By: SellCon2762

The air reeked of bad eggs, skunk muskiness and rotten shit, mixed in with other “smelly” things to produce a wafting aroma of diabolical disgusting stink. The entire bedroom reeked of it, hell most of the upstairs portion of the house reeked of it. I breathed in the smell, the downright murderous aroma as I got up out of my closet, being ever so quiet as I slowly slid open the door to see my master laying there. She was only wearing a pair of black panties along with a red bra, snuggled nicely against the sheets of her bed as she regularly kept the blanket to her side, especially on warm days such as this. And she snored, God did she snore, most people would consider her snoring to be annoying if it weren’t for the SBDs she would cut while sleeping, it wasn’t the sound that got you, it was the smell. But that was her prerogative, she farted whenever the hell she wanted, she was a goddess, one that could produce deadly gas at any moment on any day, and since she had beans last night then that was a certainty. It was amazing just how much beans could cause devastation and mayhem for anyone around Rita when she passed gas. Luckily, her gas during the night was only near death in terms of its aroma, but that was soon about to change. She slept there dreaming of the day that her gas could kill everyone, she wanted it, she wanted to flex her muscles and show the world just how bad her farts really were. She wasn’t just a bad farter, she was a deadly farter, capable of ending life if the right dosage of putrid stinkiness. Entering a coma after smelling one of her bean farts was what happened when you were lucky, when you weren’t the grim reaper was coming for you. Inside her bowels as she got ready to wake up, a deadly stink bomb was bubbling.

It was Saturday morning after 9:00 when the day began. I had gotten up and was quietly entering her dresser to pick the likely clothes for the day. I picked up the pair of blue jeans, a size standard for a girl her age and felt the fabric. The pair had been cleaned in the washer and although some of the coloring was faded they looked very much like a pair of deep blue denim jeans. Also I went and pulled out a black T-shirt, she had about six of them, all with a white skull screen pressed on it. It used to be a joke of hers to wear an outfit like that after eating beans, but she began to like it and almost took the clothing pair to signify some sort of power suit for her. When she wore it the power was all within her, she could do whatever she wanted, when she farted people noticed. Department stores, grocery stores, theme parks, parks, stadiums, she had claimed victims in all of them. She could take out an entire section of people at a baseball stadium, knock out a long line of people waiting to ride Diamondback at the theme park and clear a path through a crowded mall with her lethal bean farts. I looked back at the girl, who had just turned 14 years old a few days ago and waited for it to begin. It was all quiet until Rita’s cell phone went off and her alarm started playing. It was a very familiar song and one of her favorites to listen too, Eminem’s “Just Lose It.” I followed the lyrics of the song down word for word as I waited for her own contribution to the song.

“Like TP for my bung-hole, and it's cool if you let one go, nobody's gonna know, who'd hear it? Give a little "poot poot," it's ok….”

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR…….. And with that cue, Rita started her Morning Thunder and it nearly shook her house, it was impressive, it was raunchy and it was spectacular. I had to back away as I saw a small mushroom-shaped cloud of green gas erupt out of Rita’s big bottom as she began ripping out this powerful fart. It was also pretty ordinary to the girl releasing the demonic blasts of butt wind. She went on for about two full minutes on the first fart and released another nine in consecutive order with each fart getting slightly weaker in power; her last one only lasted ten seconds. Even if she gets up at 9:00 it’s not until 9:15 or so when she’s ready to get out of bed, all of that pent-up gas would have to go somewhere and after her feast of beans for dinner her gas was going to be ginormous in size. Big rumbling farts of atrocious aromas flowed out of her ass as Rita began the day with some butt thunder for the ages. It had been ten days since she turned 14 and it seemed that each morning her first farts were slightly larger than the day before. Her Morning Thunder was now a spectacle that could be heard from outside the house, Hannah could sometimes hear it coming over to the house, as she was here and Rita could do nothing else but to smile at her powerful farts, no one could compete with her, not now and not ever. tried my best to hold up to the effects of the massive farts as they continued to erupt out of her but I could do nothing but choke up and gag at its profane toxicity of the aroma that came out of her as the gas began to really show its true force. This was a gas poisoning unlike anything that had been conceived up to this stage, in which Rita was demonstrating her very advanced case of flatulence. Her fart was utterly despicable, it was beyond that, this was rotten eggs times infinity, it was mustard gas mixed in with more sulfur than humanely possible, it was the smell that no one had ever conceived before. And it was Rita’s gaseous morning thunder farts and they stunk heavenly!

Instead I was knocked out, for about 15 minutes as she opened up the window, ran the fans and took a show, getting herself ready for what was going to be an eventful day. When I got up the stench was rotten like nothing else, but I managed to get up off the floor as she sat there in her panties and bra sitting there waiting for me to dress her. She was looking at her phone as she was getting hold of Hannah to invite her over. Instructing me as always I gave her the black shirt to put on over her growing bust and then grabbed the blue jeans and began to assist in providing the protection the world needed from Rita’s atrocious smelling farts. Rita went through jeans all the time, probably a new pair a week; amazingly her farts rarely did complete damage to them. Most of her farts were SBDs and they decolored the fabric more than anything else. Only her thunderous loud farts would punch holes in the fabric and that probably was usually done away with the fact that those farts were typically only in the morning. The denim jeans she wore were designed to fit tight with its waist at the navel and with wide belt loops and high cut front pockets. Both hugged her buns with a deep cut center seam and did not hide what she was packing in the back. In either case the legs were stovepipe cut, very narrow from the hips and further tapering to the cuffed bottom. Her thighs and calves helped make the jeans more tight as they were a size too small, not that it bothered her any, anyone stupid enough to be caught looking at her ass would likely be out for an hour as a punishment.

It was Saturday morning and her parents were out of town for all weekend. The actually took weekend trips rather often for their own reasons. Though usually it was to avoid having to smell Rita all the time. While her parents did, at least to my eyes, genuinely love her, they were quick to show that they were disgusted with what Rita was capable of doing. Her gas had to be kept in her bedroom most of the time and it was very rarely that her parents would enter less they risk falling into a state of unconscioness for a few hours. You had to time your day around the fact that you could pass out at any time due to smelling one of Rita’s farts, and these were her non- bean farts we were talking about. It was a little annoying that each person in that household had to work around their schedules so that they would not be in contact with her when she was gassy. I would find myself working on something just to suddenly be knocked out, and then expected to finish my task when I got up. Everyone had gotten used to fainting so much that we had our technique on how to faint down pat. With Rita’s sisters out at college Rita had the house to herself, well along with me anyway and that meant she was going to eat some beans for dinner. Amazingly her gas wasn’t horrible last night but this morning her farts were out of this world. Waves of green and yellow gas continued to float around the house as she cut another silent fart as she made her way into the kitchen, dressed up for what was going to be a lazy Saturday around the house playing video games with Hannah. I was cooking her a breakfast, one that the gassy goddess would appreciate: eggs and beans.

“Morning sellcon!” Rita said walking into the kitchen as she waved a little leftover gas from the seat of her pants. She had just taken her morning dump, no doubt leaving a mess for me to deal with later on. Her dumps were big and major, but rarely things that she honestly cared about it, if she could make all of her turds become gas she would. As she sat down at the table I dished out the baked bean omelet that I had fixed for breakfast. The baked bean omelet was something I had created a few months ago. It’s a wonderful delicacy, mixing in baked beans with eggs, onions and cheese, but notorious for giving Rita such bad gas that her parents forbid me from fixing it on all but a few times, with them being out of the house they hardly cared that I fixed it today. Rita was licking her lips as I saw her sit down in her seat. The air was ripe with the aftermath of her Morning Thunder, gas of that caliber could easily hang around the upper part of her house for the rest of the morning and with the baked bean omelet and milk getting ready to enter her stomach, that was only going to be the beginning, but for my gassy master I’d give her everything.

Rita ate her fill, more than usual as she requested for me to make her another omelet, which I happily obliged, I could only imagine the power of the gas brewing in her stomach, it would be catastrophic, and that was before everything happened. She got ready her video games ready as she called up Hannah and invited her over. I went upstairs to do a few chores to quickly get my ass back down the living room. On days like this I was a little lazy myself but Rita hardly cared too much, she knew I needed a little bit of a break as much as she did from school. She was about ready to start high school in a few weeks; it was a hazy hot Saturday morning in the northern suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Rita got up on the couch as I noticed her black shirt with the white skull on it. Her shirt had gotten a little tighter in the last few months as her bust has grown a little more, she was supporting rather nice looking 38 D cup breasts, budding into a beautiful woman. Complimenting that was her blue jeans, a little tight against her bubble butt; her lethal ass was also a nice size for a girl her age. She had grown an inch since I had last talked, now standing 5’7 and 150 pounds. Her bleached hair flowed gently down the sides of her hair as Hannah, her black friend came walking in. She blasted a nice bubbly fart as she greeted Rita before sitting down to Rita’s right. I sat down to her left as she popped in some Batman video game. The two then began talking as they started playing the video game, as for me, I was just watching as they played their game. Hannah was talking about how her gas was, but Rita wasn’t responding to anything her friend was saying, she didn’t have to. She was sitting next to a fart machine. It began five minutes into the game session when the gas began, Rita started farting up a storm.

Not only that, but Rita was passing lots and lots of gas. She was a gassy girl! As each fart escaped her butt, a shockwave of her sulfuric stink spreaded itself into a zone coverage that was going to carry it further than her last fart. The fart’s smell would ultimately be smelt all around the house. The first fart alone would have been enough to capture the attention of everyone in a large room, but we took it in stride, we both could handle it. but Rita was farting more and more, I couldn’t tell you how long each fart was or how much she actually farted, but we went through nearly a half hour of this while the punishing aroma of Rita’s gas hung in the room. Hotter, smellier and longer, nothing ever compared to what Megan was pushing out. The gas surging in her was much more smellier than anything that could be considered possible for a smell. Slowly, the two of us were realizing that this gas was going to be something diabolical, but amazingly there was no reaction from Hannah or myself. Even Hannah farted a couple of times, but the rotten stench of Rita’s farts were easily eclipsing whatever she was doing. We were doing more than just smelling in her gas, we were becoming one with it, it became so much that my body and mind were nothing compared to the wickedness of this gas. Dispassionately, in the most normal way possible, Rita was unloading a weapon that had no bounds to it. The smell made any form of seem obsolete now. My mouth burned and my nose was nearly rendered numb from the damage she was committing with her heinous-smelling silent farts. But alas, it was nearly 40 minutes into the girl’s intense gaming session when we began to smell it, the worst thing we had ever smelled before in our lives!

“Oh my God Rita….that fucking stinks!” Hannah said as we began to smell a mind-boggling, breath-taking silent but deadly fart that was as putrid as anything that had ever wafted out of her hinny. Yellow haze began to fill up the living room as Rita settled down and watched her masterpiece of a silent fart to its work. Smelling a Rita SBD was everything one could ask for in smelling a beautifully foul-smelling fart and much more, to her farts one had to be truly prepared for its power and majesty. The likely one-minute long SBD was her worst in quite some time; it produced a scorching hot wind that caused the insides of her panties to become humid from the sheer heat the fart was producing. You could tell from the look on her face, even if she were laughing her ass off as Hannah and I were both suffering from this raunchy beast she also had a slight feeling of disconcert. The seat of her pants had to be scorching hot with deadly gas as it turned all sorts of green with bits of a crimson color in her flatus, something that had become rather new in her gas’s appearance, the color of blood. It was a thick cloud of noxious gas that quickly filled up the living room.

“Damn that was good!” Rita laughed as she fanned the air around her ass. You couldn’t even begin to understand just how foul this smelled. If one were to consider her fart scale, this was easily a nice L5 fart, meaning it was going to hang around for 30 minutes at a minimum and knock anyone out for ten minutes. Except we were more than used to her gas to pass out, at least for a fart of this strength. The green and yellow gas filled up the room as I walked over to the living room window and opened it to let in some fresh air. Hannah continued to make fun of Rita’s fart but the bleached-hair girl had the power brewing inside of her and there was nothing her friend, as gassy as she may be as well, could do about it. But Lord did her fart had incredible power; radiationally it was burning through her clothing with an imprint of her gas. As the fart had been oozing out of her, she imagined herself unleashing this deadliness upon the masses. It was a fantasy of her’s, killing everyone with her farts; her kill count was now past 50. She didn’t let off any at school that killed, but in numerous locations over the past year she had seen people drop out dead here and there and mentally kept count of the deaths in her head. The more Rita killed with her gas the more powerful she felt.

“Perhaps you should check your pants after that one.” I remarked to my master as we were five minutes after the initial release of the fart and the lingering stink was still twice as strong as that from the gassiest person I had ever written about. It was an overwhelming aroma that was going to keep its firm grip on the living room for another 25 minutes, as long as she didn’t fart again, which was never a sure thing as she was releasing 60 of her massive smelly farts on a daily basis. Thinking about it for a minute, she decided to do just that. Actually she mentioned having to get something from downstairs. So Rita stood up and for a moment it appeared to me that she might have been a little taller, but I was seated so the angle could have been all wrong. She laughed some more as she brushed some of her foggy gas around in our faces, watching us suffer from the rancid aroma, it still smelled very, very bad. I watched her perfect heart shaped butt wrapped within her tight pair of blue jeans as they strained up against her backside. As her round hips swayed, one cheek would twitch bounce, than the other, she quickly moved away as a wave of gassy air slowly left her ass, either another fart or just some leftover from her previous burst. Hannah and I talked for a minute as we remarked on Rita’s gas when I heard her scream a little from upstairs. Wanting to see what my master wanted I quickly got off the couch and ran upstairs, failing to realize the intense fog of green and yellow gas floating out from a suddenly released fart of strength. I fell to my knees as I reached the top of the stairs and only got up a few seconds afterwards to greet my master at the entrance to her bedroom.

“Sellcon….is this doorframe okay?” She asked as I took a look at the door and that’s when I noticed it. My heart pounded as I shook my head over the possibility, it couldn’t be, but it appeared Rita was a little….bigger?

“Doorframe’s fine….but why are your breasts in my face now?” I asked as she quickly turned her head and give my eyes a full vision view of her copious bust, pushing up against her black shirt, which now appeared to be more of an XXXL size than the large size she had a few minutes ago.

“That’s a good question, it can’t be this far close to my head, I had no problem with it earlier.”

“I know that…oh fuck!” I said as I began taking a new whiff of Rita’s next gassy fart. It was a stinker of unparalleled comparison, stinking at least as bad as her last fart and perhaps a little more than that. It would have won a fart contest any day of the week against any person on the planet, and she shrugged it off as merely the aftermath of her baked bean omelet.

“Yeah, I know….better get your gas mask, get Hannah’s too, I’m feeling it this morning.”

“Yes Rita.” I said as she turned away and went back downstairs, sitting down on the couch and exposing Hannah to another round of her putrid gas. With gas masks for both myself and Hannah on we continued as the two girls continued their game for another ten minutes. Rita mentioned nothing about the incident with the doorframe, we didn’t it would come back, but soon another batch of gas hit our nostrils and this one was more intense than anything before it.

There was no verbal reaction to this one, there didn’t have to be, I was choking on the fumes of the foul gas as Hannah began gagging. Even with our masks on, we were suffering through this one; it was a humdinger of a fart. Rita laughed up a storm as she saw the two of us choke on her fart. She had released another silent but deadly fart and this one went on for almost two minutes, a lifetime for a fart and with each second of her fart stinking up worse than a grown man’s fart that was bad news for us. She could feel the burning air as she pushed out her first monster-sized SBD. This was a rotten-egg fart, one that carried the over 3% in its composition. Unlike the previous fart, it was as hot as molten lava, as we both felt the added heat to this putrid fart. She smiled brightly as she stood there waiting for the two of us to stop complaining about the fart. This was the power Rita held over us, over everyone. Her fart was simply too strong for even the regular smellers like us to handle, she was getting gassier as the time went on. The burning fart roared its way out of her asshole and the sulfuric burn of her killer gas on my body as well as Hannah’s was akin to that of a chemical burn. We were still on our knees comprehending with this fart, which was now up at the L7 level. L7 farts knocked normal people out for half an hour and had a hang time of one hour. It was bulky, extra smelly and dirty leaving her ass and it was merely the beginning. The truth was, there was simply more gas.

“Jesus Rita….that’s just not right.” Hannah said as she finally got up and ran outdoors to escape the painful gas that hung around the living room. I stood up and got ready to join her, but that’s when Rita decided to stand up and she nearly hit her head on the ceiling. “Owww!” Rita screamed as she felt the top of her head brush up against the ceiling of her room. I stood up and noticed that Rita WAS bigger in size; I couldn’t have imagined it before. Her ghastly toxic gas filled up the room even more as her butt left the seat and back on the couch I saw a slight imprint of her jean-covered rear up against the fabric, indicative of both her ass’s apparent larger size and the toxic gas that spewed out from it and changed the color of the fabric. A brown spot some six inches in diameter marked the spot of the couch closest to her asshole. Smelling that brown spot, as tantalizing of a thought as it was would have been a death wish for me. Even with the gas mask on, the most intense aroma to have ever been generated on Planet Earth’s history resided within that small brown spot. Meanwhile, Rita was bitching about being as tall as the living room.

“What is this shit?” She yelled as I took a moment to size myself up to her. She was now eight feet in height, a bit of a change from earlier in the day. The top of my head was now just above her waist, meaning that I was almost at the same height as her ass, which was certainly bigger than before, though the proportion as compared to the rest of her body was no different.

“Isn’t it obvious Rita, you’re bigger!”

“Well ain’t that something? But why, what was in that food you gave me?”

“Food, nothing, it was the same stuff from the grocery store, the same as always.” I said as Rita quickly walked over to the kitchen, craning her head just a little as she made her way through the haziness of her toxic gas. Opening up the fridge she saw a two liter of milk sitting on the counter. She took the milk out and opened up and began chugging the whole thing. Beans gave her gas, the baked bean omelet gave her worse gas, but milk made it even worse and two liters of milk, she would never drink that in an entire day. She finished off her drink a minute later with a giant ten-second long burp that nearly rattled the cabinets of the house. Patting her stomach she felt another gas bomb burst within her stomach.

“Oh boy sellcon….I can feel it now….you’re going to regret ever making me a big girl…” She said trailing off as I heard the fart, the massive silent but deadly fart.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…

A very visible hissing sound came out of her blue jeans as Rita released what could only be described as death by gas. The green-colored fart gas burned into the kitchen and went with a quicker speed that the previous fart and it began to cover more space. She could have cleared out half her school with one of these. I fell back as I tried my best to leave, but the giant 14-year old was now flexing her muscles as she released her killer gas all over the house. If her previous three farts had stunk up the house to incomprehensible levels, this one just about destroyed any chance of her family ever living there again. Her silent-but-deadly fart fogged up all windows, turned up the heat by 20 degrees and fouled everything in the house. It was the Rita Smell at its full intensity, cranked up to a high level as the house was becoming contaminated by Rita’s flatulent wind and blinding me as I moved further back and back. I went around the living room trying to reach the window so I could stick my head out, but the fart was going to claim me. I could already feel its tentacles grip me as I fell down in the living room, gasping for air as I smelled its utter despicableness against my body. If I had taken my nose and pressed it up against where a skunk was releasing its spray chemical it would have better described what was going on with me. I smelled it more and more before I reached unconscioness. Behind me Rita was giggling up a storm as she continued releasing her fart. It would go on for another two minutes to produce a powerful three-minute long SBD that made her house unlivable for the foreseeable future. Rita, now an eight-foot tall 14-year old girl had just stunk up her house, and not only stunk it out, she had destroyed it with her gas, a dream of her’s forever and the worst part now was….she was getting hungry again. But it wasn’t until 15 minutes later when I found that out.

“Sellcon? Sellcon? Get up, we have a problem.” My eyes flickered as I found myself outside Rita’s house. The air around us was a mix of yellow and green, overall a puke-colored tint that made the region surrounding the house appear like it came out of a horror film. I got up and noticed the smell. We both wore our gas masks as I found my bearings and saw that people were surrounding the house, wondering what the hell was going on in there. But then we saw a breeze start to blow out of the house. Windows on both levels were bursting open as if a bomb was going off, but a silent bomb inside the house. The windows were shattered and then the air began to change direction in speed as we felt a solid wind blow outwards from all the windows in the house with more green and yellow gas bellowing out. Soon we began to smell it, it was Rita farting again and it was going to be very powerful. The bellowing of her gas continued for another solid minute as the people gathered around us started to cough profoundly from the aroma. I caught a whiff of the gas and knew it was Rita’s best and stinkiest, a very putrid fart that made every fart in history seem meaningless.

A minute or two after the fart had been released and we heard some noise from within the house. Before anyone else could say anything the front wall of the building had been smashed through from the inside and the structure was partially destroyed as the bleached hair girl who was my master emerged outside, standing even taller, probably over 25 feet in height and smiling from the nasty deed she had just committed. Waves of her stinky gas flowed out of the house and turned the grass around us brown and caused the trees to wilt from the sudden exposure to the most devastating version of gassiness ever. Even Rita’s worst farts in her past were nothing compared to what she was doing now. The gas began spreading for a further distance as the crowd around us started to back away from the atrocity being committed on their nostrils by Rita’s flatulence. Meanwhile, the 14-year old giant started giggling as she saw the people leaving.

“God you guys are a bunch of wimps! I doesn’t even smell that bad!” Rita said with a booming voice that was certainly different to hear on my ears than before. Hannah and I moved toward a safer distance as Rita stepped away from her house and onto the front yard. The crowd of people watching and taking pictures of the giant girl were still intrigued by what was happening even if they were suffering the worst aroma in history with Rita’s gas flowing around the neighborhood. Seeing something like 30 people around Rita laughed some more as she began to ask something of her new audience.

“If you’re going to be wimps, then at least you can do something for me…in fact, how about we just drop the request and make it a demand!” She said laughing as she placed her hands on her hips and stood to a commanding height of around 30 feet in height. Waving the foul air around her she made her request.

“I want all of you to return home and located any cans of beans you have….all of your beans, go shopping if you must to buy the beans. Give me as many beans as possible or I’ll cut a fart so foul you’ll be dead in seconds!” She said with a sudden sadistic smile and laugh following. It was said with such authority that the crowd was speechless for a minute before they began running back to their houses to meet Rita’s demand.

The neighborhood was quick to clean out their pantries and raid their nearest stores for beans as I tried to find a way to get to Rita. She was seated on the ground with her legs crossed as she looked around with eagerness over the possibilities with her giant condition. It was very cool seeing Rita at this size, I had fantasized over a larger Rita and now that she was this size, it was a much cooler experience. She was the gassiest person ever, able to produce stenches of unfathomable proportion. She knew that she was capable of producing gas of such vileness that people would fall victim to her, and now she was larger. As Rita patiently waited for her food to arrive she had attracted other people as well. A van from the sheriff’s department had arrived on the scene as the military was already being mobilized. The smell had slowly died off as the natural environment had taken over in dispersing Rita’s gas. Still, it smelled like a pigsty around here, when Rita farted you were going to smell it, and there was nothing you could do about it. The sheriff officer on the scene got a megaphone to communicate with Rita.

“I’m not saying anything until I get my food. I could kill everyone right now and not even have to let off a big one.” She said sticking out her tongue as the sheriff had a confused look on his face. After radioing in the word to the headquarters they called in more officers to train their guns onto Rita, but not to shoot, at least not yet. Rita was only biding her time before the neighbors started coming in with their beans. Over the next 20 minutes the various neighbors came in with bags full of cans of beans from their house and nearby stores. Not thinking anything about the consequences Rita just ate the cans whole without bothering to open up the cans. It took a few minutes but she had eaten up another 300 cans of beans with all the food that she was given by her neighbors. Hannah and I started to move away from the site as we braced ourselves for what Rita was going to do with such fuel. A crowd had gathered around Rita, curious about what the giant girl was doing; unaware of the danger they were all in. Rita had eaten a lot of beans as she sat there, a food notorious for causing bad gas and she had an ass the size of a mini-van. With the beans festering within her stomach from last night and the baked bean omelet this morning, there was plenty of reason for me to be a little scared as Rita already had the deadliest gas imaginable and this would only make it worse. Everyone was already doomed. The sheriff was watching to see if Rita was going to cooperate now that she was getting her fill.

“Ahh…that hits the spot. Much thanks to everyone for that lovely feast. I LOVE BEANS!” Rita giggled as I slowly watched her body; it was a little bigger than before. But as soon as she was done giggling she groaned a little. Her stomach stretched out, holding far too much food then it was meant to hold. She rubbed her swelling gut, feeling all those beans inside her quickly digesting. Rita had a powerful digestive system and at her larger size it was even stronger, the aluminum in the cans took a short time to digest and incorporate itself into her bowels but as far as the beans were considered, her stomach could dissolve them in seconds. As she rubbed her overstuffed midsection, a loud groan echoed from inside her. Something was building inside her and she couldn’t hold it in. She moaned loudly, feeling her colon fill with a gas that had never been generated before. Everyone looked on as she had the crowd mesmerized by her discomfort. The groaning noise continued for another few seconds before a sinister smile was seen on her face. She tilted her body over and began laughing.

“Unfortunately for you, beans give me very bad gas! Now it’s time to for you to all die from my gas!” She yelled out in a rather stereotypical voice as if she were some mad scientist. She had a pride-filled, spunky grin on her face. Her eyes were slowly moving upwards as she cared less and less for the surrounding people. However real or fake her threat was, she soon backed it up, a loud hissing sound, sounding a dozen fans blowing out of her ass began to let loose a monstrous batch of gas, Rita began farting this this one was going to be huge.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff…………….

Rita had tilted her ass over and began to blow out a super-strong SBD of incredible coverage and power. Well, that was one way of looking at it. Green and yellow gas started to flow out of her ass and a stench so despicable it was toxic to breathe in came out. It was a chemical reaction of painful smelling gas that made each of the farts she had dropped previously smell like nothing. Rotten corpses, dog shit and skunks were still appropriate, but it was the richness of these three elements mixing into a batch of the smelliest smelling gas possible. All around my body there was this moaning that was now taking place from this blast of a radioactive fart that produced this ungodly stench out of Rita’s jean-cladded behind. Her fart was nothing short of a massive plume of thick dirty green smog that seeped out of her ass in humongous quantities that filled the entire block in seconds before spreading around the neighborhood. The inside of the house had to be destroyed by now, if not structurally than emotionally. I could only imagine the paint peeling off for real and fabrics of the house burning from the intense heat of the fart. The way her ass was pointed the house was getting an awful massive dose of her silent but very stinky fart. My face was blasted over and over again for the incredibly long three-minute long period as the green gas helped bulge out her skirt with gas blowing out from underneath it and onto the ground faster than most exhaust pipes on cars. The people gathered around us were soon falling down to the ground on their knees as they choked on this deadly gas. Hannah and I were wearing gas masks, most of these people weren’t, and few were privy to the information of what beans did to Rita’s farts.

……ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…….

“There’s no stopping it guys….you’re all going to die!” Rita yelled out maniacally as she continued to drop her massive silent bomb of a fart. Everyone must have been completely stumped at the awesome glory and power of this tremendous eruption of gas, it had all the power of an absolute bomb without the loud sound and the smell of a toxic chemical being dispersed through the thick and noxious green gas of her fart, and she was still cutting out this massive amount of cheese. The crowd gathered on the street were already dropping like flies to their deaths, no point in trying to breath in this gas, that was a non-starter. Only someone with very well- conditioned lungs could probably tolerate whiffing this stuff up to the point where they could be comatized for months. Rita was capable of producing stuff that scientists hadn’t yet found a solution for, she produced a natural malodrorant that did more damage than even the military was willing to do on enemy combatants. They had tried to see if Rita’s gas could be used to knock people out, but after witnessing some of her gas after beans they realized that it was better used for putting people to death. The sheriff and his group were all dying on the ground as they went for their cars and tried to seek protection from the wicked aroma. Other people tried to do the same thing, but Rita’s gas was too strong and it gripped people in such a quick time that death occurred some 20 seconds after first inhalation, and once the gas was inside your system your body began to shut itself down. All of that from the flatulence of a giant 14-year old girl!

……..sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once the release of gas began it was all over for those around us, Rita was cutting her silent and deadly gas and watching for the first time as her gas was killing off the masses around us. The look on her face was priceless; it was that of pride, she was happy to see the people dying before her. Unlike other people who may have been in her position, she felt no remorse, if they couldn’t stand her gas it was their fault. Rita had prided herself on her deadly farts since she had killed off the 50 or so people since she first killed her cousin Brian, but this was going to be different. It was all over for the crowd as soon as Rita decided it was time for her anus to open up with the absolute foulest smell in the history of the universe and produced within her colon into a true and honest Silent But Deadly Fart. In the last 30 seconds of her fart she strained out the last remnants of what was only the first of many farts she be cutting that day. The effects on the ground were pretty damning. The grass on the front lawn had turned brown, even black in some spots from the catastrophic release of deadly butt gas on those locations. The grass all around us was brown and so was the grass down the street on surrounding yards. The leaves on various trees were dying off and falling to the ground as the foggy gas flowed down and spread its deadly waste around the neighborhood. By the time the fart had ended, the entire subdivision in which Rita lived was smoldering in a vacuum of pungent fart gas the likes that no one had ever smelled. Even I suffered with my mask on and so was Hannah.

“Man that was a great one!” Rita yelled out as we saw a little movement with her body, as if she had increased in size. It was hard to tell exactly how big she was, but I was going to gather it was at least 30 feet if not 40 by this point. It was about an hour since the two girls had started playing video games and the day was already going different, for one thing about 150 people in the subdivision were now dead and people in the surrounding areas were starting to catch wind of the gas, and the overall situation taking place, it was a breaking news event in progress and all Rita could do was compliment herself on the gas.

