Campus Sex TroutFishing Best of New Cadet^ Inside: and Lies With Craig Mountcastle Poll L Oepg2.. V.M3. pg5... . Caiietpg7... pgll..*. J "The Nation's Muddiest College Newspaper, but For How Long,,." Number 16 VOLUME LXXXVII VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE March 9, 1994 Breakout 94 Old Mother Nature Delays Breakout by Six Days, Rats Not Deterred men were on weekends. The John Amory Glaccum '96 decision was made, in con- Jack of All Trades sultation with the Dean's of- It turned out not to be re- fice to plan for the following venge minded third classmen Thursday, 10 March. The who were the biggest obstacle logic being that most rat mid- to Breakout '94, but falling term examinations would snow and temperatures. The have been completed by then. class of 1997 will have the After looking at the honor of claiming the longest weather report Sunday night, rat line in history and they can the sixth of March, First Class thank not their dykes but good President Phil Starling, and ol' mother nature as the cause. the Rat Disciplinary Commit- Earlier this year the first tee President Dustin Devore class leaders decided that last called the commandant ask- Rats Charge Breakout Hill to Earn Tuesday, March 1 would be ing that Breakout be the fol- the target date and the follow- lowing day, Monday the sev- their Place in the VMI Corps enth. According to Deputy- ing day would be the back minted fourth classmen acterized the Class of '94 Commandant Ron Williams, DaveTruslow '94 up. After twenty-four hours stood around trading hor- as, "the best class to grace of being worked out in the "Bissell had to check with the Cadet Staff Writter ror stories, a few com- the Institute." Other than middle of the night, and en- academia- the Dean, and de- Take 300 ments stood out. Accord- the privilege of dyking for during third classmen who lib- partment heads if [Monday] sweaty, exhausted fresh- erally exercised their new would be a suitable day. With ing to Cadet Garza '97, this class, the rats also had push-up privileges the rat the idea that once the rats got men, a sadistic, milling "It's better late than the distinction of being the mass of 94+3 was expecting [Breakout] behind them they throng of 1000upperclass- never." smallest mass to matricu- to break out. It did not hap- could settle down." men, one firetruck, at least For this year's late at VMI in 17 years. pen. The temperature was There was dissension in seventy degree weather rat mass, better late than Logically this would also below the minimum 45 de- the air. Many cadets felt that and one tired old hill, mix never meant spending two mean that in addition to gree mark in what Col. N. the rats had been cheated out them all together and hundred and six days enduring the longest Michael Bissell called, "too of a rat line. First class histo- VOILA a new class is born cold for Breakout." rian Andrew Mulcunry stated, straining and walking the ratline in barracks, these in barracks. ratline. The final push to rats were also forced to Breakout was then "They shouldn't be breaking planned for the following day, out. After seeing 50 of the Nursing vari- become a class began at 4 deal with more pain per Wednesday. The rats woke little worms hanging outside ous wounds, chomping p.m. and it took approxi- head than the average up- up to see snow on the ground, of Barracks during DRC." cupcakes and clutching mately two hours. On perclassman. and more forecasted for the Others had mixed feelings. brand new black Monday, March 8, the or- Unexpectedly Cadet Sean McFadden added, following day. With Break- nametags, the new Class deal ended for the Class of the weather became toler- out delayed indefinitely ru- "It is nice to know that they of '97 took its place in '97. able on Monday and ad- mors began to fill barracks had a rat line for a week." VMI history, standing RDC President ministrative worries about about when the actual date Needless to say the rats around the sentinel box to would be. Sunday seemed were ready. Fourth classman Dustin H. Devore '94, in hypothermia were as- like a bad choice-many rats J.M. Garza, >uid it best, "It's give Old Yells. leading the rats in an Old suaged. Commandant of were on drill and upperclass- better late then never." As these newly Yell for their dykes, char- See "Breakout."page 3 March 11, 1993 News Off Post Pagc2 College News, IheVMl, Courtesy of The College Press Service

