PHILIP Bread.Ay Brtn It Y»U«| 7.1
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at of raresf at not matrlenlate the Philadelphia the players. Tha thing FOOTBALL STARS WILL .ollefr. upon his graduatlon frora pre- Ardalej waa h eoaaplaiat, and anybody He has tournn AIM OUTDOOR paratorj aehool ln Jur.e. de- a TO SENIOR ever roiidiu'te.l MAKE IT GATHER Who has golf ASSIST SPEEDY RUSH tided to enter Yale. His preaenee will GOLFERS ment can nppreeiate how unusual auch materlally etreng-then the £11 traek a aituation is. Klnp, Hillcbrand, White, Wilson team. On frequent oeeaetona darlne Anson K Kohlnaon, Jr., waa the man the laat winter he haa tnrntd the half CITY' f.-r this HARDERFORDOG and Others as Coaches. GAMES ARE SET mile ln better than 2 ralnutee. a,, he de AT GARDEN before tha loaraaaaaBl 7 . C^ tny TVefraph te Tne Trltiun. ] houva of hia timo to fatheting Princeton, N J., V«y li, Boaaa of Ramore are afloat ln loeal ethletle rr the ioo*.- an.l BBBOe C5? Crantland Dice r>st of Princeton'* old foo'ball tlrelee that Ted Meredith will loln tha Ottt the spot*, an.l when he gave TO with the eora- roagh TITLE are U Athletic Club WIN se- N'ew York *tari fhe coachea FOR AUGUST among eight pla]. ererythlne one on or aroun.l the firat of had offered to wager leeted to asalst Kush In devel¬ ng lummir, but Information from . some Speerly 0KSTO-WORROW a hiteh. To eap the rlimax, Suppone day AprP that he will Town Is again that the l.Mh of the Cleveland club would have arored more oping the l#16 tnm. The board of ath¬ (juaker Yal Flood, tha Ardsiey profeaalonal, you by day May letic control announeed ?h« a'atf to-day. rarry the colora of the Meadow Broek the eouraa Inta e-cellent runa than any other team In elther league? wi .lub. the stood in bet Six of them re memhers of past All- .ml greer-.s up The chance. are would have apralned yonr tongue taking the Sentiment of the Amcrican Americnn teams. Athletes Win form 80818 jrofl Metropolitan oo Carter, Topplng Anlsiey would hn\t out and the moncy, eonilderlrg The new coaches are King, The Mohawk Athletle Clab haa Marston. ical And, having mnde lt, fOtt gono apent Phlllp dietance runnere that lt ia en* a Kennel Club Favors '0"., who played four years on both the for Later Date many Others lnsure the ka!e already yours. hnseball nnd foo'ball teams; Arthur R. Fight tounterlng dlffleulty ln eeeurir.g dreaB* and The | tournament of the weeka acore mon runa than Detroit room fecihtie* for them. Bg (leveland at the en.l of five would Stiffer Cond.tions. T. Hillebrand, '00, a well known line- .Renz's Record. Ing r»urr.g Tourney. av *i ork t aal Aaaoeiation with Yearh. llcilman und Iliirna? Or than Chicago with Col- who the laat three weeka more than fifty Spirtted the iroe af the i oun lohh. Crawford, man; Baaford B. Whlta, lt, athletes have at the elubhouse Irns. Polack, Schalk and Weaver? Of than N'ew York with ght « championship to Princeton reported for t-he .:. of 1 akewood aa Saturd, Joekaon, had Thomas B. Arthur on practice nlghte to prepare na ha* heen tha CUBlOM fd Mnis.-l and Oedeon? Yet on M.v II leveland Thnt conditions must he atiffened up ln 1911; Wilson, IS; outdoor Sunday, Haker. Mogee, Gllhoolof, to 'Kl; Harold "15, A. C. CAVAGNARO. coming campaign. BAWTHOtNl it four II waa l>etroit aecond ln the making Mm ."d pr.. erra at tho higheat ealaation Hluethenthal, Hallln, By p, PBED yeara, acored 11«< run«. hoyon.l tally tho ..rn..| captain year before last; E.L. Shea.end planned t,i hold the tourney lasl Sat Kennel |..|_ charnpion- Th. local athletes have won well beyond tho other fourteen major leafue eluba. ahip title v.»s th.. Bontiaaent «f the on Inst year*a eleren, nnd B, B. ''ruik- lr 'iie and Jef- for a late senior ou'd^or track m the .tcs at tho i.uaiterly meeting of fijank, feiiaer \Vn«.hin»;ton fght parl prepared that ferson s'ar, now the Prince¬ and fleld meeting. Th. " so \4iis made body yeaterday, held in the club attendlng championship W -re lr New tha chaage Some and Wherefores. ton li af rneni Whyi ofleea, hut tha only detinite act was to Theologteal Beaiiaary. committee of th* Metropolitan Associa¬ eoaapoaed to finish aeventh, that ean Aght lt-a way to tha front I uholcsale roal tradi Any rluh, picked rofer tba e/hola nattoi to th. raloa tion seleeted August 26 as the day for n:-,i Ita raatei within five werka ia nn Interest inf: atudy. -, A. <i Hooloy, chairman, to at YALE FOOTBALL MEN the title racea at a meeting held laal I miim of tifty, the linut Modern baaeball la mipposp.! to ronsist mostly ln batting plua baae ronnlng, roporl progrcss the next quarterly .. An av of the BMetiag, night. earlj or the hit end run on nttack. Tho aaeriflce ta supposed to be a remnant END SPRING PRACTICE I-e ba r..