“I gotta say those beans sure hit the spot and that omelet is still working its way on me, I’m going to have to find a grocery store to get some more, maybe some milk, I’m still hungry.” She said as she stood up to her full erect height, which I now saw was 45 feet. Hannah and I ran up toward her white tennis shoes, gather a quick whiff of her smelly feet and yelled for her attention. We were both no taller than her shins but she was so caught up in her gas that she didn’t notice us when she took a step and smashed a small footprint into the ground. We yelled again and got her attention this time around. Looking back she smiled and laughed as she saw that we were indeed alive.

“It’s great to see you two…come let me give you a higher view.” She swooped down and picked us up each with one hand and hugged us both up against her chest, giving me a nice feel of her massive breasts. Down below we could see the toxic green cloud hanging over the neighborhood, it looked like something out of a zombie movie. The fog was slowly spreading but didn’t expand over as large of an area as possible. Of course at Rita’s size the neighborhood was as large to her as a wing of her school, meaning that this fart power was a high L8 to low L9 fart. I could smell the gas up in the air but not as intense as it was in the subdivision. She walked down the street and saw the impact her fart was having on the surrounding space. A puke-green colored fog was in a slowly spreading layer that was at its strongest to about ten feet above the surface, engulfing entire houses and flowing through dying trees and down neighborhood streets. Cars were left abandoned alongside the street and people lay on the ground lifeless as the fog of Rita’s gas hung around like death. Smelling the air in that fog without any kind of breathing protection was a death wish and she had much more brewing inside her stomach. And in the distance we could see the grocery store, her next destination.

Rita’s location for the two of us was less than desirable; we were in the back pockets of her jeans. We were still large enough to that we were able to stand within the pocket and be able to look out behind us as the cloud of green gas slowly seeped a little further. Meanwhile, our giant master continued to walk down the street with no concern of who was there. Behind us was a trail of death and destruction, mostly destruction as we got further away from her subdivision. She walked down some four-lane road to the nearest grocery store, a common location for me to be sent when on my trips for more food and I was a bit surprised that despite Rita’s largeness, a few trees were nearly her height, meaning that she hadn’t grown to an incredible size, at least not yet, but I could feel the bulky mass of her buttocks behind me, arcing ever so slightly along the blue jeans, which seemed to be not effected by her growth. The worst part of the whole experience was her growth itself, there was absolutely no explanation for it. It wasn’t the food, I could swear to it, I fixed her food similar to previous days and growing spells of hers never happened. Her growth was completely unexplainable and was going on unchecked; I felt a little movement behind me within her buttock. It was hard to explain but I soon realized what it was when I saw my field of vision change as my head slowly lowered itself from the edge of her back pocket. When we started our walk I was able to look out the pocket with my whole head sticking out, Hannah too, but now I had to jump up and down within the pocket just to grab a view. It took her about five minutes to reach there, but Rita finally arrived in the parking lot of the grocery store where a mob was gathered.

“I’ll be nice and let you leave….” Rita began with a sign that perhaps she was lightening up, but as soon as she looked down on the crowd who began to flee, getting in their cars and running away she quickly turned her ass and without any warning began to release a very, very, very small fart.


“OOOOOPPPPS! Where are my manners? Sorry about that!” Rita said laughing with full intent that she meant to do what she did. Her fart only went on for about 12 seconds, a microscopic amount of time based on what she was usually capable of, but the smell was still potent beyond relief. I felt the fabric of her pants warm up to the point that it seemed like I was in a sauna. I know I sure as hell would not want to be within her panties right now. The smell was righteous and powerful and of course it carried with it the atrociousness of Rita’s deadly gas. Green fog blew out of her ass and spread itself across the parking lot, forming another dense fog of absolute deadliness as people fell to more of their deaths. I looked down upon the crowd as I saw the people fleeing from the parking lot. It was a typical shopping center with a large grocery store and several other small shops next to it. Two restaurants were located closer to the road with a gas station. The majority of the people within these businesses all fell to their death as soon as their nose caught a whiff of this small but strongly rotten fart. Scores of people, who had gathered to see the giantess in action soon started to run down the sidewalk and drive their cars. Erratic behavior was already starting outside the shopping center where the misty green fog was settling in. Paint was being stripped off the cars and light poles as the windows in front of the grocery store were fogging up from the heat of the silent but deadly fart. Rita laughed some more as she fanned some of her wretched gas outwards and watched the people suffer on her fumes.

“Jeez guys that was only a SMALL fart….I’m soooo sorry about that!” She said as she snickered to herself and sat down on the parking lot, smashing a few vehicles. Luckily, she sat down so that we could both climb out of her back pockets and climb our way onto the parking surface, which was now warmed up from Rita’s gas. Around us was a layer of gas that changed densities by the second as various spots had stronger concentrations of her gas than others. Regardless, the parking lot stunk of Rita’s flatulence as she quickly ordered us to go inside the grocery store and buy every can of beans available, on top of every carton of milk and all the Fiber One bars possible. It was an exhaustive and hefty shopping spree, but upon seeing my master’s large global butt cheeks I knew that she was more worth it than ever before, I’d give her anything just to see her do this.

Even if I was proud of my giant gassy master, I was horrified by the results as I walked into the grocery store, which had a much different appearance than before. The inside was very creepy to say the least, a green fog hovered around the various aisles but it was light enough in appearance so that we could easily see in our shopping. The air was toxic, but with our gas masks on we were able to handle it okay. Still, it stunk like skunks and shit had been sprayed within the store for an entire day and allowed to simmer in the summer heat, and then some. But the most horrifying part was the fact that everyone in the store was dead. Not passed out or knocked out into comas, dead. At least there was no one I see who was alive. People were knocked over to the ground, either by fainting or some kind of stumbled fall to the ground. In every aisle, there were people lying down on the ground, men, women and children, all were not able to withstand the wretchness of the smell of Rita’s small fart. They couldn’t handle it, it was too much for any of their lungs to comprehend, Rita’s gas was produced by chemical processes that were much more advanced than anything people were used to. It was sad to see this, I can’t lie. My heart was broken, but I knew that the needs of my master were greater than any of these people. Actually that wasn’t true but it was what I told myself as we made it to the beans aisle and cleaned up the shelves, loading up several carts full of beans, followed by the Fiber One bars and the gallons of milk. It was very eerie since the store’s music was still playing, unaware that only a couple of people were able to hear it. The checkouts had people leaned over against the conveyor belts and registers as the smell came up suddenly on then and attacked. It all happened in less than a minute and it was very strange to see. It was like any apocalyptic scene out there. We made our way out of the store with the sensors beeping that we hadn’t paid for our food, but with everyone in the store dead there was no worry for anyone to stop us. We arrived outside to see Rita sitting there patiently as the green haze of her gas had slowly begun to dissipate, a small fart from her after all would only hang around for about ten minutes or so, it was merely an L1 fart, Rita’s weakest, and it killed probably around 250 people in this area.

“Oh goodie, bout time you guys came back and those beans….God look at all those beans and it’s a good thing because I hear company coming.” She said as she looked out in the distance as a couple of army helicopters had begun their trip over in our direction. We have five carts full of beans, plus some more with the Fiber One bars and the gallons of milk, Rita finished it all in under a minute. Taking the cart she emptied the entire contents, beans and the cans that held them and watched with amazement as her stomach took it all and added more fuel for her already combustible arsenal. Adding the Fiber One bars and the milk and her gas situation was getting worse by the second, brewing up within her the largest storm on Earth. She was going to let it sit back and wait for a minute as the helicopter arrived near the scene, with someone on a megaphone ready to issue out demands of the flatulent female giantess.

“Please remain still, you are ordered to remain where you are at!” The person in the megaphone announced, thinking that Rita was just going to stay there while people tried to subdue her or something. Several tanks and military-like vehicles made their way down the main street, blocking off the way in both directions from the shopping center. Three helicopters arrived on the scene, with the person speaking in the center one, they started circling Rita while she sat there on the ground, rather patiently I might add. Just before the military vehicles arrived on site she quickly whispered something to me, or whether as good of a whisper as she could.

“Hey sellcon…go get a grill, I want to have a barbeque!” She said in a voice that was a little urgent and just soft enough that the person in the helicopter couldn’t figure out what it was. I already figured out her plan and given the fact that we were becoming surrounded I was willing to go this route. I went back into the store and grabbed a grill from a display. I also took some charcoal and some lighting supplies and made my way back outside. I watched as about ten and military vehicles had arrived on the site. I got the grill working while inside the store and wheeled it out with everything set except for the lighting. I looked around at the police, who were focused on the giant 14-year old bleached hair girl and asking her to stand down from anything else. The helicopters continued to circle Rita as she continued to bide her time. It was already over, it’s just no one else knew it. It had been 20 minutes since Rita’s last fart and she had roughly 400 cans of beans bubbling up within her stomach, along with God knows how many Fiber One bars and more milk than could feed an entire school for a month.

“Miss. We don’t mean to harm you, but we can’t let you do any more harm to the community. If you promise to cooperate we won’t arrest you or anything. We can get some people to help us return you to a normal size. I understand this must be a bit much for you.” One of the negotiators, for lack of a better term, was trying to reason with Rita to remain where she was at and commits no more damage, but this was Rita we were talking about.

“That’s nice to hear, but I can’t really be making deals with DEAD GUYS now can I?” She said with a chuckle in her voice as the guys looked around, completely unaware of the gassy holocaust that had occurred only 20 minutes before. Because it was such a small fart the gas was already dissipated from the site, but this upcoming fart was going to be much bigger.

“Dead gu….” The military guy wasn’t able to finish his statement before Rita quickly raised her ass up off the ground and pointed it directly in his line of view. Out of those enormous child-like rear blimps came something I hadn’t heard since that morning, a loud and thunderous fart. Rita squeezed her buttocks as she began to push forth something very spectacular out of her ass.


Rita began to cut loose a fart so filthy in its stench that green and brown gas were rupturing out of her jeans like a tornado onto the vehicles within the parking lot. The sound was extremely deafening, especially to those who were standing in the parking lot. The roar created by her “passing gas” was the result of turbulence and friction created by hot gases accelerating upward through her rectum and anal canal and finally escaping through the sphincter in between her gigantic buttcheeks and through her panties and pants. These hot gases contain gaseous particles of a chemical combination that no one could duplicate that travelled violently through her buttcrack and out of those cheeky confines to help induce the powerful noise. Rita was a girl who had an uncanny ability to produce flatus of such corrosive elements that the paint was peeling off of the military-grade vehicles as cracks were forming in the parking lot and the stitching of the military uniforms of some of the officers was being faded from the exposure to the powerful chemically produced gas. Whatever she had, she just had it, the ability to produce gas that was deadlier than deadly, I’m probably lucky me and Hannah even remained conscious for this one. The incredible sound created by this release of gas was remarkably like the frequency distribution of sound coming from a jumbo jet. There’s a certain point when the sound becomes so great that instead of moving air particles Rita’s gas was simply pushing air aside and producing a wave of gaseous air that knocked all the guys over to the ground as they easily choked to death from the fumes of the fart.


A green cloud was forming over the site of the shopping center as it started spreading around the surrounding neighborhood, containing the same deadly gas that made the Rita fart such a combustible element. Bringing in the putrid gas-producing ability of her gas and this fart had given her some kind of weapon that made anyone cry and choke a little before their lungs shut down. Your lungs could not handle it, simply put, the smell was that toxic. The green gas was becoming darker as it continued to burn out of Rita’s ass and pollute everything with the smell of death. All of that food digesting in her stomach was now merging in with her own beastly digestive system and helped to produce emissions that could be considered catastrophic. The ground vibrated with a powerful force as Rita’s fart was quickly passing the two minute mark and still running strong as the surrounding area was coming into contact with her powerful flatulence, the number of dead was almost certainly doubling past the 200 from 20 minutes ago. More were dying all around us; death was spreading in this part of suburban Cincinnati than anywhere else in human history and in such a quick amount of time. And to add insult to injury, I lit the grill and rolled it down the parking lot to a random spot that wasn’t even directly next to Rita’s butt. It didn’t matter, a fireball was formed and fire engulfed many of the abandoned cars in the parking lot. …..PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

The fart continued for another 30 seconds, bringing the whole thing to just under three minutes, about a L7 fart on Rita’s scale. Farts like that could kill a few nearby if she were normal-sized and their faces were right at her butt, but now at her size the death was much more contagious. But it was worse than that now as a firestorm was spreading from car to car as the individual light fixtures in the parking lot were also catching fire from the firely fuel of her gas. It was a constant wind, a constant stinky wind that blew from between Rita’s pants-covered butt that went at around 150 MPH in wind speed. It blew at a much higher concentration and speed fanned the fire further and further from this horrendous gassy wind that was blowing from an incredibly gassy girl. But it was the effect of this fart that made it much different. Almost instantly from when I had started the process, the gas had found the embers and those embers became flames and the large fire continued to grow, powered by a new and stronger source of methane gas, it erupted into a large fire, which had started burning the flames around with the fury of a hundred bonfires at once. She was producing more methane in a few seconds than an entire cow farm could in an hour and the sulfur amount within her farts was through the roofs, landfills stunk much less than what she was releasing. Her butt had become a flamethrower as it caused the fire to get much larger from its original space. My eyes were fixated on what my giant master was doing with her fart to the fire as it continued to blow ferociously into the adjacent housing subdivisions, catching various trees and buildings on fire as the fart continued to erupt.

But Rita’s colossal nearly-three-minute fart was finally finished up as she felt the last bit of this thunderous fart squeak out as she breathed in a sigh of relief and felt the heat of the fire blowing outward, destroying a small part of her larger community. The air around where I was standing on the other hand was disgusting beyond belief, a mixture of rotten eggs and fiery flesh, burned up dead bodies and gasoline exploding, all actually taking place around us. Rita quickly located the two of us and picked us up and found a spot on the roof of the grocery store to give us a little room out of the toxic zone of her deadly burning flatus. The entire area looked like it had just been bombed, by something that made a dirty bomb sound and smell much more pleasant. She was standing at a now larger height, close to 100 feet now. Her laughs echoed as she saw the helicopters too had been caught up by the deadly-smelling gas and had fallen to the ground in three separate locations with three separate fires produced from within them. She was quickly realizing her potential and it was going to fuel a fire much larger than what was burning here right now.

“Drop the bomb on em, please don't drop the bomb on me, Rita please, please don’t drop the bomb on me, drop the bomb on them!” Rita rapped out to another Eminem song as she remarked about the bombed out nature of the fart, and to add even more devastation onto the mess and without much remorse, she pushed out a long silent but deadly fart, only three minutes in length which only compounded the problem from earlier.

SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!

It went on for three whole minutes and only added fuel to the large fire, but worse of all, it was another L7, nearly L8 level fart pouring out of Rita’s ass and the look on her face said it all. She was determined that a full blast would be an effective way to demonstrate exactly just how powerful she was becoming. With no effort she released this silent and rather deadly fart as she displayed a smile of amusement, which was slowly changing to become a knowing smile of power and superiority as her overwhelmingly dominant gassy strength had been confirmed for the entire area. We looked on from the roof of the grocery store as she continued to fart, there was a certain pride I could install in myself as I knew what was coming. I will never know exactly what this incident would do, but I would be happy with the results. The most powerful girl I ever knew in terms of farting was now the most powerful being on the planet and with each second that was becoming more and more apparent, Rita Lector was a goddess and deserved to be one. Being gassier than anyone else was obviously a turn-on for her and for me and she concentrated on expanding the already large gap in the power of her gas over anyone else’s. Her already impressive flatulence was growing at an even faster rate as her growth spurts became more intense. Metaphorically she was releasing gas that had never before been conceived within her bowels. This gas would have killed anyone within her school within seconds and was now spreading over the suburban township in which she lived. At first it was roughly 50 dead from her subdivision, and then 200 from the shopping center parking lot, now it was certainly in the thousands the death toll she was stacking up, but she didn’t care, in fact she loved it. Thousands of people were choking to death on her fart’s smell; nothing made her feel better than that.

“Rita Lector has become Death, the destroyer of worlds!” I yelled out as Hannah silently nodded her head. She was more catatonic than anything else, still unsettled over what had happened. She had thought that she might have challenged Rita to a fart contest in the living room earlier in the day, but now that was not going to happen. But that was fine because for the first time in my life I was truly at Rita’s mercy, everyone was now, most people didn’t just know it yet. What wafted out of Rita’s behind was going to determine the destiny off all humanity and at the current moment all that wafted out of her 14-year old rear end was deadly gas. All she could produce was deadly gas!

“Oh guys, I forgot about you two, are you both okay?” Rita had turned back toward the grocery store and saw that we were still standing there. Her mood suddenly changed to that of friendliness, at least as far as we were considered. The air of course was reeking of her extremely foul gas but what else was new? As she looked at her friend she suddenly remembered a certain kid in Hannah’s class from the other week and an idea crept in her head.

“Hey Hannah, where’s that kid live, the one who was picking on you last week?” Rita asked as Hannah was finally zapped out of her daze when she started to think about the kid, a jerk (according to them anyway) named John who was giving Hannah shit over something. Hannah had vowed to fart in his face but hadn’t gotten around to it; Rita was thinking the next best thing, killing him. Despite that and knowing very well what it would lead to, Hannah disclosed the location.

“3408 Baker Street, I think it’s a mile or so north of here, they live in a pretty nice house up there.” Hannah said as Rita got that look on her face, the look that she was going to go in for the kill. She asked me for the best directions of which I pulled out my phone and typed in the address. Afterwards she picked us both up and placed us back in her back pockets as she found her way to the house, rather nicely I might add. From my angle, looking behind Rita I was able to track our location and I saw that she was actually pretty good with directions. Girls her age wouldn’t probably normally give a damn about where exactly they were and from Rita’s vantage point, some 100 feet high up in the air it was nearly impossible to read street signs, meaning she had to look down on the ground as if she were playing along with an aerial map reader online to guess the location, but Hannah had given precise locations and was able to piece in the rest, she was a remarkably smart girl for her age.

But the location she had me in, in the back pocket of her right buttock was far from the smartest place to be. Being this close to the nuclear reactor that was her ass, you better believe that it stunk like nothing else in there. It was hot and humid inside the pocket as I felt the fabric slowly gain a little bit of depth inside of me. Whereas before I was able to stand inside the pocket I now had to hold onto the top piece of the pocket to be able to look outside and get some fresh air. I looked back at the fire that was burning near the shopping center and the green, brown and black gas hovering over the area. The entire zone of toxic gas was larger than several housing subdivisions put together, she probably had stunk out a region of about three or four square miles at this point, insignificant at the moment but probably only the beginning compared to what was coming. And any release of silent but deadly gas while walking might prove to be near fatal given our rather close location to her ass, but I think Rita was paying attention to that as she arrived near the spot of John’s house to pull us both out. Holding us by the back of our shirts with her fingers she asked Hannah exactly what house he lived in. After being pointed toward it she walked closer to the property. Another small crowd had formed, with people who had not yet heard the news of what took place at the shopping center. While word of the giant girl in the northern Cincinnati suburbs was spreading, it was rather slow. The lack of live witnesses was the main reason, those who had seen Rita in action were typically dead as a result and this crowd would suffer a similar fate.

“Hey John?!” Rita shouts out with a loud voice that could be heard all over. We waited to see what would happen as we were dropped off at the roof of a nearby house, close enough to see what would happen but not close enough to catch a full whiff of what Rita had brewing. After a minute or two we saw John coming out of the house along with a couple of his buddies and by the looks of it they appeared to be high or something, they certainly weren’t expecting the sight of the large Rita Lector standing in front of their house. The house was around 25 feet in height and covered a decent-sized footprint in an upper-middle class subdivision of the area; there was open ground spreading the properties with variously planted trees, no more than five years old scattered about. Nothing was higher than Rita’s knees. The sight of the giantess caused him to jolt out of his dazy confusion as he asked what this was about. He knew about Rita but had never seen her this up close. After asking what the hell she was doing there, or something like that since I couldn’t hear him talk too well Rita started smiling as she lowered her head and began speaking with John, quick and simple.

“You’re going to regret ever messing with Hannah. When you insult my best friend you insult me, and insulting me is a death wish!” She laughed as she turned her body around and crouched her ass squarely on the house. The guys all looked at John with a bit of confusion as they saw Rita’s gigantic jean-cladded ass floating over the house, they were probably all thinking that she was going to sit on them. To those behind and beneath her the sky was suddenly replaced with the form of her immense ass, her panties pulled tight between the two vast cheeks. She lowered into a squat, her rear now about ten feet away from the edge of the house, the guys now see a dark shadow cast upon them. Rita laughed with healthy amusement as she felt her ample butt angle itself over the guys as she channeled up her gases. There was nothing those guys could do at this point, even seeking shelter would have done nothing to save them from the death that awaited them. It took another 15 seconds for Rita to finally get herself as comfortable as she could before she felt the gas hit her sphincter. It was all over, with no real need to strain as she pushed out she smiled out in both mine and Hannah’s direction and let loose.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff……..

The fart was another silent one and it was another long one, both very bad combinations for the guys, who were blown back against the front door from the burning hot winds of Rita’s fart. I could vaguely see what was happening as the guys were choking on the fumes before falling to their deaths, maybe 20 seconds into the fart. It was a wind storm of the worst smelling thing ever imagined by anyone. The beans was now making its presence known, as this fart had stunk worse than any other fart she had released so far, which was a monster fart without much comparison. This was a tear-inducing fart that had caused both Hannah and I to cough as the smell from this fart to grow in power. And that was with proper equipment and tolerance to her gas. To everyone else, it was the same old story, death. I could only guess just the power of the aroma coming through the faded fabric of his Rita’s pants as she pushed more of her gassy goodness at the house. The paint against the siding was peeling as the grass was turning dark brown from the surge of chemicals coming out of her ass. It was like taking your face and pressing it deep within Rita’s bowels after she had eaten 20 cans of beans, and then you could add a little more. The trees were dying around her as the green cloud was spreading from her ass over a distance that included the adjacent houses and then the ones next to them. This was a great farts; even a regular sized Rita loaded up on several cans of beans couldn’t compete with what was now coming out of her ass. But great farts were the only thing Rita knew; she had long lost the ability to release a small fart.

…….fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

The smell that radiated from her jeans was only good enough for her myself and Hannah to withstand, if she were to continue this then everyone on Earth could potentially die. To smell a Rita Lector Fart wasn’t just to smell it, one had to back away, even me since staying at the source for too long was dangerous, and take in the smell and process it, wondering what on earth would produce such a smell. Heaps of dead skunks, millions of dead skunks, weren’t nearly this bad, but this was gas from this giant gassy girl, this naturally-producing gas, was powerfully strong. You had to sit there for a moment for your nostrils and lungs and brain to process this gas and allow for it to take in all the goodness that came with it, since it came in such vast quantities. The fart went on for a good three minutes and stunk up the entire neighborhood as one would expect from a fart of such size and power. John and his friends, along with John’s family were all dead; they had been dead since early on in the fart. The people watching who stayed too long were too gripped by the cold fingers of Rita’s hot and eggy and deadly fart. And those that ran away were killed anyway; her fart was too expansive and too long that it filled every house with a combustible vapor that literally killed anything inside. No air-tight space was safe in that area, the gas claimed all. Rita was never that prejudice about what she killed with her gas and now that she was giant and gassy she was more than able to rack up the death toll. Another 50+ people were killed from this fart but she still saw that as the beginning.

“Yeah, try running away from me! None of you can handle the smell of my farts. I’m lethal beyond all belief, you guys better just accept the fact that when I fart you die! And boy do I have a bad case of gas; I’m so loaded that I’m going to be letting out deadly farts for a week!” Rita stood up and yelled outwards for all to hear. Her size had gone up to about 110 feet now as she watched the green cloud of her deadly gas continued to spread outwards from the neighborhood. Without any more farting from the gassy 14-year old giant the gas would hang around the neighborhood for a good three hours before anyone could attempt to drive through the place, but with so many people dead it was hard to tell who could actually head into that neighborhood. A trail of her gas marked her path from her original neighborhood over to her present spot; it occupied the space that was roughly half the size of the suburban township. A good 3,000 people or so probably lived there, many of them likely dead. Her boastful claim was meant to be a challenge; she was loaded with gas so she saw no need to worry about any kind of retribution. But she was unaware at the moment that planes were being loaded up at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base outside of Dayton to take on that challenge.

However, Rita had another idea on her mind. She located the two of us and asked Hannah if she’d be cool with visiting their school. Her friend’s eyes lit up as she had a strong feeling about what her giant friend was thinking of. I decided to come along for the ride to see what Rita was planning. It was about a five minute walk down another pair of street, filled with some traffic trying to leave and get out of her way, not that she really cared. She mashed the cars with her feet and allowed for a very small amount of her gas to accidently leak out and kill a few people along the way. But she was saving up something even bigger when she arrived at the location of her middle school.

“There we go. I’ve always wanted to stink up the whole school, now I’m going to get the opportunity to….”

“But Rita, you have stunk up the entire school!” Hannah cried out, interrupting her friend as Rita started giggling.

“Oh yes, but with only one fart?”

“What are you thinking?” I asked her. “I want you two to go into the building and tell me what it’s like when I let one loose, I’m going to stink up that school like nothing else. All my previous school farts will smell like nothing to what I’m fermenting up inside.” She said laughing as another group of police vehicles were on their way to the one-story building located in the middle of a more established neighborhood. The highest point of the school, the gymnasium reached only her knee. Rita found a couple of entrances on the opposite side of the building and allowed for me and Hannah to “break in.” It was still during the summer so class wasn’t in session, I found myself walking down the corridors of a middle school looking around the building. Hannah found me pretty easily and guided me over toward a hallway that was almost at the exact opposite end from where Rita was now positioning her jean-cladded butt toward.

Rita Lector got down on her knees with her two arms positioned so that they were in between her knees on the ground. She had her rear end pointed toward what would be considered the main entrance to the school. She smiled as she looked up toward the sky and saw the blue skies of the air still present; she probably imagined that it would be very powerful to let loose this bomb creeping within her bowels. A news helicopter, trying to keep their distance away from her was getting a good shot of Rita, which is how I was able to follow her when I wasn’t right next to her, on my phone, watching the news coverage every now and then. Hannah was reminiscing on how Rita would constantly stink up the hallways near their lockers. Since it had been a good two months since the girls were last in this building there was no stink in it right now, probably the purest it was ever going to smell again. The helicopter got a good view of Rita as she looked up toward it and started to grit her teeth, she started to produce a very evil smile on her face as she felt the gas reach her sphincter. There were no words to announce that she was about to fart, she just did it.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……….

It probably went without saying that this fart was going to be a big, fucking massive stinker! When Rita strived to stink up her school, she meant it in the worst possible way. By the time everything was said and done her fart had gone on for a long, excruciating five minutes in length, easily her longest of the day and her smelliest by far. She wasn’t yet at the size where her powerful silent farts could destroy the school building by itself, but she destroyed just about everything else. We waited in the hallway for what was probably about 20 seconds from the time her fart began before it reached us, and it was a curious feeling. Her stream of yellow gas blew the doors open and found its way going full force down the hallway, blowing out some of the lockers and blowing all sorts of left-out papers that had been clinging to bulletin boards and the pale-colored crematic walls that lined the hallways. Some dust that had settled against the hard-surfaced floor to blow opposite the direction of where her fart had originated. We could already detect the awesome stench of Rita’s fart before we actually felt the “smellwave” of her fart hit us. It was a light lingering aroma at first; no different from an actual Rita fart in school from what Hannah could tell. The prelude to the effects of her fart in the school were about the same as the full force of a regular-sized fart in the hallway. And then we felt the winds pick up and saw stuff blowing our way. With the lights going out and the yellow gas barreling its way down the hallway we soon were caught up as the smellwave reached us.

………hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…………

“Oh God Rita that fucking stinks!” Hannah said as we both felt the force of the fart hit us in the face. And Rita’s fart continued. Twenty minutes from the beginning of the fart and the winds were strong enough that we were being pushed back as the intensity of the aroma began to pick up, like a thunderstorm gaining strength as it became windier and windier. With gas masks on it we were able to withstand the impact of the fart, but a school crowded and full of people would have meant instant death. And as much as Rita would have loved that, it did bring her satisfaction that a few of those students were already dead and the way she was going the others would follow too. Being pushed back against the wall as the current of yellow gas blowing through the hallway produced a stream of air blowing that exceeded 100 miles per hour, we followed the wall to a nearby classroom, which had luckily had its door blown open, allowing us to knock ourselves into it. We were in a classroom, likely one that was used by Rita in one of her eighth grade classes. In fact Hannah had recognized it, it was a history classroom and one that Rita herself had stunk up one time last year with a rather small fart, that still forced all the students to leave less they become new causalities for the growing gaseous power of one Miss Rita Lector. The smell grew more intense by the passing second as we both got to witness first-hand what close to a thousand cans of beans and did to Rita’s bowels and let me tell you, you will never smell a fouler bit of air ever. It was pure fart gas being ripped out through the most swollen asshole in the world, an asshole that has seen more gas passed than from any other human ever. The flow of gas out of her ass was laborious as she was releasing her fart for over five minutes, terrorizing the school to a gas storm that it would likely never recover from. The toxic was being emitted out from her ass like a strong tornadic volcano, erupting after having built up gas within in for a long time, and the burning brimstone smell was purely out of this world.

……..hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!

“SHE IS POWERFUL! SHE IS GASSY! SHE IS GOD!” I yelled as the two of us got down up against the walls of the classroom and got ourselves ready to settle in for the storm as the fart continued to rage on. If it had been a loud fart it would have shattered our eardrums, but this was a silent but deadly fart. It blew through the hallways like a tornado hitting the school, shattering glass, breaking down doors and blowing papers, supplies and even desks around like they were nothing. The gas was easily encompassing everything within the room and the entire school. All around damage was taking place that would render the school unusable for at least the next year. In the cafeteria, the tables where the students would eat were being knocked around and moved into irregular positions based on where the strongest fart winds carried them. In the library, books were hurled off the shelves and computers knocked over with sparks flying around, small fires were already starting from wires being knocked around in various parts of the electrical system. In the administration offices, the principal’s office (an often visited room for young Rita) was being filled with the most noxious chemically produced flatus ever; the wallpaper was peeling off as the principal’s college diploma was curling up within the frame with small bits of ink flaring off from the intense aroma of the fart. The classroom we were in was turning to a sauna as we breathed in the foul richness of her gas. And then her fart suddenly ended, we weren’t aware yet that it had been five minutes but the sound of Rita’s thunderous laughter signaled that the damage must have been even greater than before.

