Landscape Master Plan - Gateway Valley - 85 - Stormwater Detention/ Water EBMUD Quality Areas Reservoir the Ponds

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Landscape Master Plan - Gateway Valley - 85 - Stormwater Detention/ Water EBMUD Quality Areas Reservoir the Ponds 6.3.3 CIRCULATION SYSTEM 6.3.6 EBMUD RESERVOIR Pursuant to the requirements of the Development Agreement, the right of way for Gateway Boulevard, The area designated for the new EBMUD reservoir and access road, located within the Quarry Hill the primary collector road through the Valley, will be improved by OGLLC and dedicated on the Final Open Space Area, will be dedicated to EBMUD on the Final Map, and will be constructed, owned, and Map to the City as a public road. maintained by EBMUD. The City will be responsible for the road, but the landscaping along Gateway Boulevard will be maintained 6.3.7 RELOCATED PG&E 115KV POWERLINE AND EASEMENT and funded by the Homeowner’s Association. The area designated for the relocated PG&E 115kv power line easement will be dedicated to PG&E The secondary collector roads and neighborhood roads will be owned, maintained and funded by the on the Final Map. OGLLC, in cooperation with PG&E, is responsible for construction of the new line Homeowners’ Association, subject to public access easements dedicated on the Final Map. and demolition of the existing line. Upon completion and dedication, PG&E will be responsible for ownership and maintenance of the relocated 115kv powerline and easement. 6.3.4 TRAILS, PATHS, AND TRAILHEADS Per Appendix D of the DA, “the PG&E high voltage (115kv) powerlines may be relocated approximately Trails and trailheads will be located on and through various components of the project, which may as shown on Figure D.10, Conceptual Power Line Realignment Plan, subject to City, EBMUD and be owned by the Long-Term Owners, the City or the Homeowners’ Association. Regardless of the PG&E approval and consistent with the Resource Agency Permits and Resource Management Plan. underlying fee, all of the trails and trailheads within the project will be subject to permanent public access The powerline towers shall be lattice structures (rather than single-pole structures) and shall be made of easements dedicated on the Final Map. OGLLC will be responsible for funding the initial construction, galvanized steel, which is expected to fade to a muted, non-reflective finish after one to two rainy seasons improvement and signage for the trails system and upon transfer of the underlying fee, that owner will be and is similar to the materials used for the existing 115 kV lines. The minimum number of trees possible responsible for the long-term management and maintenance of the trails and/or trailheads. shall be removed or trimmed to accommodate this relocation.” For example, the Homeowners’ Association will own and maintain the Neighborhood Connector Trails, 6.3.8 UTILITY EASEMENTS and other trails along the rights of way within the residential areas. The City will own and maintain the Community Playfields and Art & Garden Center trailheads, as well as the trail segments that pass through The areas designated for necessary sewer, water, local electricity, gas, and cable will be dedicated on those areas. The GHAD will be responsible for the Brookside trailhead, as well as the trail segments that the Tentative Map to the appropriate utility. The utilities within the easements will be owned and pass through the Development Buffer Area, the Quarry Hill Open Space Area and the Eastern Hills Open maintained by the utilities. Space Area. And, EBRPD will own and maintain the trails that connect through the Western Hills Open 6.3.9 SWIM CLUB Space Area to the Robert Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve. The swim club will be privately owned and privately maintained. 6.3.5 STORMWATER SYSTEM 6.3.10 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMON AREAS As required by the Resource Agency Permits (in particular, the Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Waste Discharge Requirements/401 Water Quality Certification), the stormwater system, including the The Neighborhood Common Areas will include all remaining privately-owned and maintained detention and water quality treatment ponds and mechanical treatment units and upland buffer areas must landscaped areas within the development area not dedicated to third parties or to be held by private be constructed by OGLLC and dedicated in fee on the Final Map to the GHAD to ensure appropriate residents. All of these neighborhood common areas will be owned, maintained and funded by the land-based stormwater treatment controls. Homeowner’s Association. The GHAD will own and maintain the stormwater system, funded by tax assessments on property owners within the project area. Landscape Master Plan - Gateway Valley - 85 - Stormwater Detention/ Water EBMUD Quality Areas Reservoir The Ponds Art & Garden Center Eastern Hills Quarry Open