Strand: Fast Sequence Comparison using MapReduce and Locality Sensitive Hashing Jake Drew Michael Hahsler Computer Science and Engineering Department Engineering Management, Information, and, Southern Methodist University Systems Department Dallas, TX, USA Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX, USA
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT quence word counts and have become increasingly popu- The Super Threaded Reference-Free Alignment-Free N- lar since the computationally expensive sequence alignment sequence Decoder (Strand) is a highly parallel technique for method is avoided. One of the most successful word-based the learning and classification of gene sequence data into methods is the RDP classifier [22], a naive Bayesian classifier any number of associated categories or gene sequence tax- widely used for organism classification based on 16S rRNA onomies. Current methods, including the state-of-the-art gene sequence data. sequence classification method RDP, balance performance Numerous methods for the extraction, retention, and by using a shorter word length. Strand in contrast uses a matching of word collections from sequence data have been much longer word length, and does so efficiently by imple- studied. Some of these methods include: 12-mer collec- menting a Divide and Conquer algorithm leveraging MapRe- tions with the compression of 4 nucleotides per byte using duce style processing and locality sensitive hashing. Strand byte-wise searching [1], sorting of k-mer collections for the is able to learn gene sequence taxonomies and classify new optimized processing of shorter matches within similar se- sequences approximately 20 times faster than the RDP clas- quences [11], modification of the edit distance calculation to sifier while still achieving comparable accuracy results.