“Goddamn!” Hannah exclaimed as she felt the wind storm cease and the air fill up with a ripe feeling that had never felt it. Even at Rita’s gassiest she could never do this kind of damage to the school like she did now. She utterly owned the school with a gassy fart that carried its weight around the building like a sledgehammer to an egg. And speaking of eggs, it certainly smelled like that around here, rotten eggs like you would never believe. We got up and left the classroom and walked down the hallway of the still structurally sound building as we saw haze and smoke fill our field of view and the powerful effect of the fart over the entire area. As we walked our way toward one of the school’s exits we suddenly heard a crashing noise somewhere off in the distance, almost like a meteor falling out of the sky. We weren’t sure yet of what it was, but we followed the noise to one of the side exits to the building and saw a small black plume of smoke in a nearby neighborhood surrounding the school. I quickly checked the phone for the news coverage and saw that the helicopter view was gone. The helicopter had gone down and crashed, losing the video feed of the event for those watching. Then we heard the diabolical laughter of my gigantic master as she stood up and loomed large over us, a little bigger than before, she was about 120 feet now in height as she moved her hands down to her knees and started giggling loudly over us.

“You guys gotta see this!” She said with her echoing voice as quickly picked us up and I got another head rush with the sudden shift in altitude from ground level to roughly 80 feet up in the air. I looked at the trees below us and saw the green and yellow haze of her fart had covered a larger region than her previous farts. If I were to guess just how far the coverage was, it was about two square miles or so. So far Rita’s gassy death had been spread over a considerable distance, though still a tiny part of the larger metro area. But she was punching a lot regardless. As I looked out I saw another jet stream of green gas start to erupt out from what looked like behind her. Soon the barn shit-like smell of her toxic gas began to enter my nose and I soon found myself whiffing what was another silent fart. She started giggling again as she acknowledged that she was farting again.

“Ha, ha, ha, there I go again. I’m gassy like nothing else today!” Rita said laughing up a storm as I was quick to whiff up the air. We both still had our gas masks on and those were the only things keeping us from gagging on her smell, and then Hannah had to open up her mouth as Rita moved her right hand with us resting on them so that we were staring at the black fabric of her shirt, right in front of her breasts. She was fairly busty for a girl her age, but from our vantage points her breasts were beyond massive. Each breasts was more than twice my height, 13 feet in height and nine feet in width. Her chest area stretched out over a region that was as wide as a school bus. Her ass region was even larger than that. We could see the white skull screen print being stretched by her large breasts on her black shirt; it was Rita’s favorite shirt, the shirt that signaled that she was ready to bring death. Oh yeah but where was I, right Hannah opening up her mouth.

“It’s like that day at Kings Island, you know Rita that one tall ride, and then you had to let one rip. I think twelve people went to the hospital once the ride came back down, even the big drop wasn’t able to knock them out of it….remember!” Hannah said as Rita’s eyes opened up. Hannah was thinking about how tall she was compared to this one drop tower ride at the amusement park, but Rita just had another idea hit her head. She looked over toward the east and saw the amusement park, a good seven or so miles away from here. Due to the helicopter going down and people not being able to really mention much about what was going on she thought that there were still going to be people there who were unaware of what happened, after all she was not really able to allow for many survivors with her gas.

“That’s a wonderful idea….but let me finish up this fart!” Rita said laughing as we realized that she was still letting out her silent fart. It would be another two minutes before she was finally finished up with farting. Sighing with some relief she slipped us back into her back pockets, with the absolutely deadly aroma of her gas hanging around from her last silent fart. Every bit of fabric was now burning hot as I was slid into the pocket, now even larger than before. I could see a little daylight from the top but otherwise I was shut off from everything else. However I had my phone and was able to watch some more coverage, what little there was, of Rita’s movements across the area. I followed the map app on my phone and saw that Rita was varying slightly off course. And I soon found out why. She was locating a certain retail sweet spot located at a major road intersection in the suburbs and it was the perfect location for a refilling. There was a grocery store in one corner and three superstores all with their own grocery stores in the other three corners. There were still cars and people moving around the area, either unaware of what had happened to the west, where a small batch of green gas hung over the area, or couldn’t believe the news until she was right in front of them. But Rita stood in the middle of the busy intersection and shouted a command to all those below her, smashing up cars and killing people along the way.

“Alright maggots! I’m hungry and you are all going to be my slaves. Go inside the store and buy up all the beans, milk and Fiber one bars you can, clean off all the shelfs. Don’t even bother with the checkout, bring the food here and I will allow you all to leave without me farting. Hell of a deal if you ask me, my gas could kill you without any additional food, but I’m hungry and I claim authority over all of you right now. Get me my food and I’ll let you live!” Rita shouted as people were apparently so caught up with the sight of the giant 14-year old commanding an order from her perch somewhere around 150 feet up in the air that they didn’t notice her right hand resting against her thigh with her fingers crossed. It took a good 20 minutes but soon carts of people were heading out of the stores with all sorts of food, mostly the beans and the Fiber one bars and the milk, she did not need any more of that stuff, but here she was with what were probably a good 2,000 cans of beans, 500 boxes of the Fiber One bars and nearly 1,000 gallons of milk all ready for her digestion. It didn’t bode well for anyone.

The two of us were resting on the roof of a gas station close to the intersection where Rita had sat down with her legs crossed. There were lines of carts coming from all directions with some 25 carts per line. Rita was picking one cart up at a time and dropping its contents into her stomach. Eating each individual can would have been hazardous for any normal human, but it appeared that Rita’s extremely powerful digestive tract was more than willing to take it. Likewise, the cartons containing the milk and boxes with the Fiber One bars all dissolved instantly once they entered her body. Without the food they would have turned her gas into something quite sour, but with the added food it only made her gas worse. The processes taking place within her bowels was something to be believed, it was a set of digestive processes that was a great intensification of the normal digestive system process. Once she ate the last cartload of food she sat there for a little bit as she allowed for the food to digest within her. She had never eaten this much food before and it was obviously upsetting her stomach. But people were still not aware of just how much was within her and what it was about to cause.

Sitting with her legs crossed, she smiled as she looked around at the people. Some had remained gathered, hoping to hear something from their giantess captor, but most decided it was best to begin leaving the area, but Rita was having none of that. She leaned over to her left, very slightly; barely enough for many of the people to notice, but it was more than enough. It took only a few seconds from our perspective but the gas hit us. It was beyond foul, to say the least, it smelled at least three times greater than if a sewage pipe would have been opened there with raw sewage spilling out. It was a heavily dreadful stench that was quickly climbing in intensity as the people around us were falling to the ground, captured by the incredible raunchiness of the gas and that’s when I realized, she hadn’t even begun to fart yet. This was Rita’s pre-fart, it was the mere moment of her opening up the anus to expose any pent-up gas that was hanging around her rectum, gas that was still there from her last fart or that had gathered there since them. It took only four seconds but the amazing strong nature of her strong pre-fart gas had brought people down to their knees as people all around the four shopping centers were gagging on the stink. It was a very, very strong smell and this was merely the prelude to the actual fart! As soon as she was ready, she began and everyone around us started to die as Rita began farting a nice silent but deadly, of course she was going to go back on her pledge not to fart, she as Rita Lector and she farted whenever the hell she wanted!


You could certainly tell when she began farting, the wind picked up and the smell increased by a factor of ten and people started to die, their lungs not even close to being able to withstand the very exceptional and powerful toxicity of her gas. Rita realized early on that hiding was for the weak, the masses tried to avoid the deadliness of her gas but were never able to avoid the green blossoming of her gas from underneath her rear and upwards into the air as it spread in multiple directions in a growing mushroom-shaped cloud of gassy death. Her Goddess was power and she should be worshipped at her butt, the butt with the asshole that spewed gas of death, power and destruction. I could see the carnage take place before us as we continued to be able to withstand the power of the gas, but even at that we were still breathing in copious amounts of her gas. The area around us was turning into a wasteland in quick time as the green gas continued to spread outwards, introducing a new meaning of hell with the full brunt of the Miss Rita Smell. Looking around, we saw panicked people running out of the other buildings and into their cars, only to freeze when the green gas got to them.

………….bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss……….

Rita’s silent but deadly fart continued past the second and third minutes and was rushing out strongly. The green gas was spreading over a region that was expanding with much more haste than before. Imagine being hit by a smell worse than anything you’ve ever encountered. It combines the reek of sewage with pungent rotting meat. It is nauseating, and so intense that you run as fast as you can to anything. People went into their cars, had their noses underneath their shirts and some ran into the ground just to press their nose into the dirt thinking it was going to do anything. A few people with oxygen tanks tried breathing into those, but Rita’s gas was all- encompassing. Her flatulence was authoritative; it took all and didn’t hold back at all. And the gas only grew in strength as it took over the entire commercial region and then some. Anyone inside any stores would fall victim to the gas. People tried to drive as fast and erratic down the busy streets in any direction from Rita but were finding it difficult. One car would be driving and once the smell hit them they would crash into another vehicle and cause a chain reaction, and once you were hit by someone else’s car you were already in the “smellwave” of her fart and doomed. That is what it would be like to experience a Rita fart – a lethal weapon being within the bowels of an extremely gassy 14-year old giant with over 1,000 cans of beans resting comfortably within her tummy.

…………..ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rita's brown eyes, each iris as big as a large plate, gazed behind her down upon the dead crowd of onlookers. Her eyes were now dry again but still filled with joy. Her bleached hair, hanging loose and reaching slightly below her shoulders, waved gently in the wind. Her mouth, in which a teenager could be put horizontally, curled to a mischievous smile. The gas cloud was spreading like a dust storm in all directions throughout the area formerly known as West Chester. Traffic along the area roadways had a mysterious effect as the smellwave continued to move outwards in all directions. Traffic would be speeding frantically down the roadways before suddenly stopping as their operators became incapacitated from the sudden onslaught of Rita’s nasty stinky gas. It was a girl’s fart, but she chemically made it impossible for anyone to handle, especially with the beans resting within her, she was loaded with so much gas she could potentially never run out of her deadly gas. And that wasn’t even the worst part. As she released her four plus minute fart out of her ass, she started growing. It was slow but steady and continued for as long as she was farting, probably something like a foot every five seconds in height. You saw her head creep up higher and higher as she pushed out her diabolical gas bomb and saw her jean- cladded buttocks slowly expand by a few feet. It was very nerve-wreaking to see her grow more and more, especially with the deadliness brewed up within her. By the time her fart was over, she had gained another 50 feet.

“Oh come’on you maggots, it wasn’t even that bad!” Rita’s voice echoed even louder as she shook the ground just getting up from the large ass imprint she had produced in the ground and saw that she was indeed even bigger, looming larger and larger than before, still the rumbustious Rita Lector I knew and served but now much bigger. She looked at a cloud of green gas that was covering a larger zone than before and filled with the most putrid thing ever conceived on the Earth, her fart stunk way, way too much.

“There you two are, come’on, let’s go Kings Island!” Rita said as she now felt herself loaded up. She picked us up and put us back into our familiar carrying cases, her back pockets. Now we felt even more trapped in her pockets, as I couldn’t even climb my way outside of the pocket and see what was going on behind us. I checked my phone to see what was new and there were various reports coming out and the new warning people was now telling them to stay away from Rita. Behind me I could feel what was probably some 1,000 tons of buttock pushing against my pocket as I had a nice four-foot wide space between the flap of her pocket and the denim of her jeans. I thought about all the times I’ve put blue jeans on this girl in the past and how it was much different being inside one of them now. It was warm and sticky inside this pocket, with small bits of lint and dirt located on the floor as the bottom simply bottomed out to connect the flap back with the fabric of the jean. Against me was a wall of denim that was larger than well it was large.

Rita loved jeans, but she went through them all the time. Many of her dark blue jeans would have lighter blue spots located where her asscrack was, it was a tall tell sign of whose jeans they were. She loved the fact that she could change the color of her jeans at her whim, and she always did it. No pair of jeans were ever unscarred by Rita’s powerful emissions. Khaki pants became whiter in the same spot, right where her butthole was. Red panties would form a pink spot, purple for form a lighter purple color, green panties would turn into a light green and white panties simply became tan. Once the article of clothing reached Rita’s bottom it would forever be scared with the deadliest brand of flatulence possible, rendering it useless after a week of use around Rita, she went through almost $100 worth of clothing a week and we usually had to burn the discarded articles of clothing since donating them would be nearly impossible. She loved it that we had to do so much for what went around her butt, her shirts on the other hand were usually usable for months on end, except for her bras, she kept getting bigger in that department as well, she was growing up very fast and developing killer curves, now the largest in the world with her nearly 200-feet height.

Our trip to Kings Island wasn’t going to be without incident though. Every time I drove her there, she let loose her usual deadly gas on the way up and we had the window opened up every time. It didn’t matter what she ate, she always farted. Luckily she never ate beans, but that never stopped her from clearing out entire sections of the park at a time with the farts she did release. A can of beans and she probably could have been able to clear out the entire park, luckily we never tried that theory, until that is. All that reminiscing got me off track when I began to feel the entire back pocket heat up, the surface of her jeans became as hot as steel cooking on a hot summer’s day as the dank space in her pocket began to fill up with another putrid smell. The smell began slowly, causing me to breathe a little heavier but still with relative ease and then it was ramped up entirely. Fog covered the back pocket as I quickly understood what my giant master was doing, she was crop-dusting. The gas began to bake me as I felt extremely warm within this space as I began to feel the intense heat that was formed because of the digestive processes that go on inside Rita’s stomach to help her produce these god-awful aroma. The stench continued to get worse but I pressed on, breathing in every bit of her lovely fart gas as if there was nothing else in the world. It’s not like there was much I could really do and behind it all, I did love the smell of her gas, that’s why I was here, but Rita was a dangerous farter. The rotten egg stench of her fart continued yet to intensify as the egg smell was moving into yet another level, if such a thing existed, it morphed into a high order mixture of toxic chemicals, burning rubber, boiled beans, rotten eggs and noxious shit to produce a form of gas that I had rarely smelled even from her. I wasn’t normally face farted from Rita and for good reason. This wasn’t just her normal SBD; this was an even more insane-smelling SBD from normal. This fart was growing hotter and smellier as she released it more into the atmosphere. I could only imagine birds dropping out of the sky right now as people below her suffered to their deaths from the inescapable clutches of this fart, , her gas smelled so bad that even she would have to be in awe at the inconceivable power of her SBD.

I heard a couple of explosions around me as I decided it was time for me to see what was going on. Her pocket was now 20 feet in height but I found a corner portion of the pocket with enough threading to see me climb the nearly burning hot edges of denim on her pocket, but I had to see what was going on outside. Slowly I climbed upwards and as I did so the smell grew more intense, but I had a heavy duty gas mask on, both me and Hannah had them, we knew the power of Rita’s gas well enough. As I climbed, my dick got hard as I continued to think of the possibilities of what was going on, and then I heard yet another explosion, probably northwest of me; I assumed Rita was walking east toward the theme park. The silent fart had such a high-order rotten egg aroma that 100 people were probably dying every few seconds from exposure to her flatulence, produced as this brutal fog of her silent but deadly gas. After a good minute of climbing, of which she was still letting loose I was able to peek my head outside the top of her back pocket. I was probably a good 130 feet or so up from the air, maybe a little higher up. Hannah was peeking out of the other pocket as it seemed as if we were trying to get some air.

Below us we could see what was going on below us. Rita’s fart was slowing down as her most deadly fumes were spreading out from beneath us, up against her buttcrack as the torrent of fogginess was blowing out of her ass and fanning outwards in a fan-shaped cloud that was spreading outwards almost a good mile from behind us. The blue sky was mixing in with the toxic yellow and green gas spreading out from her ass. Although the term “crop-dusting” had been used in this context before she was doing it for real this time, Rita was literally crop-dusting the entire suburban township, all falling to the rancid aroma of her beautiful and deadly gas. Streams of yellow gas poured out from her ass and spread itself in all directions from behind her as the layer of toxic gas covered an expanding zone that covered numerous housing subdivision, parks, shopping center and school. Nothing was safe from the disastrous wave of stinky gas that Rita was releasing all over them. And it was of no concern to Rita, she never laughed or talked about what she was doing, there was nothing to say, she was farting and people were breathing, choking and dying on her farting. That was the way of things, that’s how she saw life, especially now, she farted and people died, that was how the world was going to work with growing into a gigantic flatulent girl. There was no stopping Rita’s slow rise in the world into a giantess who the entire world would soon command respect for and there was certainly no stopping the exponential growth of this girl’s amazing, powerful and deadly farts!

Rita had farted for a solid three minutes before she got close to Kings Island. We could see the makeup of the town of Mason below us as she continued to step over cars, bits of ground, road, whatever was in her path. She didn’t care; they were already dead to her. Streams of traffic flowed up the interstate north of town along with the highways, despite her best efforts people were still leaving but it wasn’t in huge droves. Whoever was outside of her zone of deadly gas was able to leave, at least before her deadly gas reached them. Once you sniffed it you were gone but if you avoided the dreadful reach of her home-grown flatus then you survived. Unfortunately for the patrons at the amusement park ahead of her, and on the opposite end of where Hannah and I were, there was no hope. They remained at the park thinking that the news of the giant girl was merely some hoax and that there was no real threat, but by the time she began to loam over the interstate that bordered the park to the west they soon began to realize just how wrong she was. With her bleached hair blowing in the air and the black pillars of smoke behind her in various spots from several airplanes crashing from the sudden rush of her deadly gas into their cabins she looked hungrily on the amusement park as her giant breasts swelled up against her black shirt with the white skull on it with her blue jeans warmed up from some epic farts. She was already brewing up more of her gas, hell the farts she had cut up to this point were only an minor part of her arsenal, that was the horrifying thing, Rita had much more gas building up, so much it wasn’t a laughing matter at all, except to her that is.

“It’s my favorite place in the whole wide world!” Rita proclaimed as she crossed over the interstate and walked her way through the parking lot toward the front of the amusement park. Kings Island was your typical American amusement park, well known for its attractions and whatnot and a common place for me to take her, as she had season passes to ride the rides there. Of course she had to withhold from eating beans before partaking in the rides there, not that it helped anyway, she could clear out entire lines with her silent farts, often riding rides two to three times in a row with people knocked out while in line. I remember the time she went down a big water slide the water park side of the place. Rita came out the slide as any other kid would, but I could tell something had happened when I saw the next three kids slide out unconscious, as Rita had left a trail of her putrid-smelling gas leading up the entire slide. Fair enough, that slide was closed for the rest of the day. It was that day that I found out that her gas had an interesting effect on people, in which they were knocked out and woke up without much of a clue about what had happened or where the smell came from, and few people would even guess that it was a fart, let alone one from a 14-year old girl. This gave her the advantage of being able to spread her powerful flatulence around the area as often as she wanted without any serious repercussions. It was only when people died on her gassy fumes that excuses had to be made to explain their demises.

It was a busy day at Kings Island and sadly for the people below there were still plenty of crowds gathered around as Rita made her entrance, stepping through the gate area and onto the International Street, a main street like shopping district that surrounded a 300-foot long reflecting pool with fountains. All of this led up to the centerpiece of the park, a 300-foot tall blue replica of the Eiffel Tower. The scene below us was no different than from any other disaster movie, especially the ones like Godzilla or Cloverfield, the sight of the massive girl walking down International Street made anyone fearful of what she was capable of doing. Rita’s sneaker-covered feet crunched onto the street. She was now 225 feet tall. The asphalt cracked in multiple directions underneath her enormous weight. Wide star-shaped cracks formed where her feet stepped. People were crushed beneath her feet as she killed numerous just by walking around. People were running in all directions away from International Street and into various shops along the corridor. With every motion this unbelievable giantess unleashed new looks of malice and became more fearsome looking. Now the crowds began to grow afraid and drew back from her.

“I’ve been walking quite a bit, time to get myself a small drink.” She said as she looked down at the reflecting pool and took her big lips to drink up the majority of the water within. It took a good 15 seconds but soon Rita had finished drinking the contents of the pool, unfortunately as was often the case after taking a big drink, in this case some 600,000 gallons of water, she felt the need to pass gas from the other end and Rita’s burps were nearly as legendary as her farts. She could easily win burping contests as her belches were produced with some of the same mechanisms as her gas. She looked ahead at the observation deck on top of the Eiffel Tower, with several people still on top, cowering in fear as they knew Rita had her eyes set on them. And even if the deck was a few feet higher up than Rita, it hardly mattered for what she wanted to do. She walked up to the observation deck and began to open up her mouth, almost as if she were about to eat the people, but what she ended up doing was even worse.


Rita Lector produced a monster burp that was bigger than anything anyone there had ever heard, with a booming voice that shook the frame of the tower and struck more fear down everyone’s body. The echoing-like sound continued for a very long period of time, stretching for well over a minute. Rita was a master burper when it came to it, though her farts always had the more attention grabs. She’d torment her friends by letting loose deep burps of 30+ seconds in length, and coupling those with some of her smelliest farts, few friends were able to withstand them. Rita’s belches usually knocked people out if they were downwind from the smell and the people on the tower were right in the line of fire as heated blast of Rita’s enormous belch was blowing their bodies against the walls of the building at the top of the tower, it was no different than hurricane-force winds blowing the top of the tower. Rita’s burp was massive and powerful. On top of anything else with the pretty loud noise to her echoing, booming belch was the stench to come out from it. It was an aroma not smelt by anyone there that day, there was something different about it. The burp stunk of months old cheese and skunk gas on top of healthy dosage of chlorine gas from the reflecting pool. Mixed together, they produced a vivid stink that was also toxic to breathe in, there was a reason that humans didn’t breathe in chlorine. Mix in too much sulfur and the results were as expected, as soon as they were blasted with the smelly burp they died from it being too much. It was a powerful stink that only helped to reinforce her authority over virtually anything now. And more than anything else, the smell was absolutely rancid, it was as bad as anyone else’s worst eggy SBD farts and that was saying something. Everyone was on the ground with their noses pinched and shirts covering their mouths as Rita’s gigantic one-and-a-half-minute long booming belch filled the park with her smelly belchy wind. Part of her digestive spit accidently fireworked out of her mouth and onto some of the people below, it was like a small rainstorm was taking place.

“Much better…but I don’t like you guys standing there, this tower is too big!” Rita giggled as she saw the people lie dead on the top of the Eiffel Tower. That didn’t matter to her. Using her big hands she grabbed the center part of the tower and be easily ripped off the top half and chucked it out toward a wooded area next to the park. She was very amazed with how easy she was able to do this, but she was about to demonstrate her full power. Looking around, she felt a new gas bomb form in her stomach; it wouldn’t be long before she would share it with the other people. Crowds of people continued to run around as Rita’s chlorine-powered burp hovered just high enough off the ground to keep it from killing the masses below, but that only ensued that she would have some victims for later. As she moved about the park she decided it was time to have a little fun with some of the people. She grabbed handfuls of people as they ran in panic and started smashing up their bodies with her bare hands. But those were the lucky ones, some she would hold up by her mouth as she let loose another couple of “small” burps lasting ten seconds. A few she grabbed and placed in between her armpits of her black shirt as she filled them with the stinkiness of the space between the armpits. The really unlucky ones were stuffed in between her buttocks and smashed with her teenage buttocks into a red paste while the smell of her leftover gas gave them catastrophic lung failure before the smashing could take place, they were dead many times over in the matter of seconds. I heard small bits of screaming from the perspective of her back pocket but knew there was nothing I could do. Like me these people were now realizing how powerless they were against this girl.

She walked over toward the part of the park with the roller coasters and used her legs to kick apart the various metal supports for the steel coasters, remarking about the times she had screamed like a little girl on the rides and now she was tearing them apart. Why was she doing all of this, because she could. Rita was full-on displaying her power as she played with roller coaster cars and flung them into the wooded areas surrounding the park, she smashed up gift shops and food stains located around the park. You were witnessing it here in full power; she was in control in every respect. She began to feel her power as a giantess, and realized that she didn't have to worry about the people around her; they had better worry about her. She smashed person after person, adding more to her death toll, it was almost as fun as farting and killing, she was doing it with her sinister laughter, enjoying what she was doing. She was Rita Lector, a true powerhouse of a girl before she grew up and now even more dangerous. She walked up toward the white wooden roller coaster known as the Racer and stepped on it, watching the coaster fall down like a pile of firewood beneath her feet. She laughed, as a feeling of power surged erotically through her body.

“This is the best time I’ve ever had here!” Rita laughed out as she heard the remaining people scream and move as hordes of people tried to make it out the exits, hopping over fences, even going into small ponds located near some of the remaining roller coasters, just hoping she would see them. But Rita was ready to release her biggest weapon of them all, her fart. She quickly took me and Hannah out of her pocket and allowed up to rest on top of her bleached blond hair as we got a commanding view of the damage being down to the park. Terror and panic had gripped all of Kings Island, but that was about to end. Without saying anything to warn the people she stood there right in the center of the park near the location of the now much-smaller Eiffel Tower and began to let loose a silent stream of the most toxic-smelling gas to have ever left her giant behind.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb……….

Standing there, like she was just an ordinary girl in a room of crowded people, she began to release death upon the frantic people in the park. A stream of green and yellow gas began to pour out of her buttocks and through her blue jeans before filling up the sky around them, soon people began to realize just how utterly screwed they were. The sounds of the people screaming in the park slowly quieted down as her green gas flowed downwards from her ass’s high level and onto the area, Rita was finally realizing her dream of stinking up the entirety of the Kings Island amusement park and rendering the entire place worthless for a long time. To understand the amount of gas that had been brewing within Rita’s titanic stomach, you had to picture a boiling pot rested inside her bowels full of nasty eggy gas that smelled of the highest caliber stench, a chemically- produced stench that was so foul that it couldn’t have even been imagined to have left a human’s behind, even one as foul as Rita, I can’t say this fart stunk worse, because that would be impossible to complete ascertain for accuracy, but the fart was an orifical nightmare for anyone inhaling it. Five whiffs of it and one was going to die, not maybe die, die, death was permanent after breathing in this gas. This was the kind of fart smell that Rita was very proud of, the kind of smell that showed people what this vastly-developing girl was really capable of. People wouldn’t even know what had hit them when they smelled this nuclear-powered fart. They would have experienced something so potent that they would be speechless to even guess how pungent the fart really was. If she had really cut a fart like this at Kings Island, she would have caused half the park to be cleared out with all those people knocked out. Hell she could have killed a few just for being too close to her with this one. The stench was well beyond the usual Miss Rita Smell….it was simply the most powerful aroma ever concocted by any human being without equal, and it was only the beginning.

……….bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…….

“Prepare to suffer from my BEASTLY GAS. These fumes are more deadly than a Diamondback!” Rita laughed as she was three minutes into her beastly fart. It was a little too late to warn the people but her warning wasn’t necessarily directed toward the dead people in the park, but the people suffering on her fumes a good two to three miles out in the town of Mason. Then again, I understood what it was like to suffer under Rita’s gas. The Beast was a famous wooden roller coaster that I remembered as being a rough ride. It was something you had to experience and survive. The coaster went through the loops as the rider was rocked and rolled around the long course of the ride. It was a tough experience but similar to breathing in a fart from Rita. If you could survive, and only because I was wearing a gas mask was I surviving that, that and constant exposure to her fatal flatulence, they you could consider yourself a beast in your own right. The fart would travel into your nose and into a small patch of tissue in the back of your nasal cavity. On that patch of tissue were millions of olfactory receptor neurons, small nerves that signaled the smell to the brain and allowed for it to register its identity. When Rita farted you got to witness first-hand the putrefaction of all those beans and other foods within her bowels and when it came out of her asshole it produced a vapor of gas that attacks the olfactory receptors almost like a anvil to the head. Most people’s farts would not do anything this severe, but she was capable of, she was capable to producing mind-blowing aromas that sent strong electric shocks through the nerves and into your brain. A few of these shocks were okay by themselves, but when she cut a foul fart that lasted for minutes like these bad boys of hers were doing, then the damage became more permanent. Each whiff of her gas was like inhaling an extremely toxic chemical that was never meant for inhalation, and each whiff made the smeller one more second closer to death. A giant Rita was simply producing way, way, WAY too much of this deadly gas that nearly no one on the entire planet could withstand smelling even a third of a single fart from her to live. Basically, if your nose was within contact of her fart’s smell for a period of about a minute, fatality was 100%. Rita Lector was a truly, horrifically powerful girl and as I saw her head inch higher I could tell that she was still growing taller as her massive silent fart continued to seep out of her jeans.

………….sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

It wasn’t five minutes, but it was more than enough once Rita had finally stopped farting. The screaming down below had ended, her windy fart didn’t carry much noise which meant that the sound level below us was slowly dying down until there was near silence from her height, now nearly 300 feet in height off the ground. Sirens could be heard as I saw the green cloud spread even further, now it covered a region nearly four miles across from where she was standing. To the north the town of Lebanon was starting to pick up a slight whiff of the noxious aroma whereas the south was the gas was starting to spread closer to the Interstate 275 beltway around Cincinnati. The smell as one could guess was downright putrid beyond any shadow of a doubt and it was only going to become smellier.

“Boy that was a nice one! You maggots couldn’t even handle it, it wasn’t even my worse! Look at you guys, you cannot handle a girl’s farts! Pathetic!” Rita said laughing as she lowered her body to address the crowd beneath her, all passed out and dead from inhaling too much of her gas. She was now brewing absolutely nothing else but deadly gas, and she had more to share as a small plume of yellow gas began to flow out of her ass. Rita’s head movement caused Hannah and I to briefly fall out from the top of her head but her right hand was there ready to catch us. I waved the air around my face as I realized that Rita had begun farting again.

“Really Rita….again?” I asked her.

