(I) Basic Information Sl. Item Details No. 1. Name of the projects Lakrahi Stone Deposit 2. S.No. in the schedule 1(a)

3. Proposed capacity/ area/ length/ tonnage Proposed capacity – 266654.40MT/annum. to be handled/ command area/lease area/ – 888.85 MT/day number of wells to be drilled Applied area – 27.00 acres or 10.93Ha 4. New/ Expansion/ Modernization New

5. Existing Capacity/ Area etc. Existing Capacity:Nil Area:27.00 acres or 10.93Ha.

6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ B2 7. Does it attract the general condition? If yes, As per the EIA Notification 2006, it is a please specify CategoryB2 project. 8. Does it attract the specific condition? If yes, N/A please specify 9. Location Topo Sheet : 72D/7(G45S7) Latitude: 24018’33.48” to 24018’45.00” Longitude: 840 17’06.57” to 840 17’39.30”. Plot/ Survey/ Khasra No./ khatta no Plot No. – 214(P), 215(P), Khata No. – 31 Village Lakrahi Tehsil Bazar (Chhattarpur) District Palamu State 10. Nearest railway station/ air port along with Nearest railway station –Rajhara railway Station, distance in kms. Distance- 35Km. Nearest air port – Birsa Munda Airport, , Distance – 152Km. 11. Nearest town, city, district headquarters Nearest town, city – Chhattarpur (12km NW), along with distance in kms. District headquarters –Daltonganj, Palamu. 12. Village Panchayat, Gram Pradhan, Panchayat:Khairdiha Municipal Corporation, Local body Gram Pradhan: Sunaina Devi (complete postal addresses with telephone nos. to be given 13. Name of the applicant M/s Maa Chedi Stone 14. Registered address Prop. Laxman Prasad Sahu Address- S/o Late Shri Jagan Saw Ward No-01, Unchari, , 1 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) APPLICANT - M/s MAAJharkhand, CHEDI Pin STONE-822114 15. Address for correspondence: Name ShriLaxman Prasad Sahu Designation (Owner/ Partner/ CEO) Proprietor Address Prop. Laxman Prasad Sahu Address- S/o Late Shri Jagan Saw Ward No-01, Unchari, Garhwa, Jharkhand, Pin-822114 Pin Code 822114 E-mail [email protected] Telephone No. +91 875 731 9980 Fax No. - 16 Details of Alternative Sites examined, if No any. Location of these sites should be shown on a topo sheet. 17. Interlinked Projects No 18. Whether separate application of interlinked No project has been submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission N/A 20. If no, reason N/A 21. Whether the proposal involves approval/ The project land does not involve any forest land. clearance under: if yes, details of the same No ecologically sensitive area located within 15 km and their status to be given. around the ML applied area. Therefore it is not (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, require any approval/clearance order. 1980? (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (c) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991? The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 DFO Certificate regarding no National park, Sanctuary or Biodiversity hotspot not within 10 km around the applied M.L Area is enclosed. Since the project area does not fall under the CRZ notification area, Therefore any clearance under the CRZ notification 2011 is not required. 22. Whether there is any Government Order/ Yes, Copy of Letter from DMO regarding LOI, vide Policy relevant/ relating to the site? letter No. 2252/M on dated 06.12.2016. 23. Forest land involved (hectares) No, there is no forest land involved in the applied lease area. Chhattarpur Protected Forest is 1.3Km west side & Khairdiha P.F. 1.25Km NW side away from applied lease area. 24. Whether there is any litigation pending No against the project and/ or land in which the project is propose to be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders/ directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project

2 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) (II) Activity APPLICANT - M/s MAA CHEDI STONE 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

Sl. Information / Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities / rates, No. Checklist . wherever possible) with source of information data confirmation 1.1 Permanent or Yes Other than Fully Mechanised opencast mining is to be temporary change practiced. Applied Lease area – 27.00 acres or 10.93Ha. in land use, land There is no forest land within the applied lease area. cover or topography The land use change will be temporary in nature. Detail of the including increase land use pattern is given in below table. in intensity of land use (with respect to PRESENT AND FUTURE LAND USE PATTERN local land use plan) Pattern of Existing At the end At Conceptual Utilization Land use of plan period (Ha) period (Ha) (Ha) Excavation Nil 5.126 8.819 (1.833 ha area shall be backfilling and rest 4.551ha. left as water reservoir for rain water harvesting and rest of remaining 2.435 Ha. area dead benches. Waste Dump Nil Nil Nil