WASHINGTON - Cdlege men are five to seven times as More college freshmen have hopes of likely as woman to lie in order to have sex, according to a recent Cadet Dbtaining advanced degrees after they get their survey in dishonesty in dating." It would appear that lying in four-year degree than ever before, and women order to have sex is more a male than a female behavior," the 1993-1994 ire more likely than men to aspire to the highest article in the Journal of American College Healthconcluded.The Editor-in-Chief possible degrees such as doctorates, according to survey of 171 male and female students was conducted in Andrew J. Mulcunry January 1991 at the University of Minnesota. The researchers, indings in a sweeping survey of this year's Man^ng Editpr instructor James Rothenberger and graduate student Michael Thomas A. Brashears freshmen class. Stebleton, said they found the results disturbing for several The 28th annual survey of entering reasons, one being that more monogamous men and woman Afltyi^tftnt E identified themselves as monogamous, Hwrnor Editor; Mr. Beef Diesel veyed in 1993 plan to pursue a graduate degree 33.3 percent of the men answered "yes" to the question, "Have Cartoonist: Clay Mountcastle after they finish college, the survey found. In you ever told a lie in order to have sex?," while 6.8 percent of the woman answered affirmatively. Yet only 22.2 percent of Formm Editor; Rich Clark comparison, 55 percent of the freshmen polled in Staff Forum Writers: Bartlett, Estcs, JJt. the nonnwnogamous men and 3.3 percent of the woman 1992 and less than 50 percent of those polled in answered "yes." he early 1970s had indicated they wanted to On the other hand, women seemed more ready to believe Editor: )ursue education beyond the four-year degree. thatthey werebeingliedtoforsexualpurposesthenmen. The John Amory Glaccum More importantly researchers found, survey showed that 43.2 percent of the monoganKHis women believed they had been lied to, compared with 22.2 percent of Photographers: Bauserman, Myers. was the fact that for the first time ever in the nonmonogamous men. and Salklao survey women were more likely to seek all major Copy Editors; Steven KIdd. Dave The results are also unsettling because of the potential Truslow ypes of advanced degrees (master's, doctoral, consequences of lying if a partner is infected with HIV or medical and law) than men; 27.3 percent of the another sexually transmitted disease. "In an era when diseases emale first-year students indicated they wanted surrounding sexual activity have profound implications, all of John Beggs us need to be aware that neidier love nor hornxMial activity is o pursue terminal degrees, compared with 25.8 a shield against dishonesty," the researchers wrote. A^YfittfffFg Mffln wr percent of the men. In 1967, three times more Steve Ward men than women had planned to pursue a doc- WOOSTER, Ohio - As assignments to first-semester collie pircMiatlQn Manager Gerald oral, medical or law degree (26.7 percent versus student go, ait historian Am Lewis admits it was tough: Dscobar .5 percent). Marshal proof against revisionistclaim s that the Holocaustdid not occur. 'To close such a wide gap in a rela- The Cadet welcnmealettere to the Editor. All Signed Lewis said he assigned the paper because he wanted to give letters will be considered for publicalioo. Letters to tiw ively short span of two decades is truly remark- Editor do not necessarily expiess the views lad opinioas members of the Collie of Woostei's First-Year Seminar a of the Editorial Stjtff orThr YMiritlll newyiper. able," said UCLA Professor Alexander W. Astin, sense of critical thinking and analysis. director of the survey. Lewis said the assignment was sparked in part by a Roper TfU Cadet, student nexuspapercf tfU The comprehensive survey does not poll that said 22 percent of American adi'lts think it is possible £inia Miiitary Instituu is puSGsHedevery Jri- that the Holocaust never happened. In recent years, college day during tfu academic year, ei^ept Corps draw conclusions from the volumes of data gar- newspapers also have been targeted for paid advertisements Trips, hoUdays andefyan periods, in tfie offices nered from both public and private two- and four- that question whether the Holocaust took place. of the Lexii^ffton 'Hews gazette of LexittftUm. year institutions, but rather shows statistical trends 14. A.year(ysu6scriptionit$15.00onpostand imong first-year students. $18:00 maiied off post. Ike Cadet tuas Financial security after graduation ap- Weather Forecast: enured as second dass matter on SeptmSer pears to be the motivation in obtaining advanced 19,1944, at tfie LeiQagton Tost Offke in Friday, 11 March: degrees, the survey found. Seventy-five percent it^um, Va., under the 9Ut of March 2,1979. Sunny, high of 42 to 47 F Tfie 'l^I Cadet offices are located on the hot af the respondents said that a "very important" torn floor of the Old 9(ospitaC and the reason for attending college is "to be able to make Saturday, 12 March: mailing address is: 'BoTi?, Lejongton, I/a, more money." More than four out of five (82.1 Sunny & warming up with a high of 49 to 59 F 24450. 'Postainum6er 'US!P654-SS0 percent, compared with 78.5 percent last year) said that going to college is important so that they Have safe travels and a The Virginia :an get a "better job." great Spring Jurlough,., Military Money is also an important reason why the incoming freshmen class selected their We're outta here!!! M Institute See "Survey." page 8 Page 3 Front Page Continued March 11, 1994 VMI Welcomes Visiting Officer

Wardle's classes are technically "optional." all of England," he commented." The use of Chris Ratchford '94 Curriculum differences aren't the computers isn't as prevalent in England ei- Cadet Staff Writer only ones he's noticed between the two ther," he noticed. Unlike the use of smoke- Leftenant Pete Wardle was given a one- less tobacco, Wardle has self-taught himself week notice to pack up all of his belongings the neccesary computer skills to complete and to prepare for a flight to the United his coursework. States. When the 22-year-old completed his Some of Leftenant Wardle's hob- military training in Shrivenham, England at bies include mountain climbing and snow- the Royal Military College of Science, he skiing. He has climbed some of the largest never predicted that he would be selected to mountains in the world to include the participate as part of a study abroad program Matterhom in the Alps, and he plans to go here at VMI. skiing at the nearby Wintergreen Resort on He is currently enrolled in VMI's an upcoming weekend. The most recent "hill" Civil Engineering curriculum, a program Wardle has conquered, however, was much which he decribes as being uniquely differ- closer to home for those of us in Lexington. ent from the engineering programs in his Wardle elected to Breakout with the newly hometown of Blackbume, Lancashire, En- ordained Class of 1997. gland. "Here in the States," he observed, After completing his term here in "you have a lot of small homework assign- May, Wardle will train with the U.S. Army ments on a regular basis. Back home we Corps of Engineers for one month. He will have only one very large, comprehensive then tour the countryside for the remainder exam at the end of the period." Wardle Wardle exalts in Post-Breakout euphoria! of his two month stay. And as for the near enjoys the change of routine and if he per- future? With spring fever hitting VMI, forms well academically here he is excused countries. "I had never seen chewing to- Wardle has his eyes set on the Iberian Pen- from his exams back home. "It's an extra bacco before I came to the States. Because insula of North America. "Spring Break? incentive," he added. Unlike cadets. of the associated health risks, it's banned in I'm headed to Florida!"

