523 TRADES DIRECTORY, 1914. CEM-CHA ' West Brothers, Lombard Wharf, Lombard CHAMBERS of COMMERCE
523 TRADES DIRECTORY, 1914. CEM-CHA ' West Brothers, Lombard wharf, Lombard CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE. Basten Mrs. Jane,ll Graveney rd.TtngSW Brown J oseph William, 133 Marmadon rd. road, Battersea SW & L. N. W. R. Hackney & Stoke Newington (Spense Jas. Baster Arthur A. 5 Belitha villas, South Plumstead SE Canterbury road, Kllburn Cochrane,sec.),142 Stoke Newington rdN End lane, Sydenham SE Brown Misses Rose & Edith, 9 Mulberry Wiggins & Co. Chancellor's wharf, Chan Streatham (Henry E. Baden, hon. s-ec. & Bateman T. J. 20 Holbeach rd. Catford SE place, Hammersmith W cellor's road, Hammersmith W H. W. Carter, o.ssistant sec.), 213 Battershill FredJas.254 BaH:.:~.m High rdSW Brown Theodore, 43 Coomer rd.FulhamBW Streatham High road SW Bavin MrsJJliza,61Pelton rd.Greenwich SH Brown Thos.20 Burlington rd. Fulham SW Baxter Leond. 82a, Cornwall rd.BrixtonSW Brown Thos. 165 High st. Homerton NE CEMETERIES. Sydenham, Forest Hill & District (F. W. Madge, chairman; A. de Ste Crolx, Baxter Mn. Maud, 7 Squarey st. Ttng SW Brown Miss U. 822 Garra.tt la. TootingSW .ABNEY PARK CEMETERY CO, LTD. sec.), 54 London road, Forest Hill Slil Beale Albert E. 12 Salvador, Tooting SW Browne MissE.34 Haymerle rd.Peckhm SE {Arthur Cla.rk, sec. & registrar; Henry Woolwich Chamber of Commerce (Incor Bean MissH.162Northcote rd.Battersea SW Brushwood Mrs. Ellen, 16 Renbold place, J. Holloway, asst. sec.), Stoke Newing porated (F. G. Goodman F.O.I. sec.), 36 Bearman Mrs. Ada Eliza, 242 Lyham Greenwich SE ton N (T N 178 Dalston); cemeteries, Plumstead Common road SE road, Brixton SW Bryant Geo.
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