Road Nil 0.004 0.004 (calculated (calculated in safety zone in safety area) zone area) Infrastructure - 0.060 - (Crusher) Plantation Nil 2.108 2.108 (Green Belt) (Within (Within safety safety zone) zone) Total 0.00 7.294 10.927

1.2 Clearance of No The applied lease area does not involve any forest land or existing land, forest. It is Govt. waste land. The area is devoid of vegetation vegetation and but existing bushes can also be seen. Clearing of same buildings? proposed. 1.3 Creation of new No As stated in above table. land uses? 1.4 Pre-construction Yes Geological investigation completed. investigations e.g. 3 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) bore houses, soil testing? APPLICANT - M/s MAA CHEDI STONE 1.5 Construction Yes This is a fresh applied area for Stone mining. There is no site works? office in this lease area. After commencement of mining operation necessary temporary site services like mine office, rest shed, First aid centre, drinking water facility etc shall be provided. 1.6 Demolition works? Yes Demolition of temporary site services like mine office, rest shed, First aid centre, drinking water facility etc at the end of the mines life. 1.7 Temporary sites Yes Temporary site services like mine office, rest shed, First aid used for centre, drinking water facility etc shall be provided &all the construction works worker will be from local villagers. So there is no need of or housing of housing for workers. construction workers? 1.8 Above ground Yes Only those buildings as described in para 1.5 above. Cut, buildings, structures excavation and filling before mining activity and during mining or earthwork; will be encountered. including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations 1.9 Underground works No Mining will be done open caste (OTFM) method. including mining or tunnelling? 1.10 Reclamation works? Yes Generation of 2nd year waste onwards backfilling will be start from exhausted portion of developed quarry during this mining plan period. At conceptual plan period it is proposed 4.551ha area shall be left as water reservoir for rain water harvesting, the water of which will be utilized by local people for their domestic purpose rather rest 1.833 ha shall be reclaimed by backfilling and rather rest area shall be proposed for plantation of all the dead benches. 1.11 Dredging? No No dredging involved. 1.12 Offshore No No offshore structure envisaged. structures? 1.13 Production and Yes The mining of stone will involve quarrying operation using manufacturing Excavator, Rock breaker, Hyva & Drilling Blasting. processes? 1.14 Facilities for storage No Not require as the excavated stone after crushing into of goods or different sizes from boulders to aggregates, the finished materials? product will be produced of different sizes as per the requirement of road and civil consumers. 1.15 Facilities for Yes There will be generation of (153768.12 cum) of waste during treatment or this plan period. It is proposed that the generation of 1st year disposal of solid waste will be utilized for maintenance of approaching and waste or liquid nd village road and 2 year onwards backfilling will be start from effluents? exhausted person of developed quarry during this mining plan period. 1.16 Facilities for long No There is no proposal for construction of any housing colony. terms housing of Local workers will be engaged. 4 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) operation workers?APPLICANT - M/s MAA CHEDI STONE 1.17 New road, rail or No No new road or rail required externally. Only Ramp will be sea traffic during made for movement of tractor/Hyva. construction or operation? 1.18 New road, rail air No Not Required as the site is easily approachableThe waterborne or other Daltonganj – Chhattarpur road which is passing at a distance transport of 12km western side from the applied lease area. The infrastructure nearest railway station is Rajhara which is located on including new or northern side at a distance of about 35 km SW side from altered routes and lease area. stations, ports, airports etc? 1.19 Closure or diversion No There is no proposal for diversion or change in transportation of existing transport routes. routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? 1.20 New or diverted No Not require. There is no any transmission line within 500 transmission lines meter radius of mining applied lease area. or pipeline? 1.21 Impoundment, No There is no Dam or reservoir located near the applied lease damming, area. converting During the field study of the area, the surrounding wells and realignment or other tube wells of the area are also studied and it was observed changes to the that there is no chance of intervene the water body. Hence hydrology of this project will not make any change in the hydrology of watercourses or watercourses or aquifers. aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? No Not required.

