“Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. “Kund Sand Mining Project” on the River bed of North Koel is applied by Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad, R/o- Village- Uchari, Ward No-03, Thana-, P.O-Garhwa, District –Garhwa, . The applicant have applied for sand mining on the river bed of River North Koel, over an area of 8.0Acre (3.23 ha), located at Mauza- Kund, Plot No-969, Khata No--, Thana no-190, Thana –Sadar, District-Palamu (Jharkhand). Letter of Intent was issued by D.M.O. to the applicant, vide letter No. 1290/M on dated 17/02/16; copy of Letter of Intent is enclosed as Annexure- III. The applicant is applying for the grant of Environmental Clearance in accordance with approved mining plan and progressive mine closure plan. The mining plan and Progressive mine closure plan have been prepared with proper attention to ensure that the relevant provisions under RULE 34 C (1) OF JMMC (A) R 2014 are followed.

Classification of Mine and Environmental Clearance as per EIA framework.

The EIA Notification 2006 broadly divides mining projects into two categories— Category A (mining area equal to or greater than 50 ha) and Category B (mining area between five and 50 ha)—based on potential impacts over an area and on human health and natural and man-made resources. According to the notification, all Category A projects (with potentially significant impact) are required to carry out an EIA and undertake a public hearing before an EC is granted by the Union environment ministry. Category B projects (with potentially less significant impact) are evaluated and given a clearance by state level authorities, state environment impact assessment authority (SEIAA) and state expert appraisal committee (SEAC). Moreover, projects under Category B1 also require an EIA and public consultation, but those under B2 are exempted from requirements of both EIA and public consultation. On 15th January 2016, amendments are introduced to the EIA Notification 2006. Categorizations B1 and B2 are outlined. ECs for small-scale mining of minor minerals are provided in detail. Leases of minor minerals below 25 ha are placed under B2, of which zero- five ha leases will be cleared at the district level. Also, clusters below 25 ha have also been placed under B2. The proposed project falls under item 1(a), category ‘B2’ as it does not attract General Condition as specified in EIA Notification, 2006.

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 1 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

1.1 Project in Brief.

“Kund Sand mining Project” is proposed for the mining of Sand deposited on River bed of North Koel. As per the approved mining plan of the concerned Project following details of the Project is described. Location of the Project as per survey of Toposheet No. is G45S4. In this case of Sand mining, removal of topsoil and over burden is not anticipated, as there is no deposition of soil or any overburden over the Sand deposit. Method of mining proposed is manual. Mined out minerals will be transported directly to the market, no beneficiation or further processing is required. Stocking of mined out minerals is not envisaged. At the time of mining operation all the precautionary measures will be adopted to curb any of the negative impacts that may arise in concern to labors working at the site or towards the environment. Mining will be done as per the approved mining plan in a scientific way, by using efficient measures to reduce the environmental load. Anticipated environmental factors and there mitigation measures that may be vulnerable due to mining activity are Air, Water, Noise, Land, Socio economic and Biological. Impact on Air quality, will be countered by sprinkling water on haulage road and mine site. Pollution Under Control (PUC) Vehicles will be used for transportation of minerals. No stocking of minerals at mine site will be done. Negligible impact on Water Environment as the mining will be done manually. No hazardous elements are required or produced at the mine lease area. Mining will be done to a maximum depth of 3m or above ground water table, so ground water will not be contaminated. Housing facility for workers is not proposed, therefore generation of domestic wastes is not anticipated and surface water will not be contaminated. Noise and vibration is insignificant, as mining activity is manual. Noise and vibrations may be generated due to movement of transporting vehicles, which is of moderate intensity. Land Environment will have insignificant impact, 1/5th of the width of the River or 15m, whichever greater; will be left intact for maintaining the embankment. Final land use of mine lease area will not change, Mining activity will not adhere the stream pattern of the River. Socio economically this Project will be beneficial to the locals in terms of generation of employment. Biological Environment, as the area is devoid of any vegetation, surface sand mining is not going to cause any damage to any plant. There are no Turtle or Crocodile breeding grounds in

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 2 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

the quarry lease area under consideration. Hence the anticipated negative impacts if any are only minor, temporary and easily reversible. Fishing will not be allowed at the mine site. Occupational health and safety issues will be countered through, providing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Apart from PPE other basic amenities will be provided to the site workers, i.e. First Aid kit, resting shelters, clean drinking water, regular health checkups etc. Greenbelt area will be developed along the embankment and haulage road. Concerned Project will not affect the local Biodiversity and its related Flora & Fauna.

