Carol Wells I've known Carol Wells since Kindergarten. In those 45 years, Carol has remained high on my list as one of the kindest, most thoughul and faithful persons I've ever known. As such it was with great sadness when I learned of her bale with breast cancer, but no surprise to hear how, along with her great faith and posive outlook, was commied to winning her bale and so far has done so. Through her own bale, she devotes herself to other causes, walking, fund raising etc. through various events and organizaons (one of which is pictured below). Along the way remained a happy and posive woman and commied to her 3 children and husband of 30 years and lengthy career with a local school district. 2 causes hit close to home, one twice. Her oldest son Patrick and youngest son Travis - both were diagnosed with have Juvenile Diabetes and most recently her brother Milton has been in his own bale with Lou Gehrig's disease. For yrs has supported the JDR Foundaon and now the ALS Foundaon. Her brother Milton qualies and equally touching story mirror Carols Her son Patrick is grown and Travis just made his Jr. High team. If you choose Carol, gratefully ask if Travis and Milton could accompany her to the mound. I would gladly pay for the addional 2 ckets. There is so much more I can write about Carol and but in short - to know Carol is to love her. My thoughts and are shared by thousands more and the lives of those she has touched. I'm honored to be subming his nominaon for her and the very least I could do for the friend she has been to me and us all throughout her bale and an incredible gesture for all she does for the community through this cause and so many others. Most importantly, what a unique and special memory this would be to carry with her through her incredible journey. Sincerely, Anna Rosalez

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST ATLANTA BRAVES!

Lori Smith In December 2010 I had a mole removed that was a melanoma. I went for my yearly physical. The doctor asked why I hadn't had a mammogram yet. I said I'm only 38 and thought I didn't have to do one unl 40. They are now recommending starng at 35 and went and had one done. I menoned I was having one done to Lori (my idencal twin sister). She said she should probably get one done too since she noced a spot in her le breast but didn't think much of it. That started her journey with breast cancer. She had her mammogram on a February 26, 2011. On Monday the report came back highly suspicious for malignancy. On March 2 the official diagnosis was given of breast cancer. She then started 20 rounds of chemo, had bilateral mastectomy, reconstrucon and radiaon therapy. This was the worst year of our lives. Lori is single and worked 2 jobs. She had a huge support team. She never missed a day from work except when she had her big chemo that took 4 hours. She would go every week for her lile chemo that only took about an hour during her lunch and go back to work. A different friend would come sit with her during her big chemo. She met some great people at chemo and now has a new lifelong friend. She was never sick during chemo just really red aer the big doses. She is the strongest person I know. She went ahead and shaved her head within 2 weeks of her first chemo. She had wigs and scarves but never really wore them because they aggravated her. She never hid what was happening and was happy to share her story if it would help somebody else out. She is a medical assistant in a very busy family pracce office and always said she didn't have me to mess with a wig. She was too busy. Cancer never slowed her down. It was just a bump in the road of the journey we call life. She is cancer free and has been for 2.5 years. She connues to go for her checkups and everything checks out great. Her doctor always tells her these are her fun visits now.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST !

Debra Nelson Baseball has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a lile girl, I fell asleep listening to the Minnesota Twins on a transistor radio in rural Iowa where I grew up.In high school, I played right field.And sixteen years ago, I moved to Balmore,& the Orioles became my home team. My son is an ouielder,switch hier and aspiring le-handed pitcher on his high school team.Each spring I look forward to opening day. I love everything about baseball: the "game within a game", the intrigue, the strategy, the team, the individual and the amazing physicality of the players. Baseball has been a passion for me over the years. However,my life changed drascally when I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. I quickly realized you can never go back to the life you had before cancer. You try to hold onto elements of your life, but you are different. Not different bad, not different good, but different.The game of baseball is one thing that hasn't changed.The sasfacon of keeping score,feeling hometown pride during the naonal anthem, leaping out of my seat to cheer "STRIKE THREE", hearing the crowd roar aer "Crush" hits a homerun,knowing the O's can sll pull it out in the boom of the 9th, listening to the post- game re-cap on MASN and enjoying an Esskay ballpark hotdog--these things will always stay the same.One other constant is my interest in fashion. I have been selected as a feature character in "The Cure",a documentary that chronicles my breast cancer story and shows one of my healing moments: when I was selected to be a model in a fashion show called "Steps for a Cure".The fashion show helped me to help others realize there is reinvenon and hope in the "aer cancer" experience. Baseball provides hope and focus and is a constant in my "aer cancer" life. On opening day, hope springs eternal. For this I am so grateful. Go O's! ____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST !

Barbara Knox Sir/Maam- I can't think of anyone who would make a beer Honorary Bat Girl than Mrs. Barbara Knox. She has been a diehard Red Sox fan her whole life and is very deserving of this honor. Mrs. Knox is a 6th Grade Middle School teacher at Thayer Academy in Braintree, MA. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the beginning of the 2013-14 school year. She connued to teach while undergoing chemotherapy, radiaon and only missed a short me of school aer having surgery. She never focused on herself in the classroom, looked for sympathy or blamed anyone for her disease. It was very hard to see her sick and in pain, but we soon realized that we were learning much more than any book could ever teach us. We were learning about courage, bravery, determinaon and the value of life. She taught us to stand up to cancer and not be afraid. She is living proof that cancer can be beat. Her strength throughout her bale was a force to be reckoned with. The life lessons that we have learned this year will carry with us throughout our lives. We have learned to respect each other more. We have learned to treat others with dignity and respect. We have learned to value the lile things in life because we never know when they can be taken away from us. I love and respect Mrs. Knox for so many reasons and I would love for the Red Sox to honor her with a day she truly deserves. Thank you for her consideraon for Bat Girl! Sincerely, Cam Mannion 6th Grade Thayer Academy Braintree, MA

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST CHICAGO CUBS!

Lisa Kates I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at age 27 with basically no family history. I underwent a bilateral mastectomy and it was determined I am BRCA2 posive (Angelina and I have something in common!). I did 8 rounds of chemo and 28 rounds of radiaon. Since my diagnosis my aunt and my mother were diagnosed, I went through a divorce, had numerous infecons from reconstrucon, and the list goes on of hardships. But I am here to say that I was fortunate enough to turn the negave experience into a posive one. I got involved with Bright Pink and started spreading REAL awareness and support to young women who are at risk. Since we do not have regular mammograms it is important to know the signs and what to do, what to ask your doctor, etc. I am heavily involved in my cancer community and meet new "breast friends" who are recently diagnosed and try to shine a light on the situaon and prepare them for what's ahead. I am now preparing for my 5th and final surgery in the next couple of weeks, I have met the love of my life who accepts me just as I am, and I am looking forward to blue skies and sunshine ahead. Some people would call me unlucky, but I feel that I was put through what I was to offer hope and to give me a purpose in life that I will never take for granted. Go CUBS Go!

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST CHICAGO WHITE SOX!

Vanessa Parzatka My sister Vanessa is a life long fan of the Chicago White Sox and also a breast cancer survivor. Her journey started in 2006 when she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. Aer three major surgeries, radiaon, and chemotherapy, her life became stable. Unfortunately, the cancer reappeared in February of 2013. It has been a struggle for her, her family, and her friends. If she was able to be the honorary bat girl, it would be a life long dream and especially meaningful on a day that this disease has taken so much from her. Thank you for considering Vanessa for this opportunity for a day to enjoy with everyone that loves her and has been on this journey with her. Sincerely, Her loving sister Michelle P.S. This is a photo of Vanessa at White Sox Spring Training 2014

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST CINCINNATI REDS!

Mike Schroder & Pa Stump My nominees Mike Schroeder and Pay Stump are both breast cancer survivors, a rarity in the medical world according to UC Cancer Instute and ACS research facts. Married 26 years, avid Reds fans, on their restaurant walls hang Reds collecon. In 2006, Mike was diagnosed with breast cancer, had mastectomy then got taoo CURE with pink ribbon on his chest. 1 1/2 years later, Pay had a grim diagnosis, rough emoons endured during chemo/radiaon treatments. Aer being cancer-free for 4 1/2years a new cancer emerged, she underwent aggressive radiaon 2X a week for 3 weeks. They also share the same surgeon, Dr Shaughnessy. They raised funds to support komen, volunteered, acve in honoring top teachers in the tri-state thru their pizza business. They share 9 children and 24 grandkids. They are true survivors and deserve to share this honor of "bang for breast cancer". Thank you for your kind consideraon and the great work MLB/Reds do to support cancer research.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST CLEVELAND INDIANS!

Charlene Wuthrich Charlene Wuthrich, beer known as Gram, does it all and doesn't let anything stop her! She enjoys golfing, hosng quilng groups, and providing dinner aer church every Sunday for her loved ones. Addionally, she is a life-long Indians fan. Over the years, she has had sheep named aer members of the Tribe, and is always up on current Tribe news and scores. On December 19th, 1987 Charlene was diagnosed with breast cancer. The lump was found by her diligent family doctor and a double mastectomy with reconstrucon was scheduled and performed successfully in February of 1988. Not only did Charlene defeat breast cancer, she decided to use the life experience to movate and empower others. Charlene was the facilitator for the cancer support group at Samaritan Regional Hospital in Ashland, Ohio. This support group was the best aended and longest lived support group in Ashland. She had been a nurse at Samaritan hospital for over 25 years. While on duty, she encouraged many paents who were going through the fight against cancer. She was oen heard saying "Cancer is not a sentence, it's a word." Charlene was chosen twice by the American Cancer Society as Nurse of Hope. She had opening speeches for northeastern Ohio's daffodils kickoff campaign for American Cancer society and has spoken to many women's cancer groups on breast cancer prevenon and treatment. She has also worked with the mobile mammogram van. Charlene is not just a cancer survivor. She is a loving grandma, inspiring supporter, and avid Indians fan. Go Tribe!