"Breakout "from page 1 In the distinct minority, as always, Sergeant James Hudson, from tne Air Force the Corps of Cadets, Colonel N. Michael there were a few renegade thirds hanging out ROTC department, and Leftenant Peter Bissell (USA-retired) noted, "I'm glad the in Salleyport who would have preferred to Wardle, a visiting British Officer from day is here so we can all get on with academics keep the fourths in until the end of the year, but theRoyal Miltary College of Science, partici- and life. We had to make a quick decision. It's nobody listens to them anyway. As one third pated in Breakout '94 by going up the hill with up to the first class. It was a good day." classman exclaimed heatedly, "They shouldn't the rats. be breaking out. After seeing 50 of the little worms hiding out, they shouldn't be breaking out." Just as their dykes did three years ago, the rats were sent up Breakout Hill start- ing with India Company and ending with Band Company. Periodically throughout the event, the Lexington Fire Department made appearances in order to turn their hoses on unsuspecting rats and upperclassmen and keep breakout hill saturated. This year the number of spectators was kept to a minimum. The only persons allowed to view the spectacle were cadets, faculty and administration. Visitors to the Hill were required to obtain a pass for admit- tance through the Commandant's Office. However, a few non-cadets got a very close look at breakout this year. Staff March 11, 1993 SPORTS Editorial Page 4 Boxing Team Twenty-three Hosts Tournament Prospects Sign On Jason Nicholls '94 Capt. Dave Hall. Cadet News Writer There were two TKO's in Keydet Coach the evening fights, one by the team On rebruary 26, 1994 captain himself. Scruggs simply questions and offered their own insight VMI held its nnnuni home show outclassed and oulboxed his opponent attributes Corps into the different lifestyle one endures boxing match. The schools that were winning a third round TKO. In at VMI. Coach Stewart and his staff in attendance were The Citadel, contrast, Marvin Gundy a member of of Cadets are really appreciative of their efforts Shippensbiirg, Gettysburg, and Penn the class of '97, won a third round and would also like to thank the entire Thomas Brashears '95 State. Each school brought its best TKO by simply pulverizing his corps for "just being themselves" on Managing Editor boxers to compete and to test their opponent. Bret Wilkinson '94 won Friday night inside the barracks. skills. his fight with his usual strong Over the past couple of As for the team itself, the 7 he matches consisted of determination earning him the months the football team has been football players started a pre-Spring cither three two minute rounds or thriee decision. Gavin Bruno '95 won his conducting an intense recruiting drive practice conditioning program. Its one and a half minute rounds. In fight with strong straight punches, in order to attract the best and brightest design is to set a tempo for Spring every match the knockdown rule is in earning him the decision in the third high school football players from football and to try and get everybody effect. This basically means that if a round. Nithyu Sieu '95, who had around the region. The result: the acclimated to football under Bill person is hit to the point of signifigantly improved since the signing of twenty-three players from Stewart. The coach says, "If you disorientation three limes in one round, beginning of the year, won his fight in states such as Texas and Florida, as can't run, if you can't go full speed, or four times in the entire match, it is a third round decision. Jeff Dellapenta well as Pennsylvania, Maryland, there's no place for you." considered a technical knockout. The '97 won his first match, and it was Georgia, West Virginia, and of course The conditioning coach of a team can also, "throw in the clearly seen on his face at the end of Virginia. workouts will run until Spring Break towel" to end a fight in a TKO. the round. When asked what it was The coaching staff would and include change of direction drills, Ihis year VMI did like to box at VMI , Bruno replied, like to note that this successful venture foot quickness drills, hand-eye co- exceptionally well at the home show, "It's really exiting fighting with a was due in large part to the efforts of ordination drills, improving running winning six of nine fights. Cadet First VMI crowd chcering behind you." the Corps of Cadets and even more so techniques and stance/start Classman and team captain, Aaron The VMI Boxing Team is to five cadets in particular. First- techniques. The workouts are Scruggs said about (he team, "We hiding the bags hard in preparation Classmen Phil Starling, Dave Bruce, administered by the Strength and have all improved l(K)%, the team is for their next big competition at the Scott McCoy, Chris Doss and Second- Conditioning coach Dr. Jimmy Coale particularly strong and is developing Regional Boxing Tournament, to be Classman Ed Randall sacrificed this and the rest of the football staff, with incredibly." Scruggs allributed these held at The Citadel this year. The past Saturday afternoon in order to the added tutelage of VMI track coach strong improvements to Col. Gordcn tournament will take place on March talk with the recruits about cadet-life. Col. Mike Bozeman. C. Calkins, as well as to this year's 25(h and 26th. These cadets answered various new coaches Dr. Gordcn Marino, and Rugby Travels to France

James Clare '94 France on Tuesday, March 8 and are the French team visited Lexington Cadet Staff Writer scheduled to return to V MI on March for a week and played several 20th. The purpose of the trip is to matches with the Slugs. Before This week sixteen cadets play several matches against the departing for home, The Ecole team from the VMI Rugby FootbaU Club Ecole as well as other European extended an invitation to visit France left for Spring Break a little earlier teams. that The Slugs couldn't refuse. than the rest of the corps. The ruggers, Indi vidua] team members During their stay, the along with the VMI soccer team, are were excited at the prospect of par- team hopes to leam more about their travelling to Palaseau, France to visit ticipating in such a once-in-a-life- chosen sport from experienced Eu- VMl's French sister school, The time opportunity, despite some ropean teams, and maybe even have Ecole Polytechnique. grumblingaboutadministrativepres- a chance to enjoy the nightlife and The Rugby Team (affec- sure to bring uniforms along on social environment of Paris. tionately nicknamed 'The Slugs") Spring Break. Team captain Scott Phill Starling '94, coor- has managed to finance their trip to Cole '94 said, "It will be a real dinator of the trip, agreed with Cole The Ecole using only theirown funds pleasure to represent VMI at our and went on to say, "I think it will be and those generated by team spon- sister school. I'm confident that a great experience, and 1 can't think sored ftindraising drives. we'll do well." of a better group of people to share it with. I'm sure that we'll remember The Slugs departed for VMI's interest in visiting France was sparked last fall when it for the rest of our lives." Page 5 SPORTS March 11, 1994 If It Smells Like Fish, It's Trout