“Oh hush hush you, just take in my gas and enjoy the ride like always. We got to find some new targets for me to torture.” She said laughing as she quickly got herself away from the park and got herself onto the interstate, walking over stopped vehicles and stepping past fires created from cars and trucks crashing into each other when their occupants died from smelling Rita’s gas. And she was still letting loose her crop-dusting yellow gas of smelly death as she walked another mile down the freeway. Luckily her fart was only a minute in length but it left a nice trail leading south from Kings Island and affected more areas. We were placed back in the back pockets, now even bigger than before and sniffing her continuous batch of poisonous fart gas, she was a gassy machine unlike any the world had ever seen and today she was positively deadly!

Rita’s power was continuing to grow more stronger with ever step she took down the interstate. It looked like the scene after an apocalypse as numerous cars, trucks and semi-trailers were stopped or crashed into each other along the highway, as if the Rapture had taken place, only instead of people disappearing they were all knocked out into death from inhalation of Rita’s massively stinky farts. Rita was farting a one-minute long fart every minute for almost five minutes, producing an unending stream of her toxic gas along Interstate 71 from Kings Island south toward Interstate 275. The effect was catastrophic, her gas clung over all of southeastern Warren County as it started to gain some serious strength and power the further and further she released it and she was doing it over and over again. After all this time of her holding in her gas at school or out in public, not releasing her really bad ones for everyone, she was sharing it all with us now. There was no need to hide it anymore; she wanted the whole world to smell just how bad her farts were. Of course, she had finally grabbed the attention of the Ohio National Guard, who was preparing a roadblock for her along the interstate as she neared the Cincinnati Beltway. What people didn’t know yet was that she was letting out really small farts as she walked from Kings Island, in all she probably released 10% of her full complement (that was currently built up within her rectum) right there and the military gathered on the freeway were about to receive the other 90%.

Based on everything that had happened to this point, the fact that there were now ten tanks lining the normally busy lanes of the freeway to the northeast of Cincinnati, meant that the threat of Rita was now being taken seriously. Eight military-style helicopters were hovering toward Rita’s south at a distance of about five miles away from her current location. Another 20 police cars were positioned along the freeway as they created a perimeter to block off the girl giantess. She continued walking as she saw the group gathered there, a head military official was standing on top of a Humvee vehicle with a megaphone as they got ready to begin their negotiations.

“Miss Rita Lector, you are asked to cease any hostile activities toward the people of the region. Any further movement on your fact and we will begin using lethal force.” The guy said with all the authority that came with his perspective, of course Rita was all too familiar with using lethal force. She took another few steps along the highway, crushing the asphalt pavement even more as she crashed different passenger cars in them, with people who had recently passed out from her smelly gas, just to let them know that she was not listening to them.

“Miss Lector, this is your final warning, another step and we’ll begin firing upon you!” The negotiator spoke again, giving her one last chance. It was all or nothing at this point, and to everyone’s amazement, she did not take another step. Her location was a good 1,000 feet away from the barricade that had been set up. The helicopters started to maneuver a bit as they prepared to circle her, she stood for about ten seconds as the military guy must have felt relieved to see that his plan was working. The scene was playing out on live television as film crews were there to witness the whole thing; it was needless to say that Rita was becoming major news now.

“No! This is YOUR final warning!” Rita finally spoke with her booming voice as she remained standing at her familiar spot. She was standing there hands resting on her hips looking down smiling on the military vehicles, none of which were higher than her heel, as if she was lording her size over them, confident that they were not a threat to her. The national guard looked at her puzzled before they saw that demonic smile slowly grow on her face, it wasn’t too long before they realized what was happening.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……..

The true beauty of Rita’s power was that she wasn’t even trying, she didn’t have to, this was normal for her. She just stood there and smiled as she felt the warmth eggy stench of her gas slowly flow around her body and out in front toward the national guard blockade, the effect was almost too easy as they soon began sniffing up the vicious gas and realized just how bad it truly was. The gas that flowed around Rita looked like a mustard- color gas that mixed in a bit of brown and yellow. The gas started to spread further out as it quickly claimed the air quality all around her, fogged up the space with a denser environment of her own personal flatulence than before. Birds dropped all around as I looked out from the top of her back pocket, wanting to see the damage taking place behind her, it was no different than before but this stuff was smelling much more sinister than her last few farts, if such an idea could have been imagined, there was no way that her gas could be that much worse, but it was. The gas attacked the group like a sack of bricks, they were nearly immediate immobilized by it and the worst part was that they were wearing gas masks, not the kinds that Hannah and I had on granted, but they were prepared and it didn’t help. As soon as the smell hit them they began firing a few shots of their tanks. They packed a pretty rough punch against Rita’s right shoe but the other shots missed her completely, the shooters had become disoriented as Rita’s punishing gas made them lose their minds in quick time. Her gas was quickly encompassing the blockade some of the military vehicles were quickly racing down the freeway to the south to avoid being impacted furthermore by her gas.

……….hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Choke on it maggots, choke on my gas. CHOKE ON MY DEADLY GAS!” Rita laughed out loud as she saw the military response become worse and worse. A couple of the military helicopters decided that they were going to fire back at her, but they too were being caught within the web that her stinky gas had set for them. Once they had entered the zone of her smelly gas it was all over. Oh they got a few shots off and to their credit those shots pierced holes in her black shirt, but soon they began smelling it and they started sputtering around in the air before crashing into some buildings off one of the freeway exits. Rita could do nothing more but laugh at all the attention directed at her with the same results. All around her, a green cloud was collecting, spreading further and further. The yellow gas soon helped to produce brown clouds over the land and helped to create a misty like effect on the ground as condensation from her humid and rich gas was being reported through the cameras. The live feed remained even as the TV crew had quickly abandoned the site and sped their vehicle to the south to avoid the gas, luckily they survived to report some more, but the camera lens continued fogging up from the utter wretchness of Rita’s punishing gas. The fart finally ended just shy of three minutes, far from her worse, it was merely an L7 fart, she was being lenient upon the people below her, but death still followed her gas as a couple of the remaining helicopters fell out of the sky from the raw intensity of the gas and the fuming stink of her flatulence staked a claim over the region. I of course couldn’t be any prouder of my master.

“And that’s how you clear a room guys!” Rita said laughing as she quickly walked up toward the blockade and smashed the tanks and other guard vehicles. She stopped in front of the vehicle from which the negotiator was standing on. Pulling the two of us out of her back pocket she brought us down to the surface with the vehicle where she instructed us to pick up the megaphone, in hopes of having a little better communication between us. I went on and said my praises to my lovely gassy goddess while Hannah continued to be baffled by everything taking place. But Rita’s eyes were redirected somewhere else as she heard some commotion coming from above. She stood back up with the two of us remaining on the ground; she was now well over 300 feet in height as her gigantic body loomed up ahead. I could hear it too, just barely, it sounded like airplanes, fighter jets this time, coming out from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, they were on their way to attack Rita and unlike the National Guard along the highway, they wasted no time in firing upon Rita.

“The fuck?!” Rita yelled as she clearly felt the attack from the missiles coming out from the airplanes. She looked back and saw the group of airplanes making their way for a beeline with Rita’s body, firing off various rounds of ammunition. If they were firing at enemy aircraft they would have easily succeeded, but Rita’s body was massive. Her shoes alone were 16 feet in height and her body continued to expand upwards into the sky up the long blue denim fabric of her jeans and up toward her black T-shirt, where her 170-foot bust was contained. And more up she went I could see the look of an annoyed kid as she continued to take the shots from the airplanes, I couldn’t tell exactly how bad they were hurting her, but given the fact that she was not crying or anything I could see that it was merely an annoyance to her and Rita had a good way of dealing with annoying people.

The planes were closing in on her, still a good four miles away from her spot, so they were now just entering the zone of her gassy death, but to make matters worse, Rita decided it was time once more to discharge her own personal weapon and this one was…different.

“You don’t want to fuck with Rita! Cause Rita will fucking kill you!” Rita rapped as she squinted her eyes a little and stuck her jean-covered ass a little further. To everyone’s surprise, we were expected a silent fart to come out of her ass, but we got a bonafied ripper instead.


The fart was loud, but loud in its own way. It wasn’t bassy or bombastic and didn’t have a necessarily wet tone to it, but it was a ripping sound that sounded like cloth being cut for almost four minutes in duration, which was way too much for anyone to handle. It sounded like large bubbles popping in great succession one after another, maybe about 10 such bubbles per second for a continuous stream of gas ripping out of her ass with a loud sound, over 100 decibels from our ears that sent a sound shockwave to the planes. Needless to say, they weren’t prepared for the sound and neither was Rita, who looked down on us and smiled with disbelief as she had a “what the hell” look on her face. Still, this was a truly awesome fart. The bubbles that came out sounded like small wet blips of juicy gas each time she pushed one out, but continuously the fart went on, four fucking minutes like that. It was a ripping fart unlike none other the world had ever witnessed; it was a test of strength that made Rita out to be much more powerful than she had even thought. There were about 2,500 bubbles of juicy gas that came out of her large anus as she ripped this massive fart out of her ass. The look on her face too, man she was in heaven as she pushed forth this fart, this gigantic loud ripping fart that could be heard for miles. After a few more pot shots taken at her gigantic form the pilots of the planes got too close and the glass of their cockpits began to shatter as they were caught up in the shockwave of the rip-roaring burst of gas, and then the fart picked up in pitch and finally produced a diabolically horrific smell that showed that Rita was well beyond anyone’s league when it came to producing God-awful .


The look on Rita’s face as this bubbly ripping fart continued out of her ass signaled that she was getting a little hurt from the burning sensation of the fart as her anal flaps continued vibrating over and over again, 2,500 pops were going to have a bit of a feeling on her, but the whole thing about the noise became meaningless when the smell began to carry its weight around. Even as they were three miles away from her body, those approaching Rita from behind could already smell the increasing power of her fart, and as soon as they heard the screeching sound of her ripping fart they were attacked by a bout of powerful fart gas, that came over them like a deep haze of rotten garbage and bean-scented fog, morphed together into a diabolically putrid stink bomb that put anything they had ever encountered in the military to shame. To say that Rita was releasing toxic gases that made terrorist blush was saying something, but for her it was the absolute truth. Even at the age of 12 she could produce gas bombs that were hideous to witness and dangerous to smell, that she was a giant and loaded up on way more beans than she should ever have, each whiff of her fart, even with their masks on was too much. They began gagging and soon found themselves no longer able to function as air force pilots, their brains were scrambled as the giant 14-year old continued to rip her fart, produced from a reservoir of toxic chemicals that had never before been mixed, it was even possible that with her growth she was capable of producing new chemicals as it were. They were smelling nothing but Rita’s potent gas, more and more gas went into their lungs and once they inhaled it, it began destroying the nerves in the olfactory system of their body before registering in their minds as something completely horrid, and then introducing gaseous elements into their lungs that lead to a full system failure, at their level in altitude, roughly behind Rita’s giant jean-covered ass their deaths came much quicker. Soon we could hear ten different explosions take place all around as a yellow vapor of gaseous destruction continued to spread around. As soon as her mammoth fart of rippiness was over she began laughing again as she fanned the air around her. “Oh my God this is so fucking easy! I can’t believe how easy this is….and I’m still gassy!” Rita then lifts her right leg and produces three gigantic two-minute long farts in order, each of them carrying some more of that ripping element in them and just to showcase how fucking powerful she was, she topped it off with a two-minute long SBD that released a cloud of deadly gas so intense that Hannah and I started flickering in and out of consciousness, before we screamed at Rita to take us to higher ground, her farting massacre as massive, relentless and powerful beyond all belief, it was Rita Lector the Gigantic Farter at her very best!




PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Help us Rita! Please help us!” I screamed out on the megaphone as Rita got caught up in what she was doing before realizing that her gas was starting to get close to killing us as well. She lowered her hand to allow us passage up into the air where the effect of her noxious gas was lightened slightly. Up to this point her gas had been barely tolerable to the two of us with our protection, but her sudden rampant farting had taken this past a turning point as the stink became too unbearable even for us, needless to say most of the far northeastern corner of Hamilton County, Ohio was knocked out by the rampaging gas of Rita’s four farts. She wasn’t normally one to fart again and again but then again she wasn’t feeling her normal self. We were finally staring straight at Rita’s childish and massive face. She began talking with her now powerful voice with the stench of her digestion blowing us away too. Her breath actually didn’t smell too bad but still it was noticeable. She quickly apologized to the two of us for farting that much in such short of an amount of time, thinking that we were worth saving.

“Oh I would never dream of killing you two. You are my two best friends in the whole world…especially you Hannah. In order to keep you two safe from my big farts I have a special place to put you two in. If you need me just use that megaphone to talk, I hope you’re okay with the accommodations.” Rita said as she used her left hand to open up the top of her black shirt and immediately I knew where we were going. With her right hand we were shoved inside her white cotton bra and in between her breasts into a position that was quite awkward for me. It was no surprise that Rita was a growing girl and her breasts for her age were very nice, but I always thought that she was still too young for me to dream about her breasts, but there was no denying it now, the view inside her breasts was amazing. The two of us were standing on the cotton fabric that formed the bridge between her two hefty mammary flesh monsters. Her breasts were roughly the size of a two-story house, almost as big as that bully’s house from earlier. The fabric was strong enough that the two of us could lie down and sit comfortably without risking falling out and since Rita’s favorite black shirt was a little tight on her as it was today, odds were good that we wouldn’t fall out. Still, around us were two massive pair of breasts and a deep cleavage that extended upwards some 30 feet from where we were standing. Only small amounts of light were penetrating through the top and the shirt itself and we quickly found that being this deep in her cleavage made for a warm experience. Sunlight came into the shirt but didn’t reflect itself out, keeping the heat of the already warm summer’s day inside her shirt. This left a clammy feeling against the edges of her creamy breasts, which I slowly got used to the more Rita moved.

“You guys stay there.” Rita said, whispering with a voice that was much more easier on the ears as she opened up her shirt spoke and then released put it back to where it was before. We got a little bit of air as she did this, but only a little bit before being sealed back within our prison…er spacious hotel. It smelled like sweat down there in between her breasts, perhaps slightly better than the putrid gas from earlier. But I could feel that her breasts were slowly expanding in size, much as Rita was, being deep in this canyon made me wonder more about what had been happening. Looking at her massive frame, if you could survive the incredibly stinky stink, she looked the same as she did this morning, but now she was the dominant one, she was large and in charge and carrying a gassy arsenal that could potentially stink up the entire nation if she continued to grow larger. And that was it; I did not know why she was growing. Hannah continued to pressure me to finally give up and let out the truth about how I arranged it for Rita to grow as some sort of sick fantasy, but I had no answer because there was no answer. And she was cocky and ready to flex her gigantic size over the people more so than ever. I loved the fact that my entire survival now depended on her body, her glorious goddess body. Her breasts were protecting us from her smelly farts and I was grateful for that. I’m not sure what Hannah was thinking, but being within Rita and being a part of her titanic growth into a gassy goddess of humongous proportions was incredible. Furthermore, I loved her like a goddess. There was a reverence there. She was a girl who always had a raunchy power built up within her willing to decide whether or not people could die based on her gassy whims, our world would be solely shaped and influenced by her. Her sheer stature now conveyed this, Rita Lector and her lethal farts were now the future of this planet. Rita’s gargantuan body was a physical representation of her power. I was filled with an incredible desire to see her become larger, stronger, and more powerful. I wanted to see her dominate everything in her path. In my mind, I pictured Rita getting taller and taller, her body expanding to unimaginable, astronomical proportions and her gas becoming more toxic with each passing second, more food and more power, her gas would smell worse and worse infinitely before the entire atmosphere consisted of nothing but her gas, the world would smell of nothing else than what came out from Rita’s cute behind.

Anyway, as I continued to fantasize about Rita’s increasing power I was falling the news of Rita, which had now appeared on live streams on the news for channels 5, 9 and 12, plus CNN and every other network. A girl who had been until today been merely a responsibility for me to have to deal with was now news all over. The news on how much she had been able to do as a giantess was different from each reporter’s eyes. Most had been able to figure that Rita was a giantess and that she was responsible for the physical damage to the northern suburbs and Kings Island. What was less clear was the smell and the impact, though a growing conscious was stating that yes, Rita had been farting and that her gas had produced a chemical that was killing people who inhaled it. I couldn’t even guess what it was like being in those downtown newsrooms talking about this very thing, a 14-year old girl turned giantess who was farting and killing people, no journalism class could probably prepare people for talking about that, it had to be something. But it was on Channel 9 when I found a female reporter who seemed to be getting it about Rita and she was standing from a site not too far from where Rita was standing. My giant master had walked along Interstate 71 for another mile or two, smashing up cars and destroying the pavement with her feet, but I could tell it was getting a little old for her, then she saw the line of three gas tankers in front of her and an idea came to her.

“Hmm….I wonder what that tastes like?” Rita asked herself as she had the area cleared up from any resistance for the moment. No one was approaching her as the county had placed under a mandatory evacuation, along with the rest of southwest Ohio, northern Kentucky and even parts of Indiana, no one was messing around with Rita anymore at her massive size and grand gas abilities. Rita picked up the first gas tanker, loaded with about 10,000 gallons of gasoline fuel and she ripped over the edge to begin drinking the contents. The news reporter was completely astonished by what Rita was doing but I had a feeling it wasn’t going to harm her too much, her stomach was so much more powerful than anything anyone had ever dealt with, I almost felt as if gasoline was going to go into her system just fine. She siphoned the entire truck’s worth of gasoline in about 30 seconds and I could hear the gasoline flowing down into her stomach. On anyone else the stuff would have probably burned the lining of the stomach and introduced a toxic chemical that would have killed you, but Rita was so capable to producing toxic chemicals on her own that she could integrate the gasoline into her own flatulence to develop a kind of fart that had never before been released.

BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!! A giant bellowing belch came out from Rita’s mouth as she expressed a kind of satisfaction over the taste of the gasoline. A burp like that only meant one thing, she enjoyed it and it was mixing in with her stomach to produce a devastating brand of gas that was going to turn her farts into explosive bombs that pushed lethal to higher and higher levels. But she wasn’t done, she took the other two tankers and proceeded to empty their contents into her bowels as well, giving herself roughly 30,000 gallons worth of gasoline fuel to digest, amazingly her stomach seemed to handle it just fine but I could only imagine what was about to emerge out of her booty as she threw the third and last truck against a few buildings off the side of the highway, producing another explosion of some building off the highway. I heard the gurgling noise of the gas against her stomach and knew that she was forming something completely deadly. I watched the TV reporter announce the events as she saw Rita rubbing her stomach and consoling herself as she quickly developed her atomic bomb of a fart.

“The girl just finished drinking three tankers full of gasoline and it would appear that the gas has not impacted her too much, she appears to be a little discomforted but it otherwise still standing. We are currently about four miles north of her location, but still have a good shot on the part of her body from her thighs upwards, letting you in on this exclusive footage of the giant girl. We are witnessing history here folks no way around it, so far attempts by our military have results in their own destruction and with gasoline inside her noxious bowels she could be getting ready to release another mammoth-sized explosion of gas…speaking of which I think I’m starting to see something, let’s zoom in on that image of her posterior right now.” The reporter announced as the camera view focused in on the blue jeans covering Rita’s giant butt. And there it was, the beginning of her fart, the fact that we could begin smelling from deep between her breasts showed us exactly the kind of power coming from this one.


I could have sworn that this fart was going to be a massive bomb of an explosion unlike the ones before it, but it was completely silent and as I soon found out, infinitely more deadly as a result. The camera had an incredible shot of her blue jeans as a black spot started to form in her asscrack, it was small but intensely located, but it was the bluish-green gas with dashes of yellow mixed in that proved to be a more significant view. It poured out of her ass with an incredible range and coverage in such an amount of time, but just looking at the smoggy view of the area behind her ass made one imagine that being right there would have meant instant death, it was a hot burning gas that to me must have burned her asshole as she pushed it out, and the gas continued to seep out, it’s stench was already proving to be horrific, we were gagging deep within the cleavage of my gassy master and if her breasts were meant to protect us from that, then the outside air, protected from nothing, was going to stink of something completely insane. Rotten eggs, skunks and burning rubber, mixed in with the smell of gasoline and burning flesh all came together to produce a fart smell that had never been produced before. The gas burned out of her ass like gasoline being lit on fire and the smell was spreading outwards in all direction, but most strongly to the northeast of Rita’s position. Just the mere fact that her ass was pointed away from Cincinnati kept that city from suffocating in the smell of Rita’s most rotten-smelling fart to date, but that was merely a temporary fixing. The fart continued to silently roar out of her ass as the force of a hurricane with more and more of her extremely foul and toxic smelling gas coming out.


“The gas coming out of her behind right now is producing a kind of smell that we are now getting a whiff of and I can tell you that we’ve seen numerous birds fall out of the air as she has continued this. We are now three minutes into a long gas explosion and I can safely say that everything I’ve heard about his girl’s ability to pass gas is true to word based on what I’m seeing here.” The reporter continued as the camera continued to change views back and forth from being a close-up of Rita’s ass and a view of her body. For her part, Rita looked rather bored. This was just another fart for her and that was what made this thing so incredible and powerful, that it was perhaps the worst thing ever released upon this Earth and it didn’t make her cringe or bat an eye, she had drunken three large tankers full of gasoline and should have died right there, but she was farting like she was cutting loose a silent bomb at school, with little reaction at all. I didn’t hear her say anything from our vantage point, the smell of gasoline, the some that dripped down into her shirt from her drinking had disappeared and was replaced with an odor that made anything else she had pushed out seem minor, this was major league colossal gas coming out from her now and she paid it little attention. The camera view of the fart looked like a significant amount of heat haze was radiating out of her butt, producing a slightly distorted image of some of her jean fibers as the gas continued to blow out of her ass like a butane burner. The leaves of the trees surrounding the highway started changing colors and losing their leaves as her gas was having such a profound effect, especially with the gas mixed in that the oxygen level in her flatus had gone down to 2%, when a normal fart would have about 4%

………….FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!

The burning hot fart seeped out of her ass for nearly five whole minutes, lasting with a kind of power that made it nearly a L10 fart, at least a very high L9 fart. All the dead animals in the world, plus burning gasoline and rotten eggs couldn’t compare to what Rita had just unleashed upon the world. For nearly ten miles out from her standing position, her poisonous gas of death spread outward like tentacles from a diabolical gas monster. The wind blew in from the southwest to help aid in the spreading of this gas and due to them being strong warm winds from the south it only compounded the effect of the killer gas. Trees were dying off within a mile of Rita. Paint was being stripped off of hundreds of cars along the highway and even some of the pavement was changing colors from the disastrous effect of Rita’s experimentation with gasoline. Her fart had nearly 5% sulfur built up within it, producing a powerful punch of gas that was simply too difficult to breathe in. Even from our vantage point within her breasts did we have to hold in our mouths and take breathes at certain times to keep from having to breathe in too much of it. It wouldn’t be too hard to imagine nearly 100,000 people suffocating to death from having to breathe in the fumes of this powerfully hot silent but deadly fart. I followed the reporter’s broadcast of the events taking place as she followed the event taking place.

“We are picking up a smell of what this giant girl is releasing and it is….my God this is incredible, I can’t even begin to describe the aroma. It’s foul, very foul, foul and strong and gaining strength as we continued to breathe it in. it’s been nearly five minutes since we began to see the gas come out of her butt and it is still coming out, it’s an endless stream of gas that’s been coming out from this girl. This regular girl, no different from any of our own daughters back at home. I have a daughter her age, about 13 years old, this girl looks no different from her but this smell, it’s a powerful smell. It is like breathing in fire, mixed in with gasoline and I’m starting to….gag….gag…cough….cough…oh God, it’s beginning!” The reporter began as the news studio warned her to get back inside the news van. The gas was filling up the space, producing a light misty fog in the area where she was located. She wasn’t even next to Rita; she was at what she presumed to be a safe distance. Rita never knew about the report and never knew that this woman reporter was broadcasting the effects of her gas, but nonetheless she was feeling the wrath of this girl’s flatulence.

“Come in, please come in, just drive away.” The male anchor back in the studio pleaded as the reporter stood out there with her microphone in hand. You could see it in her breaths; she was having a harder time breathing in the gas. She stood there with confidence though and with a moment of clarity, everything came to her at this moment in time, she understood her place in this world.

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that. It’s too late for all of that, this smell is amazing, it’s strong, it’s wretched and its putrid, but it’s coming out of a gigantic 14-year old. I am breathing in the fart of a girl named Rita Lector and it’s the most powerful aroma that you will ever smell. I will not make it back to the studio and I doubt I’ll see my family again, but I want them to know, I died happy. I died smelling this girl’s amazing fart. She just stood there, standing as she released this tremendous silent fart out of her butt, kids play around with that sort of thing all the time, gassing out rooms and causing mayhem, but no one can hold a candle to her in this department. This girl can fart!” The reporter continued to praise Rita’s gas as she was using every bit of her remaining short time on Earth to give the people watching the news a unique perspective on what was going on. I was getting hard as I was buried deep with the cleavage, the growing cleavage I might add, of this same gassy giantess goddess that the reporter was talking about. We both wanted Rita to succeed and to win over all, as I have always known it, she was worth it, she was worth it all and more. “Please, you’re losing it, come back in, can someone bring her in, give her some oxygen, something, someone help her!” The male anchor, now desperate to anyone to assist her, even with 15 miles separating the two of them, he wanted to see the reporter live, he was unaware that his colleague was about to commit suicide.

But then the reporter started to cough even louder, her breathing became labored and her apparent awareness of the deadly smell got to her. Rita’s gas carried a secret with it, as it should given its severity. It did help produce an entirely new chemical, known as Chemical R, that had not yet been duplicated, but it also carried high concentrations of the same chemicals that were present in the spray that a skunk released. Her gas produced an overabundance of , a chemical formed by a merging of a sulfur atom and a hydrogen atom. These are chains of carbon and hydrogen with the sulfur and hydrogen group attached to one end. They're volatile, which means they disperse easily in the air, and they're easily picked up by the human nose, and in Rita’s case over the distance of a good five miles from behind her. When she eats beans, even one can by itself, her stomach rearranges these chemicals into more potent configurations. These compounds also linger, so when an area of a house that's been farted in by Rita you know to take it seriously. This made up her incredible hang times as well as her extreme potency, and now she was farting with this power times 100.

“This stinks, you have no idea how much this stinks, it really stinks out here….I’m sorry guys, but I can’t….COUGH….COUGH….COUGH….I can’t….COUGH…..COUGH….I can’t handle this girl’s….COUGH….COUGH….fart anymore. Her gas is too strong….COUGH…..COUGH….COUGH….too strong!” The reporter coughed and gagged in between words as she tried to get her last words out but the damage was already done. Her eyes were rolling back on live TV as her face grew pale and she continued to inhale Rita’s powerful stink. It gave me a sense of both pride and worry to watch this unfold, Rita’s gas was always bad, but to see this happen was truly astonishing. Her farts were now beyond lethal, they were legendary, this was no worse than witnessing the destruction of the Earth by the sun, at least on a small scale. For a five mile zone heading outwards from Rita’s behind as she pushed out this massive, five-minute long SBD powered by way too many beans and gasoline, the putrid aroma gave her the ability to produce a gut bomb that literally could end life of everyone on the planet, if she was loaded more and much bigger. This was slowly turning into her personal torture gas chamber as the reporter finally fell to the ground, collapsed as her lungs gave her brain the final signal that they could no longer handle the smell of Rita’s fart, she was one of over 100,000 to die from smelling that fart alone. And soon after I heard some giggling from Rita as she fanned the air behind her ass, looking back at her gas storm with the most disconcerting words ever.

“Jeez, that does stink a little!” She said laughing as her nose puckered up and she realized that this fart smelled “a little” worse than before. That was Rita’s power; this deadly fart beyond all belief was only a step up from her usual, though it was certainly near L10 levels, that’s for sure. But Rita’s stomach started to grumble some more, she was loading up even more gas, but her eyes were looking ever devilish as before and as the camera continued to run on the live feed of her standing there, fanning the back of her voluptuous flatulent ass of death she suddenly got an idea. Up above I heard her think to herself “quietly” as she remembered a couple of factories that were located a few miles west of me. I took a quick glance at my phone’s map application as I found them and my heart started racing with anticipation. She was going to a large bean factory and one that produced copious amounts of milk, heaven help us all!

She walked for about three miles to the west from her current location. A collection of smaller older suburban communities made up the fringe of far northern Hamilton County that Rita was walking through as she made her way toward a more industrial area, where the two factories were located among others. That took over expanses of land that included housing subdivisions, streets, schools, parks, shopping centers, industrial areas, railroads and slightly slopping land and her giant “size eight” feet had no problem demolishing anything that laid in their footprints. Misako cooed as she felt a tingle run through her body. The bleach-blond haired goddess of gassiness and power never tired of the sight that greeted her as she continued to march on in the city. She enjoyed tormenting me and taking an advantage of the height difference between the two of us, in her eyes I could almost sense that there was a desire to grow bigger and to gain more power. She loved the silent small girl act, where she could kill without anyone suspecting her, but this was much more fun to her. An entire city laid out before her like a buffet for a girl bent on destruction and gassy dominance, a city with residents smaller than her toes, residents that were nothing more than ants before her.

Rita ignored the cries of anguish and the crumble of stone masonry, asphalt and metal and the roads beneath the treads of her tennis shoes that covered her feet. Only once did she pause long enough to marvel at the casual destruction, with the barest shuffle, her sneaker clad feet collapsed blocks, turned the blocked streets into nothing but a wasteland of bodies and cracked asphalt. And to add onto all of that, she could see traffic stopped before her, some people were still around as it seemed that her powerful gas was not as strong as she thought it was, but it was really illustrating the real fluidity of the movement of people around her. Traffic was now picking up on routes out of the city, at least in directions that did not include north. People were taking side streets and highways to find their best way out and as far away as possible. Where Rita was walking, the smell still reeked of her volatile flatulence but it was slightly less intense as the air blowing from the atmosphere was already doing its role in dispersing the gas outwards, spreading the deadly stench elsewhere but also cleaning up the air in good order. It made Rita pissed a little bit, she wanted her gas to hang around for a long time, it was her powerful gas and she wanted it to be as dominant as the now 400-foot tall girl who was releasing it.