1.23 Abstraction or No Water required for domestic purpose, sprinkling for dust transfers of water suppression and for plantation only. It will be sourced from from ground or ground water i.e. dug well of nearby village or bore well. surface waters? Total water requirement will be approx 28.323 KLD. 1.24 Changes in water No No any change will occurs in water bodies or the land surface bodies or the land affecting drainage or run-off. surface affecting drainage or run-off? 1.25 Transport of Yes 25 ton capacity Hyva will deployed for transporting the personnel or excavated stone from mine head to destination. materials for construction, operation or decommissioning? 1.26 Long-term No Not required, as most of the machineries are on hired, dismantling or removal of machinery can be done any time as per decommissioning or requirement and there is no proposal for construction of any restoration works? housing colony, only temporary site service, rest shed will be proposed. 1.27 Ongoing activity No No decommissioning. 5 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) during decommissioningAPPLICANT - M/s MAA CHEDI STONE which could have an impact on the environment? 1.28 Influx of people to No Only small number of mining personnel shall be employed to an area in either operate the mines. 20 numbers of persons will be employed temporarily or from nearby villages on temporarily or permanently basis. permanently? 1.29 Introduction of alien No Only native species of flora will be planted. species?

1.30 Loss of native No The proposed stone mining area is devoid of any vegetation. species or genetic diversity? 1.31 Any other actions? No No other actions envisaged.

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply) :

Sl. Information / Checklist Yes/No. Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. confirmation rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 2.1 Land especially undeveloped or Yes About 27.00 AC or 10.93 Ha of fresh applied agricultural land (ha) area will be used for quarrying. No agricultural land involved. 2.2 Water (expected source & Yes Potable – 700 litres, dust suppression – 5000 competing users) unit KLD liters, plantation – 22623 litres. Total- 28323 liters or 28.323 KLD will be used daily. 2.3 Mineral (MT) Yes 2666544.00 MT mineral reserve available in the applied mining lease area. 2.4 Construction material – stone, No Not require. As no any construction work will aggregates, and/soil (expected proposed. source – MT) 2.5 Forests and timber (source –MT) No The lease hold area is devoid of any flora and fauna. The nearest flora & Fauna rich area (Forest area) is mentioned below: Khardiha Protected Forest about 1.30Km. 2.6 Energy including electricity and Yes Stone Mining will be done in day time only. fuels (source, competing users) Hence no power will be required for the Unit : fuel (MT), energy (MW) proposed activity. Fuel will be used to run the crusher and vehicles. 2.7 Any other natural resource (use No Not Required. appropriate standard units)

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health. Sl. Information / Checklist Yes/No. Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. confirmation rates, wherever possible) with source of 6 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) APPLICANT - M/s MAAinformation CHEDI data STONE 3.1 Use of substances or materials, No The mining operation shall be carried out by which are hazardous (as per OTFM method. Operation of project will not MSIHC rules) to human health involve use of any hazardous material that can or the environment (flora, fauna, cause adverse impact on human or and water supplies) environment. 3.2 Changes in occurrence of No This Project activity is not likely to cause disease or affect disease vectors changes in occurrence of disease or affect (e.g. insect or water borne disease vector. disease) 3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g. No No habitation within lease area. However it will by changing living conditions? be benefited by direct & indirect employment for better lifestyle. 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people No No hospital/school/elderly house in the vicinity. who could be affected by the Hence no affect envisaged. project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc., 3.5 Any other causes No No other causes.

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommission (MT/month) Sl. Information / Checklist Yes/No. Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. confirmation rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine Yes The generation of (153768.12 cum) of waste wastes during this plan period. It is proposed that the generation of 1st year waste will be utilized for maintenance of approaching and village road and 2nd year waste onwards backfilling will be start from exhausted person of developed quarry during this mining plan period. 4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and No The project activity will not generate any or commercial wastes) municipal waste. 4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per No No hazardous waste generation is envisaged Hazardous Waste Management from the proposed project activity. Rules) 4.4 Other industrial process wastes No No other industrial waste generated.

4.5 Surplus product No The demand of stone is high for civil and road work, for this there will not be any surplus product of stone in future. 4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge No Not applicable. from effluent treatment 4.7 Construction or demolition No Not applicable as this project is mining of stone. wastes

4.8 Redundant machinery or No At the end of project all machineries will be equipment moved away from site & site will be left which can be used as Water Reservoir for Rain Water Harvesting, the water of which will be utilized by

7 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) APPLICANT - M/s MAAlocal CHEDI people for STONE their domestic purpose. 4.9 Contaminated soils or other No No contaminated soil will be generated materials considering the nature of the project. 4.10 Agricultural wastes No No agricultural waste generated.