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST COLORADO ROCKIES!

Carrie Kollmar I would be proud to nominate my friend Carrie Kollmar, a real fighter and true hope for beer treatment and a cure for breast cancer. Carrie was diagnosed at a young age with Stage IV breast cancer that had spread to her liver and other places in her body. Mulple surgeries, chemo and vigilance are just some of the many losses she has endured, yet she survives and thrives and always gives back to her family, friends and community. She was inially given a dismal prognosis but is now over 5 years with no evidence of disease. Nothing about it has been easy, and she has lost many friends to this disease; but gained many as well. I am proud to be in that group of friends she has gained, sadly through the loss of a childhood friend of mine that she met during treatment. She is a vital part of the community of survivors, fighters, friends and family and those le wondering "WHY?" She inspires me every day. She is not defined by cancer, she is so much more. Mother, friend, worker, daughter, gardener, writer, photographer, caregiver, and defines and shapes her world. She deserves to be honored in the biggest way possible! I am a huge baseball lover and oen see it as an analogy for many of the things we experience is life. I am so glad that baseball gives back and I hope they can shine a lot on Carrie as a beacon of hope and courage.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST DETROIT TIGERS!

Ann Chapaton My name is Maggie daughter of Ann Chapaton; I'm wring this to express the need for Ann to be the Detroit Tigers Honorary bat girl for 2014. When I was 16 years old my mom had found a lump in her breast. Surgery was scheduled and I missed high school to drive her to lumpectomy. During that me, the surgeon came out and told me that 'it didn't look good' and my world came crashing down. It seemed like each year my mom would have some sort of surgery, reconstrucon, or chemotherapy. I was there to aid her nursing needs at home with pumps and gauze. She barely missed any days from work and never missed out on any of my events such as dance recitals, soball games, or graduaon from high school and college. She has always been there for me as I went on to nursing school knowing that I would be a superb nurse because of the care that I gave to her. On top of everything else she managed to connue to raise two daughters, a husband, care for her elderly parents, teach catechism and worked her way up to management posion status at work. She created a Susan G. Komen team for Race for a Cure and was one of the top 10 teams in terms of raising awareness and money for breast cancer research. Not only has she been an inspiraon to our community - she has definitely knocked cancer out of the park! She is one of the biggest Detroit Tigers fans and always sits with me at Comerica park. I'm so thankful that I'm able to share this upcoming season with her. She is one tough cookie - everyone seems to look up to her and deserves nothing more than to be apart of the Tigers this year as bat girl. Thank you for your me and this wonderful opportunity!

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST HOUSTON ASTROS!

Tammy Roberts My sister was diagnosed with stage four breast and lymph node cancer during the summer of 2012. The cancer was discovered and her son's baseball coach (a physician) told me in confidence that I need to make plans to look aer her son. My amazing sister put her faith in God and went about her life. She connued to work and raise her son while spending months in unimaginable pain. To make the treatment even worse, she could not take pain meds on account of an allergic reacon. Before the summer of 2012 was complete, my sister had lost her hair and nearly all her strength to connue. Then in November, a double mastectomy aempted to take her identy as a woman. The fight was no longer for survival; it was a fight for her son. Her son was 13 when she was diagnosed. Given the disturbing news, my sister would not allow her son to use it as an excuse. She ensured that his life was not defined by this disease. Spring of 2013 proved to be another trial. The cancer had spread to her neck and the only treatment was radiaon. The radiaon was extremely painful and forced her into a neck brace. An addional obstacle was introduced when her son had to go through shoulder surgery. The never ending stream of bad news began to affect her personality, as well as her son's. I could see that both of them had been fighng so long and the end seemed to be geng further away. The radiaon connued throughout 2013. As sudden as the disease changed her life for the bad, the news that she prevailed over cancer finally came on Feb 1, 2014. Throughout my sister's treatment, the few moments of escape was watching her son play baseball. At the beginning of her journey, he was part of a compeve baseball team with endless weekends traveling and playing in tournaments. Assuming weekends were a me to recover for the week's stress; my sister NEVER missed a game or made an excuse to not aend a game. ____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST KANSAS CITY ROYALS!

