Fylde Local Plan to 2032

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Fylde Local Plan to 2032 Fylde Local Plan To 2032 October 2018 Fylde Local Plan to 2032 Preface Fylde consists of the classic seaside resort towns of Lytham and St Annes, the historic market town of Kirkham and the urban centres of Wesham, Warton and Freckleton; together with large areas of countryside and picturesque rural settlements. The Local Plan identifies the settlement hierarchy for Fylde at the end of the plan period in 2032. It is a destination in its own right for leisure, culture and tourism. Fylde is also an important part of the Lancashire economy – containing regionally significant business sectors including BAE Systems at Warton, (part of the internationally and nationally important Lancashire Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Enterprise Zone), Blackpool Airport and its associated Enterprise Zone and the Westinghouse Springfields (Salwick) nuclear processing plant. It is vital that we manage, guide and encourage development within Fylde to meet the identified needs and aspirations of our local communities. The Local Plan identifies four Strategic Locations for Development which will be the focus for the level of housing development and economic growth required in Fylde up to the end of the plan period. The four Strategic Locations are: Lytham and St Annes; Fylde – Blackpool Periphery; Warton; and Kirkham and Wesham. To accommodate the level of development proposed, the Local Plan includes a masterplan policy for all of the Strategic Locations to ensure that new development on strategic sites is planned and delivered in an effective manner. This version of the Local Plan has been produced for Adoption, as the principal document of the statutory Development Plan for the borough. It is the final result of a process of consultation that culminated in the Examination in Public under the direction of the Inspector, Mrs Yvonne Wright BSc(Hons) Dip TP MSc DMS MRTPI, on behalf of the Secretary of State. The document has been prepared following the results of previous public consultations on the Local Plan Issues and Options, the Preferred Option and the Revised Preferred Option (RPO) documents and by taking account of the information provided by the evidence base. Ultimately, the new Local Plan will directly or indirectly affect all residents, communities and businesses within the Borough. The Local Plan ensures that all who live in, work in or visit Fylde can look forward to the achievement of the Council’s Vision for Fylde in 2032. Councillor Sue Fazackerley Leader of the Council 1 Fylde Local Plan to 2032 Contact Information If you have a query about any aspect of the Fylde Local Plan to 2032, please contact the Planning Policy Team on Tel. (01253) 658418 or email: [email protected] Contact Information Planning Policy Tel: 01253 658418 Fylde Council Town Hall Email: [email protected] St Annes Lancashire Website: www.fylde.gov.uk/localplan/ FY8 1LW 2 Fylde Local Plan to 2032 Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 11 Chapter 2: A Spatial Portrait of Fylde 27 Chapter 3: A Vision for Fylde 39 A Vision for Fylde to the Year 2032 39 Chapter 4: Strategic Objectives 43 Chapter 5 The Development Strategy 47 Policy S1: The Proposed Settlement Hierarchy 48 Policy DLF1: Development Locations for Fylde 52 Chapter 6: Strategic Locations for Development 55 Policy M1: Masterplanning the Strategic Locations for Development 56 Policy SL1: Lytham and St Annes Strategic Locations for Development 59 Policy SL2: The Fylde-Blackpool Periphery Strategic Locations for Development 61 Policy SL3: Warton Strategic Location for Development 63 Policy SL4: Kirkham and Wesham Strategic Location for Development 64 Policy SL5: Development Sites outside the Strategic Locations for Development 66 Chapter 7: General Development Policies 71 Policy GD1: Settlement Boundaries 71 Policy GD2: Green Belt 72 Policy GD3: Areas of Separation 73 Policy GD4: Development in the Countryside 75 Policy GD5: Large Developed Sites in the Countryside and Green Belt 76 Policy GD6: Promoting Mixed Use Development 78 3 Fylde Local Plan to 2032 Policy GD7: Achieving Good Design in Development 80 Policy GD8: Demonstrating Viability 84 Policy GD9: Contaminated Land 86 Chapter 8: The Fylde Economy 89 Policy EC1: Overall Provision of Employment Land and Existing Employment Sites 91 Policy EC2: Employment Opportunities 95 Policy EC3: Lancashire Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Enterprise Zone, at BAE Systems, Warton 97 Policy EC4: Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone 98 Policy EC5: Vibrant Town, District and Local Centres 103 Policy EC6: Leisure, Culture and Tourism Development 108 Policy EC7: Tourism Accommodation 111 Chapter 9: Provision of Homes in Fylde 115 Policy H1: Housing Delivery and the Allocation of Housing Land 118 Policy H2: Density and Mix of New Residential