qw IPhone : 07940306838.40306839 q+ qm.f&$-@- (Was ~3iRGiWi~,ml~) &m 1 Fax : 07940190631 ctftswb-~ Ck/ e-mail :
[email protected] National Highways Authority of India (Ministry of Uuad 'T~HIIT~o~~& Hiphwnys. Covl. of ludia) Regional Omce .Gujurdt N 235-239,?jdl %h, *-i,~.fI.~.i8. &% d Jm, df%?f, - 382007 (v) 235-239,Z" Floor, Supermall-1,Above HOFC Finance, infocity,Gandhinagar - 382007 (Gujarat) NHAlIi80131011201O-RO-GNR10FC1Vol.01 le-Office-14898lD-1103 14Ih July 2020 Invitation of Public Comments SUB: Projects comprising of 9 National Highway stretches (Bundle-1) on Toll Operate Transfer Mode - Bamanbore to Garamore (Km 182.600 to Km 254.537) section of NH-8A in the state of Gujarat. - Reg. Proposal for seeking permission for laying 10" dia casing pipe (4" dia Steel Pipeline) to set up a Gas Distribution Network surrounding to Wankaner Area in Morbi District-Pipeline laying across to NH-27 (Wankaner-Morbi- Samakhiali) ot Km 209.830 near Chonderpur village. REF: 1. PD, PIU-Rajkot's letter no. 249 dated 08.02.2020. 2. Gujarat Gas Limited's proposal dated 29.11.2019. The Project Director, NHAI, PIU-Rajkot vide letter ulref.(l) has recommended the subjected proposal as submitted by Mls. Gujarat Gas Limited vide their letter u/ref.(2) for ROW permission for laying 10" dia casing pipe (4" dia Steel Pipeline) to set up a Gas Distribution Network surrounding to Wankaner Area in Morbi District - Pipeline laying across to NH-27 (Wankaner-Morbi-Samakhiali) at Km 209.830 near Chanderpur village. 2. Now, as per Ministry vide OM No.