1.2 An Overview of the Project.

Table 1: Overview of the Project. S.No. Item Details

1. Name of the Applicant Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad.

2. Mining Lease Area 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

3. Land form & Land Use River Bed (Non Forest and Barren Land)

4. Land Ownership Government Land Period of mining lease is for 3 years, as per Letter of Intent issued by D.M.O. vide letter No. 1290/M on 5. Lease period dated 17/02/16; copy of Letter of Intent is enclosed as Annexure- III. 6. River North Koel

7. Rehabilitation & Resettlement NA

Latitude (N) Longitude (E) 24° 3'11.48"N 84° 3'13.81"E 8. Site Coordinates 24° 3'8.82"N 84° 3'20.14"E 24° 3'6.15"N 84° 3'11.98"E 24° 3'4.22"N 84° 3'19.73"E 9. Water Table 4-6 m bgl 10. Seismicity Zone III (moderate as per BIS) 11. Minerals of mine Sand Proposed Excavation of mine 77972 cum/ annum or 140349 Tons/ annum 12. 324 cum/ day or 583 Tons/ day 13. Method of mining Opencast and manual. 14. Drilling/Blasting No drilling and blasting is proposed

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 3 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

15. Estimated cost Approx 43.32 lacs 16. Water demand 7.17 KLD Fresh water requirement will be fulfilled by nearby dug wells and bore wells located in village Kund. 17. Sources of water Water required for sprinkling and plantation will be fulfilled by private tankers. 18. Ultimate depth of Mining 2 m 19. Man power Approximately 130 Labors will be required per day Connectivity. 1. Nearest railway station Daltonganj Railway Station: 3.0 km* (SE) NH- 75 (Daltonganj-Garhwa Rd): 1.0 km* (E) 2. Nearest state highway SH- 10 (Daltonganj-Balumath Rd): 2.0 km* (SE) 3. Nearest Airport Daltonganj Airport: 5.5 km* (SE) Daltonganj: 1.5 km* (E) 4. Nearest city

*aerial distances in approximation

2. Introduction of the project Background information. 2.1 Identification of project and project proponent.

Name of the Project: “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel. Location: Mauza- Kund, Plot No-969, Khata No--, Thana no-190. Thana –Sadar, Medininagar District-Palamu (Jharkhand). Mining lease Area: 8.0Acre (3.23 ha). Name and address of project proponent:

Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad R/o- Village- Uchari, Ward No-03, Thana-Garhwa, P.O. -Garhwa, District –Garhwa, Jharkhand. Letter of Intent: enclosed as Annexure- III

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 4 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

2.2 Brief description of the nature of the project.

Sand is naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles between 150 micron to 4.75 mm in diameter (IS 383-1970). Sand is formed due to weathering of rocks due to mechanical forces. In the process the weathered rocks forms gravel and then sand. In this river bed sand mining Project the end use of sand will be for building, construction Projects. Concerned Project is proposing for the excavation of sand from the river bed only. Brief description about Project details is as mentioned below. • Method of mining is manual and no machines will be used. • No drilling or blasting will be conducted. • Depth of mining is restricted to 3m from surface or water level whichever is less. • No mining activity will be done in proximity of any bridge/embankment. • In stream mining will not be done. • No mining activity will be undertaken during the monsoon season. So the river bed material will be replenished during the monsoon season every year. • The mining activity will be restricted to daytime only in order to avoid environmental pollution or any accidental hazards.

2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and region.

