CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E 113 You Have Virtually Halted Judicial Reform, PIONEERING DR
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January 30, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 113 You have virtually halted judicial reform, PIONEERING DR. DAZELLE vestigation. While inundated with more earthly which was designed to make the administra- SIMPSON RETIRES concerns such as budget deficits, crime, and tion of justice truly independent from the international peace, it is often easy to forget other branches of government. You openly HON. CARRIE P. MEEK our commitment to the enterprise of space professed the principle, ``Let the innocent OF FLORIDA and its value to the United States and the suffer as long as the guilty are punished.'' IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES international community. In remembering the You loudly proclaimed the launching of a Challenger, let us also take a minute to recall war on organized crime. In order to imple- Tuesday, January 30, 1996 the purpose for which its crew was dedicated. ment this, you granted exceptional, extra- Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise Let me also thank the families of these legal authority to the security ministries. today to recognize a native Miamian and the American heroes for their continued support of The result? The criminals continue to roam first black pediatrician in Florida, on the occa- the space program and the efforts to which freely, while law-abiding citizens have to tol- sion of her retirement after 42 years. Dr. the Challenger Seven dedicated their lives. erate the abuse of the uniformed forces with- Dazelle Simpson has contributed significantly Nothing we say here today can adequately out gaining the security they were promised. to the Miami community but, she also has repay the debt that is owed, or sufficiently ex- You stated that your goal was the preser- been a faithful and active member of the Na- press the feelings of sorrow that are univer- vation and strengthening of the Russian Fed- tional Medical Association. She has chaired sally felt. We can, however, pay those seven eration's territorial integrity. The result? A the pediatrics section. She has been honored souls no greater tribute than to carry on the shameful and bungled civil war which has as outstanding physician by the National Medi- work in which they believed in and for which been raging in the North Caucasus for more cal Association. they paid the ultimate sacrifice for. It is impor- than a year. Under the guise of strengthen- During her lifetime, Dr. Simpson has tant that we properly fund this dynamic work ing Russia's defense capability, you've achieved and recorded many firsts. She was for the 21st century and insure that America blocked all military reforms which would first in her high school, college, medical remains first in space exploration. give Russia an effective modern army. The school, the first black pediatrician in Florida, f result? Spending on the army is growing, and the first to achieve specialist certification in her the number of generals has increased to an field, the first black president of the Greater HONORING THE WORK AND DEDI- indecent figure. In order to justify their ex- Miami Pediatrics Society, the first black board CATION OF THE TEEN PREG- istence, the term of service has been in- of trustees member of a medical school, the NANCY PREVENTION PROGRAM creased and draft deferments have been first to set up and finance a scholarship fund OF NEW BRITAIN ended. Meanwhile, soldiers and officers are for black health professional student in Florida impoverished, ragged and hungry. And the degradation, ill-treatment and corruption, and the first alumni association president to HON. NANCY L. JOHNSON traditional in our army, are as prevalent as raise $1 million for her school. OF CONNECTICUT ever. Not surprisingly, tens of thousands of As with many strong women, she did this all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES while maintaining one of the most successful young men are evading this medieval re- Tuesday, January 30, 1996 cruitment like the plague. medical practices in the county, raising a fam- Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speak- You speak of a policy of openness, of trans- ily, running a family business, attending to er, it is with great pride and admiration that I parency and of public accountability, yet at church and community needs, and caring for rise to pay tribute to the work being done by the same time you sign secret decrees con- sick family members. RoseAnne Bilodeau and her staff at the Teen cerning the most important matters of state. In tribute to Dr. Simpson, a gala event is Pregnancy Prevention Program of New Britain. You create closed institutions, and you clas- planned for Saturday, February 3, 1996. The sify as secret ever more information about day of honor will also feature a health sympo- There is no question that the dramatic in- government operations and the state of the sium cosponsored by Meharry Medical Col- crease in the incidence of teen pregnancy is country. Presidential decisions are made al- lege. one of the major causes of poverty amongst most in the same backroom fashion as in the f women and children. As the director of New era of the Politburo. It's no secret that you Britain's program, Ms. Bilodeau was invited to THE 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF join President Clinton and Health and Human increasingly depend on the security services THE ``CHALLENGER'' ACCIDENT and on their system of clandestine informa- Services Secretary, Donna Shalala to discuss tion. Isn't it obvious to you how unreliable the President's task force on teen pregnancy and tendentious this information is? HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE prevention and the establishment of public-pri- vate partnerships. The thrust of your personnel policy is be- OF TEXAS The work being done by the dedicated staff coming clearer with each passing day. At IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of New Britain's Teen Pregnancy Prevention first there were quite a few competent, hon- Tuesday, January 30, 1996 Program is exceptional and even in these un- orable people around you. But you also en- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, thusiastically welcomed individuals whose certain times, the program is thriving. The staff 10 years ago, the names Onizuka, McAuliffe, and board have demonstrated forward thinking only virtue consisted in their personal loy- Jarvis, Resnik, Smith, Scobee, and McNair be- alty to you. Gradually such loyalty has be- in reaching out to private industry and founda- came a part of this Nation's history. Ten years come your primary demand when recruiting tions for funding and in doing so, has captured ago those seven individuals lost their lives in staff, just as it was in the heyday of the national recognition and the attention of the the service for both their country and mankind. Community Party. President of the United States. I am proud to Their tragic loss touched us all very deeply have such a noteworthy and successful pro- You began your democratic career as a and has left an indelible mark on the national gram within my district and will continued to forceful and energetic crusader against offi- psyche of this country. work in support of their efforts to make a posi- cial deceit and party disposition, but you are Today, I pay tribute to those seven men and tive long term impact on the lives of New Brit- ending it as the obedient executor of the will women in a small way by recognizing their ain's young people. of the power-seekers in your entourage. You bravery and the memory of their contributions f took an oath to build a government of the to not only the lives of their friends and family, people and for the people, but instead you but to the whole of humanity. These individ- THE DALLAS COWBOYS: have built a bureaucratic pyramid over the uals represent the best in all of us and it is in DOMINATING THE DECADE people and against the people. Moreover, their memory that we should devote ourselves having rejected democratic values and prin- to continuing what they began. ciples, you haven't stopped using the word HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Humans have always possessed an inher- ``democracy'' so that naive people may well OF TEXAS ent drive to explore and expand their bound- believe that ``democrats'' remain in power in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aries. Our exploration of space has been im- the Kremlin. Your policies have com- portant for more reasons than the techno- Tuesday, January 30 1996 promised the very word, and if democracy is fated to someday exist in Russia (and I be- logical advances and resulting benefits to soci- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. lieve it will), it will exist not because of you, ety; it represents an undeniable part of us all. Mr. Speaker, I rise to salute the accomplish- but in spite of you. From the beginning, this country has recog- ments of the Dallas Cowboys, and to nomi- nized the importance of space and always nate them for the unofficial title of ``Team of taken a leading role in its development and in- the 90's.'' Although faced with considerable E 114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks January 30, 1996 adversity during the long season, the Cow- billion. In fact, one-third of all injuries, military from the Department of Defense to other boys stayed together as a team and accom- and civilian, involve upper extremities. health care professionals to the thousands of plished their goal of capturing a third Super The center and its staff have long been as- people who have been treated there. It is my Bowl in four seasons.