Ames High School Music Department Orchestra Course Level Expectations Grades 10-12 OR.PP Position/Posture OR.PP.1 Understands An
Ames High School Music Department Orchestra Course Level Expectations Grades 10-12 OR.PP Position/Posture OR.PP.1 Understands and demonstrates appropriate playing posture without prompts OR.PP.2 Understands and demonstrates correct finger/hand position without prompts OR.AR Articulation OR.AR.1 Interprets and performs combinations of bowing at an advanced level [tie, slur, staccato, hooked bowings, loure (portato) bowing, accent, spiccato, syncopation, and legato] OR.AR.2 Interprets and performs Ricochet, Sul Ponticello, and Sul Tasto bowings at a beginning level OR.TQ Tone Quality OR.TQ.1 Produces a characteristic tone at the medium-advanced level OR.TQ.2 Defines and performs proper ensemble balance and blend at the medium-advanced level OR.RT Rhythm/Tempo OR.RT.1 Defines and performs rhythm patterns at the medium-advanced level (quarter note/rest, half note/rest, eighth note/rest, dotted eighth note, dotted half note, whole note/rest, dotted quarter note, sixteenth note) OR.RT.2 Defines and performs tempo markings at a medium-advanced level (Allegro, Moderato, Andante, Ritardando, Lento, Andantino, Maestoso, Andante Espressivo, Marziale, Rallantando, and Presto) OR.TE Technique OR.TE.1 Performs the pitches and the two-octave major scales for C, G, D, A, F, Bb, Eb; performs the pitches and the two-octave minor scales for A, E, D, G, C; performs the pitches and the one-octave chromatic scale OR.TE.2 Demonstrates and performs pizzicato, acro, and left-hand pizzicato at the medium-advanced level OR.TE.3 Demonstrates shifting at the intermediate
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