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The BG News September 22, 2006

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 22, 2006" (2006). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7643.

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Tables could T-shirt Guy be turning in Congress shocked at Republicans could popularity potentially lose power to the Democratic By Alaina Buzas party in the House Stay up, Reporter and Senate as a result It's a plain white, one-inch, of this fall's elections three-ring binder, and it's | Pag*3 Paul Phillips' own personal Bible. chow down lor the T-shirt entrepre- neur, this binder tells all. Volleyball It holds the records of past action this sales, current customers, I- shirt designs, and every other weekend BG's late night options detail about his businesses. Women's volleyball Over the past two years, will play in their Phillips. "The T-shirt Guy," a senior at BGSU, has sold over MAC opener against 1,400 T-shirts nationwide. University of Toledo \liliough most ol his shirts | Page 14 are sold throughout Ohio, shirts have literally been sold from coast-to-coast, all the Are you ready nay from New York to Alaska Phillips even has over- for some BG seas customers In England, football ByJanecn Morgan France, and I lolland. Phillipsgothisstart through Falcon football team Reporter a partnership with bis friend to play Kent State at Brian Kbzicki. Kozicki worked home this weekend It's 3 a.m. and even in the midst ol papers, exams, at Vardvark Screen-printing | Pag.14 and projects, students have one thing on their minds at the time and received a —food. Fast food. small discount I he original Quite the contrary to what many people think.. shin sold is the "Beer Pong some last food restaurants slay open longer, even Champ" shin that remains U in this college town, laco Hell. Waffle House, and Phillips'best-seller. ,«»•_! Pita Pit are just a few restaurants that get business "I'm a big fill) of Beet late at night Pong." said Phillips. Tor Now thai Taco Bell is dosed for renovation, such a popular thing, there WJU2J students still have Chipotle to rely on to fix that were no products being sold Mexican crave. for it." Although Phillips had "I don't know what I'll do once Taco Bell closes. I the idea for the shirt. Kbzicki ft do enjoy their late hours, it's Important that I do gel added the year 1985 at the my Mexican fix every once in a while," larrah Garcia, bottom and chose the font Qudoba vs. laco Bell fan said, smiling. "We thought beer pong But Chipotle isn't open late. Shirts Would be a hit. we neii' Chipotle There aren't many options to choose from when surprised we'd never seen one most restaurants dose after dinner. There aren't even before." said ko/icki. hints It's an all-out foil war that many fast food places to choose from. If you're out, we were right." between two local up at •! a.m. and you have lime to kill, Waffle I louse Phillips said that when the restaurants and YOU and Big Boy still guarantees that good food fast. two began making shirts. pick the winner! "Since we are 24 hours, it depends when we have a feedback the) received wasn't always positive, | Page 16 "When we started, plenty ol people said it wouldn't work." Method Man said Phillips, Even Phillips himself didn't predict that and crew hit his shirts would be such a success Howard's It started with an order of Hip-hop big name :i(l shirts, and then another Method Man order for :it) shirts, but shirts formally of the Wu-Tang Clan makes See T-SHIRT | Page 5 their way downtown this Monday night for | Page 16 Mom honored as parent of the year Criminal Justice majors gain How many of BGSU's core values By Kelly Day "Physically I had to lx' there Joann Russo experience through internships can you name? Senior Reporter for my younger daughter," Russo Will be honored as said. "But mentally and emotion By Jos-ph M. Mailowiki BGSU Parent of the "There is so much After applying three years in a ally I had to be there for Tristan Reporter row, junior, Tristan Ula, finally Russo would stay at the hospital o Year at Saturdays internal work... here gets to see her mom honored as with her younger daughter, while football game Patent of the Year at this week's trying to keep her older daughter Criminal Justice majors gain home football game, as part of connected to what was going on. experience through intern- students are able to MARK VIRGIN! Bowling Green State University's lustine Ula. who has complet- didn't provide housing ship at Bowling Green Court Senior. Asian Studies l-amily Weekend. ed her treatments after a year of linancially, it seemed Impos- of Common Pleas that far see and do it all." Ilia considers her mom, joann chemotherapy and B months of sible for her to go. exceeds security detail. Tom Chidester | Court Constable "I'm not a good Russo, to be very deserving of radiation, agrees that her mom But Russo didn't want finances The Criminal lustice example" this honor, deserves this honor. to get in the way of such a great Internship Program, now | Page 4 "Kvery year since I was a fresh- "She has helped me and my sis- opportunity entering its fourth year, calls Students take on special man, I nominated her for it," Ula ter a lot." she said. "My sister with "I knew she would love what for students to spend a semes- projects such as building the said. "She really deserves some college, and when I w-as sick" the internship was ail about." ter at and beyond the court- court's new. highly extensive recognition." Russo was also there for Ula she said. house walls, learning numer- Web site, which includes safe- ■ ■> Ula said her mom has been an when she was accepted to an Russo encouraged her daughter ous aspects of the legal sys- ty issues, contact information, •r incredible support to her and her internship in San Diego, California to apply for grants and scholar- tem. security statistics, and many sister, who was diagnosed with with the U.S. Navy Marine ships to hind her internship Budgeting, scheduling, trial other useful links. TODAY cancer two years ago. Mammal Program. "1 would tell her, At least try it, work, even experiences at "There is so much Internal P.M. Ram Russo and her youngest daugh- The opportunity was a dream you can't just say no right off the the Supreme Court level tire work that goes into what most High: 71. Low: 63 ter were preparing to spend much come true, but the long distance bat," Russo said. all a part of the job. Interns people think of as the court of their time at Cleveland Rainbow and funding made Ula hesitate to Ula took her mom's advice, and work with not only the Court system, here students are hospital, while Ula had to get ready accept the offer right away. soon she received enough money Security Department but also able to see and do it all," said to stan college at BGSU. With Ula being 2(100 miles away to fund her internship, when' she the Juvenile Court, Prosecutors Chief Court Constable Tom Ula's absence was perhaps the from her family, communication got to work with sea lions and dol- Office, Clerk of Courts. County Chidester. TOMORROW most difficult when her sister would be even more difficult, and Commissioners, Probation T-storms underwent major surgery. the internship was unpaid and SeeHOH|PageS Department and many more. SeelNTERNSHIP|Page5 High: 77. Low: 61 k VISIT B6NEWS.COM: NEWS. SPORTS, UPDATES, MULTIMEDIA AND FORUMS FOR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE WWWBGNEWS.COM 2 Friday. September 22.2006 CAMPUS GET A LIFE It's a Nice Day for a Walk CALENDAR Of EVENTS Happy Birthday dear &nw of ffw !«*4* of MH ■ at** htm nwab^Mtdt

TODAY 7 a.m. -11 p.m. Business Administration Texas Holdem Registration By Samantha Johnston* three departments: Business Reporter Union Info Desk Administration, Business Education, and Economics. 12 -1:50 p.m. As with any party, the essen- After decades in Hayes Hall, tials were there: cake, punch, a new business administra- Linguistics Brown Bag lunch. and people. There was a well tion building was dedicated 207 Union decorated room complete to (he college in 1972. with students, faculty and The new building was 8 p.m. plenty of room to mingle. And equipped with depart- although the walls weren't ment offices and a number Once in a Blue Moon stacked full of kegs and red of general-use classrooms. Planetarium-112 Physical plastic cups, the celebration In 1987, a 35,000-square- Sciences Lab still proved to be a hot spot on foot addition was added campus yesterday. to the building. The busi- SATURDAY Bven though many may have ness administration build- ing is now equipped with 7 a.m.-11 p.m. come OUI for the free food and drinks, nearly all were there to JORDAN FIOWER 'MEBGKJWS four high-tech computer Texas Holdem Registration celebrate the 70-year anniver- IN THE BIZ: College ol Business Dean classroom laboratories, case Union Info Desk sary of the College of Business Rodgers talks to senior marketing student study rooms, seminar rooms Administration. Shannon Polack about the best and worst ol and a student study lounge. 9-11 am "We've sen) oul over 2400 the college of business. Video-taping In a commu- e-mails to students," said nications lab encourages College: Who'Me' administrative secretary loan development of student's 2 College Park Simon. The College of Business presentation, team commu- The commemoration Administration at BGSU nication, negotiation and 1015 a.m. -12:50 p.m. proved to be very significant was created when the Ohio sales skills. to the business community Legislature authorized the "You have the chance to Men's Club Hockey vs. Toledo at BGSU, establishment in 1935. Dr. gel a really dynamite educa- Ice Arena Smiling, Professor of Ralph (I. Ilarshnutn was tion," said lloag. "We are Economics lohn lloag said, appointed as the first dean doing what higher educa- 2p.m "Of course it's a big deal. in 1936, followed by the first tion is supposed to do." Cake and cookies. What more faculty members, Professors The Association to Once In A Blue Moon could you want?" Gilbert Cooke and Lewis Advance Collegiate Schools Pbncarium-112 Physical I loag, who has been with Manbart in 1937. of Business recognizes both Sciences Lab the university since 1972, is In the 1950s, the college had the undergraduate and one of the faculty members about 800 students. It was graduate programs in the 6:50-8:50 p.m. that have had the opportu- accredited by the American College of Business. In fact. nity to watch the College of Assembly of Collegiate only 25% of undergradu- Family Weekend Movie: Over the Business progress during the Schools of Business dur- ate business programs in Hedge past 34 veils. ing this decade. In 1966, the the United States hold this Student Union Theater "We aren't very good at college also received official accreditation. approval for the MBA. T think the opportunity is MIKESCHfll 1 r'GNIWS looking backward at what 8 p.m. we've done and where we've The college, which origi- here and that's something RIDING ALONG: Ed Ribeiro. junior, is out on his longboard being pulled by his dog Gaia. been," said lloag. "So I think nally resided in what is that's very wonderful," said Tiempo Libre Ed and his pit bull escort often cruise around campus this way this is a good thing to do." presently Hayes Mall, had lloag. KobackerHall

8 - 9 p.m. All in the Family Bingo POLICE 228 Union The race for office Face the politics BLOTTER WEDNESDAY 8 -10 p.m. By Andrew Welsh "This is a rip-off of By Etan Horowitz "Facebook and MySpace 8:02 a.m. Huggins MCT are where the young folks Pub unplugged: Steven Walker. The Associated Press are banging out," said Black Swamp Pub the public tax dollar University of Central Florida I'lliI Noble, founder of CITATUM) - Ohio's and my opponent freshman Michael KyryHv/s I'oliticsOnline. a South 9:43 a.m. 11 p.m. - 2 a.m candidates for govei "friends" on the social-net- ( arolina-based company that tracks the use of the Delta Sigma Theta Late Night Event nor split in their sec wants to increase working Web page Pacebook know that kyr\liw has a Internet in politics. "And 101 Olscamp ond debate Wednesday on how much to sup- that rip-off." girlfriend, he listens to the any smart politician will be 10:48 a.m. port alternative types of Grateful Dead and Jaj /. and where the young folks are • ■ schooling ovei tradition- his favorite book is "All Quiet hanging out. to talk to them SUNDAY 3:50 p.m. al public schools. Ted'-' on the Western Front" and get them involved. Il 7 a.m. -11 p.m . ■ Republican ken Mow they know something was the same thing 30 years Texas Holdem Registration Blackwell talked about lie spoke about them, say- else about him. He's sup ago at the student center Union Info Desk ing charter schools weren't porting Jim Davis lor Florida and the same thing40 years tin- importance of spend 8:14 p.m. ing education dollars so being held accountable governor in the November ago at the malt shop." the] follow children to the and were making some pri- On Tuesday afternoon. 11 a.m. - noon elections. ■ h2o Church Deeper Service schools they choose. The vate individuals rich. The popular online meet- Florida Republican guber- I Ins is a rip-off of the natorial candidate Charlie Union state should "provide i ing place for college students 9:28 p.m. system that actually would public tax dollar and my recently unveiled a new lea Crist had 54 percent of the provide broader choices opponent wants to increase lure that allows users to list Facebook vote, while his .-.ho was 2 p.m. for parents and Students," that rip-off," Strickland the political candidates they Democratic opponent Davis Ilya Blinov. piano he said. said. support alongside their pet had 46 percent of the vote. 10:48 p.m. The race is among the Blackwell responded peeves, lawirile quotes and A little more than 3,000 Four to ( <"ted Bryan Recital Hall most closely watched In the that, while Ohio's char- goofy or inappropriate pic- Facebook users have listed ■

nation because the winner ier system isn't perfect, tures of themselves and their their preference in the gov- ■ 5-5:50 p.m. will play a key role in trying it provides alternatives friends. Hie site then takes ernor's race. it rived. 11:07 p.m. Gish Film Theater Sunday Matinee to win the stale for his par- particularly to students in users' political preferences, But although campaign ty's presidential candidate struggling urban and rural totals them and displays staffers may be salivating Mac N<- rt \ or ted Series in 2008. Ohio clinched re- districts. them in a poll that shows the over having polling data • Gish Film Theater election for President Hush it tin' abolitionists had support candidates are get- about college-age voters, the i Moor two years ago. said, you know we're not ting among lacebook users. polls do not mean all of these THURSDAY 7:50 p.m. Democrat Ted Strickland going to take anybody off The new feature is the people will be voting Nov. 7. 12:15 a.m. e been Once In A Blue Moon says Ohio is not even meet- ol the plantation until we latest sign that everyone In fact, some of the users ing its obligations to tradi- can take everybody off the — from corporations to who say they support a ■ Planetarium-112 Physical tional public schools yet. plantation, how silly would universities to political can- Florida candidate do not ■ Sciences Lab r "Ohio has not done that have been?" he said. didates — is tapping into even live in the state. And out of md slapped by well for children, has not "I'll tell you right now, I'm social-networking sites such there is nothing to slop a the owner The provided them with the advancing a system that as Facebook and MySpace. die-hard liberal from say- ihly intoxicated. MONDAY type of school funding will offer a way out." And though it might not be ing he supports Katherine the city 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. that they deserve and our Strickland said popular enough yet to have Harris, the GOP candidate prosecutor. Constitution demands," Blackwell's plan to put 65 a major impact on this elec- for U.S. Senate, just because Catholic Newman Club 2:01 a.m. he said. percent of state dollars tion, one expert predicts it he thinks it will make his "ported her ID and a St, Thomas More Church Strickland strongly criti- to classroom instruction could become a crucial tool friends laugh. pact o' i i cized charter schools, would eliminate school in future campaigns. "If I was a campaign, 1 ill Mam

thumping his podium as muses, .iiul more. In some stales, political would want to know who ■ candidates have had young those 3,000 people are and 2:09 a.m. staffers create profiles for the how I can communicate 'volving three candidates on Facebook to with them," Noble said. people reported on East Court drum up support. "The poll is just bragging."

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ramily weekend

Bowling Green State University September 22-24, 2006

Be a part of the BGSU experience-Falcon family style! Bowling Green State University invites students Falcon Football vs. Family Movie, Click Kent State University 9:30 p.m. and their families to make memories for a lifetime 1 p.m. 206 Bowen-Thompson during this traditional fall weekend celebration. Doyt Perry Stadium Student Union Theater Watch the mighty Falcons take on Sponsored by University Activities Concerts, theatre, football, art exhibits, movies the Flashes of Kent State University! Organization (UAO) and great times are waiting for your family at Tickets can be purchased online at Falcon Family Weekend BiG Falcon Family Weekend 2006. bgu-tickets.html or by calling 1-877- Show: Greg Proops & Chip Eston BGSU TICKET. With a valid student ID, 9 p.m. BGSU students can attend free and sit Lenhart Grand Ballroom, We look forward to seeing you! in general admission. General Bowen-Thompson Student Union admission tickets will allow parents Enioy the talent of natir and family members to sit with their renowned comics Chip Eston and Greg FRIDAY Breakfast of Champions students. Single game tickets are Proops, two fabulous talents from the 9-11:30 a.m. $20 for a chairback seat and $16 for hit ABC comedy "Whose Line Is It Lenhart Grand Ballroom a reserved seat. Anyway!" Have a laugh during your Bowen-Thompson visit to BGSU1 Tickets are $10; order SEPT 22 Student Union Falcon Family online at, or The Breakfast of Champions Donor Reception purchase on campus starting BGSU Women's Soccer vs. recognizes students of color who 5:30-7 p.m. Sept 13,2006. Northern Illinois University have achieved academic excellence 308 Bowen-Thompson 4 p.m. Student Union of at least a 3 0 GPA the previous SUNDAY Cochrane Field A special toast to the BGSU Family semester. Qualifying students are Campaign donors with hors d'oeuvres Family Movie invited along with family or guests. and a special presentation. Donors Over the Hedge For more information please will receive an invitation by mail. SEPT £.1 6:30 p.m. contact the Center for Multicultural For more information contact the 206 Bowen-Thompson and Academic Initiatives, Office of Campus Involvement at Family Weekend Brunch Student Union Theater 419-372-2642. 419-372-2343. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Sponsored by the Bowen-Thompson Lenhart Grand Ballroom, Student Union Bowling Green Historic Falcon Family Weekend 202 Bowen-Thompson Climbing Adventure Student Union Downtown Tours Enjoy an amazing buffet-style meal BGSU Women's Volleyball vs. 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. 6-8 p.m. Climbing Wall with your family and meet Freddie and University of Toledo Learn the history and architecture Frieda, the most famous falcons in 7 p.m. prominent in the downtown Student Recreation Center All BGSU students and family Bowling Green Paid reservation must Anderson Arena community. Restaurants and shops be made in advance. Cost: $5 Adults, $3, 18 and under are just two blocks from campus members are invited to try the Climbing Wall for FREE. Qualified Cost: $12.95 adults and students, Meet at the Information Center on $6 50 for youth (12 and younger) Family Fun Night the first floor of the Bowen-Thompson staff will be on hand to help. Family members under 18 must be 7-9:30 p.m. Student Union, 10 minutes before the accompanied by a parent or guardian Farewell Luncheon 202B Bowen Thompson Student scheduled departure. RSVP to attend m order to participate. For more 11 a.m-2 p.m. Union, Lenhart Grand Ballroom by calling: 419-354-4332. information, contact the BGSU 201 Bowen-Thompson Sponsored by the Black Outdoor Program at 419-372-2146. Student Union Student Union World Student Association Sponsored by the Black Student Union International Fair Karaoke in the Nest Family Movie, Over the Hedge 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 6:30 p.m. BGSU Men's Soccer vs. 8-11 p.m. Bowen-Thompson 206 Bowen-Thompson Falcon's Nest University of Evansville Student Union Student Union Theater Bowen-Thompson 11 a.m. Travel the bazaar of booths displaying Sponsored by the Bowen-Thompson Student Union Cochrane Field clothing and cultural artifacts from Student Union Dazzle your family with your many countries. Enjoy ethnic foods fabulous singing ability or just have a and entertainment presented by the BGSU Women's Soccer vs. good laugh while taking part in World Student Association and other BGSU Festival Series Western Michigan University karaoke in the Falcon's Nest campus multicultural organizations. Presents: Tiempo Libre 2 p.m. 8 p.m. Cochrane Field Family Movie, Click Honors Program Open House Kobacker Hall Moore Musical Arts Center 9:30 p.m. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. A full schedule of events is The LOFT (located in the Honors Comprised of some of the most available online at: 206 Bowen-Thompson sought-after musicians in Miami and Student Union Theater Learning Community within the Harshman Quadrangle) considered one of the hottest young Sponsored by University Activities Latin bands today, Tiempo Libre (Free getinvolved/pagel 3045.html Honors students and their families Organization (UAO) Time) has become known for its are invited to visit the Honors For more information contact Learning Community. Hors d'oeuvres high-voltage Latin jazz and seduc- tive hard-driving rhythms. The music the Office of Campus Involvement, will be served. Group football ticket will have you dancing in the aisles! 419-372-2343. sales also available. For more Special discount tickets available for information, contact the University Honors Program at [email protected]. BGSU students with valid student ID. Regular ticket prices are $18, $25 and SATURDAY $30 For ticket information contact the Family Weekend Moore Musical Arts Center Box Office Welcome Tent at (419) 372-8171 or (800) 589-2224. 11:30 a.m.-l p.m. SEPT 23 Meijer Tailgate Park Family Weekend Bingo: Doyt Perry Stadium I Enjoy a genuine tailgate party with All in the Family! Office of Family Weekend burgers and hot dogs Advanced 8-9 p.m. Multipurpose Room registration of $7 per person required. Information Center To register, please enclose attached 228 Bowen-Thompson Ca 9 a.m.-1 p.m. reservation form with payment. No Student Union Fun and plenty of great prizes are on Information Desk tickets are mailed for this event; involve ment Bowen-Thompson reservations will be held at the door. hand for this bingo extravaganza. Stay the whole time or stop in for a Division of Student Affairs Student Union Limited space so sign up early! few quick games Sponsored by the Bowling Green State University Family-weekend guests are invited Bowen-Thompson Student Union. to stop by for schedule updates BGSU Women's Volleyball vs. 401 Bowen-Thompson Student Union Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0143 on programs and events. Pick up Ball State University Pub Unplugged coupons from the University 4 p.m. Bookstore and City of Bowling 8-10 p.m. Anderson Arena Black Swamp Pub Green vendors. Cost: $5 Adults, $3, 18 and under Relax and unwind in the Black Swamp Pub while listening to great live music. BGSU

BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY 2 Friday. Seplwnbef 22.2O06 CAMPUS WWWBGNEWS.COM GET A LIFE Its a Nice Day for a Walk CALENDAR OF EVENTS Happy Birthday dear *m*nfa

TODAY 7 a.m. -11 p.m. Business Administration Texas Holdem Registralion By Samantha Johnston* three departments: Business Union Info Desk Reporter Administration, Business Education, and Economics. 12-1:50 p.m. As with any party, the essen- After decades in Hayes Hall, tials were there: cake, punch, a new business administra- Linguistics Btown Bag lunch. and people. There was a well tion building was dedicated 207 Union decorated room complete to the college in 1972. with students, faculty and The new building was 8 p.m. plenty of room to mingle. And equipped with depart- although the walls weren't ment offices and a number Once in a Blue Moon stacked full of kegs and red of general-use classrooms. Planetarium-112 Physical plastic cups, the celebration In 1987, a 35,000-square- Sciences Lab still proved to be a hot spot on foot addition was added campus yesterday. to the building. The busi- SATURDAY Even though many mayhave ness administration build- ing is now equipped with 7 a.m. -11 p.m. come out for the free food and drinks, nearly all were there to JOBDAHFLOWIR I lH(BCiN(!V$ four high-tech computer Texas Holdem Registration celebrate the 70-year anniver- IN THE BIZ: College ol Business Dean classroom laboratories, case Union Info Desk sary of the College of Business Rodgers talks to senior marketing student study rooms, seminar rooms Administration. Shannon Polack about the best and worst of and a student study lounge. 9 -11 a.m. "We've sent out over 2400 the college ol business. Video-taping in a commu- e-mails to students," said nications lab encourages College: Who? Me? administrative secretary Joan development of student's 2 College Park Simon. The College of Business presentation, team commu- The commemoration Administration at BGSl) nication, negotiation and 10:15 a.m. -12:50 p.m. proved to be very significant was created when the Ohio sales skills. to the business community Legislature authorized the "You have the chance to Men's Club Hoctey « Toledo at BC.SU. establishment in 1935. Dr. get a really dynamite educa- Ice Ann* Smiling, Professor of Ralph G. Harshman was tion," said lloag, "We are Economics lohn lloag said, appointed as the first dean doing what higher educa- 2 p.m "Of course it's a big deal. in 1936, followed by the first tion is supposed to do." Cake and cookies. What more faculty members, Professors The Association to Once In A Blue Moon could you want?" Gilbert Cooke and Lewis Advance Collegiate Schools Plarwarium 112 Physical lloag, who has been with Manhart in 1937. of Business recognizes both Sciences Lab the university since 1972, is In the 1950s, the college had the undergraduate and one of the faculty members about 800 students. It was graduate programs in the 6:50 - 8:50 p.m. that have had the opportu- accredited by the American College of Business. In fact, nity to watch the College of Assembly of Collegiate only 25% of undergradu- Family Weekend Movie: Over the Business progress during the Schools of Business dur- ate business programs in Hedge past 34 years. ing this decade. In 1966, the the United States hold this Student Union Theater "We aren't very good at college also received official accreditation. looking backward at what approval for the MBA. "I think the opportunity is MIKESCHCU : 8 p.m. we've done and where we've The college, which origi- here and that's something RIDING ALONG: Ed Rioeiro. junior, is out on his longboard being puled by his dog Gaia. been," said lloag. "So I think nally resided in what is that's very wonderful," said Tiempo Libre Ed and his pit bull escort often cruise around campus this way. this is a good thing to do." presently Hayes Hall, had lloag. KobackerHaH

8 - 9 pm All in the Family Bingo POLICE 228 Union The race for office Face the politics BLOTTER WEDNESDAY By Etan Horowitz By Andrew Welsh "Eacebook and MySpace 8:02 a.m. 8 -10 p.m. Huqgins "This is a rip-off of MCT are where the young folks Belligerent customer reported Pub unplugged: Steven Walker The Associated Press are hanging out," said ■ Black Swamp Pub the public tax dollar University of Central Elorida Phil Noble, founder of • CLEVELAND — Ohio's and my opponent freshman Michael Kyryliw's I'nliticsOnline, a South 9:43 a.m. 11 pm. - 2 a.m candidates for gover- "friends'' on the social-net- Carolina-based company Multiple vehicles reporter I nor split in their sec- working Web page Eacebook that tracks the use of the ed mirrors on North Delta Sigma Theta Late Night Event wants to increase ond debate Wednesday know that Kyryliw has a Internet in politics. "And I 101 Olscamp 10:41a.m. on how much to sup- girlfriend, he listens to the any smart politician will be that rip-off." Trap re : -ood- port alternative types of Grateful Dead and Jay-Z, and where the young folks are chuck on Parkwood i schooling over tradition- his En orite book is "All Quiet hanging out, to talk to them SUNDAY 3:50 pm al public schools. Ted Strickland] Democrat on the Western Front." and get them involved. It 7 a.m. -11 p.m Mac Nc" ;-orted Republican Ken Now they know something was the same thing 30 years Texas Holdem Registration I mes- Blackwell talked about he spoke about them, say- else about him. He's sup- ago at the student center Union Info Desk sages on Facebook the importance of spend- ing charter schools weren't porting |im Davis for Elorida and the same thing 40 years 1:14 p.m. ing education dollars so being held accountable governor in the November ago at the malt shop." BB gun found during fire drill 11 a.m. - noon they follow children to the and were making some pri- elections. On Tuesday afternoon, rounds at Offenhauer East. Hall h2o Church Deeper Service schools they choose. The vate individuals rich. The popular online meet- Florida Republican guber- ■ irmdle rules violation. state should "provide a "This is a rip-off of the ing place for college students natorial candidate Charlie Union 9:28 p.m. system that actually would public tax dollar and my recently unveiled a new fea- Crist had 54 percent of the Three juveniles reported to be provide broader choices opponent wants to increase ture that allows users to list Facebook vote, while his i i nlo who was 2 p.m. for parents and students," that rip-off," Strickland the political candidates they Democratic opponent Davis home alone. said. Ilya Blinov. piano. he said. support alongside their pet had 46 percent of the vote. 10:48 p.m. The race is among the Blackwell responded peeves, favorite quotes and A little more than 3,000 Bryan Recital Hall Four to five males reported most closely watched in the that, while Ohio's char- goofy or inappropriate pic- Facebook users have listed smoking marijuana on Cast nation because the winner ter system isn't perfect, tures of themselves and their their preference in the gov- Frazee Avenue. They were not 5-5:50 p.m. will play a key role in trying it provides alternatives friends. The site then takes ernor's race. located when officers arrived. Gish Film Theater Sunday Matinee to win the state for his par- particularly to students in users' political preferences, But although campaign 11:07 p.m. ty's presidential candidate struggling urban and rural totals them and displays staffers may be salivating Mac North resident reported Series in 2008. Ohio clinched re- districts. them in a poll that shows the over having polling data ■.moke corning from electrical Gish Film Theater election for President Bush "If the abolitionists had support candidates are get- about college-age voters, the econd floor. two years ago. said, you know we're not ting among Eacebook users. polls do not mean all of these THURSDAY 750 p.m. Democrat Ted Strickland going to take anybody off The new feature is the people will be voting Nov. 7. 12:15 a.m. Person reported to have been Once In A Blue Moon says Ohio is not even meet- of the plantation until we latest sign that everyone In fact, some of the users ing its obligations to tradi- can take everybody off the — from corporations to who say they support a assaulted by the owner of a Planetarium-112 Physical North Mam Street restaurant. tional public schools yet. plantation, how silly would universities to political can- Florida candidate do not Sciences Lab He said he was thrown out of "Ohio has not done that have been?" he said. didates — is tapping into even live in the state. And the restaurant and slapped by well for children, has not "I'll tell you right now, I'm social-networking sites such there is nothing to stop a the owner. The owner stated provided them with the advancing a system that as Facebook and MySpace. die-hard liberal from say- the male was highly intoxicated. MONDAY type of school funding will offer a way out." And though it might not be ing he supports (Catherine Both were referred to the city 8:00- 9:00 pm. that they deserve and our Strickland said popular enough yet to have Harris, the GOP candidate prosecutor. Constitution demands," Blackwell's plan to put 65 Catholic Newman Club a major impact on this elec- for U.S. Senate, just because 2:01 a.m. he said. percent of slate dollars tion, one expert predicts it he thinks it will make his St. Thomas More Church Female reported her ID and a Strickland strongly criti- to classroom instruction could become a crucial tool friends laugh. pack of cigarettes were stolen cized charter schools, would eliminate school in future campaigns. "If I was a campaign, I while she was at a North Main thumping his podium as nurses, and more. In some states, political would want to know who Street bar. candidates have had young those 3,000 people arc and 2:09 a.m. staffers create profiles for the how I can communicate Verbal dispute involving three candidates on Facebook to with them," Noble said. people reported on East Court LMA&/es drum up support. "The poll is just bragging." Street. LAU A/ Z> GO M. A r_ FREE T-SHIRTS All Tires Sale Priced! 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Be a part of the BGSU experience-Falcon family style! Bowling Green State University invites students Falcon Football vs. Family Movie, Click Kent State University 9:30 p.m. and their families to make memories for a lifetime 1 p.m. 206 Bowen-Thompson during this traditional fall weekend celebration. Doyt Perry Stadium Student Union Theater Watch the mighty Falcons take on Sponsored by University Activities Concerts, theatre, football, art exhibits, movies the Flashes of Kent State University! Organization (UAO) and great times are waiting for your family at Tickets can be purchased online at Falcon Family Weekend BiG Falcon Family Weekend 2006. bgu-tickets.html or by calling 1-877- Show: Greg Proops & Chip Eston BGSU TICKET. With a valid student ID, 9 p.m. We look forward to seeing you! BGSU students can attend free and sit Lenhart Grand Ballroom, in general admission. General Bowen-Thompson Student Union admission tickets will allow parents En|oy the talent of nationally and family members to sit with their renowned comics Chip Eston and Greg FRIDAY Breakfast of Champions students. Single game tickets are Proops, two fabulous talents from the 9-11:30 a.m. $20 for a chairback seat and $16 for hit ABC comedy "Whose Line Is It Lenhart Grand Ballroom a reserved seat. Anyway!" Have a laugh during your Bowen-Thompson visit to BGSU! Tickets are $10; order SEPT 22 Student Union Falcon Family online at www, or The Breakfast of Champions Donor Reception purchase on campus starting BGSU Women's Soccer vs. recognizes students of color who 5:30-7 p.m. Sept. 13,2006. Northern Illinois University have achieved academic excellence 308 Bowen-Thompson 4 p.m. of at least a 3.0 GPA the previous Student Union SUNDAY Cochrane Field A special toast to the BGSU Family semester. Qualifying students are Campaign donors with hors d'oeuvres Family Movie invited along with family or guests. and a special presentation. Donors Over the Hedge For more information please will receive an invitation by mail. SEPT 24 6:30 p.m. contact the Center for Multicultural For more information contact the 206 Bowen-Thompson and Academic Initiatives, Office of Campus Involvement at Family Weekend Brunch Student Union Theater 419-372-2642. 419-372-2343. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Sponsored by the Bowen-Thompson Lenhart Grand Ballroom, Student Union Bowling Green Historic Falcon Family Weekend 202 Bowen-Thompson Climbing Adventure Student Union Downtown Tours Enjoy an amazing buffet-style meal BGSU Women's Volleyball vs. 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. 6-8 p.m. Climbing Wall with your family and meet Freddie and University of Toledo Learn the history and architecture Student Recreation Center Frieda, the most famous falcons m 7 p.m. prominent in the downtown Bowling Green. Paid reservation must Anderson Arena All BGSU students and family community. Restaurants and shops be made in advance. Cost: $5 Adults, $3, 18 and under are just two blocks from campus. members are invited to try the Climbing Wall for FREE. Qualified Cost: $12 95 adults and students, Meet at the Information Center on $6.50 for youth (12 and younger) Family Fun Night the first floor of the Bowen-Thompson staff will be on hand to help. Family members under 18 must be 7-9:30 p.m. Student Union, 10 minutes before the accompanied by a parent or guardian Farewell Luncheon 202B Bowen-Thompson Student scheduled departure. RSVP to attend 11 a.m-2 p.m. Union, Lenhart Grand Ballroom by calling: 419-354-4332. in order to participate. For more information, contact the BGSU 201 Bowen-Thompson Sponsored by the Black Outdoor Program at 419-372-2146. Student Union Student Union World Student Association Sponsored by the Black Student Union International Fair Karaoke in the Nest Family Movie, Over the Hedge 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 6:30 p.m. BGSU Men's Soccer vs. 8-11 p.m. Bowen-Thompson 206 Bowen-Thompson Falcon's Nest University of Evansville Student Union Student Union Theater Bowen-Thompson 11 a.m. Travel the bazaar of booths displaying Sponsored by the Bowen-Thompson Student Union Cochrane Field clothing and cultural artifacts from Student Union Dazzle your family with your many countries. Enjoy ethnic foods fabulous singing ability or just have a and entertainment presented by the BGSU Women's Soccer vs. good laugh while taking part in World Student Association and other BGSU Festival Series Western Michigan University karaoke in the Falcon's Nest. campus multicultural organizations. Presents: Tiempo Libre 2 p.m. 8 p.m. Cochrane Field Family Movie, Click Honors Program Open House Kobacker Hall Moore Musical Arts Center 9:30 p.m. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. A full schedule of events is Comprised of some of the most The LOFT (located in the Honors available online at: 206 Bowen-Thompson sought-after musicians in Miami and Learning Community within the Student Union Theater considered one of the hottest young Sponsored by University Activities Harshman Quadrangle) getinvolved/page 13045.html Honors students and their families Latin bands today, Tiempo Libre (Free Organization (UAO) Time) has become known for its are invited to visit the Honors For more information contact Learning Community. Hors d'oeuvres high-voltage Latin jazz and seduc- tive hard-driving rhythms. The music the Office of Campus Involvement, will be served. Group football ticket 3fl will have you dancing in the aisles! 419-372-2343. sales also available. For more information, contact the University Special discount tickets available for BGSU students with valid student ID. Honors Program at [email protected]. Regular ticket prices are $18, $?5 and SATURDAY $30. For ticket information contact the Family Weekend Moore Musical Arts Center Box Office Welcome Tent at (419) 372-8171 or (800) 589-2224. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. SEPT 23 Meijer Tailgate Park Family Weekend Bingo: Doyt Perry Stadium I Enjoy a genuine tailgate party with All in the Family! Office of 8-9 p.m. Family Weekend burgers and hot dogs. Advanced registration of $7 per person required. Multipurpose Room Information Center 228 Bowen-Thompson Ca HE To register, please enclose attached 51 9 a.m.-1 p.m. reservation form with payment. No Student Union Fun and plenty of great prizes are on Information Desk tickets are mailed for this event; Involve ment Bowen-Thompson hand for this bingo extravaganza. reservations will be held at the door. Division of Student Affairs Student Union Limited space so sign up early! Stay the whole time or stop in for a few quick games. Sponsored by the Bowling Green State Universily Family-weekend guests are invited Bowen-Thompson Student Union. to stop by for schedule updates BGSU Women's Volleyball vs. 401 Bowen-Thompson Student Union Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0143 on programs and events Pick up Ball State University Pub Unplugged coupons from the University 4 p.m. Bookstore and City of Bowling 8-10 p.m. Anderson Arena Black Swamp Pub Green vendors. Cost: $5 Adults, $3, 18 and under Relax and unwind in the Black Swamp 9 Pub while listening to great live music. BGSU

BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY "He's built like a linebacker." - Dr. David Kalla. on delivering 14-pound 13- ounce newborn Stephon Hendrix Louis-Jean in Connecticut, from OPINION Friday. September 22.2006 4

PEOPLE ON THE STREET How many of BGSU's Core Values can you name?

"I can't name any" H W "Respect for others " "Honesty and "Respect, coopera- VISIT US AT BGNEWS.COM respect.' tion, spiritual growth, ^ creative imagings. Have your own take on pride in a good job. today's People On The Street? Or a suggestion for a DERRA JACKSON. CHASATIAILEM. ROBYN FERGUSON. AMBER TWEE DIE. question? Give us your feed- Freshman. Journalism Sophomore, Journalism Freshman. Political Science Freshman. back at , Telecommunications

'Core Values' present themselves in everyday life ■Bvsrw/ttfs Thursday, especially respect for was being heard a lew moments By keeping his voice down, one another and intellectual later near the union. Thirty-four the students did not feel the and spiritual growth. With the year old Zachary (Coates was need to yell back and Uiey w.iiiHtki liuniK on campus in spreading his word of "truth." entered an almost easy-going the morning and ZacharyCoates Again, students gathered, they conversation with (ciates. there definitely was a chance for started getting vertxtlly involved It was a clash of ideas, view- spiritual growth here on campus. with and eventually got face to points that brought either new The Wamecki family was trying bee with him. tilings to light with students, The Core Values of the univer- to press their beliefs of spirituality While it was my l>elief that this or made them more steely and sity. Most of us have heard of niitcK ither |xi >pk\ mid Coates would result in a physical attack, resilient about their beliefs. them, some cil us can list them sharing his beliefs on theology the Students engaged in a verbal In the end, many students did nil, but we should all live by and the Bible discussion, showing their dedica- talk with (bates, and as quoted them, Respect for one another, H it it was and always has tion to the university's core value in the Friday's edition of the BG cooperation, intellectual and been the choice of the stu- of respect for one another. News, "Eventually, both sides spiritual growth,creative dent to ,icc ept HI reject tin- Witn the situation not escalat- began to came to terms and even imaginings, and pride in a job beliefs of others. ing into a yelling between die started discussing theology." well done. The students that were Wameckis and the students here, [heCore Values should be I low many of you tan hon- Involved In the discussion were many students were given a dif- something more than fine estly say that you do your Ix-st also showing the number one ferent look into the beliefs of the guidelines the university wants to live out the Core Values of the Core Value of the university, family, and those of the other us to live our lives by. they University everyday, let alone respect ten one another students here on campus. lake should lie visible in everything when MINI bettefsand spirituality Without the leaped that was Martin is quoted as saying "They that we do As a wise man once are challenged? shown to the Wamecki family, are not getting the word out by told me, "People may doubt In my UMVIOO class we dis- tMs could have been another yelling." And I could not agree what you say. but they will cuss the Core \bhies thoroughly, yelling match between two with him more. always believe what you do." and the events ol last Thursday opposing viewpoints. But the If Coates liad started the eame up in discussion. family left around 1:00 and encounter in a yelling manor, then [he I ore Values of the uni- moved on to another campus, it could have CM alated into a loud, Sendccmrrms toAntpwHentvriat versity were greatly reflected last Hut there was a new voice that and possibly violent encounter. hmwnrdjgsuedu

