, 1970toSeptember30, 1971 A Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1973 FC348 FC123-124 A Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1974 FC504 Annual Report.October 7. 1971toSeptember30,1972 FC220-221 Field Foundation , Inc., The Annual Report,October 1, 1972toSeptember30,1973 100 East 85th Street FC350:1&2 New York , New York 10028 Annual Report.October 1, 19-3toSeptember30, 1974 Biennial Report October 1, 1967 to September 30. 1969 FC032 FC462:1&2 Biennial Report October 1,1969 to September 30, 1971 FC 171 Biennial Report October 1,1971 to September 30. 1973 FC348 Fort Wayne Foundation , The 530 Lincoln Bank Tower Field Foundation of Illinois , Inc., The Fort Wayne Indiana 46802 135 South LaSalle Street Report . for the Year 1970 FC036 Chicago ,Illinois 60603 Annual Report for the Year Ended Aph130, 1971 FC032 Annual Report for the Year Ended Apri130, 1972 FC172 Foundation for Child Development Annual Report for the Year Ended Apri130. 1973 FC277 (formerly Association for the Aid of Crippled Children) Annual Report for the Year Ended Aph130. 1974 FC387 345 East 46th Street Annual Report tor the Year Ended Apri130. 1975 FC505 New York , New York 10017 Annual Report 1972-1973 FC325 Firestone Foundation Annual Report 1973-1974 FC425 1115 South Main Street Room 315 Annual Report 1974-1975 FC506 Akron , Ohio 44301 Annual Report 1972 FC278 Foundations' Fund for Research in Psychiatry Annual Report 1970 FC387 100 York Street Annual Report 1974 FC505 New Haven , Connecticut 06511 Annual Report for 1970-1971 FC036 First National City Bank (andi Annual Report for 1971-1972 FC187 First National City Bank Foundation Annual Report for 1972-1973 FC351 Annual Report for 1973-1974 FC463 New York , New York 10022 Annual Report for 1974-1975 FC602 Report on Contribution; 1970 FC032 Frear (Mary D. and Walter F.) Eleemosynary Trust Fleischmann (Max C.) Foundation 140 South King Street P. 0. Box 2390 P. O. Box 1P71 Honolulu , Hawaii 96804 One East Liberty Street Reno . Nevada 89505 Annual Report 1971 FC172 Annual Report 1972 FC278 Annual Report July 1, 1970 to June 30. 1971 FC033 Annual Report 19.73 FC388 Annual Report July 1971 to June 30, 1972 FC278 Annual Report 1974 FC506 Annual Report July 1, 1972 to June 30. 1973 FC325 Annual Report July 1. 1973 to June 30. 1974 FC567 Fremont Area Foundation, The Flint Public Trust, The (formerly Fremont Foundation ,Inc.) 1010 Genesee Bank Building F'. 0. Box 9 Fhnt Michigan 48502 Fremont , Michigan 49412 1973 Annual Report FC425 Annual Report, Calendar Year 1971 FC222 Annual Report, Calendar Year 1972 FC325 Folger Fund , The Annual Report, Calendar Year 1973 FC425 2800 Woodley Road N.W. Annual Report, Calendar Year 1974 FC603 Washington . D.C. 20008 Annual Report, September 1, 1971 - August 31, 1972 FC349 Fresno Regional Foundation Annual Report, September 1. 7.3 - August 31.1974 FC505 1171 Fulton Mall , Room 1221 Annual Report, September 1, 1974 - August 31. 1975 FC602 Fresno , California 93721 4uqust rtnt Annual Report 72 FC279 Annual Report 1973 FC388 Ford (The Edward E.) Foundation Lakeville Connecticut 06039 Annual Report 1972 (for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, Frueauff (Charles A.) Foundation , Inc. 1972) FC 199 70 Pine Street Annual Report 1973 (for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, New York New York 10005 1973) FC388 Annual Report 1972[on IRS Form 990-AR] FC222 Annual Report 1974 (for Fiscal Year Ending September30. 1974) Annual Report 1973[on IRS Form 990-AR] FC426 FC506 Annual Report 1974 [on IRS Form 990-AR] FC507

1 5

12 Fuld (Helene) Health Trust Goldman (Herman) Foundation c/o Marine Midland Bank New York 120 250 Park Avenue New York , New York 10005 New York , New York 10017 Three-Year Report, March 1,1971 - February 23.1974, and Annual Report. Fiscal Year October1, 1971 to September 30, Summary of Prior HR.:tory FC389 1972[on IRS Form 990-AR] FC222 Annual Report for Year Ended February 28, 1975 FC509 Annual Report, Fiscal Year October1, 1972 to September 30, 1973[on IRS Form 990-AR] FC388 Gould (Edwin) Foundation for Children Annual Report. Fiscal Year October1. 1973 to September 30. 1974 [on IRS Form 990-AR] FC507 126 East 31st Street New York , New York 10016 Fund for the City of New York , Inc. Annual Report 1970 FC038 Annual Report 1971 FC173 342 Madison Avenue . Suite 1100 Annual Report 1972 FC280 New York , New York 10017 Annual Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1971 FC036 Annual Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1972 FC222 Grand Rapids Foundation 300-C Waters Building Fund for New Jersey, , The 161 Ottawa N.W. (formerly Wallace-Eljabar Fund ,Inc ) Grand Rapids , Michigan 49502 50 Evergreen Place Annual Report 1970-1971 FC038 East Orange , New Jersey 07018 Annua! Report 1971-1972 FC199 Annual Report1974 FC507 [Annual Report, July1, 1972 through June 30, 1973] FC351 Annual Report for Year Ended dune 30, 1974 FC463 Annual Report 1974-75. for the Fiscal Year Ending June30, 1975 Gates Foundation FC603 999 South Broadway Denver, , Colorado 80217 Annual Report 1970 FC037 Grant Foundation (Incorporated), The Annual Report 1971 FC125 130 East Annual Report 1972 FC223 New York , New York 10022 Annual Report 1973 FC389 Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended October 31, 1970 FC039 Annual Report 1974 FC508 Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended October 31, 1971 FC188 Annual Report 1975 FC567 Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended October 31, 1972 FC326 Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended October 31, 1973 FC427 General Electric Foundafion Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended October 31, 1974 FC510 1285 Boston Avenue Rnrineport . Connecticut 06602 Great Western United Foundation Annual Report 1970 FC037 230 Equitable Building Annual Report 1971 FC125 Denver, , Colorado 80202 Annual Report 1972 FC233 Annual Report, June 1, 1969 to May 31, 19 /0 FC039 1973 Annual Report FC389 Annual Report, Junel, 1970 to May31, 1971 FC125 1974 Annual Report FC508

General Mills Foundation Greenville County Foundation 9200 Wayzata Boulevard P 0. Box 2145 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Greenville, South Carolina 29602 Report for Year Ended May 31, 1971 FC037 1972 Annual Report FC280 Report for Year Ended May 31, 1972 FC172 1973 Annual Report FC390 Report for Year Ended May 31, 1973 FC279 1974 Annual Report FC510 Report for Year Ended May 31, 1974 FC508 Report for Year Ended May 31. 1975 FC568 Grotto Foundation , Inc. West 1052 First National Bank Building General Service Foundation St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 c/o James P. Shannon Report for the Fiscal Year of May 1, 1970 to Apr,. 30, 1971 FC040 400 Foshay Tower Report for the Fiscal Year of May 1, 1971 to April 30, 1972 FC188 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Report for the Fiscal Year of May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973 FC280 1972 Annual Report[op IRS Form 990-AR] FC279 Report for Fiscal Year of May 1, 1973 to Apri I 30, 1974 FC248 1973 Annual Report (on IRS Form 990.AR] FC389 Report for Fiscal Year of May 1, 1974 to April 30, 1975 FC568 1974 Annual Report[on IRS Form 990-AR] FC509

Gerstacker (Rollin M.) Foundation Guggenheim (The Daniel and Florence) Foundation 1208 Crescent Drive 120 Broadway Midland , Michigan 48640 New York , New York 10005 1974 Annual Report FC463 Report of the President 1974: Golden Anniversary 1924-1974 FC511 Gifford (The Rosamond) Charitable Corporation 501 Onondaga Savings Bank Building Guggenheim (The Harry Frank) Foundation Syracuse , New York 13202 120 Broadway 1955-1970 A Report Covering Fifteen Years of Service and New York , New York 10005 Assistance to the Central New York Community FC038 Report 1929-1974 FC511

1 5

13 Guggenheim (John Simon) Memorial Foundation Harris Bank Fol.ndation 90 Park Avenue 111West Monroe Street New York , New York 10016 Chicago, Illinois 60690 Reports c,' the President and the Treasurer 1969 and 19TO 1970 Annual Report FC046 FC041-044 1971 Annual Report FC 126 Reports of the President and !he Treasurer 1971 and 1972 1972 Annual Report FC391 FC327-330 t973 Annual Report FC391 Repon's of the Pres,lant and Me Treasurer 1973 FC429:182 1974 Annual Report FC512 Reports of the President and the Treasurer 1974 FC604:1-3 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Gund (The George) Foundation 45 South Main Street One Eneview Plaza West Hartford , Connecticut 06107 Cleveland , Ohio 44114 1971 Yearbook [Financial Information as of September 30, 1970] 1970 Annual Report FC045 1971 Annual Report FC046 FC223 1972 Yearbook [for Yuar Ended September 30. 1971] FC126 1972 Annual Report FC281 1973 Yearbook [for Year Ended September 30, 1972] FC199 1973 Annual Report FC430 1974 Yearbook [for Year Ended September 30. 19731 FC352 1974 Annual Repol FC568 FiftyYears of Community Giving1925-75 [andFinancial Information for Year Ended September 30, 1974] FC464 Gutfreund (The Joyce and John) Foundation 1975 Yearbook [for Year Ended September 30, 1974] FC512 c/o Joint Foundation Support ,Inc one East New York . New York 10022 Hartford (The John A.) Foundation, Inc. 405 Lexington Avenue Report Year Ended Apn130. 1975 FC605 New York , New York 10017 Annual Report 1970 Haas Community Fund , The FC047 Annual Report 1971 FC126 920 Suburban Station Building Annual Report 1972 1617 John F. Kennedy Boulevard FC224 Annual Report 1973 Philadelphia , Pennsylvania 19103 FC392 Annual Report 1974 FC513 Report for 1970 FC045 Annual Report 1971 FC 125 AnnUal Report 1972 FC223 HawaHan Foundation , The Financial Plaza of the Pacific P. 0. Box 3170 Haas (Paul and Mary) Foundation Honolulu , Hawaii 96802 P 0. Box 779 Annual Report 1973 FC430 Corpus Christi , Texas 78403 Annual Report 1974 FC570 Annual Report 1970 FC045 Annual Report 1971 FC 173 Hayden (Charles) Foundation Annual Report 1972 FC224 140 Broadway 20th Anniversaty[and Report for 1973] FC430 New York , New York 10005 Annual Report 1974 FC569 Annual Report for Year Ended September 30, 1970 FC047 Annual Report for Year Ended September 30, 1971 FC189 Halsell (The Ewing) Foundation Annual Report for Year Ended September 30, 1972 FC189 Travis Park West Annual Report for Year Ended September 30, 1973 FC331 San Antonio , Texas 78205 Annual Report for Year Ended September 30, 1974 FC464 Annual Report 1973 FC351 Annual Report for Year Ended September 30, 1975 FC605

Hamilton Community Foundation ,Inc., The Hazen (The Edward W.) Foundation 323 North Third Street 400 Prospect Street Hamilton, Ohio 45011 New Haven , Connecticut 06511 Annual Report 1971 FC390 19698 1970 FC047 Annual Report 1972 FC390 Biennial Report 1971-1972 FC281 Annual Report 1973 FC390 1974 Annual Report FC512 Heinz (Howard) Endowment 301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1417 Hamman (George and Mary Josephine) Foundation Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15222 614 Capitol National Bank Building A Report of Its14/.7rk from January 1, 1963 through December 31, Houston , Texas 77002 1970 FC048 Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 1973 [on IRS Form 1971 Annual Report FC281 990-AR] FC391 1972 Annual Report FC282 1973 Annual Report FC392 Hancock (The Luke B.) Foundation 1974 Annual Report FC513 3000 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park ,California 94025 Hering (Walter E.) Foundation A Two-Year Report of the Foundation's Activities Ending April 30, Hering Building 1972 FC 188 112 North Twelfth Street A Three-Year Report of the Foundation's Activities Ending April Philadelphia , Pennsylvania 19107 30, 1975 FC569 A nnual Report 1970 FC048

14 17 Hill (Louis W. and Maud) Family Foundation Hull (Orson A.) and Minnie E. Hull Educational Foundation West 975 First Natioral Bank Building W-555 First National Bank Building St Paul, Minnesota 55101 St. Paul , Minnesota 55101

Report for the Fscal Year March 1, 1970 to March 1, 1971 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 FC127 FC049-050 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1972 FC225 Report for the Fiscal Year March1. 1971 to March 1, 1972 Annual Report for the Period Ended June 30. 1973 FC431 FC283-284 Annual Report for the Period Ended June 30, 1974 FC515 Report for the FIscal Year March 1. 1972 to March 1. 1973 FC285 Annual Report forthe Period Ended June 30, 1975 FC570 Report tor the hiscal Year March 1. /973 lo March 1,197-1 FC465 ' h^ ,1!: NOt!,,,St Hyams (Godfrey M.) Trust Hyams (Sarah A.) Fund , Inc. Hillman Foundation Inc., The Hyams (Isabel F.) Fund , Inc. 2000 Grant Building One Boston Place , 33rd Floor PittsburghPennsylvania 15219 Boston , Massachusetts 02108 Annual Report 1970 FC051 1971 Annual Report FC287 Annual Report 1971 FC127 Report of Grantsi1972 and 1973] FC467 Annual Report 1972 FC224 Report of Grants 1975 [Report forYear Ended December 31, Annual Report 1973 FC352 1974] FC571 Annual Report 1974 FC513 Hyde (The Lillia Babbitt) Foundation Hoblitzelle Foundation 507 Westminster Avenue 2522 Repubhc National Bank Building Elizabeth , New Jersey 07208 Dallas Texas 75201 Resume of Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31. 1970 Annual Report 1970-1971 FC051 FC052 Annual Report 1971-1972 FC200 Resume of Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 Annual Report 1972-1973 FC331 FC128 Annual Report 1973-1974 FC431 Report for YearEnded December 31, 1972 FC225 Annual Report 1974-1975 FC570 Report for Year Ended December 31. 1973 FC392 Report for Year Ended December 31, 1974 FC515 Honeywell Foundation, Inc., The 275 West Market Street INA Foundation Wabash. Indiana 46992 1600 Arch Street Philadelphia , Pennsylvania 19101 Report for Period from January 1,1972 to September 30. 1972 [on IRS Form 990-AR] FC286 Annual Report, December 31, 1971 FC393 Annual Report. Fscal Year October 1.1973 to September 30. Annual Report, December 31. 1972 FC393 1974 [on IRS Form 990-AR] FC514 Annual Report. December31, 1973 FC393 Independence Foundation Hood (Charles H.) Foundation 2500 Philadelphia National Bank Building 500 Rutherford Avenue Philadelphia , Pennsylvania 19107 Boston . Massachusetts 02129 Report as of December 31,1970 FC052 A Summary of 1970 Activoes: Annual Report March 1971 FC051 FC128 A Summary of 1971 Activities: Annual Report February 1972 Report as of December 31, 1971 Report as of December 31. 1972 FC225 FC127 A Summary of 1972 Activities: Annual Report February 1973 Report as of December 31, 1973 FC393 Report as of December 31, 1974 FC515 FC200 A Summary of 1973 Activitles: Annual Report February 1974 FC466 Indianapolis Foundation, The ,.,1974 Annual Report and Summary of Activities March 1975 615 North Alabama Street FC466 Indianapolis , Indiana 46204 1975 Annual Report and Summary of Actwities March1976FC605 Fifty-Fourth Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31. 1970 FC053 Fifty-Fifth Annual Report for the Year 1971 FC173 Hormel Foundation , The 1973 Yearbook [Report for the Year 19721 FC287 501-16th Avenue N.E. 1974 Yearbook [Report for the Year 1973) FC467 Austin . Minnesota 55912 1975 Yearbook [Report for the Year 1974] FC571 1972 Annual Report[on IRS Form 990-AR) FC286 1973 Annual Report [on IRS Form 990-AR] FC431 1974 Annual Report[on IRS Form 990-AR] FC514 Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc. 30 West Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Houston Endowment , Inc. 1970 Annual Report FC053 P. 0. Box 52338 1971 Annual Report FC287 Houston , Texas 77052 1972 Annual Report FC288 Bonnet Report 1969-1970 FC052 1973 Annual Report FC394 Ebennial Report 1971-1972 FC286 1974 Annual Report FC516 Blennel Report 1973-1974 FC514 International Harvester Foundation Howard and Bush Foundation, Inc., The 401 North Michigan Avenue 77 Forest Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Hartford , Connecticut 06105 Annual Report 1972 FC226 Our Twelfth Year[1972 Annual Report) FC352 Annual Report 1973 FC353 Statement for the Year 1973 FC466 Annual Report 1974 FC516

