Salvaging the Big Society. A ten-point plan David Grayson
[email protected] David Harrison
[email protected] A Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility Occasional Paper May 2011 Wordle reproduced with permission from The Doughty Centre aims to combine rigorous research and leading-edge practice. We focus on three things: knowledge creation: rigorous and relevant research into how companies can embed responsible business into the way they do business; knowledge dissemination: introducing Corporate Responsibility more systemically into existing graduate and executive education (both in relevant open programmes and customised, in-company programmes); and knowledge application: working with alumni, corporate partners and others to implement our knowledge and learning. We welcome enquiries for collaborations including around: speaking and /or chairing conferences and in-company events facilitating organisations in the public, private or voluntary sectors who wish to produce their own think- pieces/ "white papers" on Corporate Responsibility, sustainability or public-private-community partnerships practical projects to embed CR in an organisation scenario-development and presentations to help organisations envision a more responsible and sustainable future co-creation and joint publication of research, think-pieces and practical "how-to" guides design and delivery of organisation-customised and open learning programmes around CR, sustainability or public-private-community partnerships FOREWORD I would like to warmly congratulate David Grayson and David Harrison on their BY SIR STUART analysis of the Big Society and their subsequent proposals to develop a more widespread understanding, acceptance and, where appropriate, implementation of ETHERINGTON, CEO, this agenda. Whilst the Big Society is a political initiative, many of the underpinning NATIONAL COUNCIL OF policies and ideas envisage a better partnership between individual citizens, VOLUNTARY communities, business and the state.