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• MELBOURNE PLANNING SCHEME I- CENTRAL CITY r PLANNING AND DESIGN GUIDELINES • • • • • • PREPARED BY THE CITY OF MELBOURNE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND HOUSING, 711 . STATE GOVERNMENT OF VICTORIA •• , 4099 i ) 451 JULY 1991 MEL:C (1991) r copy 1 , 1- ~ -DPUG LIBRARY ! PLANNiNG AND EPA LIBRARY , . i BUILDING 'MELBOURNE Make your developinent'proposal contribute to Melbourne bY: Showing respect for n~~rby build'ings' and other structures, whether historic' or not, - through Sympathetic buildihg forms, materials and scale .•) Using building frontages ~o .create- a formal definition of en,closure of 'the streets ~arid I , I other p~blic spaces' " - .) Provi9ing th~ greatest possible extent of"actiye frontages: to all,streets, lanes, arcade~ , and otherop~n spaces which the development ab,uts' ' Ii + Improving pedestrian convenience and amenity through provi~ion of ground level through- : , ' ,block, public pedestrian access, public access to open spaces, and minimal disruption of ,.' " footpaths by vehicular crossings ' : + Providing detail and arch'itectural interest at v~rious levels of the building; ranging from , roof-lines which contribute interest to the ~ity skyline as seen from the dista~ce, to, and 1}10st importantly, , ' treatments of the ground' and lower levels of the facade with articulation, richness of detail and interest appropriate for viewing by pedestri,ans inth~ street .. •:. Pr,oviding'pedestrian oriented activities at ground level to add to the life of the street ' !, (. Avoiding overshadowing of public spaces and providing naturall!ght to arcades and other I,,, indoor public parts of buildings _ , ' ;~ I: I (. , ' Protecting pedestrians-from' the el~merits and providing a'ppropriate set-backs and other , treatments to protect the street level from down~draftsand wind"tunner effects i ' - , I ' - .:.
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