Olympic Legacy and Sports Event Management Parco del - Summary

• Who – CONI and CONI Servizi • Where – The Olympic Park • What – Events • How – Case Study: Internazionali BNL d’Italia • Legacy – History Parco del Foro Italico • Conclusion


Support the activities of the Support CONI’s Marketing and National Sports Federations institutional activities development activities (FSN)

• Enhancement of strategic assets • Exploitation of the • Organization of sporting events MISSION ASSETS “To generate value for investments on To achieve the objectives, resources of sport and sports facilities” the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) were given to CONI Servizi, including the management of 3 Olympic Training Centres in and the concession of the sports facilities and To develop the economic and social potential the buildings inside the so-called "Parco del Foro Italico“ (PFI).

To enhance the Italian sport movement and building facilities through financial planning related also to event management PARCO DEL FORO ITALICO • Located in the northern quadrant of the city, bordered by the slopes of Monte Mario and the river bank of the . • A recreational and cultural complex, unique in its kind. • Fully integrated with the surrounding environment and the life of the city, able to generate economic and social value.

• It enhances and enriches the sports and cultural offer and its accessibility. • Is involved in social, environmental and urban regeneration initiatives. PFI - CONCEPT

Concept “Place for sports, entertainment and wellness”

SportSport Offer Arts and Culture RetailRetail EntertainmentEntertainment ServicesServices BusinessBusiness

Sportsmen and YoungsYoung andand Target Tourists Companies fans families


“Parco del Foro Italico”, the Olympic Park, welcomes more than 5 milions visitors per year. The aim is to improve both the quality and quantity of the visits, making the Park itself the most important sports, cultural and recreational centre in Rome.

• Requalifying its assigned areas through the renovation of the existing buildings • Creating structures and services for the development of the industry in the area • Enhacement of the real estates

1 1 Olympic Stadium 10 2 Villetta Ruggeri 9 2 3 Tennis Complex 8 3 4 Centre Court 5 5 Swimming pool Complex 4 6 Foresteria Sud (Hostel) 7 Sala delle Armi IUSM (University of Rome “Foro Italico”) 7 6 8 9 CONI (Palazzo H) 10 Stadio de Marmi EVENTS SCHEDULE

The program of events managed by CONI Servizi in 2016 confirmed that Parco del Foro Italico is the ideal location for the organization of major sports and entertainment events.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Football Season

RBS 6 Nations Event

TIM Cup Final Setting Up/

Golden Gala – Pietro Mennea Dismantling

OLYMPIC STADIUM OLYMPIC Summer Concerts Joint Venture

Internazionali BNL d’Italia

Internazionali di Nuoto - Clear

Longines Global Ch. Tour

“Il Centrale Live”

Entertainment & Disco

Stadio dei Marmi



14 February 2016 – Italy vs England Olympic Stadium: Rugby matches

27 February 2016 – Italy vs Scotland Parco del Foro Italico: organization event “Terzo Tempo”

Centre Court Stadio Pietrangeli Tennis tournament 2 – 15 May 2016 Tennis Complex Super Tennis Arena Parco del Foro Italico: commercial and entertainment areas (Ballroom)

Olympic Stadium: Athletics event 2 June 2016 : area tecnica per riscaldamento Parco del Foro Italico: commercial and entertainment areas (i.e. Run Fest)

Swimming pool Complex: Swimming and diving championships 24 – 26 June 2016 Parco del Foro Italico: commercial and entertainment areas

9 – 11 September 2016 Stadio dei Marmi: Equestrian event and commercial area VALUE CHAIN

Enhancement of Business Development of Diversification sports assets development intangible assets

Quest for self-sustainability Expand the offer to Customer segmentation with Enhancement of the of the sporting event increase revenues with: the development of a intangible assets through: through profit by: business/VIP offer. • Additional and • Brand development, complementary services • Increasing the number of • High level of spending. and activities, Merchandising, spectators, • More customized services • Sponsors diversification. • Event deseasonalization, • Increasing event with high added value. • Partnership agreements. sponsors, • Reducing costs. STAKEHOLDERS’ OBJECTIVES

Stakeholder Objectives

• Increasing sport practice • Developing the image of Italy in the world Sports bodies • Giving impetus to industries of the city and of the PFI • Pursuing social, civic and cultural goals

• Consolidating the image of its own territory and encourage the flow of tourists Public enities • Encouraging national/local development • Coordinating security • Developing a culture in schools towards sport as a means of socialization

• Obtaining brand visibility at national and international level Sponsors and companies in • Associating its image to a successful sport event outourcing • Getting economic returns • Increasing its market share at the regional level