Paige Lollar Just 5 short weeks aer my 23rd birthday, the doctors confirmed that the lump in my breast was, in fact, cancerous. Scared and shocked, we came up with a treatment plan that would suit my case. Chemotherapy first, followed by surgery. Just two weeks and one surgery (to check lymph nodes, which came back clear, and to insert a portacath) later, it was me to start chemo. I went in, scared, but acng brave - with a smile on my face. The nurse drew my blood and when the doctors came in, I was told there would be no chemo that day. I was 6 weeks pregnant! The treatment plan was flipped upside down - surgery first, then chemo (once I was in the second trimester). I had a mastectomy one week later and started chemotherapy in February. Thankfully, I handled both the surgery and the chemo well, and the medicines were not affecng the baby, her heart rate remained strong and her growth was right on track. The doctors let me take a break from chemo for about a month before Hadley was born and on June 4, 2013, Hadley Rae was welcomed into the world - as perfect and healthy as can be and with more hair than mommy! Ten days later I resumed chemotherapy - and Hadley came to the chemo center to visit all of the doctors and nurses that had helped us along the way. My treatments have connued since then and I will receive treatment unl June 2014. Hadley comes to the cancer center with me frequently - she's known as the Miracle Baby around the office and enjoys the aenon from doctors, nurses, staff and paents. My hope is that my story can be an inspiraon to others going to bat against Breast Cancer. You CAN be strong. You CAN win. You CAN survive.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST LOS ANGELES ANGELS of ANAHEIM!

Danielle Adams For me Angels Baseball began in 1976, but for my family it began with season seats in 1966. Those seats have never changed, Club level Secon 334, Row A Seats 1-4 on the first base line,this year is the 48th. What a 48 years it's been. Somehow the family has managed to hold on to the seats even in hard mes. This past year has been one of those years. I was diagnosed with Stage 2 triple negave breast cancer on March 29, 2013. At the age of 37. I am a wife and a mother of a 4 year old girl. I had 4 rounds of chemotherapy, a double mastectomy and 4 more rounds of chemotherapy. I finished treatment on Oct 21, 2013 and had my reconstrucon surgery on Dec 12, 2013. Last season was a tough one as I did not get to go to one Angels game during my treatment. As I said it began in 1976, going to my first game in an infant carrier. I was lile so ny in fact that my parents were able to carry me into games and have me sit on their lap unl I was past 6 years old(that's what you did with 4 seats and a family of 5), they did not make you buy ckets for the lile ones back then. It would be an honor to my family if I was honorary bat girl. My family was such a wonderful support to me this whole me and it would bring a much needed smile to everyone's face to see me as the Angels bat girl. As the youngest of 3 daughters it would definitely bring a tear to my father, a diehard Angels fan, who predicted the Angels would win the World Series in 2002 and everyone laughed at him, who had the last laugh? It would be an honor to be a bat girl in the year 2014 the next year the Angels are going to the World Series!

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST LOS ANGELES DODGERS!

Mailee Diaz My mom was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer on Oct. 8, 2013 and has since under gone a mastectomy, a second surgery to remove lymph nodes aer tesng posive for cancer, chemotherapy, and will undergo radiaon. My mom is the strongest person I know and hasn't let this bale defeat her in any way. She remains opmisc and fights the good fight everyday. To see her do all the things doctors told her she wouldn't be able to do has been a true blessing and nothing short of amazing. My mom stays acve going on 20 mile bike rides, aending family funcons, exercising, and living her life to the fullest despite her situaon. My mom is the biggest Dodger fan I know. She goes to baseball games with us every year and always buys our ckets for us every season. She never misses a game and always sports her Dodger blue are! Her favorite player is Clayton Kershaw. If there's any woman I know who deserves to be an honorary bat girl, it's my mom! She's our hero!

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST MIAMI MARLINS!

Beth Armstrong My co-worker Beth Armstrong just celebrated her three year cancerversary. I was with her the moment she found out she had breast cancer. It was a heart wrenching experience for the both of us. She wiped away her tears and immediately started her crusade to not only beat the disease, but to help others as well. She has been going strong organizing work related fund raisers for the yearly Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and bringing awareness to this terrible disease. Currently she has jumped feet first into organizing an FPL/Turkey Point team for the 2014 Homestead Relay for Life. It's a non-stop endeavor that Beth is on and she never ever wants anything in return. I feel she needs to be recognized for her passion toward helping others get through and beat cancer like she did. I don't know of many other people that are as strong willed as Beth. As her personal moo states: "She fights like a girl." And she is a winner.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST MILWAUKEE BREWERS!

Lisa Zelazoski I'd like to nominate my wife Lisa as an Honorary Bat Girl for the Milwaukee Brewers because her courage while beang breast cancer. On a Tuesday night last October we got the call we'll never forget. Lisa had just seen her doctor for an exam of a lump she had felt, and the heart- breaking news from the other end of the phone confirmed our fears. We knew that the road ahead was going to be very difficult, but didn't realize just how challenging it would be. Chemotherapy takes a gruesome toll on a person's body and watching a loved one go through those treatments is gut-wrenching. Fague, hair loss, body aches, and nausea were just some of the many side effects. But Lisa's most important goal through 7 months of chemo and radiaon sessions was to be a posive role model for our three young daughters Abby, Erin, & Ava. Each bi-weekly chemo treatment took longer and longer for Lisa to recuperate from. 2 day recoveries turned into 3 or 4 days, then stretching out to over a week. Just when her body was feeling good she had to endure another day sing in the chemo chair pung her body through hell. But Lisa was determined never to delay a session because she wanted our beauful daughters to learn that in the face of adversity you need to stay strong and posive. Abby, Erin, & Ava were Lisa's biggest inspiraon, and Lisa in turn has become an inspiraon for hundreds of others. Since Lisa's successful recovery, she has become an online support mentor for other young mothers in their bale against breast cancer. Women naonwide post on Lisa's support page and she educates them and offers support to others as they face their own bale. Lisa also joined a local Relay for Life team and in her first year was one of the largest individual fundraisers. Becoming an honorary bat girl would be fantasc recognion for a Brewers fan like Lisa, however even if she isn't chosen she'll sll be an incredible inspiraon and hero for many other people.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST MINNESOTA TWINS!

Becky Gesswein Unfortunately my ability to tell Becky's story will pale in comparison to the true story of her strength, perseverance and inspiraon to others. Within a year of helping her mother successfully bale breast cancer, Becky found herself, only in her mid-twenes, fighng that very same bale. Though she had done a great deal to educate herself on her mother's behalf so she could be her main source of support, she now had to see that same informaon from a new and personally harrowing perspecve. Wasng very lile me she made the tough decision to undergo a double mastectomy. She successfully endured the procedure and breast reconstrucon as well as accompanying chemo treatments. She can count those two victories as the first of so many in which she has helped. Now, as a survivor, she takes every opportunity to share her story and to try and inspire others as they face their bales; whether it is simply parcipang in a 3-Day event, or chairing her local Relay for Life. She has also parcipated in radio and TV interviews showing women how to regain their personal pride during post procedural recovery over a seemingly small loss. While very lile can compare to the loss of one's breasts to a woman's self-percepon aer a mastectomy, the hair loss as a result of chemo treatments oen comes as an unwelcome trauma to one's pride during an already difficult me. Its return can be a powerful source of strength. Becky teamed with a prominent local hair stylist to publicize how to help reach that important part of recovery that can help women who need these milestones on their path to full recovery and a return to normalcy. And, as no small part as to why I think she should be an honorary bat girl, for as long as I have known her she has be a huge fan of the Twins. I can think of no one beer for the role of bat girl and no one more deserving of the honor. ____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST NEW YORK METS!

Stefanie Lesnik Stefanie is a mother of two boys aged 10 and 8. She is a loving wife, wonderful daughter and excepyional friend. She was diagnosed during a roune mamogram and had her surgery at Memorial-Sloan Keering in New York and underwent chemotherapy at the Basking Ridge campus of MSKCC. She will begin her radiaon next week. WHen she was diagnosed, the whole town seemed to come together for her. Friends started a meal train and every night during her treatment week a wonderful full meal was delivered by a neighborhood friend. Friends stopped by to deliver flowers and gis and the local children raised over $5,000.00 making and selling Rainbow Loom bracelets and donang the money to Breast Cancer Research...even the school, at which she is an acve mother, gave extra credit for Community Service to the children who parcipated. I tell you all of this because it tells you about the kind of a person she is...one who everyone wants to help because they know that she would be the first one on line to help them. With never a complaint, never wallowing in self-pity, she accepted the challenges and the nausea and the pain and now she looks forward to enjoying a cancer free life with the same love and grace that she has for every aspect of her life.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST !

Elizabeth Tague In baseball the defense has the ball and thus controls the game's rhythm. With the passion and technology of cancer research, cancer survivors and sciensts'have the ball' and are in control of the end game against cancer. As a Bat Girl for the NY Yankees, I, Elizabeth Tague, desire to step out of the dugout to represent the courage of cancer vicms and survivors. I come from a Yankees family who knows how to win in the face of adversity. How baseball mirrors the twists of life! Married in 2010 to my husband, Brian, -a man whom my family veed by asking if he was a Yankees fan- I was excited for my new life. Spring 2011 was a joyful me: my grad school graduaon and my brother's wedding. But in May 2011 I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. It's as if it was the top of the 1st and the away team had just hit a pitch over the wall for a 2 run homer. The home team, Team Liz, is down 2-0 to the away team, Team Cancer. Down 2-0 but not out. This is the Bronx. Team Liz-docs, family, friends- came to the mound to devise a plan:pump the posivity and win the game and fight against cancer. This is how: celebrate my brother's wedding, full mastectomy 3 days later, 16 rounds of chemo, smile through the pain and hair loss, unwavering support from my husband- no maer how I looked, 28 rounds of radiaon, and a return to work as a 6th grade teacher in Jan 2012. Now I see doctors for checkups! With the help of Team Liz, we pumped the posivity in the darkest days. In May 2012 Team Liz joined the Susan G Komen Walk, in Oct 2012, the Avon 39 Mile Walk, and each summer the Damon Runyon 5km at Yankee Stadium. I share my story because if I help just 1 person detect cancer then I have done my part. This cancer survival story is not a sob story but a celebraon. There is joy in Mudville. There is hope in Cancer Town.The bats of the Bronx Bombers will not be silenced and I Elizabeth Tague have the ball and am ready to go to bat to fight cancer as the NY Yankees Bat Girl

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST OAKLAND ATHLETICS!