will lie in an eddy or in a spot with The most popular If you don't know how to Our Own Hooker little or no current. Eddies are places technique for trout fishing is the fly use a fly rod, then regular spinning Prepares for the season in the current that are blocked by rocks rod. It takes alot of skill to use one. gear can be used. Mepps brand or logs. They produce a "hole in the Trout like to feed on bugs that fall into spinners are the lures to use with a Craig Freeman '94 water" that trout the river spinning rod. It will allow you to Cadet Sports Writer can lie in and and a fly cover a lot of water in short amount of Since the Game and Inland ambush from. rod best time. Fisheries Department started stocking When a small represents Some of the better spots to trout in our local rivers and streams, fish or bug that kind catch trout are at Goshen Pass, Buffalo they have become a popular species to cruises by the of action. Creek, and the Panther Falls area. To catch among anglers. There are many eddy the trout In a proper fish at Panther falls you must have a kinds of trout, the most popular being will attack it and cast, the special permit. If you plan on keeping rainbow and brook, and catching them eat it. fly line the trout you catch, you must buy a can be fun. As always, there are tricks Sometimes curves in the stream will should hit the water first and allow the trout stamp for your fishing license. to catching trout and here are some of produce a nice current block. The fly to gently land onto the water without They cost $6.50 and can be bought at them. inside part of the curve usually has the making much noise. If you make a lot Wal-Mait. Stay tuned for articles about Trout live in fast moving most stagnant water and, again, trout of noise, it will spook the fish away your favorite fish in Rockbridge water, but when they are hungry they will lie there in ambush. and you catch nothing but a cold. County. LAX Crushes Athlete In Focus Limestone Ryan Glynn '96 Pete Gillespie '96 it needed to," said Pifer. Also contributing defensively was Cadet Sports Writer hv Chris Oakev '96 sophomore goalie Ryan Olson, who The VMI lacrosse team blocked 16 of Limestone's 21 shots on opened its 1994 season last weekend goal. Third Classman Ryan Glynn is fairly disappointed with with a 5-4 victory in double overtime Other strong VMI. Ryan came to play baseball at the Institute to be part of a over Limestone College. The victory performances came from junior winning tradition. So far, the baseball team has fulfilled part of his comes as a relief to players and fans midfielders Dave Johnson and Mike expectations with its consistently winning seasons, but the short- alike, after a preseason record of 0-2. Fellows. Fellows scored two goals, coming he finds rests in the lack of support from the other members VMI's victory came late the last of which sent the game into of the Corps. "People don't really support us in Barracks." says in the second period of sudden death overtime. Also playing well was Ryan. "When we go out there, we really don't go out there to win it overtime. With the score tied 4-4, sophomore Joe Brockman, who for the Big Red. We go out there to win for us because we know that VMI was penalized for calling a time answered Limestone's first goal with they [the Corps] don't care about us and we don't care about them." out they did not have and was forced one of his own. "Our main objective But this hostile attitude may be a winning one. Ryan takes to play with one less man, setting up was to score first and when we didn't charge of right field and works his magic as a pitcher for the an ideal power-play situation for it shook us up a little. Luckily, though, Keydets. At the plate, he has a batting average of .370 and 1 Limestone. After a key defensive stop, we were able to score right back, homerun. VMI regained the ball and quickly which got us pumped up again" stated These impressive statistics are attributed to his early moved up field, where freshman Matt sophomore midfielder John days, growing up at home. Ryan started playing baseball with his McLean, eluding Limestone "Woodberry" Ripley. three older brothers when he was about five years old. His brothers defensemen, shot and scored. When Does this victory mean a taught him the fundamentals that are so crucial to making a good asked about his game winning shot, winning season for the Keydets? player. McLean said, "I was just lucky enough Sophomore midfielder Dave Belfiore, Ryan really made his mark at Churchland High School in to be in the right place when I got the who was taken out of the game due to Portsmouth, Virginia. As a sophomore, he played on the varsity ball, and lucky that my shot scored!" a severe concussion he received early squad and was named an all-region pitcher. Switching to second Limestone College, in the first period, seems to think base his junior year, he attained all-state honors. Ryan, again, ranked 4th in the nation in Division II, so"We may not have as much talent as achieved all-state honors his senior year as a pitcher and outfielder. came in to the game with high some of the other teams we play, but The versatility and talent found in Ryan prompted many expectations. Those expectations we definitely have the athletic ability schools to recruit him. He chose VMI over other normal institutes were crushed, however, when and the drive to hang with anyone." of higher learning because he liked the coach. He was also fond of Limestone's Ail-American offense Hopefully this spirit will carry the the idea that the team was rebuilding and he wanted to have a role was shut down by VMI's exceptional Keydets to another victory, as they in reshaping a Division I baseball team. defense. Led by junior co-captain prepare to take on Saint Joseph's With the newly organized team, Ryan predicts a very Jason Pifer, VMI defensemen stopped University this weekend. Until then, successful season. Contrary to what he might think, there are still Limestone from scoring on six however, lacrosse fans every where those who do care about VMI's competitive athletic programs. The separate power-play situations. 'The can only wait in anticipation. Corps will always root the loudest. team came together defensively when March 11, 1993 Editorial Page 6 Meditation Concert News Teal '94 Spring Break Plus Mar.-l 1-Uprising...Trax -Out of the Blue...Bayou -Southern Culture on the skids...Flood Zone -Joe Satrinani...Boathouse Once upon a time a landowner owned a vineyard and recruited men to -AIma...Ziggy's (Winston-Salem NC) work in his fields. He journeyed into the nearby town at sunrise, and gathered 12-Layman's Daughter...SBC workers. The landowner agreed to pay each worker a gold coin for their toil. After -Full Stop...Bayou the workers began, the landowner returned to the town around noon, and hired -Chrome Daddy Disco...Twisters (Rich more workers. He came again in the afternoon, and even later in the evening. When mond) night came, the landowner instructed his foreman to pay the workers, starting with -Boy O Boy...Flood Zone those who came last to the fields. The workers hired in the evening received a gold 15-Moody Blues wA^a. coin for their work, just as the workers hired in the morning received the same. The Symphony... men hired in the morning grumbled, because they believed that they should receive -Leftover Salmon...Ziggy's more pay. But the landowner replied, "I have paid you what we agreed. If I wish 16-Lorrie Morgan w/ Tracy to be generous and pay the others the same, don't I have that right?" So the last will Lawerence...Patriot Center be first, and the first, last. (Adapted from Matthew 20:1-16). 17-Iam Gilliam Blues Trio...Trax This parable has an excellent state- -Egypt,Zag Man Zig, & AAE...Flood Zone ment about God's " God the most grace, that has been ex- -Widespread Panic...Lawerence Joel Coli tended to us. It does not matter who we are, where seum (NC) we are from, or when in pleased with a man our lives we accept -Full Stop...Joker's (Harrisonburg) Christ, because re- who denies... he demption is a gift from 18-Believers...TRax God to all who wish to follows Christ?" receive. 'This righteous- -Sex Police...Ziggy's ness from God comes through faith in Jesus -Flying Mice... Joker's Christ to all who be- Douglas Estes '94 lieve. There is no differ- 19-Hedonistic Cravings, Mind Control, ence, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory Nerve No Pain...Trax of God"(Romans 3:22-23). But lets take this parable a little farther. Suppose a -Flying Mice... Joker's stranger approached three of the workers who were coming in from the fields, 20-BookofLove...9:30 going to get their pay. The stranger asked, "Have you been working in these 22-Alma w/ Sass Troubadour...Trax fields?" The first worker said, "No, I was merely going this way." The second 23-Dillion Fence...9:30 remained silent. The third replied, "I have worked in these fields. Tomorrow, you -Hedonistic Cravings... Bayou may work here; I am sure the landowner will reward you." 24-The Blue Dogs...Trax The landowner paid all three of these workers their gold coin after -Dillion Fence...Ziggy's coming in from the fields. But which of these workers was the landowner most -Hearsay.. .Joker's pleased with? Just as the landowner invites the workers into his vineyard, so does Buy Tickets Now! Matthew Sweet. .Ziggy*s-27, Urge God invite each of us into his kingdom. But is God the most pleased with a man Overkill..Trax-28,Bodeans..Ziggy' s-31, Widespread who denies to others that he follows Christ? Is He the most pleased with a man who Panic w/ remains silent? Or is He the most pleased with a man who invites others into the &Everything..Brown*s Island-3, w/ Dave kingdom of heaven? If you work in His field, you will receive your reward. But if Matthews Band..Horse Center-20. you deny your acceptance into the kingdom, others may never make their acceptance. "Then Christ said to his disciples. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few"'(Matthew 9:37). I encourage you to work in God's fields, and for Top 5 Selling CD's in you to encourage others to work in His fields, so that they may also go for the gold. Lexington 1.Counting Crov^s-August and Everything After Which a a (ood ihii« whm yiw