The sun beat down on her black shirt with the skull and against her faded blue jeans, with the seat of her pants looking more discolored, especially after that last hideous-smelling fart. Rivulets of sweat went down her face as well as her exposed arms and thighs and stained her black shirt with wetness. That in turn caused the sweat to drip down her cleavage and straight to where we were standing. We used to be able to stand where the bridge of her red bra cups were, but as more sweat came down we found a small puddle forming. Her chest were heaving as they became sticky and wet from the sweat, the black shirt did not help for making it too pleasant for roughly the same reason that wearing deodorant was necessary for athletes after a hot sweaty day playing a sport. Besides that however, I was enjoying the feeling of my body squirming against her bare skin, rubbing and moving against the cleavage of her bosom. She could tell that it was a neat feeling to have both me and her friend nestled within her cleavage, something that never occurred to her when she woke up this morning, I could hear her giggling the whole time as she moved. Her chest jiggled with each footfall as I felt the walls of boob flesh move around us, it was pretty cool to see just how much of a girl’s body moved each time and made me appreciate the more detailed viewpoints of a girl as she had to deal with breasts moving all the time. I could also tell that Rita loved imagining the wall of flesh her 34D cup breasts must seem like to a shrunken person, almost as much as she loved the feelings caused by their helpless struggles with her foul farts, to her credit she had not let one rip for almost five minutes. It took us some time to get used to the jiggling, as each footfall came with both of her 600-ton breasts wobbled briefly with us standing there; we were experiencing small earthquakes within her bra every time she took a step. Of course, compared to those who were being smashed up against her tennis shoes and breathing in her toxic-smelling farts, our predicament was much better. It was another two or three minutes of this, with mini-earthquakes within her cleavage about 50 times a minutes, before she arrived in an industrial part of the city, located near Interstate 75, the primary north-south highway in the city. Her lips licked themselves as she saw herself within a mile of the two factories she was looking for, right next to each other for her convenience. Also there, more military people guarding the facilities, they were in on her plan.

“You are ordered to cease and desist with your movement. Any further movement on your part and we have been ordered to shoot!” One of the military commanders manning the blockade around the factory, notable for being the largest bean factory in the country, with an equally large warehouse with new cans of beans ready for shipping, said as Rita stood there with a smirk on her face, more or less in the “not-impressed” look that became a meme one time. She could see how massive she was now before group, the largest tank they possessed was no higher than the top of her tennis shoes, she could easily smash them with her foot if she wanted. So she took that step and felt the fire from the tanks as they began firing. To test their resolve she then smashed on of the tanks and got them to stop for a moment. Afterwards she issued a brief warning to them.

“You guys are not wise for getting in between a girl and her beans!” She said a she waited for them to respond. Still, they had to make some sort of stand, so they began firing at her and despite all the firepower she was slightly too big for the impacts on her body to be too significant. So she took her feet and began to go to town, stomping all over them with her giant tennis shoes, making sure everyone got to choke to death on her smelly feet through her shoes and the rubber that formed the bottom. It took a few tries but she was easily able to smash them all, without even putting much effort into it. As she finished up she looked down at the large building and licked her lips as she prepared to open up the metal roof and look inside to locate the beans. People were watching all around as the saw this curious giantess do just that and look for the beans. Rita got down onto her knees as she wanted a closer look at the interior of the plant to locate the beans. As she got on all fours Hannah and I felt our bodies move as we held onto the fabric of the bra to insure that we would remain in it as her mountains of boob flesh wobbled from the movement. Then we heard her echoing voice as she looked at them. Through glimpses from underneath the top of her shirt I could see her face; it was that of look on her face, as if she had just found nirvana. After a minute of looking she finally found the jackpot and she found that she was in heaven, she located the motherload, huge metal drums, 30 of them held up to 1,000 pounds of beans in each of them, it was more beans than she had ever seen before but since she weighed outside of 9,000 tons then all of those beans would only be a small fraction of her overall weight, Rita was standing over a pretty 18,000,000 pounds after all. But that wasn’t it; the warehouse had nearly 2 million cans, large and small of finished beans ready to be shipped out. And that was almost 1,000,000 additional pounds. In short, it was an awfully lot of beans.

Having the area secured she looked across the street to the milk factory, convenient and read for her use. The milk factory wasn’t as large as the beans one, but it was still large enough that there were going to be about 50,000 gallons of milk in there ready to go. She picked up a couple of large drums, each holding in about 3,000 gallons of milk in each and carried them back over to the bean factory. Finally, she sat down and looked at the first drum of beans and began eating, once that stuff began to hit her stomach it was all over, Rita was powering up like nothing anyone had ever witnessed before. Beans and Rita were a special relationship, one that took some time to explain and process. When she was in her mother’s womb, supposedly her mom ate nothing but beans and milk the whole time, helping Rita build up her own gas-producing abilities, her ability to break toxic amounts of wind were already bad as a toddler, she estimated that by the time she was 6 she was able to kill with her farts, though it was only after turning 10 that she realized the power. But beans, beans did something else very powerful to her bowels. This is where the Chemical R came in; it had an incredible ability to take in the sugars that beans produced that helped in gas production and triple the potency per bean. The chemical was not natural to human beings before Rita produced it and science was still out as to why she was able to produce it, but the chemical was also responsible of creating the copious amounts of thiols that helped give her gas an extra stinky ability to them. The beans were magic on her bowels and as she began eating a huge feast of them without anyone stopping her she could feel the magic begin on her digestive tract.

Meanwhile, deep inside her digestive tract, something had fueled her recent gas problem as of right now, something sinister. Inside her stomach, a violent storm of undigested beans, and lactose-laden milk raged back and forth in the tainted sea of putridness that could only be described as the juices within Rita’s very powerful stomach. Under it all, there was an explosion of bubbles from a chemical reaction of rotten foods with the increasing amounts of Chemical R. A geyser erupted from the deep, splashing the chunky water all throughout the stomach chamber, sending a powerful wind further into her intestines. That wind was increasing in space and size the more it fermented in there and the amount of toxic smelliness only amplified by the second as she continued to let it build, she was going to be producing fart bombs that could potentially kill all of humanity. Rita's stomach was a melting pot for the most vile substances. Because of her eating habits, she was expected to producing copious amounts of her very foul flatulence every day. And at her new much larger size she was able to cope with the bacteria and the fact that these beans weren’t always in the best of shape. Her strong stomach and intestines had their own way of coping with all the foreign substances that were entering it, such as the millions of tins. And thus Rita began working on the second of the 30 large drums of beans. No one was aware yet of the kind of destructive power growing in the gigantic 14-year old’s stomach. As she ate her beans, she looked around at times and smiled, rubbing her stomach and thinking about the gas building up in her. She simply continued to eat, and eat and eat, plus drink some milk, over and over it went. The world watched as she ate more and more. She surely did not lack confidence. And even as she ate she became more dominating than before. She carried a look on her face that knew she was going to do something extremely foul, and just as she began her fifth drum of beans she did, she farted, an extremely tiny puff of wind.


It was so minor it wasn’t even considered anything to her, but to effect behind her jean-cladded bottom as she sat there eating the beans, leaning over for five seconds and then beginning again told the story, what emerged from her ass was about twice as strong as anything she had produced up to that point, and THAT was scary. The smell of burning skunk gas, rubber and garbage combined with all sorts of sewage gas were fermenting together to produce something that was honestly alien to anyone breathing it. A small brown cloud blew out of her ass as she cut this very insignificant fart, even if that cloud was getting denser by the second. The fart was tiny but was still produced the most burning, rotten and killer stench yet. She was pushing out the true SBD, one that made the previous ones big, but not that big. Even deep within her red bra we could smell it, through our mask the aroma was very raunchy but we were getting rather used to it. Behind Rita, the leftover vehicles from the military were getting their paint chipped off as the asphalt was changing color ever so slightly. Small weeds were dying off and the trees surrounding the area were wilting in record time. This fart could have easily stunk up her entire school and killed everyone, it probably killed 100 people just by itself, but it was so tiny yet so powerful that it still created an utterly despicable aroma, so toxic that any normal human would die smelling it, it was not for the faint of heart to inhale.

And then like a trooper Rita went back to eating the beans, more and more into her body. As she ate I could tell she was growing some more, almost one foot every minute as she gorged on drum after drum of the beans. Bean juice would roll down her chin and deep into her cleavage as you heard her eat the food up above, her teeth muscles were working overtime over and over again, you could hear the beans roll down her esophagus and toward her stomach, it was a constant stream of food and you could tell that just one bite-full of beans would have made her a few ticks more stronger in gas production, nearly 3,000 tons worth of beans would give her Chemical R A LOT of material to work with to produce aromas so rich and foul in toxicity that science hadn’t been able to conceive them yet. And as she continued to grow she was becoming stronger than nearly every other person in the world when it came to farting, times a million. And now it looks like she’s on her way to eating the tenth drum of beans we began to smell yet another putrid aroma. Rita had just cut another small SBD fart out of her butt, and killed another flock of birds as they flew too close to her. Hannah and I were coughing a little bit more this time as I had increasing bewilderment at the raunchiness of her gas. She was going to be activating another million bits of toxic gas with each bite-full of her beans, more and more the power was swelling within her. By the time she was done with her tenth drum of beans, about the amount of our two grocery store runs from earlier, her gas production was going to be a nice trillion times stronger than normal. When it came to be very gassy she was near unlimited strength and power! All the power in the world of farting contained in the body of a giant, nearly 450-foot tall Rita Lector. A small burp came out from her and she continued with drum number 11.

And this continued for another half an hour, she took her time taking gulp after gulp of the beans with a swig from one of the drums of milk, she was eating food at such an enormous scale that her stomach was being expanded to hold in more and more while an infinitely growing amount of gas was building. She would release small bursts of it, killing off everything within 5,000 feet of her as she continued to eat. We counted another six small farts like the first two, each of them slightly stinkier than the ones before. We could tell Rita was enjoying this, there was something swelling inside of her that even she had never felt before and she was loving it, even if she didn’t convey it right here. The world watched it as she continued to eat; film crews were following a growing collation of military personnel with more rockets and guns to try to combat the growing 14-year old giantess. I watched on the live feed of the events taking place from outside Rita’s bra in awe as she lifted her gigantic bum off the ground to push out another small fart. The vehicles suddenly stopped as the camera was catching the brown fog flowing through the area. Everything behind Rita’s ass for now about 7,000 feet was a wasteland of the smelliest smell yet. I could smell it deep between her enlarging breasts and so could the military group on the ground; it was the scent of power, of control, of a teenage flatulence queen.

A helicopter hovered for a distance of about five miles from where Rita was and managed to get a good shot of her sitting down eating the food, from a camera that was zoomed in. If it weren’t for everything else going on, it would have looked like any other girl sitting down eating food, but this was Rita Lector and she was eating beans. To her, eating each drum was probably the equivalent of her eating a single cans by themselves, there were so many beans that it still took her at least a couple of minutes to add the beans to her stomach. Her moist lips were kept moist by the bean juice from each of the drums she ate. Her incredible stomach stretched out a little further as she gained a little bit more size to accommodate the meal now trapped within, slow digestion already started the acidic fluids as the beans were transformed with the Chemical R to produce a gas particle of the deadliest smell imaginable, producing what would be an agonizing death with no escape from the evil that now lurked within her bowels. The buildup of military personnel behind her ass was only making the upcoming scenario direr. It took another half an hour but finally Rita had finished up her meal of the drums and began working on tearing up the roof to the warehouse to find the many stored cans of beans there. There she started grabbing handfuls of the aluminum cans with beans inside and ate them all away, spending another 15 minutes plus releasing another two silent farts of relatively small size, the bomb building up within her was getting bigger and her stomach looked fuller by the second. The helicopter view provided me with a good angle as to what she was doing, as the rest of the world was looking too. It seemed that the aluminum in the cans didn’t do much damage to her, though it would have anyone else who ate them. She finally wrapped up her eating and took in another swig of roughly 10,000 gallons of milk before burping a very impressive 30-second long belch.


The smell of digested beans and milk filled the valley around her as her burp was so intense in aroma that she basically was able to cause trees near her, to the front of her position, to lose their leaves based on the strong potency of her burp’s smell. If her burp was strong enough to kill plant life than her upcoming fart was not going to bode well for anyone. I heard her stomach process the food built up within her, she held nearly 3,000 tons worth of beans inside right now, which was going to be more than enough for more deadly gas than ever before and for a much longer time, it was no different as if she had eaten 40 cans of beans at her regular size, she never did more than 15. As the burp echoed off the walls of the surrounding buildings and such the military group gathered all around the back of her decided it was now time to begin their assault. Using their tanks and firearms and whatever else they had on them and could gather in short time they began firing them upon Rita. She didn’t do anything to flinch though it appeared that they were making a small impact, the holes were being blasted against her shirt and her pants but they were still minor holes and her clothing held up quite well, her denim fabric was made of more sturdy stuff than the normal clothing, it had to be with the catastrophic farts she released on a regular basis. Rita contemplated whether or not she was going to say anything before she delivered her death blow but decided to go ahead with it at the end.

“You maggots have no idea who you’re shooting, enjoying choking to death on my gas!” Rita said laughing as she didn’t even bother to look back at the group, and why would she? They were already dead to her, anyone within a large area was already dead, she began to lean her ass over slightly and prepared to deliver her payload. Even as I have witnessed her biggest, smelliest farts, including the historic eruption of Mount Saint Rita that one day, nothing could compare to what was about to happen here. A darkness started to increase on the people as her monster-sized butt moved up into the air, she wasn’t completely off the ground, just leaning her ass over to fart like she always did. All anyone could see was a giant blue wall that was just Rita’s buttcheek clad in jeans. It stretched upward and upwards until it met with Rita’s black shirt. Her butt moved ever so slightly, but enough that the air became a whirlwind practically blowing a few people away a few feet, just from the slight movement of her ass, she was now about 500 feet in height, much bigger than before with an equally-larger ass. That ass loomed with power and authority and I think everyone could tell once they saw it rose as it was. The left asscheek remained pressed against the ground but the right buttcheek was raised up just a little bit. The crease in between her cheeks, forming along her crack was just barely off the ground and the space in between that the ground had to form the most uncomfortable place in not only the entire world but perhaps the universe. No one would want to be there when Rita started farting, but no one would want to be behind her ass in any case. It took another 20 seconds for the gas to fill up her rectum but once she began, she began. Her fart was going to break every bit of record imaginable when it came to farting. Rita Lector had just eaten 3,000 tons of beans; her fart was going to be humongous!


The pre-fart gas that Rita emitted as she got ready to open up her anal flaps for their strongest workout ever was enough to disorient the military group surrounding her. It was now a larger force than before, bigger than the other encounters she had had. Her pre-fart gas could have killed everyone in her neighborhood at her potency now, once the sound began to come out of her anus however that was all meaningless, it was a sound and fury unlike any that had rocked the Earth in its history. I had once described Rita’s largest fart as being like the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, THIS was the real explosion, perhaps not as strong as the actual explosion of Mt. St. Helens, this fart was still something around one megaton of TNT worth, which put it clearly in atomic bomb-like territory for the awesome power of its eruption. The fart shook the ground around it to the force of a 6.0 earthquake on the Richter scale and blew out of her steel-like blue jeans to winds of well over 100 miles per hour. This was a built up fart that no one was quite ready for, she rested with her left hand pressed up against the fabric as she felt the bulge in her stomach get bigger from the beans continuously processing themselves, all while pushing forth this ginormous fart. Rita had plenty of big farts in her day, but this was beyond all of them. My ears were ringing, even with my positon deep within her breast cleavage. At ground level, where the troops were gathered the decibel reading was already past ear-piercing and climbing, her fart continued to build in strength and power as she continued releasing it. Everyone without a mile or so of her was almost instantly killed with the blinding hot and toxic-smelling gas that came out of the first burst of foul wind, and Rita had barely begun.


The cloud of gas that come out of her hind end was much more sinister looking than before, it was practically black, or a very blackish-green, the color of forest green with even darker tones mixed in. The gas cloud bellowing upwards from where she was sitting reached high into the air and produced a very stark transition to the lighter colored gas from her silent farts earlier. Blue skies were still breaking through around us, but once this dark cloud started to condense up in the atmosphere it began to stretch outwards like the top of a thunderstorm cloud and spread as it covered a region of over a square mile and growing, it was the strangest thing you had ever seen and it could be seen throughout the northern half of Hamilton County, Ohio. After seeing the group closest to her ass blown to bits by the beginning eruption of her fart the groups of tanks and soldiers located further away began pointing their gun’s canons at Rita and started firing again. Simultaneously, fighter planes buzzed by her as they began to make some passes at her, shooting at her. Explosions began erupting all around her and she could feel the rounds exploding against her body. The rate of rounds hitting her, planes buzzing her on their bombing runs, and explosions reached a feverish pitch and she was having trouble breathing with all the smoke. In the matter of merely a minute there was now a full-scale assault taking place on Rita, if only she was caring about it. The attack was soon taking place in a black and green cloud of gas to the point that you could hardly tell from the television cameras exactly what was going on, but Rita continued to fart. No one had appreciated the fact that she was well over four minutes into her gas bomb and nothing was said to praise her resilience to let loose a bomb of such strength.


Rita’s magnificent fart continued unabated as she stayed in her position, farting more and more as the commentary of the attack on the TV broadcast was starting to change. Before they were remarking about the military attack on her body but now it was more directed as to how she was still farting. “That girl is still farting!” Someone commented as I checked the time and saw that we were now going past five and a half minutes, long but not nearly her best. The fight continued behind her, but she could hardly feel what was going on and really no one had any clue what was going on. The shots continued here and there, but a disturbing reality was settling in, the people attacking her were dying. The tanks were firing and the planes were shooting but they could only take in the aroma for so long. It wasn’t that they didn’t have the firepower; it’s that their lungs couldn’t take what she was giving them. Soon, the explosions halted and the jets ceased buzzing her. Strangely, despite all that she had been given, she felt no pain, in fact, she felt exhilarated as if she was bursting with more and more gastric energy. And with that her explosive fart continued to erupt, producing a moaning sound that echoed off of every building within a township-sized stretch of land. Traffic was grinded to a halt along the busy interstate nearby for miles in either direction of the growing black cloud of fog. More people were dying to the smell too as she was finding new areas to effect with her gaseous stink. A view from the top of Cincinnati’s tallest towers, still a nice 15 miles away from where she was farting could show what looked like a nuclear bomb cloud mushrooming upwards and spreading around, spreading with it the absolute worst smelling gas ever.


It was just over eight minutes worth of the unconditionally worst, life-threatening and profanest smelling human fart in history and it was eight minutes of a black cloud of death gaseous fog that filled a growing region of gas. As Rita’s volcanic fart continued to emulate its vicious fumes over all of us I began to realize that even with her mammaries surrounding us there was still going to be a wicked-smelling gas filling my lungs whether I liked it or not. Rita was moaning a little as she cut loose this colossal release of butt gas, as strong as a small nuclear device over the area. There was a heavy burst of rotten eggs mixed in with the fuming deadliness of her rancid aroma, which was becoming less the traditional fart smell and more the smell of something far more sinister. I could never recall a time in which Rita had just let loose a normal smelling fart, these were well beyond stink bomb levels, a natural malodrorant of the maximum level. The rotten egg component of her increasingly blacker- colored gas was turning her fumes from merely a woman’s flatulence into an organosulfur compound that was partially the same potency of mustard gas. Sure there was the usual oxygen, the methane, the nitrogen and the nearly 10% hydrogen sulfide laced into her impressive blast of ass gas, but its toxicity was unmatched. Among the EPA’s Toxicity level the fart would have been at the highest possible level, a Class 1. It was all-around the worst- smelling thing to have ever wafted into that room and as she passed the eight-minute mark she was still farting strong!


Rita was now into minute nine of her grandiose fart and realized that she was getting a bit worn out leaning over as she was, holding her composure for that long reminded her of why her previously largest fart was done with her lying down. Seeing as there was no more fighting going on without her she decided to stand up, and in doing so she first saw that her growth had continued a little more with her now pushing 600 feet in height, but more interesting it changed the direction of the toxic flow of her gas as her movements upwards into the air pushed the gas higher into the air to help produce a cloud that was even more expansive, now stretching into western parts of the county and back in suburban Butler County to the north. She stood there looking as bored as ever as I watched the helicopter getting a view of her move further away. They had learned by this point not to have a direct view of Rita, like looking at the sun with your own eyes it could become dangerous for you. Smelling her gas, even only in small quantities was fatal. Her fart rumbled on and on, even as it was changing pitch to a lower level as she stood there and continued farting, looking like she was ready to just up and quit, but she still had gas to pass and wanted to continue her eruption. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was now nearly ten minutes since Rita had started fart. Ten freaking minutes of her passing gas, the ramifications outside must have been much greater than even what I was expecting. ………….TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her fart went on to just past 11 minutes in length and even if I had a limited viewpoint of the damage being done I could just tell from the thunderous eruption that I heard buried so deep within Rita’s breast cleavage that had absolutely destroyed the atmosphere around her. The coverage of destruction was greater than with some of her farts previously with probably about double the intensity from her past farts. She had as much gas in the air as nuclear radiation after a single detonation of a small-yield bomb. The zone of her deadly gas was expansive, even by her standards. Aiming northward, the black cloud of her toxic gas expanded to the north by nearly 14 miles and fanned outward in such a manner that the cloud was now reaching the far western extremities of Hamilton County near the Indiana border. To the north it spread to the city of Hamilton and eastward was well past Lebanon, the cloud looked like the outline to an amphitheater as it continued saturating itself over the land. The cloud was thick enough to resemble heavy storm clouds and cast darkness over the area, activating the automatic streetlights along the empty and dead interstate highways and streets. Causalities in many of these areas were actually very low since the population had already been killed by her pungent farts previously, but new areas of people were finally sniffing in the vile aroma of Rita’s fart and falling to their death like the rest. It wasn’t a matter now as to whether or not you were going to survive through Rita’s fart, but simply how long you had until you died. To survive Rita’s gas simply meant being out of range of the expanding coverage of her deadly gas.

Meanwhile, Rita was reaching out behind her jeans and waved them a little bit to let loose a little bit more excess gas built up within her buttcrack. Each release of gas out of her jeans, mind you this was gas simply left over from her fart as she had physically stopped farting, was enough to destroy a neighborhood. She looked out and had to have had an incredible view. I couldn’t be completely accurate on how it looked, but from what I saw on the TV broadcast of the event and Rita’s new height, she must have felt like being in an airplane looking over at a storm cloud building to the north from the rupture point of her massive fart. She was laughing as she surveyed the damage about her; her gas was beyond lethal, it was apocalyptic at this juncture and without any stop she could continue imposing her will upon the area. I could only imagine what everyone else was thinking as she was getting even bigger. She possessed a new level of confidence that even she had never known or felt before as she watched her gas continued to spread outwards from where her fart was released, this was going to be an L10 fart in intensity, which boded ill for everyone who smelled it. L10 farts hung around strongly for up to 10 hours, likely casting a darkness over the area until the next morning, normally people smelling this would have only been knocked out for a day but at her size and increased farting potency, death was certain. Rita knew now with conviction that she was going to make changes, big changes, and the world would have no choice but to listen to her and accept them. But before that she caught a brief whiff of her creation and went so far as to pinch her nose and cry out in utter disgust.

“Whoo that stunk!” Rita said as she suddenly realized the absolute severity of her gas. This fart was a stinker without comparison, even from her worst before this. The smell was only an intensification of all the horrendous smells that she had released up to that point. The 3,000 tons of beans had made their presence known as the fart carried a spicy, tangy stench with it that only helped to make the fiery gas even hotter. Trees were wilting within a cool five-mile radius in multiple directions from where the most intense part of her fart radiated. Tree bark was being stripped, paint off numerous cars was being chipped off, highway signs were melting as the chemicalness of the fart effected them in some way. The individual valleys that followed the creeks and rivers in this area had a slight effect in channeling the gas to throw even more deadly concentrations along the river bottoms, fouling the water to the point that drinking it would have been the same as drinking water from a hot spring. The milk that she eaten created a rotten component to the fart that made it smell like dying cows and dog flatulence. These two elements had allowed for the hydrogen sulfide to make its vengeance known, she had produced a whole lot of the sewer, swamp gas in her stomach and now she had just let out, enough to kill 100,000 people easily with more falling victim to her mustard gas by the second. The black and green gas filled up such a large area that news helicopters, thinking they had a clear enough distance from the visible zone of Rita’s fart gas had forgotten the fact that the smell could carry even further. Another helicopter suddenly started to make a kamikaze run into a patch of trees as it collided with the ground and caught fire. That fire though started to pick up the methane that had turned that part of Hamilton County in a toxic stew of the most dangerous gases known to man and began a small forest fire in that area. Rita could only smile after the destruction she was causing.

“That was nice. You guys all have my permission to die after smelling that one. You should be lucky, only a few privilege people get to die from my farts. It should be considered an honor to die from my gas!” Rita said smiling as she felt something else build up within her. Within seconds she began pushing out another burst of gas, silent and deadly this time and producing a tannish yellow haze that was flowing back into the same zone of putridness that she had just created. This gas, unbeknownst to anyone still alive, was probably even stronger in smell, not that anyone would have noticed. The gas was more concentrated than the previous fart and only lasted a mere three minutes in length, but it had found the small fire that was burning from the crashed helicopter and accelerated the growth of the flames so that the fire would spread to a few adjacent buildings next to the woods, soon a larger fire would begin spreading as Rita’s powerful methane-laden SBD created another, very unnecessary wave of her gastric stink around the area. Everything in the far northern part of Hamilton County was now dead from those two farts and Rita was still feeling it, but she knew that the aroma wasn’t going to remain minor (to her nose anyway) for much longer and saw fit to hightail it south toward the center of the city. Looking to the south she could see the tops of Downtown Cincinnati loom over the hilltops that laid in between her and the city. Now she could live out the fantasy of being Godzilla, heading into the city with the intention of destruction, both physical and vaporal.

She walked onto the freeway and found it still loaded with cars with people inside of them dead from having to inhale her vicious gas. It paid her no matter however as she was more than happy to commit her damage upon the area. Her feet were big enough so that she could have one foot in the southbound three lanes of the freeway and the other foot on the northbound lanes, smashing up cars underneath her tremendous weight as cracked footprints appeared in the concrete and asphalt that made up the highway. She playfully smashed up the various cars and trucks as she made it very clear that she was not going to worry at all about what she was doing. As she continued to walk, small puffs of gas would radiate out of her ass but she purposefully kept her really big gas stored for later. Rita continued to grin and hum quietly to herself as she felt like she was in a dream. And why not? She felt terrific; she had never experienced such tremendous power. She felt indomitable, she was a superwoman, a giant superwoman, and the world was her little toy. She could do anything, anything she wanted with her powerful gas and no one was going to stop her, at least not that anyone knew of. Rita was continuing her terrorism as she playfully walked down the freeway and made her way closer into Cincinnati. I watched on my phone as commentators continued to discuss what she was doing.

“I believe the term in our modern vernacular is ‘crop-dusting.’ And she is laying down a lot from our vantage point.” A Channel 9 news anchor announced as helicopter reporting continued to showcase roughly what Rita was doing. She was roughly walking through the community of Norwood at this stage, one of the larger towns just outside of Cincinnati. Her consideration for what she was destroying was completely shot and the silent gas she was releasing didn’t do much either. Each puff of gas was only 15 seconds in length but they carried more than enough poison to kill anyone still dumb enough to stick around for the giantess marching through, and there were idiots around to witness this too. The news would show a few amateur videos of people snapping of Rita on their cell phones. One particular video was pretty cool to see, a firsthand account of what Rita was doing. The guy was standing alongside the sidewalk of a major road through the town as Rita was causally walking along the street. His angle was surprisingly close as he had not yet been caught up in Rita’s deadly gas. Her farting was such that it seemed to flow in only one direction behind her, meaning that those who had not yet seen her walk by were still safe. I was told by Hannah that it was similar at school, where Rita would walk around farting it was always better to be ahead of her than behind her. The guy on his cell phone was filming the scene as he saw Rita stand within 20 feet of him, her stinky shoes causing him to gag a little before he began speaking, with some sort of idiotic guy’s voice that probably should have not been heard, disrupting the beauty of the scene.

“This is amazing! You have to see this, this girl is gigantic, she’s fucking big!” He said as Rita stopped for a moment as she looked around. The guy’s camera had a perfect panning view of her. She may have only been 14 years old but she was a gorgeous goddess unlike any to have ever graced the planet. Her white tennis shoes were larger than many of the commercial businesses along the street and the smell of her feet was nearly as pungent and rotten as that of her farts. Rita was more than happy to have smelly feet most of the time, with her absolutely heinous-smelling farts no one ever noticed. But the guy’s view as he peered further up with his phone to grab an even better view really set the tone for just how massive Rita had grown. Her legs moved up to a height that was probably 300 feet or so in height, the Statue of Liberty alone would be as high as her ass, she could have absolutely dominated that thing. I couldn’t help but noticing how tight her blue jeans as the wobbling phone continued to pan the sight of her massive frame. The guy kept on utterly stupid remarks that restated the obvious about how big she was but the view of Rita was impressive to say the least. The likely-bulletproof denim strained to contain her muscular butt, thighs and calves. And were able to withstand winds stronger than that from small hurricanes. Up from there you could see the black shirt, holding in her amazing bust before finishing up with her childish but slowly maturing face. She looked around from her height, in which she was able to scan the city around her. For now there was no resistance, not with all those beans inside of her, but what the guy filming didn’t yet realize was that there was a reason Rita had stopped there, she felt another gassy fart ready for release.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff……..