Space Hills Open Space Moraga Creek Open Space Indian Valley Upper San Community Preserve Leandro Playfi elds & Open Space Passive Area Moraga Creek Open Space Extension Swim Club Western Hills Open Space Texas Parcel Development Buffer Areas OWNERSHIP ENTITIES EBMUD: East Bay Municipal Utility District EBRPD: East Bay Regional Park District GHAD: Geologic Hazard Abatement District HOA: Homeowners Association City: City of Orinda Figure 6-1: Ownership & Management Areas Landscape Master Plan - Gateway Valley - 86 - 6.2 Fire Safety Guidelines and Measures 6.2.4 DEVELOPMENT AREA AND DEVELOPMENT BUFFER AREA The Wildfire Hazard Assessment and Plan produced for the Gateway Valley Project details mitigation a. See standards a. through c. above. measures to reduce fire hazard and damage. The following strategies are highlights from this document and are incorporated into the overall landscape design at Gateway: 6.2.5 OPEN SPACE MANAGEMENT ZONE: IN MONTERA PRESERVE AREAS The main objectives of this plan are to: a. Minimal annual or semi-annual reduction 1. Reduce fuel volumes of excessive fuel loading. 2. Reduce fuel flammability b. In wooded areas, maintain a vertical 3. Establish/maintain fuel discontinuity separation between the understory 4. Reduce the possibility of fire traveling through tree crown vegetation and the tree canopy of two times In addition to these strategies, the document denotes four treatment zones each with specific the shrub height. standards: Refer to the Wildfire Hazard Assessment and Plan approved 05/17/06 for further detail. 6.2.1 NON-COMBUSTIBLE ZONE: WITHIN 5’ OF ANY STRUCTURE a. Keep zone free of all dead plants and combustible materials 8' - 0" 6.2.2 DEFENSIBLE SPACE/LANDSCAPE: WITHIN 5’-100’ OF ANY STRUCTURE Do not disturb or thin the tree canopy. a. Cut grass and weeds yearly to less than 4” in ht. with 30% of the grasses have cured. b. Remove all dead branches, leaves, and other plant debris from ground, roofs, under trees and Figure 6-2: Tree Pruning shrubs, and on groundcovers. c. Remove all vines, loose papery bark, dead branches, and live branches smaller than 3 in. in diameter to a height of 8 ft. above the ground from mature trees (see Figure 6-2: Tree Shrub Mass Pruning). In young trees, prune the lower 3-4 in. and keep the understory plant material to 12' Min. Emerging 12' Min. - 2x Shrub Ht. 3 x Shrub Ht. or less than 1 ft. in height. Oak or 6' ht. x 20' 12' Min. Wi. Max. d. Do not locate plants under trees to avoid ladder fuel potential. e. Design distinctive groupings of shrubs that should measure no wider than two times the grouping height (See Figure 6-3: Sbrub Mass and Emerging Oak Tree Spacing). f. Roadside vegetation management requires that the strip of land within 30 ft. of the pavement edge from both sides of the roadways have an unobstructed vertical clearance of 15 ft. over the entire length of the roadway. Vegetation between shrubs and emerging oaks should consist of cut brush, grass, or low growing groundcover. 6.2.3 FUEL-MODIFICATION ZONE IN DEVELOPMENT BUFFER: OPEN SPACE THROUGHOUT Figure 6-3: Shrub Mass and Emerging Oak Tree Spacing Landscape Master Plan - Gateway Valley - 87 - 6.5 Tree Relocation In an effort to preserve some of the site’s existing character, all trees appropriate for have been preserved and prepared for transplant. There are 60 trees to be relocated: 59 Quercus agrifolia and 1 Quercus lobata . See Figure 6-4 on page 89 for intended transplant tree locations. The following requirements outline planting, irrigation, and maintenance procedures for transplanting. • Planting: - Excavate planting pit approximately 2’ larger on each side of box. - Set tree 2” to 6” higher than existing grade and back-fill with site soil. - Guy-wire trees into place. - Utilize a dual system drain system that allows for the tree care taker to inspect moisture levels and remove excess water at base of root ball. - No amendments are necessary for the first 2-3 years after installation. Past this point, the tree care taker can suggest any necessary amendments. • Irrigation: - All relocated trees should be on separate valves from nursery stock trees in order to avoid over or under watering. - Adjustable bubbler heads should be used at transplant trees to help the maintenance crew better monitor and maintain these trees. - Transplant trees should have minimum of two bubbler heads and larger box trees (120” or larger) should have four bubblers per tree. • Maintenance: - To ensure the sustained livelihood of the transplanted trees, Valley Crest Tree Company or similar tree care taker will provide post-installation maintenance. Valley Crest’s maintenance regime includes bi- weekly site visits to determine and implement the needs of the individual trees. Landscape Master Plan - Gateway Valley - 88 - Legend Tree Relocation Areas and Totals: Gateway Boulevard (25) Gateway Boulevard Intersections (10) Neighborhood Project Entry
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