APDCRS 2021 Agenda Book

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APDCRS 2021 Agenda Book Annual Meeting April 16-17, 2021 Virtual Teleconference Program Coordinators in Colon & Rectal Surgery Workshop Friday, April 16, 2021 AGENDA Virtual 10:00 am – 10:45 am Nancy Joiner: New requirements 10:45 am – 11:00 am Melissa Sullivan: Timeline 11:00 am – 11:30 am Joe Gallagher, M.D:. Virtual Didactics – Pro or Con 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Michelle Murday: Self Study 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Susan Grice: Moderator: Virtual Interviews – “Let’s talk” 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Nancy Joiner – Areas of Improvement, Major Changes, Surveys Please note that all times above are in Eastern time. VIRTUAL TELECONFERENCE AGENDA Please note that the times below are Eastern time. Saturday April 17, 2021 Welcome/Meeting Overview Robert K Cleary, MD 10:00-10:10 am President, APDCRS Faculty Development: Michael Mulholland MD 10:10-10:45 am Eliminating Barriers for Faculty Diversity University of Michigan Faculty Development: Michelle Murday MD 10:45-11:20 am Self-Study and Preparing for Site Visit Salt Lake City UT Faculty Development: Emily Steinhagen MD 11:20-11:55 am Assessment of the J Pouch Dilemma Cleveland, Ohio 12:05-12:25 pm RRC-ACGME Update Corey Parker MPA 12:25-12:45 pm ASCRS Update from the President Neil Hyman, MD 12:45-1:05 pm ABCRS Update Glenn Ault MD 1:05-1:20 pm CARSITE Update Brian Kann, MD 1:20-1:35 pm Robotics Course Update Amir Bastawrous, MD 1:35-1:50pm CR Surgery Resident Virtual Interview Scott Kelley MD 1:50-2:05 pm ADS Block Diagram Standard Template Rebecca Hoedema MD 2:05-2:25 pm Other Updates Robert K Cleary MD 2022 Meeting Dates Sharon Stein MD Colorectal Career Course Sunday Evening Educational Programming 2:25-2:55 pm Annual Business Meeting Robert Cleary, MD Minutes/Treasurer Report/Bylaws Rebecca Hoedema, MD 2:50-3:00 pm Membership and Elections Robert Cleary, MD 3:00 pm ADJOURNMENT April 17, 2021 Table of Contents FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................... TAB A RRC-ACGME Update ........................................................................................................... TAB B ASCRS Report ....................................................................................................................... TAB C ABCRS Report....................................................................................................................... TAB C CARSITE Update .................................................................................................................. TAB D Robotics Training Course Update .......................................................................................... TAB E CR Surgery Resident Virtual Interview ................................................................................. TAB F ADS Block Diagram Standard Template ............................................................................... TAB G Unfinished/New Business ...................................................................................................... TAB H - Colorectal Career Course - Sunday Evening Educational Programming - APDCRS Rep for ABCRS Membership - Future Program Directors/Coordinators Annual Meeting Date Business Meeting ................................................................................................................... TAB I - Minutes - Treasurer’s Report - Bylaws Membership & Elections ....................................................................................................... TAB J - Slate of Officers - Member-At-Large ADJOURNMENT TAB A FACULTY DEVELOPMENT Michelle Murday, MD, HIGH IMPACT APE & SELF FACS, FASCRS Program Director UHCI St Marks Colorectal STUDY Fellowship RESOURCES ACGME Common Program Requirements https://www.acgme.org/Portals/0/PFAssets/ProgramRequirements/060_Co lonAndRectalSurgery_2020.pdf?ver=2020-06-18-110723-850 Frequently Asked Questions: Colon and Rectal Surgery https://www.acgme.org/Portals/0/PDFs/FAQ/060_colon_rectal_surgery_FA Qs_2017-07-01.pdf?ver=2020-07-22-144500-613 Self Study https://www.acgme.org/What-We-Do/Accreditation/Self- Study RRC Annual Letter of Notification ACGME Resident and Faculty Survey Educational Conferences APDCRS Colorectal Fellowship Core Curriculum http://www.apdcrs.org/wp/resident-resources-2/apdcrs-core-curriculum/ RESOURCES Your Sponsoring Institution Internal Faculty and Resident Evaluations Two APE templates included in your packet ACGME SELF STUDY (NOUN) 1. Longitudinal, objective, comprehensive evaluation of the fellowship program, with the aim of improving it. Includes two new concepts: an exploration of program aims and an assessment of the institutional, local and regional environment 2. Nefarious time sink conceived