-Iff** Gay marriage debate fails to consider transsexuals TO Wit ** ,*"■ While I applaud our univcr- marry, because people ha\ e straight relationships? TV Ohf, l^."* sitrys efforts to Include a gen- already decided that marriage Those amazing gay relation- der neutral bathroom in every does not include these "freaks." ships, which survive the test of building on campus, not only It is individual people with time in a hostile and discrimina- W MATT CLARK because of LGBT rights but varying views who define mar- tory U.S., are the perfect places ^KVOPINIOM foi the straight communit) as riage, Despite this fact, the defi- to raise adopted children In my MArTMAUK v..'::-;. well (GNBs are both more effi- nition of marriage was placed i ipinion. They tire bonds that in cient and more private), many into Ule law books with the many cases are stronger tiian a Some men have vaginas and bathrooms on campus that I lefense of Marriage Acts, effec- straight relationship ever will be. some women have penises. In could lie easily converted have tively telling me what to tiiink lust look at die circumstances worst moments in American fact, there are between3,000 remained unchanged. about this important social and under which they exist! history valiantly. After 9/11, his and (iOO.tlOO such people living I he most obvious examples cultural tradition. In a way, this discrimination is Playing the approval rating was higher than In the United States, including are the bathrooms on the Bret I define marriage as two peo- good, liccausc it reminds people any president ever. some right herein BG. floor of Mad )onald Mall dial ple loving each other for die rest around the world about what devil's advocate Three, No Child Left Behind. These people are known as people line up to use everyday of their lives and |x>ssibly raising real love is like: Undying even Signed in Ianuary2002, Bush transsexuals. It is possible to Those people wouldn't need a child. Not a man and a woman in the face of millions of people STAFF EDITORIAL I COLORADO STATE U called it "the cornerstone of talk to.i transsexual male all to wait in line if the bathrooms that have sex to create a child. who claim your love is a myth, (his) administration," The act is day, but never, ever realize that were gender neutral, because There are plenty of "natural" I .nil glad I could intinriuce We admit it. Recently we have the largest of its kind since 1965. this male you are talking to has boUi bathrooms could be used marriages that don't involve any these two groups, Uiose who been more than a little rough on Under NCLB, schools have a vagina and a birth certificate li\ either sex. sex of any kind. discriminate and the people Uiey President Bush. been making sure all students thai says female. A policy I will not applaud the What about women or men discriminate against. At least now So, in the interest of healthy achieve academic proficiency, People who uphold the ideol- University lor is tailing to offer who are married and have repro- we all know one of Uie many debate, the Collegian has decid- parents and children have more ogy that transsexuals cannot love the ptirtners of IXiRT faculty and ductive problems? Should we groups of people who have had ed to act as the devil's advocate. freedom as to which school are wrong and —in my opinion staff die rightful benefits diey not let them get married because their love lives ripped from tiiem I lere are the top 3 good they attend, there have been — sexist. They are alienating deserve and that tire offered by God made them a miracle like by a SOdety that wishes to con- moves that Bush has made in advanced education programs these "aliens' Mom the rest ol every other state university in the rest of us? trol the many with the ideologies the past five years, eight months put in place and there is more society. It is not much different Ohio and 7,000 other employers In fan, the ideology held by ol the few. and one day. freedom on how schools use than the way African Americans across the country. those who discriminate against Next time you decide to make One, Saddam Hussein is on governmental funding. were treated for years in the No, we arc confident in becom- transsexuals claims Uiat Uiey are assumptions about biology, you trial for his crimes. Bush has not been the most Soudi after die Civil War, other ing a "premier learning institu- not miracles, that their love is not had better check the shorts of Whether or not the successful president in the than the fact that there are prob- tion" without the help of die more .m extraordinary miracle. Uie person sitting next to you. war seems justified to all history of the United States ably far fewer transsexuals to than 10 prospectivefaculty/staff I ask all those reading this But, of course, you can't do that, Americans, the fact remains but he hasn't necessarily been discriminate we alienate from here every single column today: is a more "femi- which is why you shouldn't make that Hussein killed hundreds of the worst either. Which bathroom should a year because of this policy. nine' man or a more "mascu- assumptions, even if it is an thousands of people. He has been around for a transsexual use? Should there Of course, these transsexual line" woman not an extraordi- assumption diat has been held Weapons of mass destruction bumpy patch in our history but be "transsexual" bathrooms people are not only discrimi- nary miracle? by people ignorant to biological or not, the man should be pun- he hasn't necessarily been the (discriminatory) or should the nated against when they go to And, all jokes aside, if Uiey find diversity for thousands of years. ished for his crimes. cause of the turbulence. bathrooms lie "gender neutral," the bathroom, when they try to love in this world of discrimina- Two, Bush rallied the nation All in all, no one knows how available for the use of everyone get a job or when they are, quite tion is Uiat not more of a miracle after9/M. Sure, Giuliani history will view his presidency. who is straight or lesbian, gay, bi- simply, walking down llie street. than the circumstances sur- Seodamrnc s>M*r CW ar deserves much of the credit, But one thing is certain: At sexual or transgender (UiBT)? Thev are also told Uiey can not rounding the fonnation of most mriiifes&jsufti but Bush handled one of the least he's not )ohn Kerry. Labeling terrorists should be left to government, not colleges

ROBERT AOUAO GUEST conflict, anyone who disagrees have to be kidding me. a Palestinian Islamic state. Still terrorist attack. Shell oil did not BGSU departments to protest die with their "jihad" against Israel is These organizations promote consider groups like I lamas Uie set out to Nigeria with 56 million Ohio MDA law because I believe a terrorist as well. violence and destruction as if least bit "charitable" when they gallons of oil to intentionally Uie Department of Homeland Terrorism proves relative Jason Sure, the majority of people they were parts of their organi- expose their own people to such spill it onto the farmland of the Security has more resources lamb? Of course it does. Relative aligned with terrorist organiza- zational charters, oh wait, Uiey violence? If Uiey cared for their Ogonis. It was a very unfortu- available to identify terrorist to Hamas, the Islamic Resistance tions like I lamas and I lezbollah arc. The Hezbollah manifesto people at all. Uiey would focus nate incident indeed, but defi- organizations than an Ethnic Movement known for its suicide enjoy the number of social ser- has three goals: the eradica- less on schools and social secu- nitely not a terrorist attack Studies professor. This law is a bombings on innocent civil- vices provided to them, but does tion of Western imperialism in rity and put more effort into the Furthermore, how do we way to ensure public employees ians, anyone who does not want that not make them terrorist 1-ebanon. die transformation of peace process. expect Shell Oil to get into are not contributing to terrorist Israel "wiped off the map is a organizations? Lebanon into an Islamic state, As for Shell Oil. who you areas such as these for clean- organizations, and should be terrorist. Relative to I lezbollah, Suddenly we ignore Uie mass and the complete destruction suggested should be included up when the volatile Nigerian embraced by a post-9/11 nation the southern Lebanese militia unprovoked rocket attacks, sui- of the state of Israel. Similarly, in a list of terrorist organiza- military government and the looking to protect its people and Uiat endangered its own civilians cide bombings and violent rheto- the I lamas charter calls for Uie tions with extremist groups like protesting Ogoni people are allies. Any protest of this law is by firing Katyusha rockets from ric because these organizations complete destruction of the State Hamas, I have trouble equating at each other's throats? a step in the wrong direction for civilian areas in the recent Israeli provide a social security net? You of Israel and its replacement with an unfortunate oil spill with a It would be a mistake for our national security.

LAREN WEBER. EXECUTIVE EDITOR ANDREA SLIVKA, MANAGING EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy THE BG NEWS CANDICE JONES, CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are POLICIES: Letters to the Editor E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an LISA HALVERSTADT, CITY NEWS EDITOR to be fewer than 300 words. These and Guest Columns are printed attachment to tn*n«ws@bgn«ws. HOLLY ABRAMS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ALISON KEMP, FEATURES EDITOR are usually in response to a current as space on the Opinion Page com with the subject line marked DAVE HERRERA, IN FOCUS EDITOR issue on the University's campus or permits Additional Letters to the "Letter to the Editor" or "Guest the Bowling Green area Editor or Guest Columns may be Column." Only e-mailed letters 210 West Hall AMANDA HOOVER. OPINION EDITOR published online. Name, year and and columns will be considered for Bowling Green State University RYAN AUTULLO, COPY CHIEF GUEST COLUMNS are longer phone number should be included printing All letters are subject to Bowling Green. Ohio 434031 Phone: (419) 372-6966 JOHN TURNER, SPORTS EDITOR pieces between 400 and 500 words lor verification purposes Personal review for length and clarity before These are usually also in response attacks, unverified information or pnnting. E-mail: [email protected] CHELCI HOWARD. PULSE EDITOR to a current issue on the University's anonymous submissions will not be BRANDON HEISS. PHOTO EDITOR Web site: campus or the Bowling Green area. printed. RACHEL GREENFIELD. DESIGN EDITOR The maximum number of submis- Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606 Opinion columns do not necessarily BRANDON NOBLE. ONLINE EDITOR sions lor columns is two per month. reflect the view of The BG News WWWBGNEWSCOM F'iday. Sep»ft*« 22.2006 5

design another shin. I'll always Despite the lac I dial Phillips T-SHIRT be there to do il loi him," said seems local, sleep, and breathe MOM From Pane 1 Kozicki. I shins, enlicprcncuiship is From Page 1 Phillips usually thinks ol the only his minor; philosophv is were selling so fast Phillips idea beliiiiil a shirt bv himself Phillips' declared major. phins to gain experience in the began ordering hundreds. and (hen hires a graphic design "People are confused, bin it's marine hidings Held. I didn't know the shirts were ei IO create It For the oino- what interests me," said Phillips. Back at BGSU, Ula isexdi going to be so popular," said W6 gol nolbin" shirt. Phillips "1 do have an Interest in busi- ed to have her famih visit this Phillips. "\ow they consume hired Chris Mock, rhe "OHIO" ness as well, but I like to lh ink cil weekend, m\ every day." shin is currently the second myself as ,i customet oriented liusso will receive a $200 Kozicki was also surprised most popular shin living sold. business peison." gift basket, and she and her by the popularity ol the shirts. "II boughi one] just because I Phillips siill keeps shirts in family will be Invited to sii in I ir.illy had no idea the shirts always joke that there isn't tons the back ol his mind lor post the President's stadium suite were going In be popular at to do in Ohio." said Ashlcs Ford, college plans as something he with llr. Sullies Ribeau lot the all," said Ko/ic ki. Paul and I a freshman ai BGSU and a cus- wouldn't mind doing. BGSU football game were, turd still are, just poor tomer of Phillips. " Ir,in. "I hear the weathei reports College kids trying lo make an Phillips tries to keep business I love, "said Phillips. "I lose jokes. prett) bad," Russo said. "So ii extra buck." al a professional level ill circlet to I like lo voice my opinion, and I will be nice to sit inside Although Phillips' partner- provide the best customer ser- krve selling things io people." Russo said she is grateful to ship with Kozicki dissolved a vice by remaining in constant BGSU for giving her daughter lew months aftei the] released contact with customers, check- FALL T-SHIRT LINE a great college experieni e their first shirt, the two still work ing his e-mail every III or 20 "iw, lias been a good home together occasionally Kozicki minutes. POINT: October. Ptnllipi^ii rdea i and a good l.iniils tin hist,in.' designed the most recent shirt, ' Ms die firs! thing I do in the his fourth shirt. "1Beer lioland" If you she said. I'm sen proud to the Two Second Club Beer morning, and it's the last thing I wouW like to purch-t■■■ have this honor." I'ong." "If Paul ever mills me to do before bed," said Phillips. contact. Phillips al shutsfofsal'

Dr. Steven Lab, director of the INTERNSHIP Criminal lustice Department, From Page 1 highly recommends the court Internship. "Court security. Chidestet seeks m entertain running magnetometers, every aspect ol the system ill screening individuals, work order to belter prepare tor and with judges, MIII |iisi learn so introduce students to the many much more In being [I government agencies the courts he said. work with. I le feels! In'lei ssi ub I be education in the class- an Importance in being able to room then supplements actual JOMMNHOWER ■': SSNEWS experience first hand what a experience abroad, ensuring KEEP UP THE GOOD RESEARCH: Tafl visited the Union yesterday to am career may have to offer. the best understanding ol what funding allocated to Bowling Green's photochemical sciences program "And with these experiences, ;i job may encompass. after finishing school students BRANDON HE ISS Internships have thus prov- can move into police work, the WORKING HARD: I Rociei Wallace does some computer wotl en niosi valuable in detei money coming towards the pro- military, law school, the possi mommq at the Wood County Courthouse mining what your cared mas. TAFT gram will have a "big impact" otr bilities are endless," he said. bring. For Criminal lustice From I the researchers and students. Such an ideal location and semester. I here is a lung lisi ol pos- majors, the howling G i In addition to the money experience' leu an Internship, "Il seems like il would be a sible internships around the Court ol Common Pleas p receiving more than S? mil- coming from the state, the i he coin i receives interest from great experience, said Devon area, but many seek out the the was to success in all I lion dollars over the next two University will also shift Inter- mam applicants, hill usually Decknadel, a criminal justice- experience the courthouse has ni the field. years. I he money will be allo- nal!) to give the program more nub one or two are chosen per major. to offer. cated depending on the school's resources. The department will number ol graduate students hire more research associates and the amount of research they to join with the likes ol Peter do. Universit) ol Toledo is set In, the former Chief scientist 10 receive more than $350,000, in (he Chemical Sciences University ol Cincinnati more Division of the Fundamental Christian militants executed by Indonesian firing squad ili,in si million and The Ohio Si lent e Directorate at Pacific By Ii v/.in Firdaus State Universit] to receive more Northwest National Laboratory. ve been told by the police that my In Benedict on Islam. than$2 million No« he specializes in research ociated Press I he pontiff lasl week cued University ofToledo has been on single molecules ol proteins father was killed." the words ol a Byzantine working With Case Western .\m\ enzymes as they func- PAI.ll. Indonesia — Three emperoi who characterized University on fuel cells and tion within the I'hotociieniii al ( luisiian militants were execut- some ol the teachings ol the alternative fuel sources, si lences Program. ed by liring squad fen leading Prophet Muhammad as "evil rhe Board of Regentsapplaud- In Max. In was named an attacks on Muslims six sears ago and inhuman." ed the Photochemical Sciences Ohio Board of Regents Eminent that left 70 people dead, police Riwu, HI. and Dominggus da Hie case- against them has Me has since -aid lie was program. Scholar for research in photo- and relatives said. Suva, 12, were found guiltv of heightened tensions in the "deeply sons' about the "I'm really thrilled with what chemicals with BowiingGreen's rhe men were taken before the leading a Christian militia thai sunld's niosi populous Muslim in n is ii i his remarks and that the) Bowling Green is doing here," department. Bring sc|tiad at 12:15 a.m. their launched a series of attacks in nation and raised questions did not reflect his own opinions. Taft said. When Tafl slopped in the lime, said a senior police otlicei May 2000 including a machete about the role religion played in lire condemned men hail Mondal. a lourth year doctor- Union to make the announce- who asked not to be identified ami gun assault on an Islamic punishing those allcgcdlvbehind said they hoped investigations al student in the Photochemical ment of funds, he recognized I u because be was not authorized to school where do/ens of men the violence thai sssept Sulawesi into the clashes would continue, Sciences department is one ol and the other students diligently speak to the media. kimilv mem- were seeking shelter. province from 1996 to 2002, kill noting that the) had provided over 60 students in the program researching, bers latci -slid they had received Security forces braced lor sec ing more than 1.000 people ol .1111111111111", ssiih tin- name- of Hi that started in 1985, Douglas "I commend yon on hei inn c i miii niaiicinnfihcii deaths. larian violence, with thousands both religions Christians who alleged!)'ins Neckers, director of the pho- ing one of the premiere schools In carrying OU| the death of police blocking roads leading Only a handful of Muslims ed siimeoi theworst bloodshed, tochemical sciences, said the in Ohio." he said. sentence, Indonesia Ignored lo the prison where the inmates were convicted in the violence, II icgcis eminent sas- its probe an appeal last month b\ Pope are being held, standingon street till for 15 years in prison or less isccnnplcte. benedict \\I lo spare the men. cornets and guarding nearby I he men told relatives and I've been lold bs puli, that s Vatican spokesman, the lies. churches. a priest during final prayers at ms father ssaskilled," lib' closed on I hanksgiving. hut Federico Lombard!, mid the "I understand they have been their jail yesterday that Ibey were Robert, slid cads todad). Hut FAST FOOD open on Christmas. On this day, Italian nesss agency ANSA that killed." said Roy Helling, theii innocent but readj to die us useless iiu me anything From Page I we close at ;i p.m.," Maty. w.lil- news ol the execution "was sen attorney, adding that he svas still The planned executions c ame now. I he government m ■■: li- ies for Hog Bos said. sad and painful." assailing confirmation from the amid .in outer) in many Muslim tened to him when he tt is alive. big crowd of customers. Even for Accordingto Mary, liig Hoy gets lahianus liho. 60, Mai inns prosecutors office nations about Comments made ibex ignored everything." lunch, it depends," loe lamsch, more customers al their busiest waiter for Waffle I louse said. linns because of their smoking According to Tarusch. Waffle section, something dial Waffle House's busiest horns are House doesn't offer. between ^:.'l" to 3 a.m. on the \iiei comparing all these res- weekends. taurants and who gets the best So I aco Hell. Waffle Mouse and business, the decision that sheen I'ita Pit don't hit the spot lor you, made is that most people who there's always good ole' Wend] 's aie awake at :i a.m. e.n al either BOWLING GREEN'S at the union. Wendy's, laco Hell, or Waffle "Wc stay open until 2 a.m. House These three seem to he everyday, so even though there the most common places in aren't many people in the union Most definitely through the this late, I do think its worth slay lest ol the semester, food can be ing open like we do,' Wench's the comfort lor students and the general worker said. stress ol college, even late NEWEST APTS. Despite iM'ing open late, the1 workers hand out the most ham Late Night Hours burgers at lunchtime. BURGER KING: Sunday Ili.u.ddy Sign today and receive lower rates! Although Waffle House and VSO am to midnight. Fnday - Saturday Dig Boy aren't considered typi- S:50am to I am cal last food, they are places that customers can go to sit and get WENDY'S: Sunday - Thucsday. 10a m to I am; Friday - Saturday 10 am to 2 a m food, fast LIMITED TIME ONLY! "We are open 24 hours and MCDONALD'S: Sunday Wednesday K9SS55 inn busiest limes are Thursday 5 50 a m to midnight. Thursday -Satuiday S30am to 1 a■" through Saturday, but now we're ► No Application Fee ; FREE Pool {Jot tub i FREE Tanning Under Renovation Located on the corner ol 8th and High St. • No Administration Fee -| FREE Internet i FREE Fitness (enter >Carpet j lUngo ■ Hood \ FREE Private Shuttle 1 ■•Mgeraton No Security Deposit s£> Lighting rixtum w/ hi FREE Washer & Dryer Closet Organism ! ., Kltchsn Vinyl FREE Computer Lab ) I Panol Bi-Fold Closats I Bedroom 8 Bathroom Doors ■> FREE Sand Volleyball Gnat Affordable Rates Spacious Bedrooms RESORT STYLE LIVING WITHOUT THE RESORT STYLE PRICE TAG! Free membership to Cherrywond Health Spa The Enclave II Office Hours: Payments Made bay wit .HL»|>I Vu.1 rnniltn-ia Cash iw Chock 877-819-6802 Mon-fri:8:30am-/pm

Prtrftrmd Pispttrlias Ci Oftict Naurs: CoMe-jeparkwebcom to: lOam-ipm Frl 6-12 8,1-4 30 530 S Maple 51 Sun: Ifyni-tpm 6 Friday. September 22.2006 NATION WWWBGNEWSCOM

Past election trends not in Republicans' favor By Willi.m L. Watt. "If there is an iceberg here, the Democratic seats seen in play. MCT Meanwhile, Bush's approval ratings remain under water WASHINGTON—If congressio- Republicans have seen it from miles but managed to post an uptick nal Republicans lose power in last week. iliis fall's midterm elections, ihey away. If they run into it, then there's an A Wall Street lournal/NBC wonl be able to saj ihey didn't inevitability to it, not that they News poll released last week see ii coming, showed Bush's approval rating in 1994, Democrats lost haven't been warned." at 42 percent, still weak bur up control of both the 1 louse and from 38 percent in lune. l-'irty- four percent of voters said the Senate in dramatic fashion Rhodes Cook | Political Analyst \iul while Democrats were United States remains headed expected to lose seats In an Inevitability to It not thai they While all 435 House seats are in die wrong direction. The tele nil year election, few prog- haven't been warned." on the ballots, larry Sabato, phone survey of 1,009 registered nosticators or party strategists Prognosticators say it's siill too director of the University of voters, conducted Sept. 8-11, saw the big shifl coming well earl) U) tell it a nave nl histori- Virginia Center for Politics, carried a margin for error of 3.1 in advance, cal proportions is building, but estimates that a total of 56 percentage points. (in to 2006, where the poten- Democrats come into the 2006 Itepublican-held seats are actu- The survey showed that tial lor a Democratic surge diat elections with historical trends ally in play, compared lo only approval of Congress declined could push the GOP hack into in their favor. 14 Democratic seats. Sabato to 20 percent from 24 percent in the minority lias been the talk of Since the end of World War estimates Democrats arc poised July. Democrats maintained a 48 pollsters, pundits and strategists II. die party thai controls the to pick up between 12 and 15 pcrcent-39 percent edge when tan both parties White Mouse has almost always seats in November. voters were asked which party i ur Democrats, the 1994 elec- lost congressional seats in off- Republicans arc better situ- should control Congress. tion "was kind of like the Titanic yeai elections. I hose losses have ated to defend the Senate, where Bush has used his presidential coming up on the Iceberg, where IxT'ii even more pronounced in Democrats would need to make prerogatives to steer the national thcj saw El too late," said political elections thai take place during a net gain of six seats. With 33 debate back to the war on terror, analyst Rhodes Cook, editor of the sixth year of a presidency seatsupforelcction. Republicans which proved to the Republican rhe Rhodes Cook Report a non- accompanied by low presiden- aie defending 15 seats, while the trump card in the 2002 congres- partisan newsletter. "if there is tial approval ratings. IX'mocrats arc seeking to hold sional elections, Republicans an iceberg, here, the Republicans Democrats need to make a IH. And (he number of competi- avoided losing seats in an off- have seen ii from miles away li net gain of 15 seats in take con- tive races is more even, with year mid-term, and Bush's 2004 llirv tun inin it, then theres an trol ol ihe I louse. eight GOP-hcld seats and seven re-election run.