Our iwnp'^"'•'td is IS (kI dnp - which 2. Sound Garden- Super Unknown* nakrsfcrgrnBskiini! Andwhmypucome in tan ihr ocld. try Ite ha luh. 3. Crash Test Dummies-God indinr poij. or juft kick btck »ilh 1 bunch o( >'Oiir fciends Shuffled His Feet * S279.00 fa pgiMi heed on double ocofmy Indudrs 4. Nine Inch Nails- Downward 5 nithls kxlgiic Sun. Thin,; 5 dira o( skiing. Moo Fri.; Spiral* 5 d^o( braktet Bcrdi CVib piTrtltgri: iTTTvil part>' aid mixer. Kj»»okf party/nmer, 5. Dave Mathews Bdrnd-Remember camiudvlnigf Sumo wnsdng: pim pirQ'; nldoiingnf^iany EDrdiwdaes. Math Two Things 6-U,Mmhl31»;M«ch XWS. Tonakf mervdiwns. cat l-ain-6Z2-4121 CANAAN VALLEY Courtesy Of Night Ov\i Music RESOTA WETM « COWFUENt VmciNu Sr/trr CDmir MKl CMn MnHMSMM HMKL AMILO.DMK KVMZCO *New Releases Page? Forum March 11, 1994 Cadet in Focus Mountcastle: Best of

Rich Clark '94 & Chris Richmond '94 the Best... Cadet Editors rmm

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'B.1.IL11PUWJ w Mouurt" VultAiLUfANO. .

