TM Celebrating Our 15th Year Vol. 15 • Issue 12 MARCH 2012 Busch Gardens Tampa Bay 2012 Amusement Expo introduces new ice show officials have high expectations TAMPA, Fla. — Busch Gardens Park President Jim Gardens Tampa Bay contin- Dean. “Iceploration reintro- STORY: Pam Sherborne It;” and “Cleaning and Main- ues its tradition of delivering duces the ice show to our
[email protected] taining Your FEC and Attrac- Broadway-style stage spec- most loyal fans while bring- tions – Would Your Location taculars with its next genera- ing together the things Busch LAS VEGAS, Nev. — In Get a Four-Star Rating?” tion ice show, Iceploration. Gardens stage productions early February, American The Wednesday sessions Launched Feb. 2, a cast do best: world-class enter- Amusement Machine Associ- will wrap up at 12:30 with of 20 brings to life an all-new tainment with top-notch ation (AAMA) President John Awards Presentation and the adventure filled with world- skaters, amazing costumes, Schultz said numbers of ex- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony class skaters, more than 75 original music, larger-than- hibitors and registrants for the with 306 booths. In 2011, there into the trade show. original costumes, amazing life puppets and even animal upcoming Amusement Expo, were 135 exhibitors with 312 The Industry Gala Recep- aerial performances, master stars.” set for March 14-16, were run- booths. tion is set for 6:15-8:15 p.m. at puppetry and live animal Iceploration inspires ning ahead of 2011 for the Trade show organizers the Las Vegas Hotel. stars, with shows daily in audiences to “explore the same time period.