JOANNAJHAH0A I MCT ON-AIR: oreg Sherretl is otherwise known as "The Gay Sportscaster" on Energy 927 FM\ morning show in San Francisco Shenell chats with co-host Fernando Ventura on the air UNIVERSITY 'Gay Sportscaster' carving tit If own niche on radio airwaves kstore By Randy My*rl met with resistance MCT "The first thing that the pro- gram director told me was: 'No, Your University. Your Store. WAI.MII CHI-:i-:K, Calif. - Greg it's not going to work, because "The Gay Sportscaster" Slierrcll is it's going to be two gay guys, and demanding justice on the Energj you're going to be labeled "The 92.7 airwaves, Over tin- weekend (lay Shi IW," and you'll never really someone broke Into his car in die appeal to much more dian gay Castro and snatched his valuables people,'" Ventura said. BGSU Falcons vs.Kent State and laundry Gone are his trendy But diat all changed. undies, bin the most devastating One clay in 200.1, Ventura invited loss is his cherished "glittery shin." Shenell to host the entire show the one with "Music Saved My widi him. Their on-air chemistry September 23 -1 p.m. Kickoff life" written on it. clicked with listeners — the the- "I wanl my (Jittery shirt back!" atrics of Greg smoothly playing off he bleats out with a Texan twang Feniando's low-key persona Co-host Fernando Ventura But why in the Bay Area hadn't Seizes tlif opiKirtnnily to egg his this been heard of before? friend on, asking If the culprit hail "I don't have an answer for that." nabbed that particular pair of said John Peakc, program manag- designer jeans widi the flowers on er, who joined 92.7 after the show 'cm as well. was in place. "Certainly, gay mar- Such is the lively early morn- keting has come out of the closet WELCOME BGSU FAMILIES ing banter that pops tip weekdays in die last few wars." between the dance music on die What's most remarkable about independently owned station. Hut the show is how die sexual orienta- what makes this I M program an don of 92.7's hosts is integrated into original — besides being die only die proceedings but isn't the focal San Francisco Bay Area station point, said Terence kissack. execu- to exclusively spin dance music tive director of GIJ1T Historical — is diat it appears to marie the Society in San Francisco Visit the Falcon FANatic Store first time a Bay Area commercial "Here you have a general mass morning radio team has been audience broadcaster who has as made up of (wo openly gay men. its general voice two openly iden- The plan was to have Ventura tifiable gay men. and it's part of at Doyt Perry Stadium under paired up with a woman. But no who they are but it's not the main Grace to his Will could he found. focus," he said The culture of When Ventura suggested dial die Bay Area is one where you Sherrell, whose cheeky sports have the acknowledgment of dif- the tent in the endzone updates had already scored with ference and a blurring of lines listeners, lie given the job, the idea around Identity" We have a large selection of BGSU imprinted clothing Rubber tire reef endangers Florida's marine life, officials look for remedy Your UniwrMy Your UmuxMy 71Y*urUrt»*r*ty — Unw«y | I Your UnrwrtKy By Trenton D.inirl bookstore Yoursior* bookstore Your Sloe |bookstor«| Your Sam | bookstore! Yourlnra I bookstore Yow store MCT "They thought it

MIAMI—A plan in the early 1970s would be a good fish . to create a massive artificial reef off habitat. It turned out Falcon Fon Lauderdalc. Fla., has turned into an environmental mess with to be a bad idea." the U.S. Navy, Broward County FAfotic and others trying to figure out how William Nuckols | Military Liaison to remove about two million tires covering 36 acres of ocean floor. it group called Broward Artificial bookstore.bgsu£iu What was intended to lure Reef, or BAHINC, hatched an game fish now is damaging coral idea to build a three-mile reef. iiimiim reefs and littering Broward's tour- The U .S. Army Corps of Engineers bookstore[ Your Star* bookstore Your Store bookstore Your Store bookstore* ist-|xipulated shoreline. endorsed die project; similar ones "Ihey draught it would be a had been created in the Northeast good fish habitat. It turned out and Gulf of Mexico to be a bad idea," said William Broward County pitched in with Nuckols, project coordinator the funds. BAHINC even raised and military liaison for Coastal $8,000 from bingo games. All purchases at the University Bookstore America, a federal group involved The tires came from Goodyear in the cleanup. "It's a coastal coral and junkyards, bundled on barges support University programs. destruction machine." to be dumped at sea. The idea ITie tires dot the ocean bottom was that an artificial reef—called a mile and a half from the end of Osbome Reef—would form. Sunrise Boulevard. But it didn't work. Environmentalists say strong Metal clips holding the tires B!G charge, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Cash, and Check accepted. tides cause die loose tires to knock together corroded, and the tires against coral reefs, disrupting the spilled across die ocean floor. ecosystem, in some cases, tires Unlike sunken barges also used to have washed ashore. build artificial reefs, the t: res moved Now, the U.S. Navy, Broward with the tide, and marine life never Serving the Bowling Green Community County and a few other groups formed. Fishermen grumbled that are looking at a three-year plan to game fish never came because the remove the tires. The organizers water there was too shallow. for over 70 years. surveyed the waters last month. "I do know we made a mistake "We're trying to work out all the in doing it," said Ray McAllister, a specific details," Nuckols said. BARINC founder and now profes- Touted as the largest of its kind sor emeritus of ocean engineer- nationwide, the tire reef was cre- ing at Florida Atlantic University. ated with die best of intentions. "They weren't die great attractions In the spring of 1972, a nonprof- we thought they would be." G FALCON FOOTBALL 2006 GO FALCONS!

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#4 #50 #35 #57 Jerrett Brandon Nate Oevon Sanderson r^BiY^* ^ * T^ Mack Waldron Parks DB 04. DB H , GO" 189 lbs 8'5" 283 lbs S 11"182lbS 6X252 lbs Ubertyvllle, ILL Long Branch, N J Webster, NY Rochester, PA Junior Sophomore Senior Sophomore £ jt^m Preferred GO FALCONS! GOOD LOCK Properties FALCONS! Co. www.PfelerfedPfopeniesCo.coTi (oppcr ]$eech W UNIVERSITY

bookstore J" . ' Napiileon Road 353-7732 352-9378 Bowling Green, OH 43402 530 South Maple Street (419) 353-3300 530 E. Wooster Street @ THE BOWEN THOMPSON STUDENT UNION

#6 #5 #55 Brandon Dan Brandon Jones Macon Curtis WR R8 Dt 80" 170 lbs 6'1" 214 lbs 8'2" 281 lbs Gahanna, OH Sagamore Hills, OH Spr.OH Senior Senior Senior B * j^k GOOD LUCK FALCONS! Go Falcon Go Falcons! GO FALCONS! Football! AL-MAR GREENBRIAR, INC. 445 E Wooster Bowling Green. OH 43402 (419)352-0717

Cheerleaders #59 Front row (L-R): Jackie Pagano, Amanda Clark, Nicholas Brittany Adams, Morgen Spon. Morgan Corpe. Kali WIeke. Jody Kolbe. Danielle Devine, Emily Davis Diepenbrock, Vanessa Young H Middle Row (L-R): Emily Wolle. Robin Axelrod. Erin 6'3" 281 lbs Collins. Nikki Harris. Sarah Borsick. Jessica Buttle. Kelly CWCWNATI.OH Mogg. Knsten Dippman. Kofi VanAuken. Tiltany Haider JUNIOR Back Row (L-R): Justin Wires;. Ala Oix.GodonRar*ii, Andy Gibson. Dcrrirc Munao, Opha Ke» III, Bran Martin Not Pictured: Rachel Mead. Jill Rheulan Good Luck Falcons! Brandon Shelveland Cheerleading Coach: Vallene Bullaid Asst. Coach: Jon Kippins

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■ ■ 1 #28 #92 #96 #80 Calvin Brad Thomas Ruben Marshall Williams Smith Ruiz DB 01 DL WR b 11 183 lbs B'3" 256 lbs ffO" 272 lbs 64" 236lbs Mlramar, a ■■r ^BJ MHMIetown, OH Cleveland Heights, OH Oro Valley, « Freshman Senior SENIOR Senior

MURPHY Good Luck Steve! US** fbffyAuto Service Centers SU 'FASTEST ' " Tujfy Does It Right! '"""S 1 WITH STiDEKI ID 353-7732 530 E. Woosicr Street 1087 South Main St. BG 419-353-2444 1520 Clough Street 1118 S. Main Si. in front of Wal-Mart 419-352-0164

#34 #1 #9 #10 Curtis Corey Loren Scott Van Demark Partridge Hargrove Goodwin IB ■ WR DB 6'3" 227 lbs 6'2"207 lbs 5'11"187lbs 6'11"211lbs Mentor, OH Brooklyn, NY Loveland, OH Berea, OH Sophomore Junior Sophomore Senior


FALCONS! Qpper\$eech (p UNIVERSITY GREENBRIAR, INC. 419-353-5100 445 E Woosler Bowling Green. OH bookstore 706 Napoleon Road, BG Bowlinft Green, OH 4 1402 43402 (419) 353-3300 ) THE BOWENTHOMPSON STUDENT UNION VMM i IM>|I> JIM . . hlimiiliumot on (419)352-0717

BGSU #11 Peter DANCE TEAM Sitting (L-R): Carolyn Kassouf Kristen Haas Winovich Cat Hartman. Jennifer Oistel ■ Lindsey Lindenbaum. Abby Brown 6'3" 259 lbs Kneeling (L-R): Lindsey Hefner. Adrienne Jetlerson Hills, PA Sleet. Megan Justice. Lisa Kemper Junior Standing (L-R): Jessica Crabtree.Tara Laman, Jessica Eschholen. Laura Selvaggio, Go Falcons! Kalie Gibbons r You alone can do it, But you can't do it alone. Together we can!!

1204 W. Wooster, Ste. 2 Bowling Green, Oh NEWS The power to amaze yourself. 419-352-2878 10 f cday. September 22.2006 WWWBGNEWS.COM

Upcoming Events @ the Student Union

September 25 eptember 22-24 • Texas Hold'em Tournament * 6 p.m. THOMPSON The Falcon's Nest September 26 • Oktoberfest Beer Tasting * T UNION 5:30 - 8 p.m. Black Swamp Pub September 27 UNIVERSITY • 6 O'clock Talk - facebook Communication 6 p.m. bookstore Student Union Rm. 314 # • Wednesdays In the Pub Bowen-Thompson Student Union Performance by the Argonauts 8 • 10 p.m. Black Swamp Pub 10% September 28 • Texas Hold'em Tournament * discount on BGSU clothing & gifts 6 p.m. The Falcon's Nest Coupon valid Sept. 22-24, 2006 ♦ September 29 • Friday Early Movie Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Please present at checkout 4:30 p.m. M Student Union Theater - Rm. 206 September 30 • Pub Unplugged Also accepted at Performance by Kev Rowe 8 - 10 p.m. BGSU on Main Black Swamp Pub • Sfgn-up af the Information Center 133 S. Main Street, Downtown Bowling Green Falcon FANatic Store All in. tha Family Doyt Perry Stadium ooooo

University Bookstore BGSU on Main Hours: Hours: Saturday, September 23 Friday, Sept. 22 (9 a.m. - 7 p.m.) Friday, Sept. 22 (10 a.m. - 6 p.m.) 8 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23 (9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.) Saturday, Sept. 23 (10 a.m. - 5 p.m) Sunday, Sept. 24 (11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.) Sunday, Sept. 24 (11 a.m. - 4 p.m.) Multi I'lirpcflPuonni Room 228

Discount Plan #22

BOWBN-THOMPSON Menuus STUDEMT UNION §0&® Do what tastes right. Try a new Frescata Combo today! ♦ Caramel Apples with Peanuts and Sprinkles ♦ Smiley Face Shaped French Fries and Corn 5 varieties: Club ♦ Free Popcorn Turkey & Swiss Turkey with Pesto ♦ Cotton Candy Black Forest Ham & Swiss ♦ Toft's Ice Cream f-rescata Italiana ♦ Free Giveaways at the Creamery provided by J&J Pretzels 25C from every Frescata Combo purchased at the Wendy's ♦ Brunch Available in the Student Union will be donated to the Dance Marathon. Sat. 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Wendy's in the Student Union, Open 7 days a week Open: Sun. 10 a.m. - 9 pi <♦> Sun-Sat 1Qam-2am „■ ; www.pertoria.con (ftldcw and fiatutdau fjat/u (/Lovie. Friday and Saturday at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union Theater

Free to all students! • • This Week's Presentation

Fret Adm V/Ar|vyc|cieC Saturday Nighls J J stamper's • High-speed printing mail©center • Lamination • Desktop publishing services v Steven Walker • Multi-color printing • Photo scanning v Saturday, September 23 October Special! • Flyers, table tents, invites 20 lb. Blue Paper • Bindery Services \ 8-10 p.m. • Stamps Black Swamp Pub 419-372-9633 • Money Orders • Mail Services FAMILY WEEKEND Friday. Septerrter 22.200611

Need something to do? '

By Alison Kemp Features Editor

Brunch. Tour downtown. Play bingo. Watch movies. Attend a sporting event. Sing karaoke. I cam a latin dance. Travel the world. These are just sonic of the activities available during Family Weekend. Family Weekend is a time for the family and friends of Students to gel to know cam- pus and the downtown area. "Family Weekend tics family closer to the BGSU community." said Michael Ginsburg, assistant dean of students. This event used to be called Parents Weekend, Ginsburg said, but it was changed to Family Weekend five years ago. The name was changed so that more people could be included in the event. This way, graduate stu- dents and older students that have a family of their own are not excluded, "Family doesn't need to be mom and dad.' Ginsburg said. I mi Howard, a math edu- cation major, said her par- ents view Family Weekend as a good opportunity to come to campus. The events that are spon- sored for the weekend are geared for family of all ages,

See EVENTS | Page 12

Comedians define laugh lines By Cassandra Shofar Reporter

Reluming guests of AIM s hit show "Whose line Is it Anyway?"— Greg Proops and Chip Esten — will gener- ate sj.)outs of laughter come Saturday evening. The two comedians travel and perform al various places around the country BGSU's University Activities Organization cried to get them to come lo campus previously but wasn't successful. "Wctricdiogetlhcinlasiyoar and things didn't work out. so we tried again," UAO President liaqitel Dalton said. "We've never done improv before and comedy was successful last year on Family Weekend, so w e decided lo do it again." A collaboration of UAO and Travel the world without leaving the country Parents and Family Programs helped bring these two willy mcntoBGSU. By Johnny Payna Fair on Sept. 23, coincid- Latino Student Union. African ments of art, food, photos and pus to embrace diversity." The energetic and Interac- Reporter ing with Family Weekend. People's Association, India videos into their presentations. In addition to the \i\idl\ col- tive event takes place at 9 p.m. Organized by the World Student Association and the A table's hosts ini^hl also weal in till displays and flags, the fair's Saturday in the Lenhart Grand Some students fly to the far cor- Student Association, the event French Club. traditional garb to the event, or trademark is the mock passports Ballroom al the Union, and ners of the world lo encounter is a celebration of cultural dif- "It's been a great success while performing on stage that arc handed out to fairgoers. anyone from students and fac- different cultures, spending ferences and similarities. in the past," said WSA presi- Nicole Foster, president of \s participants visit each table, ulu lo family and local residents thousands of dollarsand months Come the day of the lair, dent Birender Anand. junior. Asian Community United, they receive a stamp proving are welcome, Dalton said. of time in the process. the Union lobby will be lit- "Hopefully it will continue recalled the games her group they've "been'' to that country. "I just think that it'd be a fun It turns out that all you really tered with lavishly adorned to give students a deepet offered lopassersby. "Everyone loves the pass- dling to do if your parents come need is a spare hour or two to tables and booths, presenting understanding of the world's "Fitst \ear we made a puzzle ports," said Muthuri. Thej trj up for the weekend." she said lake an abbreviated tour of the information about different cultures." of Asia and had people fill in to ffi around and get as many "We've seen good reviews from world and experience dozens of cultures and countries. Many Instead of a strictly academic the names of the countries for stamps as they can." everywhere rise they've gone. diverse destinations. of the University's cultural approach, WSA vice-president prizes," she said. "We all want Foster added that children The Union will play host lo organizations have signed Pauline Muthuri explained that people lo know about our coun- See IMPROV | Page 13 the fifth annual International up lo attend, including the many tables incorporate de- tries We warn people on cam- See PASSPORT | Page 12

Solos, duets, jazz and dancing make unique show Learn about architecture and By Freddy Hunt for the Empire Statesmen Drum history of downtown on tour Reporter and Bugle Corps. "Anyone that played with By Megan Yodzis where their kids are going to he This weekend's jazzy halftime Maynard has to be the cream Reporter living for the next four yean," show will feature a special guest of the crop," said marching said Wendy Strain, executive appearance that will truly be a band trumpet section leader Downtown tours during Family director of die convention and I "Kickin Brass" performance. Jason l.o/er. Weekend highlight both the visitors bureau. loey Pero is a professional In 1999 Pero moved to New architecture and history of Sometimes when parents trumpeter who will be playing York City and attended luilliard, some of the oldest buildings in come they don't always have in Family Weekend's "Kickin a notorious music school. At Bowling Green. rime to go look at good restau- Brass" halftime show, along luilliard he participated in Groups are departing from the rants and some sites Bowling with the marching band at the Symphony Orchestra, Opera infomiation center at the Union Green has to offer, so this is the Kent State football gat in- Orchestra, Dance Orchestra on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and perfect opportunity for them to Some of Pero's more recent and the luilliard American I p.m. During the tour, parents do that, she said accomplishments include tour- SEAMPIMSON IHEBGHtWi Brass Quintet. and Students gel to learn a little One of the stops the tour high- ing with the late jazz trumpet PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT: The Falcon Marching Band is preparing lor th« All the training Pero has had more about the ciry they live in. lights is the (ia-zel theatre. legend Maynard Ferguson, who Saturday's halftime show during the Family Weekend football game. A guest trumpeter. Joey will be beneficial to the band, "(The toursl are a good idea "We stop at the Cla-zel theatre passed away last fall. Pero also Pero. is performing with the band. Songs include 'Fanfare lor the Common Folk." "Land of because it gives the parents wasan instructor and performer Make Believe' and 'Get it On." See JAZZ | Page 13 of students the chance to see SeeT0URS|Paqel2 12 Friday. Sgptemtw 22.2006 FAMILY WEEKEND WWWBGNEWS.COM

contributions to BGSU and let them know how valuable they The flavor of Latin jazz EVENTS are." Adelman said. From Page 11 Tomorrow evening's By Dwana Ho1m«t dance, said Robert Stogsdill, events include bingo in the Reporter assistant manager. said Marisa Adelman. interim Multipurpose Room in the Tiempo Libra's musical coordinator of major evcnls. Union, a musical performance The Cuban-style music of sound is created with a variety Karaoke will be available by Tiempo Libre and a comedy Tiempo Libre will make you of instruments. in the Falcon's Nest tonight. show with Cireg Proops and want to dance in your seats The band consists of different "Over the Hedge" and "Click" Chip F.sten from "Whose Line — and there will be room for sounds from piano, crumpet, will be showing tonight and is ii \nyway?" you to get up and groove. congas, bass, sax, flute, drum tomorrow evening. Tiempo Libre is a Latin jazz Tomorrow night the band and vocals. BventS tomorrow include group from Miami. 1 hey will be Tiempo I jbre, which means free "It's a good opportunity tours of downtown Bowling performing at Kobacker I lall In time, will be performing Timba to get exposed to a different Green, the World Student the Moore Musical Arts Center. music in Kobacker flail. variety of musical arts." said Association International Before the performance, latin Timba music is comprised of Adam Landry, a junior music Fair and a Falcon Family dance lessons will be provided. a traditional Cuban sound with education major. Donor reception. The University is steering a twist of modern latin jazz. Tiempo Libre's members The historic downtown tours away from having a big musi- The seven member band formed in the year 2001. They include stops at the courthouse, cal event at Family Weekend begins their performance at 8 were nominated for a (Irammy the Cla-Zel Theater and other because it is hard to 11 nd a happy p.m. with a free Latin dance les- in 2006 for their first album, buildings on Main Street. medium for the students and son to kick off the show. "Arroz con Mango". Their sec- The WSA International Fair parents, Ginshurg said. Don't worry if your dancing ond album To Que Esperabas" will haveexhibitsfrom multicul- The weekend closes with a skills are not exactly up-to-date. (What you've been waiting forl tural organizations on campus brunch on Sunday morning. Assistant professor of dance went into stores in May 2006. BRANOONHEISS 'HI ■ V .V that display clothing and items Adelman hopes that this wide Tammyan Metz Starr and Tickets are available at the PANERA BREAD: The building that housed Bowling Green's first general store from many countries around variety of events will provide studenis from the dance pro- music building's box office, the world, Adelman said. entertainment for all who attend gram in the School of Human ranging from $18 to $30. Bread. The location was home The Falcon Family Donor Family Weekend. Movement, Sport and leisure University student tickets to Howling Greens first general reception is an invitation -only "Family Weekend is geared at Studies will be leading the Latin areSIO. TOURS store which opened 150 years even) for family donors. everyone, that's really the goal From Page 11 dance lessons, which starts at 7 ago. Kilpalrick said. "This will recognize their of I he weekend." she said. p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall. The GET UP AND DANCE In addition to the historical lesson will last 45 minutes. LATIN JAZZ: Tiemp Libre is a seven- because for the pasi year and significance of the building "No prior dance experience is person band based in Miami thai plays a half ii was the oldest, lon- thai houses Panera, iis present needed," Starr said. Timba music gest running movie theatre In day significance is important ture with others, Anyone can go, so take Ohio," said EarJene Kilpalrick. to die workers there. PASSPORT In die end, Aii.ind said, that's advantage of this interactive TIMBA MUSIC: the executive director of Main "The structure and loca- what It/sail about. From Page 11 opportunity. This is a combmaiion ol traditional Street lie;, an organization that tion are both great." said Gall "We want to foster a clos- The dance students are Cuban music with modern \an enhances the central business Baden, manager of Panera. especially seem to enjoy the er relationship between teaching two different types of district of Bowling Green. Baden described the space as challenge of high-speed stamp American students and inter- dances. One is with a partner, DANCING IS SUGGESTED: The architecture and the WOrk&blei relaxing and open. collecting. national students," the soft- The band wants the audience to dance unique neon kiosk outside Baden had previously Not everyone stamping spoken Anand said. and one is without. along with the mu« The lowered orchestra pit will are discussed at the Cla-zel worked at the Westfield loca- passports will he represent- "We want to give interna- allow the audience to dance LEARN TO DANCE: slop, she said. tion of Panera, but she said it ing a University organization. tional studenis a chance to during the show. The Unrversitys dance program is pro- A few other stops include the is unique to work at this loca- WSA's graduate advisor, Claire represent themselves and for The band encourages wling a Latin dance lesson before the court building, police building tion because she recognizes lewis, said that both Ethiopia American students lo learn their audience to get up and contercl begins. and the county jail. a lot of people walking down and Nepal will he present al more about these cultures. It's Typical Information ai each the street. the fair, courtesy of students all very Interconnected in a stop Includes the history of the "It's a privilege to be in down- simply eager to share their cul- beautiful, delicate way." buildings .is well as the unique town Howling Green mostly FREE TOWING TO OUR SHOP WITHIN 20 architectures each one has. because of the customers we "We can point on! al least have. They make it special." MILES WHEN YOU USE OUR EXPERT REPAIR SERVICES! eight different styles of archi- she said. tecture in our downtown area, The downtown tours are tree and we are not limited to that," of charge and are encouraged Towing 24 Hours • 7 Days a Week Kilpalrick said. "We make these by the siall of Main Street li(i slops because we Cry to gel the becauseofthe different outlook visitors to look ai the architec- they give to Bowling Green. ture as ii is now and iry to envi- "We are appreciative to be Jerry's sion what ii was lOOyearsago," pan ol die activities [for Family ^ ^r & Towing she added. Ucckendl and encourage \uolher major stop on the anyone lo come on die tour," 17743 N. DIXIE HWY- BOWLING GREEN, OH downtown lour is Panera Kilpalrick said. Service Center Open Monday- Friday • 8-5 PM Saturday • 8AM-2PM Shuttle Service within 20 miles of BG JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE, INC. Ml MNOR ft MAJOR ENGINE REPAIRS •SHOCKS & STRUTS 'OIL CHANGES Rental Office: (419) 354-2260 •BRAKES *AC •MUFFLERS 'DRIVE SHAFTS & AXELS 319 E. Wooster, Bowling Green, OH •TUNE-UPS 'FRONT END SERVICE (Acioss From Taco Bell) JOIN US WITH Hours: M-F: 8:30-5:30, Sat: 8:30- 4:00 LIFETIME OIL CHANGES! GET UP TO 5 QTS OF OIL AND FILTER ON MOST /tfEfcCA CARS AND TRUCKS EVERY 3,000 MILES AS LONG . AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR FOR ONLY $99.95 Running Specials 2006/2007 I I I I ■ J ■ ■ ti- Call 353.5800 III II ■ ■ ■ ■ Visit Online 419-353-7222 Li £ ■ | | ■ ll iii ■ ■ ;:

