1080 Pest Animal Bait

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1080 Pest Animal Bait « *3 1080 Pest Animal Bait L Notification to Neighbours of Vertebrate Pest Control Using 1080 To: THE LANDHOLDER / OCCUPIER MANSFIELD SHIRE COUNCIL The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), will be undertaking a 1080 pest animal poisoning program using buried baits and Canid Pest Ejectors on public land at: 2 4 FEB 2021 See Attached Tables and Maps - to control Wild Dogs. Awareness of 1080 bait use on Public Land by DELWP is vital for the safe management of lornesl..... ........... If a property is occupied or used by persons other than yourself, the provision of this informhtinn, hy youlodhaiL- _ may reduce the potentially negative impacts of 1080 on domestic animals such as pets and working dogs. The poison to be used is compound 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) which is contained within an approved bait type for the pest species. Poisoning will occur from 01/03/2021 to 31/07/2021 after which time DELWP will collect and dispose of untaken and unused baits in accordance with the Directions for the Use of 1080 and PAPP Pest Animal Bait Products in Victoria. The use of the 1080 pest animal bait product will comply with the product label and the Directions for the Use of 1080 and PAPP Pest Animal Bait Products in Victoria. When used in accordance with the product label and the Directions for the Use of 1080 and PAPP Pest Animal Bait Products in Victoria the chances of non-target animal impacts are reduced but there is still some associated risk. By being aware of the dangers you are able to help manage the risk. To minimise the risk of poisoning to your animals you are advised: 1. Confine, muzzle and/or restrain your domestic animals, particularly dogs and cats, to prevent them from accessing 1080 pest animal poison baits or carcasses. 2. Domestic animals, particularly dogs and cats, are susceptible to primary poisoning from ingesting 1080 pest animal bait products and secondary poisoning from ingesting contaminated carcasses. It is unusual for domestic animals to scavenge on dog/fox carcasses. 3. Closely monitor the health and behaviour of your companion animals or livestock. If you notice any unusual or uncharacteristic behaviour contact your local veterinarian immediately. 4. There is a delay in the poison action of 1080 and animals that have ingested 1080 pest animal bait products may die on your property. 5. Collect and destroy any poisoned carcasses you find by burning (in accordance with local regulations) or burying to a depth of at least 50 cm for rabbits and at least 1 metre for foxes, wild dogs and feral pigs. 6. Always dispose of carcasses away from natural features such as waterways. Dangers to Humans: Compound 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) is a restricted schedule 7 poison and there is no known antidote. If you are handling poison bait and/or carcasses always use protective rubber gloves and wash hands and gloves thoroughly after contact. When used in accordance with the product label and Directions for the Use of 1080 and PAPP Pest Animal Bait Products in Victoria, there is little risk of humans being poisoned by 1080 pest animal bait products. Although the 1080 used in 1080 pest animal bait products is substantially diluted, 1080 pest animal baits and poisoned carcasses must be treated with care. If poisoning occurs immediately contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 Further information on the use and handling of 1080 is available from 1080 pest animal bait manufacturers. For further information please contact: Gippsland Region Hume/North East Region Wayne Peters John Turnbull Gippsland Operations Manager - Wild Dog Program Hume Operations Manager - Wild Dog Program Telephone: 0429 401 217 Telephone: 0438 345 326 Date: 22 February 2021 All tracks to be baited including named and unnamed tracks will have 1080 Poison signs erected Disclaimer: This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that Environment, the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all ORIA Land, Water liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. Stat© ▼ GovernmentGtSt and Planning Wild Dog Management Zone (WDMZ) Tracks & Localities ______Hume/North East Region______ Boundary Rd Limestone Pitts Tk_____________ Marysville/Narbethong Dip Creek Tk Buxton South Palmer Tk Marysville Falls Creek Rd Murrindindi Tweed Spur Rd Rubicon/Taggerty Ginter Rd Limestone/Murrindindi Unnamed Tks Marysville/Narbethong Ginters Rd Limestone Woods Lookout Tk Marysville Mt Robertson Rd Flowerdale/Kinglake Central Worcester Rd Marysville Note: Remote Ground Baiting will be undertaken at Tallangatta - please see attached map Coxs Tk Bullioh Georges