Rita Lector was pushing out another mammoth-sized silent fart, but none of this was news to people, except for the guy filming, who was too caught up in the euphoria of a giant girl walking around that they couldn’t tell that she was farting. I could only guess exactly what was running through his mind and in many cases I kind of wished that I was there. He must have seen the green and yellow gas pour out of Rita’s ass and begin to haze up the air with a fog that was denser than any to have ever fallen upon the city. That alone should have gotten him, and I’m sure that it was, but there was something else going on, her gas was spreading out in all directions. Rita’s SBD had been streamlined down the insides of her pants and right on top of her shoe. This was leading to a vile combination of the smell of her feet mixed in with the smell of her fart, causing the person filming to begin gagging; not knowing yet that he was only seconds away from death and Rita’s silent fart was another long one. The smell of rotten eggs and burning garbage plus all the usual deadly chemicals that now made up the vast majority of her fart were premating around the area where the guy was standing. The guy’s filming was quick to record the movement of the trees as they blew in a slight breeze from the swirling gas of Rita’s fart. Even if she wasn’t farting directly at that spot, there was so much dense and humid flatus in the area that it flowed downwards from where it had been deposited out of Rita’s butthole and pushed onto the ground. It must have felt like the sun was suddenly crashing down on the street surface as nearby cars started to fog up and people all around were fainting and collapsing as Rita’s pungent gas was slowly killing them off.

“Oh God…oh fuck that reeks….God that…fuck….fuck….aggghhhh!” The guy screamed as he quickly fell to the ground, allowing for the cell phone to leave and fall in just the right spot to continued observing the street he was walking along. And despite that, Rita was still farting nice and strong, she had no clue nor worry about what was going on below her.

……ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

The apocalyptic sights that had already fallen upon the areas where Rita had walked by before was now transpiring in the city of Norwood. Litter was being blown across the view from the camera as the fart was continuing its damage across the area. This was another proud SBD from Rita’s behind, something that must have given her some pride in what she was doing. I could hear her giggle to herself from above as I could only imagine that she was still letting out her massive fart of silent destruction over the area, she could have stopped farting but so much was built up that she knew she had to let loose a little bit now or risk having too much and blowing up herself, if that meant anything. Still, I could tell that Rita was in heaven, a paradise made only for giant gassy girls who love dominating people. This was a girl who loved to fart and see people suffer on what she was producing, she had an evil streak about her that was now going on full fledge here, but she wasn’t villain-like evil here, she wasn’t laughing or taunting, at the moment at least, but was simply standing there and farting, but I knew Rita better, she felt it. The giant girl was struck with a power surge, going through every corner of her being. For her, power and farting were the same thing, the domination of her farts over everyone, and an expression of female flatulent superiority.

“Jeez I got gas like none other!” Rita laughed as she finally started walking again, not even noticing the dead guy who was filming her, he had been out for over four minutes as Rita walked more and more. She felt the urge to release small toot-like farts as she stepped, about five of the in a role as small burst of the green deadly gas came out with each footfall, she was extremely loaded with gas. She was walking roughly in the direction of the Uptown area of Cincinnati, a major employment center with several hospitals and a major university and more targets for her gas. All around her people continued to flee, at least those who were not within smell shot of her fatal gas. If you whiffed it you were gone, but still people were able to run away as best as they could. Traffic was backed up on the two major freeways heading south from Cincinnati and into Kentucky, the jams went further north toward the region that Rita was walking through, which meant those who were unfortunate to move far enough in traffic before Rita got to them had to witness how deadly she could be with her farts. And it didn’t even matter if she passed you or not, if you smelled it, well you know.

It took her only a few minutes to reach Uptown, better wise known as the neighborhoods of Avondale, Corryville and Clifton. Rita made her way toward the cluster of buildings that made up the medical campus for the University of Cincinnati. She was more than delighted to see the thousands of hospital and university employees running for the parking lot and into the streets. At this point they were heading just about anywhere they could, while Rita had met little in terms of crowds walking this way, she was now in a more populated area and one that still had people in it. News of the giantess were still relatively hard to get since she had killed every person reporting on her whereabouts, but news was spreading as tornado sirens were sounding around the area. The sky behind the giantess reflected a puke green color with splashes of the bright blue sky mixed in, it clearly looked like a storm was coming. Recognizing they were headed for their cars, she started stomping on the pavement with each footprint she made, leaving behind five foot deep craters that no cars could drive through. Finally she arrived at the 150-foot tall hospital that was the focus of her attention, the main medical center for the University of Cincinnati, a massive medical complex that was so tall that it made it to the bottom of Rita’s knee caps, with her calves wide enough that they could easily be towers in the nearby university’s dormitories. But the hospital was of particular interest for her. Rita stood there in front of the hospital with her tight pair of blue jeans and the tight black T-Shirt with skull on it, which was now stopped short of her stomach by an inch.

“Hey guys! I’M BACK!” Rita said with all the hamminess that such a line required from her girlish voice. Being a hospital with many active patients they had hardly begun to evacuate the building of its patients. This meant a building ripe for her choosing to gas out the occupants and she had good reason to do so, or in her mind at least. Rita had spent a week in this hospital when she was 12 and had subsequent visits afterwards. This is where the discovery of Chemical R was done at; it was also where a team of scientists and physicians had begun working with the girl to see what made her bowels so volatile. The whole experience was an episode in futility as no one was able to exactly determine what the cause of her problems was, and she was bored out to hell with a lack of video games and access to other amenities she deemed necessary. But the worst part was when they insisted on Rita not eating any beans while at the hospital. It was a nerve-wracking six days for her as she was held from her favorite food staple and even without it she regularly stunk up her entire floor with the farts that she did have. It was all in an attempt to try to diminish her farting power, they thought that taking beans away from her definitely would end the problem, but she quickly proved to be adapting in producing even more gas and stinking the place up anyway.

But, alas she got a hold of a can of beans, ONE can of beans, and on that seventh day she farted so badly that half the hospital had to be evacuated. Over 200 people fell into unconscious states for a few minutes, while the nurses and doctors fell into comas; a couple remained so for nearly a week. The hospital had to be cleaned up thoroughly while the other patients were transferred to other facilities. Now, every time she returned she had to go through a security process to make sure that she held no beans with her and her parents were held up to scrutiny under penalty of jail time to make sure that she ate no beans whatsoever for the 24 hours preluding a visit. It was here that the classification system of her farts was first created and likely where the first L10 fart was produced. The various students who worked there were sometimes amazed at the incredible power of Rita’s farts, about ten or so wrote large essays on the intensity of what went on in Rita’s bowels with several coming up with some theories about the ferocity of her bowels and what caused her gas to be so. The theories were actually mostly correct, correlating the threat of her gas to her rapidly developing body, digestive system and intake of food, plus the supposedly bean-and-milk diet her mother had when she formed Rita in her body. One person went so far to write his graduate thesis on Rita’s gas, a point that gave her plenty of delight. He even partaked in smelling a few of the farts, for empirical data of course, and would up with a breathing condition that hasn’t gone away. Supposedly she and the student have remained in contact, I suspect he was another fart fetishist like myself.

“You’re puny hospital is nothing to me, I have to bend over just to touch you. Unfortunately for you, my farts have been a little worse, here’s a little sample for some more research!” She said laughing as took her giant jean-cladded ass and found a spot to sit down on top of the building. But as she lowered her ass toward the top of the building, she felt the gas reach her rectum and knew that she had to gas them out before destroying their building, no sense in letting the doctors, nurses, patients and their families die from a building collapse, no they were going to die of her gas, a dream she had had ever since the first doctor probed his glove-covered finger up her butthole, there were plenty of colonoscopies for the girl and she was now able to get her revenge.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……. It was silent and she could barely hear it but it was almost assured that the people in the hospital could. There was no actual imagery for what took place, but using my imagination I could almost figure it out. I would have to imagine that the gas quickly found its way through all the windows and around the building, it was a misty looking green haze of the most rotten-smelling gas that these doctors had ever experienced likely spilling into the hallways and taking the life away from anyone it came into contact with. I could only guess a few of the doctors there when Rita stunk up the hospital from her can of beans were there to witness their lives ending when Rita decided to let one rip on top of the building, and sadly her fart was going to be nearly another five-minute long masterpiece of the most righteous-smelling toxic gas ever. The gas came rushing out and soon formed a cloud of absolute death that resembled the exhaust coming out from the bottom of a rocket as it lifted off from the ground. But alas, it was a 14-year old’s flatulence causing havoc on her body as she felt the need to release a little bit of it from her stomach. She could remember her very first visit to the hospital and the slight embarrassment she felt over farting and causing four people to pass out from merely smelling it. Then she was embarrassed by such an action, done when she was only 7 years old, now for her last visit she was marveling at the fact that she was bringing gassy death to them all. No longer embarrassed by her foul gas she was proud of the devastation she was bringing.

……….hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crowds that had gathered around the hospital complex were all screaming as they started to feel the heat of Rita’s fart increase in power as it spread from its original power source at her extremely-powerful nuclear reactor that was her ass. The thick rotten egg and bean and garbage smelling odor slowly spread its wicked fecal wind throughout the complex as it blew out from her ass. Her ass was positioned in just the right spot so that the gas could basically encompass the hospital in a thick and lethal cocoon of what wafted out from her bowels. Several doctors I remembered from a visit I took with Rita a couple of months earlier, when I drove her there, told me that they feared what came out of her ass, they couldn’t explain in and some thought that it would actually kill them one day. It was a terrible thought that ran through their heads, the idea of Rita actually killing the with her farts, now she was making good on that promise. What was only briefly smelling like some of her residual gas from her merely walking over to the hospital had now been transferred into the smelling chamber of Rita Lector’s bowel movements, and she was laughing as she was enjoying everything taking place below her. It was a noxious cloud of her digested airborne wastes and it had burned a hole through her ass as it was being expelled from her butt, but it was hardly her worst fart.

Rita’s SBD had gone on for about five minutes in length, at which time she was able to watch the sky change colors around her. Her fart was going to have a long-lasting effect around the area. The zoo was nearby and it was hardly a surprise to her that the animals there were quickly dying from breathing in the rotten smell of her fart. This was something that gave her amazed satisfaction, to see just how deadly the effect of her farts really were going. No one was safe to her, no one, me and Hannah were surviving but I had noticed that Hannah had fallen asleep from probably smelling too much of Rita’s gas, it was unclear what was going to happen to her. I continued to find TV coverage of the event as helicopters, ever so careful to avoid entering the zone of no return with smelling Rita’s fart, were showing the green cloud of deadly gas collect itself on top of the plateau that the Uptown area was located on, the gas was spreading its deadly tentacles in various directions down major roads that radiated out from the hospital, it was bellowing up in the sky like another thunderstorm cloud and produced a darker cloud that made it seem more like dusk than the middle of the day in that area. Downtown Cincinnati was still safe from the gas but the encroaching storm of vile flatulence must have brought fear to those who were located at the top of the highest buildings in the city and look north at the cloud of destructive gas that was building to the north, not to mention the giant girl in blue jeans and a black shirt with bleach blond hair hovering her butt over them.

“As I expected, you puny humans couldn’t handle my gas once more, but alas that was the last mistake you will all be making. NO ONE CAN HANDLE MY FARTS, YOU BETTER START GETTING ON YOUR KNEES AND WORSHIPPING MY GASSY ASS IF YOU WANT TO MAKE IT OUT OF THIS ALIVE!” Rita yelled out with her loudest and most sinister voice yet. It was swelling in her I could tell, I could only be a witness to it but it was amazing to see, her authority and power was getting larger and to demonstrate her power she finished her sitting movement and sat her jean covered ass on top of the hospital. Then she started to sit down. In an instant, the brick and glass buildings that made up the complex were squished flat, reduced to a bit of debris and dust on the back of her jeans. A cloud of dust, mixed in with some leftover gas had created another smaller cloud that continued to spread in the surrounding area, not that anyone was alive to experience it. A camera had been fixed on her location to broadcast this live but like the other times before this, there was no one left to actually report or manage the camera as they filmed the scene. Rita’s ass cheeks left giant indentations the ground, two perfect ovals some 30 feet deep to forever mark the occasion. And if that wasn’t going to make thing’s worse, she felt a surge of gas that had a different feeling in it.


The fart was a mere one-and-a-half minute in length, but it was a loud one and with her ass squarely seated on the ground, it was a thunderous one unlike any other she had produced before, producing an earthquake-inducing bassy sound that shook the entire area with an apocalyptic force that brought more destruction to numerous buildings around her. Terror seized every person still alive within its wake. As she began pushing deep her gassy loud fart, a mighty roll came that made all living think only of God's mercy, merely to know that it was only a girl farting into the ground. She prided herself on being able to shake the ground around her sometimes with her fart, but this was clearly overdoing it. Buildings rocked, poised for a moment, then toppled and fell to the ground as her farting produced shockwaves that stretched from the ruins of the former hospital and outward. The children’s hospital nearby, already full of dead patients had collapsed onto itself and other buildings around the medical complex had done the same. Her silent fart had not been able to destroy any buildings, but merely her sitting and pushing forth a deep thunder fart was able to do such a thing. More and more the surrounding buildings were collapsed into a heap of ruins burying their (mostly dead) occupants underneath to a terrible death. Churches, additional hospitals, the entire university nearby, homes, businesses, anything nearest her giant butt were collapsing the vibrating themselves to destruction as she pushed out this fart. No one could ever be able to tell the real truth of the terrible sensation of each throbbing movement of her giant fart onto the ground and the bassy sound that was produced was enough to pop anyone’s eardrums on the ground. Even I was impressed with the terror, the awe, the unnerved feeling was indescribable of Rita’s fart. It wasn’t even close to her biggest but still it had intense power with it. Within a good mile of the fart, everything was in a heap of rubble with smoke rising from over 30 fires that started, and that number was growing. Then Rita, having finished her mere 90-second long thundering fart into the ground saw that it was a good idea to finally stand up, only that was not such a good idea.

While the deadly gas of her latest fart was enough to kill those who weren’t already dead from the last fart the simply action of Rita standing back up to her full height, now closing in on 660 feet in height, caused a surge of buildup gas that had been suppressed by the craters her ass had created on the ground to flow outwards from the unidentifiable remains of the University Hospital to pollute the city streets with even more of her retched gas. The atmosphere all around the site where she had been seated had changed its composition to that matching Rita’s colossal gastronomical gases. There were heavy concentrations of the hydrogen sulfide that only appeared to be increasing in strength and potency within the foul gas, how increasing it made it stronger I couldn’t tell. The look of Rita from afar as she stood there admiring her wonderful gas stinking up the area really had set the tone with the enormity of her buttcheeks hanging out within her jeans at a height that was almost now as high as the tallest buildings in the city. The aftermath of the long thundering fart looked like a blast of yellow gas that was quickly making contact with the various fires started from the earthquake-like effect of the fart to produce multiple black plumes of smoke. It looked like some old-timey scene of Pittsburgh or London with all the factories blowing full force with their destructive fumes into the air.

Rita started pinching her nose just a little bit as she smelled her fart and realized that it was unlike any other she had ever smelt. The fart, mixed in with the overpowering smell of burning human flesh, building rubble and female flatus had created a gut-wrenching, puke-inducing, gag-creating combination that just substituted all the available oxygen hovering over Uptown and replacing it with its new creation, something that could only be produced from deep within the bowels of the gassiest person in the world. Rita’s ass felt warm from the heat that this fart had produced, being blasted with the force of an atom bomb. If one were to survive the blast and the shock wave from such a bomb. But none of that mattered since her gas was the main star of the show and the smell of her gas. This was a really putrid gas, the kind that could have cured all ailments in the hospital she had destroyed. But it was hardly of any concern to her, she was now just having fun with her farts, not at all worried about the effects it was having on other people’s lives. None of that mattered now, everyone down there in the city, among those still alive had their own lives and families and things to do. Getting up this morning, everyone had their own set of goals and accomplishments to seek out that day, some had jobs, others were just heading out for a baseball game at the riverfront, but everyone was in their own little world. No one knew yet that a girl eating beans was going to cause such a problem. And Rita was more than happy to taunt her superiority over the city as she began to set her sights down upon the river valley and the central business district of the city. “Oh come on…it’s just a little girl’s gas, it’s not like girls are known to fart!” Rita said coolly as she tried smiling through the situation. Of course no one was buying this situation at all, Rita’s farts were already the worst of among humankind before this day, but after today her farts were going to become the gold standard for all humans to attempt, but never achieve. They were that far away in power and potency.

I however was trying to get a better view of what was going on, film coverage of what Rita was doing was still spotty now that the news stations were contemplating leaving their studios, especially after hearing reports of the numerous deaths and few survivors from Rita’s gassy onslaught. It was said that there were some people still alive despite of what Rita was doing, for whatever reason they were able to survive the smell, or at least they passed out but were back up an hour or so later, there were dozens of people apparently alive up in the northern suburbs as they called the station and gave them reports of what Rita’s gas was like when they got back up, probably packing their things and hulling ass north before feeling any more of her gas. All that said, using my megaphone I asked her if I could get a better view to the destruction.

“Are you sure you want that?”

“I want to see it live.” I told her.

“Alright, but you do not have my permission to die.” She said chuckling as she went into her bra and pulled me out, or rather let me climb onto her fingers and pulled me up to where I got a very dizzying height from on top of her head. There was enough space on the top of the bleached hair, where I could still smell some shampoo from her shower earlier to gain a view of the gassy destruction. The sun still shined in the downtown part of the city plus the Kentucky side of the river, but to the north, it was green and black with various elements mixed in, it was honestly hard to describe, only that it was filled with Rita’s toxic gas and I did not want any part of that. As for my current level, I was high enough to be a similar elevation as an airplane. I rested myself on top of her head as she finally got ready to make the move onto the heart of the city. Walking south from her location at the hospital she stepped over several of the many fires she had created, trying to get herself past the rising pillars of smoke that served like random pieces of tall grass in a field. After a minute or two of walking, past more businesses, homes and whatnot she began to step down the steep incline from the Uptown region and into the lower part of the city.

Before Rita reached downtown, she had to pass through the historic neighborhood known as Over-the- Rhine, home to many old historic buildings that formed a quaint community to the north of the downtown. Of course, she had no intention on carrying much for any of that, so she walked down one of the main streets and smashed up one historic building after another underneath her feet as people screamed and cars tried to move in opposite directions, oh, and she began letting loose another SBD as she moved her way through the neighborhood, all but assuming that more choking to death on her farts was going to happen. Rita was casually walking around as her anus opened up with the absolute profanest smell in the history of the universe raging out of her colon and she released a minor Silent but Deadly Fart. A yellow stream of gas time marked the extremities of the pungent gas as it blew outwards from her ass and quickly settled in upon the historic neighborhood. I caught a nice whiff of the fart as I remained high up on top of Rita’s head, trying to get a full version of her destruction as it was taking place. I could hear the clamored sound of screaming people and cars honking as people behind her were soon caught up in the wave of her utterly despicable gas. By itself the fart could have stunk up her entire house nicely, now it was gassing up an entire neighborhood and already settling itself on the nearby valleys upwards from the city. Strong southern winds were still carrying the gas away from downtown, which suited her just fine, because she wanted to destroy it. Brick structures continued to be smashed up against her tennis shoes, along with historic churches, narrow streets, even a marketplace, none were safe from Rita as she had no regard for whatever was going on before her. No building on the neighborhood reached her shins. Each time her feet hit the ground dozens of people died, her shoes alone were heavy enough to squash whatever was there without effort. But now these shoes also contained an enormous foot, connected to huge legs, each well over 300 feet long, rising impossible high up in the air, covered by jeans cloth a couple of feet thick. Her ass followed, 150 feet wide at least, many tons of buttflesh, able to crunch an entire block just by touching it. This ass, able to shit a mountain, continued to be the cannon from which her atrocious smelling gas emerged, even if her SBD was only three seconds in length. Her face, though average in appearance, could only be seen entirely from a plane, so high it was in the air. She sucked more oxygen into her enormous lungs than a sport stadium full of people. Rita at this point was more like a superhuman. Her weight, strength, and not in the least vastness were beyond compare. A moving, walking mountain of meat, unfortunately one with a total lack of compassion and morale. That was what those shoes carried. That was what made them walk, each movement causing a catastrophe.

“Smell that up Cincinnati….smell up that beautiful one. I’ve saved the best ones for here, I’m gonna fart so bad soon this city will be uninhabitable for centuries!” Rita giggled out loudly as she reached the boulevard that separated the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood from Downtown. In front of her laid the downtown of Cincinnati, a playscape for her as scanned the area to see what she wanted to do. She knew where she wanted to release her big fart, but not at this spot. First she wanted to have some actual fun, so she walked to the west over toward the interstate highway than ran against the western side of Downtown. She regarded the buildings in front of her and immediately found what she was looking for. Numerous towers rose no higher than her waist. She never really cared about the people who were watching behind the windows and most of them never really knew they had her attention, or at least the tower they were in. They had no time to react either way as she picked up some of the stone structures and punched the buildings to test her resolve, to see if she could destroy them without much consideration, it was rather easy. Over where the interstate was, it had a major highway interchange with another highway before leading to a double-decker style cantilever bridge over the Ohio River. She had once remarked about the spaghetti-like nature of the highway ramps when I took her to the top of the Carew Tower one time.

The interstate highways were jammed with traffic as if it were rush hour, no one had expected Rita to come this soon nor did they estimate her height to be what it was. From my vantage point on top of her head I could easily see into three separate states. But as for her feet, they saw the concrete bridges of the highway interchange and immediately began smashing up the roads with numerous cars on them and laughing as they fell to the ground, crashing under sounds that would be loud to those nearby on the ground but rather quiet to her. Then she found the bridge for which the two interstates crossed as one, a double-decker bridge that had much more traffic on them. She thought about how much dying underneath the weight of a whole deck of bridge traffic and being dropped into the slightly muddy waters of the river would have been, compared to her gassy death, and realized that this would be more entertaining. Testing out her feet she surveyed just how deep the river was to her feet. She was pleased to see that the water only made it toward the top of the tongue of her white tennis shoes, soaking her socks but to no concern of her own. She first stepped into the river nearest the bridge and that alone created a tidal wave of water to flow westward along the river for a good ten miles, splashing up waters against the shores and bringing dozens of buildings lining the river to a swift demise into the river.

Smiling at what she was able to do just by stepping into the Ohio River, she moved her other foot into the river and prepared to do something that she thought would be rather cool. She stood next to the bridge, still holding up but only for another few seconds. Then, in the manner of a playful girl she jumped up in the air, high enough that her feet were about 50 feet up from the water and came back down with both feet onto the bridge, smashing through the metal and concrete and easily toppling the structure and demolishing the entire span into the river. The landing of her feet against the river bottom though had an even more deadly effect. First, the landing shook the entire downtown area and nearby cities of Covington and Newport with the force of nearly a ten-pointer, bringing down church steeples and older brick buildings all around, even ones that she was going to destroy but had not gotten around to. Next, it produced an even bigger tidal wave of water that created a storm surge of water rising a nice 15 feet up from its normal level and destroying a little more along the river all the way west toward Indiana. But this time, the tidal wave the other direction too and rose high enough to nearly splash over the decks of the other bridges around the city. The old suspension bridge that first connected Cincinnati and Covington and built in the 1800s was destroyed by this, since it was the oldest bridge. The baseball stadium along the river, where the team and other fans were hiding, trying to get to safety from the giant girl, saw some of the water brush up against the scoreboard with splashes of water making its way onto the field, soaking it. The tidal wave effect continued eastward for another few miles doing similar damage like it did to the east. The baseball stadium however caught Rita’s eyes as she knew it was perfect for her next demonstration of power.

First, she couldn’t resist walking over to the football stadium, located on the western end of the river bottom that formed a new development region of the downtown area. She took her wet shoe and pressed it against the artificial surface of the football field to produce a mud-covered footprint that sunk a nice 14 feet into the ground. Her only disappointment was that she was only able to cover a third of the football field with her foot, letting her know that despite her size she wasn’t that big, not yet anyway. She looked over toward the Fort Washington Way highway, where the second interstate traveled below grade between the stadiums and downtown and took her walking over in that direction, purposefully stepping on each of the bridges to cause more damage and death for those along the highway. Because she had not yet farted in this area she could kill people while they ran away from her, giving her ego another boost of power that she did not need at this point. And in quick time she arrived at the baseball stadium.

“Hey guys, guess what? I gotta fart!” Rita said as she looked down at the baseball stadium and saw hordes of terrified people in their seats, along with the baseball teams playing in that afternoon game, who were now playing baseball like it was their last game in their lives, which it certainly was. To my left I could see the top of the Queen City Center, the tallest building in the city and I saw the top of the tiara-like crown that was fixated on the building and see that it was now a few feet below my current position, putting Rita at a height that was now around 700 feet. But Rita was more focused on other stuff as she looked at the baseball stadium and decided to take a seat over the entire field. His hand gripped his cock, raging hard, and started to stroke. In a moment, the jeans would fall and stadium’s sky would be full of Rita's big, round, voluminous bottom. The tremendous jeans stretched over the middle of her cheeks, casting a dark shadow over the ballfield. Her cheeks slowly spread and everyone’s vision followed sea of blue stinky denim that was approaching the stands of the stadium, it was unclear just how much she was going to sit. She had to get herself comfortable though as her ass was hovering over the top of the field, or a large part of it anyway. Rita’s ass was nice, but not big enough to cover the entire stadium; alas she knew something that would fill up the stadium just nicely.

“Okay guys, I’m told I have pretty bad gas, tell me what you think?” Rita said as she prepared a very tiny fart for release. She wanted to do this, but she was still storing up her bottom for soon to come. Pushing with her might she tried her best to keep her fart tiny, but still managed to make it a minute in length, merely a middle-of- the-road fart for her, not that the Cincinnati Reds really had any chance of survival. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!

Rita sat there with her eyes fixated at some point in the sky as she performed genocide over the baseball stadium. The small, but still enormous fart was so thick and putrid; it caused her to move her nose around a little as she caught a whiff of it, clearly the fart was going to be a killer. Imagining the scene, as I wasn’t watching any TV coverage of what was taking place inside the stadium, I would have to guess that she had created a cloud of yellow gas so thick and so expansive that it cleared out the entire field and brought down every known person in a heartbeat while robbing their lives of them. I almost kind of hoped that Rita’s gas was of such power that it could steal the life of those who were dying from it, so that she could become stronger and life longer based on the lives she was stealing. I don’t believe her gas had THAT kind of power, but it was a fantasy I harbored nonetheless. She was keeping the fart at a constant flow of silent air, blowing out of her as if she heard nothing as it ripped out of her butt and turned the green grass of the baseball field into a brown surface with the gas filling up all the corridors of the stadium before flowing out into the outside air and producing an expanding and densifying cloud of yellow toxic gas across the river and into Newport. The air around her ass was blowing with a current of air that rivaled the Jet Stream in power.

“Ha! That was too fucking easy!” Rita yelled out as she finished her fart, thinking of it as nothing but a small burst of foul wind. She stood up and I saw that her height had increased a little bit more, but not too much all things considered. In any case, the cloud of her deadly yellow gas was spreading to the east toward Mt. Adams and south to Newport, more were dying by the second as her eggy gas of death was dispersing out more and more. Standing up to her full erect height she saw the middle of the downtown and knew that she was about to release something truly magnificent, but she had to find the perfect location. She walked back over the interstate and soon found herself barely navigating the rather narrow streets (by her standards anyway) with some of her body pushing up against the stone, brick and steel structures that made up the building’s alongside the road. The power swelling up within her as she walked through the central business district of the city. She made sure that she was going to destroy what she wanted while walking through too, she stepped on some of the smaller buildings with the billowing dust from the collapsed buildings covering some of the streets and avenues in the immediate vicinity and rendering the giantess almost invisible for the people on the nearest streets. Rita smiled, and moved forward, stepping on the streets below heedlessly. It was a girl playing around on a toy set of the city of Cincinnati. There was a time a few months ago in which Rita was on a bit of a power trip, she had eaten beans and wanted to exert her authority over me. She had me lie down on the ground as she remained standing up. She walked on top of my body, pushing against my stomach and causing me to have a few breathing problems. The look of her up there, well you don’t want to know what I was thinking, but it was an awesome imagine, to see my master standing there so high, everything deserved to be hers.

The whole thing was a dream to her, something she could have never imagined happening to her before, hell it wasn’t even something that she wanted. She like seeing people choke on her gas, that was not new, but she wanted it at a more respectable size, she wanted to be this unsuspecting small girl releasing deadly farts in crowded spaces and killing 30 people, that was Rita’s real fantasy, but this was the next best thing. Her death count had increased almost one million percent from where it was this morning, and that did turn her on, in her own way anyway. She continued to watch the groups of people running and picked a few of them up with her right hand as she quickly stuck them into her buttcrack, without any worry or consideration she just put them there. Elsewhere, she used her giant feet to smash up various buses, trucks and cars, one after another, which wasn’t too hard anyway considering the size of her feet against the asphalt road, which crumbled beneath her gigantic 105,000 ton form. All but a couple of the tallest buildings in the city were now no higher than her breasts, pushing ever outward with Hannah trapped deep inside a cavernous cleavage that was getting deeper and deeper. I almost felt for her, this had nothing to do with her and although she and Rita were big-time friends with each other, Hannah’s role had become completely diminished. Had she been a giant with Rita perhaps the two could have engaged in some fun and I could see that Rita could use some companionship. But that said, I had a feeling that this was all about her, it was always meant to be, she was always something special, a girl with an amazing power and an ability to release her ginormous gas bombs of death on a regular basis, she deserved this kind of power, it swelled within her and granted her the authority I knew she always had to have. And if that wasn’t a demonstration of her power, than the tiny release of gas from her ass was.