Krisn Goldthorpe Breast cancer is a field no one wants to be on. I am just one of thousands of women who never expected be on this field. Cancer was always something other people had. My world changed totally on November 27, 2013 - the day before Thanksgiving, when I was diagnosed with Stage IIb breast cancer (Lobular Carcinoma). Just like the great game of baseball, I'm dealing with my cancer one base at a me. First base was a mastectomy the remove the tumor. Now I'm at second base - chemotherapy. Third base might be radiaon; home plate for me will be reconstrucve surgery. There's a lot of uncertainty between the bases. And just like baseball, it cannot be done without loyal fans. When you're at your lowest you need your fans the most. Not everyone shows up. But those who do are awesome. When the Oakland As experienced their lowest slump back in 2009, their true fans sll came to the Coliseum and provided unwavering support unl they rose out of that to winning the division tle in 2012 and 2013. Can you imagine the As playing to an empty stadium? I can't. And I can't imagine fighng the bale with cancer without the support of my fans. What a difference the roar of the crowd makes. Every day I receive emails, text messages, phone calls and packages that provide the love and encouragement leng me know I can make it through this unplanned journey. Friends and family, including some in Scandinavia and Brazil, are wearing "Team Krisn" wristbands. One of my biggest supporters is my 17 year old son Karl, a huge Oakland Athlecs fan. Whether the team makes the playoffs or not, Karl has faith in his team. He even runs an Instagram site, with over 4,000 followers, devoted to the Oakland As. Over the past few months he has been wonderful helping me, including cooking meals, and driving me to appointments. I would be proud to be the 'A's Bat Girl' on "Breast Cancer Awareness Day" on May 11th, and represent breast cancer paents and survivors everywhere.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST PHILIDELPHIA PHILLIES!

Terry Moser Baseball is a sport that has captured the hearts of Americans for years. When we shi our aenon towards another field, a field where the opponent is breast cancer, we see a different kind of lineup. We see a lineup of very special players chosen specifically to beat the opponent. Bang 4th is my dear friend Terry. In 2007 Terry was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. She underwent chemo, radiaon and a double mastectomy. Despite what seemed to be insurmountable obstacles, Terry reached for her baseball cap and started the game. In 2008 during her treatment Terry started the 1st Moser's Miles 5k Walk & Gi Aucon to raise money for cancer research. Her first at bat was a home run! Over the past 6 years she has raised over $100,000 for cancer research and for families affected by cancer. At her 2nd at bat in 2009, a local organizaon honored Terry as Survivor of the Year! During her 3rd at bat, Terry organized a fashion show entled "United for a Cure". She invited local charies to parcipate as escorts for the models who were all cancer survivors. Terry's last at bat was being diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis this past year. Although she has received a new diagnosis, Terry stands tall with a smile on her face ready for the next at bat. When the game nears its end & the talk of an MVP begins to circulate, I hope the chant will be for Terry. What sets her apart from her teammates is her heart. It's a heart that has grown stronger by her compassionate undertakings. She is an inspiraon to many and I am Blessed to call her my friend! I would be so proud to stand by her side as the Phillies Honorary Bat Girl!

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST PITTSBURGH PIRATES!

Cathy McGrath I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1991. I was taken by surprise of the diagnosis because I had had a benign lump removed in 1985 and "expected" the same pathology report. It was found through further tesng that the cancer had not spread into my lymph nodes. My treatments included 30 radiaon treatments and 6 ½ year of medicaon therapy. Unfortunately, breast cancer is a family history as my mother passed away from it and my aunt is a 24 year survivor. And a rarity, it is also a family history on my paternal side of the family as my cousin was diagnosed 1 ½ years ago. As a result of being diagnosed with breast cancer, I became acvely involved in promong breast cancer awareness. I encourage friends and family to schedule their yearly mammograms, to perform BSE (breast self exams) and to noce any breast changes. As an advocate for breast cancer awareness, I have conducted numerous fundraisers to promote the awareness. For the past four years, I have coordinated pink luncheon in which I have had speakers from Susan G. Komen Pisburgh and have had friends who spoke of their breast cancer journey. I've aended many Pisburgh Pirate games as an avid fan but nothing would compare as to being chosen as honorary pink bat girl.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST ST. LOUIS CARDINALS!