Sand and gravel have long been used as aggregate for construction of roads and building. Today, the demand for these materials continues to rise. In India, the main sources of sand are river flood plain, coastal sand, paleo channel sand, and sand from agricultural fields. The sand and gravel are one of the most important construction materials. Ensuring their availability is vital for the development of the infrastructure in the country. There are different sources of sand and gravel, the most important among them is the river. As the requirement of these construction materials is on rise, they also are very vital for the health, physical character of the river and the different important functions of the river. These minor minerals are replenishable during the heavy rains of monsoon season. Continued settling of the sand sediments in the river bed for a longer period may result to flood situation or change in the physiography of river body. Hence, it is necessary to remove the sediments so that the river gets channelized. The production of sand will benefit to the state in the form of revenue from mining lease. Apart from this project operation will provide

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 5 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

employment directly and indirectly to the people residing in vicinity, thus improving the Socio-economic status of the area.

2.4 Demands-Supply Gap.

With rise in urbanization the demand of sand had considerably increased. There is huge requirement of sand in various construction Projects. Due to unavailability of sand, promotion of manufactured sand, artificial sand and alternative technologies in construction had been initiated. Development of slag sand, sand from stone chips had been promoted to meet the requirement of sand. To fill the gap of demand and supply, this sand mining Project will play an important role.

2.5. Imports vs. Indigenous production.

Sand mining production will be utilized in the local region, indigenous production of sand will curb the increasing cost and demand of sand in the local region.

2.6. Export Possibility.

Sand produced from the mine will be used for construction of buildings & making of roads. Export of sand is not envisaged, sand produced will be utilized in the local region within the same District.

2.7 Domestic/ Export Markets.

There is a huge requirement of sand in the domestic market. Sand produced from the mining lease will support in fulfilment of sand requirement in the District. Sand produced in the District is not envisaged for export market.

2.8 Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the Project.

There would be 240 working days in a year. Taking into account 3 years period, during the operational phase approx. 130 semi skilled and non skilled Labors will be hired. The proposed project will generate direct /indirect employment to the local labours residing in nearby villages.


3.1 Type of project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any. This is an independent new mining project. Sand will be mined out from the river bed and method of mining proposed is manual, no machines would be used.

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 6 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

3.2 Location (map showing general location and project boundary and project site specific layout) with coordinates.

The mining lease area is located at Mauza- Kund, Plot No-969, Khata No--, Thana no-190, Thana –Sadar, Medininagar District-Palamu (Jharkhand). Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

Fig. 1: Location of Project site.

Specific location of the Project Site is provided in 500 m radius Google map and 5 km radius Toposheet map and is attached as Annexure- V & Annexure- VI respectively.

3.3 Details of alternate sites considered.

No, alternative sites considered.

3.4 Size or magnitude of operation.

The proposed mining lease area is of 8.0Acre (3.23 ha).

Magnitude of operation:

As per approved mine plan of the project prepared by RQP, capacity of mining lease is given below: Geological Reserve: 97465 cum or 175437 Tons. Mineable Reserve: 77972 cum or 140349 Tons (after leaving 1/5th of width of the River from embankment). Table showing annual excavation of Sand, for the concerned Sand mining Project (@ 324 cum/day).

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 7 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

Table No. 2: Mineral production details

Years Excavation of Excavation of Sand (cum) Sand (TPA) 1st 77972 140349 2nd 77972 140349 3rd 77972 140349

3.5 Project description with process details.

Mining is confined to excavation of sand from the river bed. Mining operation will be manual with the help of Spade, shovel etc. in its existing form. Sand Mining will be carried out only up to a depth of 2m at river bank. Mining will be done during day time only. Excavation of sand from the river bed will be discontinued during monsoon season and will be left for replenishment. Following are the methodology and precautions adopted during mining activity. • Method of mining is manual and no machines will be used. • No drilling or blasting will be conducted. • Depth of mining is restricted to 3m from surface or water level whichever less is. • No mining activity will be done in proximity of any bridge/embankment. • In stream mining will not be done. • No mining activity will be undertaken during the monsoon season. So the river bed material will be replenished during the monsoon season every year. • The mining activity will be restricted to daytime only in order to avoid environmental pollution or any accidental hazards. • 1/5th of the width of the river or 15m, whichever is more, will be left intact for maintaining the embankment. • No mining activity to be done within 500 m from Bridges.