A very tiny fart of silent but extremely deadly proportions rippled out of her ass, so insignificant that she probably didn’t even notice it as she walked through downtown, but those below her sure caught a whiff of it. The scene on the ground was horrifying. The panicking masses that were running through the darkened avenues filled with scores of obstacles in the form of useless cars could feel the shaking tremors of Rita’s steps but they couldn't see them. One moment hundreds would be running from a particular spot on the street, the next moment a ghost-like huge figure would suddenly burst from the dust-filled sky and hit the ground with an unimaginable force, crushing everyone and everything underneath into an unrecognizable mess of silhouetted figures tens of feet deep into the ground. And then she would spread a small amount of her toxic flatus over the street to finish off the job. It was one thing that people couldn’t see her, but smelling her gas and even an insignificant fart could easily rob lives away from those running, this is what Rita wanted to see, an entire city cowering in fear as she walked through letting out tiny squeakers of farts and still seeing them die from her raunchy gas, but soon she had to arrive at the center point of the city, the open plaza known as Fountain Square.

As the situation was about to become out of control, a squadron of bomber planes were racing their way through the gassy stench of Rita’s gas to the north, only for a couple of them to quickly crash and burn once their pilots entered the zone of gassy doom. After that, they redirected to a longer arcing route around the cloud that increased their estimated time of arrival by several minutes, still with the mission objective in hand they knew what had to be done, they carried the heaviest payload available for their aircraft and although the nuclear bomb option hadn’t been decided upon just yet, it was heavily being considered. As there were still plenty of civilians alive, especially on the outskirts of the city in areas that her gas hadn’t reached the government knew that nuking a major city wasn’t yet an option. What they didn’t know yet was that Rita was carrying something inside her gut that was actually twice the strength of a nuclear bomb right now, a swelling of gas unlike any the world had ever seen.

“I GOTTA FART!” Rita yelled out in a thunderous voice that could be heard ten miles away in all directions. It was the three scariest words that anyone could expect from her now. She stood in the center of Fountain Square, or at least as best as she could. The fountain in the center of the titular square was destroyed as she was able to easily crumble up the black pavement markers that etched their distinct pattern across the square. A crowd had gathered, curious to see the giantess, surprised that they were still alive from her tiny fart earlier. But there was probably a sense of fear that they weren’t going to live much more. Rita’s blue jeans seemed to be a tad bit tighter against her body and her ass was looking more bubbly than it had ever been before, stretching out a nice 50 feet or so from her body, it bulged out while facing the north. A building about one block to the north, some 400 feet in height with a stripped pattern, a row of black windows followed a row of tan stone, looked like they were getting the best view of her beautiful and deadly butt. Further up, her black shirt was once a little looser on her body but was now becoming extremely tight against her chest, still normal size to her, but now containing breasts that were now over 50 feet in width. The white skull screen pressed on the shirt was chipping up a little bit from the additional strain on the shirt as it shrunk around her. Finally her bleached blond hair was looking as cute as ever and her face, well her face was different alright, it was contorted. She certainly looked like she was in a little bit of pain, the gas building up within her was too much to control and she had to let it go, no one knew just yet how bad it was going to be. Without any other warning she smiled down upon the people in the square and began to let loose her nasty beast of a fart.


Rita had to fart….really, really fart, and she didn’t just farted, SHE FARTED! She was pushing out a silent but deadly fart to end them all, of such caliber and levels that it was really the SBD + fart, a kind of gassy release that had never before been experienced and possibly never again, she had been holding in a whole lot of gas and right now we were all witness to it. The high temperatures and radiation of her gas moved outward radially in a thin, dense shell dressed as a blackish gray cloud with bits of green inside, resembling what she had released with her monster thunder fart earlier. When it began it was literally a smoke machine as the gas started rushing out of her ass and at a very fast pace. Her gas began blowing out from between her jeans and was quick to start filling up the space that surrounded Fountain Square. The gas was colliding with the normal air around the square to condense and produce a fog that was expanding within the confounds of the square and condense water droplets against the windows of the shops and restaurants that surrounded the square. But it was the speed of the gas coming out that really surprised me; it was filling up the spaces in between the city blocks in a rather short amount of time. On street level I could imagine a wall of deadly black and green gas rushing down at a height of over 300 feet, enveloping everything in its wake, and the wave was pouring out at a speed of over 70 miles per hour, blowing the trees and any kind of rubbish on the ground as if a hurricane was blowing through the city, and that was just the first couple of minutes, what no one, besides me, had realized was that this was merely the beginning. ………..PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPpppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp…..

I could look down from her head and see the gas blowing out of her ass and the sound that it carried was much louder for an SBD than I was expecting. It was that freight-train sound that you heard to describe tornados, a roaring sound that was probably many times louder than that one big loud fart Rita had cut that one day. At the source of her ass the sound of the fart could have probably hurt your ears, but no one was right there. On the street level, it had to be some sort of roaring sound that was thundering down upon the ground as the gas that plumed outwards of her ass with enough force to move away a helicopter that had been flying too close to her as she farted. And yet Rita just stood there as she created this windstorm, strong enough to be detected on both radar and satellite imagery over the area as she continued to expel her colossal amount of gas. From her height, as well as my level of altitude, I could see very little down below under a cloud of green and black that was ever moving, swirling around with a million separate wind currents as the gas pouring out of her ass formed the primary conduit for the heavy, stinky and windy gas and that current broke off into multiple streams that formed pathways that were formulated by the blocks of tall buildings that kept her gas from encompassing entirely large areas. Not that it would have mattered much, I’m sure her gas was penetrating into those high rises with little effort. Luckily with it being a Saturday most of the workers in these high rises weren’t at their jobs, of course they may have already been dead from the gassy bombs of Rita’s from before.

…….ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp…………

The silent but deadly fart raged on, past six minutes in a fart that was coming out of her with a relative ease. Rita had long perfected the super-long fart, especially the super-long SBD. She had told me once how she was able to do it, it was easy actually, she had to open up her anal flaps and use her butt muscles to keep them held up as she let the fart ooze out of her. Since she was always loaded with insane amounts of gas she was able to expel so much for long stretches. Contrary to the nature of it being a loaded fart that went on and on, she shared with me a secret, that she was able to nearly close her anus throughout these long-ranger farts for a brief period of time to give her muscles a slight break as she continued to let gas ooze out of her. They were never completely closed, but released less gas at those times before she continued onwards with her fart by opening the flaps again and continuing the full release of gas. With the colored gas and noxious aromas coming out no one could really pay attention to this small aspect of Rita’s fart. So to her the length of the fart was less “how long she was farting” and more “how long she was able to let gas escape her body.” It still counted for her and it was something I was watching for as she farted. The torrent of gas was continuing at full steam as we were now reaching the seven minute mark and I saw how much her gas had expanded. The gas cloud was settling as it traveled further away from Rita’s positioning, eventually settling itself as a super dense fog that was bordered by the hills to the north, the river valley to the east and west of downtown was filled up with her putrid-smelling gas of death while the large valley to the north of the city where many of the cities railroad yards were located was also under siege of her gas, stinking up areas that had already been farted upon by her previously, but this fart had all the tall-tell signs that it was going to be super resilient, it was easily L10 status if not more, the smell would hang around for such a long amount of time that life was not only going to end anywhere within the fog, but would likely not return for a long time.

……..ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppppppppppppppffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff………..

Eight, nine and ten minutes, Rita’s SBD+ fart was continuing with an incredible force. I noticed there had been a quick lull in the gas as I looked down and saw that the darker clouds of her gas had stopped briefly, with only a small amount leaving for about 20 seconds before the smoke machine that was her powerfully flatulent ass kicked back up with the release of more gas. As far as the smell was concerned, the fart was truly off the scale. Scales couldn’t even be prescribed to describe the toxic soup of putridness that laid below me. From our level the gas wasn’t as bad, but down below that was a different matter. I noticed that the TV stations were no longer giving any reports, no one was talking about the incident and there were no videos to share over what had happened, Rita had shut them all off, but with 3,000 tons of beans that couldn’t have been hard to accomplish. It smelled of rotten eggs, beans, milk, and dead animals, amplified to an impossible level. When you first smelled it, it was your traditional bad fart smell, but then it grew smellier by the second until it was pushing the limits of what was chemically possible, the fart became smellier, by the second through impossible processes that were detected to those who smelled it when it was too late. It was too incredible of a smell to even comprehend; this was not a fart that was possible from just a feast of beans. Her stomach was introducing a new brand of gas upon the Earth that no one had even considered. No one could have been prepared for such a huge and sudden assault, not ever. Even she was shocked from the length and intensity of the fart; her nose was sniffing up the gas as she experienced her wind being taken out of her. The air over what had to be all of Greater Cincinnati had turned dark brown and green as the air smelled of the stench of Rita's flatulence.

……..fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff…………..

Well over ten minutes, and her colossal silent but deadly fart continued without much mercy upon the pitiful Earth. Hell I had to wonder if this may have just been another part of Rita’s purpose on this planet. Merely a thought, at the time at least, but I contemplate some of the finer points of existence on this planet. At one time I thought that it was always my duty to be there for this girl, to experience in her importance as a gassy goddess for the entire planet. At one point she just owned her own little corner of life, people could still avoid her or get used to her, but now she was getting larger and larger, now probably getting closer to 800 feet, I could slowly feel the growth. No one could say what was fueling the growth, indeed there was no catalysis, nothing had happened that caused this, so it made me wonder, was it simply the will of nature, or God or whatever supreme being that this was always supposed to happen. As far as I know, Earth was nothing before the eyes of the cosmos and it was only there to grow and nature little Rita Lector into a gas monster from whom no one could survive. She wasn’t just living in this world; she was THE reason for the world. Everything lead back to her and her smelly farts, the universe needed her to produce this gas to incorporate it into its own makeup and felt that she had developed just long enough to put its plan into fruition and see it through that Rita would fart and take her place among the universe. Meanwhile, the deadly gas continued to expand far beyond the horizon from what I could see. The sky had turned dark, even if it was still light outside. People outside the city were probably surprised to see the darkening skies in the direction of Cincinnati as the deadliest concoction ever produced was spreading outwards in encompassing everything around it.

………….fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…………… Rita’s fart was bad, it smelled bad, it looked bad, it was bad. It was death in very potential aspect of the word. Rita’s gigantic bum was super warm from this incredible fart as her black panties were straining to absorb all of the fumes. The smell was a powerful monster that was greater than the force of a nuclear bomb on the city, the sheer radiational power of the fart was enough to tell the story, its coverage was expanding further. While her super dense gas of death was still hovering around the valleys, there was enough of a slightly lighter tint of the gas to fill up the atmosphere around her, stretching well past two to three miles into the air; it was no different from standing in a room with her after beans. She was changing the air all around her, forcefully removing it and substituting it with the stench of a billion building-sized rotten eggs simmering in a pot on the stove. It smelt like burnt meat and vegetables on steroids in the city, along with anything else that could produce such a dreadful smell. It was far stronger than any of the other farts she had cut so far as a giantess. This was the culmination of every fart Rita had cut up to that point. And now getting close to 14 minutes, with another short break after the 13-minute mark she still continued to release this fart. It grew fouler, deadlier and larger the more she released it, it was impossible in every aspect of the situation, but it was Rita Lector farting an SBD after beans. It was expected.

…………….hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…………

The gas continued its expansion throughout the city as Cincinnati was reeling from the exposure to such a foul wind. Rita could have cleared out her entire school and killed everyone with ease with this gas, hell one minute of this fart was all that was required to reach that, the rest would just be salt in the wound. And it was a burning gas, quite simply, the equivalent of breathing in fire from anyone who was nearest to Rita. The air temperature planet wide went up 10 degrees and then 10 more on top of that within the confines of Fountain Square. This was the central focus point for the entire city, a public square for which the community had various events, even Rita remembered going down here for when the Christmas tree was lit up during the holidays, and now she was utterly destroying it. The tiles along the square were being blasted with a heated radiation of deadly gas that somehow changed their color just a little, fading in the colors a bit. The trees in the square were already losing their leaves as the wind was blowing downward on the trees, snapping off some branches and toppling a few of them. The bushes along the edges of the square also started to turn brown and the water in the fountain in the center of the titular square had the water boil just a little as her putrid wind brought upon a new degree of toxicity to the composition of the normal fountain water. A similar effect was being felt along the Ohio River as well. The burning, sulfuric and demonic stench that came out of her ass was enough to pollute any unaffected air still left in the atmosphere around downtown. ……sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fart continued past the 15 minute mark as Rita was moving her head around, I could only imagine what the hell she was thinking as this fart continued to pour out. Even if this was a long ranger unlike any she had ever produced I could tell that it was really winding her out. The last minute and a half of this super long stinky SBD had less of a punch as the original burst of foul wind, but that was saying very little. Her putrid green and black gas was filling up the valleys far and wide from where we were at. People were dying not just around Downtown, but well into Northern Kentucky and probably all the way past the 275 beltway around the city, nothing was safe from the leftover flatulence from this massive girl and her big feast of beans. This new batch of Rita-produced flatulence was more epic than anything I had smelled up to this point. This was like a stink bomb going off in the world; it was probably a little worse than even that, as this was a naturally created stink bomb, of the highest caliber ever produced. This was the kind of fart that took out the stitching out of her pants, burning a mark on her panties that no one could even touch for a year. It was the kind that would burn the area surrounding her asshole as her butt crack was being heated to incredible temperatures. Her panties had become damp from the humidity as this incredible fart was slowly morphing into a mere residual effect of gas. Soon her fart was fading out into no more release of gas. This was probably a nice 20 of her regular farts put into one nasty soul-stealing and world-ending bomb of gas. Somewhere near the 17-minute mark of her fart she was finally stopping her release of gas. As soon as she was finished she breathed a deep sigh of relief, finally happy to have stopped farting.

“Bout time!” She said as she felt her gas tank empty of her deadly gas, but not soon enough as she finally saw the air force bombers finally come in on a route that took them along the river from the east. It was an epic air battle that the fighters were just itching to engage in as they had seen what Rita was doing with them, but alas that battle never happened. They were within sight of both Rita and myself but still about ten miles out. They hit the wave of gas and began firing their shots, knowing that they were soon going to become incapacitated. They released their payload and then started flying erratically as they headed closer and closer to our location. It was the same effect as before; nothing was capable of withstanding the sheer magnitude of the aroma of Rita’s fart, especially this one. The fart easily killed everything within 20 miles of its release and probably was expanding its deadliness elsewhere. A cloud of gas hung over the city so badly that it looked like a never-ending fog had descended upon the city, rising as high as 300 feet above the ground, covering everything but the tops of the tallest hills and some of the high-rises. This fog went as far as my eyes could see them, but rest assure, the expanse of Rita’s gas was much greater than even that, up to five miles in the atmosphere a tint of green and grey filled the sky, blocking out the sun for the most part as darkness fell over the region. The planes, as predicated soon were blind in the dark as they continued their run at Rita and once their pilots were killed from breathing in the atrocious vapors of her fart. The hang time on this one was going to be epic, in her house she could have probably kept the stink lying around for about a week the way this one went, it made every one of her farts, her deadly ones even, smell like the prettiest thing in the world. She had graduated to a plateau of super deadly farts that no one could ever dare get close too…and she wasn’t even finished.

“Rita?!” I yelled out through my megaphone as I started noticing yet another burst of foul wind, she had already begun farting again ad this time the smell was traveling up her backside and to the top of her head where I was given a more than coma-inducing burst of her fatal radiational flatulence. I had my gas mask on but soon I realized that I was not going to survive this one. My eyes closed on themselves as Rita giggled a bit, offering a very rare apology for what she was doing.

“Sorry.” She said with what I assumed to be a slight smile on her face. I felt myself getting lightheaded as I fell to the surface of Rita’s blond hair and went to sleep from breathing in too much of the gas. It was stronger than the last fart, but not as long as the previous one, she was probably only farting for about three minutes this time, but I was awake for only the first 30 seconds. With the rotten gas filling up the whole area, my eyes were watering and my nose running from the noxious stink, Rita was starting to feel really sorry for releasing this fart. But soon that look of regret changed and I felt that she had gained a different perspective of the situation. Looking around, she was the proudest girl in the world, she wanted to stink up the city with more of her putrid gas, and even though this gas had to be appreciated for its sheer beauty, power and volume. She created a bomb zone that left the entire Greater Cincinnati area in utter ruin as Rita had produced her most deadliest Silent But Deadly Fart in history, and with that gas out of the way, more was forming, loading up her arsenal with even more of her deadly gas. Luckily, I had passed out to witness what may have come later.

I was out a long time, well, maybe only ten or so hours. I woke up to find myself lying on a grassy surface in the dark with a mixture of lights shining around, not destroyed by any of the devastation that had taken place. I noticed the smell; it was Rita’s gas, strong and heavy, lying over the field like a light mist. It was more than just a fog surrounding the field, it was like a light rain with droplets suspended in the air as I felt the icky juiciness of the flatulence touching my body, I wasn’t drenched by this, but my clothes were slightly wet. Then I heard a sound, a loud thunderous sound I had thought that maybe Rita was letting one rip again, but the sound was over in only a second, it was merely a snore. It was late at night, maybe 4:00 or so in the early morning and the orange lights from the interstates and streets that turned on without concern for the lack of human activity were casting an interesting hue over the sky, it was dark out, but with the street lights I could see a little bit and enough to tell I was still in the city. I then heard another snoring sound and realized, not that it was much of a stretch, that Rita was asleep, she had a tendency to snore in her sleep, which easily concealed the several SBDs she would normally cut while in bed, masking away any possibility for people to be warned. I’ve been knocked out before smelling some of her sleep-time farts while she snored away and released toxic-smelling silent farts without any concern. How much she had been farting while asleep I wasn’t sure, but at the present moment, with my mask still on, sticky and sweaty from my use of it all day, the smell was barely below tolerable levels.

I looked around a little bit more and soon was able to triangulate my position; I was along the Ohio Riverfront in Downtown Cincinnati. Specifically I was walking along a new park that had been built a few years ago as part of a redevelopment process along the river, though Rita’s massive frame on the ground to the north might necessitate another need for a redo of the property. I was walking past the old suspension bridge that still spanned the river. Water was splashed all around the concrete I was walking along and I could pick up an aroma that was a little more distinct that the overwhelming aroma of gas that hung over a region of the city that was expanding ever so slightly. Rita’s massive body was lying down and taking up the space to north of me. I noticed the surface I was walking on was a little sticky and that’s when it had hit me what that distinct smell was, it was urine, sometime Rita had decided to take a piss. I walked toward the handrail that guided the pathway along the river and though I could not have seen it clearly I suspected that much of the composition of the river was now a mixture of urine and water, but that’s when I noticed something else. The water level of the river had gone up quite a ways; though not enough to flood the surface I was walking on. But then I saw it, pressed up against the bridge deck at a height of about 25 feet from the water to the metal grating road surface of the suspension bridge, it was a piece of shit. Dark to my eyes, it was the largest piece of a collection of small basketball-sized pieces of crap that bobbled in the river. So Rita had also taken a dump, perhaps it was best that I hadn’t seen that, she never like me watching her on the john when she used it.

I walked another few minutes through the park as I continued to be awed at the utter stillness and near quiet of the area. At least that was until I began to hear noises coming from the baseball stadium nearby. Having nothing else to do I walked there, observing where Rita’s body was rested, it appeared that her tennis shoes were lying on the ground near the location of the stadium, but otherwise the baseball field was left alone, then I heard the music get louder as I was quick to pick up on the artist, it was none other than Eminem, Rita’s favorite, his lyrics were echoing off the empty seats of the baseball stadium. I went through the gates into the stadium, which had already been opened up for the game earlier in the game and was amazed to see the sight of many people lying on the ground, knocked out dead from Rita’s noxious fumes. It was a scene that repeated itself through the concourses of the stadium as I walked closer to the opening into the seating bowl of the stadium closest to home plate. Once I entered the field area I was mesmerized by the scene before me, the smell inside that area was much stronger than anything I would have anticipated. Immediately, I could tell the difference, Rita’s farts had improved, they have improved very much, there was now much more sulfur within her farts, just by sniffing the air hovering around the baseball field.

Along what would be the first base line of the field were two large indentions where Rita’s butt was seated, pushing into the ground a nice 15 feet. There was also a smaller hole located in between those two, from what I would guess be the impact of Rita’s farting while she sat there. The grass around the field was brown and gray, with no green on the field. The lights within the stadium were still on as the music continued to blare out of the loudspeakers, playing Eminem’s “Cleaning out My Closet” at the current moment. A dew like mist hung over the stadium bowl in a more swampy-like look than elsewhere, it was like the aftermath of a round of bean- produced farting in Rita’s bedroom during an intense gaming session. Meanwhile, the smell continued to really engage me, it was probably a nice hour, perhaps two since she was even seated in here and the smell was still rancid. Compared to the absolute power of her farts the smell was now ten times worse than what she had been releasing earlier in the day. Rita's gas smelled so strong that even I was choking on the wretched fumes as I breathed through the gas mask. The dense cloud of brown rotten fart gas kept on flowing around the baseball stadium, even if there was no one to release the gas. Even with my gas mask on I was beginning to sweat and gag from the oppressive smell and thought about getting away from the originator of this overwhelming smell, but there was no way that I wasn’t going to smell the rotten egg odor from this Rita-induced gas. And this was leftover gas, not a single fart had been released in over an hour’s time!

The scoreboard of the baseball, located opposite my position on in the baseball stadium was flashing a menu screen from a video game that Rita had apparently been playing, but with whom I wondered? Actually the answer was soon apparent to me as I found Hannah slumped over in a random seat with some sort of game controller still in her hands. There were a nice 10,000 people seated in the stadium, all motionless and dead from the gas from earlier, Rita’s first fart in the stadium had killed all the people that ballpark, but the gas that Rita had been dropping since then would have done the job over and over again. It took me a minute to find Hannah but once I did I walked up to her to check her pulse, something that I had become accustomed to since beginning my service to Rita and to my luck I felt a faint heartbeat, Hannah was alive, but out cold, no doubt a victim to Rita’s gas. It then occurred to me that sometime after Rita had cleared out the city with her massive SBD that Hannah had someone woken up and was able to assist Rita in various tasks, such as setting up the lifeless stadium’s systems to play music and video games, turning it into her entertainment system. But that wasn’t the most harrowing thing I saw. Next to Hannah I saw some giant road map of Hamilton County, Ohio. On the map were many circles, about 30 located in various spots across the map. I quickly deduced that they were the locations of various grocery stores around the city. Rita was looking for more fuel for her farts. All the circles had red Xs going through them, indicating to me that she had found those stores. That meant that in the time I was out, along with everyone else in the city Rita and Hannah had walked throughout the entire city and even into a little bit of Northern Kentucky raiding every grocery store, of most likely more beans and milk, the fuel in her stomach could be even more toxic than before. But a burst of wind from the outfield had directed my attention and my nose to something else that was even more amazing, Mount Adams.

This was a more upscale part of the city, home to some nice homes and nightlife for the city within close proximity of downtown, but now, it was home to the largest pile of shit in history. I had found the spot where Rita had taken her dump and her deposit was amazing to behold. Probably weighing something like 10,000 tons her pile of shit was a testament to her greatness, no one had ever seen as much crap, the smell of the dump alone, without any of the killer farts, would have taken lives by the thousands. I climbed up the stairs toward the highest level in the stadium, taking several minutes through the still painful-to-breathe gas that hung around the stadium to get a closer look. The daytime view of the pile of crap would be more amazing to see but even with the lights of the stadium and hazy orange light from elsewhere you could see lumps of shit piled on top of the hill. Mount Adams was about 800 or so feet high in elevation, the dump on top of it was another 300 feet. Covering nearly the entire hill and neighborhood her shit covered a zone was nearly a full square mile, piling up on the hill, crashing numerous buildings to the ground as I saw a little of the damage along the edge of the highways that surrounded the hill. Sludge-like shit was covering the interstate to the west as well as the parkway that bordered the hill to the south, with a steep incline of crap flowing down from the apex of the piece of shit, 1,100 feet high above sea level down to the river, which was around 480 feet. Small boulder-sized pieces of shit were rolling down the hill, albeit it slowly as they made their way into the river, fouling up the mighty Ohio River with a biological shit disaster that it may never recover from. Not to say anything for the hill, there were many historic buildings and churches upon on that hill, but they were easily consumed with the waste byproduct of Rita’s digested beans. The smell wafting from the pile of shit was intense, but the already insane aroma of the ballpark and the leftover gas from Rita’s farting earlier made the shit smell only peak at various times depending on the wind direction.

Looking back to the west I saw Rita’s slumbering body laid across the area called the Banks and saw it had gotten bigger since I last seen her, her head was now resting comfortably inside the Cincinnati Bengals football stadium with the rest of her body stretched out with her sleeping on her stomach and her jean covered ass pointed up in the air, I knew then where I had to make my next trip. Leaving the stadium I walked over to where Rita’s shoe covered feet were resting on the surface, her weight was so great that it hardly mattered where she was, building or ground was being suppressed by her tremendous weight, which was now over 400,000 tons. The bottom of her tennis shoes were about 165 feet in length, angling upwards from the ground to her heel. I began climbing up the threads, finding the climb a bit easier than I would have anticipated, but while climbing I came across splotches of red blood and debris from her movement, a couple of pieces of stone scraped me as I made the walk, not thinking much of what this girl was walking over as she moved around, she had picked up some considerable mileage given she had to walk around the whole city in search of more food. Once I was on the heel of her left shoe I was able to see her body expand outward in my field of view. I could tell that it was now after 5:30 as I noticed a slight light appear in the east, daylight was coming, ever so slowly. Rita’s left leg extended itself outward from my location nearly 600 feet.

Rita’s leg was nearly as long as the tallest buildings in the city were tall, or the span of a few city blocks. Looking outward I was a nice 100 feet up in the air from the ground so every step I took would have to be a careful one, clinging onto a piece of the denim fabric in her blue jeans I started to make the walk along her leg. Rita was a very fine developing girl; this meant that her muscles were already forming out ever so slightly. She hardly worked out or anything, but they were growing all the same. I had figured that it was due to all the beans she was eating, feeding her body with a growth elixir that helped enhance her body features and mature her into a beautiful female. From her shoe I found myself walking on top of blue denim, probably a good half foot thick, up a mound that was the girl’s calve muscle. The calve rose up to me like a small sand dune, making me work just a little bit to climb it. It was a good thing that her jeans had tightened themselves against her body in such a fashion that I hardly had to worry about stepping over small folds in the fabric that were part of the overall jean covering her legs. I remembered putting these jeans on her the previous morning and thought that there was no more amazing experience than walking on them right now. After the calve muscles I went down a depression into what was her hamstrings, afterwards I made an even steeper climb up her thighs and made my way closer and closer to her glorious ass.

Rita Lector, now that I was seeing it up close truly possessed the ass of a goddess. Even when she was 11, her butt was pretty nice, nothing extraordinary, but worthy of a farting demigod such as herself, now, 14 years old and probably 1,200 feet in height and her ass was extraordinary. From the ground it rose essentially to a height of 200 feet. The mounds I was looking at right now were enormous, powerful and daunting to say the least, her butt got people looking at her before but now, they were downright massive. Each buttock was about 150 feet in diameter around, in comparison her butt could now essentially fit snuggly inside the football stadium with little room left over. They rose up and down with her breathing as she continued to sleep, snoring even more as the sunlight from the new day was starting to filter through. I had taken my time walking across her body as I got to this point because I wanted to be here to experience Rita in her full glory. And her ass, her ass now had my undivided attention. It expanded outward encased in the blue denim of her jeans like a temple destined to be worshiped and glorified. I had to look at it for a minute or two as I continued to see the cute curves of her body form those two perfect cheeks that met in her crack, where the hole was located that spewed nothing but pure death. Just then I felt something, a burst of wind come over me as it was soon obvious that Rita was letting out a quick silent fart.


I gasped for air as her foul skunk-like odor of her tiny, tiny fart burned out of her ass cheeks and melted my face, with my nose offended beyond relief of the gas coming out of her rectum. The ghastly odor of the big, beautiful girl's bowels burned my sinuses and filled my lungs with terror. Out from the crack of her jeans came a toxic cloud of yellow and green-colored gas into the air. My hair was blowing around as the plume of gas that poured out of her rear end was more relentless than anything they had ever conceived. The fart may have only been about five seconds, but it could have killed everyone in the entire central business district of the city. The gas came out at such speeds and intensities that it caught even me by surprise. Rita was setting herself apart, far apart as the biggest farter ever who was cutting the biggest fart ever and even with her tiny puffs of wind, without her giving any effort at all she was capable to bringing small towns to their knees and even catch me, well-prepared for her disastrous flatulence unguarded. Her jeans were now bulging out with the inconceivable amount of gas had passed through them; even if the fart was tiny, the sheer amount of gas leftover from the fart, trapped in her pants and slowly floating through the fabric and into the air meant that any trek I take onto her pants would involve having to smell the ripe smell of rotten eggs, beans, onions, shit, garbage and all the skunks in the world times ten all rolled into one. Even a minute after she had pushed out this minuscular burst of silent wind I was still gagging and coughing from the rancid aroma, no one had experienced a fart of this level, even to me it was a surprise, but I loved Rita to the end and began walking up the mound of buttflesh as I headed toward her seat of her pants.

The trek up her buttock was a little tougher than before. It was again like going up a sand dune, feeling only the coarse fabric of the denim for support. Pressing my hand into the fabric I was barely able to make an indention into the denim, let alone the buttock. Most people, obviously, you could spank their butt and feel the hand push into the buttock to exert the pain required for the punishment, but here the buttock was so firm and hard that I could barely do it. I had to time my climbing around the rise and full of her pert buttocks, probably about five to ten feet into the air with each exhalation of air in and out of her system. How she was able to withstand the rancid aroma of the air around her was beyond me but Rita had plenty of practice with smelling the air around her room. Each foot climb higher against the mountain of buttflesh gave me another dose of her beyond-belief rotten eggs stench that smelled as if something had died in her butt. Her butt really was becoming a force of its own, she was a living breathing example of just how powerful she was, her butt swelled with a colossal authority that knew it contained a payload so deeply disturbing that I feared for the world, for what brewed within the deep caverns of her buttcrack was bad news for everyone. And I thought about this while I continued climbing in the fog of ultra-stink that hovered around her ass, the smell of that most recent fart was now traveling in a range of a few square miles, I guessed anyway. Rita had full command of whatever happened to the entire world at this point. It wasn’t just me that was her slave, it was humanity. She didn’t even have to say anything now, she just laid there releasing her toxic gas and continued to grow, everything else would fall into place.