Karen Neal To many she is known as Karen, to two she is known as "mom", and to one she is a loving wife, but to 360 elementary and middle school kids she is known as Mrs. Neal, math teacher. At the beginning of the 2013-14 school year, our co-worker and friend, Karen Neal, had to be put on the injured reserve list from our team due to an aggressive inflammatory breast cancer diagnosis. Through the intense chemo and all that goes with it, she has been a fierce player, while being an amazing example of courage, grace, strength, and unwavering faith to all who know her but especially her students. She has kept a blog, www.karensneal.com, as a sort of scorebook, to allow her friends and students to keep up with her game and to see her winning atude. While everyone is concerned for Karen, her concern has always been and connues to be for her students. She has had to put her game of life which involved teaching math, and being a high school youth group leader, on hold to play the cancer game. She's stealing third aer a double mastectomy and will be rounding third soon with radiaon. We are all cheering her HOME to being cancer free before the end of the school year! Being an honorary bat girl for her team, the St. Louis Cardinals, would be an awesome way to celebrate winning the cancer game. This would be an honor that Karen would be humbled by, and an experience that she would share with her students and friends because that is the kind of team player she is.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST SAN DIEGO PADRES!

Lorraine Hutchinson San Diego's Deputy Fire Chief Lorraine Hutchinson credits her mammogram, the drugs and treatments that had been discovered by Susan G. Komen research grants, her will to be healthy, her family and her "firehouse family" for her survival of breast cancer. "I did not have a family history of breast cancer so I never thought I could get it," said Hutchinson. "I was shocked to learn that most people who get breast cancer actually don't have a family history. Also, as an African American woman, I was stunned to learn that breast cancer is the most common cancer among African American women and they also tend to have lower survival rates than women from other racial and ethnic groups in the United States." While the overall breast cancer incidence rate for African American women is about 10 percent lower than for white women, the mortality rate is 37 percent higher. Studies have also found that African Americans oen have aggressive tumors with a poorer prognosis. "I could feel my tumor-a mammogram detected it and saved my life," said Hutchinson. "I want to educate San Diegans, especially in the African American community, that early detecon and educaon is imperave." In November 2012, four months aer being diagnosed with diabetes and struggling to lose 35 pounds, Hutchinson was stunned to receive a diagnosis of stage IB breast cancer. She delayed geng her follow up mammogram because she didn't think she was at risk and when she finally went in she was stunned to find out she had cancer. She then underwent a mastectomy of her le breast followed by four treatments of chemotherapy. Throughout Hutchinson's treatment, she walked daily and maintained a healthy diet. "I want people to think about how I fought it, how I won, and how I came out even beer on the other end," said Hutchinson. "I also want women to know it is ok and important to grieve. Cancer woke me up to my health, and I feel like I have been given a second chance."

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS!

Eleanor Uhlinger Eleanor Uhlinger serves as the Recording Secretary for the Breast Cancer Assistance Group (BCAG) of the Monterey Peninsula. This is one of many ways that she has inspired and helped not only those stricken with this disease but others as well. In 2006 she had just moved from the east coast to accept the job as University Librarian for the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey when she was diagnosed with stage 4 invasive breast cancer. Despite the rigorous painful and exhausng treatment she faithfully came to work with a posive atude and made significant improvements to library operaons and services to our military students and their faculty resulng in high staff morale. The Library of Congress presented her with The Federal Librarian of the Year award in 2009. Eleanor set the standard for courage and provided hope and a sense of perspecve to others who realize if she can win this fight with such grace and class they can meet challenges in their life as well. Aware of the extremely high cost of diagnosc tests and treatment she passionately parcipates in her role at BCAG that sponsors educaonal programs and raises funds to provide financial assistance to women in the California Central Coast region who have breast cancer and are undergoing treatment. A big San Francisco Giants fan last year Eleanor encouraged BCAG supporters to donate some player-autographed items to aucon at their major fund raising event that successfully raised funds for the cause. Just like the Giants she shares a winning atude and a determinaon that sets the example for us all.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST SEATTLE MARINERS!

Donna Person-Smith 3 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 43. I had mammograms and they never detected the tumors. I went in for a breast reducon and when they tested the ssue removed, they found my cancer -- it was nothing short of a miracle that my cancer was found and at stage 1. I had to undergo a double mastectomy and I take tamoxifen daily, but I am very, very lucky. I want to also share my mother's story -- aer I was diagnosed, my mother was diagnosed just a few months later with a very aggressive form of breast cancer. She had surgeries, 2 types of chemo, and infusions for a year. But she too is healthy. We are both so lucky to have had our cancer diagnosed at an early stage. I was blessed with a phenominal team of doctors at Virginia Mason in Seale.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST TAMPA BAY RAYS!