• Getting benefits from the event Sports club and associations • Increasing its market share and positioning • Creating the image of a dynamic, relevant and successful sport event

Media • Increasing audience, both locallly and nationally/internationally

• Obtaining profit margins Tourist operators and other users • Increasing its market share at the regional and international level • Associating its image to a dynamic, relevant, successful sport event CASE STUDY - INTERNAZIONALI BNL D’ITALIA THE TOURNAMENT • Tennis tournament played on outdoor clay courts • Part of the ATP World Tour Masters 1000 and WTA Premier, the best tournaments in the world, second only to the 4 Grand Slam. • First held in Milan, the event moved to Parco del Foro Italico in Rome in 1935. • Starting from the 2011 edition, the tournament adopted the formula "combined", in which the ATP and WTA athletes compete simultaneously.


• 450.000+ attendance • 200.000+ paying spectators • € 11.000.000+ ticketing revenue • More than 15 days of competition in May • Awarded "Best Fan Experience" in the ATP circuit in 2013 and 2014 for its fan-oriented services. • Other related initiatives include: • Sports activations (Padel) • Educational activations (Racchette di Classe) • Charity events (Tennis with Stars with AS Roma’s Roma Cares) • Night entertainment (Ballroom: 14 events with over 70.000+ attendees)


2007 2008


SITE 1. Centre Court 2. Grand Stand Arena 3. Stadio “N. Pietrangeli” 6 4. Ground Area 12 13 4 5. Entrances 12 4 3 6. Sponsor Hospitality 4 1 6 17 7. Welcome Area 2 9 8. Commercial areas 11 8 8 9 9. Food Court 5 15 18 5 10. Operations – Press Area 10 7 16 11. Young Village 14 12. Players Registration - Transportation 13. BNL Lounge 7 14. TV Compound 15. Paddle 16. Registration 17. Players Area 18. Ballroom CASE STUDY - INTERNAZIONALI BNL D’ITALIA PUBLIC AREAS

• Infrastructural investments and the redevelopment of the marble, statues and gardens and footpaths have exploited new permanent areas with the aim to improve steadily and continuously the quality of public spaces available for the citizens.

• The best viability of the entire complex has also enabled to design new pathways to highlight the artistic and monumental beauty of Parco del Foro Italico. CASE STUDY - INTERNAZIONALI BNL D’ITALIA ORGANIZATION – JOINT VENTURES

International Organizations

Awarding event

National Sports Federations CONI SERVIZI (FSN)

• Setting up • Location choice • Infrastructure • Participants • Marketing • Regulation Technical Organizational • Media / Sponsor • Jackpot/Prize aspects aspects • Ticketing / • Judges and Corporate referees Services CASE STUDY - INTERNAZIONALI BNL D’ITALIA ORGANIZATION – JOINT VENTURES Comitato Tecnico di Gestione (CTG)

Legal Office Secretary

Communication Operations Technical Directorate Directorate Directorate

Press office Marketing and sales Sport area

TV production support Ticketing Athletes’ Liaison

Website and new media Athletes and technical management Event production staff hospitality

Management control Event Presentation FORO ITALICO HISTORY • The “Parco del Foro Italico” complex was built in the ‘30s, under the , to give the citizens a place just outside the city to play sport and to take care of their wellness.

• The complex was designed and built by two young architects, Enrico del Debbio and .


At the beginning the Sport complex was 2 composed by: 1 3 Stadio dei Cipressi (Football and Athletics) 4 Stadio dei Marmi (Multifunctional Athletic Stadium) Accademia della Ginnastica (Gymnastic Building) 5 Complesso Monumentale (Monumental Complex) 6 Accademia dello Sport (Sport Academy) Complesso delle Piscine (Swimming Pool Complex) 7 Complesso del Tennis (Tennis Complex) Foresteria Sud (Hostel for athlets) 8 Sala della Scherma (Fencing Building) Sala delle Armi (Library for Sport Academy) 9 10

- (1940)


Complesso del Tennis Accademia dello Sport (Tennis Complex) (Sport Academy)

Stadio dei Cipressi (1932)

1930 1940 FORO ITALICO HISTORY (‘40s-’60s) Due to the II World War, the construction of the Complex was stopped until the 1950s, when the works were completed in occasion of the Olympic Games of Rome 1960. The Olympic Stadium (1953) and the Swimming Pool Complex with the outdoor pool (1960) have also been completed.

Olympic Stadium (1953) Swimming Pool Complex (1960)

1940 1960 FORO ITALICO HISTORY (‘60s-’90s) After the Olympic Games, the facilities were used for institutional and sports activities and tournaments (i.e. UEFA European Championship and ), while other buildings were used for several different activities (Youth Hostel, Courtroom for Criminal Proceedings, etc.)