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 8 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

Fig. 2: A schematic figure of Sand Mining

Fig. 3: Flow chart showing Project layout. 3.6 Raw materials required.

No raw materials required, Mining operation involves the extraction of sand in its existing form the river bed. Extracted sand will be loaded into trucks/trolleys and will be transported to the local market directly. No further beneficiation is required. The existing roads will be utilized for the transport of sand from mine site to market.

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 9 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

3.7 Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse envisaged in the Project, if any, should be briefly outlined.

This is a manual river bed sand mining Project and does not require any resource optimization.

3.8 Availability of water its source, energy/ power requirement and source.

Water requirement can be categorized in two sectors i.e. fresh water requirement for mine site workers and water required for suppression of dust & plantation. Requirement of fresh water for approx. 130 site workers will be 3.9 KLD (@ 30 lpcd). Apart from this 3.27 KLD water will be required for sprinkling on haulage roads & plantation. Thus, Total requirement of water is 7.17 KLD. Fresh water requirement will be fulfilled by nearby dug wells and bore wells located in village Kund. Water required for sprinkling and plantation will be fulfilled by private tankers. All the mining activities will be carried out manually. The operation will be done in day time; hence there is no requirement of power for the project at site.

3.9 Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their management/ disposal.

The entire mineral extracted is saleable. The laborers from nearby villages will be hired to carry out work in day time only, hence there will be no or very less waste is expected to generate. No liquid effluents will be generated at site.

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 10 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

3.10 Schematic representations of the feasibility drawing which give information of EIA purpose.

Application for prior Environmental Presentation for Environmental Clearance (Form 1 M, Pre- Feasibility Clearance before DEAC. Report & Approved Mine Plan)

as per directions given in EIA notification of 15, January 2016.

Commencement of mining operation. Grant of Environmental Clearance by DEIAA.

Corrective measures to be taken as Authority to monitor EC Compliance (DEIAA, SEIAA, SPCB, CPCB, per EC compliance, if required. MOEFCC Agency nominated by MOEFCC) as mentioned in EIA notification of 15 January 2016.

Fig. 4: Schematic representation of EIA purpose 4. SITE ANALYSIS. 4.1 Connectivity. 4.1.1 Nearest Railway Station. Daltonganj Railway Station: 3.0 km* (SE). 4.1.2 Nearest Airport. Daltonganj Airport: 5.5 km* (SE). 4.1.3 Nearest Highway. NH- 75 (Daltonganj-Garhwa Rd): 1.0 km* (E). SH- 10 (Daltonganj-Balumath Rd): 2.0 km* (SE). 4.2 Land form, land use and land ownership. Land Form: Non Forest and Barren Land.

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 11 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

Land Use: River bed (Sand deposit). Land Ownership: Government Land. 4.3 Topography.

The topography of is characterized by highly rugged landscape with green forest all over the area. The elevation of the hill ranges in southern part of the district varies from 360-1110 m above msl. The master slope of the area in general tends towards north and east. The Mine lease area has mild slope towards SW-NE direction. The river North Koel flows from south to north direction. The highest elevation of Mine lease area is 208.01mRL towards south direction while the lowest elevation is 206.9mRL towards north direction. For detailed Topography, a Toposheet of 5 km radius have been attached as Annexure- VI. 4.4 Existing land use pattern. There is no forest or agricultural land in the mine lease area. The mine lease area is undulating river bed and banks. The Land profile adjoining the river bank is slightly undulating. The mining lease area is not under CRZ. Shortest distance from the periphery of the Project to the Periphery of: • Forests: Chakharbhonga Protected forest- 3.0 km* (S). • Wild Life Sanctuary: None (within 5 km). • Eco sensitive area: None (within 5 km). • Water bodies: River bed mining over North Koel • Notified industrial area: There are various micro & small enterprises within 5 km* of mine lease area. 4.5 Existing Infrastructure. • Daltonganj Airport: 5.5 km* (SE). • Daltonganj Railway Station: 3.0 km* (SE). • NH- 75 (Daltonganj-Garhwa Rd): 1.0 km* (E). • SH- 10 (Daltonganj-Balumath Rd): 2.0 km* (SE). • MDR (Daltonganj-Rajhara Rd): 1.0 km* (E).

