Australian Native Plants Society Canberra Region(Inc)
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AUSTRALIAN NATIVE PLANTS SOCIETY CANBERRA REGION (INC) Journal Vol. 17 No. 2 June 2012 ISSN 1447-1507 Print Post Approved PP299436/00143 Canberra Region Report March 2012 Contents 1. Propagation We started with about 10,000 plants ANPS Canberra Region Report 1 We have a very active and produc- on the ground at the parking lots of the Australian National Botanic Response to ANBG Draft Management Plan 4 tive propagation group that pro- duces about 2356 of the plants sold Gardens. These plant sales are be- Highlights from Study Groups 5 at our twice yearly sales. Cuttings are coming more important as a source Summer Walks 7 collected from member’s gardens of native plants in the Canberra and other sources and represent a Region because the variety of native Roo-proofing 18 large variety of plant material not plants that nurseries are selling is What's inside a gall 22 normally available in commercial decreasing. Often the only hope of buying certain taxa of plants is our Book reviews 28 nurseries. We have 3 shadehouse facilities and 3 hotbeds that are sale. As Myrtle Rust spreads and Vale Graham McKenzie 1944-2012 23 soon to be updated and improved. more restrictions are placed on plant movements, it is going to be even ANPS contacts and membership details inside back cover In addition, we have a trial program where plants, new to the ACT, are more difficult to find many species Cover: Podolepis jaceoides 'unfurling' and Leucochrysum albicans ssp. propagated and then given to of native plants. Even though most alpinum, photographed on the Mt Franklin walk by Janelle Chalker members to trial in their gardens. of the plants we sell are grown in the Every six months, members report local region which is currently free of on the progress or death of their trial Myrtle Rust, all myrtaceous plants at plants. In this way, we can ensure our sale are examined on arrival by Journal articles The deadline dates for submissions are 1 February that plants we sell have a good an expert from NSW who is brought (March), 1 May (June), 1 August (September) and 1 chance of success. A crucial part of in by the ANBG. This inspection The Journal is a forum for the exchange of members' November (December). Send articles or photos to: the propagation effort is the main- serves to protect the ANBG from and others' views and experiences of gardening with, possible infection and also protects Journal Editor tenance of a database. It contains propagating and conserving Australian plants. the public from buying infected Helen Parsons short descriptions of almost 2,388 All contributions, however short, are welcome. plants. PO Box 1114 plants and cultivars that are known Contributions may be typed or handwritten, and Queanbeyan NSW 2620 to grow in the region. This database 3. New Edition of Book accompanied by photographs and drawings. is updated with new plants and de- e-mail: [email protected] Australian Plants for Canberra Submit photographs as either electronic files, scriptions as needed. Plant labels are tel: 0427605202 or (ah) 02 6238 2673 Region Gardens was first produced such as JPGs, or prints. Please enclose a stamped, printed from this database and are Paid advertising is available in this Journal. Details from in 1973 and has been revised four self-addressed envelope if you would like your prints used on all plants at our sales. This the Editor. times with the latest being 2001. returned. If possible set your digital camera to take database will provide the basis of A committee is working hard to high resolution photos. If photos cannot be emailed, Society website: plant descriptions in the new edition produce a new book with colour pic- make a CD and send it by post. If you have any Printed by Elect Printing, Fyshwick, ACT of our book. tures to illustrate the text. The com- queries please contact the editor Original text may be reprinted, unless otherwise indicated, provided an acknowledgement for the source is given. Permission to reprint non- 2. Plant Sales mittee is consulting with members original material and all drawings must be obtained from the copyright holder. The views and opinions expressed in articles are those of the We have two plant sales per year on which plants are to be included authors and are not necessarily the views and opinions of the Society. and the most recent was 17 March. in the book. Journal, Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region Inc—June 2012 1 4. Wednesday Walks those weekends when Weed Swap bodalla Botanic Gardens, the South- 10. Relations with the Australian Every week a group of members go is present. The goal is make people ern Tablelands Ecosystem Program National Botanic Gardens to an region of interest in the ACT aware of environmental weeds and and the ANBG. Over the past few years, the ANBG to plant natives instead. or surrounding region to spend the 8. Daytime Activity has been in the process of develop- ing a Plan of Management for the day walking and looking at plants. 6. Field Trips A number of years ago, some mem- next 10 years. ANPS Canberra Re- Many of the members are expert at Each month ANPS Canberra Region bers started what were called day- gion was active in the consultations identifying the plants and generate organizes field trips that usually time meetings so that people who that lead to the development of the a list of plants that they see in each occur on a weekend and go to more were not able to come to evening plan and has responded to various area. They have been going on these remote areas than the Wednesday meetings could participate and feel issues in the Draft that has been pro- walks for over 20 years and have Walks can do in one day. The trips part of the Society. As these were duced for comment. Representatives generated a large amount of data of are announced at least a month in not real meetings in the sense of from our Council meet on occasion what plants are seen where. Often advance in our monthly bulletin and speakers etc, it was recently decided with the Management of the ANBG walks are to the same region but in the most recent issue, a list of pro- to call them daytime activities. Usu- to discuss issues and work out how several years apart and it is interest- posed trips for the year is presented. ally these involve visiting a garden we can be helpful. For example, ing to see the changes in vegetation A number of these trips go to areas or a revegetated area. we have agreed to provide $2,000 that have occurred. We are currently well outside the ACT and involve 9. Garden Design Study Group next year to fund signage within in the process of considering how to participants and guides who are the gardens. We have suggested centralize this data to make sure that not part of our region. We are in the Canberra is one of three regions that that the ANBG could use the expert it isn’t lost and that it can be used by process of formalizing arrangements has a branch of the Garden Design knowledge of the Friends Guides to others. with adjacent regions to cosponsor Study Group. There are about 10 develop the text which should edu- trips so that members of different members and the aim is to have 5. Weed Swap cate the public about the interest- groups can go and be covered by about 4 events each year. Often Two weeks after our sales, a dedicat- ing features of some of the plants. insurance of that group. This coop- these events involve a visit to a gar- ed group of ANPS volunteers spends This donation has been accepted by eration will enhance the experience den and are coupled with the Day- the weekend at the north and south the ANBG with enthusiasm but the for all and break down the artificial time Activity. A report of the visit is Green Waste Recycling Centres details remain to be worked out. distinctions between different re- prepared by the leader, Ros Walcott, distributing native plants to those and published in the Newsletter of who bring in local environmental gional societies. Submitted by Ben Walcott the GDSG. March 2012 woody weeds for composting. Col- 7. Monthly Members Meetings our brochures produced by the ACT In the evening of the second Thurs- Government of local environmental day of each month except January, woody weeds are handed out to all we have a members meeting with who are interested. This program a formal speaker. Attendance is is funded by the ACT government normally between 50 and 70 mem- which pays for about 2,000 plants bers and there is an extensive range grown by our members that are of books for sale as well as plants. distributed free over the course of Member growers donate plants that the weekend. The managers of the Wednesday walk- are raffled to members. The pro- ers on the Tinderry Recycling Centres report that activ- ceeds plus extra funds are donated Grassland, Roger ity is increased by about 25% on to organizations such as the Euro- Farrow 2 Journal, Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region Inc—June 2012 Journal, Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region Inc—June 2012 3 Response to the Draft Management Plan Gardens. For example, volunteers in the Plan, there seems to be little from the Orchid Society of Canberra emphasis on making the ANBG 2011-2021 of the display the flowering plants of the more of a garden.