Management Inc. Hillsdale Apis. I0K2 Fairview Ave 2 bdrms / 3 bdrtn Twnh WAL-MART Dishwasher Garbage Disposal Air Condition/Washer/ SUPERCENTER Dryer in 2/3 bdrm. Carports ALWAYS LOW PRICES BGSU Bus Shuttle

Management Inc.

Findlav Pike Apts. Ill/ll? Findluv Pk Portage Oft LARGE 3 & 2 bdrm Apts Garage for I vehicle Offering you these special services: Staring ai S475/mo + utilities Pharmacy • Quick Lube Express Moments from BG Vision Care • Hair Salon Management Inc.

One-Hour Photo Gruceland (Grad Students) Processing • Hearing Center 212 S. Church 2 bdrm 1 bath 1 car garage Air condition w/d hookups 131 West Gypsy Lane Close to downtown

ir^^d H OPEN 24 HOURS WWWBGNEWS.COM FAMILY WEEKEND Friday. Septemta 22.200613

GET A LIFE I sen Uuins's parents are CALENDAR OF EVENTS excited about the Family IMPROV Weekend performance. From Page 11 "My parents loved the show ALL WEEKEND "Whose line"! and they realk son should be a good show." wanted to go," Wums added Student Recreation lp.m. Sophomore liiura Wunis is i he) watch ii In syndication Center Football vs. Kent State also looking forward in shai on ABC Family almost everj ing her experience ai the event night land] the ticket piii es Free admission to families. Doyt Perry Stadium with her family. were pretty reasonable, too." "I'm excited to see them Since the two comedians Driving Range and Golf because I'm a big fan ill ImpTOV have never Iwvn to B< iSU before Course Volleyball vs. Ball State ... My family watched 'Whose and the Campus has never Buy one bucket' of balls, get one (tee Anderson Arena line is it Anyway?* almost ever) done improvisation on Familj with a student ID Golf course student week." Wums said. "If II be real Uivkcnd before, i tahon said, the rates for family members wfien accom- 6-8 p.m. ly neat lo see ihem in [X'rson evening should provide Mime panied by a student Tee times required Climbing Adventures alter watching them on IV lni thing Iresh and Intriguing for I»ill i parties. Call 419-372-2674. Free climbing at the climbing wall so manyyears Wums has also attended lii kets ,iu- sin .mil are sold Forrest Creason Golf Course Student Recreation Center performances nl the campus al the information desk in improv group, I he Plastii the Student Union, as well ,is TODAY Shatners, which she said she online at www.bgsumusictoday, Movie: "Over the Hedge" really enjoyed and ho[Ms this com, according to the Office ol show will be equally as tun. Campus Inwikcmcni Wch site Union Theater Women's Soccer vs. Northern Illinois Cochrane Field Family Weekend Bingo 228 Union 6.30 i StANPIERSOH Movie: "Over the Hedge" MELODIOUS MUSIC: less Bocliard. a freshman mellophonist. fine tunes her marching Union Theater Greg Proops and Chip Esten from "Whose Line is "It will he a very contrasting 1 p.m. it Anyway?" JAZZ show from any typical half- Volleyball vs. University time show." s.iiii Brett Dodson, Tickets cost $10 From Page 11 Go Falcons a graduate assistant for the of Toledo Union Ballroom in addition to impressing the marching hand. "It will be a Anderson Arena audience. I'ero will be teach- very high-energy, in-your-face ing and demonstrating for the performance." Unplugged in the Pub marching band most of the day Pero is the first musical guest Karaoke in the Nest . .i L ir the Pub Friday and Saturday. to play with the marching band Falcon's Nest. Union Black Swamp Pub. Union "1 think this is going to be a in three years. great experience, especially for Pero's visit is being funded 8-10p.m. some of the younger band mem- by Bob Seho, a 1958 graduate. 9:30 p.m. Ice Skating bers," said marching band direc- Board of Trustees member and tor Carol Haywaid, avid Falcons supporter. Tailgate With Us Before the Game! Movie: "Click" Family members free with paying The "Kic kin Brass" show con- The show will be performed Union Theater student sists of three songs — "Fanfare two times besides halfttme. \ Ice Arena for the Common Folk." I and pie game show will begin at SATURDAY of Make Believe" and "(Jet It 11 a.m. on tin- east side of the 9 p.m On" — in which Pero will solo, football stadium in the Meijer Greg Proops and Chip duet and play along with the Tailgate Park. I he show will also be pel* Esten from "Whose Line is Falcon Marching Band. Lozer Bowling Green Historic will be performing in the duet formed at Anthony Wayne High Tours it Anyway?" with Pero. School near Toledo. Learn about the history and architecture Union Ballroom "I've never had an opportunity "Everybody lines the sound of of downtown Bowling Green. like this before." Lozer said. "I'm brass so this will be the show to not loo nervous, hut I'm sure I see,' said Hayward. "Ibis show Union Information Desk Movie: "Click" will he when the time comes." I callv gives the symphonic sound A special guest is not the onl\ of (he marching band a chance Union Theater , ee r 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. change being made to the show to show oil its jazz edge.' .?"?9."?.l.???. .^ . . P. M Honors Program Open SUNDAY Taco, Nacho, and Naked Burrito lust Buy an Entree and Show Us House Great for Any Tailgating Party Your College ID. The LOFT in the Honors Learning 11 a.m. Community within Harshman Quad Men's soccer vs. University of Evansville Cochrane Field Deads stringing materials jewelry design/assembly . pa'iiei workshops World Student International Fair Learn about cultures and their traditions Women's soccer vs. Phone : by visiting displays from University Westeren Michigan MEXICAN GRILL Hours: ' •■ !■ .'s 10 8. Fri 4 Sar '0-5 organizations. Cochrane Field 178 S.Main Street, Bowling Green. OH 43402 129 S. Main St. (419) 353-7200 Union


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contributions to BGSU and let them know how valuable they The flavor of Latin jazz EVENTS are," Vdelman said. From Page 11 Tomorrow evening's By Dwana Holmes dance, said Robert Stogsdill, evciiis include hingo in the assistant manager. said Marisa Adchnan. Interim Multipurpose Room in the liempo fibre's music, il c dinaloi ot major events. Union, a musical performance In I icmpo I Ibreand a comedy The Cuban-style musk- ui sound is created with a variet) Karaoke will be available show with ('leg 1'ioops and Hempo Libre will make you of instruments, in the lalcon's \esi tonight. wain to dance In your seats [tie band consists of different "Over the Hedge" and "( Ink" chip I sun from 'whose I Ine — and there will be room lor sounds hum piano, trumpet, will he showing tonight ami is il Any wax-'" you lo gel up and groove COngBS, bass, s.ix, flute, drum tomorrow evening. I iempo Libre is a Latin jazz Tomorrow night the band and vocals. I vcuts tomorrow include group hum Miami I hey will lie liempo Libre, which means free "It's a good opportunity lours ol downtown Howling performing al Kobacker Hall in time, will be performing rimba to gel exposed to a different Green, the World Student die Moore Musical Arts Center. music in k.ihackcr Hall. variety ot musical aits." said Association International Before the performance, I atin Tunba music is comprised til Vdam I andry, a |unioi music Fair and a Falcon Family dance lessons will be provided, ,i traditional Cuban sound with education major, Donor reception. the University is steering a twist of modern Latin Jazz. liempo Libra's members The historic downtown lours avvav from having a big musi- I he seven member band formed in the year 2001. rhej include Stops al I he courthouse. cal eveni al Family Weekend begins their performance ai » were nominated lor a Grammy the Cla /el I heatei and othei because il is haul to find a happy pjn. with a free Latin dance les- in 20(M> for their first album, buildings on Mam Street. medium lor the students and son to kick off the show. "Arroz con Mango". I hen set The WSA International lair parents, Ginsburg said. Don't worry if your dancing ond album "LoQueEsperabas" will haveexhibits from multicul- I he weekend closes with a skills are not exactly up-to-date. (What you've been waiting for) tural organizations on campus brunch on Sunday morning. \ssisi.ini professor cif dance went into stores in May 2006. BRANDON HEISS that display clothing and Items \delman hopes thai thiswide Tammyan Metz Starr and Tickets are available at the PANERA BREAD from many countries around variet) of events will provide students from the dance pro music building's box office, the world, Adelnian said. entertainment for all who attend gram In the School of Human ranging from SHI to $30. Bread. I he location was home I he Falcon Family Donor I .imilv Weekend Movement, Sport and Leisure University student tickets TOURS lo Bowling Greens flrsl general reception is an imitation onlj "Family Weekend is geared at Studies will be leading the Latin are SKI. store which opened 150 years eveni forfamir) donors. everyone. I hat's really the goal Fiom Page II dance lessons, which starts at 7 ago, Kilpatrick said. This will recognize theii ol the weekend, "she said. p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall. The GET UP AND DANCE Iii addition to the historical lesson will last 45 minutes. LATIN JAZZ:' mpUye*. because foi the past year and significance ol the building "No prior dance experience is pew band '~-i ed 'i1 '•' ■■' 'r i" ■ ■ a halt il was the oldest, lon- that houses I'.ineia. Us present needed." Starr said. gest running mo\ ie theatre in da) significance is important ture with others, \u\onc can go, so lake Ohio." s.ncl I arlene Kilpatrick, to the workers there. PASSPORT In the end. Miami said, dial's advantage of this Interactive TIMBA MUSIC: the executive director oi Main "The slimline and loca- whal il s,ill about, From Page 11 opportunity. Street BG, an organization thai tion are both great." said Gail "We want to losiei a clos- The dance students are I ■ enhances the central business Baden, manager of Panera. especially seem to enjoy the er relationship between teaching two different types oi district of Bowling Green. Baden described the space as challenge Ol high speed stamp American students and inter- DANCING IS SUGGESTED: dames. One is with a partner, ' Hie architecture and the workable, relaxing and open. collecting. national students," the suit anil one is without. unique neon kiosk outside Baden had previously Not everyone stamping spoken Anand said. I he lowered orchestra pit will are discussed at the Cla zel worked al the Hesilield loca- passports will he represent We want 10 give interna- slop, she said. ing .1 University organization. tional Students a chance lo .illou the audience to dance LEARN TO DANCE: tion of Panera, Inn she said il during the show, \leu other stops include the is unique to woik ,11 this loca- us\s graduate ad\ Isor, Claire represent themselves and tor I he band encourages . court building, police building tion because she recognizes I ewis. said thai hoth Ethiopia American students to learn their audience to get up and ccxitefc! ■ ■ and the county jail. a lol ol people walking down and Nepal will he present al mole about these cultures. Its I > | > ■ • al information at each the street, the lau. courtesy ot students all very interconnected in a stop Includes the hislorj nl the "It's a privilege to be in down- simply eager to share their cul- beautiful, delicate way." huildings as well ,is die unique town Howling Green inosilv architei tureseach one has because ol the customers we FREE TOWING TO OUR SHOP WITHIN 20 "We can point oul al least have. I hey make it special." MILES WHEN YOU USE OUR EXPERT REPAIR SERVICES! eight different stvlcs ot ait in she said. lecture in oui downtown area. rhe downtown tours are free and we are not limited to that,'' ot charge and arc encouraged Towing 24 Hours • 7 Days a Week Kilpatrick said. "We make these by the si,iii oi Main Street lid stops because we u v to gel 'he because of the different outlook visiiois lo look al the an hitcc they give to Bowling Green. tineas it is nm and in to envi- "We aie appreciative lo he Jerry'sm sion what ii was loo years ago," pan of the activities for l.nnilv ^* & Towing she added. Weekendl and encourage Vnothei major slop on the anyone to come on the lour." 17743 N. DIXIE HWY - BOWLING GREEN, OH downtown lour is Panera Kilpatrick said. Service Center Open Monday- Friday • 8-5 PM Saturday • 8AM-2PM Shuttle Service within 20 miles of BG JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE, INC. ALL MINOR & MAJOR ENGINE REPAIRS •SHOCKS & STRUTS 'OIL CHANGES Rental Office: (419) 354-2260 •BRAKES *AC •MUFFLERS 'DRIVE SHAFTS & AXELS 319 E. Wooster, Bowling Green, OH •TUNE-UPS 'FRONT END SERVICE (Across From Taco Bell) JOIN US WITH Hours: M-F: 8:30-5:30, Sat: 8:30- 4:00 LIFETIME OIL CHANGES! GET UP TO 5 QTS OF OIL AND FILTER ON MOST Xfil&ck CARS AND TRUCKS EVERY 3,000 MILES AS LONG . AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR FOR ONLY $99.95 . lining Specials 2006/2007 I I I I _ IJ I I I I - i III II ■ ■ ■ ■ Visit Online 419-353-7222 Li ■ ■ ■ | | ■ ■ 1 ■ 11 ■ ■ ;:

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Hillsdak Apis. I0S2 I-tin-view Avc 2 hch ins / 3 bdrm Twnh WAL* MART Dishwasher Garbage Disposal Air Condition/Washer/ SUPERCENTER Dryer in 2/3 bdrm. Carports ALWAYS LOW PRICES BOSI Bus Shuttle /CfE^CA Management Inc. Findlay Pike Apts. IH/H3 Findlav Pk Portage Oh LARGE 3 &7bdrm Apts Garage for I vehicle Offering you these special setvices: Stating ai S475/I1K) + utilities Pharmacy • Quick Lube Express Moments from BG Vision Care • Hair Salon Management Inc. One-Hour Photo Graceland (Gracl Students) Processing • Hearing Center 212 S. Church 2 bdrm I bath I car garage Air condition w/d hookups 131 West Gypsy Lane Close to downtown /^CA Management Inc. /viyit.Hioivsj| H OPEN 24 HOURS lEXRBESS WWWliGNI i". FAMILY WEEKEND 13

GET A LIFE I \en Wums's parents arc IMPROV excited aboul the I moils ml perfonnance From Page 11 "M\ parents loved the show ALL WEEKEND "Whose I IIn- and ihej tealh soit should be a good show." wanted to go." Wums added Student Recreation Sophomote I aura Wums is I he\ watch it in s\ndii ation Center Football vs. Kent State also looking forward lu sltai mi Mil I .miiK almost ever) Doyt Perry Stadium inghei experience al theevenl night anil the tu kel |iiii es with hei family. tvercprett) rcasonable, loo." Driving Range and Golf "I'm excited to see thein Since the two comedians bet ause Ima big fen ol impnn havenevei bcenio l it .si I before Volleyball vs. Ball State Course \h tamiK watched Whose and the campus has nevei Buy one bucket of balls, get one free Anderson Arena Line is il \nyway? almost even dune improvisation on I amil' ■ ■ ■ tudenl week. Wnii^ aid."It'll hereal end heioie. I laliuu said, the II roni- ly neat to see them in person evening should provide some allel Watching them on IV fot ■ quired Climbing Adventures thing liesh and inlrigtlill free climbincj at the climbing wall so man) years both panics. Wiirns has also attended hi kels ale Nil) and ale sold Forrest Crcison Golf Course Student Recreation Center performances ol the campus ai the information desk in impnn group, Ihe Plastii Ihe Student Union, as well a-, TODAY Shatters, which she said she online at www.bgsumu.sii Movie: "Over the Hedge" IIMIK enjoyed and hopes this com, according lo ilic Dlrii Union Theater show will lieei|ii.ill\ as Inn. i ampus Involvement Website Women's Soccer vs. Northern Illinois Cochrane Field Family Weekend Bingo 228 Union

Movie: "Over the Hedge" MELODIOUS MUSIC: Union Theater Greg Proops and Chip Esten from "Whose Line is "It will be a verj contrasting it Anyway?" JAZZ show from am lypit al hall Volleyball vs. University time show." said Bretl Dodson, it $10 From Page II a graduate assistant lor the Go Falcons of Toledo Union Ballroom Anderson Arena in addition to impressing the man liinj; hand. "It will be a audience, Pero will be teach- verj high energy, In youi -fai c ing and demonstrating for tin- performance." Unplugged in the Pub man hing band miisi of the day Pero is the first musical tyiest Karaoke in the Nest I ridaj and Saturday. in plaj with the marching hand Falcon's Nest. Union Blade Swamp Pub. Union "I think this is going to he a in three \enis. yriMt experience, especially for Pero's visil is being funded someol theyoungei band mem- In Boh Selio. a 1958 graduate. bers," said marching band diret Board <»l IVustees member and Ice Skating Tailgate With Us Before the Game! Movie: "Click" mi i .mil Haywatd, avid I ah on's supporter. I he KII kin Brass" show con- ihe show will he performed Union Theater ■ sists ill three songs I ani.ur two nines besides halftime. \ Ice Arena for the ( oiiiinim I oik.'' "I and pre-game show will begin at SATURDAY ui Make Believe" and "Gel It I 1 mi the east side ol the < in in which Pero will solo. football stadium in the Meijer Greg Proops and Chip duel and pla) along with the tailgate Park. Esten from "Whose Line is I ah on Marching Hand. I ozer Ihe show will also he per- Bowling Green Historic will he performing in the duel formed at \iiihom Wayne High Tours it Anyway?" with Pero. School near loledo ... Union Ballroom "I've never had an opportunity "Everybodj loves the sound of like this before," 1 ozei said. "I'm brass so this will he the show to not too nervous, hut I'm sine I see. said ll.nw.nd I his show Union Information Desk Movie: "Click" will he when the limecomcs malK gives the symphonic sound \ special guesi is not tin- onlj ol the marching hand a chance Union Theater 1 change being made to the show. to slum oti its ja// edge.' A"!?"?.!.?.?!?. Free Drink Honors Program Open SUNDAY Taco, Nacho. and Naked Burrito Just Buy an Entree and Show Us House Great lor Any Tailgating Party Your College ID. The LOFT in the Honors Learning Community within Harshman Quad Men's soccer vs. University of Evansville Cochrane Field stringing materials jewelry design/assembly workshops World Student International Fair Women's soccer vs. Westeren Michigan Phone MEXICAN G Rl LL Hours Cochrane Field 178 5 Mam Slreet. Bowlmg Green OH 43102 129 S. Main St. (419) 353-7200 Union