4.6 Soil classification.

Three soil orders namely Entisols, Inceptisols and Alfisols were observed in Palamu district. Alfisols were the dominant soils covering 53.9 percent of total gross area

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 12 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

followed by Entisols (21.5 %) and Inceptisols (20.0 %). Alfisols amongst which Red sandy soils are common and Ultisols of which red and yellow soils are common.

Fig. 5: Soil classification of Palamu District 4.6.1 Physiography.

In terms of the physoigraphy Palamu district shows the following four broad categories of landforms • East-West trending hill ranges, consisting of crystalline and metamorphic rocks in the southern part

• Flat topped hills in the south-eastern

• The sub-plateau area lying south of the plains are separated by narrow valleys in parts of Bishrampur block.

• Narrow valleys along the course of the major rivers.

4.6.2 Regional Geology. The Palamu district is covered by three major geological formations viz, the Precambrian crystallines, the Vindhyans and the Gondwanas. Besides, the tertiary laterite and alluvium also cover part of the district. The Alluvium cover of considerable thickness occurs in the northern part of the district along the Son and North Koel rivers. Ground water occurs mostly Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 13 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

under phreatic condition in all the lithological units and locally under semiconfined and confined condition.

The regional geological formation of the area is as follows:

The geological formation of the Palamau district comprise mainly rocks of Archaean, Vindhyan and Gondwana ages, the last cut by dykes of Deccan trap age. The Archaean rocks include both schists of Dharwar age and gneisses and granites. The schists, mainly horn- blendic and biotitic, are the oldest rocks of the area and occur as parallel and lenticular bands in the gneisses. The schists are intruded by epidiorites, amphibolites, and gneisses. Garnetiferous sillimanite-graphite-schists, similar to the Khondalites, also occur near Daltonganj and . Smaller patches of these rocke are found in the manner of inclusions in the most prevalent and the biotite and sillimanite schists are rare.

The Archaean rocks can be grouped under the following heads:-

(1) Crystalline limestone. Marbles and Calc-silicate rocks.

(2) Amphibolites.

(3) Dolerites and Meta-dolerites.

(4) Granites and Granite-gneisses.

4.6.3 Local Geology.

The mine plan for sand mining is confined to the river beds the sand is defined as minute fragments of stone which is the product of weathered and eroded material of rocks. They are basically the sandy bank on the mouth of river known as sand bar. Sand is (arenaceous) of silica group of minerals (quartz) particles is chemically an aride (SIO2) and is a common mineral of all kind rocks and mineral veins. According to the size of it is divided into 6 parts very coarse sand (1.00-2.0mm), coarse sand (0.5-1.0mm), medium sand(0.25-0.50mm), fine sand (0.125-0.25mm), very fine sand(0.062-0.125mm), silt and clay <0.062mm.

4.7 Climatic data from secondary sources.

The Palamu district is characterized by warm climate in March to June and later on there is a gradual decline in temperature from October onwards to December. January is the coolest month of the year. March, April and May are the hot and dry months of the district. The

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 14 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

temperature varies from 5°C to 46°C. The district witnesses dust storms between March and June associated with low humidity, high temperature and fast blowing wind. During winter season the district records temperature between 6 to 18 degrees centigrade and during summer the temperature increases up to 47 degrees centigrade. The district falls under unassured rainfall zone and hence receives monsoon rains during June to September. The average annual rainfall of the district is less than1200 mm as it comes under the rain shadow part. More than 80% of the precipitation is received during the monsoon months. Annual normal rainfall of the district is 1163 mm of which about 85 % is received between June and October.