15 1 8 International Paper Company Foundation Jerome Foundation , Inc. 220 East 42nd Street (formerly Avon Foundation ,Inc.) New York , New York 10017 West 1052 First National Bank Building Annual Report 1973 FC394 St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Annual Report 1974 FC516 Report for Fiscal Year of May 1, 1973 to April 30, 1974 FC433 Annual Report for Fiscal Year of May 1.1974 to Apn130, 1975 FC572 Irvine (The James) Foundation 111 Sutter Street , Suite 1520 San Francisco , California 94104 Jewett (George Frederick) Foundation 2100 First National Bank Building Annual Report, Year Ended March 31. 1971 FC053 St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Annual Report, Year Ended March 31, 1972 FC226 Report for 1972 FC227 Annual Report. Year Ended March 31. 1973 FC331 Report for 1973 FC433 Annual Report. Year Ended March 31. 1974 FC467 Report for 1974 FC519 Annual Report, Year Ended March 31, 1975 FC606 Johnson (The Robert Wood) Foundation Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation The Forrestal Center 522 Franklin Street P. O. Box 2316 Columbus , Indiana 47201 Princeton , New Jersey 08540 1971 Annual Report FC288 1970 Annual Report FC054 1972 Annual Report FC289 1971 Annual Report FC129 1973 Annual Report FC394 Annual Report 1972: January 1. 1972 through December 31, 1972 1974 Annual Report FC517 FC227 Annual Report 1973: January 1, 1973 through December 31, 1973 FC353 Irwin Union Foundation Annual Report 1974: January 1, 19/4 through December 31, 1974 522 Franklin Street FC520 Columbus . Indiana 472Q1 1971 Annual Report FC128 Justus (Samuel) Charitable Trust 1972 Annual Report FC432 Venango Human Services Center 1973 Annual Report FC432 P. O. Box 231 1974 Annual Report FC517 FranklinPennsylvania 16323 A Report for the Years 1968 through June 1972 FC228 JDR 3rd Fund , Inc., The Kaiser (The Henry J.) Family Foundation New York . New York 10020 Two Palo Alto Square Palo Alto , California 94304 Report 1970 FC054 1973 Annual Report Roport 1971 FC129 FC395 Annual Report 1974 Report 1972, Report of ItsActivities from1 September 1971 FC521 through 31 August 1972 FC226 Report 1973 FC468 Kalamazoo Foundation Report 1974 FC518 332 ISB Building 151 South Rose Street Kalamazoo , Michigan 49006 J. M. Foundation, The 1970 Annual Report FC054 60 East 42nd Street Room 1651 1971 Annual Report FC130 New York , New York 10017 1972 Annual Report FC290 1973 Annual Report FC394 1973 Annual Report FC433 1974 Annual Report FC468 The First Fifty Years [1925-1974];The Year inReview 1974 FC572

Jackson Foundation , The Kanawha Valley Foundation , The Greater 505 Wildwood Avenue P. O. Box 3041 Jackson , Michigan 49201 Charleston , West Virginia 25331 [Report December 31, 1971) FC289 1971 Annual Report FC130 1972 Annual Report FC395 [1972 Annual Report is a broadside, unsuitable for filming. On file 1973 Annual Report FC469 at The Foundation Center] 1973 Annual Report FC395 1974 Annual Report FC571 Kansas City Association of Trusts and Foundations Jennings (The Martha Holden) Foundation 406 Board of Trade Building 1100 National City Bank Building Tenth and Wyandotte Streets Cleveland , Ohio 44114 Kansas City, Missouri 64105 Grants arid Allocations 1971 FC289 Biennial Report 1970-1971 FC130 1972 Annual Report FC290 1973 Annual Report FC432 Karagheusian (The Howard) Commemorative Corporation 1974 Annual Report FC518 79 Madison Avenue New York , New York 10016 Annual Report for 1970 FC055 Jensen Foundation , The Annual Report for 1971 FC131 P 0. Box 251 Annual Report for 1972 FC228 Jackson , Michigan 49204 Annual Report for 1973 FC434 1974 Annual Report FC606 Annual Report for 1974 FC573

16 1 9 Kasai Charitable Trust Kresge Foundation , The c/o Minnesota Trust Company 2401 West Big Beaver Road Austin , Minnesota 55912 Troy, , Michigan 48084 Report of Activities from 1965 thru February 28, 1975 FC521 Annual Report 1970 FC057 Annual Report 1971 FC174 Kazanjian (The Calvin K.) Economics Foundation , Inc. Annual Report 1972 FC291 RFD # 2 Annual Report 1973 FC397 West Redding Connecticut 06896 Fifty Years 1924-1974 FC47,1:1:12 1947-7972 FC573 Annual Report 1974 FC523

Kellogg (W. K.) Foundation Kress (Samuel H.) Foundation 400 North Avenue 221 West B.ttln Creek Michigan 49016 New York , New York 10019 1970 Annual Report FUSS Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31. 1970 FC058 1971 Annual Report FC200 Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31. 1971 FC132 1972 Annual Report FC201 Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31. 1972 FC189 1973 Annual Report FC354 Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31. 1973 FC332 1974 Annual Report FC469 Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31. 1974 FC471 1975 Annual Report FC606 Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31. 1975 FC574

Kemper (The James S.) Foundation Latham Foundation for the Promotion of Humane The Kemper Centel Education , The Long GroveIllinois r0049 Latham Square Building Twenty-Eighth Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended Oakland ,California 94612 September 30. 1970 FC056 1971 Annual Report FC397 Twenty-Ninth Annual Report . for the Fiscal Year Ended 1972 Annual Report FC397 September 30. 1971 FC131 1973 Annual Report FC398 Thirtieth Annual Report . for the Fiscal Year Ended September 1.74 Annual Report FC471 30. 1972 FC228

Thirty-First Annual Report . for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1973 FC396 Lilly Endowment , Inc. 2801 North Meridian Street Kenan (The William R.), Jr. Charitable Trust Indianapolis ,Indiana 46208 120 Broadway Room 3046 A Report for 1970 FC058 New York , New York 10005 A Report for 1971 FC133 Report of the Trustees 1966-1971 FC056 A Report for 1972 FC292 Report of the Trustees 1966-1973 FC522 Report for 1973 FC435 Supplemental Report for the Year 1974 FC522 Report for 1974 FC524 Ten Year Report of the Teustees, 1966-1975 FC607 ouhr,y, cu5t0,,tr!'yO,!1' reor,'! Lincoln Foundation , Inc., The 215 Centennial Mall South Kennedy (The Frederick J.) Memorial Foundation , Inc. Lincoln , Nebraska 68508 28 State Street 1970 Yearbook FC059 Boston , Massachusetts 02109 1971 Yearbook FC134 Financial Statement. Fiscal Years Ended April 70. 1969-1972 1972 Yearbook FC229 FC290 1973 Yearbook FC436 Kerr Foundation , Inc., The 1974 Yearbook FC574 1208 Fidelity Plaza Oklahoma City. Oklahoma 73102 Link Foundation , The Report to Oklahoma Including Annual Report for the Year Ending c/o FirstCity National Bank June 30. 1973 FC396 Binghamton , New York 13902 1974 [for Year Ended June 30, 1974] FC522 (mailing address: P. a Box Y Vero Beach ,Florida 32960 Kettering (Charles F.) Foundation 1971 Annual Report [for Year Ended June 30, 19711 FC059 5335 Far Hills Avenue 1972 Annual Report [for Year Ended June 30, 1972] FC202 Dayton , Ohio 45429 20th Annual Report [for Year Ended June 30, 1973) FC355 Annual Report 1970 FC056 Annual Report 1971 FC132 Louise Foundation , The 1972 Annual Report FC201 100 Erieview Plaza , 36th Floor 1973 Annual Report FC354 Cleveland . Ohio 44114 1974 Annual Report FC469 1975 Annual Report FC607 1972 Annual Report[on IRS Form 990-AR1 FC355

Knight Foundation , Inc. Loutit Foundation , The 44 East Exchange Street Grand Haven , Michigan 49417 Akron , Ohio 44328 Fifth Report 1970 and 1971 FC175 Annual Report 1975 [for Year Ended December 31,1974) FC573 6th Report '72 and '7.7 FC436


2 0 Lubrizol Foundation, The McClure (James G. K.) Educational and Development Fund, Inc. 29400 Lakeland Boulevard P. 0. Box 1490 Wickliffe , Ohio 44092 Asheville . North Carolina 28802 (mailing address: Box 3057 Annual Report 1971-72 [for Year Ended December 31, 1971] Cleveland , Ohio 44117) FC334 Annual Report - 1970 FC059 Annual Report 1972-73 [for Year Ended December 31, 1972] Annual Report - 1971 FC134 FC356 Annual Report- 1P72 FC229 Aonual Report 1973-74 [for Year Ended December 31, 19731 Annual' Report - 1973 FC355 FC527 Annual Report - 1974 FC525 Annual Report 1974-75 [for Year Ended Decoinber31, 1974] FC575 Luce (The Henry) Foundation , Inc. 111 West McCormick (The Robert R.) Trusts and Foundations New York , New York 10020 (Robert R. McCormick Charitable Trust , 1970 Annual Report FC060 Robert R. McCormick Foundation) 1971 Annual Report FC175 435 North Michigan Avenue Room 2700 1,972 Annual Report FC293 Chicago ,Illinois 60611 1973 Annual Report FC436 Report of Trustees and Directors 1955-1971 FC233 1974-75 Annual Report [for FiscalYear Ended December 31. 1974] FC574 McGregor Fund 2026 Commonwealth Building Lucerna Fund Detroit , Michigan 48226 13 South Maryland Avenue A Report of Activities for theThree-Year Period Ended June 30, Port Washington , New York 11050 1970 FC065 1972 Annual Report FC356 A Report of Activities for theThree-Year Period Ended June 30, 1973 Annual Report FC437 1973 FC400 A Report of Activities for theTwo-Year Period Ended June 30, Macy (Josiah), Jr. Foundation 1975 FC575 One Rockefeller Plaza New York . New York 10020 Mclnerny Foundation Report for the Year 1970 FC061-062 P. 0. Box 2390 4nnual Report for the Year 1971 FC135-136 Honolulu , Hawaii 96804 Annual Report for the Year 1972 FC230-231 Report for the Period October 1,1971 - September 30, 1972 Annual Report for the Year 1979 FC399:1&2 FC202 Annual Report for the Year 1974 FC526:1&2 Renort for the Period October 1,1972 September 30, 1973 FC400 Markle (The John and Mary R.) Foundation Report for the Period October 1,1973 - September 30, 1974 50 Rockefel:er Plaza FC474 New York , New York 10020 Report for the Period October 1,1974 - September30. 1975 970-1971 Annual Repoet FC063-064 FC607 Annual Report 1971/72 FC232 Annual Report 1972/73 FC333 McKnight Foundation, The Annual Report 1973/ 74 FC47 Shelard Plaza , Suite 405 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 Markus (The Roy and Eva) Foundation , Inc. Annual Report 1953-1974 [Financial Statements for Year Ended 1380 East Sixth Street December 31, 1974] FC575 Cleveland , Ohio 44114 Report for the Fiscal Period Ending July 31, 1971 FC190 Mellon (The A. W.) Educational and Charitable Trust Report for the Fiscal Period Ending July 31, 1972 FC473 Oliver Building , Suite 224 Report for the Fiscal Year Ending July 31, 1973 FC473 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15222 Report for the Fiscal Year Ending July 31, 1974 FC473 A Report of Its Work for the Year 1970 FC066 A Report of Its Work for the Year 1971 FC137 McBeath (Faye) Foundation A Report of Its Work for the Year 19/2 FC293 161 West Wisconsin Avenue , Suite 5146 A Report of Its Work for the Year 1973 FC401 Milwaukee , Wisconsin 53203 A Report of Its Work for the Year 1974 FC528 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31,1970 FC065 Annual Report for the Year rnded December 31,1971 FC137 Mellon (The Andrew W.) Foundation Annual Report for the Year 7nded December 31,1972 FC334 140 East 62nd Street Annual Report for the Yea- Ended December 31,1973 FC474 New York , New York 10021 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31,1974 FC527 Report from January 1, 1970 through December 31, 1970 FC066 Report from January 1, 1971 through December 31, 1971 FC138 McCann Foundation , inc. Report from January 1, 1972 through December 31, 1972 FC234 McCann (James J.) Charitable Trust Report from January 1, 1973 through December 31, 1973 FC356 McCann (The James J.) Estate Report from January 1, 1974 through December 31, 1974 FC529 25 Market Street Poughkeepsie , New York 12601 Mellon (Richard King) Foundation Annual Report 1970 FC065 525 William Penn Place Annual Report 1971 FC137 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15230 Annual Report 1972 FC232 Report for the Years 1969-1971 FC139 Annual Report 1973 FC400 1972 Annual Report FC235 Annual Report 1974 FC527 1973 Annual Report FC401 Fieg,heeq me, the 973 ann,tal ,.eptgt. 'hp larnPs J McCann Estatr, .s not .edee 1974 Annual Report FC576

18 2 1 Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Monticello College Foundation , The 15 East 26th Street The Evergreens New York New York 10010 Godfrey ,llhnois 62035 Annual Report 1969/1970 FC067 Annual Report July 1, 1973 -June 30, 1974 FC531 Annual Report 1970/1971 FC236 Annual Report July1,1974 -June 30, 1975 FC608 Annual Report 1971-1972 FC237 Annual Report 1972-73 FC475 Moody Foundation , The Annual Report 1973-74 FC530 704 Moody National Bank Building Galveston , Texas 77550 1970 Annual Report FC070 Merck Company Foundation , The 1971 Annual Report FC141 Rahway, , New Jersey 07065 1972 Annual Repod FC295 Annual Report 1970 FC068 1973 Annual Report FC477 Annual Report 1971 FC140 Annual Report 1972 FC294 Morehead (The John Motley) Foundation Annual Report 1973 FC402 6216 Mount Holly Road Annudl !:',,,rnrt 1974 FC577 Charlotte , North Carolina 28214 The Fifth Report, for the Period Ending June 30, 1973 FC358 Meyer (Eugene and Agnes E.) Foundation 1973-1974 FC532 1730 Rhode Island Avenue, N W. Washington , D.0 20036 Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Charitable Trust Annual Report Year Ending December 31. 1970 FC068 Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Foundation Annual Report Year Ending December 31. 1971 FC140 23 Wall Street Annual Report December 31, 1972 FC238 New York , New York 10015 Annual Report, December 31. 1973 FC402 Contributions in 1972 FC295 Annual Report. December 31. 1974 FC531 Contributions in 1973 FC438 Contributions in 1974 FC533

Milbank Memorial Fund Mott (Charles Stewart) Foundation 40 Wall Street 510 Mott Foundation Building New York , New York 10005 Flint , Michigan 48502 Annual Report 1970 FC069 Annual Report 1970 FC071 Annual Report 1971 FC190 1971 Annual Report FC202 Annual Report 1972 FC357 1972 Annual Report FC359 Annual Report 1973 and Program Review January 1971 - June Annual Report for 1973 FC478 1974 FC476 Annual Report for 1974 FC578 Annual Report 1974 FC577 Mount Vernon Community Trust , The 109 Catherine Street Miller (Albert L. and Louise B.) Foundation , Inc. Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 155 West Van Buren Street 30th Annual Report, 1974 FC579 Battle Creek , Michigan 49016 The First Ten Years(1963-1972) FC437 Muskegon County Community Foundation , Inc. 1973: Eleventh Year FC437 313 West Webster Avenue 1974. Twelfth Year FC608 Muskegon , Michigan 49440 1972 Annual Report FC295 Milwaukee Foundation (1973 Annual Report) FC533 161 West Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee , Wisconsin 53203 Nemours (The Alfred I. du Pont Institute of The) Foundation Annual Report July 1, 1970 -June 30, 1971 FC069 P. 0. Box 269 Annual Report July 1, 1971 -June 30, 1972 FC238 Rockland Road Annual Report July 1, 1972 -June 30, 1973 FC357 Wilmington Delaware 19899 Annual Report July 1. 1973 -June 30, 1974 FC477 Thirtieth Annual Report for the Year 1969-1970 FC071 Foundation classified by Internal Revenue Service as "a oubhc chanty" Minneapolis Foundation , The 400 Foshay Tower New Hampshire Charitable Fund and Affiliated Trusts 821 Marquette Avenue One South Street Minneapolis , Minnesota 55402 Concord , New Hampshire 03301 A Grant Report, April 1. 1970 to March 31, 1971 FC070 Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 FC190 Annual Report, April 1, 1971/March 31, 1972 FC294 Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1972 FC296 Annual Report, April 1, 1972/March 31, 1973 FC334 Repod for the Year Ended December 31, 1973 FC403 Annual Report, April 1, 1973/March 31, 7974 FC438 Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1974 FC533 AnnUal Report, April 1, 1974/March 31, 1975 FC578 New Haven Foundation, The One State Street Mohawk-Hudson Community Foundation ,Inc. New Haven, Connecticut 06511 877 Madison Avenue Annual Report 1970 FC072 Albany. , New York 12208 Annual Report 1971 FC141 Annual Report 1972 FC294 Annual Report 1972 FC239 Annual Report 1973 FC357 Annual Report 1973 FC403 1974 Annual Report FC531 Annual Report 1974 FC534