At long last I had made it to the apex of her butt, with a commanding view to my west as I saw the black shirt that covered the upper part of her body. Dust and blood could be seen all over her clothing, not too noticeable to her but noticeable to me, I myself could see a splotch of red here and there in her butt, and people were dying to her ass left and right. I was walking on top of what was essentially a good 20 feet or so worth of empty space that formed her buttcrack. The tightness of her jeans though meant that I was good to walk at the top of the surface of her jeans without any threat of falling down, as long as I didn’t find a hole in her jeans. I finally grabbed a hold of a piece of stitching in the exact center of the seat of her pants right where the two pieces of denim fabric met. I could feel the individual fibers used to produce the large seam, probably about a foot wide that followed the contour of her asscrack and rode up the direct center of her backside to the pair of jeans. Of course these were specially made for her so the threads used were so large that one group of threads used for this center seam up her ass was enough to provide threading for several pair of jeans by themselves. Small white threads intertwined with the blue to make up the pattern of stitching that formed the fabric of her jeans, which were probably about ten inches in thickness. On either side of me a rough (from my eyes at least) plain of denim stretched as far as that girl had asscheeks. Probably a nice 15 feet away from my position on either side were the beginning of two large back pockets. Each back pocket was probably the size of a house, or at least the square footage of a house and from the surface of the jeans rose about a foot. A white stich made a line pattern across each of the back pockets to give it a little flair. If you wanted to you could easily fit a party of 30 people into each back pocket with room left over. You’d never think about these sorts of things when you walk around the mall and see cute women wearing jeans, even all those times I put jeans on Rita I never thought about it, but Rita loved jeans, seeing the true size of her pair made you remember your place among a towering giantess of a girl.

I remained as high up on her ass-raised pair of jeans as possible with a nice aerial view of the land around me. The sun had now risen and I was able to get a better appreciate for what had gone on while I was out. The smoldering pile of shit on top of Mount Adams was more profane than even I expected, a green smoke blew out from the stink pillars that rose from such an enormous deposit. To the north, the skyline looked radically altered, the tallest buildings had top pieces missing from them with dust and smoke spreading around, burning uncontrollably in small areas, allowed to burn given the lack of any people to take it out. The sun was able to break through the fog, but it really looked like a smoggy morning in the valley of the Ohio River as a brown haze filled my line of sight, stretching along the river, south into Kentucky and north to Downtown and the valleys north of the city. You didn’t see any blue sky, even though the forecast had called for perfect weather this Sunday and previous day. It was already very warm and sticky, a muggy sensation that was made worse to me by being on top of Rita’s gigantic derriere. Other than Rita’s snoring, which was slowly dying down as my heart started to worry about what was about to come, it was deadly quiet in this city. No boat traffic, no cars, no people, no animals, a stillness gripped the area that was occupied by only myself, Rita and Hannah’s unconscious body in the stadium. No one could survive even a few seconds in this space, even with the right protection and even with the fact that Rita had been building up her gas all night, her colossal, powerful gas.

I got on my knees as I looked more closely at the strains of white and blue thread that made the fabric of her jeans. I could feel a bit of heat to the surface, as hot as asphalt on a hot summer day, which it was. The heat of the morning sun bearing down on her blue jeans plus the warmness of her silent and eggy gas made the surface of her jeans so hot that one could burn their feet on it if they walked barefooted. I fell to my knees as I positioned myself to the right of the seam that went down the crack of her pants, feeling and smelling the over present stench of her wicked gas and took my nose and mouth and got ready to plant a kiss. My heart pounded more as I got closer and closer, with the smell and taste of her gas getting worse with each movement my head got closer and closer. Finally, my nose and mouth tasted the denim fabric of her jeans, Rita Lector’s jeans, her gassy giantess, the girl with the most powerful and deadly farts in history, I tasted and smelled the fabric and my mind went berserk. Familiar words soon entered my head as I tasted and smelled the foulest air ever conceived residual girl fart gas that was stronger in intensity that than the sun, with a power brewing just below me that would make a nuclear explosion seem like nothing. The words came to me, it was an Eminem song, perhaps his most famous, I started saying it to myself in my head, hearing them over and over again with the every gassy Rita the Farter singing them back and forth, now it all made sense to me.

“Look, if you had one shot. Or one opportunity. To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment. Would you capture it? Or just let it slip?” No I did not, I sniffed that gas, even as the vapors of the gas that hung around there slowly started to settle into my lungs and destroy them, slowly my body system was being destroyed, just by smelling her leftover butt gas. I then began with the song’s lyrics as I began slowly losing myself in the aura that was Rita’s gas, for once and for all. “You better lose yourself in the music, the moment you own it; you better never let it go. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime you better….” “His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti. He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud. He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out. He's choking, how, everybody's joking now. The clocks run out, times up, over, blow!” I felt like Eminem’s character right there on top of the seat of Rita’s beautiful jeans, I was weak, I could have vomited, I was nervous to be in such a location. Everything was getting ready for a gigantic explosion, I could already tell, a monster was coming, a rap battle so intense that no would ever be the same afterwards.

“Snap back to reality, oh there goes gravity. Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked. He's so mad, but he won't give up that easy? No, he won't have it; he knows his whole back city's ropes. It don't matter, he's dope, he knows that, but he's broke. He's so stacked that he knows, when he goes back to his mobile home, that's when its. Back to the lab again yo, this whole rhapsody. He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him.” The gas continued to build within her as the smell gripped me more, like Eminem I wasn’t a quitter, I was heading back to the battle of experiencing this once-in-a-lifetime change. This gas was of world class odor through and through. From deep within her crack the scent was probably best described as the mix between a dog’s fart and a paper mill with some rotten eggs mixed in. It was overwhelming, extensive and downright toxic. And she was still asleep, her fart was coming, but all I was smelling was the twilight of her bomb.

“The souls escaping, through this hole that it’s gaping. This world is mine for the taking. Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order. A normal life is boring, but super stardom's close to post mortar. It only grows harder, only grows hotter. He blows us all over these hoes is all on him. Coast to coast shows, he's known as the globetrotter. Lonely roads, God only knows, he's grown farther from home, he's no father. He goes home and barely knows his own daughter. But hold your nose 'cause here goes the cold water. His hoes don't want him no mo, he's cold product. They moved on to the next schmo who flows, he nose dove and sold nada. So the soap opera is told and unfolds, I suppose it's old partner, but the beat goes on.” Eminem may have been talking about something else entirely, but here I knew it. It was a new world order; it was a world for Rita’s taking. Perhaps everything did go back to her. And we were all the Eminems in the world, having to go through all this shit happening to us now, having to bear down and batten down the hatches as Rita begun her ascent into a level of existence that no one had ever experienced, but that smell, it continued to grip me. The scent continued to cling to everything in my mind, greater and greater it grew, the gas’s stench was relentless even after the fart was passed over 20 minutes ago.

“No more games, I'm a change what you call rage. Tear this motherfucking roof off like two dogs caged. I was playing in the beginning, the mood all changed. I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage. But I kept rhyming and stepwriting the next cipher. Best believe somebody's paying the pied piper. All the pain inside amplified by the fact that I can't get by with my nine to five and I can't provide the right type of life for my family 'cause man, these God damn food stamps don't buy diapers. And it’s no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer. This is my life and these times are so hard. And it's getting even harder trying to feed and water my seed, plus. See dishonor caught up between being a father and a prima-donna Baby mama drama screaming on and too much. For me to want to say in one spot, another jam or not. Has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail I've got to formulate a plot fore I end up in jail or shot. Success is my only motherfucking option, failures not. Mom, I love you, but this trail has got to go, I cannot grow old in Salem's lot. So here I go is my shot. Feet fail me not 'cause maybe the only opportunity that I got.” And with that I took in larger and larger gulps and sniffs, I was full-fledged in breathing in this gas, this beautiful, perfect and deadly gas. From that very first moment I felt the heated gas leave her anus I knew that I was going to die from it. Even at the age of 11, her gas was deadly, now it was about to take me. Rita’s farts were the real deal. This was the kind of gas that a human being simply weren’t meant to breathe, nor for human’s to produce. Even if it was gas clinging to a girl’s gigantic bum and her jeans this was what it was all about. My mind deteriorated by the second as I soon smelled nothing else but her gas, I could only taste her shitty butt vapors and feel and experience her gas. This went on for another minute or two as I became so engaged in her gas that the final moment came up to me without much warning.

It was a rumbling, one that grew by the second, I could hear something surging deep within that buttcrack as I kissed the denim more and more. My mind was already gone, my life over, I wanted to be here when it began. It was like a factory working down below me, a massive oversized stomach had been producing a toxic concoction of fetid gases that had never before been produced. Tons and tons of beans had been digested within her tummy and were now producing a waste product in gaseous form so evil that the world may never been able to survive what fully came out. This went on for another few seconds as I envisioned the Brian patterns in Rita’s body were trying to coordinate the effort that was about ready to begin. Rita was waking up, that much was clear, and her asshole was getting primed as dosage after dosage of her super fatal flatus was getting ready for release. The amount of gas within her stomach was more than enough to cover the entire city in a good ten feet of her gas, and she was building more by the second. Then I heard the rumbling again, the denim around me began shaking as I braced myself for the impact. It was her asshole opening up to expel her silent and wretchedly deadly smelly pre-fart gas. Already the gas was double in power and stink from what I had experienced previously, but it was only at my size you actually heard the silent gas rumble its way upwards through her deep crevasse of female butt flesh and finally up into some open air where it made its final noise of coming out hissing, it was a hissing sound that sounded like a rumbling, if that made any sense, and this was just the prelude to the fart. The shaking got worse and finally I heard what had to be her asshole opening up, this was it, the moment of climax. I looked up and sung out the song from Rita’s alarm.

“Like TP for my bung-hole, and it's cool if you let one go, nobody's gonna know, who'd hear it? Give a little "poot poot," it's ok….” And with that my life was over.



She began farting and I had died almost instantly, a force of titanic butt wind tore apart my body as my bones and muscles and skin were teared to shreds as she let loose her first atomic push of butt wind. It had happened instantly and caught me off guard for a few seconds before I found myself looking over the entire scene. I had already gone to heaven, or hell, or purgatory, I wasn’t sure. My body, some sort of ghost was now looking over the downtown area of Cincinnati as I saw Rita’s massive body, 1,300 feet in length across the Cincinnati riverfront as she began pushing out her fart. Time either passed quicker or slower as I watched the scene foldout before me, but Rita’s fart was starting out massive and building up in power as time went on. The sound of this fart was enough to produce a sound wave that traveled a good 30 miles away in all directions, and that was just from the first eruption of this fart. If her epic fart in the bedroom that one day would have been compared to the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, this was the Yellowstone Super volcano exploding. I watched the fart come out from on top the caboose as a mushroom shaped cloud of brown gas began exploding outwards in an expanding direction. As her fart started to rupture its way out of her ass there was a smell of rotten death that was becoming worse by the second. It was rather juxtaposed to admire such a cute girl giant and to be forced to smell such dreadfulness. Brown gas reigned supreme over the entire city and even at their great heights it still looked as if the entire metro area had been caught up in a fog, even Rita had to endure the great power of her gas.


The brown cloud of her gas was a formation of a large volume of lower-density gases rising higher into the air, causing a Rayleigh–Taylor instability. The buoyant mass of gas rose rapidly, resulting in turbulent vortices curling downward around its edges, forming a temporary vortex ring that drew up a central column of ugly smelling gas condensed in water vapor form to produce the "mushroom stem" of gas that was bellowing out of the seat of her blue jeans. The mass of gas plus entrained moist air eventually reached an altitude where it mixed up with the top of the atmosphere, producing a beautiful but terrifying mushroom cloud that was over 20 miles up in the air with a top that was spreading out a nice 20 miles out in all directions. It was a brown gas that was morphing into something darker, darker and darker it became as she continued farting, and I was still merely at the beginning of her explosion. I could see the folds of her jeans ripple from the awesome power of the fart as it helped to enforce the massiveness of the girl. She was always a cute girl, but now she was a breathtaking beautiful woman, releasing the largest fart to have ever been cut. Rita’s morning thunder fart was already five minutes into its release and it was coming out at a force so strong that it made most nuclear bomb explosions seem minor in comparison. What was pushing out of Rita’s ass contained about five megatons of TNT in its eruption, her butt was erupting something so loud and thunderous that buildings shook nearly 100 miles away in the cities of Columbus, Louisville and Indianapolis.


Rita’s fart roared on another three minutes as the pitch never deviated and the mushroom shaped cloud of her toxic gas continued to spread. Around the country, crew were already preparing themselves to fly over to Rita’s position to drop nuclear bombs on her. Wanting to risk Cincinnati of being destroyed before now the only option left was to kill Rita, but her fart was sending off a clear warning that nuking her may not be possible, especially if she was already capable of doing five times the damage with a naturally-produced butt bomb created from eating too many beans. The brown gas was once again turning black as the fart continued to pour out of her ass like the worst volcanic eruption in history. Luckily my being dead prevented me from breathing in the aroma or at least all of it. The smell was so strong that even a small bit of it got to me in death, it was powerful enough to transcend the boundary between the dead and the living and boy did this fart stink. Rita’s intestinal system was using the fuel of the beans and other gas producing agents as a chemical weapons facility, developing them into a chemical combination that had yet to be created before in the world, a new brand of gas that was unheard of, it would take years for scientists to be able to develop the same combinations without the impressive digestive tract that this girl had. Rita already was capable of producing mind-defying killer gas, now she had just increased that ability by the hundreds. She was enveloping the Greater Cincinnati area with its wicked fumes some 50 times over and counting. Nine minutes into this massive rupture of gas and she had already pumped out enough of her chemically-created gas to kill every living thing within everything in southwest Ohio, northern Kentucky and extreme southeast Indiana. And I could only imagine what the inside of her pants was like, only that it had to be a true gas chamber, no chemical produced in the universe could even get close to the wretchness that existed there at this moment. …..RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO………..

The fact that I was dead gave me the ability to take a closer look at Rita’s face as she laid her head on her two arms, stretched over the remnants of the football stadium where her head had been. I could look at her face; she was smiling now as her fart easily surpassed the 13-minute mark. Her grin was getting wider as she knew exactly what she was doing. Around her, the skyline of Cincinnati had become obliterated as the force of the gas sent a shockwave that bounced off the walls of the valleys around the city, shattering every remaining part of building within the several miles of Ground Zero. Covington and Newport were lying in ruins likewise as the bridges connecting the two sides of the river had been splintered with debris lying into the river, which was humming with a terrible force that continued to shake the ground around the city. Downtown Cincinnati was being wrecked with a force equivalent of an 11-pointer earthquake and an area within ten miles of the city were well past an eight-pointer in earthquake potential. Rita was always capable of shaking up her bedroom with her morning farts, but this was beyond incredible to see, the hills around the city were standing still but beyond that, buildings were collapsing as the rest of the city was being utterly destroyed. The sound of the fart was increasing in power as the fart continued erupting out of her ass. It could be heard in several states with such firmness that it scared millions even if they could not smell a thing.


Rita’s Chemical R must have become supercharged with her growth, hell I imagined the bacteria itself was human sized to help her boost her bacteria count within her stomach to astonishing numbers. They worked overtime all the time now and with her meal during the past day it only helped to produce gas by the trillions of liters per second. Each time she released some gas more would form at record-breaking rates. The mushroom shaped cloud was getting even larger as the aroma of Rita’s monster fart continued to rage on and it was showing as more brown haze was spreading outside and into the surrounding hinterlands of the city, filling a growing area with a pea-soup fog of pungent gas. The skunk-smelling fart gas was floating around, soaking much of the fields surrounding the larger city with dew-like substance that could only be described as the condensation effects of her farting. Thunderstorms had been produced from various parts of the cloud as her wet gas had already condensed themselves in such a way that raging rain storms of Rita’s juicy gas of death was producing an acidic rain that was spreading throughout the hills to the east of the city. Flash floods were forming from the noxious gas-produced rain that formed in various cells around the area. The downtown area was so utterly destroyed that everything was more dry and barren than anything else, there was no greenery within 15 miles of her catastrophic morning fart and now she was nearly 20 minutes in length since her fart had begun.


Rita’s Morning Thunder continued on past 20 minutes and beyond minutes 21 and 22, how she continued farting was now beyond me, it was a raging force that I could have only describe as some sort of dream. To say the least her loud fart produced a noise that could be heard like a loud thunder as far as Cleveland, Chicago and the mountains of far eastern Kentucky. It was now becoming a really disgusting fart that was taking on the presence of an all-powerful eye-watering bomb. If she would have every farted like this at home, she would have killed everyone within her entire neighborhood, perhaps a little bit beyond that. I would have died anyway, no protection would have ever helped me, the aroma was so putrid that the sun had been blocked out entirely in the city as a cloud of brown and black covered an area the size of Rhode Island and growing. She was churning out twice the amount of gas in one second than everyone on the planet could do in a month. The fart started to sound really wet and smelled more and more of infinite amounts of crap, very tiny crap that was basically trapped in the gassy molecules of her fart. Whatever her dump was on Mount Adams earlier would have been nothing compared to what she could do now. The fart smelled worse and worse and now more than ever smelled of rotten eggs as the sulfuric content of the fart was on hyper-overload. The more she grew and the more she farted, the more sulfur her farts showing a very scary outlook that her farts were becoming the most sulfuric things ever created in the universe. The smell was getting stinkier and stinkier and still her fart was pushing on into the 25th minute with an eruption that was now maturing a radioactive layout of horridness that produced an aroma that was slowly spreading further out within the country. By the time the fart had ended you smell it in Washington D.C and New York. …………..PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT……..

A plane was sent south to Rita’s location, traveling as fast as it could with a nuke, the pilots knew that they were on a suicide run, they wouldn’t survive the trip there, the smell was too noxious for anyone to withstand, it was no different from being in Rita’s bedroom after she had eaten 30 cans of beans, no one could live there, I barely survived such a condition but she loved the killer stink of it. She was always able to withstand her fart’s foul gas; somehow her lungs were as advanced as her digestive system, giving her the ability to breath in her deadly fumes per fart. And this fart consisted of the foulest and loudest gas yet to come out from her bowels. Even I couldn’t even believe the amount of power that came out of this sort of burst of gastric eruption. Gas continued to erupt out of her anus at such a force and power that no human could have ever been a witness to such an occurrence outside of…well nothing, there was nothing that could prepare a human to experience this. The fart emerging out of her gigantic ass was turning into a spectacle before my eyes as she continued to lay down there on the ground, still waking up from a long night’s sleep, not thinking much off what she was doing. Rita had the power of a grown person breaking wind and the absolute deadliness of a girl passing gas. The mushroom-shaped cloud of her fart was settling in as she farted more and more, the stem of the cloud was wide enough to be about a mile, spreading upwards from her blue jean-covered ass and spewing a stream of steam and death-fueled gas upwards, burning anyone that would have come into contact with it. In a playful manner Rita finally moved her hand and started waving the hot and toxic gas around, acting as if the fart had actually stunk a little bit to her, but the most terrifying part was the fact that her fart was now nearly 29 minutes in length and the B2 bomber carrying the nuke was near the site of Ground Zero. Rita’s fart continued to rage on but it was showing signs of ending soon.


The plane with the bomb arrived near Cincinnati, its pilots were already dead but the automatic systems in the plane were able to pilot the bomb over to where Rita was laying down. My heart started to get worried that it would be it for her as I wasn’t sure the damage that a bomb would do to her, perhaps she would be strong enough to deflect any impact of the nuke. But then I remembered that Rita’s farts were deadly and strong and that was soon confirmed. The bomb detonated somewhere on the surface of Rita’s jeans and ripped a new explosive plume of destructiveness among the area. There was a temporary flash of light to show that the bomb had gone off and for a brief moment of time humanity must have thought that Rita was dead from the explosive. But alas the fate for humanity was already sealed, the fart continued to roar on and as soon as the flash was over an new white mushroom shaped cloud was forming from the seat of her pants, carrying the nuclear payload of the bomb meant to kill her, but that cloud was soon enveloped by the larger brown and black fart-based cloud of bean-produced flatulence and to the horror of everyone, and my general delight, the nuclear bomb had become consumed by her fart. The world was now looking at Rita in a mix of awe and fear. She began laughed arrogantly as she CONTINUED ripping her gigantic foul wet fart with the power of the nuclear explosion mixed into the blend of her deadly gas. The earth around Rita shook as more of her loud blast blew out of her butt. She laughed as she let out more, now moving her ass as she was going past 30 minutes since the initial release of this fart. The fart was more than off the scale, the planet was it wasn't prepared for such a huge and sudden assault. The thermonuclear payload of the bomb had failed to take into account just how corruptive Rita's gas was; her fart had absorbed it, and now radiational power of the bomb had merged with Rita's gas. Just as her fart was about to die down, the nuclear bomb gave it an additional burst of fart, resulting in two more minutes of the greatest thunderous explosion the Earth had ever seen.


The nuclear explosion colliding with Rita’s gas created a secondary burst of explosiveness that was as strong as Rita’s original eruption of butt thunder. The booming sound of the nuclear-induced fart ensured that it would shake the remainder of Cincinnati’s highways and bridges into a crumbling dust. Roads all around were cracked, buildings incinerated in the blinding flash of light that somehow colluded itself with Rita’s warm flatulence to produce a burst of thermal nuclear radiation that smelled of Rita’s rich fart gas and contained the same power of a nuclear bomb going off flashing people, not that there were any to kill. The shockwave that came out from this second additional burst of the same fart, the SAME FUCKING FART, was enough to take buildings out in a ten-mile radius of Rita’s location, while destroying countless others beyond that. If it was within the Interstate 275 beltway, it was now probably safe to say that it was gone entirely. The flash of light could be seen over 100 miles away and helped to enlarge the size of the mushroom shaped cloud of Rita’s original farting to produce something horrendously bad. Even with that, some bombs in the past were bigger than this one, Tsar Bomba was still larger but at Rita’s current rate of growth that was soon to end. The bubbly ripping sound of the fart could be heard about 45 seconds after the bomb had gone off, roaring on for another solid minute to cap off what would be an amazing fart of nearly 35 minutes in length, an incredible feat for anyone to attempt to duplicate. The noxious aroma of Rita’s foul gas stunk up an area that was almost 150 miles across in diameter, producing a deadly aroma that killed almost everyone within that zone. Hospitals, highways and emergency crews would be busy the rest of the morning, but humanity’s doom was already sealed, I left the planet at just the right moment.

“DAMN THAT WAS A BIG FART! SNIFF THAT ONE UP MAGGOTS, I AM UNSTOPPABLE, NOT EVEN NUCLEAR BOMBS CAN WITHSTAND THE POWER OF MY FARTS!” Rita looked up at the air surrounding what used to be Cincinnati, the city was unrecognizable at this point, only the river and the hills around the city had withstand the power of her fart. Hannah almost certainly had died from the fart, if not the nuclear blast itself. The air was quiet and Rita’s voice, sounding even louder and sinister had put the world on notice. This was her planet now; I can’t say if this was something that she even would want, but that hardly mattered, Rita the Farter was calling the shots. She stood up to find herself almost 2,500 feet in height, looking over the vast devastation of her fart and nuclear-created wasteland, the fog of green and yellow stretched as far as she could see, nearly the entire southwest quarter of Ohio plus huge chunks of Kentucky and Indiana were filled by this cloud of deadly gas that was going to hang around for a long time. Mixed in with the radiation of the nuclear explosion it produced a kind of power that killed millions of people as it drifted further and further away from the city.

It was still a localized event but soon she was going to become larger and gassier, there was still plenty of beans left in her stomach and she had to let the world know that she still meant business. Standing up with a smile on her face she lifted her right leg and pressed out another thunderous fart that produced a smaller but still toxic-smelling cloud of green gas into the air. That fart thankfully lasted only nine minutes, but with Rita’s Morning Thunder she had to fart another six times, with the last fart, her weakest lasting only a full minute. Since waking up Rita had taken about two hours to full get the built up gas from overnight out of her system. Laughing at the wake of her gassy devastation, which was slowly consuming more and more around her she laughed as she looked down upon the pitiful city below her. The tops of Cincinnati’s hills now went up to well below her knees; her gas was now forming a cloud that was so thick that everything below it had the feeling of nightfall falling upon the region. Somewhere in southern Ohio, a girl named Kelly Haynes was dying from the fumes of a wicked brand of flatulence descending upon her childhood home. In the coming hours, the gas that came out of Rita’s massive and deadly behind would make its way to the west coast of the United States, sniffed up by girls named Megan, Katie, Jade and Christina. They would try their best to keep up with the pungency of the gas, but like others before them they would soon die from sniffing too much of Rita’s pungent fart fumes.

“NOW IT’S TIME FOR ME TO GET SOME MORE BEANS! I’M GOING TO BE HAVING A GASSY DAY TODAY!” Rita yelled as she began walking around the remains of her former hometown and prepare for a new life as a gassy giantess, looking for grocery stores and factories, anywhere that could produce beans to fuel her gassy tummy in producing her vicious farts. On her second day as a giantess, her SBDs were insanely powerful. Soon her farts would cover multiple states with relative ease, even as she slowly grew toward a height of 10,000 feet. By lunchtime the entire nation reeked of the incredible flatulence that left her behind. At this point, time started to speed up for me as I watched what transpired soon after that. Rita continued to get bigger, numerous attempts were made to kill her, but no one could survive being within 30 miles of her gas, even after a long time of releasing it. Her silent farts were massive and long and produced clouds of death that soon spread north to Canada and south over the Caribbean and Mexico. But that was only the beginning. At the end of the second day she was big enough to lay down to sleep over a couple of states and her Morning Thunder the next day made that Tsar Bomba explosion seem like a pin drop, destructive gas came out of such power and for a length of 45 minutes that the planet was shaken to the point that it was wobbled out of its rotation around the sun and while such a move would be disastrous for the planet, there were few people to worry about that. By the morning of that third day about 60% of the Earth’s population was dead, by lunch time that was 80% and by dinner time Rita had grown to be continent sized with every living thing killed off by her bad gas.

And that was when things became really, really serious and weird at the same time. From some sort of void where the dead were all residing, the entirety of humanity began to watch Rita’s ascendance from gassy girl in her own home to a cosmic gassy goddess. Rita found that she was a bit constrained by the size of the Earth and the atmosphere with breathable air, that very much smelled like the inside of her asshole at this point, but after a very nice SBD fart that went on for ten minutes she discovered through a law of physics that was created right at that point that her gas had transcended the atmosphere and filled a small part of the vacuum of space surrounding the planet. And that’s when Rita began to really, really grow. Larger and larger she grew, soon she was too big for Earth, but she was able to do fine just on her own, her gas grew smellier and gassier as she was able to fart her way into a larger corner of space with her flatulence filling up the entire solar system. There she discovered that even though she was hovering around in space, she could breathe in the aroma of the air with no problem. Larger and larger she grew; soon the composition of the vacuum of space in the universe surrounding the solar system was filled with her gas. The entire system smelled of her farts. The natural silent nature of her farts helped so that her SBDs were so monstrous and smelly that she was fundamentally changing the order of the universe with her gas. That’s right; the universe was filling up with the putrid smelliness of Rita Lector’s farts.

But her growth was far from over, the Earth, still there but barely holding on became smaller and smaller to her eyes before she was finally able to pick up the planet and stick it within her buttcrack and right up to her butthole. One very small SBD was all that was required to destroy the entire planet, the place where she was born and had lived her short live as a regular American teenage girl with bad gas. Destroying Earth with her fart was nice but soon she became bored and knew that she would have to destroy more and more. The larger she grew the more powerful she became, in some sort of fashion that I would never be able to fully explain. It was all happening in a flash for me as I watched the field of vision change drastically, all while the theme music from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Also sprach Zarathustra was playing in my head. The universe was changing more and more as Rita grew into something beyond that of a cosmic goddess, I can’t say there would be any appropriate words to describe what she was becoming. Soon the sun was no bigger than her asshole and more and more she grew, the galaxy soon was filled with the scent of her foul gas and that moved further across millions of light years as she became larger and larger. It soon became clear to me the role of Rita in the universe. The universe wasn’t created for all of us, or for all the species that occupied it, it was made for Rita Lector. She produced a gas that soon became the constant vacuum that filled space. Everything was leading to this, Rita’s ascendance into a metaforce that became the universe. It was becoming less outer space and the universe and more Rita Lector. Everything was Rita and her farts. Finally I saw it appear in front of me, the seat of Rita’s pants, so massive it took over an area of space that was larger than what the Hubble Telescope could see and then I smelled it, that familiar odor. Even if I was dead and she was cosmic I could smell it.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a smell I was very familiar with, the stench running up my nostrils and into my body was without a doubt the strongest I’ve ever experienced. In my short life of smelling toilets, spoiled food, farms with the fertilizer on full blast and weeks-old garbage I think this stench trumped them all, and that frightened me. I feel my eyes continued to flicker back and forth from the gas’s strong power that made me tear uncontrollable as it tried to counter the effects of the gas. It covered an expanse of space that was too unfathomable to even contemplate; trillions of galaxies smelled it, this powerful aroma that transcended everything that had ever existed from the beginning to the end. The smell was everything, it was powerful, it was God, it was Rita. The smell was overpowering, like a cheese that had been left to decay while mixed in with spoiled milk and crap. It was everywhere at every time, it hung like a ghastly fog unlike any I had ever expected. It was flatulence, a very strong and healthy dosage of flatulence and it was from a girl….an 14-year old girl. Laughing in the distance as she felt another puff of silent but deadly gas leave her ass, this 14-year old girl felt proud of her creation and why not, they were some, if not the biggest farts ever released by a human. Yes, this 14-year old girl was a farter, but not just any farter, RITA THE GIGANTIC FARTER!

And then everything went black, I could no longer see or hear anything, my mind was gone and I died in every aspect of the word. I finally knew what had happened, I was dead, Rita had farted, she had been eating beans.