Development 119 Policy H3: Conversions and Change of Use to Residential 126 Policy H4: Affordable Housing 127 Policy H5: Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople’s Sites 130 Policy H6: Isolated New Homes in the Countryside 132 Policy H7: Replacements of, and Extensions to, Existing Homes in the Countryside 134 Chapter 10: Health and Wellbeing 137 Policy HW1: Health and Wellbeing 139 Policy HW2: Community Facilities 142 Policy HW3: Protection and Provision of Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities 144 4 Fylde Local Plan to 2032 Chapter 11: Infrastructure, Service Provision and Transport 147 Policy INF1: Service Accessibility and Infrastructure 148 Policy INF2: Developer Contributions 151 Policy T1: Strategic Highway Improvements 154 Policy T2: Warton Aerodrome 155 Policy T3: Blackpool Airport 156 Policy T4: Enhancing Sustainable Transport Choice 159 Policy T5: Parking Standards 161 Chapter 12: Water Management, Flood Risk and Climate Change 163 Policy CL1: Flood Alleviation, Water Quality and Water Efficiency 167 Policy CL2: Surface Water Run-Off and Sustainable Drainage 171 Policy CL3: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Generation – excluding onshore wind turbines 175 Policy CL4: Decentralised Energy networks and District Heating Systems 178 Chapter 13: Conserving and Enhancing the Natural, Historic and Built Environment 181 Policy ENV1: Landscape 181 Policy ENV2: Biodiversity 185 Policy ENV3: Protecting Existing Open Space (Part of the Green Infrastructure network) 192 Policy ENV4: Provision of New Open Space (Part of the Green Infrastructure network) 194 Policy ENV5: Historic Environment 198 Glossary 211 5 Fylde Local Plan to 2032 Appendices Appendix 1: Schedule of saved policies from the Fylde Borough Local Plan (As Altered), October 2005 227 Appendix 2: Housing Trajectory 241 Appendix 3: Retail - Town, District and Local Centre -Boundaries Review 245 Appendix 4: Holiday Area(s) Boundary Review 247 Appendix 5: Sea Front Area(s) Boundary Review 249 Appendix 6: Existing Employment Sites Review 251 Appendix 7 Biological Heritage Sites in Fylde 257 Appendix 8: Performance Monitoring Framework 261 Appendix 9: Evidence Base 273 6 Fylde Local Plan to 2032 List Of Figures/Tables/Maps Figures Figure 1: Local Plan preparation through to adoption 17 Figure 2: Design and Access Statements – 10 Pointers to good practice 80 Figure 3: The Determinants of Health and Wellbeing in Our Neighbourhoods 137 Figure 4: Land-use and marine planning systems in practice 164 Tables Table 1: Mineral Safeguarding Areas (MSAs) within Strategic Sites for Development 23 Table 2: Business and Industrial Land Requirement 91 Table 3: Additional Convenience floor-space 101 Table 4: Housing size by middle layer super-output area 122 Table 5: Proportions of properties required 122 Table 6: Roles and responsibilities of Flood Risk Management Authorities 166 Table 7: Fylde deployable potential in 2020 and 2030 by technology 175 Table 8: Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in Fylde 188 Maps Map 1: Mineral Safeguarding Areas 25 Map 2: Fylde in context 29 Map 3: Local Assets and Key Designations 37 Map 4: Strategic Locations for Development 51 7 Fylde Local Plan to 2032 Abbreviations AEM Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing AMR Authority Monitoring Report BHS Biological Heritage Site CPRE Campaign to Protect Rural England CCG Clinical Commissioning Group CHP Combined Heat and Power CIL Community Infrastructure Levy DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government DCSA Defence Communiations Services Agency DEFRA Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DfT Department for Transport EA Environment Agency EDC Economic Development Company EiP Examination in Public EU European Union GVA Gross Value Added GTAA Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment HCA Homes and Communities Agency HIA Health Impact Assessment HNT Healthy New Towns HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment (Screening Report) IDP Infrastructure Delivery Plan IDS Infrastructure Delivery Schedule LAPS Local Areas for Play LCC Lancashire County Council LEAPS Local Equipped Areas for Play LMWLP Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan 8 Fylde Local Plan to 2032 LDO Local Development Order LDS Local Development Scheme LEP Lancashire Enterprise Partnership LLFA Lead Local Flood Authority LNP Local Nature Partnership LNR Local Nature Reserve LTP Local Transport Plan MCZ Marine Conservation Zone MMO Marine Management Organisation MOD Ministry of Defence MSA Mineral Safeguarding Area NATS National Air Traffic Service NCA National Character Area NDP Neighbourhood Development Plan NGB National Governing Body NHS National Health Service NNR National Nature Reserve NPPF National Planning Policy Framework – (the Framework) (2012 unless otherwise stated) NEAPS
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