Creek Rescue and Catchment Care CAPABILITY STATEMENT Philosophy We believe humans can and should sustainably coexist with wildlife refuge-corridors along waterways. We believe nature- friendly and sustainable human lifestyles are key elements for human health and happiness. We value clean water, clean air and natural areas where nature recreation is an essential part of life. We believe restoring native habitat is the best way to ensure resilient, healthy ecosystems. Business Details Creek Rescue and Catchment Care (CRACC) is a private business with professionals skilled in rehabilitating and restoring habitats in catchments by controlling erosion, PHOTO: ROBERT WHYTE improving vegetation health, removing weeds and replanting with locally-native species. We are affiliated with the Enoggera “We value clean water, clean air and catchment environmental organisation Save Our Waterways Now (SOWN). We donate a percentage cent of our billings natural areas where nature recreation to SOWN in exchange for plants, materials, advice and is an essential part of life.” equipment use. Creek Rescue and Catchment Care ABN: 63 073 488 114 2 Eton Street, Toowong, Q 4066 07 3335 4000 0409 055 325
[email protected],au CRACC’s self-assessed quality system conforms to AS/ NZS ISO 99002: 1994, specifically developed to cover all the work we do, upgrading to ISO 9001:2008 to conform AS1100 and for compliance with ISO 9001 series for project documentation. Professional indemnity insurer: AON Indemnity: $1,000,000 any one claim, $2,000,000 in the aggregate. Underwriter: