The MacAbee by Jefferson McClure Copyright 2008 2820 S. Dahlia St. Denver, CO 80222 303.300.3375
[email protected] FADE IN INT. AIRPORT TERMINAL -DAY. MACABEE and his mistress, APRIL, stride through the terminal towards the security checkpoint line. MacAbee slows down and sets his bags down to say his goodbyes. APRIL This is different. MACABEE What do you mean? April puts her hand on MacAbee’s arm. APRIL It’s the first time I’ve brought you here as, well, you know...not as your "assistant". I guess I’ve made "senior partner" now. MacAbee stares blankly. APRIL What’s wrong? MACABEE April... APRIL She’s gone, Mac. We don’t have to pretend anymore. No hiding. We can just be us. MACABEE I’m sorry April. I don’t think I can do it anymore. APRIL What? MACABEE APRIL What are you shittin’ about, Mac? We’ve been together...ish for three years. Three years, Mac. I’ve waited, patiently, for three fucking years. And now, when we can finally be together, for real, you (MORE) 2. APRIL (cont’d) can’t do it anymore? What the fuck does that mean? MACABEE She’s dead, April. APRIL Yes, and excuse my fucking callous nature and all, but that really works for me. I mean, I’m sorry that she died and everything, but you were never going to leave that bitch. And don’t you fucking dare give me that look. You’ve called her that since the first day we met. MACABEE It’s over, April.