Clifford algebras, algebraic spinors, quantum information and applications Marco A. S. Trindade1,∗, Sergio Floquet2 and J. David M. Vianna3,4 1Departamento de Ciˆencias Exatas e da Terra, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Colegiado de F´ısica, Bahia, Brazil 2Colegiado de Engenharia Civil, Universidade Federal do Vale do S˜ao Francisco, Brazil 3Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil 4Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade de Bras´ılia, Brazil Abstract We give an algebraic formulation based on Clifford algebras and algebraic spinors for quantum information. In this context, logic gates and concepts such as chirality, charge conjugation, parity and time re- versal are introduced and explored in connection with states of qubits. Supersymmetry and M-superalgebra are also analysed with our for- malism. Specifically we use extensively the algebras Cl3,0 and Cl1,3 as well as tensor products of Clifford algebras. Keywords: Clifford algebras; Algebraic Spinors, Qubits; Supersymmetry. PACS: 03.65.Fd; 03.67.Lx; 02.10.Hh arXiv:2005.04231v1 [quant-ph] 8 May 2020 ∗
[email protected] 1 Introduction In relativistic quantum mechanics,1, 2 Clifford algebras naturally appear through Dirac matrices. Covariant bilinears, chirality, CPT symmetries are some of the mathematical objects that play a fundamental role in the theory, built in terms of the spinors and generators of Dirac algebra. The ubiquitous character of Clifford algebras suggests the possibility of using them as a link between quantum computation3, 4 and high energy physics. In fact, recently Martinez et al 5 performed an experimental demonstration of a simulation of a network gauge theory using a low-q-trapped quantum ion computer.