19 2 2 New World Foundation The Northwest Area Foundation 100 East 85th Street (formerly Louis W. and Maud Hill Family Foundation) New York . New York 10028 West 975 First National Bank Building Report for the Year 1970 FC072 St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Report for the Years 1971-1972 FC360 Report for the Fiscal Year March 1. 1974 to March 1, 1975 FC536 Annual Report for the Years 1973 and 1974 FC579 Noyes (Jessie Smith) Foundation , Inc. New York Community Trust The 16 Ea'st 34th Street Community Funds , New York , New York 10016 415 Madison Avenue Report for the Period January 1. 1968 through December 31, 1970 New York . New York 10017 FC074 1971 Yearbook: Report for 1970 FC073 Report January 1, 1971 thru December 31, 1974 FC537 1972 Yearbook.. Report for 19.77 FC191 1973 Yoarbook Report for 1972 FC361 Oklahoma City Community Foundation ,Inc. 1974 Yearbook. Report for 1973 fC439 1300 North Broadway 1975 earbook. Report for .1974 FC580 Oklahoma City, , Oklahoma 73103 Annual Report 1970 FC074 New York Foundation 1971 Annual Report FC240 Four West 58th Street 1972 Annual Report FC240 New York . New i'ork 10019 73 Annual Report FC404 Annual Report 1970 FC296 1974 Annual Report FC537 Annual Report 19 71 FC297 Annual Report 1972 FC297 Olmstead (The George) Foundation Annual Report 1973 FC404A Arlington Trust Building .Suite 305 Annual Report 1974 FC534 1515 North Courthouse Road Arlington, Virginia 22201 New York Fund for Children ,Inc. Annual Report 1970 FC074 0/ o Starwood Corporation . Room 2500 Annual Report 1971 FC142 100 Park Avenue Annua, Report 1972 FC241 New York . New York 10015 Annual Report 1973 FC405 Final Report 1948-1973 FC535 Onan Family Foundation Newspaper Fund , Inc.. The P. O. Box 2145 P 0 Box 300 Loop Station Drinceton New Jersey 08540 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 1970 Annual Report FC073 Report 1975 FC609 1971 Annual Report FC142 1972 Annual Report FC239 Oregon Community Foundation , The 7973 Annual Report FC404 319 Yeon Building 1974 Annual Report FC580 Portland , Oregon 97204 Second Annual Report 1975 FC581 Noble (Edward John) Foundation 32 East 57th Street Packard (The David and Lucile) Foundation New York , New York 10022 P. 0. Box 1330 Report or Activities 1940-1971 FC192 Los Altos, Cahfornia 94022 Report of Activities 1972 FC404 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1974 FC609 Report of Activities 1973 FC478 Pan American Petroleum Foundation , Inc. Noble (The Samuel Roberts) Foundation . Inc. P. O. Box 591 Route One Tulsa , Oklahoma 74102 Ardmore , Oklahoma 73401 Annual Report 1970 FC099 1972 FC240 Name changed to Amoco Produceon Foundatnn, Inc ,n '971 Dse,ot,ed at end of 197/ Report for 1973 FC479 Report for 1974 FC479 Pardee (Elsa U.) Foundation FC608 Report for 1975 923 West Park Drive Midland , Michigan 48640 Norfolk Foundation , The 1972 Annual Report FC203 406 Royster Building 1973 Annual Report FC361 Norfolk ,Virginia 23510 1974 Annual Report FC480 1971 Yearbook: Report for 197C FC073 1975 Annual Report FC610 1972 Yearbook: Report for 1971 FC203 197,3 Yearbook: Report for 1972 FC335 Parkersburg Community Foundation Annual Report for 1973 FC479 16 Citizens Bank Building .4nnual Report for 1974 FC609 Parkersburg , West Virginia 26101 Report as of June 30, 1971 and Eight Years of Operation FC075 Norman Foundation . Inc. Report as of June 30, 1972 and Nine Years of Operation FC192 505 Park Avenue Report as of June 30, 1973 and Ten Years of Operation FC335 New York , New York 10021 Report as of June 30, 1974 and Eleven Years of Operation FC480 Triennial Report 1970-1971-1972 FC439 Report as of June 30, 1975 and Twelve Years ofOperation FC610

2 3

20 Pearson (John H.) Trust Pierce (John B.) Foundation [and] One South Street Pierce (The John B.) Foundation of Connecticut ,Inc. Concord , New Hampshire 03301 30 Rockefeller Plaza 1971 Report FC190 New York , New York 100:10 1972 Report FC296 Annual Report 1970 FC077 1973 Report FC403 Annual Report 1971 FC 193 1974 Report FC533 Annual Report 1972 FC298 Annual Report 1973 FC405 Annual Report 1974 FC610 Penn (The William) Foundation (formerly The Haas Community Fund) 920 Suburban Station Building Piper (Minnie Stevens) Foundation 1617 John F. Kennedy Boulevard 201 North St. Mary's Street Philadelphia , Pennsylvania 19103 San Antonio , Texas 78205 Annual Report 1973 FC362 Twenty-Fdth Anniversary Issue 1950 through 1974, [Including] Annual Report 1974 FC538 Report for Period January 1. 1970, to December 31, 1974 FC582

Permanent Charity Fund , Incorporated , Committee of The Pitcairn-Crabbe Foundation One Boston Place Boston Massachusetts 02106 301 Fifth Avenue , Suite 1417 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15222 Filty-Fourth Annual Report July 1, 1970June 30. 1971 FC075 Four-Year Report 1967-1970 Fifty-Filth Annual Report. July 1.1971 - June 30, 1972 FC241 FC078 Three-Year Report 1971-1973 FC440 Filty-Sixth Annual Report July 1,1972 - June 30. 1973 FC362 Fiftv-Seventh Annual Report July 1. 1973 - June 30. 1974 FC480 Pittsburgh Foundation , The Pet Milk Foundation , The 301 Fifth Avenue Suite 1417 400 South Fourth Street Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15222 St LouisMissouri 63166 1970 Annual Report, Our 25th Year FC078 Annual Report 1971 FC335 1971 Annual Report, Our 26th Year FC176 Annual Report 1972 FC336 1972 Annual Report FC299 1973 Annual Report FC538 1973 Annual Report FC406 1974 Annual Report FC539 Pettinos (The Charles E, and Joy C.) Foundation,Inc. 507 Westminster Avenue Elizabeth , New Jersey 07209 Poughkeepsie Area Fund ,Inc. Resume ol Annual Report tor the Year Ended December 31, 1970 35 Market Street FC075 Poughkeepsie , New York 12601 Resume of Annual Report tor the Year Ended December 31. 1971 Annual Report 1971 FC142 FC142 Annual Report 1972 FC299 Report for Year Ended December 31, 1972 FC241 Annual Report 1973 FC406 Report for Year Ended December 31. 1973 FC405 Annual Report 1974 FC539

Pfeiffer (Gustavus and Louise) Research Foundation 20 Broad Street Prentiss (The Elisabeth Severance) Foundation New York , New York 10005 P. 0. Box 5756 Biennial Report 1970-1971 FC175 Cleveland , Ohio 44101 Biennial Report 1972-1973 FC481 Report January 1971[for 19701 FC078 Report January 1972[for 19711 FC143 Philadelphia Foundation , The Report January 1973[for 19721 FC242 1502 Girard Plaza Report January 1974 [for 1973] FC363 Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19102 Biennial Report tor the Two Years Ending April 30. 1970 FC076 Public Welfare Foundation, Inc. Biennial Report tor the Two Years Ending April 30. 1972 FC193 2600 Virginia Avenue , N.W. Annual Report for the Year Ending April 30, 1973 FC298 Washington , D.C. 20037 Annual Report tor the Year Ending April 30 1974 FC440 Annual Report November1969 October 1970 FC079 Annual Report for the Year Ending April 30. 1975 FC581 Annual Report November1970 -October 1971 FC143 Annual Report November1971 -October 1972 FC243 Phillips (Ellis L.) Foundation Annual Report November1972 October 1973 FC363 Terrace Hill ,Suite 207 Annual Report November1973 -October 1974 FC481 Ithaca . New York 14850 Report for the Year Ended June 30. 1971 FC076 Report for the Year Ended June 30, 1972 FC203 Pullman (George M.) Educational Foundation Report lor the Year Ended June 30. 1973 FC405 1451 East Report tor the Year Ended Juno 30, 1974 FC538 Chicago ,Illinois 60615 A Report lor the Period July1967 to July 1972 FC243 Picker (James) Foundation 200 Bloomingdale Road White Plains. New York 10605 Quaker Oats Foundation , The Annual Report 1971 Covering Period irom March 1970 to March Merchandise Mart Plaza . Room 345 1971 FC077 Chicago ,Illinois 60654 Annual Report 1972. Period March 1971 to March 1972 FC242 A Report of Fiscal 1973 FC539

21 24 Raymond Foundation Richland County Foundation of Mansfield, Ohio , The P O . Bc. 277 38 South Park Street Room 106 Greer New York 13778 Mansfield . Ohio 44902 1:- .-innual Report FC193 25th Anniversary.. 1970 Year gook [Report for1969] FC082 1972 Annual Report FC299 79,73 .4nnual Report FC406 1974 Annual Report FC540 Riley (Mabel Louise) Charitable Trust Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company Redskin Foundation Inc. One Boston Place Boston , Massachusetts 02106 5454 Wisconsin Avenue. Suitt: 1005 Chevy Chase .Marylanr! 20015 Anrual Report 1974 FC441 Annual Report 1974 FC611 Rippel (Fannie E.) Foundation Reid (Helen Dwight) Educational Foundation 299 Madison Avenue 4000 Albemarle Street . N.W. Morristown , New Jersey 07960 Washington. D.C. 20016 Report for C.e Year Ended Apri130. 19,? FC248 A1nrnial Rc,port for Year Ende7d A iigost 31 1970 FC193 Report for the Year Ended April 30, 1973 FC541 Report for the Year Enced Apra 30 1,974 FC541 Research Corporation Report for the Year Ended April 3 O. 197.5 FC611 405 Lexington Avenue New York New York 1001:' Rockefeller Brothers Fund Report for 19,70 FC079 30 Rockefeller Plaza Report io r- 19.1 FC144 New York . New York 10020 Rocky! for 19,72 FC336 Roport for 193 FC364 Annual Report 1970 FC083 Report for I 97.: FC482 Annual Report 1971 FC194 Rebort for 1975 FC611 Annual Report 1972 FC301-302 Annual Report 1973 FC484:1&2 Annual Report 1974 Resources for the Future. Inc. FC542 1;'55 Massachusetts Avenue. N W Washington . D C 20036 Rockefeller Family Fund , Inc. Annual Reportforthe Y e?ar Ending30Soptember 1970 49 West 49th Street F C080-081 New York , New York 10020 Annual Reportfor Mo -ArEnding 30September 1971 Report 1970-71 FC194 FC244-245 Report 1972 FC303 nnual RopoqforthoYearEnding September30, 1972 Report 1973 FC408 FC246-247 Report 1974 FC543 Annual Roprt for Me Yoar Ending September30, 1973 FC365:1&2 Annual Report for the voar Ending September 30, 1974 FC483 Rockefeller Foundation , The 1133 Avenue of the Americas Reynolds (Z. Smith) Foundation , Inc. New York , New York 10036 1225 Wachovia Building President's Review and Annual Report 1970 FC084-086 Winston-Salem. North Carolina 27101 President's Ten-Year Review and Annual Re,ort1971 FC 146-148 The President's Review and Annual Report 1972 .4 Two-Year Report 1970-1971 FC 145 FC304-305 The President's Review and Annual Report 1973 1972 Report FC300 FC366:1&2 The President's Review and Annual Report 1974: Grants and 1973 Report FC407 Programs[vol.1]; Financial Information(vo1,2] 1974 Report FC540 FC583:1-3

Rhode Island Foundation , The Rockefeller (The Martha Baird) Fund for Music , Inc. Horace Mann House One Rockefeller Plaza Brown University New York , New York 10020 Providence , Rhode Island 02909 1969-1973 FC441 Annual Report for the Year 1970 FC082 Annual Report for the Year 1911 FC145 Roderick Foundation , Inc. ilnnual Report for the Year 1972 FC248 401 Mills Avenue Annual Report lor the Year 1973 FC407 El Paso , Texas 79999 Annual Report for the Year 1974 FC540 Annual Report for the 'rear Ended December 31, 1970 FC194 Richardson (Smith) Foundation , Inc. Smith Richardson Building Roothbert Fund , Inc., The 5000 Launnda Drive P. O. Box 3322 , Grand Central Station P O. Box 3265 N m York , New York 10017 Greensboro . North Carohna 27402 Annual Report, April 23, 1971 FC087 19 70 Annual Report FC082 Annual Report, Apri 124. 1972 FC149 1971 Annual Report FC 176 Annual Report. Apri120, 1973 FC248 1972 Annual Report FC300 Its Program. Background and Development (1958-1973) FC367 1973 Annual Report FC440 Annual Report, Apri129, 1974 FC367 1974 Annual Report FC582 Annual Report, April 17, 1975 FC543

2 5

22 Rosenberg Foundation San Francisco Foundation , The 210 Post St. eet 425 California Street San Francisco .California 94108 San Francisco , California 94104 Annual Report 1970 FC087 Annual Report, July 1, 1969 -June 30, 1970 FC091 Annual Report 1971 FC149 Annual Report, July 1, 1970 - June 30. 1971 FC152 Annual Report 1973 FC248 Annual Report, July 1, 1971June Ia 7972 FC204 Annual Report 1973 FC408 Annual Report, July 1. 1972 June 30. 1973 FC369 Annual Report. July 1, 1973 June 30. 1974 FC486 Rosenthal (Benj.) Foundation , inc. Anr,ual Report 1975(July 1. 1974 - June 30. 1975) FC612 680 Fifth Avenue . Suite 120 New York . New York 10019 Santa Barbara Foundation Annual Report 1970 FC087 11 East Carrillo Street Annual Report 1971 FC306 Santa Barbara , California 93101 Annual Report 1972 FC306 Financial Statement 1970 FC091 Annual Report 1973 FC441 Financial Statement 1971 FC308 Annua: Report 1974 FC584 Financial Statement 1972 FC308 1973 Financial Statement FC409 Rubinstein (Helena) Foundation. Inc. 1974 Financial Statement FC486 261 Madison Avenue 1975 Financial Statement and Distributions FC612 New York , New York 10016 Arroual RoPort June). 1970 - k 37. 19 7; FC088 Scaife (Sarah) Foundation , Inc. Annual Report Juno 1, 1971 - May 31, 1972 FC195 (formerly Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation) Annual Poport June 1. 1972 - May 31. 1973 FC337 1114 Oliver Building Annual Report June 1. 1973 - May31. ! 9,74 FC442 Pittsburgh . Pennsylvania 15222 Annual Report June 1, 19 .74 - May 31, 1975 FC584 A Review of Activities 1970 FC092 A Review of Activities 1971 FC153 Russell (Sophie) Testamentary Trust Annual Report 1972 P 0. Box 2390 FC251 Annual Report 1973 FC410 Honolulu . Hawaii 96804 Annual Report 1974 FC481, Report for Year Ended March 31. 19:4 FC408 Report for the Year Ended Marc! 31. 1975 FC543 Scheinfeld (Sylvia & Aaron) Foundation, Inc. Wrigle.y Building S & H Foundation ,Inc., The 400 North Michigan Avenue 330 Madison Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 New York , New York 10017 Report of the First Seventoon Years 1955-1972 FC251 Report of Activities 1970 FC088 Report of Activities 1971 FC306 Report of Activities 1972 FC307 Schering Foundation , Inc, Repozt of Activities 1974 FC544 Galloping Hill Road Kenilworth , New Jersey 07033 Annual Report 1970 FC092 Sachem Fund Annual Report 12 7,; FC153 405 Orange Street Annual Report 197;4' FC251 New Haven Connecticut 06510 Annual Report 1973 FC410 Annual Report 1974 Cumulative Report 1969-1973 FC409 FC584

Sage (Russell) Foundation Scherman Foundation , Inc., The 230 Park Avenue 280 Park Avenue New York , New York 10017 New York , New York 10017 Annual Report 69-70 FC089-090 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1974 FC585 Annual Report 70-71 FC 150-151 Annual Report 71-72 FC249-250 Schlieder (Edward G.) Educational Foundation Annual Report 1972-1973 FC368 One Shell Square ,Suite 4424 Annual Report 1973-1974 FC485 New Orleans, Louisiana 70139 Report of the President for the Year Ended December 31. 1970 Saint Paul Foundation , The FC093 2796 W First National Bank Building Report of the President for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 St. Paul . Minnesota 55101 FC154 1970 Annual Report FC091 Report of the President for the Year Ended December 31, 1972 1971 Annual Report FC307 FC252 1972 Annual Report FC307 Report of the President for the Year Ended December 31, 1973 FC410A Salem Community Foundation ,Inc. Report of the President for the Year Ended December 31, 1974 P 0 Box 483 FC545 Salem , Ohio 44460 Fifth Annual Report, January 1.1971 to December 31,1971 Schumann (The Florence and John) Foundation FC176 33 Park Street Siyth Annual Report. January 11972 to December 31,1972 Montclair, , New Jersey 07042 FC203 Report of Activities 1971 FC195 Seventh Annual Report, January 1, 1973 to December 31. 1973 Report of Activities 1972 FC252 FC544 Report of Activities 1973 FC410 Eighth Annual Report. January 1to December 31, 1974 FC544 Report of Activities 1974 FC545


