Name Birth/Death Age Range/Site
Name Birth/Death Age Range/Site Eagen, Sarah E. d. 27 Feb 1929 92 yrs. R69/115 Eagen, Sarah E. On Wednesday February 27, 1929 at 8:30 p.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Anna E. Steele, Capitol Heights, Md., Sarah E. Eagen, aged 92, widow of Peter Eagen. She is survived by three daughters and two sons. Funeral will be held Saturday, March 2 at 1 p.m., from Congressional Church, Capitol Heights, Md. Interment Congressional Cemetery, Washington, D.C. Interments in the Historic Congressional Cemetery Last Updated: 02/12/15 Name Birth/Death Age Range/Site Eakle, Edward H. b. 1860 - d. 15 Aug 1912 52 yrs. R58/187 Eakle. On Thursday, August 15, 1912 at Washington Grove, Md., Edward H., son of Mrs. Mary F. and the late Elias H. Eakle. Services will be held at his late residence, 1108 East Capitol street, Saturday, at 4 p.m. Interment at Congressional cemetery. The Evening Star, August 16, 1912, p. 18 Funeral of E.H. Eakle Services at Family Residence at 2:30 Tomorrow Afternoon The funeral of Edward H. Eakle, fifty-two years old, for many years a coal merchant of this city, who died yesterday at his country home, at Washington Grove, Md. will be held from his late residence, 1108 East Capitol street at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be in Congressional cemetery. Mr. Eakle was born in Maryland in 1860 and came to this city about twenty-five years ago. He had been in poor health, and about five weeks ago he went to his country home, hoping the change would be beneficial.
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