Connie Webb My mom has been up to bat against breast cancer not once, but twice, and knocked it out of the park both mes! She was originally diagnosed in January of 2009 and underwent treatment, then was diagnosed again on the same date a year later with an even more aggressive strand. She never once let the cancer slow her down and she NEVER had a thought of giving up! She is the STRONGEST person I know and has been an advocate for early detecon and a mentor to others going through the same journey that she started over four years ago. Since then, her and I have joined our local Relay for Life and have helped our community to raise over $50,000 annually for cancer research so that the words, "You have cancer" will one day be a phrase of the past!

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST TEXAS RANGERS!

Sheila Taylor I am a two-me survivor of breast cancer who witnessed my mother-in-law fight the disease and later lose her bale at the age of 46. I received my first diagnosis one year aer she passed. At 34, I was in the fight of my life. Faith and my family brought me through 8 weeks of daily radiaon two lumpectomies, including removal of lymph nodes and a depressed state of mind. 8 years later, I would yet again bale with the beast. This me the cancer was much bigger, and I would have to undergo a bilateral mastectomy, removing both breasts, to give me a beer chance of survival. I would also face and conquer 6 rounds of a 3 drug cocktail of chemo though I dealt with the normal side effects of neuropathy, dehydraon, nausea, skin changes, sore mouth and throat, etc. Again, my faith, family, and now a big circle of friends was with me every step of the way. Now I am recovering while waing for my hair to grow back. I am connuing my quest to inspire others by connuing to serve on the Board of Directors for The Bridge Breast Network, an organizaon that provides life-saving medical care to uninsured women diagnosed with breast cancer. I am also on of the three honorary survivors for Susan G Komen Dallas Race for the Cure 2014 Campaign "Every Day Heroes". I also parcipated in a naonally televised documentary in partnership with Susan G Komen Circle of Promise to raise awareness of breast cancer in the minority community. I love the Texas Rangers (Go Rangers) and would be honored to be selected as a Batgirl. Plus I think I'm a prey cool superhero having fought cancer twice and won.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST TORONTO BLUE JAYS!

Tracy Gavrielides I'd like to introduce you to my friend Tracy Gavrielides - my nominee for Bat Girl. Tracy is the most posive, kind, thoughul, supporve person. She is also a cancer survivor at the young age of 33. Although she did not have breast cancer, she did overcome a very rare form of women's cancers. I hope that you will sll consider her for Bat Girl, and connue to read my reasons why. With only a handful of other people in the world to ever have the same form of cancer, Tracy has had limited support from survivors of the same illness. However, through chemotherapy, operaons, weekly blood tests, hair loss, and general uncertainty about her disease, Tracy always stayed posive. Throughout her treatments, Tracy remained a season cket holder with the Jays, aending games when she felt healthy and strong enough. When she wasn't feeling well, she would watch her boys from home, even PVRing games if necessary. Tracy has an unbelievable spirit. Since recovering, she has met and mentored other women who are just starng their bales with this specifically rare illness. Tracy is currently training and fundraising to walk in the 30km Weekend to End Women's Cancer - a mere year aer being cancer free. Currently she has personally over $2000 for a great cause! She is an advocate for ending women's cancers, and an inspiraon to the people around her. Tracy's drive to help others is infecous, as is her love for the Toronto Blue Jays. TRACYS SONG! Take Tracy Out to the Ball Game Take Tracy out to the ball game. She'll stand out in the crowd. She's brave, beauful and full of life, Loving her blue jays, with all of her might. So she'll wear pink, pink, pink at the Jays Game For Breast Cancer Awareness today. Cause it's 1, 2, 3 Cancers gone In this old ball game.

____ /10 Originality ____ /10 Quality of Writing ____ /10 Commitment to The Cause honorarybatgirl.com 2014 HONORARY BAT GIRL CONTEST WASHINGTON NATIONALS!

Annie Arensdorf I'm a 32 wife and mom to two amazing lile girls (6 & 4) and I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer this summer. I just finished chemo and now doing radiaon. Our lives were changed during the summer when I found a lump on my breast. Aer tesngs and surgeries I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer - it's very aggressive and each doctor was surprised by the type of cancer I had. At each obstacle I have faced when it could be good or bad news it has been bad news but it won't stop me! On August 14 2013 I had a double mastectomy a month to the day on September 14th I ran and completed a 5k it took me awhile but I crossed the finish line holding my best friends hand. Two weeks later I started chemotherapy on my daughter's birthday. When my hair started to fall out I invited my closest family and friends over to our home and in our driveway my husband shaved my head with the help of my daughters. I did not cry I wasn't sad I smiled because I was surrounded by love. I have faced breast cancer head on and with a smile. I vowed to myself that I would not complain or think poor me and I haven't not once. I'm not saying it's been easy but I want to be an example to women. As the treatments come to an end I will have won my fight with cancer but it has le me bald scars on my chest and breast burned and in medical debt but alive and grateful. Being able to be 2014 Bat Girl would be such an honor to me I want to be a example and a voice to all younger women Fighng Like A Girl against Breast Cancer. Many blessings! Annie Arensdorf

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