2 6 Scranton Area Foundation Smith Charities , Trustees of the P. O. Box 937 51 Main Strect Scranton , Pennsylvania 18501 Northhampton , Massachusetts 01060 Report. Twenty Years ol Service 1954-1.9/4 FC545 One Hundred Twenty Third Annual Report. May 5,1971 FC095 One Hundred Twenty Fourth Annual Roport. May 3,1972 FC 177 One Hundred Twenty Fifth Annual Report, May 2,1973 FC254 Sears-Roebuck Foundation . The One Hundred Twenty Sixth Annual Report. May 1,1974 FC412 Sears Tower One Hz,adred Twenty Seventh Annual Report. May 1,1975 FC547 Chicago ,Illinois 60684 Annual Report 1970 FC093 SmithKline Foundation Annual Repod 1971 FC177 (formerly Smith Kline & French Foundation) Annual Report 1972 FC308 1500 Spring Garden Street FC411 Annual Report 1973 Philadelphia ,Pennsylvania 19101 Annual Report 1974 FC585 Annual Report 1970 FC096 Annual Report 1971 FC 156 Shaw (Gardiner Howland) Foundation Annual Repod 1972 FC255 Sturbndge Professional Center Annual Reporl 1973 FC412 P. 0. Box 352 0,,rldation Sturbridge Massachusetts 01566 Annual Report. May 1. 1972 - April 30. 1973 FC411 Smithers (The Christopher D.) Foundation , Inc. Annual Roport. May 1. 1973 - April 30, ;974 FC546 41 East 57th Street New York . New York 10022 15-Year Reporl 1956-1970 FC096 Shell Companies Foundat;on , Incorporated Annual Report 1971 One Shell Plaza Annual Report 1972 FC255 P. 0. Box 2463 Annual Reporl 1973 FC371 Houston . Texas 77001 Annual Report 1974 FC4d7 (formerly New York . New York) 1970 Budget FC094 Southern Education Foundation, Inc. Pdttern for Giving 1973 [and) Annual Repod 1972 FC253 811 Cypress Street Pattern for aving 1974 [and] Annual Report 1973 FC585 N.E. Atlanta Georgia 30308 Pattern for Giving 1975[and] Annual Reporl 1974 FC586 Annual Reporl 1970-1971 FC097 Annual Reporl 1971-1972 FC256 Sherwick Fund , The Annual Report 1972-1973 FC309 c/o The Cleveland Foundation Annual Report. April 1. 1973 - March 31, 1974 FC442 700 National City Bank Building Annual Report April 1, 1974 March 31. 1975 FC586 Cleveland Ohio 44114 973 Annual Report FC411 Spartanburg County Foundation, The 424 Montgomery Building Spartanburg , South Carolina 29301 Silberman (The Lois and Samuel) Fund , Inc. FC097 133 East 79th Street 1970 Annual Report 1971 Annual Report FC177 New York , New York 10021 1972 Annual Report FC256 Annual Report Fiscal Year 1969-1970 FC094 1973 Annual Report FC412 Annual Report Fiscal Year 1970-1971 FC204 1974 Annual Report FC548 Ann,i,71 Report Fiscal Year 1971-1972 FC205 Spaulding-Potter Charitable Trusts , The Singer Company Foundation , The One South Street 30 Rockefeller Plaza Concord , New Hampshire 03301 New York , New York 10020 A Report of Activities for the Calendar Year 1970 FC098 Annual Report for 1970 FC094 1971 Report FC190 Annual Reporl for 1971 FC154 1972 Reporl FC296 Annual Reoort for 1972 FC253 The Orange Tree and the Inch Worm (An Overview of the Trusts Annual Report for 1973 FC369 from their Creation in 1955 through the Payout of all Assets in 19721 Annual Report for 1974 FC546 FC310-311 Assets trantettort t,tc. Haronshre Chantabfr: rInd And Aft that.d Trus'; Skaggs (The L. J. and Mary C.) Foundation United California Bank Building Suite 1730 Spencer Foundation , The 1330 Broadway 875 North Michigan Avenue Oakland California 94612 Chicago, Illinois 60611 1973 Annual Report FC411 Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1971 FC099 1974 Annual Report FC487 Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1972 FC177 1975 Annual Report FC612 Annual Reporl for the Fiscal Year Ended Match 31, 1973 FC312 Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1974 FC412 Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1975 FC587 Sloan (Alfred P.) Foundation 630 Fifth Avenue Springs (Elliott White) Foundation , Inc. New York , New York 10020 206 South White Street Report for 1970 FC095 Lancaster, , South Carolina 29720 Report for 1971 FC155 1971 Annual Report FC157 Report for 1972 FC254 1972 Annual Report FC256 Report for 1973 FC370 1973 Annual Reporl FC413 Report for 1974 FC547 1974 Annual Reporl FC548

24 27 Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation, Inc. Syracuse and Onondaga County,, Inc., Community 910 South Michigan Avenue Foundation of Chicago .Illinois 60605 107 James Street Annual Report 1970 FC099 Syracuse , New York 13202 Annual Report 1971 FC312 1971 Annual Report FC100 1972 Annual Report FC414 46th Annual Report - 1973 FC415 Stanwood-Camano Area Foundation NON;mown as Community FountlattonOfCt.ntra[Nnw Stanwood , Washington 98292 1973 Annt,al Report FC413 Tait (The Frank M.) Foundation 1840 Winters Bank Tower Stark County Foundation , The Dayton , Ohio 45402 618 Second Street , N.W. Annual Report 1972 Canton , Ohio 44703 FC313 Annual Report 1973 FC415 Report for the Years 1970-1971-1972 FC413

Steelcase Foundation Teagle Foundation , Incorporated, The 1120 36th Street , S.E 30 Rockefeller Plaza Room 1539 Grand Rapids, Michigan 4 9508 New York , New York 10020 Annual Report 1973 FC413 Twenty-Seventh Year Report June 1, 1970 May 31. 1971 FC205 Annual Report 1974 FC548 Annual Report 1975 FC613 Tinker Foundation , The 645 Madison Avenue Steele (Harry G.) Foundation New York . New York 10022 4500 Cdmpus Drive Activities and Grants 1970 FC101 Newport Beach . California 92660 1971 Activities and Grants FC 158 Annual Report 1973 FC414 1972 Activates and Grants FC257 1974 Annual Report FC587 1973 Activities and Grants FC415 1974 Activities and Grants FC549 Sliemke (The Walter and Olive) Foundation 161 West Wisconsin Avenue. Suite 5146 Milwaukee. Wisconsin 53203 Toledo Community Foundatin Community Services Building Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1970 FC099 One Stranahan Square Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31. 1971 FC312 Toledo . Ohio 43604 Annual Report for the 'r.ear Ended December 31. 1972 FC313 1973 Annual Report Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31. 1973 FC549 FC414 Annual Report 1974 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1974 FC587 FC549

Stone (W. Clement and Jessie V.) Foundation Towsley (The Harry A. and Margaret D.) Foundation 11 East Wacker Drive . Suite 510 P. O. Box 12 Chicago. Illinois 60601 Ann Arbor, , Michigan 48107 Progress Report 1970 FC100 1974 Annual Report FC588 Progress Report 1971 FC157

, -. r:;t' :...5 Trexler Foundation 1227 Hamilton Street Strauss (Levi) Foundation Allentown , Pennsylvania 18105 Two Embarcarif:ro Center Report for 1966-1970 FC313 San FranciscoCalifornia 94106 A Report for the Five Year Period 1971-1975 and A Forty Year Renurt for the Year Ended December 31. 1973 FC414 Review FC588 Strong (Hattie M.) Foundation Cafritz BuildingSuite 409 Turrell Fund 1625 I Street , N.W. 15 South Munn Avenue Washington, D.C. 20006 East Orange , New Jersey 07018 Annual Report September 1969 - August 1970 FC100 Annual Report 1970 FC101 Annual Report September 1970 - August 1971 FC158 Annual Report 1971 FC158 Annual Report September 1971 - August 1972 FC205 Annual Report 1972 FC257 Annual Report 1973 Annual Report September 1972 - August 1973 FC371 FC415 Annual Report 1974 Annual Report September 1973 - August 1974 FC588 FC550 Annual Report September 1974 - August 1975 FC613 Twentieth Century Fund Inc. Surdna Foundation , Inc. 41 East 70th Street 200 Park Avenue New York , New York 10021 New York , New York 10017 Annual Report 1970 FC102 Report for the Ftscal Year July1, 1970 to ..lune 30. 1971 FC256 Annual Report 1971 FC159 Report for the Fiscal Year July1,1971 to June 30, 1972 FC257 Annual Report 1972 FC258 Report tor the Fiscal Year July1, 1972 to June 30, 1973 FC371 Annual Report 1973 FC372 Report for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974 FC487 Annual Report 1974 FC550 Report for the Fiscal Year July 1.1974 to June 30, 1975 FC613 Annual Report 1975 FC614


2 8 United States Steel Foundation , Inc. Watertown Foundation , Inc. 600 Grant Street 600 Woolworth Building Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15230 Watertown , New York 13601 Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ended November 30, 1970 FC102 7973 Annual Report FC443 Annual Report for Fiscal Y ear Ended November 30, 1971 FC159 Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ended November 30, 1972 FC206 Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ended November 30, 1973 FC416 Watson (The John Jay and Eliza Jane) Foundation Annual Report for Fiscal Year Ended November 30, 1974 FC550 507 Westminster Avenue Elizabeth , New Jersey 07208 Resume of Annual Report for the Year Ended Decernbtv 31, 1970 Upjohn (The Harold and Grace) Foundation FC103 American National Bank and Trust Company of Michigan P. 0. Box 2769 Resume of Annual Report for the Year g-nded December 31, 1971 Kalamazoo , Michigan 49003 FC160 Report for Year Ended December 31. 19/2 FC259 1974 Annual Report FC551 Report for Year Ended December 31, 1973 FC416 Report for Year Ended December 31, 197,1 FC553 Utica Foundation , Inc. 233 Genesee Street Utica New York 13501 Waxahachie Foundation , Inc. Annual Report 1971 FC178 Waxahachie , Texas 75165 Annual Report 1972 FC337 Annual Report 1974 FC589 Annual Report 1973 FC551 Annual Report 1975 FC614 Annual Report 1974 FC589 Weatherhead Foundation, The van Ameringen Foundation ,Inc. 509 Madison Avenue 420 Lexington Avenue New York , New York 10017 New York , New York 10002 Annual Report for the Year'1974 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1970 FD103 FC551 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 FC259 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1972 FC314 Vanguard Foundation Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31. 1973 FD416 3674 Sacramento Street San Francisco ,California 94118 Second Annual Rebort 1973 ttlpril 1stDecember 31st) FC552 Welcti (The Robert A.) Foundation 1974 FC552 2010 3ank of the Southwest Building Houston , Texas 77002 Victoria Foundation, Inc. Annual Report 1969-1970 FC 104-105 Two Russell Terrace Annual Report 1970-1971 FC161-162 Montclair , New Jersey 07042 Annual Report 1971-1972 FC260-261 Annual Report for the Year Ending December 31, 1970 FC102 Annual Report 1972-1973 FC373:1&2 Annual Report for the Year Ending December 31, 1971 FC159 Annual Report 1973-1974 FC488:1&2 Annual Report for the Year Ending December 31, 1972 FC258 Annual Report for ihe Year Ending December 31 1973 FC372 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research , Fifty Year Report 1974 FC552 Incorporated 14 East 71st Street vonHamm (Bernice and Conrad) Foundation New York , New York 10021 c/o Bishop Trust Company Limited Report fa the Fiscal Year February 1,1970 - January 31, 1971 P O. Box 2390 FC106-107 Honolulu , Hawaii 96804 Abridged Report for the Fiscal Year February 1, 1971 - January Report for Year Ended October 31, 1973 FC372 31, 1972 FC206 Report for Year Ended October 3 1, 1974 FC589 Report for the Fiscal Years February 1, 1971 -January 31, 1972; Report for Year Ended October 31. 1975 FC614 February 1, 1972 -January 31, 1973 FC 489:1-3 Report for the Fiscal Period February 1 December 31, 1973 Walker (Archie D. and Bertha H.) Foundation FC554:1&2 1121 Hennepin Avenue Report for the Fiscal Year January 1 December31, 1974 Minneapolis , Minnesota 55403 FC615:1&2 Five-Year Report Janualy 1, 1969 - December 31. 1973 FC442 Western New York Foundation, The Walker (T. B.) Foundation , Inc. Erie County Savings Bank Building , Suite 2300 1121 Hennepin Avenue Buffalo , New York 14202 Minneapolis. Minnesota 55403 1972 Annual Report FC314 Five-Year Report. January 1,1969 - December 31. 1973 FC443 1973 Annual Report FC417

Wallace-Eljabar Fund , Inc. 50 Evergreen Place Westinghouse Educational Foundation East Orange New Jersey 07018 Ardmore Boulevard and Brinton Road Annual Report -1970 FC103 PittcburghPennsylvania 15221 Annual Report - 1971 FC160 1971 Annual Report of the Trustees FC178 Annual Report1972 FC258 1972 Annual Report of the Trustees FC337 Annual Report - 1973 FC416 1973 Annual Report of the Trustees FC490 1974 Annual Report of the Trustees FC555 2 9

26 Weyerhaeuser Foundation ,Inc. Wilcox (G. N.) Trust 2100 First National Bank Building P. 0. Box 2390 St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Honolulu , Hawaii 96804 Report for The Years 1950 through 1970 FC108 Annual Report 1971 FC178 Report for January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1972 FC262 Annual Report 1972 FC315 Report for January 1, 1973 to December 31, 1973 FC417 Annual Report 1973 FC444 Report for January 1, 1974 to December 31, 1974 FC555 Annual Report 1974 FC557

Whitney Benefits, Inc. Wilder (Amherst H.) Foundation Whitney-YMCA Building 355 Washington Street Sheridan , Wyoming 82801 St. Paul , Minnesota 55102

Annual Report . . 1972 FC314 Annual Report 1971 FC110 Annual Report . 1973 FC556 1972 Annual Report FC206 Annual Report . 1974 FC556 1973 Annual Report FC374 1974 Annual Report FC490 Whitney (The Helen Hay) Foundation 1230 York Avenue Winchester Foundation , Inc. New York , Now York 10021 10 Light Street Ninth Report .`ci the Iwo Years July 1.1968 June 30, 1970 Baltimore , Maryland 21202 FC 109 1972 Annual ReportIon IRS Form 990-AR) FC315 Tenth Report ter the Years July 1, 1970- June 30. 1972 FC338 Eleventh Report lor the Years July 1, 1972- June 30.1974 FC616 Winston-Salem Fcundation, The 2230 Wachovia Building Whitney (John Hay) Foundation Winston-Salem , North Carolwia 27101 111 West 50th Street Retrospect 1970 FC110 New York , New York 10020 Annual Reporr 1971 FC178 Biennial Report for the Period July 1. 1970 -June 30, 2FC262 Annual Report 1972 FC263 Annual Report for the Period July 1, 1972 - June 30. 1973 FC417 Annual Report 1973 FC418 Annual Report for the Period July 1. 1973 - June 30. 1974 FC556 Annual Report 1974 FC558

Whitney (William C.) Foundation Witter (Dean) Foundation 20 Broad Street 57 Post Street , Suite 604 New vork . New York 10005 San Francisco , California 94104 Annual Report 1974 Twentieth Report. 1972 and 1973 FC418 FC558 Woods Charitable Fund, Inc. Wieboldt Foundation 332 South Michigan Avenue 11 South LaSalle Street , Room 801 Chicago .Illinois 60604 Chicago ,Illinois 60603 (additional office: 1400 M Street, Annual Report for theYear Ended December 31,1970 FC 110 Lincoln , Nebraska 68508) Annual Report for theYear Ended December 31,1971 FC163 A Report for the Years 1969 and 1970 FC111 Annual Report for theYear Ended December 31,1972 FC262 A Report for the Years 1971 & 1972 FC263 1973 Annual Report FC418 A Report for the Years 1973 & 1974 FC590 1974 Annual Report FC557 Zellerbach Family Fund, The Wilcox (Elsie H.) Foundation 260 California Street, Suite 1010 P. 0. Box 2390 San Francisco , California 94111 Honolulu Hawaii 96804 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1971 FC195 Annual Report 1972 FC315 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 19/2 FC263 Annual Report 1973 FC443 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1973 FC374 Annual Report 1974 FC557 Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 1974 FC558

3 0

27 A Cumulative Listing by Microfiche Number

Series 1 (FC001 - FC111) FC334-035Foid Foundation .1970 FC001 Agricultural Dirk elooment Council19;0 FC036 Fort Wayne Foundation .1970 Anderson (M DI Foundation1970 Foundations' Fund for 43ekearch vi Proichiatry .1971 Aron J ) Charitable Foundation1970 Fund for the City of New Yurk 1971 FC002 A ylociation ton the Aid of Crippled Children FC037 Gates Foundation. 1970 General Electric FoundaSOn, 1970 FC003 Astor (Vrncent) Foundation1970 General Mills Foundation. 1971 Atherton (F C ) Trust ,1970 Annerten (Juliette M Trust .1970 FC038 Gittord (Rosamond) Charitabie Corporation ,1955-1970 Gould (Edwin) Foundation ton Children 1970 FC004 Atlantic Richfield Foundation ,1970 Grand Rapids Foundation .1971 Aurora Foundation1970 Avon Founuation1971 FC039 Grant Foundation (Incorporated). 1970 Great Western United Foundation1970 FC005 Babcock (Mary Reynords) Foundation1970 Bethlehem Area Foundation1972 (June 3019 '1r FC040 Grotto Foundation1971 FC006 Biddle (Mary Dukel Foundation1956-1970 FC041-044 Guggenheim IJolin Simon) Memorial Foundation 1969-1970 FC007 Boettcher Foundation1970 FC045 Gund (George) Foundatioo1970 Brackenridge (George W ) Foundation1970 Haas Community Fund19.70 Haas (Paul and Mary) Foundation ,1970 FC008 Bridgeport Area Foundation). 1970 Buni Foundation. 1971 FC046 Harris Bank Foundation1970 Burroughs Wellcome Fund1971 Hartford Foundation tor Public C.ving1971 (1970) FC009 Bush Foundation. 1970 FC047 Hartford (John A ) Foundation. 1970 CNA Foundation. 1970 Hayden (Charles) Foundation ,1970 Catritz (Morns and Gwendolyn) Foundation1970 Hazen (Edward W.) Foundation1969-1970 Cambridge Foundation .1970 FC048 Heinz (Howard) Endowment .1963-1970 FC010-011Carnegie Corporation of NON York1970 Hering (Walter E I Foundation. 1970 FC012 Carnegie Endowment for internat)oral Peace. 1968-1970 FC049-050Hill (Louis W and Maud) ranly Foundation1971 FC013 Carnegie Foundation tor Advancement of Teachrno .1971 FC051 Hillman Foundation. 1970 Hoblitze)le Foundation1971 FC014 Carnegie Hero Fund Commission ,1970 Hood (Charles H ) FoundatiOn1971 (1970) Castle (Samuel N and Mary) Foungation1970 FC052 Houston Endowment . 1969-1970 FC015 Cnase Manhattan Bank Foundation, 1970 Hyde (Lillia Babbitt) Foundation, 1970 Chicago Community Trust .1970 Independence Foundation1970 FC016 China Medical Board of New Yon., 197 FC053 Indianapolis Foundation1970 Cincinnati Foundation. Greater. .1970 Inland Steel-Ryerson Fouodation1970 FC017 Cleveland Foundation ,1970 Irvine (James) Foundatron .1971 FC018 Collins Foundation .1970 FC054 JDR 3rd Fund ,1970 Collins (Joseph) Foundation1971 Johnson (Robert Wood) Foundation1970 Columbus Foundation .1970 Kalamazoo Foundation1970 FCC 19-020Commonwealth Fund. 1971 FC055 Karagheusian (Howard) Commemorative Corporation ,1970 Kellogg (W l