Olympic Stadium Tennis Complex UEFA European Davis Cup (1976) Championship (1968) Olympic Stadium Fencing Building Athletics (1987) Courtroom (1989)

1960 1990 FORO ITALICO HISTORY (1990-2005) In 1990, Italy organized the Football World Cup and the Olympic Stadium hosted the Italian national team matches as well as the World Cup Final. The stadium was equipped with a new roof for the occasion.

New Olympic Stadium – FIFA World Cup (1990)

1990 FORO ITALICO HISTORY (1990-2005) In the ’90s the Foro Italico complex hosted a significant number of international sport events (i.e. Swimming World Championships in 1994) and started the development of extra sport activities (i.e. concerts) in order to increase revenue and attendance inside the venue.

Swimming World Championships (1994) Olympic Stadium – Concerts (1998)

1990 2005 FORO ITALICO HISTORY (2005-2016) Thanks to CONI Servizi, established in 2005, the complex has been entirely renewed. The Olympic Stadium has been enhanced for the UEFA Champions League Final (2009), the Swimming Pool complex for the World Championships (2009) and a new Centre Court for the Tennis Complex (2010) have been built, while the Fencing Complex (2013) has been restored to its original building structure.

UEFA Champions League Swimming World Final (2009) Championships (2009) New Centre Court (2010) Fencing Building (2013)

2005 2016

27 FORO ITALICO STRATEGY FOR IMPROVEMENT Financial • Increasing the resources to reinvest • Focusing the offer on Sports Events • Limiting the managing costs • Developing the offer of culture and Entertainment • Developing strategies of partnerships to • Enhancing the value on the financial side (earnings) increase the quality of the offer • Generating value from the social point of view (financial, social and occupational revenue) Management • Contributing to creating a real distinguishing value (brand • Increasing the number of users • Improving the attraction awareness) of the offer of and PFI • Broading and improving the sports • Broading the catchment area through new dedicated facilities structures

• Respecting the project features and main symbols of PFI Project • Improving of outdoor areas and pedestrian areas • Increasing the services • Preserving the institutional functions of the Park. • A better accessibility of PFI • Improving the use of some areas of PFI FORO ITALICO AIM - STRATEGY - ACTION AIM STRATEGY ACTION

Valorization strategic assets Refurbishment of the Olympic Improvement in the Recovery areas/building used not Stadium, the tennis complex management of the sports only for sport activity and the swimming complex structure Development of the whole complex Foundation of the Tennis Club Open the complex to all the citizens

Increase number of events Increase extra-sport activities Development of third activities New servicies for leisure, New parking area in order to increase the sport for everybody attraction of the complex Increase of the commercial New commercial activities offer (Bar, restaurants, shops) Customer satisfaction Fitness and wellness area

Restoration of the historical Renovation of the marble Discovery of the complex structures historical/architectonic value Creation of new gardens and Creation of the pedestrian of the complex places for freetime and relax area FORO ITALICO LEGACY – CONI SERVIZI

Material Intangible

Stadium Management – Infrastructural Investments Know-how Improvement

CONI Servizi has made capital Thanks to the experience, CONI Servizi expenditures to suit its facilities to the continuously improves the events best international qualitative standards organizational charts, separating all the for every event, including investments in different functions involved into the order to improve the use and delivery of management of the facilities and the services provided, following the path services. of continuous enhancement. FORO ITALICO LEGACY

• Repositioning of the attractiveness of the city at national and international level Territorial • Redevelopment of depressed areas regeneration • Infrastructures • Construction or renovation of facilities • Transport systems • Technology infrastructure

• Investments in the territory Economic • Marketing at national and international level development • Business relations • Development of the tourism industry • Increase local employment

• Impact on the surrounding area Environmental • Sources of energy development • Disposal of waste through recycling

FORO ITALICO FUTURE VISION • Parco del Foro Italico will establish itself over the years as the location for the most exclusive Italian and international sport events and become more and more heritage of the city of Rome.

• It will continue to be the "Italian House of Sport", with the performances and competitions from amateur to the highest level, with the widest participation of the whole sports movement.

• The aim is therefore to set up a the medium-long term plan where to build lasting relationships with all its stakeholders - both public and private - in order to maintain the highest level of quality. FORO ITALICO FUTURE VISION • The strategy is to continuously reinvest in the project to constantly increase the quality perceived by the guests that will become more and more active part of the events.

• The spectators will have to "live the experience“ eliminating the distance between the active and passive sporting moment, coming into contact with athletes and the values that sport represents.

• The objective is to feed the sport movement of young fans who see in the Foro Italico the place able to bring them together in one place and where to live and enjoy sport.