4.11 Other solid wastes No No other solid waste generated.

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr) Sl. Information / Checklist Yes/No. Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. confirmation rates, wherever possible) with source of information data. 5.1 Emissions from combustion of Yes Diesel will be used to run Hyva. They are likely fossil fuels from stationary or to produce SO2 &NOx. Details are given below- mobile sources No. of Hyva Shall be used- 12/03 nos. Generation of CO (g/kWh/KM) – 48/12 Generation of NOx (g/kWh/KM) –42/10.5 5.2 Emissions from production Yes Dust will be produced during transporting & processes excavation of stone. 5.3 Emissions from materials Yes Excavated product will be transported by handling including storage or dumpers/Hyva. transport 5.4 Emissions from construction No Not Applicable. activities including plant and equipment 5.5 Dust or odours from handling of Yes Dust will be generating from handling and materials including construction loading of material i.e. stone. materials, sewage and waste 5.6 Emissions from incineration of No Not envisaged waste 5.7 Emissions from burning of waste No No such activity is proposed. in open air (e.g. slash materials, construction details) 5.8 Emissions from any other No No such activity is proposed. sources

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Head : Sl. Information / Checklist Yes/No. Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. confirmation rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 6.1 From operation of equipment Yes Noise will be generated by mining, e.g. engines, ventilation plant, transportation and crushing activities. crushers 6.2 From industrial or similar No No other industrial process envisaged. processes 6.3 From construction or demolition No No construction or demolition work involved in this project. So, question of construction or demolition noise or vibration does not arise.

6.4 From blasting or piling Yes The noise & vibration generate due to Shallow Hole drilling & blasting will negligible.

8 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) 6.5 From construction or operational Yes Mined out minerals after crushing will be traffic APPLICANT - M/s MAAtransported CHEDI to STONE consumers by truck/Hyva. This will generate noise on its route. 6.6 From lighting or cooling systems Yes DG set will be used if require. 6.7 From any other sources No No sources envisaged.

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from release of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal water or the sea : Sl. Information / Checklist Yes/No. Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. confirmation rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 7.1 From handling, storage, use or No There will be no generation or use of hazardous spillage of hazardous materials materials during mining process. 7.2 From discharge of sewage or No There is no discharge of effluents due to this other effluents to water or the project. land (expected mode and place of discharge) 7.3 By deposition of pollutants Yes The mining operation shall be done by open emitted to air into the land or cast OTFM method. Hence, deposition of dust into water on land due to mining, transportation which is negligible.

7.4 From any other sources No No other sources

7.5 Is there a risk of long term build No No up of pollutants in the environment from these sources?

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment Sl. Information / Checklist Yes/No. Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. confirmation rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires No No any explosive hazardous substances will be etc from storage, handling use generated, the blasting will be done by or production of hazardous contractual basis and use of explosive will be substances. very less. 8.2 From any other causes No No other causes envisaged. 8.3 Could the project be affected by No The proposed stone mining activity would not be natural disasters affected by natural disasters like earth quakes, landslides etc. Appropriate mitigation measures as per regulatory provisions (mining from safe distance of 7.5m safety line from lease boundary).

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality Sl. Information / Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities / 9 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) No. confirmationAPPLICANT - M/s MAArates, CHEDIwherever STONE possible) with source of information data 9.1 Lead to development of supporting laities, ancillary development or development stimulated by the project which could have impact on the environment e.g. : a. Supporting infrastructure No The area is easily approachable from Daltonganj (roads, power supply, – Chhattarpur (NH-98) road is crossing on the waste or waste water Western Side at a distance about 12 Km from treatment, e.g.) the applied lease area. b. Housing development No c. Extractive industries No Local peoples will be engaged so there is no d. Supply industries need of such type of any development. e. Other No The product will be used for road construction, civil work etc.

9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, Yes After reaching the maximum depth the finally which could have an impact on worked out quarry shall be developed as water the environment reservoir for rain water harvesting as well as fencing will be done all around the quarry. 9.3 Set a precedent for later Yes Development shall be done as per approved developments mining plan.

