LA BEL LE, 1-800-341-0783 516-496-2235 Audio Video Lawrence Bay Harbor Mall 345-65 Rockaway Tpk

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LA BEL LE, 1-800-341-0783 516-496-2235 Audio Video Lawrence Bay Harbor Mall 345-65 Rockaway Tpk In New York Carnet. Department Syosset 224 W. Jericho Tpk. BOUT L.I. New York LA BEL LE, _ 1-800-341-0783 516-496-2235 Audio Video Lawrence Bay Harbor Mall 345-65 Rockaway Tpk. 1-800-443-1927 L.I. New York CAMERA & STEREO OF MAINE Call Toll Free anywhere in continental USA & Hawaii. 516-371-1320 Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Send all mail orders to' IN MAINE, these items may also be Prices and products in ettect thru Feb- 50 INIP Drive ruary 25th thru March 26th. Open Mon. - Celtic', shipping & handling charges. Ask about C.O.D. orders. purchased at La Ma're of Maine Money orders accepted. Allow 4 weeks clearance on personal Inwood. New York 11696 155 Main St. Biddeford. ME 04005 Fri. Open Sundays 10-8. Closed Satur- 516-371-2800 day. checks. 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COMVE PV 1330 CALL Pv 1540 419.95 VLP 900 739.65 SYSTEM PACKAGES Pv 1340 339.85 Pv 1442 48e95 VLP 950 929.95 Call for other makes and models 1499.95 RCA 950/CKCO21 PV 1535 369.95 PV 1545 529.95 VLP 970 IN STOCK VR-1805 289.95 O RCA 900/CKCO21 1349.95 PV 1740 Hi-Fi 809.95 VLP 800 VR-2100 389.95 RCA 950(020 AF 145995 549.95 Pv 5850 497.95 vKP 900 669.95 VR-2150 389.95 Panasonic PV -200 RCA 900/020 AF 1299.95 PV 8500 629.95 VKP 950 Hi-Fi 82196 VR-3100 549.95 JVC NRS100/GXN7U 1049.95 ALL -IN -ONE PV 8600 689.95 VLT 600 Hr-Fi 499.95 VR-3200 619.95 PAN PK450/PV5850 819.95 PV 9600 O VIDEO CAMERAS1099.95 CALL VLT 625 Hi-Fi 589.95 VR-4100 819.95 Autolocus Camera PAN 9600A/959 1479.95 PK 959 698.95 VLT 650 Ni-Fr 699.95 PK 980 0 PAN PV8500/PK959 1279.95 889.95 CLC 020 SmaN Wonder 637.95 Includes: Battery charger PK 450 429.95 CLC 025 579.95 battery hand grip. Pit 452 519.95 CKC 021 699.96 EQUALIZER/MIXERS rn Radar Detectors BLANK TAPES POWER AMPS SONY TYPEWRITERS 11911 WHISTLER ADC SMITH -CORONA -100 tin) SPECTRUM TECHNICS SU-V6X ADC SS -412X maxell. 100 Watts per channel 10 Band ECI wiSpectrum XL -II C90 ... 1.79 179 95 11. Computer Drive Class A AMP. 18995 Anallzer XL -II S-90... 2.29 Wh,stier Remote 189.95 $219.95 7-120 4 79 ADC SS -425X 269.95 249.95 Whistler In 119.95 T-12OHGX ... 5.99 BILW WATCHMANS Fox XK 79.95 ADC SS -V111 169.95 T-120 GOLD 7.99 FD -20A 139.45 FD -30A 179.95 ADC SS-117EX 139.95 Technics SU-V4X(65 watts)199.95 FD -20 AEB169.96 FD -40A 179.95 Fox XK Remote 109.95 Technics SU-V7X(100 watts )299.% Smith Corona SE -100 179.95 BEL 834S 18916 Audio Source Eat 269.95 TEAC EOA 10 89.95 TechnicsSU-V10X(120watts)379.95 COLOR TV Smith Corona SE -200 239.95 BEL eel 91.5 Smith Corona SE -300 339.95 TEAC EOA 20 99.95 &TEX< Akai AM -A401 (80 watts) CALL KV-5300429.99 KV 1972 479.95 BEL 860 , 134.95 Aka, AM -A70 (100 watts) CALL Smith Corona SE-200SR 289.95 BEL 637 Technics SH-8044 . 139.95 KV-1365319.95 Kv-1976 50995 179.95 SA- 90 Akai AM -A90 (130 watts) CALL Smith Corona SE-300SR 399.95 Technics SH-8055 . 1 69 KV-1396R 349.95 KV-1996 BEL 720 71.16 229.95 479.95 SAX -90 . 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    Contents AV RECEIVER Safety Information and Introduction ............2 TX-NR616 Table of Contents...........................................6 Connections .................................................12 Turning On & Basic Operations..................20 Instruction Manual Advanced Operations ..................................47 Controlling Other Components...................72 Appendix.......................................................79 Internet Radio Guide Remote Control Codes En Safety Information and Introduction 9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or D. If the apparatus does not operate normally by grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades following the operating instructions. Adjust only WARNING: with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug those controls that are covered by the operating TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide instructions as an improper adjustment of other DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPARATUS TO RAIN OR blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If controls may result in damage and will often MOISTURE. the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult require extensive work by a qualified technician to CAUTION: an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. restore the apparatus to its normal operation, TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT 10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or E. If the apparatus has been dropped or damaged in REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). NO USER-SERVICEABLE pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, any way, and PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED and the point where they exit from the apparatus. F. When the apparatus exhibits a distinct change in SERVICE PERSONNEL. 11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the performance this indicates a need for service.
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