Stolen Kisses Change Even When Kassie, at 40, Decides to Become Is Better Than Friedberg and Seltzer’S Endless, Bar- Gain-Basement, Sub-Cracked Magazine Un-Comedy
CALENDAR ( COMMUNITY SPORTS ARTS FILM MUSIC) LISTING S moles; and bulbous nose, Nanny McPhee brings from beneath the fictional Lake Victoria during spring D: John Luessenhop; with Chris Brown, Hayden D: Huck Botko, Andrew order and cooperation to the household with a tap break revels, and carnage ensues. If you’re going TAKERS THE VIRGINITY HIT of her walking stick. The film’s humor is designed to fault director Aja’s manic take on Corman’s old Christensen, Matt Dillon, Michael Ealy, Idris Elba, Steve Harris, Gurland; with Matt Bennett, Zack Pearlman, Jacob Davich, Justin to work for both kids and adults, and even if the terror-tory at all, you might say it’s too much of a good Tip “T.I.” Harris, Jay Hernandez, Johnathon Schaech, Paul Walker. Kline, Krysta Rodriguez, Nicole Weaver, Harry Zittel, Savannah film seems a little old-fashioned in its family- thing. The effects work is wickedly gruesome, and (PG-13, 107 min.) Welch. (R, 86 min.) entertainment goals, there are plenty of modern-day the pace is appropriately breathless. Granted, this The problem with Takers, a routine, patchily This remainder-bin comedy, which appropriates other poop jokes on the farm. Nevertheless, for American poisson rouge is not going to be to everyone’s taste, engaging heist thriller, is that it takes itself way too sources’ more successful jokes, feels like a copy of a children, Nanny McPhee Returns may seem some- but, that said, it’s still considerably more than 21st seriously – director Luessenhop seems to think copy of a copy. Another faux documentary, this movie thing like a foreign film, but the movie has enough century gorehounds probably bargained/hoped for.
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