40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2009) 2126.pdf EVIDENCE FOR DIKE SWARMS ON THE EASTERN HELLAS RIM, MARS. J. Korteniemi1,2, J. Raitala1, M. Aittola1, M. Ivanov3, T. Öhman1,4, V.-P. Kostama1 and H. Hiesinger2. 1Department of Physical Sciences, University of Oulu, Finland <
[email protected]>, 2Institut für Planetologie, Westfälische Wilhelms- Universität, Münster, Germany, 3Laboratory of Comparative Planetology, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, RAS, Moscow, Russia, 4Department of Geosciences, University of Oulu, Finland. Introduction: Few studies have tackled the ques- The following is a short list of the features, which are tion whether significant magmatic intrusions, other more thoroughly discussed in the accompanying ab- than those forming volcanic edifices of the Paterae, stract [22] and in [21]: 1) Linear / en-echelon fractures have occurred in the old regions on Mars. Dikes have or shallow graben on the surface above the dike; 2) Pit been speculated to exist on the grounds of magnetic chains or maars; 3) Surface vents; 4) Fissure- anomalies on the southern highlands, regional ridge associated lava flows; 5) Near-vertical lineations in patterns and through analysis of various impact crater strata cross-sections; 6) Linear ridge outcrops of the floors [1-4]. So far only one major magmatic dike sys- resistant dike body itself. The survey was conducted tem has been positively identified [5]. using MEX HRSC images at 50 m/pixel [23-24]. Sus- Large sections in the eastern sector of the 2000-km pected dikes and adjacent regions were mapped at wide Hellas impact basin rim have been severely highest possible resolution HiRISE, MOC NA, CTX, eroded.