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ByAhnRobiraon SCHEDULE The Associated Press PITTSBURGH (AP) — Troy TODAY Polamalu may take on the chal- Women's Soccer: lenge of defending what he calls the AFC's best quarterback with vs. Northern Illinois; 4 p.m. one good arm. Volleyball: Polamalu, the Pittsburgh vs. Toledo; 7 p.m. Sleelers' All-Pro safety, has an injured left shoulder that effec- TOMORROW tively forced him to play at far less Football: than 100 percent efficiency in a 9-0 vs. Kent State. | loss to Jacksonville on Monday. "There's a lot of things I could Men's & Women's Cross have done better, so that's how Country: good it (the shoulder) is," he said. Roy Gnak Invitational @ Complicating matters. Polamalu Minneapolis. MN; 11:20 a.m. has a short week to get well for Sunday's game against Cincinnati SUNDAY and his former Southern Cal room- Men's Soccer: mate, Carson Palmer. To Polamalu, vs. Evansville;"' Palmer "probably is the best offen- sive player in the league." Men's 4 Women's Cross "You've just got to tight your Country: way through it. just like everyone Roy Gnak Invitational @ else on the team," Polamalu said. Minneapolis. MN; 11:20 a.m. "With any injury, you're restrict- ed in some way. But there are a Women's Soccer: lot of people playing in pain and vs. Western Michigan: 2 p.m. with injuries I'm sure people don't Volleyball: know about." Polamalu may have missed I srr. making an interception against the laguars because of the injury OUR CALL that occurred in the Sepl 7 opener against Miami, but. he said, "It's time to move oa" On the way up That's the problem: The Steelers The heat in the AL Central BG NEWS Fill PHOTO (1-1) are moving into perhaps the and division races. Detroit CHAMPIONSHIP PURSUIT: Terrll While and the rest of the 6G defense chase down a Buffalo player This weekend's game wilh Kent Stale will put the winner in fust place in the biggest home game of the season with a secondary that's not playing and Minnesota are MAC East The de'ense will have to contain Kent's explosive quarterback Julian Edeknan "He is a scrambler - our biggest concern on offense." said BG defensive end Devon Parks. The Falcons are 2-1 overall and 10 in MAC play so far this season all that well and a running game a half game apart that almost disappeared against while Chicago is the laguars, gaining 26 yards. The Steelers. excellent on back in third at six games defense during their Super Bowl back. run last winter, have allowed 492 yards passing in two games — an excessive number for a team that Falcons back home was No. 4 overall in defense last sea- son. Jacksonville's Byron leftwich By John Turner "They have a new quar- threw for 260 yards against them Sports editor "They put great pressure on Miami's quarter- terback, a junior college Monday even without leading a transfer from Colorado," touchdown drive. Following an underdog victory back - they hit him a dozen times and sacked said BG defensive end Polamalu knows the Steelers over Miami (Ohiol last weekend, Devon Parks. "He is a can't be so soft in coverage against Kent state heads into Bowling him five or six times. Ultimately, though, scrambler — our biggest Palmer, who threw three TO pass- (ireen in search of their first 2-0 concern on offense." es against them in a 38-31 Bengals conference start in three years. [Kent's] quarterback won that game." For Brandon, Kent victory in December that all but Although the Golden Hashes anaevi | Loacr State's win last weekend clinched the AFC North. wen manhandled by Mid- was just an exclamation "It's obvious the key to their American Conference oppo- "They put great pressure on made some scrambles. He is a point on a fact he already offense is Carson," Polamalu nents last year, going winless Miami's quarterback — they legitimate playmaker." knew — this team has the said. "Those guys (wide receiv- On the way down in eight games, coach Doug hit him a dozen times and BG's defense will be keying potential to be dangerous. ers) do a great job and they could Baseball players love of the Martin and his veteran squad sacked him five or six times," in on their quarterback, lulian "Other than the Minnesota play exacUy as they do on any game. The offseason surger- proved with their win over the said BG coach Gregg Brandon. Edelman, tomorrow following game, they have been in both team, but definitely the heart Hed Hawks that the team from "Ultimately, though, their quar- I iMm.iiA 244-yard passing, of the other games," Brandon and soul is Carson." ies have begun and players Kent, Ohio will not go quietly terback won that game for them. 62-yard rushing performance have begun to this season. He had some big throws and he against Miami last week. See FOOTBALL | Page 15 See PALMER | Page 20 take leaves for "family reasons, meaning it's mid- September and noone can Falcons head into MAC Swiger helps propel the handle two more weeks just to play the game. play with good record Falcons to success ByAdamMutiin Division Player of the Week on The List By Adam Miczin "We are very fortunate Reporter Monday. This is the second time Our experts break down the Reporter she has received the award, as MAC's best offensive players to have 10 wins right What a week it was for Stephanie she won it last year for the week Another chapter of the rivalry Swiger. Oct. 30 through Nov. 6. so far this season, you may between BGSU and Toledo will now but everyone is 0- It began Saturday when she Swiger is a junior here at see some familiar faces. be written on Friday at 7 p.m. at led the BGSU Volleyball team BGSU but it was not long ago that Anderson Arena. 0 in the MAC." to two big wins on the road in she was dominating the high 1. Garrett Wolf e- This match figures to favor Youngstown. Not only was that school floors across the area. NIU: 650 rush yards and 4 the Falcons, who are coming Denise Van De Walle | Coach important, but it was special to The choice to come to BGSU in off of one of the best starts her because Saturday was also TDs. he's on pace to rush for must have been made easier by in team history. BGSU is 10- will need another win over the her 21st birthday. her father, Dale, a former base- 2520 yards and 16 TDs. 2 in non-conference play and Cardinals if they plan to finish the The Findlay native's great ball player here in the mid 70s. must avoid the upset against weekend 2-0 in the MAC. week continued when she was 2. Freddie Barnes- She is currently majoring in the Rockets, who are 3-10. "Ball State is a battle every time awarded MVP of the Country Political Science with a minor in BG: This redshirt freshman "We are very fortunate to have we play them," said Van De Walle. Inn & Suites Classic. This past Interpersonal Communication. 10 wins right now hut every- "We have had a rivalry' with them weekend, in four matches, she She is described by Van De has done it all so far, 479 one is 0-0 in the MAC," said for years. You do not have to say BG NEWS FIK PHOTO showed her complete game. Walle as "hard working, aggres- yards overall including catch, Coach Denise Van De Walle. much to get up for Toledo. It is Her 48 kills led the team, sive, driven to excel and fun to run and pass for 6 total TDs. "The Toledo match is always our biggest rival and we know PUMPED: BG will return home lor and she had an impressive coach." All of this has left her as hard fought and intense so we dial their will be fans from both a pair of weekend games with Toledo .306 hitting percentage. She one of the "Go to" players for the 3. Ryne Robinson- know that we have to play hard schools at the match. With this and Ball Stale The Falcons are 10-2 also had 1.20 blocks a game, Falcons this year. and earn the win". being only our second home going into MAC play Miami: He's leading the which helped her out when her "The coaches have taught me It will be hard to follow up last match of die season, we still have offense was not on. a lot of the finer points of the MAC with 566 receiving weekend's performance; which to get used to playing at home". "We knew about her since she game, allowing me to become a yards and has found the end saw BGSU win all four matches The Falcons must continue Mirror Image was a sophomore in high school, much better player," said Swiger, at the Country Inn & Classic in to hit and serve well, something zone twice. BG is 10-2 this season and Toledo and we saw her playing club," "I believe they have improved a Youngstown. The team has only that Coach Van De Walle has is S-IO The Rockets have struggled said BG coach Denise Van De lot of my skills to make me a mote 4. Anthony Turner- lost to Notre Dame and Cleveland stressed each day in practice. coming *ito MAC play Walle. "She showed a lot of inter- effective player." State. In the only home match of She believes that if they are able est and kept coming to match- She played right away upon BG: With a passer rating the season thus far, the Falcons to do that, they will be able to Back to square es. Eventually, we offered her a arrival here at BGSU and was of 155.5 along with 589 yards defeated Cleveland State three stay with anyone. The Falcons ended a 24-game los- scholarship and she accepted." voted Freshman of the Year by in the air and 186 on the games to one. "The team knows that UT ing sneak to Ball State last season "Coming to BGSU was one teammates in 2004. On Saturday, Anderson Arena has some very strong outside Sunday they'll look to start a winning- of the best decisions I've ever ground with 5 total TDs. During that season, she was will host BGSU's second MAC hitters with experience so we streak against the Cardinals made," Swiger said. "1 felt very fourth on the team in kills per 5. Luke Getsy- match of the season against Ball must focus on them," said Corey strong about that decision back game and had five straight double State at 4 p.m. The game will be Domek. "We need to play our First in flight then and its worked out. BGSU is digit kills in some of the very fust Akron: This may be the special as always for De Walle, game to win." the best place for me to be." games of her collegiate career. as BGSU is her alma mater. Last BG is leading the MAC n hitting per- MAC's best pocket passer, 'To win this weekend and each centage (280). k* per game (16.76) The week was not even half Her performance against Akron season, the Falcons ended a 24- over when she was named Mid- he's got 778 yards and 4 TDs. and assists per game (15.4) match against Ball State and See MAC I Page IS American Conference Eastern See SWIGER | Page 15 15 Friday. September 22.2006 SPORTS WWW.BGNFWSCOM

ter, and her understanding of the collegiate game I us improved dra- SWIGER matically since she arrived here," From Page 14 "She nevei gets down on her- BGNEWS BGNEWS College Football piclcem sell."viklI)omek ' SheandChrissy In the MAC ibumameni should IGothkeJ are the leaders and she lien be forgotten, as she lecorded diies\eiyuellintli,it role." six blocks and 13 kills in helping riiniiigli IL' matches this season, lead the RUcons to a big win. she has followed her impressive "Shego) cm die Boor right awaj first two seasons with another solid EH. asafrvslinian and has nevei come year. I lor kills per game has juni|>ed off," said Vim IX'Walle. "She's Ixvn again, this lime to 2.117 a game. I let one (il the premier Miners lor tliis hitting is at I'oS but she has nc.nK a team and will get the plavcrs Bred digagamcalonguith 139 blocks. upil'llieyneedit." She has given the Rdcora the I.IM season, she Improved in nimplcicpiavci Inthemiddlethai KENT STATE "i BG main areas including blocking they needed. All of that has also ■ BGSU 30. KSU21: Our defense l BGSU 40. KSU 24: BG's defense i BGSU 28. KSU 20: Falcons take I BGSU 33. KSU 24 I think this and offense enabled the falcons to get oil to and special teams will try and plays well, but special teams step toward winning MAC East, young team is starting to gel, She led the team in blocks pet a 1(1-2 start, something that is mil make the game an interesting gives up a score and misses 2 a division that's as wide open Im already making plans tor the game with 1.09 and Improved net an easy teat. one. extra points. as it is bad. bowl game1 kills per game from 2.0:> to 233 in Friday night will begin MAI PENN STATE < OSU one season she recorded a career play .aid the falcons will host ■ 0SU41.PSU 13:Ttiislosswill OSU 34. PSU 10: JoePa needs high si\ digs in a match against Toledo. Chances are this week OSU 37, PSU 21: Everything l OSU 45. PSU 17: After last be so hornfic for loePa he'll have to stop talking about praying to went right for the Ntttany Lions Kent Slate and had eight hinds (in end will not live up to ihe MVP year's game PSU lans threw flashbacks of his time serving in stop Ohio State and pray to live last year. Not so much this tune different occasions, and Maya ol the Week awards urine filled bottles on OSU's Ihe Civil War. lor another year. around. "Suigerisa very important part won last week, bin with the work marching band, Ohio Slate of this team." said Corey Dotnek. eiini swigei displays, anything knows how to get tevenge! she's really eiithusiasiie and we all remains possible. WISCONSIN I MICHIGAN feed nil of that she brings energy We have a team this year ■ UM 31. VMS 10: Who wins in a i UM 56. WIS 13: Michigan is still I UM 35, WIS 17: Us OSU fans I UM 27. WIS 10: Michigan everyday and she helps everyone that is close enough thai we fight, a badger or a wolverine? angry about last year's loss. In are glad Lloyd Carr is off Ihe hot might be lor real this year, until staj positive." can get after one another on A better question would be who honor of that, they pummel the seat in Ann Arbor. We want him November lSlhatleast. Suiger brings a very high level the court," said Swiger. "Our cares. Badgers. around for a while. of intensity to each game." said expectations are very high and \;m DeU'alle. "She shows up for we believe we can make a dif- NOTRE DAME ('MSU each practice looking to gel bet ference in die conference." ■ MSU 31. ND 28: Will the Irish be I MSU 31. ND 24: II doesn't mat- ■ MSU 24. ND 22. What's less MSU 28. ND 27 Noire Dame is able to stop Drew Stanton and Ihe ter. Michigan is better than both likely. Brady Quinn Heisman a joke. Poor Brady Quinn No Spartan offense? No. Will Charlie of them. Furthermore. Brady winner, or Kevin Federlme Heisman lor you. Weis eat Ihe football?lf there's Quinn should'vebeen born a Grammy winner. The first one? tant to start well because the BB0 sauce on il. female. I'm leaning that way. too. MAC games before this mean noth- From Page 14 ing if you do nol play well in the ALABAMA -.ARKANSAS conference, where ii counts". ■ Arkansas 17, Alabama 14: Ryan Arkansas 24. Alabama 13: I'd ■ Arkansas 24. Alabama 20:1 Alabama 20. Arkansas 10 Roll weekend in the MAC, we know "Ms really critical thai gel these Aulullo is the smartest man alive, like lo take this time to com- checked, that Auburn/Buffalo Tide. This one is closer than the we have to have some level ol wins this weekend." said Van so go with whatever lie says here mend Ryan's vision, and note game is actually happening. For score looks consistency," said Van Ik' Walle. He Willie. "We are at home and He's also single ladies... Turner's mancrush on him the past week I thought it was "Ihe level ol pla\ picks up once knowing how hard il is to win on just a joke. you get into conference play the road in the MAC, we know IOWA STATE ■ TEXAS We have a greal conference and we need to have a good week- ■ Texas 44, ISU ?h I hate Iowa ■ Texas 24. ISU 6: Texas has ■ Texas 45. ISU 21: Is it just me or there .ire no easy wins, home or end. We know we musi get wins. ■ Texas 42, ISU 13. Hook' em Stale's logo, so they will nol win scored a combined 102 points does Texas Q8 Colt McCoy look on Ihe road". especially againsl teams from the Horns! Texas will continue to this game Oh. that and they've on opponents who are not OSU. and sound just like J-Mac? You score over 40 every game and Coach always emphasizes Western Dhlson because we will never beat the Longhorns before. and ISU is named the Cyclones. know, that autistic kid who was definatefy wont lose another one outworking the other team anil only play them one time*. Automatic loss. on SportsCenter. we need to do thai even match." A 2-11 weekend is the goal lor all year. said Chrissy Gothke. "If we out the falcons and the) look for current!) daj to day I ortunateij and give lans something to talk want in win because its a league work the other team, die] should support from the fans for both inr die falcons, the) have a back- about while the team hits the road. game, and a win would pui BGata nevei beal us." matches. Coach van De Walle FOOTBALL up in Freddie Barnes who has After ihis game the Neons "ill comfortable2-0in \i \( pl.n HI.sii begins conference pl.n believes a big crowd could be a From Page 14 proven he's more than capable of (inly play al Dnyl Perry Once inure "We have In win the same." with high i,inkings iii the MAI in huge factor in each match, citing performing on the field until the third week ol November Brandon said. "It's a \i \( East main ol ihe offensive categories, the fact that home conn advan- said. "They beal Miami and had "Freddie has demonstrated "It's a I"K game for us to sun game, and we only have two rhej are liisi in hitiing percent- tage is ven important to suc- ii chance in overtime against to us thai he can handle lots (in top (il the M \l ." Bailies mure home games alter this. age (280), kills per game (16.76) cess. We should all know ,i little \iiny Kent is a much improved HI playing), and as long as said, "lust a big game, peri- I he weathei is supposed to be and assists pei game (15.4). more about the falcons once this football team." he keeps doing it, I am going od, foi us he. ause it's a home nice and you never know what "We have Ionised this week weekend is over, as they try to for BG, the quarterback situ- in keep pouring it on him game. We hate to lose al home. on loledo and we know thai backup their 10-2 start with a few the weather is going to be like ation is in question heading Into because he is a playmaker," We give our fans a show so late in the year, ii should be a once Saturday comes, we can conference wins. tomorrow sgame. Antlioiiyhiriicr, Brandon said. people keep i oming out and great day for the students and stari to look at Hall State,' "We need to start 2-0, with who went down with a shoulder Barnes wants to make sure he supporting us." the i ommunit) to come out Gothke Mid. iis vcr\ impor- these games being at home." injury last weekend against I III, is continues to lead BG this weekend Most importantly, the falcons and support us."

As move closer to AL West title when is the last time ByJ.iiiioMcC.uilry The Associated Press key three-game series starling singles by Victor Martinez Friday night. Oakland watched and Ryan Garko in the fifth. a movie made you the \ngels win the West b) Hul Oakland balled around OAKLAND, Calif. — The clinching in the Coliseum each in the sixth and added three beg for mercy? I lakland Athletics are in posi- ofthepasi two years, more runs. tion toclinch the \l West this chad Gaudin (3-2) pitched i Harden pitched three strong weekend against their biggesi l-:i innings for the win, Marco innings throwing 55 pilches division rival, and il appears Scutaro and Milton Bradley — in his liist star! since lune I, they will have stin right- both singled in runs and Mark hissixth outing of the yeai ovei hander Rich Harden health) Ellis added a sacrifice IK foi ii 11 and only his second since come October. the A's, who won lor the se\ April 26 because of two stints Harden struck out seven enih time in eight games. They on the disabled list. in an impressive return from mined 26 games over .:>0(l (89- I le had lour si raighi strikeouts the disabled list and lason 63) for the first time since Sept. during one stretch, striking out Kendall hii a pair of two-run 5,2004, when they were Bl 55, the last batter in the first and then singles iii Oakland's 7-4 victo- Grady Sizemore hit a solo the side in the second — fan- rj over the Cleveland Indians home i im in the third against ning Ihonny Peralta, loe Ingleti on Thursday. Harden and the Indians pulled Ihe first-place As reduced within i 3on consecutive mil See TRIBE | Page 20 their magic number to four to win their first division title Since 2003 and lead the idle I os Angeles Angels In seven games heading into Ihe teams' Are you interested in getting involved in

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Downspiral. The Elements, Cast Irony and Brent Larson will spin heads at The battle of the foil leaves students torn between Chipotle and Qdoba Headliners. Doors open at 9 p.m. and tickets are S7 By Mike Robinson successful first day." said Hvcner. Alisba Leonard, the assistant competing with Chipotle. that champion either Chipotle "We had a line all the way past general manager of the Qdoba Students are torn between the or Qdoba. the Waffle I louse at one point." on Main Street, has confidence two burrito giants. University Some of these lacebook. Roche de Boeuf Hie arrival of the first Unable to give specific in the restaurant. junior Brian Armelli insists that com groups include "BG For Festival will rock Chipotle in Bowling Green statistics, Evener said that the "We're not too worried about Chipotle reigns supreme. Chipotle!" and "Qdoba: Burrito was greeted by huge lines of Chipotle in Bowling Green is Chipotle," said Leonard. "Our "The quality of food at Night Is Every Night." your world on Saturday hungry burrito fans. among the most successful sales actually increased during Chipotle is much better than Workers of both Chipotle and in downtown Waterville. University students, who were branches of the chain in the Chipotle's first week in town," Qdoba," Armelli said. "Qdoba's Qdoba don't seem worried about The festival includes live previously only limited to the nation. Leonard says the reason for burritos taste soggy." competing against one another, Qdoba on Main Street, were "It's a cool atmosphere in the increase in business was Other students, like University "It's not a problem at all." entertainment, a car show, suddenly subjected to a new BowlingGreen that we've tapped due to the fact that customers junior Justin Cartor appreciate F.vener said. "We welcome crafts, arts demonstrations alternative. into and we're really excited didn't want to wait in Chipotle's burritos In general competition and have no issues and food. The festival lasts Chipotle opened its doors on about being here," said Evener. long lines. i like both restaurants a or problems with them." from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. An);. 29 and graced fans with In downtown Bowling Green, Although the sales of Qdoba lot because they have yummy It's still too early to tell if one free burritos all day. Assistant Qdoba has a been fixture for burritos have recently gone food," said Cartor. "Now I'm of these restaurants will be more manager of Chipotle. leremy hungry students since Aug. down, Leonard is confident hungry." successful than the other. Until I vener, believes the "free 18 of last year. The restaurant that the restaurant will remain, the popular then, Bowling Green burrito burrito" day was a key factor in became successful among successful. social networking site for fans will have to make a choice attracting customers. University students, but now "We're going to let the food college students, hosts groups between two restaurants who "We bad an extremely faces competition. do that for us," Leonard said of created by University students sell a very similar product.