Creek/Talgarno Firebrace LinkTk Granya Koetong Firebrace Tk Bungil Granya Flaggy Creek Tk Thologolong Georges Creek Houstons Tk Burrowye Bungil/Burrowye/Thologolong Corryong WDMZ Beetoomba SpurTk Lucyvale/Nariel Valley Thowgla Valley Benambra Spur Rd Dartmouth Nariel Valley Black Jack Tk Lucyvale Pine Mountain Black Mountain Tk Berringama/Guys Forest Guys Forest Bunroy Rd Biggara Nariel Valley Burrowa Tk Guys Forest Nariel Valley Carmodys Tk Nariel Valley Nariel Valley Evans Tk Nariel Valley/Thowgla Valley Biggara Gibb Range Rd Lucyvale/Nariel Valley Biggara Indi River Tk Biggara Nariel Valley James Tk Nariel Valley Cudgewa/Guys Forest Mcnamaras Tk Cudgewa Pine Mountain/Walwa Mansfield WDMZ Ashwin Rd Howqua Hills Creek Junction/Lima East Blowfly Creek Tk Tolmie Bridge Creek/Lima South Buttercup Jeep Tk Barwite/Merrijig (Mount Buller) Lima East/Lima South Cambatong Rd Merrijig (Mount Buller)/Tolmie Mirimbah/Mount Buller Cambatong SpurTk Merrijig (Mount Buller) Tolmie Carters Rd Mirimbah/Mount Buller Howqua Hills/Merrijig (Mount Buller) Davies Tk Howqua Hills Howqua Hills Doughty Rd Howqua Hills/Mirimbah Archerton/Myrrhee/Tatong Dungeon Gully Tk Boorolite/Howqua/Howqua Hills Barjarg/Bridge Creek/Lima South Gonzaga Ridge Tk Barwite Barjarg/Lima South Home Station CkTk Howqua Hills Tatong Mitta Mitta & Sandy Creek WDMZ Bullhead Gap Rd Mitta Mitta Dartmouth Disappointment Tk Mitta Mitta Eskdale Dorchap Range Tk Eskdale Eskdale/Tallandoon Eskdale SpurTk Eskdale/Mitta Mitta Tallangatta South Hodgkin Tk Mitta Mitta Mitta Mitta Holloways Log Rd Dartmouth/Mitta Mitta Eskdale/ Mitta Mitta Lockharts Gap Tk Tallangatta South Mitta Mitta SEC Tk Mitta Mitta Tallandoon J Ovens WDMZ Bill Hicks Tk_______________ Dederang Eurobin/Mount Buffalo/Ovens Buggery Tk Dandongadale Whorouly South Chamber Tk______________ Buffalo River/Whorouly South Whorouly South Coopers Tk_______________ Mount Beauty/Tawonga Mount Beauty Dozer Brown Tk Dandongadale Mudgegonga/Rosewhite Durling Tk Dandongadale Whorouly South East Kiewa Firetrail Mount Beauty Whorouly South Eskdale SpurTk Eskdale/Mitta Mitta Bright Eskdale SpurTk Upper Gundowring Whorouly South Gluepot Tk Kancoona Whorouly South House Creek Tk N Dederang/Mudgegonga Whorouly South Keatings Creek Tk Mount Buffalo Whorouly South Kiewa Running Creek Divide Tk Bright/Kancoona Whorouly South Klemm Tk Whorouly South Whorouly South Little Bogong Firetrail Mount Beauty Eurobin/Harrietville Long Gully Tk Eurobin/Nug Nug Mount Beauty/Ovens Mccormack Tk____________ Eurobin/Havilah/Ovens Rosewhite/Whorouly South Moncrief Gap Tk Mount Beauty/Tawonga Freeburgh/Harrietville Mongrel Creek Tk Buckland/Harrietville Smoko/Wandiligong Mt Jack Tk Glen Creek/Mudgegonga Mount Beauty Mt Jack Tk Rosewhite Note: Remote Ground Baiting will be undertaken at Tallangatta - please see attached map Benambra Spur Rd Dartmouth Gibb Range Rd Lucyvale/Nariel Valley Callaghan Creek Tk Dartmouth/Mitta Mitta Mt Benambra Rd Dartmouth Callaghan Creek Tk Tallangatta Valley Mt Brutal Tk Koetong Emperor Tk Koetong Stitz and Stephens Fireline Koetong Enevers Tk Dartmouth/Mitta Mitta Toziers Tk Koetong Basin Tk Cheshunt South/Rose River Frascas Lane Myrrhee Boggy Creek Tk Myrrhee/Whitlands Madhouse Road Archerton/Tolmie Burnt Top Tk______ Cheshunt South/Rose River Middle Creek Tk Myrrhee/Tatong Burnt Top Tk Wabonga Mt Samaria Rd Bridge Creek/Lima South Cambatong Rd Merrijig (Mount Bullerf/Tolmie Unnamed Tks Carboor/Chesthunt South Cambatong SpurTk Merrijig (Mount Buller} Unnamed Tks Meadow Creek/Rose River Cherry Tree Tk Rose River/Wabonga Upper Fifteen Mile Creek Rd Tolmie/Whitlands Fire Tk No 1 Firetrail Carboor/Meadow Creek Webbs Road A rcherton/Myrrh ee/Tj to ng Fire Tk No2 Bobinawarrah/Carboor Whisky Creek Tk Myrrhee/Tatong I _________________Gippsland Region__________ Amboyne Tk Deddick Valley Jake Break Rd Bendoc Armstrong Tk Deddick Valley Kangaroo Fire Trail Bonang Beasleys Rd Bendoc Koola LinkTk Bendoc Blackfellows Gully Tk Bendoc Koola Link West Tk Bendoc Border Tk Delegate River Minchins Tk Bonang Boundary Tk Bonang/Tubbut Snowy Tk Deddick Valley Bowen Tk Bonang/Deddick Valley Sun Tk Bonang Crawfords Rd/Tk Bendoc The Fives Rd Bendoc/Delegate River Deddick Tk Deddick Valley Unnamed Tks Bendoc/Bonang Deep Creek Tk Bendoc/Bonang Warbisco Tk Bonang Helens Tk Bendoc Waterhole Gully Rd Bonang Note: Remote Ground Baiting will be undertaken at Wulgulmerang - please see attached map B S Divide Trk Suggan Buggan Mt Johnston Rd Buchan South B S Link Trk Suggan Buggan Mt Statham Tk Gelantipy Bailey Hooley Rd Buchan Nowa Nowa-Buchan Rd Nowa Nowa Blackfellow Road Gelantipy Old Basin Rd Buchan Boggy Tk_________ Buchan South Old Glenmore Tk Wulgulmerang West Buchan Creek Link Suggan Buggan Pink Rocks
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