28 FC071 Mott ((Marlys Stewart) Foundation 1970 FC 110 Winboldt Foundation 1970 Nerninlr (AllrOd I 1070 &Pont Inslituto at The) Idn Wilder (Amherst H Foundation1971

FC072 Now Haven Foundation1970 Winston-Salem Foundation . 19/0

New World Foundation . 1970 FC 111 Woods Charitable Fund ,1969-1970 FC073 NOA York Commumty Trust191 (1970) Nowspapoi Fund ,1970 Norfolk Foundation1971 (1970) FC074 Noyes (Jessie Smith) Foundation1966_1970 Series 2 (FC112 - FC163) C;ty Community Foundation 1970 FC112 Olmsted (George) Foundation1910 Agricultural Development Council1971 Astor (Viiicent) roundation 19 /1 FC075 Atlanta Par k orsbom Community Foundation . 1971 Metropolitan Foundation of1972 (19,'1) Permanent Charity Fund. 1971 Pettanos (Charles E and Joy C ) Foundatirm. 1970 FC 113 Babcock (Mary Reynolds) Foundation .1971 Bridgeport Area Foundation. 1971 FC076 Philadelphia Foundation1968-1970 Cabot Foundation .1971 Phillips (Ellis LFoundat,on1971 Calder (Louis) Foundation1971 FC114-115 FC077 Picker (JameS) Foundation, 1971 Carnegie Corporation of New York 1971 PQrce (John B ) Foundation1970 FC 116 Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, 1971 FC078 Pitcairn-Crabbe Foundation ,1967-1970 Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation, 1971 Pittsburgh Foundation1970 FC117 Chicago Community Trust 1971 Prentiss (Elisabeth Se:mance) Foundation, 19.'1 119701 Cincinnati Foundation ,Greater ,1971 FC079 Public Welfare Foundation ,1970 Research Corporation .1970 FC 118 Cleveland Foundation ,1971 FC119 Collins Foundation , FC080-081 ResourCC:ss fOr the Future 1910 1971 Corning Glass Works Foundation. 1971 FC082 Rhode Island Foundation1970 Coshocton Foundation. 1971 R.cnardson (Smith) Foundation1970 FC120 Rchland County Frin of Mansfield. Ohm 1970 i19691 Cummins Engine Foundation. 1971 Cuno Foundation 1971 FC083 Rockefeller Brothers Fund1970 Dana (Char(es A ) Foundation1971 Davis (Arthur Virhng) Foundations, 1971

FC084-086Rockereiler Foundation . 1970 FC121 Dayton Hudson Foundation, 1972 FC087 Roothbert Fund 1971 DeWaters Charitable Trust ,1971

Rosenberg Foundatior. 1970 Dodge (Cleveland H ) Foundation, 1971 Rosenthal (Benl 1 Foundation. 1970 Dyer-Ives Foundation.1 971 El Pomar Foundation. 1971 FC088 Rubinstein (Helena) Foundation1971 S A H Foundation1970 FC122 Farm Foundation ,1972 Fels (Samuel S ) Fund ,1971 FC089-090 Sage iR,inselll Foundaton. 1970 FC 123-124Ford Foundation ,1971 FC091 Saint Paul Foundation, 1970

San Francisco Foundation. 1970 FC125 Gates Foundation. 1971 Santa Barbara Foundation 1970 General Electric Foundation. 1971

Great Western United Foundation, FC092 1971 Scaire (Sarah Mellon) Foundation1970 Haas Community Fund 1971 Schering Foundation .1970 FC 126 Harris Bank Foundation , FC093 1971 SV-thecl,2r (Edward 01 Educa'tional Foundation , 1970 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, 1972 11971) Sears-Roebuck Foundation, 1970 Hartford (John A ) Foundation ,1971 FCO94 Shell Companies Foundation1970 FC 127 Hillman Foundation ,1971 Silberman ILoiS and Samuel) Fund1970 Hood (Charles H.) Foundation ,1072 (1971)

Singer Company Foundation , 1970 Hull (Orson A ) & Minnie E Hull Educational Fdn, 1971 FC095 Sloan iAlfre.d P ) Foundation. 1970 FC128 Hyde (Lillia Babbitt) Foundation ,1971 Smith Chanties. Trustees of the1971 Independence Foundation ,1971 FC096 Irwin Union Foundation. 1971 SmithKline & French Foundation . 1970 Smithers (Christopher D.) Foundation . 1956-1970 FC129 JDR 3rd Fund ,1971 FC097 Southern Education Foundation ,1971 Johnson (Robert Wood) Foundation1971 Spartanburg County Foundation. 1970 FC 130 Kalamazoo Foundation ,1971 FC098 Spaulding-Potter Charitable Trusts1970 Kanawha Valley Foundation ,Greater, ,1971 Kansas City Association of Trusts & Fdns, 1970-71 FC 099 Spencer Foundation ,1971 FC131 Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation1970 Karagheusian (Howard) Commemorative Corporation, 1971 Kemper (James S ) Foundation , Sticfrnke (Walter and O); L.) Foundation1970 1971 FC132 FC 100 Stone IW Clement and Jessie V ) Foundation, 1970 Kettering (Charles F.) Foundation 1971 Strong (Hattie M.) Foundation ,1970 Kress (Samuel H ) Foundation ,1971 Syracuse and Onondaga County. Community Fdn of1971 FC133 Lilly Endowment .1971 FC101 Tinker Foundation ,1970 FC134 Lincoln Foundation. 1971 Turret! Fund, 1970 Lubrizol Foundation1971 FC 102 Twentieth Century Fund ,1970 FC135-136Macy (Josiah). Jr Foundation, 1971 united States Steel Foundation1970

Victoria Foundation , 1970 FC137 McBeath (Faye) Foundation. 1971 McCann Foundation. 1971 FC 103 Wailace.El(abar Fund , 1970 Mellon (A W Educational and Charitable Trust. 1971 Watson (John Jay and Eliza Jane) Foundation1970 Wealherhead Foundation. 1970 FC138 Mellon (Andrew W ) Foundation1971

FC104-105 Welch (Robert A ) Foundation, 1970 FC139 Melton (Richard King) Foundation ,1969-1971

FC 106-107 WennerGren Foundation for Anthropological Researcn1971 FC 140 Merck Company Foundation. 1971 Meyer (Eugene and Agnes E ) Foundation FC 108 Weyerhauser Foundation, 1950-1970 1971 FC 141 Moody Foundation. 1971 FC 109 Whitney (Heien Hay) Foundation1968-1970 New Haven Foundation, 1971

3 2

29 FC142 Newspaper Fund ,1071 Series 4 (FC179 Olmsted (George) rouodcoion1911 FC195) Pettinos (Charles E and Joy C Foundation 1971 FC179 Biddle (Mary Duke) Foundation, 19/1 Poughkeeosiu Area Fund ,1971 Blanchard Foundation ,1960- 1971 Buffalo Foundation , FC143 Prontiss (Elii:,ahoth Severance) Foundation1972 (1971) 1971 Public We i'oundation .1971 FC180 Riml Foundation ,1972 FC144 Resoarch Corporation 1971 FC181-182 Carnegie Corporation ol Now York1972 FC145 Reynolds (7 Smith) Foundation 1970-19 71 FC183-184 Comnionwealth Fund .1972 Rhode Island Foundation1971 FC185-186Danforth Foundation ,1972 FC146-148Rockefollor Foundation1971 FC187 Davis (Edwin W and Cathenne M Foundation1971 FC149 Roothbert Fund .1972 Donner (William H I Foundatiuo ,1971 Rosenberg Foundation ,I 971 Faith Foundation 1971 Foundations' Fund lor Research ,11 Psychiatry 11)3' FC150-151Sage (Russell) Foundation ,1971 FC188 Grant Foundation 1971 FC152 San Francisco Foundation 1971 Grotto Foundation ,1972 FC153 Scaito (Sarah Mellon) Foundation 1971 Hancock (Luke B ) Foundation .71-72 Scheming Foundation .1971 FC189 Hayden (Charles) Foundation .1071 FC154 Schlieder (Edward G I Educational Fnundation1971 Haydon (Char)os) Foundation1972 Singer )Inpany Foundation ,1971 (

Parkersburg Community Foundation . 1972 FC158 Strong (Hattie M I Foundation 1971 Tinker Foundation ,1971 FC193 Philadelphia Foundation1972 Turrell Fund ,1971 Pierce (John B ) Foundation. 1971 Raymond Foundation .1971 FC159 Twentieth Century Fund ,1971 Reid (Helen Dwight) Educational Foundation1970 United States Steel Foundation 1971 Victoria Foundation1971 FC194 Rockefeller Brothers Fund1971 Rockefeller Family Fund1970-71 FC160 Wallace-E(iabar Fund1971 Roderick Foundation1970 Watson (John Jay and Eliza Jane) Foundation 1971 FC195 Rubinstein (Helena) Foundation. 1972 FC161-162Welch (Robert A I Foundation1971 Schumann (Florence and John) Foundation ,1971 Zellerbach Family Fund .1971 FC163 Wieboldt Foundation 1971

Series 3 (FC164FC178) FC164 Association for the Aid of Crippled Children1972 Series 5 (FC196FC206) Atherton (F C ) Trust ,1971 FC196 Bethlenem Area Foundation .1973 (June 301972) Burroughs Wellcorne Fund1972 FC165 Atherton (Juliette M ) Trust .1971 Cabot (Godfrey L.) Charitable Trust1972 Boettcher Foundation ,1971 Cabot Foundation1972 FC166 Bush Foundation .1971 FC197 China Medical Board of New York .1972 Cambridge Foundation ,1971 Cooper Foundation [Texas]1971-1972 FC167 Castle (Samuel N and Mary) Foundation1971 FC198 Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation. 1971 Columbus Foundation 1971 Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation, 1972 FC168-169 Duke Endowment .1971 Dyer-Ives Foundation, 1972 El Pomar Foundation ,1972 FC170 Educational Facilities Laboratories1972 (1971) FC199 Ford (Edward E.) Foundation. 1972 FC171 Field Foundation1969-1971 Grand Rapids Foundation, 1972 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving ,1973 (1972) FC172 Field Foundation of Illinois1972 Frear (Mary D and Walter F ) Eleemosynary Trust1971 FC200 Hoblitzelle Foundation ,1972 General Mills Foundation ,1972 Hood (Charles H.) Foundation .1973 (1972) Kellogg (W (<.) Foundation. 1971 FC173 Gould (Edwin) Foundation for Children1971 Haas (Paul and Mary) Foundation 1971 FC201 Kellogg (W.K.) Foundation, 1972 Indianapolis Foundation. 1971 Kettering (Charles F.) Foundation1972 FC174 (

3 ,3

30 Series 6 (FC207 - FC263) FC24I Olmsted (George) Foundation ,I !I'll,'

Permanent ('!harity Fund . FC207 19/2 Agricultural Development Cimino( , 197 ' Prittilios (Chariot( E and Joy C ) Foundation197? American Foun(fation197i.? Astor (Vincent) Foundatun1972 FC242 Picker (James) Foundation ,197? Babcock (Mary Reynolds; Foundation 9,'? Prentiss (E(isabeth Severance) Foundation. 19;3 (19 /?) FC208 Flank of America Foundatuln . 197? FC243 Public Widfarn Foundation r (172

Biandin iChados K ) Foundation , 197? Pullman (Georg() M ) Educaliunal Fniindation1967 1972 Bridgeport Area Foundation 197? FC244-245 Burlington Northern Foundation 197? Resourcos for the Future . 1971

FC209 (lush Foundation, 1972 FC246-247 Resources for the Future , 19/2 Caider (Louis) Foundation197? FC248 Rhode Island Foundation1972 FC210 Repel (Fannie EFoundation Cahfornia Community Foundation. 197? 1972 Callaway Foundation ,1972 Roothbort Fund , 1973 Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation 19 Rosenberg Foundation ,1972 1-C249-250Sago (Russell) Foundation , FC211 Chicago Community Trust , 197? 1972

Cincinnati Foundation Greater , 197? FC251 Scaifo (Sarah Motion) Foundation, 19/2 FC212 Cleveland Foundation197? Schoinfold (Sy)via & Aaron) Foundation1955-1972 Schoring Foundation ,1972 FC213 Collins Foundation197? FC252 Columbus Foundation 1972 Schliodor (Edward G ) Educational Foundation, 1972

Schumann (Florence and John) Foundation, 1972 FC214 Council on Lbrary Rosources1972 Coweii H ) Foundation .1972 FC253 Shell Companies Foundation, 1972 Cummings (James H ) Foundation197? Singer Company Foundation1972 FC215 Dana (Charles A ) Foundation1972 FC254 Sloan (Alfred P ) Foundation1972 Smith Charities ,Trustees ot the , Davis (Arthur Vining) Foundations, 1972 1973 FC255 FC216 Donner William H ) Foundation1972 Smith Kline & French Foundation, 1972 Smithors (Christopher D ) Foundation Educational Facilities Laboratories , 1977 1972 FC217 Er Kon Education Foundation1972 FC256 Southern Education Foundation, 1972 Spartanburg County Foundation Fcrik (Maurice) Medical Fund . 1972 1972 Springs (Elliott White) Foundation1972 FC2t8 Farm Foundation1973 Surdna Foundation, 1971

FC219 Feic iSarniiej S ) Fund. 1972 FC257 Surdna Foundation. 1972 Tinker Foundation .1972 FC220-221Ford Foundation1972 1 urrell Fund . 1972 FC222 Fremont Area Foundation 1971 FC258 Twentieth Century Fund1972 Frueauff (Charles A ) Foundation1972 Victoria Foundation .1972 Fuld !Helene) Health Trust. '972 Wallace-Eliabar Fund , 1972 Fund for the City of New York1972

FC259 Watson (John Jay and Eliza Jane) Foundation, FC223 1972 Gates Foundation . 1972 Weatherhead Foundation1971 General Electric Foundation .1972

Gund (George) Foundation .197' FC260-261 Welch (Robert A.) Foundation, 1972 Haar, Community Fund ,1972 FC262 Weyerhaeuser Foundation .1972 FC224 Haas (Paul and Mary) Foundation1972 Whitney (John Hay) Foundation .1970-1972 Hartiord (John A ) Foundation ,1972 Wieboldt Foundation ,1972 Hyman Foundation1972 FC263 Winston-Salem Foundation . 1972 FC225 HO (Orson A ) & Minnie E Hull Educational Fdn 1972 Woods Charitable Fund1971-1972 Hyde (USG Babbitt( Foundation1972 Zellorbach Family Fund , 1972 independence Foundation .197? FC226 international Harvester Foundation1972

Irvine (James) Foundation. 1972 JDR 3rd Fund1972 Series 7 (FC264 - FC315) FC227 Jewett (George Frederick; Foundation1972 FC264 Akron Community Trust ,1973 Johnson (Robert Wood) Foundation. 1972 Alcoa Foundation ,1972 Amoco Foundation .1972 FC228 Justus (Samuel) Charitable Trust .1972 Karagheusian (Howard) Commernorat,,e Corporatwin1972 FC265 Aurora Foundation ,1971 Kemper (James SFoundation ,1972 Aurora Foundation ,1972 Avon Foundation . FC229 Lincoln Foundation1972 1972 Lubrizol Foundation ,1972 FC266 Avon Foundation. 1973 FC230-231Macy (Josia(r), Jr Foundation , Bean (F AFoundation ,1972 1972 Bodman Foundation, 1970-1972 FC232 Markle (John and Mary R Foundation1972 rC267 Boettcher Foundation McCann Foundation .1972 1972 Buffalo Foundation1972 FC233 McCormick (Robert R ) Trusts & Foundations 955-1971 FC268 Catritz (Morris and Gwendolyn) Foundation, 1971 FC234 Mellon !Andrew W ) Foundation1972 Cafritz (Morns and Gwendolyn) Foundation. 1972 Cambridge Foundation1972 FC235 Mellon (Richard King) Foundation .1972 FC269 Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching, 1972 FC236 Memorial Founntion Mr Jewish Culture .1971 Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, 1972 FC237 Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture1972 FC270 Chryslor Corporation Fund. 1972

Clark (Robert Ster)ing) Foundation, 1972 FC238 Meyer (Eugene and Agnes E ) Foundation. '972 Collins (Joseph) Foundation. 1972 Mti'haLlee Foundation 1972 FC271 Continental Corporation Foundation1972 FC239 New Haven Foundation1972 Cooke (Char)es M. and Anna C 1, Limited. 1972 Newspaper Fund 1972 Corning Glass Works Foundation1972 FC240 Noble (Samue( Roberts) Foundation1972 FC272 Cowles Charitable Trust1972 Okiahoma City Community Foundation1971 Cummings (James H Foundation1973 Oklahoma Cay Community Foundation1972 Cuno Foundation, 1972