Tiempo Libre salsas Trump it up at up campus by bringing iod their Latin infused beats to Grumpy Dave's

Kobacker Hall. Doors open By Sarah Moor* at 8 p.m. and tickets can be Clan to Reporter purchased for $18. $25 Typically, the visual of a and $50. By Heather Ricdel Repai long staircase can be associ- ated with venturing into the SUNDAY unknown, or even with climb- Method Man. a.k.a. Iron Lung. ing the stairs to heaven. Tical. Wu Brother#1 andlohnny In this case, climbing up Blaze, will rockoutN.MainStreet the stairway next to Easy with a performance Monday at Street Cafe', the popular and I loward'sClubH with Inspectah tasty restaurant located on I leek and Masta Killa. Main Street in downtown Method Man is a member Bowling Green, opens out into of the Wu-Tang Clan and is "Grumpy Dave's Pub" — a Community "one of the most recognizable, place that some people could unpredictable MCs in the |Wu- definitely consider a haven of Drumming lang] group," according to PHOTO PROVIDED MiTHODMANCOM various sorts. teaches members to march VHrs Web site. Established on July I, 2005, lie was born Clifford Smith NOT UP IN SMOKE: Method Man. to the beat of their own MARIA HUMMSR I THfBGNfWS this fairly new business with and grew up in Long Island and made famous as being a member of the Wu brick walls and a tavern appeal drum! No experience is Staten Island. N.V., where he met Tang Clan, will take the stage at Howards, COSMO'S MIXMASTER: Ben Alexander works at Cosmo's (luring the new biweek- offers its customers a vari- required and a $5 donation his future Clansmen. sans pyrotechnics, on Monday. Sept 25 ly "Mined tape night" and says anyone can bring a mixed tape of their favorite music to ety of entertainment options Doors open at 9 p m and tickets are S25 swap, as long as the first track is your entrance song il you were to be a famous boxer is requested. The event is The Wu-Tang Clan entered everyday throughout the week the mainstream music industry located at the Collingwoods except for Sunday. in 1993 with their record, "Enter hip-hop news Web site. Dave Harper, the owner of Arts Center from 1:30 p.m. the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)." Method Man's newest album Mix your music up on Tuesdays "Grumpy Dave's Pub" for the to 230 p.m. In '94, Meth signed with record- titled, "4:21... The Dav After." was past nine years, comments ing label I )ef lam and began his released Aug. 29,2006. on what the addition of the solo career. BG's in for a big show on at downtown's Cosmo's Cafe pub has done for the down- Even though many members Mondayand |im Gavarone, owner stairs restaurant, as well as THEY SAID IT of The Clan had solo projects, of Howard's Club II, expects a for the community. Meth was the first one to release good size crowd. By Addle Cuttii punk," Alexander said. "It was an attempt to change an album. "Method Man is big," Gavarone Reporter Therefore, every other the name and the image in "I've always felt After his album, "Tical," went said "This is one of my highest Tuesday night for the last month the community so the people platinum, he left a mark in the ticket priced shows, so I guess Visiting from Portland, a has been dubbed mixed tape or would be aware that there was rock and roll hip-hop music world and has that would make it one of the big- Cosmo's Cafe^ employee CD night at Cosmo's. a bar upstairs," he said. "It was become the most well known gest shows." brings a personal interest to Participants from the area a move to not be separate from was very, very member of the Wu-Tang Clan. Gavarone has owned Bowling Green. come with a collection of what the restaurant, but to have a Since his breakout into main- Howard's for eight years and Ben Alexander previously they think are good songs to different identity. When peo- wholesome stream music, he has released said that it's a "well-respected swapped music with a friend share with the group ple thought about Easy Street, other albums sue has "I ical 2000: club for music between Detroit, back home and thought it Accordingto Alexander, they they would think about going music." Judgment Day," which also went Cleveland and Chicago." would be a nice addition to the are starting to create musical to a place to have a fine meal. platinum and "Blackout," which In past years, Howard's has coffee shop. themes for each night through When they thought about Aretha Franklin | Singer be collaborated with Redman, hosted bands such as the Yeah "Iwasinterestedinnewmusic structured homework assign- going out and having fun or fellow hip-hop artist, according that people would turn me on to, a See METHOD MAN | Page 17 to such as jazz, indie rock and See COSMOS | Page 17 See EUCHRE | Page 18 WWWBGNEWS.COM PULSE 17 Friday. September 12.2006

Students timber's shiver Pulse Picks on Tuesday's National Movie Movie Music Music Talk Like A Pirate Day

By Emily Ripp* si hedules to talk like a pirate, Reporter others had a large amount of work to do. Racquelball can be an Intim- The two co-founders of the idating sport all on its own, holiday are also the authors bul throw in some pirate jar- of two books, and their lat- gon toward your opponent, est is the wildly acclaimed and you've got a game that "Pirattitude! So You Want could make anyone's knees to Be a Pirate? Here's How!" ■ Dragon Dynasty ■ Warner Bros. ■ ■ This Providence shake, or maybe something which was released last year ■ Gtade|C ■ Grade|F ■ 6tade|A ■ Grade | B* even better. on Sept. 6. Mark Summers and John Because of their work's "The Protector" "The Wicker Man" "The Car, "This Providence" IS.m i didn't know it during t he success, Ol'Chumbucket and WHAT JOE THINKS: WHAT JOE THINKS: WHAT SAMANTHA THINKS: WHAT NICK THINKS: infamous racquethallgami-ill Cap'n Slappy spent this year's Martial Am movies are exactly the Another week, another bad horror Elton John, after thirty long years of In the past two to three years Fueled By 1995, but when they decided International Talk UkeaPirate types o( films that we go to the movies film remake, not much new here with music composition, performance, and Ramen has become one of the most to talk to each other in pirate Day at numerous radio and for. silly and over the top features that "The Wicker Man", a remake of the recording, still reigns as the king popular independent record labels bringing lingo on that fateful day, it television stations answering have just enough plot to get from one 1973 British Mm that made a name for He has come out with a new album. popularity to bands Ike Fal Out Boy. Gym was the beginning of a brand interview questions. action scene to the next. "The Protector" itself with its unique feel and memo- hitting the stores on Sept. 19. Cfcss Heroes. The Academy Is... and new holiday. is no different. rable ending "The Captain & The Kid" is a sequel more recently Panic1 at the 'Great Neptune's man nip- Stuntman turned actor Tony Jaa This film will be more remembered to his thirty-five year plus number The newest band signed to Fueled Bv ples!" said Summers, who's "We managed to have COng Bak") stars as Cam. a Thai war- for being exceptionally boring. one mufti-platinum album. "Captain Ramen. This Providence, looks to share pirate name is Cap'n Slappy, rior who travels to Australia to avenge Nicholas Cage stars as a policeman Fantastic and the Brown Dirty Cowboy* some of that recognition after releasing a little fun this year hrs father and recover his family s two I lestillremainsshockccithat who travels to a strange island off the collaborated with liis old friend Bemie the* self-titled release on September 12 what began as a joke between elephants that were stolen by a local coast of Washington to search for the Taupin. who is seen for the first time on The abum starts off with the frst s*igle by... eating barbecued cnme syndicate. missing daughter of an old girlfriend. the album cover. "A Wolf m Sheeps Clothing" and sets the him and llaur, also known as As far as plotlmes go, this could be What he finds instead is an island full With this sequel in hand. Elton John tone for the rest of the CD w*h a mixture (II (:huinbuckct. has turned one of the worst ever It is pretty clear of the followers of a strange religion that is hoping to look ahead by using his of both acoustic and electnc guitars spllng into an annual event where pork ribs, which we early that there was not a lot of thought resembles that of a pagan culr memories and histories, as well as musi- through the opening track. over an estimated 19 million put into it The film moves so fast This movie tries too hard to separate cal styles of the 60s and 70s. where Throughout the disc, the vocals are people speak like pirates fol called Pigcides,'... between the fight scenes that more time itself from its predecessor, and it winds music mattered the most, to reach -fie shared by Dan \bung and Phil Cobrea the entire day. is used on the fights than any attempt to up just feeling awkward and everything listeners of today. who intertwine lyrics back and forth Ever) year on Sept. 19, the and drinking a little build a story. Characters are introduced, feels out of place It tries to be a horror* The first track on the recording. much to the same style that Adam hirthdate of Cap'n Slappy's ex- and just as quKkly they disappear until film, where the original was more of a "Postcards from Richard Nixon opens Lazzara and Fred Mascherino would of wile. International Talk Like a too much ale than is the end. bringing up the question why mystery, but all of its attempts at scanng with a piano solo, immediately recog- Taking 8ad Sunday. Pi rate I )ayiscelebrated around were they brought into the film in the or creating tension fall flat nized as that of Elton John. UnLke the* label mates on Fueled By the world I \ en Antarctica has probably good for us." first place. Everything in "The Wicker Man" Singing about Nixon sending people Ramen. This Providence has more of The action scenes that make up "The ,i lew pirate wannabes. feels awkward and out of place, from out and diplomatic issues. John slowly an noW-rock sound instead of a poppy "When our Web site. www. Ol'C- jnder Protector" do live up to its biling. with the cast all the way to the script. creeps into his comfort level of per- sound that is running the arwaves on tons of hght scenes that are as over the Nothing here works It is obvious from former, as welt as lays out tracks of his today's radio as wel as a little more drver- buzzed top as anything we have seen for Jet U the start that the filmmakers had no present-day political bekefs stfy m their music. to life in the spring o' 2003, "It's the waj it noes. Santa or Jackie Chan as of late While some of clue what they were doing when they "Just like Noah's Ark" is a soft yet lively. One can't help but notice the piano/ we started to get e-mail from works on Christmas, the them are a little over the top one can t were making this film. i I I Migiiishable work reminiscent acoustK based ttack The Road to Jencho folks all over the world, from Easter Bunny works on Easter, help but be somewhat impressed by NormaBy a film would have at least of the 60s and 70s. Is Lined with Starving R?ople" winch soldiers in Iraq to research I'm not sure who works all day Jaa's athleticism, much in the mold of Li one thing that you can take away as a "Wouldn't Have it Any Other Way" is sounds like it was dcectry stolen from the sc iiMitisis ii tin' South Pole," on Ailior Day, but it must be and Chan before him positive, but in this case I can not think a slower ballad, with a balance of piano, Beatles catalogue reciting the kne"if lovng Cap'n Slappj said. "They tell somebody," 01' Chumbucket It is rare that a martial arts film is able of any good that came out of this frlm timbre, and vocals similar to "Candle in were easy, it wouldnt be love" us stories of how International said. "We managed to have a to transcend beyond mindless entertain- It is sad when you see a movie the Wind." Whte Tha Providence self titled release Talk Like a Pirate Pay was ,i little fun this year by spread- ment, though it has happened m some and the best part comes during the Though they may be new song^ with is a strong CD on a strong independent welcome laugh in an other- ing the word, eating barbe- cases, and "The Protector" does little to previews, but thats the case with "The old flare. Elton Johns new tracks lay out label they will probably have to wait for Wise serious world." cued pork ribs which we call change that fact Wicker Man" a path from the 1960s style of music their fame and recognition just Uce Fall Out That being said "The Protector* is This past fUesday marked Pigcides.' the official pork Once the film starts it all goes down with issues and life's lessons of today. Boy and Pane! at the Dsco had to wait for the 12th celebration of everything you go to the movies for. hill, and there is nothing that redeems "The Captain & the Kid" informs the a few years before they became the bands product of Talk Like a Pirate and has nothing that you can take away this film to justify paying to see it. So do woild that Elton John has resurfaced they are today. International Talk like a Day, and drinking a little too from it. yourself a favor and skip it. from Las Vegas and is ready to rock. But smce wtien did al that matter' Pirate Day, and while many much ale than is probably —Joe Cunningham —Joe Cunningham —Samantha Clou —Nek Carrabine took time out of their busv good for us."

the opening act, but he's "not Each participant goes home with with others and meeting peo- sure how many other people a tape or CD of new music that ple in the area," he said. "It's a METHOD will come along with their crew. COSMOS another person provided, allow- good forum to find new artists I just know that there's no pyro- From Page 16 ing new music to be heard and songs." MAN technics." Boos said he and Alexander (icparski said he usually makes From Page 16 merits. These require the regu- were having a discussing aboul tapes and he thinks the extra lar participants to find songs the lack of musical involve- effort that is required shows. Yeah Yeahs. Fall Out Boy and (hat fit certain categories and ment in the Bowling Green Along with being exposed the White Stripes, all who have discuss them. community. to new music genres, Cosmo's made their name known in Full-time worker Tyler Boos Both Boos anil Alexander are mixed tape night is a great oppor- mainstream music. said the activities take place regular participants in the swap tunity for socializing and meet- Ben Wilcox has worked at in the main area of the colter ping of music. ing new people. Howard's for two years and said shop where people can hang Another regular participant is Boos said they have had MAHIA HUMMER that this will "definitely be con- out and socialize while hearing Nick Ceparski who has attended nothing but positive feedback COSMOS CREAMER: Naonycanyou sidered a huge show." new music. both mixed tape nights so far. I le and everyone returning enjoys "We'll be taking out the pool According to linos, the turnout viid he plans to continue coming the event. qc a qualtv cur. a coffee at Cosmos, you can also tables and picnic tables to make has been between 12 and lfi peo- each Tuesday this event is held. The next mixed tape night will mpnw your muscil taste every other Tuesday room for as many people as pos- ple, which is more than expected. "I enjoy talking about music lake place Sept. 26 from 7-9 p.m. right The next ever* wt taVe place on Sept 26 sible," Wilcox said. Gavarone expects a "full house" but isn't overly worried PHOTO PHOVIDfD ME1H0DMANC0M about any problems during THE MAN AND THE CLAN: Method the show. I4an received his fame from being the "Obviously, this is a bigger Wu Brother ff I in the notorious rap power than average band, so it's going group. The WLI Tang Clan, whom he met n Work and School? to bea bigger than averagshnw," his hometown of Staten Island. NY Gavarone said. "There will be ^HJISI more staff all around |because| the bigger the show, the bigger The show will begin at 9 Put it all together with UPS. ^^Bsiefl the stakes across the board." p.m. and tickets arc S25 in Gavarone added that he's advance and can be found at "nervously anticipating the, www. show" and that it isn't con- and firmed how many people will at Howard's. Tickets are S30 at wmmmmmmmom be performing. the door Monday. Method Man. I nspectah Deck The show is 18 and over. COME SEE A UPS RECRUITER ON CAMPUS: and Masta Killa are the main More information can be found performers and MC Habitat is at www.takingoncxplnsiu's. Fri, 9/22 from 11 am-3pm • Student Union Mon, 9/25 from lOarn 1:30pm • Student Union Mon, 9/25 from 2pm-4pm • Career Services Wed, 9/27 from 10am-1:30pm • Student Union International Fair 2006 Wed, 9/27 from 2pm-4pm • Career Services round the World in One Afternoon Fri, 9/29 from 11am-2pm • Student Union Part-Time Package Handlers S8.50-S9.50/hr, with increases of 50C after 90 days & 50C at one year Come & Celebrate Diversity With Usl Excellent Benefits (Medical/Dental/Vision/Life 6 40IK) Enjoy Music, Dance, food and much more \ Paid Vacations • Weekends 6 Holidays Off • Weekly Paycheck with International Flavor! : The UPS Get up to $23,000* EARN MO LEARN* in College Education Assistance! Program Saturday, September 23, 2006 HOURS OF OPERATION: 11am - 3pm Preload * 4am-8am Day • 11:30am-3:30pm BGSU Student Union Twilight • 5pm-9pm ; ■ Midnight • 10:4Spm-2:4Sam Shift times are approximate. FREE and open to the public ■ For more information, contact Claire Lewis Apply online at: @ 419.372.2249

For more information, call UPS at: 419-891-6820 Presented by the UPS, 15S0 Holland Rd, Maumee, OH 43537 WORLD STUDENT ASSOCIATION In conjuction with other BGSU organizations. 'Program guidelines apply. UPS is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/E/D/V. 18 Friday. Sept ember 2?. 2006 PULSE WWWBGNEWSCOM Anheuser Busch taps into online EUCHRE From Page 16 playing some pool, they would entertainment with Bud TV think about Grumpy Dave's Pub." By Johnny Payne "With adults spending more time online One of the most unique Reporter events at "Grumpy Dave's Pub" looking for entertainment to fit with their is Euchre Night, it takes place lii a somewhat baffling move, every Monday. Every week, each Anheuser-Busch recent l\ member of the winning team announced its intentions <>i lifetysles, we believe Bud.TV will enable us to receives a S25 gift certificate to launching a new entertain- Easy Street Cafe, while the sec- reach them in an engaging and fun way." HARIAHUMMER "Hl&NEWS ment network sometime eartj ond place team members each next year August Busch| President. Anheuser Busch receive a $10 gift certificate. TRUMP ME FOR CHARITY: Grumpy Dave's Pub now holds euchre nights every Bud.'l V is the tentative title The winning team is also Monday that brings in vast and vibrant groups ol community members Other themed nights of the venture, which will online looking for entertain- Unlike ebaumsworld, Bud. entered into the Tournament of Include Tuesday comedy nights. Wednesday free pool and video game night. Thursday solo resemble a scries <>i televi- ment to lit their lifestyles, we TV has already begun restrict- Champions, which is held once and ensemble nights. Friday band night and Saturday karaoke night for patrons to enjoy sion channels available onl) believe Hud. f\ will enable us lo ing avallabilit) to viewers over every 16 weeks and determines through the internet reach them in an engaging and the age of 21, a factor that who is the best. The winning a valid student I.D., $5 other- during the weekdays, so the Accordingtoacompan) press Inn way." ■could potentially burst Busch's team then splits S200 in cash wise, and is available for indi- Saturday time makes "GrumrjJ release, Bud.TVwon'1 simph be It's no secret thai most col- bubble. while the runners-tip split $100. viduals 18 years and older. (The Dines 1'uli' especially unique. a combination ol Budsandsoap lege students spend hours each "That sounds like it could A food table is run every pub is typically 21 years and "Everybody has bands on Friday operas. Rather, America's lead- week surfing the Internet, and kill t he whole idea," said senior Monday night as well, where over the rest of the week.) The nights and we do too. so we were ing brewer has teamed up with that entertainment-oriented |oel Straley. "That eliminates 100 percent of the proceeds go laughs start at 9 p.m. until about looking for something different a variety of pre-established enti- sites In particular have been half of all college students straight to the Wood County 11-11:30 pin. to do on Saturdays," i larpersaid, ties, SUCh Ms Wild Wi'sl I'i. line increasing in popularity as ol right ibere." Cancer Society. On Wednesday nights. It gives people a chance to have Show, Omelet, and actor Kevin late, lust look at all the media A quick visit to the site in its As far as the age range of "Grumpy Dave's Pub" has free some musical entertainment foi Spacey's In attention ' has larval stage reveals that only Buchre night goes, there is pool and electronic games. "We free. We get a lot of kids from the an attempt to create a diverse garnered lately, in addition to those over 21 can sign up for an quite a mixture. "We have a supply the quarters, and you school of music at die karaoke, range of programming. this article. update list for what luminous couple ladies in their 80s that have fun." Harper said. so ihey can sing and it sounds I he multiple channels are Hut will the buzz about Bud. white letters herald as "A New play every week, down to col- Cm Thursday nights, there are pretty good. It's not the usual expected to offer a tasty mix- I \ be able to bring browsers to Generation of Entertainment" lege seniors that are 21 years various small acts that perform, [One deaf person up there mak- ture of sporting events, celeb- I he sue,' The network's first big attrac- old," Harper said. such as solo duos. A cover charge ing noise." rity interviews, news reports, As long as it's not inier- tion is slated to be actor/come- The starting time for the event of SI-$2 usually occurs. lastly, Harper said that stu- stand-up comedy liiis. music \ lews with Osama bin laden, dian "Vince Vaughn's Wild every Monday will now begin at Like most other bars down- dents should check out "Grumpy downloads and. of course, i guess I'd watch it." junior West Comedy Tour. 9 p.m., with the intention that town. Friday night is band night. I >avc's Pub," much more. Jonathan Weber said. "It's just UvePlanet, which produces more students will lx' able lo I hecou'ichargciaiigcsliomS! "People owe it lo themselves "We're always looking for got to he funny." the world's largest filmmaking attend after classes are over. 5, depending on who the band is to stop up and see what we I ia\ e new opportunities to conned lie and bis roommate fre- contest, Project Greenllght, is Tuesday night plays host to a and where they are from. to offer as far as atmosphere wilh adult consuinersoii a more quently visit ebaumsworld, also slated to showcase original comedy club, including profes- Oneofthemostpopularnights and entertainment" besides. personal level," said August com. a siie featuring the same ami creative content. sional national comedic acts that the pub bears witness to when asked what die best char- Busch IV. the company's presi- mix of comedy, news and But only time will tell if eli- that have played shows across is the no cover charge Saturda) acteristicol the pub is. I larper dent, in a press release. "With video that Bud.TV appears to gible college students will tap the country. night karaoke at 9 p.m. Most remarked without any hesita- adults spending more time be aiming for. into Bud.TV. The cost is S3 at the door with other bars hold karaoke nights tion, "Grumpy Dave!"

Don't see red when spots appear on clothing Liquid love: What does your beverage say about you?

