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it anarchist tvrtfliehtlzv 2Smelt; amarketing‘ FREEDO S s 1. sobe s-I .- -.-4IIII WE WELCOME news, articles, reviews, letters. Freedom Collective, 84b Whitechapel High St Copy deadline for next issue (no. I8) is (Angel Alley). El (tel: 247-9249) Z.WEW MONDAY ll September Hackney Anrchists Con tact ow. on 249-7042 Kingston Anarchisis, I3 Den mark Road, King- Next DESPATCHING date is THURSDAY I4 ston upon Thames (tel: 549-2564) September. Come and hel from 5 m. (Help Lon don Workers‘ Group, Box W. I82 Upper St. N,|,-, (1-6|, 249-7042) LONDON AND SOUTH-EAST. The ABC FREEDOMassuch will also be welcomg the previous Thursday "n Love V. power’ 50,, 779' peace News (London trial starts on Tuesday, 5 September. To coin- for folding Review). -vw f‘ ofrice: 5 Caledonian Road cide with this the Campaign has organised ingobs - "" 4-I threm' tsSd 3Stb I-I dae West London Anarchists, 7 Pennard Road, Wl2 l e °I°' eve“ :I ep em er’ °l P’11 L - - B Brighton Poly Art Facu ty, 7.00 p.m. Meeting I- theer KENT chaired by member of Brighton Trades Council. \-I #3. WELL, THAT'S AGREED lHEN"" | madeomsnear R°""59°l'°i Pei" F°"dI 22 R°Y°l R°°d Monda 4 Se tember at Conway Hall Red --I - - ....___l\"___l°____ I I : i ‘I15 -ti ABERYSTWYTH. Mike Sheehan, 2 South St. Sevenwksi ‘I'm Endesblh 70 B"°db°Um° R°°d Lion Square, London,‘7 ' 30 P .m. Pre—triaI rall Y all Abe stw th MIDLANDS chaired by Pat Arrowsmith with film ‘Home BRISIOL.
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