3 4

31 1C273 (Edwin W iitsi Catherine M t11,1,1.11111) 19,',. FC3O8 Santo itartiitraI ounitation ,1911 DilyttIll 1.11i01111011111. Sonia Haiku] Foundation ,1972 011Mitol,, (,111401111 19 sirs Roebuck Foundation FC274 ()nolo (Closol,111d H 192 FC309 5oottiorn Education Foundation ,1973 DIwoll Foundation F/riscoll Fon initation 1973 FC310-311SoauldingiPottor Charitable Trusts .11.8,11 191,i FC275-276Dia 0 Endowment 1972 FC312 Spencer Foundation ,11)73 Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundatriln 19! 1 FC277 Larhart Foundation19/2 Stientke (Waltor an) Olean) I oundation 19 ,I1 1-aith Foundation 1912 viola Eoundation of Illinois 191.1 FC313 5tioiliko (Waltor and Olhol Foundatii iii 1912 Tait (Frank M ) Foundation 191.) FC278 Firestone Foundation19/2 Trexler Foundation1066-1070 ieischmann 1Mo,, C ) Foundation Frear (Mary I) and Walter F ) Eleemosynary 1 t'ist FP314 Weather head Foundation1972 Western New York Foundation19;7 FC279 Fresno Regional Foundation191? Whiti)oy Benefits1972 General Mills Foundation1973 Gentital Seriice Foundation ,19/2 FC315 Wilcox (Elsie H ) Foundation)11;(' Wilcox (O N ) Trost , FC280 Gould (Edwin) Foundation rot Children)191,' Winchnsier Foundation10/2 Greenville County Foundation1917 f.'itotto Foundation1973 Series 8 (FC316 - FC338) FC281 Gund (Geordel Foundation 197? 4Fdward w ) Fon Mahon .19 71 -1912 FC316 Atherton (F CTrust .1972 Heinz 0-(nyvard) Endowment1911 Atherton (Juliette M I Trust .197:1 Atlantic Richfield I mandator FC282 Hon: IHoNard) Endo,riment1972 FC317 Atlantic Richfield Foundation ,19/7 FC283-284HiliIMP!, W and Moudi Farnihi Ft-H.(1(1,8,ot: 1917 Bicknell Fund ,1972 ((rune; Foundation1968-1977 FC285 VV and Maud( Funnily i-ourldatton 191 t FC318 Carnegie Foundation tor Advancement ol ilioctitho19;3 FC286 ),onoywoll Foundahon ,19;2 Cary (Mai ir Flagler Charitable Triist1968-1913 ortrei Foundation I 972 Castle (Samuel N and Mary) Foundahno t Hoi.sten Endowment1971-'97? FC319 C hind Medical Board of New York 191 3 FC287 Hyams (Godfrey M Trust .1971 indianapo'is Foundation 1973 t /2) FC320-321Commonwealth Fund .1973 Inland Stnei.Ayersori Foundation!, 1971 FC322 Coshocton Foundation .1972 FC288 Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation1972 Cummins Engine Foundation .19/2 Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation .1971 FC323 Danforth Foundation ,1973 FC289 trwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation 1977 Jackson Foundation 1971 FC324 Douglas Aircraft Welfare Foundation ,1912 jennings (Martha Holden) Foundation 1971 Dyerdves Foundation), 1973 E ulnicational Foundation of America1972 FC290 Jennings (Martha Hoiden) Foundahon1972 Kalamazoo Foundation1972 FC325 Fleischmann (Man C ) Foundation,1973 Kennedy (Frederick J I Memorial Foundation .'969-12 Foundation for Child Developrreho'973 Fremont Area Foundation, 197, FC291 Kresge Foundation .1972 FC326 Grant Foundation1972 FC292 Lilly Endowment 1972 FC327-330 Guggenheim (John Simon) Memorial Foundation1911-191:3 FC293 Luce (Henry) Foundation .1972 Mellon (A W ) Educational and Charitable Trust 1972 FC331 Hayden (Charles) Foundation1973 Hoblazelle Foundation .1973 FC294 Merck Company Foundation ,1972 inane (James) Foundation1973 Minneapolis Foundation1972 Mohawk.Hudson Community Foundation 197? FC332 Kress (Samuel H Foundation ,1973 FC295 Moody Foundation ,1972 FC333 Markle (John and Mary R ) Foundation 1973 Morgan Guaranty Trust Co of N V Charitable "rust ,1972 FC334 MCBeath (Faye) Foundation ,1972 1972 Muskegon County Community Foundation . McClure (James G K I Educational & Dovel Fund ,1911 FC296 New Hampshire Charitable Fund & Affiliated Trusts19/2 Minneapolis Foundation ,1973 1970 New York Foundation FC335 Norfolk Foundation1973 ( t 972) 1973 FC297 New York FoundatiOn .1971 Parkersburg Community Fouldation Now York Foundation1972 Pet Milk Foundation1971 FC298 Philadelphia Foundation!973 FC336 Pet Mak Foundation1972 Pierce (John 9 1 Foundation .1972 Research Corporation .1972 FC299 Pittsburgh Foundation1972 FC337 Rubinstein (Helena) Foundation 1973 Poughkeepsie Area Fund ,1972 Utica Foundation .1972 Raymond Foundation1972 Westinghouse Educational Foundation1972 FC300 Reynolds (Z Smith) Foundation1972 FC338 Whitney (Helen Hay) Foundation , 1970-1977 Richardson (Smith) Foundation .1917 FC301-302Rockefeller Brothers Fund .1972 Series 9 (FC339 - FC374) FC303 Rockefeller Family Fund .1972 FC339 Akbar Fund ,1972 Amoco Foundation .1973 FC304-305Rockefeller Foundation1972 Baker (George F ) Trust 1971 306 Rosenthal (Ben1 I Foundation1971 FC340 Baner (George F I Trust ,1972 Rosenthal (Ben) I Foundation .1972 Bethlehem Area Foundation, 1974 (June 30 .1973) S & H Foundation .1971 Bicknell Fund ,1973 FC307 56 H Foundation ,1972 FC341 Biddle (Mary Duke) Foundation1972 Saint Paul Foundation 1971 Brackenridge (George W ) Foundation1973 O11 Foundation1972 Buhl Foundation1973

3 5

32 I'C342 Minnow,. We lminio, Series 10 (FC375 - FC418) L11,11,1,11110 Tried FC375 Agricultural 1.)evolooment Col lined19;1 Akbai Fund ,19/3 FC343 it.* liili, tnkt Clwendolyoloreritatioir 111' Akron (7ommunity trusts . 1111t1.1ill111 American Foundation19/3

f-C376 Associated Foundation of Greater I ono 19,13 VC:144182 (1inhordium tit NIIN VMS 1..1; 1 Ashy 1Vincont) Foundation197.3 r C345 3-tem 1 rind Commission Athirt ton 1.1ullotto MTrust l 9/3 y Trils1 11) '3 Aurora Foundation39;3 Urrairliors (Jessie Ann) C1IVINI:111111TIL1,1, FC377 lieottchor Foundation ,19/3 firidgeoort Area Foundation19;3 FC346 Chose Manhattan International Foundation19/3 Bulfalo Foundation ,19 Chicago Commonity Tflint ,1973 FC378 Burden (Florence V) Foundation1913 FC347 Clark (Robert Storting) Foundation 1973 flush Foundation1973 Council on Library Rewurces 19,11 FC379 California Community Foundation 973 FC348 DollingorrMCMahon Foundation 19,13 Fels (Samuel S ) Fund1913 FC380 Carnegie Endowment for Intc.rnalional rld Foundation191.19/3 C_'.3..;i(f) (Samuel N out Maly) Foundation19/3

FC349 Folger Fund19 FC381 Cincinnati FoundationGreater1913 FC350:18.2Ford Foundation1973 FC382 Cleveland Foundation 1973 FC383 FC351 Foundations' Fund for Rosearch in Psvoriatn, (9,13 Collins Foundation1973 Drand Rapids Foundation. 1973 Columbus Foundation19/3

Halsor! (Ewing) Foundation19/3 Cooke (Charlos NI ard Agna G , Unwo.1 19/13 Coshocton Foundation1973 FC352 H,Irtford Foundation tor Public &vino1974 (19;) 1 Hillman Foundation1973 FC384 Cummins Engine Foundation 1913 Howard and BuSh Foundation1912 Cuno Foundation Dana (Charles A I Foundation1972 FC353 International Harvester Foundaton, 193 Davis (Arthur Virsng) Foundaliuns1913 arinnson (Robert Wood) Foundation1972 FC385 Dodge (Cler,eland H Foundation 19,113 FC354 Kellogg (W K 11-rnindation 19 /3 Donner 3W,un H ) Foiindation /3 Kettering (Charles F ) Foundation19/3 FC386:18.2 Entiewhinit 1973 FC355 Link Foundation .19/3 FC387 1.0riise Foundation1972 Farm Foundation1914 ubrurol Foundation 197.3 Field Foundation of Illinois1914 Firestone Foondation, 1973 FC356 1_iicerra Fund1972 FC386 role (Edware E ) Foundation .1973 McClure (James G KEducational & Dr3,,er Fund19/2 Frear (Mary D h Walter F Mellon (Andrew W Foundation19;3 Eleenireiyriary Ir iii.1 Fresno Regional Foundation , 1973 FC357 Milbank Memorial Fund .1972 Fuld (Helene) Health Thnt1973 Milwaukee Foundation1973 FC389 Gates Foundation .1973 Mohawk-Hudson Community Fo Inrion 1(173 General Electric Foundation , 19/3

FC358 mnrehead (John Mnt)ey) Foundier dr 1973 Genera( Service Foundation , 19/3 Goldman (Horman) Foundation .1971-1974 FC359 Mott (Charles Stewart) Foundation . 1972 FC390 Greenville County Foundation 1973

FC360 New World Foundation 1971-1972 Hamilton Community Foundation, 1972 (1971) Hamilton Community Foundation. 1973 (1972) FC361 Hamilton Community Foundation1974 (19/3) New York Community Trust, Commune., Eunds , Inc 1972 Pardee (Elsa U ) Foundation ,1973 FC391 Hamman (Gecrge & Mary JOsePhee) Foundation1973 FC362 Penn (William) Foundation 1973 Harris Bank Foundation ,1972 Permanent Charity Fund .1973 Harns Bank Foundation1973 FC392 Hartford (John A.) Foundation FC363 Prentiss (Elisabeth Severance) Foundaton 1974 (19731 Heinz (Howard) Endowment ,1973 Public Welfare Foundation1973 Hyde (Loa Babbitt) Foundation1973 FC364 Research Corporation1973 FC193 INA Foundation1971 INA Foundation , 1972 FC365:182Resources for the Future1973 INA Foundation ,1973 FC366:182Rockefellor Foundation 1973 Independence Foundation. 1973 FC394 FC367 Rootnbed Fund1958-1973 Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation . 1973 Poothbert Fund 1974 Internatnonal Papor Company Foundation1973 Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation . 1973 FC368 Sage (Russell) Foundation ,1973 J NI Foundation1973 FC369 San Francisco Foundarron1973 FC395 Jackson Foundation .1972 Singer Company Foundation1973 Kaiser (Henry J ) Family Foundation. 1973 Kanawha Valley Foundation, Greater, 1973 FC370 Sloan (Alfred P ) Foundation1973 FC396 Kemper (James 5 I Foundation . 1973 FC371 Srnahers (Christopher D ) Foundation ,1973 Kerr Foundation1973 Strong (Hattie M ) Foundation 1973 FC397 Surdna Foundation. 1973 Kresge Foundation ,1973 Latham Fdn for Promotion of Humane Education 1971

FC372 Twentieth Century Fund1973 Latham Fcln. for Promotion of Humane Education, 1972 Victoria Foundation .1 973 FC398 Latham Fdn for Promotion of Humane Education , yonHamrn (Bernice and Conrad) Foundation1973 1973

FC399:182Macy (Josiah). Jr Foundation, 1973 FC373:18.2Welch (Robert A ) Foundation1973 FC400 McCann Foundation FC374 1973 Wilder (Amherst H Foundation1973 McGregor Fund ,1971-1973 Zellerbach Family Fund 1973 Mclnerny Foundation1973

3 6

3 3 IC401 Meilen (A W Itli(catineal Chantahie TriadIn,' I FC42:1 /ye( hie,.I thindatinn19;4 N,Iellon II ((chard Kohn I nundatne 1'11 I (1111(u II oundation ,19,3 itucational (iii tutu) itif Amenc,i I (3 FC402 ('.ontu.trryI u(indaEon

11.(1,10(11,1;iilit Alyir Iin (ellatinn 1.1:.1 FC424 I Poinar HP.4,1(1,11101, 111,1 1973 FC403 AltItlated on Education Foundation taniahhini Charitable Fund ii,, Foundation ,1973 No...113,0in 1,111141,0km 197 3 FC425 I V(IndII lint Pubhc lust, 1973 FC404 Foondation tor Child Dowlope inn!, 19,4 ^4(q((« ii ilovard .101(1) I )11j1))1)1tH)i)1)1:;, romont AM.) riltilldatli)11, L.)1.1,1)11)1,),1 ,,t1111)11,0) rc426 1-1111))11111 (Charles A I Foundation FC404A ',ie.+, Yon. rotailatIon 1 nia tl;,i FC427 Cilarll (OL1111),111(111(InClif 1.701.0001.11,':7 FC405 (llrieand (flenr()(0 Entinitatina1973 pelcee; (c(ariot; ( .111)1,10y C ) 111)01)1,0,w 1 FC4211 Groil0 1-01111(141krn, 19;4 iq1111i11)) lii L ) Fikinitation19,3 ll,erce licit))) R ) Foundation191a FC429:18,2Guggenheim IJotin Simon) Memorial Foundation

FC406 Pitt'itnagh E o((ndat(on 19(.:3 FC430 Gund IGoorgo) Foundation 1973 i(nnohkeephie Area Fund1973 331); (Paul and Mary) Foundalino19,3 ilaymond Foundation19:3 11,1.4,111011FOUndallon 19 t3

FC407 i1,0101,15 (2''faeitte Eoundat(o, /.1 FC431 Hohla.relle EoundatiOn .1974 Foundat(On 19% Hormel Foundation1973

Hull (Olson A ) & Minnie F Hull Educational F(In , 1973 FC438 ;Inckefell,-(r Eamly Itn'a"1111"(11ne1(dat(on!9!3 FC432 Irwin Union Foundation1972 la,,;(.111nOri) Tostarnentaiy 111,1 Irwin Union Foundation ,1973 Jennings (Martha Holden) Foundation19,3 FC409 Fia,1116(1-197:1 t Barbara I- oundiltion (3,-; FC433 Jerome Foundation ,1974 Jewett (Gowen Frodericl,) Foiindation1913 FC410 (Sarah( Found,itIor .1973 Kal,itna,,o() 1973 30110) Foonilation FC434 KarilqhfIllsian (Howard) COMMII)MOratlyll OurpriraHin1973

FC410A II,,11,rider (Edward G FdAcationat FounitatIon I FC435 Lilly Endowment ,1973 FC411 Foundation 1973 FC436 Lincoln Foundation1973 (Gardlner Howland) Foundation1973 Loutit Foundation1972-1973 SherwicIr Fund ,1 973 Luc() (Henry) Foundation 197.1 Skaggs IL J3119 Mary CFoundation19,3 FC437 Lucerna Fund .1973 FC412 Smith Chit rale;Trustees ot the ,19;4 Miller (Albert L & Louise B ) Foundation 1963 -7;1 SmithKime Foundation ,1973 Miller (Albert L & Louise B ) Foundation ,1973 Snartanburc County Foundation ,1973 Spencer Foundation1974 FC438 Minneapolis Foundation 1974 Morgan Guaranty Trust Co of N Y Charitable Trust 1973 FC413 Springs (Elliott White) Foundation .1973 Stanwood-C arnano Area Foundat,on, 1973 FC439 New York Community Trust ,1973 Stark Courty FaAndation1970-1972 Norman Foundation ,1970-1972 Steelcase Fouildation1973 FC440 Philadelphia Foundation ,1974 FC414 Steele (Harry G ) Foundation .1973 Pitcairn-Crabbe Foundation , 1971-1973 Stiemke (Walter and Olive) Foundation 913 Richardson (Smith) Foundation ,1973 Strauss (Levi) Foundation 1973 FC441 Riley (Mabel Louise) Charitable Trust .1974 Syracune and Onondaga County Community Fd iii. 1972 Rockefeller (Martha Baird) Fund for Music ,1969-1973 FC415 Syracuse and Onondaga County . Community Fdn Of ,1973 Rosenthal (Ben).) Foundation ,1973 Tait (Frank M ) Foundation1973 FC442 Rubinstein (Helena) Foundation1974 TvIk er Foundation ,1973 Southern Education Foundation1974 Tuirrei! Fund ,1973 Walker (Archie D and Bertha H ) Foundation , 1969-1973 FC416 United States Steel Foundation ,1973 FC443 Walker (T B ) Foundation , 1969-1973 wallace.Eliabar Fund1973 Watertown Foundation ,1973 Watson (John Jay and Eliza Jane) Foundation1973 Wilcox (Elsie H.) Foundation ,1973 Weatherhead Foundation 1973 FC444 Wilcox (G N.) Trust ,1973 FC417 Western New Yorl-: Foundation .1973 Weyerhaeuser Foundation1973 Whitney (John Hay) Foundation1973 Series 12 (FC445 - FC490) FC418 Whitney (William C.) Foundation ,1972-1973 Wieboldt Foundation .1973 FC445 Alcoa Foundation ,1973 Winston-Salem Foundation ,1973 Babcock (Mary Reynolds) Foundation1973-1974 Bethlehem Area Foundation ,1975 (June 30 ,1974) FC446 Biddle (Mary Duke) Foundation ,1973 Buhl Foundation ,1974 Burlington Northern Foundation1973 Series 11 (FC419 - FC444) FC447 Burlington Northern Foundation ,1974 FC419 Athwin Foundation ,1973 Burroughs Wellcome Fund ,1974 Bank of America Foundation1973 Bush Foundation1974 Bean (F A ) Foundation1973 FC448 Cabot Foundation , 1974 FC420 Birmingham Foundation , Greater. ,1973 Cabot (Godfrey L ) Charitable Trust1974 Blandin (Charles K ) Foundation, 1973 Calder (Louis) Foundation ,1974 Cafritz (Morns and Gwendolyn) Foundation 1974 FC449:182Carnegie Corporation of New York ,1974 FC421 Cambridge Foundation1973 FC450 Carnegie Hero Fund Commission 1974 Chrysler Corporation Fund ,1973 Chalmers (Jessie Ann) Charitable Trust .1974 Corning Glass Works Foundation ,1973 FC451 Chicago Community Trust ,1974 FC427 Council on Legal Ed for Professional Responsibility. 1971-72 Cummings (James H ) Foundation ,1974 FC452 China Medical Board of New York1974 Davis (Edwin W and Catherine M ) Foundation .1973 Clark (Edna McConnell) Foundation ,1974