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Coming out of Defense Artillery at Fort a Department of Defense Bragg, North Carolina af- high school in ter graduation. However, Nuremburg, Germany, Clay's final career ambi- it's hard to believe that tion lies with the media. John Claiborne A job with WHFS radio Mountcastle '94 ever in Baltimore is his ulti- found his way to VMI. mate goal. But Mountcastle, known Looking back as Clay within the Corps, on his cadetship, explains "I was told I Mountcastle recounts his could go to any college best memories at school I^TIL-TS HQ-re (its Tiiut.') IF Wij«r AM6tV TMfcl AMAl CA^TM^ of my choice in the coun- as "multiple Friday nights aur w ruii rMc, iiii- AT THC TOIRTMI. RN£ V try, but my parents would laughing at the stupidity rsyelitMfCAWILL «IV£ MLe rtC X p»«t«P » •i'oo ». ThC e»€ " ....< v>r ON TJC vtop... through his weekly car- Recalling one toons in the VMI Cadet. of his mentors, Craig In fact, he cites his proud- Streeter '91, Clay admits, est accomplishment at the "I tried to be as funny as "I" as "finally gaining a him. I know most of my f C.Nt U«uet« rut Xe w»i4Ti ^ ^^^ w^lluhs < f^c sense of humor about this cartoons aren't funny, but place." if they made people smile Mountcastle, and feel better about this M. 'I ) currently an Army ROTC place, then they were ^joA'^d/frciT' cadet, is looking forward worth it." to service with the Air March 11, 1993 Pages "Suvey, "from page 2 said they "feel overwhelmed by institution - 32 percent said that all that I have to do" and 9.4 an important reason they picked percent said they frequently "felt their college was low tuition or depressed." because they were offered finan- Ratings on emotional BMTOK SCHAPPER * MILLS cial assistance. Nearly 40 percent and physical health hit all-time MARCH [H said that chances are good they lows, with the percentage of stu- 3/4...FRI...NICK'S...ALEXAN0RIA.VA. will get a job to help out with dents missing classes because of 5...SAT...BAD HABITS...WASHINGTON. DC PLUSEARRIVIEAPLY college expenses. The percent- sickness reached an all-time high. 11...FRI...4400 CLUB...NORFOLK, VA. age of students working full time The study cites problems at home 12...SAT...KELLY S...NAGS HEAD.NC. sjPAvsKNcm rose to its highest level - 5.6 per- as possible reasons for these 16...WED..ATLANTIS...MYRTLE BEACH, SC. cent - since the question was in- trends; 3.7 percent of the students 17..THU..ECU...GREENVILLE, NC. troduced in 1982. 18...FRI...FL00DZ0NE...RICHM0ND, VA. said that their fathers were unem- 19...SAT...JM'S...HARRIS0NBURG. VA. is. 'These findings sug- ployed, and 25.1 percent said their 25...FRI..BALC0NY....BLACKSBURG, VA. gest that the students may be more parents are either separated or 26...SAT....GECK0'S...W00DBRID6E.VA. interested in graduate degrees divorced. [glilPM H because they feel that advanced •In terms of social is- 4n-2..FRI/SAT...BAD HABITS...WASHItMSTDN,OC training will give them a com- sues and political attitudes, about 7..TNUR...LYNCHBURG COLL....LYNCHBURG, VA. 8...FR1..SUNSET GRILL..R1CHM0ND. VA. omooRsie petitive edge in their quest for half the students defined them- 10..SUN...W&M AMPITHEATRE...WILUAMSBURG. VA. * jobs and financial security," Astin selves as being to the left or right 13...WED...45 CLUB... NEW YQRK.NY. said. "It is also significant that of the political center. Students 15...FRI..MCV....RICHM0ND, VA. the percentage of freshmen who claiming to be "middle of the 16...SAT...MERRYVILLE COLLEGE...TENN. expect to be satisfied with their road" dipped to 49.9 percent for 22..FRI....0DU....N0RF0LK, VA. college experience reached its the first time since 1972, down 23...SAT...BART0N COLLEGE....NC. 27...WED...J SARG REYNOLDS COLL...RICHMOND lowest point in the history of the from 53 percent last year and 60 30...SAT...TRINITY ESP ...RICHMOND survey." percent in 1980. Those who con- MAY • Nearly half (48 percent) sidered themselves conservative 27-28...FRI/SAT..P0RT '0 CALL...NAGS HEAD, NC muDAYWKEND said they expected to be satisfied increased 2.6 percentage points

* ALL DAY OUTDOOR BENEFIT FOR US WITH DAVE MATTHEWS. with college, compared with 50.4 to 22.9 percent, the highest share EVERYTHING. BOYO BOY EFO. S GIBB DROLL TICKETS THROUGH TICKETUASTER CHICK ALL OAM WITH OUR 24 HOUR COTKERTLIHT! (104) TU-STET* percent last year and 64.7 percent reported since the question was in 1970. first asked in 1970. The percent- Among other findings age who consider themselves left of the survey: of center was 27.2 percent. •Competitive pres- •Support to legalize sures and stress are at record lev- marijuana increased to 28.2 per- els. Record number of students cent, and student support for leg- are making multiple - 70.3 per- islation to outlaw homosexuality cent - and 22.2 percent of the declined for the sixth year in a freshmen applied to four or more row to a low of 36.2 percent. IISIRVI orrictis- tihiiiis coars colleges, a record. "A record of Eighty-one percent of the students other findings suggest that stu- support greater efforts to control dents are feeling increasingly handguns, and a greater number PREREQUISITE: stressed," Astin said. A high num- of students - 84.4 percent - sup- ADRENALINE ber of respondents (23.2 percent, port greater governmental efforts to reduce pollution. Bui ihtv iht compared with 16 percent in 1985) It • succ»«d m lit* KOTC