by the ACGME to provoke anxiety on the part of program directors and coordinators WHERE ARE WE NOW? After a year like 2020, we all recognize the need to be agile and able to adjust on short notice 2020 Challenges: COVID-19 Telemedicine Remote site visits Remote interview season Racial unrest Implicit bias Generational changes in priorities Increasing polarization Move away from Annual Program Evaluation/Summary toward Continuous Program Improvement When the leadership of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) conceptualized what came to be known as the Next Accreditation System, a key component was a comprehensive self-study for programs and sponsoring institutions. The intent for the self-study, and for the overall approach to accreditation, was to promote improvement and recognize that most programs already comply with the vast majority of standards. This required a self-study that would allow programs to set aspirational aims, to analyze community needs, and to initiate activities to further these aims, to facilitate improvement in areas where the program already complied with the accreditation standards. This focus on ongoing improvement, through the annual program evaluation and a more formal self-examination every 10 years, was intended to make the accreditation process more relevant and meaningful for the majority of programs already in substantial compliance, and to convert the national graduate medical educationPhilibert ‘‘enterprise’’ I, Nasca T: into The one Program that Self seeks-Study excellence and the 10-Year beyond Site Visit: satisfaction Rationale for of minimuma New standards Approach. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2015 KNOWN PITFALLS Potential Barrier to frank self assessment: if the self study is being directly reviewed by the ACGME and RRC will this lead to a citation? Most of this self study is private and will not be reported to the RRC Timing between self study and site visit Update of the self-study summary along with a succinct summary of achievement that details program strengths and improvements the program has already achieved as a result of its self study conducted 12-18 months earlier ANNUAL PROGRAM EVALUATION VS SELF STUDY APE: Emphasis on one-year/short term improvement Self Study: Emphasis on mid/long term (2-5 year) improvement Integrate SMART aims Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely Maintain continuous program improvement Assign tasks Timelines Track Progress Regular Meetings with the “team” Keep stakeholders involved Maintain documentation ANNUAL PROGRAM EVALUATION REQUIRED DIMENSIONS OF THE APE Fellow performance V.C.2.a) Faculty development V.C.2.b) Graduate performance including performance of graduates on the certification examination V.C.2.c) Program quality V.C.2.d) HIGH-VALUE DATA SUGGESTED FOR USE IN APE & SELF STUDY Resident Performance Resident evaluations In-training examinations, OSCEs Milestones-based assessments at the aggregate level to identify areas of the curriculum needing improvement Case Log and patient experience data HIGH-VALUE DATA SUGGESTED FOR USE IN APE & SELF STUDY Graduate Performance Board certification examination (% taken/ % passed) Graduate surveys (often 1 year and 5 years s/p graduation) Faculty Development Faculty or leadership development programs relevant to role in the program Programs that enhance faculty skills, based on role in the program Residents’ evaluations of the faculty Use of this data in decisions (teaching selections, promotions) Scholarly activity HIGH-VALUE DATA SUGGESTED FOR USE IN APE & SELF STUDY Program Quality Review Committee citations and the program’s response Review Committee-determined Areas for Improvement Annual Program Evaluation data, including action plans and outcomes data for improvements made Annual Update data in the Accreditation Data System (ADS) Rotation schedule and block diagram Residents’ evaluations of the program ACGME Resident and Faculty Surveys HIGH-VALUE DATA SUGGESTED FOR USE IN APE & SELF STUDYProgram Quality Resident files, including graduates Presence of a system of evaluation, final formal evaluation Goals and Objectives (and goals and objectives-stimulated conversations with residents) Program Letters of Agreement (PLAs) Specifically conversations about what these sites contribute to resident education and identify potential supervision and oversight issues Case Log and clinical experience data Examples of resident involvement in quality improvement (QI) and safety projects Work hour compliance data, response to non-compliance APE/SELF STUDY: TAKING THE PROGRAM TO THE NEXT LEVEL 1. Assemble the Self-Study Committee PEC (faculty, fellows): Group already involved in planning and evaluating educational activities, reviewing and revising curricula, addressing
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