4.8 Social Infrastructure.

• Daltonganj Town: 1.5 km* (E). • Daltonganj Airport: 5.5 km* (SE). • Daltonganj Railway Station: 3.0 km* (SE). • NH- 75 (Daltonganj-Garhwa Rd): 1.0 km* (E) • SH- 10 (Daltonganj-Balumath Rd): 2.0 km* (SE). • MDR (Daltonganj-Rajhara Rd): 1.0 km* (E).

5. PLANNING BRIEF. 5.1 Planning concept. As described in point 3.5 (Project description with process details) 5.2 Population projection. There is no permanent influx of the population is anticipated, as the workers will be hired locally from nearby villages.

5.3 Land use planning. The ultimate land use of the mine lease area will not be change. 5.4 Assessment of Infrastructure Demand. No infrastructure is required only temporary rest shelters will be provided to the workers. Extracted mineral will be transported directly to the local markets, there will be no stock yard required for storage. 5.5 Amenities/facilities. Temporary rest shelters, drinking water and first aid facility will be made available to the workers at mine site. Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 15 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)

6.0 PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE 6.1 Industrial area (Processing Area) No industrial area is proposed. 6.2 Residential area (Non Processing Area) The mine workers will be hired from nearby villages, no housing facility is required. 6.3 Green belt Total number of plantation proposed is 1912, which will cover more than 33% of mine lease area. Annually 637 plants are to be planted for a period of 3 years. Plantation of trees along the bank of the River and haulage route will be taken care in consultation with the local authority. 6.4 Social infrastructure. Temporary rest shelters, drinking water and first aid facility will be made available to the mine workers. 6.5 Connectivity. • Daltonganj Airport: 5.5 km* (SE). • Daltonganj Railway Station: 3.0 km* (SE). • NH- 75 (Daltonganj-Garhwa Rd): 1.0 km* (E). • SH- 10 (Daltonganj-Balumath Rd): 2.0 km* (SE). • MDR (Daltonganj-Rajhara Rd): 1.0 km* (E).

6.6 Drinking Water Management Drinking water for site workers will be fulfilled by private tankers, from nearby dug wells and bore wells located at village Kund. 6.7 Sewerage System

No sewerage system is proposed at the mine site.

6.8 Industrial Waste Management

Not applicable

6.9 Solid Waste management

No solid waste generation is expected from the mining operation. 6.10 Power Requirement & Supply/ Source

Method of mining proposed is manual, and no machines will be used. The operation will be restricted to day time only; hence there is no power requirement for the project at site.

Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

B. Tirkey (RQP) Regd. No. RQP/RNC/147/2011/A Page 16 “Kund Sand mining Project” over North Koel PFR Applicant: Mr Brahamdev Prasad; S/o Late Shiv Shankar Prasad Area- 8.0Acre (3.23 ha)



8.1 Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion (Time schedule for the project to be given).

Likely the Project would start as soon as the Project will get all its clearances from the various competent Authorities.

8.2 Estimated project cost along with analysis in terms of economic viability of the project. The Startup cost of the project will be approx 43.32 lakhs.

Table 3: Project Cost.

S.No. Particular Cost (Rs.)

1. Cost of Auction 3738525 2. Environmental management cost 200000 3. Total 3938525 4. Contingency- 10% 393852 5. Total 43,32,378

9.0 Analysis of proposal (final recommendation).

9.1 Financial and social benefits with special emphasis on the benefit to the local people including tribal population, in the area.

Proposed mining Project will have long term positive impact, in the vicinity of the locals and Tribal population, in terms of socio economic development by providing direct or indirect source of income. Land use of the mine lease area will not change; as the amount of minerals to be extracted is being equal to the amount of minerals replenished during monsoon season. Sand mining Project will also generate revenue to the Government. Need of Sand is increasing day by day for various purposes i.e. they are used in various construction Projects, River anti erosion, filling of River embankment, Dam construction etc. So for the need of development in terms of generation of employment, generation of Government revenue this mining Project can be considered as a useful Project. *********** Greenera Mining & Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

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