I ttquiivi *

UMTBOTC The Cadet is Looking for a few Good Men... SEE PROFESSUR OF MILITARY SCIENCE IN KILIOURNE HALL (703) 464 7351 The VMl Cadet is looking for Staff Writers, Photographers, Computer Staff, and Section Editors for the 1994-1995 school year. Please contact the following people for more information:

Writers: Tom Brashears, rm 256 Photographers: Chris Myers, rm 292 Section Editors: Andy Mulcunry, rm S-56 Computer Staff: John Amory Glaccum, rm 356 Page 9 Advertisement March 11, 1994 IF IFE'S ABEACl^ HAKE SURE

wo MWM FEi,


AW^ LOW MTE.5. aii uuuu a uuua ua OKAV, WOW HIT THE. 5EJ^(HI

IF Y0(/ m IT, MiMua'OB Pnj^iMCtwoai' t ^ 1444. MUJMM» mni (MAin. NIMJI oiT it; March 11, 1993 Editorial Page 10 Good luck to the Class of 1994! Cadet Blasts ARA For - Aldea C. Davis Poor Service and Fadlities

Dear Editor, response was to say,"well be desired as well. On count- I am writing this we're at VMI and everything less occasions I have watched letter to the Cadet to express is supposed to suck." This members of the staff use their my concerns with the quality did not sit well with me for bare hands to smooth the ce- of the food at the mess hall long. We are paying approxi- real out so that it will all fit in and the overall service that mately four dollars a meal the dispensers. My room- we are paying for but not get- and we are being told that we mate was digging under the ting, For the past three years are eating too much. I And counter not too long ago when I have tolerated this gross ser- this hard to believe when most he spotted a mouse. He told vice, but the notice that the of the people in the Corps do one of the supervisors about mess hall manager posted on not eat in the mess hall on the the incident and he was told the doors of Crozet really dis- weekends yet we still pay for not to worry about it since the turbed me. It said something ARA's services. I know that niouse doesn't eat much and to the effect that they had I myself have eaten nothing the worker went about his recently made changes to up- more than cereal, vegetables, business as though nothing grade their services to cadets, plain pasta, and an occasional had happened. He then but due to the inclement turkey sandwich for the past brought the event to the atten- weather it would be difficult two years. The majority of tion of Col. William who said to acconunodate the Corps. my meals consist of cereal he did not have time to worry Well the bad weather has and it is difficult if not impos- about it. The most recent lifted and there are changes, sible to eat 12 dollars of ce- mess hall atrocity occurred at but are they favorable? I say real a day. I, like many other the corps march down on 22 no! I waited for the changes cadets, fmd myself buying Feb. 1994. We were served and did not really notice any. pizza and other snacks to chicken. After the cadets had I did notice that the soups make up for what I cannot left the mess hall the cadet were still being made from and will not eat at the mess waiters woe instructed to pick yesterdays left overs and that hall. All of these concerns up the leftover chicken and it the salad bar was reduced by forced me to have a talk with was served at late supper. The half. At this point I was very the mess hall manager him- chicken had been exposed to perturbed but the mess hall self. I asked him what changes the public for at least forty redeemed themselves by put- had been made. He said that minutes and then re-served. ting out shaved cold cuts. It the menus had been changed This is appalling and I am was still the same old pro- so that we were getting dif- sure that the Virginia Health cessed meat, but the change ferent meals. He said that Oepartment would agree with was welconoed by the Corps. after talking to cadets and me. It proved to be so popular that getting input from them the I do not know exactly what the Crozet management de- staff decided to go from three the job of the mess hall man- cided to do away with the entrees down to two and serve ager entails but I do know positive change. I did not left-overs. He said that the that somebody down their is understand this change so I cadets wanted to be served not taking their job seriously. approached one of the mem- left-overs. I fmd this state- Changes need to be made and bers of the staff and they ex- ment to be ridiculous and when the cadets like some- plained the decision. 1 was without merit. In regards to thing it needs to stay. I do not told that cadets were eating the cold cuts, he said that they want to associate the mess way too much of the meat. At had to watch consumption and hall with Upton Sinclair's first 1 could not believe the that was the reasoning behind book The Jungle, but that is change. It does not make any serving the meats in the less fast what sense at all to take something presentable form. it is becoming. away if people like it. The The cleanliness of only way I could digest this the mess hall leaves much to Mark Hannan '94

Lellers lo Ihe lidilor Our Welcomed. All letters must be signed. Please hand letters to the liditorial Ixiitor Sean Dadson in Km 105 Page 11 Op-Ed March 11,1994

AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION r; I r^r—r^ Hoist-Cranes It is not even spring and the Class of *96 is already thinking of Ring Figure. We asked several of them who "Baldy" Fall *59 they would pick to be their ultimate date. "Janet Jackson, because she can dance her tush off. Plus she's got a cute belly (804) 425-1818 button." -John Ogburn FAX (804) 422-5970 Kathy Ireland, because she's the best looking girl Tve seen in my whole life (probably need a muzzle cause she has such a high voice)." -Matt TyreU.

