Prasasti Dalung Kuripan Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama P-ISSN: 1907-1736, E-ISSN: 2685-3574 Volume 15, Nomor 2, Juli - Desember, 2020 DOI: PRASASTI DALUNG KURIPAN; DOKUMENTASI PERJANJIAN BANTEN – LAMPUNG TAHUN 1552 M Kiki Muhamad Hakiki Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
[email protected] Effendi Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
[email protected] Badruzaman Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
[email protected] Siti Badi’ah Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
[email protected] Ade Musofa Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Banten
[email protected] Abstract This research focuses on studying the Dalung Kuripna inscription manuscript. From the research facts, it can be concluded that the Dalung Kuripan inscription is a form of agreement between the Sultanate of Banten and Keratuan Darah Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama, Vol. 15, No. 2, Juli-Desember, 2020 301 Kiki Muhamad Hakiki, Effendi, Badruzaman, Siti Badi’ah, Ade Musofa Putih. This inscription is made with the background of three factors; First, economic factors. The Sultanate of Banten at that time became a supplier of spices, especially pepper to travelers and traders from various countries and Lampung was the largest supplier of pepper at that time, reaching 80%. On that basis, it is important for the Sultanate of Banten to approach and maintain good relations with local rulers or traditional stakeholders in the Lampung region. In order to maintain this good relationship, an agreement was made between Banten and Lampung, and the birth of the Dalung Kuripan inscription agreement.