By Chuck Myers can spread a slain and may even ment lo prevent color changes. By Kathy Flanigan Bottled beer drinkers lend of the 21st century. damage the fabric. Treat beverages containing MCT to be more open to the idea Wine drinkers most often Pieiiealing a slain before it sugar, sue h as w ine or ginger ale, of committed relationships are while-collar women who Discoveringa spaghetti sauce or dries can increase the chances immediately and before they You're used to getting advice and have the person,din are considered the "ultimate wine slain on your favorite piece ni removing it. Use a prewash dry out. Although the may seem from all sorts of places, but the of a bartender. They talk to hostess." ol clothing call luin yiiui day. stain remover, liquid laundry lo disappear, this type Of slain Aluminum Can Council might everyone. Suave and sophisticated folks But fear not: \ stain does nut detergent or a paste made from oxidizes and leaves an invisible be the most unlikely. A recent The average canned beer who like drinking alcohols such have lo ruin .1 blouse or pants, a powdered laundrj detergent stain, which ultimately turns survey the council funded drinker is single, friend!) and as scotch are typically white- If trealed quickly and coirei il\. and a little water. When doing yellow or brown, once exposed reveals what your favorite bet open and is niosi often a hard- collar divorcees. a stain can become a forgotten this, Bra tesl for colorlaslness to air. erage says about you. working, younger professional. Those who like non- problem. Here are ,1 lew lips tin by pretreating a seam m otha (heck freshly washed wet Here's what the council Those who prefer canned alcoholic beverages are often tackling that stain. inconspicuous area T hen, wash iTe n lies for stains that don't wash found might happen should energy drinks consider widows or widowers with Know your target: The soon the garment with a detergent away.Rathei thandrythem,pre- romance occur: themselves the sexj I asanovas teenage children. eryou attack a stain, the easiei and a bleach dial's safe lor the treat the siains and wash them ii is to remove swinge a stain fabric. When using bleach to again. Drying can permanently lather than rubbing it; rubbing treat a stain, treat the whole gar- set the stains.

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vs. Ball State TOMORROW 4pm-Anderson Arena


I WWWBGNEWSCX PULSE 19 rnday. Sept ember 22.2006 Filmaker showcased for theater and film department's Director Series By Mikt Robinson tunity to see interesting films. Berens plans to attend some Reporter Tim Jarmusch definite- of the screenings. Berens is ly holds a certain position the secretary of the Universit] Film hullsof BmvlingCirecn will in American cinema," said Film Organization. have the opportunity to see lire Williams. "We fell lie would be "It'sgood lor people win 1 want films on the big screen. a name that most of the student 10 learn about film 10 look al as Pour films by director Jim body would recognize." many films as possible," Berens larnuiseh will be screened in the larmusch, originally from Bald 1 lie Director's Series takes dish lilm I healer this semesler, Akron, studied filmmaking in only a lev, Rims from one direc- as part of the department of the- New York City. Throughout his toi and puts them side-by-slde atre and film's Director's Series career as a filmmaker, he has to study." The Director's Series offers remained independent from big iheie are two screenings left students the opportunity to see Hollywood StudiOS, His mosl in the lim larmusch Director's certain films from one director. recent film, "Broken Flowers." Series. "Dead Man" will screen The screenings are held on starred Bill Murray and won the MCTUDt PROVIDED on Sept. 26 and "Broken Flowers" luesday nights at 7:30 pm. The Grand Prize of the hiry at the DIRECTOR SCUT: will be screened on( lctober3, first screening of ihe Director's 2005 Cannes Film Festival. works »ll be on display at tlie Lilian Gish "I think the Director's Series Series, larmusch's "Stranger The Director's Series liisi Theater from Sept 26- Ocl. 3 He was gives students an opportunity to 1 Than Paradise. ' was held on began last semester. In the spring graced with ihe grand pn/o at the Cannes see films that ihey may noi have Tuesday, Sept 12. of 2006. The work ol directoi Film Festival by the 200S jwy seen before," said Berens. "II also The second screening, of Wong Kar-wai was presented in saves me a few dollars by noi larmusch's "Mystery Train,'' was the Gish I Urn Theater, pUfieS lllis idea ol the auiciu having to rent all of the tides." held cm [uesday.Sept 19. Professor Williams hopes dial filmmaker.'' said Williams "A Ihe Him Dirci tor's Sine, is (il in professor Daniel future Director's Scries will also filmmaker who has a signature sponsored b) the Bowling Green Williams, who is assisting the beol inieiesi tostudents, stamp that you can see tram film Male Universit) ol I heatre and Director's Series, wants students "We look for directors whose to film." Him and the Gish 1 llm fheater JOMMN iiowtn IHE BO NEWS tn lake advantage of the oppor- body of work somehow exem- Universit) student Emily Endowment, FANS GET LOST AT HEADLINERS: /preplan «bd 1 «o on Wednesday. Sept 20 The Welsh natives weie supporting their new album. Liberation Iran It's in the stars Daily horoscopes for Sept. 22.2006

By Linda C. Black Abundance can beyours. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) lodav is an 8, VbU never assume today's Birthday (09-22-06). you're the mosl Important per- t.ieai wealth ran be yours this son In the group. Thai natural year, but for Heaven's sake. humility is one ol the reasons don't spend il as last as you get vou are. It, I Kcept, ol course, for real Libra [Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Dude, if estate, Vou can score big with a Todayisa6. Dreams are so won- fixei upper. derful, thai sometimes you hesi- In gel the advantage, check tate lo make lliem come true. we lived at the day's rating: in is the easiest I hen's a lol more cleaning up lo day.Othemosi challenging, do in real life, bul It's worth it Aries I March 21 April 19) Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21 today is a 7 You're general!) lod.n is a 9. Be a good steward ol Copper Beech... a loner, bill that will have 10 your resources. Ii always makes change. You'll discover you ran you feel better to know there'll do a lot more when you work in-enough tomorrow. With help, with somebod) else. you're making that happen. Taurus (April 20-May I'll) Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec, loday is an 8. You can't haw 21] iuda\ is a 7. You're gaining 100 much sei aside lor a rainy respect, bul you may not be day. 1 hey will come, as vou well sure il y mi want to be in charge. know. Migiii as well slay co/v Offer to tell the others what to and warm. do, il they don'l make you slay Gemini [May 21-Iune 21] iii an office. Ibda) is ,i ii New paim on the Capricorn Dec 22-lan. 191 walls makes a huge impact II rodaj is an 8. Hie mine you gel you can'i gel quite thai for, put Into the details, the more obvi- up a few new paintings, ["hat's ous it becomes that some options doable, and quite refreshing. are a lot better than others. Don'l Cancer (June 22-July 22] rush Into anything, Ii HI.U is a 9. You're good al busi- Aquarius I Ian 20-Feb. 18] ness, thai thai gives you more lod.iv is a 6, i here are several M time in he with youi family. II ways to accrue wealth. You can you have a family business, so saveil or create ii oul ol thin air. much the heller. Appreciate Ideas have value, and you're lull ilii-iii. ami yourself, for whai of them. Gel busy. you've accomplished. Pisces (Feb. (9-March 201 Leo lulv 23-Aug. 221 loday is an K No need to make loday is a 7. You always seem hasrj decisions. The natural way lo be wealthy, whether you are Is to lei things evolve in theii own or noi. It's your attitude. Bui time If it's over, it's over And it it -+* you don'i have to rert on that. isn't, no need to make a big hiss.

4-UAO presents...... we would have from peace and quiet WmUKKiTANVWHr "True Separation" soundproofing system Spacious bedrooms Copper Beet h ( luhhoiisc Free high-speed Internet Large capacity washer connection & dryer Free cable No parking worries Full-size dishwasher • Garbage disposal A Available furnished . Built-in microwave ^^\ or unfurnished Full-size private bathrooms & one powder room

I! mm mw IJJ When & Where: jUtm Saturday, September 23 • at*H in the Lenhart Grand Ballroon^W* Tickets on Sale: At The Info Desk Bowen - Thompson Student Union Tickets: $10 Bring BGSU Student ID! TO W N II O M E Questions? C O M M U N II I E S„ L L P Call: (419) 372-2486 or visit: j 2057 Napoleon lid • 419-353-3300 20jcKb». September 2?.2006 SPORTS WWWBGNEWS.COM

1 Sharpen 2 Actor Tamiroff 3 Elton's real first name 4 Conductor Zubin 5 Young newt 6 Assert 7 Part of NEA 8 Lofty angel 9 Paper money 10 Common center? 11 Sword with a double edge 12 With 19A. part of 17A. 30A. 48A and 64A 43 Fusses 13 Landed manor 44 Ailudes to 18 Comic French com- 46 Fake names ment 47 Medical info bible 22 MBA course 48 Ancient Jewish rabbi 25 VMI, e.g. 49 Iroquois tribe 27 Acclaim 50 Celebrex maker 28 Made in the _ 51 Command to relax 29 Tonne or Ttllis 55 Cuban boy in the 31 Burst of energy news in 2000 33 Pen name? 58 Linen source 37 West Coast-based 60 Jubilation petroleum company 61 Tacks on 39 Faddish plants 63 Up-coming connector! SHOOTING THE BULL LeBron James talks to David Letterman during a show which he tool on the talk-show host in a 5-shot competi- ACROSS 40 Ad committee 65 Adversary tion in which he shot three-pointers while Lettetman took foul shots 41 Pigs' digs 1 Hurt 48 Gem in the Smithsonian 7 Immigrant's sub). 52 Frozen 10 Scottish Gaelic 53 Leading 14 Dennis of "Brewster's Millions" 54 Chick of jazz LeBron does late night 15 Actress Ruby 56 Luau loop 16 Atlas contents 57 Edberg of tennis ByTomWittwn Star and playing for the United ment deals worth an estimated 17 Harry Anderson sitcom 59 Links grp. 19 See 12D 62 Ms. Minnelli ANSWERS The Associated Press States in the world champion- $130 million. 20 Give out 64 ~Norma Rae* star ships this summer. I he Omaha World-Herald 21 Track down 66 Adam's garden s i s n 'I s|jx i ,■<: M V 1 CLEVELAND - LeBron lames A few days earlier, lames had reported thai Buffett wore a 23 Writer Levin 67 Simile center c: i 1 V 0 nHv B VHN i a - 24 Of the nose 68 Like the Tower of O i 1 i 1 ■ i I V s|v Z i : spent pun of the past week shoot- lunch in Omaha, Neb., with bil- Cavaliers' Jersey with "Buffett" 26 Outfielder Kirby 69 Cooking fat .1 l 1 N V » i 1 •i 1 1 ■i I lionaire Warren Buffett. Keith on the back during his one-hour M ■ ing hoops with I lave and eating 28 Ms. Thurman 70 Singer Ritter V 4 0 > l ■ N 0 ■ : 1 N dieescburiiirs with one of the l.stahrook. a spokesman for lunch at the Crescent Moon Ale 30 Quick training session 71 Feels ■ 1 I c N 0 .'. V i a 1 H i o '■ G V 8 world's riches) men. lames, said the two met over Mouse with lames and others. 32 Bookstore section - ". 34 Wrap up H 0 V V V During a taped appearance milkshakes, adding the player The group also enjoyed milk- 35 MM*A"S"H" star C! d 1 " i i t U on "Late Night With David has "great respect lot Mr. Buffet" shakes that were brought in by 36 Track org. -I n 0 J '. If '1 3 1 « Letterman" that will air on lames, who signed a three- one of Buffett's assistants. 38 Protest-singer Phil i 1 -t - •J II d 1 1 * -, " N 42 Harrumph. v H 1 1 I * ; 0 1 1 - i .'. Friday, tlu' Cavaliers' star te>■ year, SHI) million contract In lanuary, Buffett dropped s|i c 1 45 Brownie pic I 0 .1 a ii i 0 : i' N Ward took on the talk slum host extension with the Cavaliers Into the restaurant with New a d V rl|3 3 "■' i i - X 0 -(■ti u ti in a 5-shot competition outside in luly, ma) have been seeking York Yankees third baseman i G ti 3|l 6 3 .'. If tin' id Sullivan Theater in mid- some oil the court business Alex Rodriguez. town Manhattan. advice from Buffett, the sell lames was first invited to be VOTED BEST PIZZA 14 STRAIGHT YEARS lames fired up shots front I made billionaire investor. a guest Oil l.etterman's show See our coupon menu point range while Letterman Last year, in an Interview with when he was in high school at PISHN€LLO'S In the telephone directory shot free throws. Before their I lie Associated Press, lames said Akron's St Vincent-St. Mary €l,V6RV ask about our SPECIALS! 203 N. Main ™<° 352-5166 matchup, letterman Inter- one ol his primary goals was High School. Hut scheduling $5.7b Minimum viewed lames on a range of sub to "be the richest man in the conflicts delayed him making Open Weekdays 4P.M. • Lunch Fri. • Sat. * Sun. SD ZE jects. Including his high school world." lame's, who w ill turn 22 in his late-night debut, which was days, his quick ascension to NBA December, already has endorse taped on Monday night.

Help Wanted For Sale

37-for-S9for479yaids, twotouch- Pittsbitrghwatchingourdefense, THE Exotic Dancers. GUITAR amp Peavey XXL Head PALMER dc iw i is and tw o interceptions, the corners always play off most No experience needed: will train Marshall 4x12 Cab. Electric guitar The Bengals' no-huddle of the time. Von can (jet tip there Call alter 8pm. 1-877-258-2764 Ephiphone G-400 419-966-0585 From Page 14 offense also will test a defense and bump but, for the most part, PART-TIME BARTENDER Palmer, of course, will beopi«>s that prefers to play corner- we play off." BG Pick up application at For Rent ing the steek'is for the first time hacks Ike layloi and Deshea rite running game the Steetera 1163 N Main St.. Eagles Club since his left knee was shnildril by fownsend well off the receivers had Monday wasn't their usual NEWS " Avail Now Rms low as $225 Mo auiniblingkinicnnntlclhulli'uon and let them react to a receiver's running name. Willie Parker PIE IN THE SKY FRIDAY B C S U Also units starting I • 1 -07 S 07-08 the Bengals' first pass play ol their route, lather than jamming at was limited to 20 yards on 11 CREATE YOUR OWN S Y @cartyrentals com. or call 31-17 playoff loss to the Steders in the line of scrimmage. carries after having 115 yards PERSONAL PIZZA! Classified Ads 419-353-0325 9am-9pm Cincinnati in lanuary Thai scheme was effective against Miami. I hat inability lo 419-372-6977 Lunch: 11 -2 I'almer promised then to return last year in limiting star receiver run the ball forced the Steewrs Male has furnished room for rent Mi. m. N«n ill no) knowlnih i FOUNDERS FOOD COURT to play Pinshurgli this season and (had lohnson, who didn't have ti i Iran on rusty quarterback lien pnii thai dUcrimiiMi with freedom of house to a clean, il1-"111""- Ulilni .iu\ neat, and honest student $200 de he has. What has been equally sur- a touchdown catch or a 100-yard Roethlisberger for their offense. IIHIUKIU.II I>I group on (be I>«I^ o 1 Waghovip Securities posit $250 rent. 419-354-6117. prising about his fast comeback game in three games against Only there wasn't inni It of it as IM color, creed mgloiLMUoral origin icuiftl ortvnution dhahflity HMIN M is how well he has played lie is Pittsburgh last season. the) wire held to 167 yards. .1 MMfU '>r 00 the bull nl ,III\ Othtl Sales Assistant Retired teacher & professor will legal) procectad UMIM "That's our defense." "Everything is predicated Duties Include: share house with graduate student fownsend said, "ihat's always off the run." wide receiver Iho IK. \<>tv<. u-M'iv.Mlii'rightlodet Inn' * Office Administration or olher professor. 5 bdrm.. 2 wood iliMiinlinue ot revUC .IIU ."U- n ' Reception burning fireplaces, wooded lot. $255 what we do. If you've been in llines Ward said. ■uch .i- ihoM bund to tw defotnaior^ lacking in : i bTmllng oi 'Preparing Presentations mo incld partial util Call alter 7 & MM in ruHUR Ul edveriaHtnenu arc ' Typing Skills and Computer leave message 419-352-5523. ■nii|..i toedktagand ipptoval Knowledge a Must 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments TRIBE Hours: 10 hours per week'Flextime Birthday of the Ice Cream Cone E-mail Resume to: From Page 15 Celebrate with us September 22 From Only $485! [email protected] @lhe Krelscher SunDial and Andy Marteon pitches of 95 Fax:419-861 9839AttnJoseph Pino On selected floor plans Services Offered Wachovia Securities Financial Net- mph, 9(5 and 95 that inning. Fealuring All Day work. LLC. Member NASD'SIPC ICE CREAM SPECIALS • Ground floor ranch Harden allowed two hits and Wachovia recognizes and values • Private entrance one run and walked a halter, Pregnant? Confidential, free & pro- the diversity of its employees, cus- Affordable 1 bdrm.. quiel & cozy.hv- • Patio then left for the clubhouse after- fessional testing BG Pregnancy tomers and business partners. Center 419 354-4673 EOE. M'F/0. imivi; In the playoffs. Oakland has missed time, avg 20 hrs/wk. $7.00-hr Two bedroom unfurnished apt. Pet I .\it i.v>('i>riu'rn[l--'>iind Kt 2J4 the postseason die last two years Cenler Substitute - CS BG'CT allowed with $250.00 non-refund- Responsible for assisting in the op- AI.I. STADIUM SLATING EVERY SUNDAY able deposit Rent $42$ 00 per fatty room avail,,!,!.- f..r lllllhiaj after lour straight trips all of which eration of Early Childhood programs month, deposit $425.00. For one STEAK NIGHT Cozy, quiet 1 bdrm. apt. In BG. i'"i'- »r ..mail HTMID! the) lost in the first round. for our Fostoria Center Required $455mo No sec. dep.. no util person, $490.00 per month, deposit € j«|] for lt,f..r,„Hil,»> $490.00 for 2 people. Lease to 8/4/07. 2 Day Advance Ticket Sales "Having a healthy Rich Harden High School Diploma or GED and For more info call 419-352-9979. 4:30-7:30 Prior experience working with young being able to go out and pitch MCDONALD DINING CENTER 244 N. Enterprise Rm 1 JACKASS: NUMBER TWO HI 7 30935 children The position is on-call, seven innings is absolutely a tre- Deluxe 1 bedroom furnished apt on Room for a male in a rooming house. • ALL THE KING'S MEN iPG-131 7.1510:00 $7.50/hr. Manville near Ihe water lower Avail- mendous plus for the club." Share utilities, kitchen FEAST l» 10.00 AFTER SCHOOL GROUP LEADER Send resumes by October 6, 2006 able immediately 419-352-5239. and bath with other tenants. FLVB0YS IPG-131 7001000 Available 6:30am to 6:00pm to WSOS CAC. Atln HR - (indicate $ 135.00 per month until 5/5/07 • GRIDIRON GANGIPC-13) 7151000 Call for more info. Sara Perna position). PO Box 590. Fremont Rooms lor rent on a month lo monlh 90S Napoleon Road THE BLACK DAHLIA|R) 7 10950 Trinity United 419 251-9622 Submit resume to: Ohio 43420 Affirmative Action Em- basis Large bedrooms in small Three bedroom. 1 5 bath lownhouse EVERYONE'S HERO |GI 7 30935 sperna@ymcatoledo org ployer - M/F/Vet Disab. town Good for the serious student with one car garage, appliances THE COVENANT (PC-I3I 7.009 20 Methodist Church oi someone not wanting the hassle including washer and dryer.Limit3 people,Tenant mows lawn. $800w THE WICKER MAN IPC-13i 7 00 9 30 ol finding sub-leasers. $350month Looking for energetic college stu- For Sale all utilities included. Serious inqui- per month Tenant pays utilities. ACCEPTE0 IPG-131 7« dent to work p.t. cleaning residential WORLD TRAD* CENTER IPG-131 7:00 945 ries only 419-352-9542 or e-mail 1745 Umerkk-Sharnrock Village and commercial. Flexible hrs. Own [email protected]. TALLADEGA NIGHTS: THE BALLAD OF RICKY trans. Hiring immed Please call Lisa 1996 Sebrmg LXI Sunroof. located behind Bob Evans.Two BOBBY IPG-131 7 05930 bedroom, 2.5 bath condo with at Emaco Cleaning 419-265-9688. all power, many updates appliances including washer and LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE (P,| 7:20940 Priced to sell. Call 353-7397. Simply styling..our 1 bdrm. apts dryer. One car garage. Limit 2 have lots of style for a price that is people Excellent Condition. $875.00 HnJ/au 6 423-2861 All positions available. Kitchen, wail 2 tickets for the OSU vs BG football simply perfect! Special pricing avail per month.Tenant pays utilities. £T • \IH .1 U'.ll »l '»'.. In lll-StinJ,n SdlOOl staff, etc Stop in for more info. Red game. Section B. 50 yard line hurry in. this is a limited time offer. MOMm-mi'iiMm MI surv >n sn,m>-i 311 Lobster 1422 S Reynolds. Maumee $350 each 419-666-1465 miHVsrMm »ij iiArs. \n MKIWS»3,;,O II (ft < tmli m/unxirv Charing Cross 419 352-0590 All Available Immediatley Strvtt <■ NO PETS! SNAKES ON A PLANE IBI 7:00920 THE ANT BULLY (P0| 7:109:10 :00 r««h Stonmit Street ■Light 18pk.SH. 99 hf %» JOHN NEH/L0VE MONSTER HOUSE IPCi 7:10910 lfc«*li¥

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