Impressum Autor_in Martin de la Iglesia (Heidelberg) Aufsatztitel Formal Characteristics of Animal Liberation in Comics Journal Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung #7 (2020) – Empfohlene Zitierweise Martin de la Iglesia: Formal Characteristics of Animal Liberation in Co- mics. In: Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung #7 (2020), S. 90–110. <>. 30.11.2020. Herausgeber_innen Victoria Allen, Cord-Christian Casper, Constanze Groth, Kerstin Howaldt, Julia Ingold, Ger- rit Lungershausen, Dorothee Marx, Garret Scally, Susanne Schwertfeger, Simone Vrckovski, Dennis Wegner, Rosa Wohlers Redaktion & Layout Victoria Allen, Cord-Christian Casper, Sandro Esquivel, Constanze Groth, Kerstin Howaldt, Julia Ingold, Arne Lüthje, Gerrit Lungershausen, Dorothee Marx, Garret Scally, Alina Schop- pe, Susanne Schwertfeger, Simone Vrckovski, Dennis Wegner, Rosa Wohlers Technische Gestaltung Sandro Esquivel, Marie-Luise Meier Kontakt Homepage: – Email:
[email protected] Formal Characteristics of Animal Liberation in Comics Martin de la Iglesia (Heidelberg) Introduction In a narrower sense, ›animal liberation‹ can refer to the eponymous book by Peter Singer in which he argues the case for animal rights from the perspective of moral philosophy (Villanueva, 5–19); or to the actions of the international activist group Animal Libera- tion Front or similar organisations who, motivated by animal welfare beliefs, free non- human animals (simply referred to as ›animals‹ in the following) from captivity or par- take in other »efforts to end [...] cruelty and suffering«, such as hunt sabotages (Scarce, 116–121). In this article, however, the term ›animal liberation‹ is employed in a wider sense to encompass any action which results in a previously captive animal gaining its freedom, regardless of the motivations of the liberator(s) and the specific circumstances of the captivity.