34 37 FC453: ISO I I(4118:1K2Welch ()Iobert A II iiiindatien FC454 corpiir,14.,111419114141ilin 191 FC4119:1-3 (irqn(iln tie Antin«ioologicril I inserii ch (2,4909i.4114in foolilalqui19:4 111:173 CItIkt, Ili,Iili,c M ,111(1 ( IC490 VVostinghousii Iducational 1 out idation197.i IC455 (11,1';' *MI.'. I ,IIIIIII.111(1 Wililor I Anifiiii,4 4) Foundation ,94 Carucci, on I itirmy (Iii,aliricior. 19.4 4.444, 1' 44,11;4;14010 1741,41 14413 PC411414 [).ina 1(11,41110; /11otmda'Poi, 04 Serie., 13 (FC491 FC558) 1C451:182Hantoith I- C491 Aoriculturitl Do welopment Council1974 Allegan Foundation1914 FC458 1.).lyt4n Foundation 1973 Anienci-in Foundation. 10:4 new, re f iundalini,19:4 FC492 E)9111,914.4 McM,111,,, m41,141on 10,4 Anloco Foundation ,1014 Arca Foundation ,1974 FC459 kriratt 4:4,-lart,o9iidall9n19: I Astor (Vincent) Foundaton1974 Ay (Thin totillf/.111,11 13;4 rc493 Atnwin Foundation 194 FC460 rt,t/1,11,1r10,1, A1110) a Foundation .19:4 Rai nos Foundation .101:1 4'-C461 ,4,0(ii,'ori)dation ,19/.4 ma a ca.) fvfirdcri, rum)1973, 1"1;4 FC494 Barnes Foundation .1974 Eit!all (I' A ) Foundation .1974 FC462:182 1 ii) 4 ni 190'4 Bicknoll Fund ,19:4 FC463 1 cuibbibuir 1 Fund tor Research irr Pitvcriratiy 1914 FC495 Biddle (Mary Duke) Foundation19/4 19:4 Birmingham Foundation ,Creator10/4 4;1,4i4i1 (9; Rounaritron19/4 Blanchard Foundation 1974 FC464 -fao1irdiirij,itiiirdr P.,J4,44_c Going 19;4 FC496 Blandin (Charles K.) Foundation ,19/4 Ha", dun iCnarres) Foundation 1974 F3oottcher Foundation1974 Bridgeport Area Foundation ,1974 FC465 dod Maud( Family F'))und4tIon1974 FC497 California Community Foundation I 914 FC466 Haad iCnaues Fouirdation11)74 19731 (Cnarios H I roun)tailon 19,15 119:41 Cincinnati Foundation Greater19/4 9,i51 , Foundation1911 FC498 Ctoveland Foundation1974 FC467 iGnilfrey MI Trust'972-1911 FC499 Collins Foundation. 1974 rmorklaiu)n 1114 Columbus Foundation1974 Liall404-44 F0141(1,1404, 1974 Culpeper (Charles EFoundation1940-19/4 FC468 ird Fund10:3 rcsoo Cuno Foundation ,1974 : Pyl roLildation19:4 Davis (Arthur Vining) Foundations19/4 FC469 Founeatint"1973 Denver Foundation. 1974 kr(ilrcide 421 KFoundation 1974 FCSO1 Dodge (Cleveland H ) Foundation . 19/4 kerering IChar!r4,4F I POundariOn Dreyfus (Camille and Henry) Foundation197,1 FC470:182Kre,4144FoundatiOn. 1924-1974 FC502:182Duke Endowment ,1974 FC471 K res.; (Samuel H ) Foundation , 1974 FC503 Earhart Foundation ,1974 .a150m Ron tor Proninbon of Humane Education10:4 El Pomar Foundation1974 FC472 John and Mary R ) Foundation'974 Eleuthenan Mills-Hagley Foundation1974 FC504 Farm Foundation. 1975 FC473 IRoy and Eva) Roundation1972 Fels (Samuel S ) Fund 1974 Marl, (Roy and Eva) Foundation19:3 Mar1,4s1F4w and Eva) Foundation1974 FC505 Field Foundation of Illinois,1 975 FC474 Firestone Foundation , 1974 McBeath (Faye) Foundation , 1971 Folder Fund , McInr.r.,my Roundatiun .19:4 1974 FC506 Ford (Edward E ) Foundation1974 FC475 r4/1,4rnortAl'04.1r-44tat0n tor Jevosh Culbae1973 Foundation for child Development , 1975 FC476 Mlbani Memorial Rund .1973 Frear (Mary D and Walter F ) Eleemosynary Trust, 1974 FC477 1v1, Foundation ,1974 FC507 Frueauff (Charles AFoundation ,1974 Moody Foundation .1973 Fuld (Helene) Health Trust1974 Fund for New Jersey. 1974 FC478 Mott (Charles Stewart) Foundation1973 FC508 Gates Foundation ,1974 NOM(' (Ed Nard John) Foundation , 1973 General Electric Foundation, 1974 FC479 Noble (Samuel Roberts) Foundation'973 General Mils Foundation ,1974 Noble I Samuel Robe.ftS) Foundation1974 Norieik Foundation19)3 FC509 General Service Foundation ,1974 Goldman (Herman) Foundation ,1975 FC480 Pardee (Elsa U ) Foundation1974 Pari,ershurg Community Foundation1974 FC510 Grant Foundation , 1974 Permanent Cnarity Fund1974 Greenville County Foundation. 1974 FC481 Pf eider (Gustavus Louise) Research, Foundation1972-73 FC511 Guggenheim (Daniel and Florence) Foundation. 1924-1974 Public Welfare Foundation1974 Guggenheim (Harry Frank) Foundation. 1929-1974 FC482 Research Corporation1974 FC512 Hamilton Community Foundation. 1974 Harris Bank Foundation, 1974 FC483 Resources NJ,' the Future1974 Hartford Fdn for Public Giving ,1975 Yearbook (1974) FC484:182Rocketelier Brothers Foundation1973 FC513 Hartford (John A.) Foundation1974 FC485 Heinz (Howard) Endowment ,1974 Sage (Russell) Foundation1974 Hillman Founcation , 1974 FC486 Sari Francisco Foundation. 1974 FC514 Honeywell Foundation , 1974 Santa Barbara Foundation ,1974 Hormel Foundation ,1974 Scaife (Sarah) Foundation1974 Houston Endowment . 1973-1974 FC487 Skaggs (L J and Mary C ) Foundabon1974 FC515 Hull (Orson A.) 8 Minnie E Hull Educational Fdn , 1974 Smithers (Christopher D I Foundation 19,74 Hyde (Lillia Babbitt) Foundation1974 1974 Sordna Foundation Independence Foundation ,1974

3 8

35 FC516 )land lt,llyert.on 1 otiralation1.i, 4 ICSSO hew)) I111111, 19/4 HIntriationalliirve),lia iiindation 11174 I wenliiith Conlilly 1974 Intorriatianal Papiit Company I ound3t,),i) t)1111itil S1,1101.1'0011 , 1914 FC517 ii wiri!'iwt)eneyI'v1115)1 ountlafidd FC5f.)1 I Ityltin (I larold and Glace) 1 oundatiiiii 197)1 Irwin Union r Oundation19 ((tic), I oundation ,1973 van Amory loon Foundation1974 FC518 .:())) ird {alit) 11174 toorung), Magha tfoideni F oundation 1914 FC552 VairclUilf 11I oundatirrit191:1 Vanguard Foundation. 1914 FC519 Jewett iCeurde F reditrii:1)1 I oundation 1974 Vicloria Foundation1914 FC52O ..1060.din 1111)bert Won't) t'oundalion 11174 FC553 Watson ta0t111 Jay and f :lane] I oundaliiiii. 1974

Kao;er (11iiniy ) Foundation1914 FC521 FC554:18.2Wenn.): .Gron I oundation , Feb I 1).):31 , 197] Ka,ri Ct.(r thitth Trust1965- 97).) FC555 Westinghouse Educational Idiundation19/4 FC522 (Wilh,int F3 3 Jr Cnantablo f rust . Weyerhaeusei Foundation1974 Kenai, (Waharri F) 1. Jr Charitablo I rust 1914 Ki)rr roandatain. 1014 FC 556 Whitney Benefits1973 Whitney Benefits 1974 FC523 Kresge Foundation1914 Whitney (John Hay) Foundation1974 FC 524 1.11Iv Fildowinent .1974 FC 557 Wititiolilt Foundation 1974 19/4 FC525 uttri:oi Foundation1974 Wilcox Who H1 Foundation Wilcox 10 N ) Trust 1974 FC526:182Macy (Josiah)ar Foundati)n1914 FC558 Winston-Salem )'oundation1914 FC 527 Mddealh irayiii Foundation1974 1.A/01r tDOarr1 rodildatiOn1974 McCann Foundation 1974 ifellerhach Family Fund ,19,1. McClure (..),Irnos G KEafocational and Devei Fund 9 FC528 Mellon (A W Educationai ,ind Charitable Trust1914 Series 14 (FC559 - FC590) FC529 Mimi) (Androw W ) Foundation1974 FC559 Atherton IF C I Trust1973 Atherton (F C I Trust 1914 Memorial Foundation tor Jewish Culture1974 FC530 Atherton (Juliette M ) Trust1974 Foundation. 1014 FC531 Meyer (Fut-woe and Agnes E FC560 Atlantic Richfield Foundation19/4 '),lohawk.Hudson Community Foundation1974 Flayrd (Adelaide Breed) Foi inflation197?-1914 Monticello College Foundation1974 Buffalo Foundation ,1974 FC532 1 974 Morehead (JOnn Motley) Foundation FC561 f3uhl Foundation .1975 FC533 Morgan Guaranty TruSI Co of N Y Charitable Trust1914 Burden (Florence V ) Founda)ion, 19/4 M,Isi orlon County Community Fokindation1973 Callaway Foundation, 1974 NON H:ltrOgirilar Charitable Fund & Aftihated Trusts1974 FC562 Castle (Samue( N and Mary) Foundation1074 FC534 New Haven Foundation1914 Collins (Joseph) Foundation1973 NoW YOH. Foundation .1974 Collins (Joseph) Foundation 1974 FC535 New Vert). Fund for Crudren1941)-1973 FC563 Collins (Joseph) Foundation1975 FC 536 Northwest Area Foundation 1975 FC564:182Commonwealth Fund ,1975 FC537 Noyes (Jessie. Smith) Foundation ,1971-1974 FC565 Council on Legal Ed fnr Professional Responsibility ,19/3-14 Oilan(rma City COMmunity Foundation1974 Cummings (James H (Foundation19/5 FC 538 Penn (William) Foundation1974 FC566 Cummins Engine Foundation ,1974 Pet Mill) Foundation1973 Dayton Foundation ,1974 Phiilips (Ellis L ) Foundation1974 Donner (William H ) Foundation1974 FC 539 Pittsburgh Foundation 1974 FC567 Dyer)ves Foundation ,1975 Poughl.eepsie Area Fund1974 Fleischmann (Max C ) Foundation 1974 Ofia,)er Oats Foundation1973 Gates Foundation1974 FC 540 Raymond Foundation .1974 FC568 General Mills Foundation .1975 Reynolds (2 Smith) Foundation1974 Grotto Foundation ,1975 Rhode Island Foundation ,1974 Gund (George) Foundation ,1974 FC541 Rippe] (Fannie E ) Foundation1973 FC569 Haas (Paul and Mary) Foundation ,1974 Rippel (Fannie E ) Foundation1974 Hancock (Luke B ) Foundation . 1973-1975 FC542 Rockefeller Brothers Fund 1974 FC570 Hawaiian Foundation , 1974 Hoblitzelle Foundation1975 FC543 Rockefeller Family Fund1974 Hull (Orson A ) and Minnie E Hull Educational Fdn .1975 Roothber1 Fund ,1975 Riissell (Sophie) Testamentary Trust1975 FC571 Hyams (Godfrey M ) Trust ,1975 (1974) Indianapolis Foundation. 1975 (1974) FC 544 S&H Foundation ,1974 Jackson Foundation ,1974 Salem Community Foundation , 1973 Salem Community Foundation1974 FC572 Jerome Foundation ,1975 ,Calamazoo Foundation1974 (1925-1974) FC545 Schlieder (Edward G ) Educational Foundation1974 Schumann (Florence and John) Foundation .1974 FC573 Karagheusian (Howard) Commemorative Corporation1974 Scranton Area Foundation ,1954-1974 Kazanpan (Calvin K ) Economiu Foundation1947-72 Knight Foundation ,1975 (1974) FC 546 Shaw (Gardner Howland) Foundation1974 Singer Company Foundation 1974 FC574 Kress (Samuel H ) Foundation ,1975 Lincoln Foundation ,1974 FC 547 Sloan (Alfred P ) Foundation1974 Luce (Henry) Foundation .1974-75 (1974) Smith Charities. Trustees of the1975 FC575 McClure (James G K Educ and Devel Fund1974-75 (1974) FC 548 Spartanburg County Foundation1974 McGregor Fund, 1974-1975 Springs (Elliott White) Foundation ,1974 McKnight Foundation, 1953-1974 Steelcase Foundation 1974 FC576 Mellon (Richard King) Foundation, 1974 FC 549 Tinker Foundation . 1974 Toledo Community Foundation , 1973 FC577 Merck Company Foundation ,1974 Toledo Community Foundation ,1974 Milbank Memorial Fund , 1974

3 9

36 1-CV11 f,,,,1),)1,10)11 ), I OW' I.1h) ),1 I C11111 A0111,11 ti.%10,001. 1'1,1 Ion 14'4,04 en 14 4414441.0 4444 1 9, 41 I 11,100II, I 1.1,10,0101 FC119 111111 Cor,1)1),)11, 10.1 .11 1100,0 N.-a Vt,,tr 2 l,ll,ol. I It.',1 ( 1,0* in,,f. .1011110 I m11,1,11,,,) 111.1..,11!11.111111111o,,offalfor. FCS80 1,1 !'41,.4.,11,11111I 1,.1 FC.ow I dean/ 1O4144444144e4 1'14'4 FC581 11 rt1111111,,111,/ I.,,,,,1,11,11 1,1 1 (1ii)() 11,Wfof It !01,110,11mo 1175 i,1,11,i,1011,1,0 I 17k1011,1Ikl, fIfofIf'f Mf Mff fo I oorld,11,r, FC5112 ,t Hlt.1 (kwk1,011, Int .111oi ),Il .f,' '110 Hrtf..or o14141,1hor, 1'1;4 11,0%01,1'1AI I . I ,Itfoldtorf", 1974 1 l'oo or I tionfl.kfoff FC583-1- 3 ;lock off ,lorI11,11111.111w, 19:4 97' C,i,t11 .of F.C.:(102 1011. 16latfrict9 Mofliool $ ood"W.))'PO olow I find 111;!, FC584 ciioill I ,00.1411off,'offd for 110.,...ircfl .r, vtp,(11,111t,))),)) F-C603 o.ofont AroofItj011,1I,01, Ill ';cf,..r.offound.11,.$0194 41,1o,f1., FC585 l'C60411-3 , M.,,,,1:01011111.0,, '914 Corf11).1, i'ounclafior, +ft i FCIi05 01,10o 1 ,1,,,floo IC.1491,,I I FC586 liff1f1.1,,fn149, f ffIII II,f,,orfot off191. )4,411144w F414447,4144.4444 mil,11,V,H)f) FC606 (,),11r10`,11.0111111,1T1111, FC587 ,j,r1.0, oliF1,1,11.11, 'Itook. 1/-1,1,v 1914 IW l ) I01)))10.110)1r1 1'l,11/ -I, .01 V(1;11111,,,!

