L. H Y M N S AND Sacred POEMS. B Y y M.A. Fellow of Lincoln College, OXFORD. AND CHARLES WES LET, M.A. Student of Chriji -Church, OXFORD. Let tie Word of CHRIST dwell in You richly in all Wlfdotn, teaching and admonijhing one another, i Pfalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, finging <vjith Grace in your Hearts to the LORD. Col. iii. 1 6. The FOURTH Edition. Brijlol : Printed by Felix Farley. And fold by the Bookfellers of Brijtol, Bath, LOK~ don, Ne-Jucajlle upon Tyne, and Exeter; as alib by A. Bradford, in Philadelphia. M. DCC. XLIII. TKe PREFACE. in the I i f~} O M E Verfes, it may be obferv'd, , \ following ColleSion, were 'wrote upon the ^ Scheme the Divines. And B of Myjlick the] "'tis ownd, we had once in great Venera- tion, as the beft Explainers of the Gcfpfl of CHRIST. Put we are now convinced that we therein greatly err'd; not knowing the Scriptures, neither die Power of GOD. And becaufe this is an Error which many ferious Minds arefooncr or later cxpofed to, and which indeed moft eajlly befets thofe, whs feek the LORD JESUS in Sincerity; we believe our- in the fefaes indifpenjibly obliged, Prcfence of GOD and Angels, and Men, to declare wherein wt ap- prehend thofe Writers, Not to teach die Truth as it is in JESUS. 2. And firft, we apprehend them to lay Another Foundation They are careful indeed to pull down tur own Works, and to prove, that by the DEEDI of the Law fhall no Flefh be juftified.
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