9.4 Have cumulative effects due to No In near future there are no other existing or proximity to other existing or planned projects with similar effects. planned projects with similar effects

(III) Environmental Sensitivity Sl. Information / Checklist Yes/No. Details thereof (with approximate quantities / No. confirmation rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1 Areas protected under No There is no wildlife sanctuary, national park, international conventions, biosphere reserve, elephant reserve and tiger national or local legislation for reserve within 10 km radius of the ML area. their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value . 2 Areas which are important or No The applied lease hold area is devoid of any sensitive for ecological reasons important or sensitive areas. The nearest water – Wetlands, watercourses or body is Batane Nadi (About 2.5 km, NW other water bodies, coastal side).Bay of Bengal has presents 425Km SE zone, biospheres, mountain side away from applied lease area. forests 3 Areas used by protected, No The applied lease hold area is devoid of any important or sensitive species of flora and fauna. The nearest flora & Fauna rich flora or fauna for breeding, area (Forest area) is mentioned below: nesting, foraging resting, over Khardiha Protected Forest about 1.30Km (NE wintering, migration side) 10 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) 4 Inland, coastal,APPLICANT marine or- M/sNo MAAThe CHEDI lease hold STONE area is devoid of any important underground waters or sensitive areas. The nearest water body is Batane Nadi (About 2.5 km , NW side).Bay of Bengal has presents 425Km SE side away from applied lease area. 5 State, National boundaries No No any state or National boundaries present near the study area. The nearest state boundary (Jharkhand – Bihar state boundary) is present at a distance of about 12.0 Km from the allotted area. 6 Routes or facilities used by the No The Daltonganj – Chhattarpur (NH-98) road is public for access to recreation or crossing on the Western Side at a distance of other tourist, pilgrim areas. about 12 Km from the applied lease area. The nearest railway station is Rajhara which is located on northern side at a distance of about 35 km from lease area. 7 Defence installations No There is no Defence installation near the area. 8 Densely populated or built-up No The densely populated area near to the lease area area is Shahpur located at a distance of about 2.2 Km SE. 9 Areas occupied by sensitive No There is no any sensitive man-made land uses man-made land uses (hospitals, available in the allotted area. schools, places of worship, Area occupied by man-made land uses near the community facilities) area is given below: Land Uses Village Distance Primary Health Chhatarpur 12.0 Km centre Primary School Lakrahi 1.2 km Mandir Lakrahi 1.2 km

10 Areas containing important, high No This area does not contain any important, high quality or scarce resources quality or scarce resources. (ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals) 11 Areas already subjected to No This area is not subjected to pollution or pollution or environmental environmental damage. damage. (those where existing legal environmental standard are exceeded) 12 Areas susceptible to natural No High risk factors such as landslide, subsidence hazard which could cause the flood, etc are neither encountered nor project to present environmental anticipated. However proponent/contractor will problems. (earthquakes, take appropriate measures to reduce such subsidence, landslides, erosion, impact. flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions)

11 LAKRAHI STONE DEPOSIT ( 27.00 ACRES or 10.93Ha ) I hereby given undertakingAPPLICANT that the data- M/s and information MAA CHEDI given in STONEthe application and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost.

Date :

Place : (Sri Laxman Prasad Sahu) Proprietor

Note: 1. The projects involving clearance under coastal Regulation zone Notification, 1991 shall submit with the application a C.R.Z. map duly demarcated by one of the authorized agencies, showing the project activities, w.r.t. C.R.Z (at the stage of ToR) and the recommendations of the State coastal zone Management Authority (at the stage of EC). Simultaneous action shall also be taken to obtain the requisite clearance under the provisions of the C.R.Z Notification, 1991 for the activities to be located in the C.R.Z.

2. The projects to be located within 10 km of the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Migratory corridors of wild Animals, the project proponent shall submit the map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden showing these features vis-a-vis the project location and the recommendations or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden thereon (at the stage of EC).

2. All correspondence with the Ministry of Environment & Forests including submission of application for TOR/ Environment Clearance subsequent clarifications as may be required from time to time, participation in the EAC Meeting on behalf of the project proponent shall be made by the authorized signatory only. The authorized signatory should also submit a document in support of his claim of being an authorized signatory for the specific project.