10607 11,11.1,, 111,/,!1,,im Ft 1 if , FC588 'Orow; (1.-4,vt,o Iv1 rotim1.1,,m1 9,'A 1..1)))11'10(1 (Chdrit))) I)70)))))))111,1)) 0-4,trr9 A .1,111 Mirff,trI,1 (,)I f,,,,141,., f M)))))))))))1 [-)1,1)11,11)(Ily 1).1).1 II FC6OR (A110.0 L,frld(mow 141 Cola,1.111.11 ! f..1(4 FC589 L.11,C.14790'd.ffron, 1974 Montfrollo GoIlogo 1,101,0,11,w, ,of9-4,4orr ,Born,co If-1,°'- C:ocr af1) 1,1,1110 ),.. 4o IS,1fofafl 41obo01414. m111,1,0.11, f.14..lnalTh,o ro4inda1)44,'9;4 FCt209 Norlrf14, FollOdation19,4 FC59O (1,, Ch.if ,1

FC592 18 2 Bozed of Dreclon; of C.ty .14444414; . 44' Ph la '974 Santa Barbaro Foun1lat4on 19714 .1-314aoO4 II. J and Mary C I non414144on FC593 23,,,rroughs Wehcorrf rood 4.975 ( ,11)01 Poondaflon1975 FC613 Steolcaw FoundatIon. 114714 C. IG0,14,0y 0Char1at'11: Tr, 19.' Strom) (Hatt4o 61 f Foundaton 1417"4 Sordna Foundat4on1975 FC594 Ca'rtz 'Morr41-4 and Gevondolyof P0,,off.1t,o0 1975 Calder fLoolof POunriaf,orf1975 FC614 TNeolieth Century Fund1975 Cie-Q-4,4Mo Pnundaltnn197:: of-WHamm IB,91)4co and Con,a414 Fon04241140n. 197`4 FC595:18 2Carrw,q.o Corporawn 01194,44, Yor. Wa,ahach4o Poun(1alon 11)14; FC615:18 2 FC596 Carneq4e On4,000hon 'Or Ad.ancerhent of 74,411414,4 Wonnor-Gron Fonndaton for AnIhr000loqcal riO4;44arch, '91 1 '2.1r,of-po co,ndatOfl !or 4 d..ancerr1 of 'o4ch,n9 975 FC616 Wnoney (Helen Hay) Founda14on1972-1974

4 0

37 THEFOUNDATIONCENTER What the Center Is and Washington, D.C. and the national and regional collections are open to any- The Foundation Center is an indepen- one seeking information about founda- dent, nonprofit organization that gathers, tions. Visitors may consult the published analyzes, and disseminates factual infor- sources and film records, make their own mation on philanthropic foundations. At photocopies and duplicated film records, its headquarters in New York the staff and request help from the reference staff. gathers information from governmental records, foundation reports and other The Foundation Center's Publications sources for the Center's computerized data bank. The Center offers comprehen- All publications are available for con- sive, current information through printed sultation at the Center's libraries and publications, microfiche, and public regional collections. reference collections. The New York and The Foundation Directory,Edition5. Washington, D.C. libraries contain broad Marianna 0. Lewis, editor. Introduction national collections of material and offer by Thomas R. Buckman,1975. 540p. 15 the assistance of staff specialists. The tables. Four semiannual supplements. The Center also has regional collections in standard reference guide to the field. public, academic, and foundation (Distributed by Columbia University librares throughout the country. Press,136South Broadway, Irvington, The Center's main libraries in New York New York10533).


4 1

38 The Foundation Center Source Book. fiche card includes grant records inone Terry-Diane Beck and Alexis Teitz field and an alphabetical index of foun- Gersumky, editors. Volume 1, 1975. dation names. (Price list and order form 1034p. Volume 2, 1976. 1316p. Profiles available from The Foundation Center). of major national and regionai grant- making foundations, with detailed state- About Foundations: How to Find the ments of policies, programs, application Facts You Need to Get a Grant, by Judith procedures, and comprehensive listings of B. Margolin, 1975. Explains how touse grants. (Distributed by Columbia Univer- information on foundations. (Available sity Press, 136 South Broadway, Irving- from The Foundation Center). ton, New York 10533). Pamphlets The Foundation Grants Index. Bimonth- ly listing included as a separate section of (One to five copies free; for sixor more Foundation News. Detailed information copies request price and cost for mailing) about currently reported foundation grants of $5,000 or more. Periodical pub- What Makes a Good Propo4ial? by F. lished by the Council on Foundations, Lee Jacquette and Barbara L. Jacquette. 8p. Inc., 888 Seventh Avenue, New York 10019. What Will a Foundation Look for When You Submit a Grant Proposal? by Robert The Foundation. Grants Index. Annual A. Mayer, 8p. volume. Lee Noe, grants editor. Cumula- tion of bimonthly indexes published each Philanthropy in the United States:. year in July. Detailed summary of 10,000 History and Structure by F. Emerson grants made by about 300 major founda- Andrews. 48p. bibliog. tions. (Distributed by Columbia Univer- For more information about the Cen- sity Press, 136 South Broadway, Irving- ter's publications or services writeor ton, New York 10533). phone: The Foundation Grants Index: Subjects The Foundation Center (microfiche). Annual. Detailed informa- 888 Seventh Avenue tion about grants made during theyear New York 10019 in broad fields of interest. Each micro- (212) 489-8610

4 2

39 National Collections

The Foundation Center The Foundation Center Donors ForL -n 888 Seventh Avenue 100; Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 208 South LtSalle.Street New York, New York 10019 Washington, D.C. 20036 Chicago, Illinois 60604 Regional Collections Geographical Coverage ALABAMA KANSAS Birmingham Public Library Alabama Topeka Public Library Kansas 2020 Seventh Ave., North Adult Services Department Birmingham :15203 1515 West Tenth Street Topeka 66604 ARKANSAS Little Rock Public Library Arkansas KENTUCKY Reference Department Louisville Free Public Kentucky 700 Louisiana Street Library Little Rock 72201 Fourth and York Streets Louisville 40203 CALIFORNIA University Research Arizona, California. Colo- Library rado. Nevada. Utah LOUISIANA Reference Department New Orleans Public Library Louisiana University of California Business and Science Division Los Angeles 90024 219 Loyola Avenue New Orleans 70140 San Francisco Public Alaska, California. Colo- Library rado, Hawaii, Idaho, MAINE Business Branch Montana. Nevada, Oregon. University of Maine at Maine 530 Kearny Street Utah, Washington, PortlandGorham San Francisco 94108 Wyoming Center for Research and Advanced Study COLORADO 246 Derring Avenue Denver Public Library Colorado Portland 04102 Sociology Division 1357 Broadway Denver 80203 MARYLAND Enoch Pratt Free Library Maryland CONNECTICUT Social Science and History Hartford Public Library Connecticut. Department Reference Department Massachusetts, 400 Cathedral Street 500 Main Street Rhode Island Baltimore 21201 Hartford 06103 MASSACHUSETTS FLORIDA Associated Foundation of Connecticut. Jacksonville Public Library Florida Greater Boston Massachusetts Business, Science, and Industry One Boston Place, Suite 948 Department Boston 02108 122 North Ocean Street Jacksonville 32202 Boston Public Library Connecticut, Maine, Copley Square Massachusetts. New Hamp- Miami-Dade Public Library Florida Boston 02117 shire, Rhode Island. Florida Collection Vermont One Biscayne Boulevard Miami 33132 MICHIGAN GEORGIA Henry Ford Centennial Michigan Atlanta Public Library Florida, Georgia, South Library 126 Carnegie Way. N.W. Carolina, Tennessee 15301 Michigan Avenue Atlanta 30303 Dearborn 48126 HAWAII Grand Rapids Public Michigan Thomas Hale Hamilton California, Hawaii, Library Library Oregon, Washington Sociology and Education Humanities andSocial Sciences Department Division Library Plaza 2550 The Mall Grand Rapids 49502 Honolulu 96822 MINNESOTA INDIANA Minneapolis Public Library /owa, Minnesota, IndianapolisMarion Indiana Sociology Department North Dakota, County Public Library 300 Nicollet Mal: South Dakota 40 East St. Clair Street Minneapolis 55401 Indianapolis 42604 MISSISSIPPI IOWA Jackson Metropolitan Mississippi Des Moines Public Library Iowa Library 100 Locust Street 301 North State Street Des Moines 50309 Jackson 39201 4 3

40 MISSOURI RHDDE ISLAND Kansas City Public Library Kansas. Missouri Providence Public Library Rhode Island 311 East 12th Street Reference Department Kansas City 64106 150 Empire Street The Danforth Foundation Illinois, Providence 02903 Library Missouri 222 South Central Avenue SOUTH CARDLINA St. Louis 63105 South Carolina State South Carolina Library MONTANA Readers Services Department Eastern Montana College Montana 1500 Senate Street Library Columbia 29211 Reference Department Billings 59101 TENNESSEE Memphis Public Library Tennessee NEBRASKA 1850 Peabody Avenue Omaha Public Library Nebraska Memphis 38104 1823 Harney Street Omaha 68102 TEXAS The Hogg Foundation for Arkansas, Louisiana, New NEW HAMPSHIRE Mental Health The New Hampshire New Hampshire Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Charitable Fund The University of Texas One South Street Austin 78712 Concord 03301 Dallas Public Library Texas History and Social Sciences NEW JERSEY Division New Jersey State Library New Jersey 1954 Commerce Street Reference Section Dallas 75201 185 West State Street Trenton 08625 UTAH NEW YORK Salt Lake City Public Utah New York State Library New York Library State Education Department Information and Adult Services Education Building 209 East Fifth Street Albany 12224 Salt Lake City 84111 VERMONT Buffalo and Erie County New York State of Vermont Depart- New Hampshire, Vermont Public Library ment of Libraries Lafayette Square Reference Services Unit Buffalo 14203 111 State Street Montpelier 05602 Levittown Public Library New York Reference Department VIRGINIA One Bluegrass Lane Richmond Public Library Virginia Levittown 11756 Business, Science, & Technology Department Rochester Public Library New York 101 East Franklin Street Business and Social Sciences Richmond 23219 Division 115 South Avenue WASHINGTON Rochester 14604 Seattle Public Library Washington 1000 Fourth Avenue NORTH CAROLINA Seattle 98104 William R. Perkins Library North Carolina Duke University WEST VIRGINIA Durham 27706 Kanawha County Public West Virginia OHIO Library The Cleveland Foundation Ohio 123 Capitol Street Library Charleston 25301 700 National City Bank Building Cleveland 44114 WISCONSIN Marquette University Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, OKLAHOMA Memorial Library Michigan, Minnesota, Dklahoma City Community Ok/ahoma 1415 West Wisconsin Ave. Ohio, Wisconsin Foundation Milwaukee 53233 1300 North Broadway Oklahoma City 73103 WYOMING Laramie County Com- Wyoming OREGON munity College Library Library Association of Alaska, California, 1400 East College Drive Portland Hawaii, Oregon, Cheyenne 82001 Education and Psychology Washington Department PUERTO RICO 801 S.W. Tenth Avenue Consumer Education and Selected foundations Portland 97205 Service Center Department of Consumer Affairs PENNSYLVANIA Minillas Central Government The Free Library of Delaware, New Jersey, Building North Philadelphia Pennsylvania Santurce 00908 Logan Square Philadelphia 19103 MEXICO Biblioteca Benjamin Se/ected foundations Hillman Library Pennsylvania Franklin University of Pittsburgh Londres 16 Pittsburgh 15213 Mexico 6, D.F.

4 4

41 THE FOUNDATION CENTER ASSOCIATES PROGRAM $150 Annual Fee For individuals and organizations in written requests for general informa- the fund-raising community who need tion on foundations. No charge. frequent access to the best foundation 3) Copying Servicesphotocopies from information services tailored to meet their foundation annual reports, grant lists, special requirements and performed by news releases and clippings, as well as full-time staff specialists, The Foundation aperture cards containing Forms Center offers an Associates Program. 990-PF and 990-AR (information re- Services include: turns filed by private foundations with the Internal Revenue Service). 900 for 1) Telephone Reference Serviceim- the first card or page, 450 for each mediate answers to your brief "look- additional card or page; data sheets up" questions about foundations $4 each. through private unlisted telephone 4) Custom Searchesfrorn The Founda- lines. No charge. tion Grants Index Data sank, includ- 2) Mail Serviceprompt individual re- ing the most recent available informa- sponses from the Center's staff to your tion on grants of $5,000 or more. $30

F-e* -citts"



ME: I CO21119312512031103$71R,

4 5

42 for the first 50 grant records; 300 for from The Foundation Center Na- each additional grant record. tional Data Bank, including brief fiscal from The Foundation Directory, profiles of all 25,000 foundations taken Edition 5 Data Bank, including de- from Internal Revenue Service infor- tailed information on the top 2,500 mation returns. $85 per hour; mini- foundations with assets of $1 million mum charge of $45. or more. This file is maintained as a 5) Library Research Servicefactual re- permanent computer record and is search relating to foundations per- continuously updated by the Center's formed for Associates by our profes- staff. $85 per hour, minimum charge sional staff. $20 per hour. of $45 (average search estimated at $45-$75)

The above services are available only to As- Private foundations are not eligible to become sociates. However, anyone who visits the Center's Associates. They may, however, use the Center's New York and Washington, D.C. libraries-or co- services on an established fee basis or without operating regional collections may consult all of charge if they are substantial contributors to the the published sources and film records without Center. charge. Visitors to the New York and Washing- For further details on The Foundation Center ton, D.C. libraries may purchase photocopies or Associates Program, write to: duplicated film records to take with them. Some Associates Program regional collections also offer photocopy service The Foundation Center to users who appear in person..Reference staff 888 Seventh Avenue are available to assist visitors. Further informa- New York, New York 10019 tion on services offered the general public through Telephone: (212) 489-8610 the libraries and regional collections of The Foun- dation Center is available upon request.



Annual Reporta printed report distributed highest paid employees, capital gains or by a foundation which usually includes a losses on investments, and other financial list of officers and staff, a statement of details relating to the foundation's opera- program interests, a complete list of grants tions. awarded during the period covered, a financial statement, and, in some cases, FoundationThe Foundation Directory, preferred application procedures. Edition 5 defines a foundation as a "non- governmental, nonprofit organization, Aperture Carda conventional tabulator with funds and program managed by its card which contains a "window" in which own trustees or directors, and established film is mounted. The aperture card may to maintain or aid social, educational, be key-punched to permit mechanical charitable, religious, or other activities retrieval. serving the common welfare, primarily Computerized Data Bankinformation through the making of grants. Both stored in a computer which is capable of charitable trusts and corporations are being selectively accessed and manipulated. included." Duplicated Aperture Cardthe end result Grant Recorda full description of a of card-to-card duplication, a process foundation grant which has been awarded that will reproduce the film record con- or authorized. Each grant record includes tained in an aperture card. foundation name and state location, the Form 990-AR (Annual Report)required amount authorized, and recipient name to be filed together with Form 990-PF by and city and state location. Usually, there every organization which is a private is additional information provided out- foundation. It provides information on lining the specific purposes for which the "managers" (officers and trustees or grant was made. directors), assets, and grants paid and/or committed for future payment. It must IRS Private Foundation ReturnsForms be made available for inspection by any 990-PF and 990-AR defined above. citizen during regular business hours at the principal office of the foundation for Keywordsthe most informative words 180 days after publication of notice of in a title or document (in this case, a grant its availability in a local newspaper of record) which describe the content of general circulation. that document; the significant words. Form 990-PF (Private Foundation)re- Microfichesheet of film, usually 4" x 6", quired to be filed by all organizations containing multiple micro-images in a that are exempt from income tax under grid pattern. Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and have the status of "private Microfilma film often in the form of a foundation." It provides fiscal details on strip 16 millimeters or 35 millimeters receipts and expenditures, cornpensa- wide containing an image greatly reduced tion of officers, trustees or directors, and in size from the original.

4 7 44 National Collectiona collection of foun- Regional Collectiona collection of foun- dation information including aperture dation information housed in a public, cards containing information returns for academic, or foundation library which foundations in all 50 states and multiple has agreed to cooperate with The Foun- copies of Foundation Center publications dation Center. The relationship between as well as an extensive collection of The Foundation Center and its regional reference books and periodicals relating collections is voluntary. Regional collec- to philanthropy. tions contain the following information: Photo Copy/Hard Copya reproduced at least one copy of each of the printed paper copy made from microfilm or from and microform publications of The Foun- a paper original. dation Center, foundation annual reports on film, aperture cards containing infor- Readersequipment capable of enlarging mation returns for the foundations in the micro-images to a size that can be read state in which the regional collection is with the naked eye. The imagesare located (and sometimes in neighboring projected on a groundalass screen. states) and copies of the booklets, Reader-Printerequipment that in addi- brochures, and order forms of The Foun- tion to enlarging micro-images to readable dation Center. Regional Collectionsare size can also make paper copies of open to all without charge. Ordinarily no selected images. appointment is necessary. A list of Foundation Center regional collections follows.

4 8

45 ANflJAL RE 1970-1975

This booklet serves as an index for Foundation Annual Reports,Series 1 through 15. It is supplied free of charge with the purchase of one or more of the followingseries, and is also available separate- ly at $2.00. Series Number of Reports Fiche Number Date Price per Series 1 198 F0001-111 1970 $56.00 2 96 FC112-163 Oct. 1972 26.00 3 32 FC164-178 Jan. 1973 8.00 4 33 FC179-195 Apr. 1973 9.00 5 33 FC196-206 Jul. 1973 6.00 6 113 FC207-263 Oct. 1973 29.00 7 111 FC264-315 Jan. 1974 26.00 8 39 FC316-338 Apr. 1974 12.00 9 73 FC339-374 JuL 1974 20.00 10 129 F0375-418 Oct. 1974 24.00 11 62 FC419i444 Jan. 1975 14.00 12 90 FC445-490 July 1975 27.00 13 155 FC491-558 Sept. 1975 36.00 14 76 FC559-590 Jan. 1976 18.00 15 62 FC591-616 Apr. 1976 16.00 Individual reports are available at $2.00 per fiche.

Please send me the following Series of Foundation Annual Reportson Film: Series 1[ 1 Series 4 [ I Series 7 [ Series 10 [ 1 Series 13 [ J Series 2 [ Series 5 ( Series 8 ( Series 11 Series 14 I Series 3 [ I Series 6 [ I Series 9 [ Series 12 [ I Series 15 [ I

[ I Enclosed is my payment of $

[ I Please bill my organization.




Send to: The Foundation Center 888 Seventh Avenue New York, New York 10019 6/76

4 9