"Sinead O'Conner, just for good. Maybe Erika Eleniak." -Dallas Richards

"Your mother...! mean, uh...Cindy Morgan (CCM Singer), because she is beautiful inside and out- PHAT!!!" -Jamal Thomas

"Faith Hill (Country Singer), It is just a thang, you know?" -John Dwyer

"If I could get one girl to be my girl, which girl would it be? Cindi Crawford because she is beautiful and someone you could hang out with...My mom is Congratulations! probably who Tm gonna end up taking." -Nkk Latsios New Air Force We asked twenty cadets from each class the following Scholarship Winners: questions. Do you feel that the Rat Mass of Do you think the United States Boersma, RD 1994+3 is ready to break out? should use air power if the Serbs violate the 12.5 mile exclusion Brown, ML, Jr. zone? 40% Burdette, DE

Chong, YC 1st Classman 65% 10% Harris, BJ Martless, BS 10% Jeter, JW, ill 10% Maydian, DT

3rd Classman 25%

b y Robert Sherwood Rat Mass '96 Rat Mass Your Sup Loves You tEJje Sbmmisitration "The Only Voice of The Virginia Military Institute" Number 16 VOLUME I VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE March 4, 1994 Corps Rewards Great Leadership Cadet News Briefs with Five Parades in a row!!! from his $35,000 Lincoln Town Mostofthe policies A.Z. Kiss 94 Car, said "It is amazing; this are well received. Many cadets -Cadet Larue starts Amnesty Cadet News Editor year's Corps of Cadets is the applauded the taking of away of International chapter to promote Col. Tom Gentry finest ever, except for when I steak dinners for the guard team. '42b said he could not remember was here." "I think it was a shame that we Corps awarness of human rights Corps nioraleeverbeingso high. This is not to say were encouraging the killing of abuses. "The fervor of V-J day doesn't that Cadets do not get upset at bovines. It is about time," said even compare to an average day times over Administrative Cadet Josh PauUn "94. "I never at VMI.", said Gentry, policies. Eaiiier this year after even though about being a -Col. Leeeeeeroy Hammond "Whatever those boys in the being granted amnesty from our vegetarian. But after they took Commandant's office are doing, distinguished governor. Col. N. away the steak dinners I'm accidently picks up "Approved" they need to keep it up!" Col. Michael Bissell awarded two switching. Good Job Col, stamp. First time in five years. Gentry is not theonlyoneexci ted. limited duties to cadets not on Bissell,"added Cadet day "Pig" "I thought VMI was supposed to restrictions. The Corps was Cambell. be one of the worst places to go outraged. "I cannot believe that In the fiiture, the -Corps Poll reveals that 100% of to school. 1 haven't had one bad Col. Bissell was trying to take Corps looks forward to serving day since I've been here," said away the rewardofbein g a good under its esteemed leadership Corps would rather die for General Cadet Greer'94. cadet from me by cheapening it ontheCoipsFTXinApril. Men Knapp than the U.S. A. The majority of the with such a great privilege. I'll are jubilant at being given the Corps agrees. Hence five days earn my limited duties the hard chance to serve in combat-style of straight full-dress parades way-through hard work, " conditions undertheir esteemed -General Knapp key-note speaker at from Monday to Friday in honor complained Cadet Robert cadet/administiationleadeiship. of our esteemed General Knapp. Sherwood '96. Many others Cadet Oppenhiem agreed, "Just ACT-UP rally. The decision was made by the agreed. "I've worked hard to being under the leadership of first class leadershiptoaLso stage have a spotless conduct record. AdamStricklandmakesmewant a Corps forced marchthatkicked Just knowing Tve done my best to signupforBulldogsolcanbe -Sgt. Maj. Hockaday gets in truck; off at 0530 hrs Friday morning. is rewardenoug h fw me," added a real marine like him." proceeds to get lost on Letcher Ave. Col. Ron Williams, watching Cadet Pete Gillespie'%. Beef Diesel! -Hey MacNeilly & Richards, Beef has seen you go out to study in BDU's w/ rain jacket. You are one tactical tool -Leeeeeroooooooy. So you say that "there's no need for Beef: well Beef says that "there's no need for an Executive Assistant to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty." Why don't you join A1 in his truck and you both can go out and find a job!!! -Hey Rat Baker-Beef hears that you pointed your M-16 at two pot-smoking civilians during the Ranger FTX. Forget the Army Department- -you should be an ATF agent. -GeneralKnapp"Why was the Confederate Flag in the Mess Hall replaced with a French one? Did you want the Corps to celebrate your true Knappoleon heritage? That's okay, the New Market Cadets would have rather fought under the French colors anyway. "Look away, look away," as you sell out the Confederate history of this school. -Hey Ensign Camp, Beef hears you boned cadets at the Raven and Crown. Aren't you a math teacher? -Captain Ross, Beef has a deal for you. Let the G.C. do their job, and you can concentrate on yours. Coach. -Hey Keliner, Nowlan, "Pretty Boy" Taliaferro and Crew- Beef hears the tanning salon is having a special this week! 'Nuff said!! -By the way, "Be like Holden" Taliaferro, #3 Civies!!!" Nooooo- Way!" - Wills, "Who's your Hokie?" Are " Are "Hua" ckicks the best or what. Motovated. Can she out PT you? -"Scissors" Brashears. 'Nuff sai!! - Florida Boy Rex, Beef didn't forget about you. How can it be too cold to eat?

This page is for humor purposes only. The quotes listed here do not represent the views of those slated, nor tJie editors of the VMI Cadet. This page is for xhe Corps of Cadets.