-o of eonaid- Tha .li^cursinn hinged on a set of In former years the games wer« hflld v ,s''",ul pui has arored more runa than any i the limit. middle ages. Yet (levelnnd, fifth in batting, reaolutiotis «' the annual y-i' ng .lohn h. _T*r T.'r«T»pri to Th. T-IVi-s the latter part of June, but th. metro¬ m the coal men other <*lub largely through h<*r fine uae of the aacrifirn. meeting l.y Colllna, delcgate a notch ot tho laland Kennel Club. New 16. forrt- politan club. alwaya proteated, on the . Fifth ln tho Indians are aeventh ln base iteallng, only They Haven, May .Spnr.g have ng metropolitan plajr* batting, were to the at Yale ended with athlet.a w«r« not in handlcapa have earrlflc. hila where no other club ln propoaed ebangoa preaeot Imll practice to-ilfiy ground that their above the Markmen. Hut they fifty Kule wln.h < which the 4 but ;i, etol rietory in a win¬ a stiff Krlmmage, in Varalty the best of conlrtion at that time. As Aguree, nt a of eithor rirruit haa yet reached thirty-aeven. ner*' clans a show lienchinif 1,000 team aaaiad tWO touchdowns from the f ..> a la*: an even baaia tje\am ln the scrub the national championshipa will be held has been adopted thnt It i-irght aeem Itnpos-rh " nt firat peek for a elub to be fifth batting, actual do;,. or over ehall eooat Bwa eentra of the Bold and heid * what etc, end that aHna nt scoreless. 'Iho work, conducted by at Newark on September 8 and 9, the 1:1 ,n k rhance at the pri/e* aeventh ln base nn.l fir-t ln run making. But that la exaetly pomta, apecialtj atealing shows, irr«. .*^_.tno of how few new coach, Tad Jones, with the local runners will have an ! ao the anmo to runa that d«g-t opportunity Cleveland la. ('levelnnd ls t.hourrr.,, fnr. abillty get are ben.-he.l, count four of his aasistanta and a of N'ew Yorlt will ron- with the lhall points. coopcration to get aome real eompetitlon before matter nt, 38 the o'd White Sox had just ten yeara ne.o when they won a pennant Falliae to agree, the memberahlp imber of Interested graduates, waa to runa in they meet the atlfT opposition at thfl ai d eap, on the weakest hitting club unrtorn.a'.h the Big Top. It la thia ahility get committee, Charlea K. Wood, chairman, ti,,- moat lueeeoafal years. r Ihe the citadel dul n"t report at yeaterday'a nveet- Seventy t\re 'nen reported at the American championshipa. without a heavy ntUck, plus ateady pitehing, that has made Ruckeyn 'hmn weeks' drill, and on ing n; iti leted aad tha general dis- f tha ep- had the commltte* aelected apa baaad the metropal* of fandom. men every, Hardly one t upa the goaslp all ued. The I'ollin* xuhstituto proximately t1.f*y reported tha date when the New York Athletic We read in of y«-**tercUy's _ 1> arned a lot about the beel two net rur.- hai throa elaoaaa: day. Tha laeB bnre for A of nnd that la all Club again put ln a bid to conduct the columns that "the A ¦ eloae «** Tuesday The Acid Test. l'n-' j,..r.-." laga system flxlnc, fundamentaJe, iporting April rhe ahow t|.;rt Jonea and his aaalatanta expected, meet on Ma Travera Island track. It ls nd must be made ln showi eonMnulty of team ehanpioaahip pointa, a and of a ball club Madi Abllity to get runa without . a'nshinj. nt'nck exhibita ... teaeb them. 'Ihe eqiiRil attemled almost certain that tha Iriah-American May ehowing few beta. an of one an.l throe- .1 emoker at the University Club .'.. The fti- play nnd a (.eneral alertnesa that overlooka aetaal benehing Athletic Club and th. Johnaon & means nothing. It ia thc long. aure to be a rltal times a!| nt all .-'nt. or not ahe ia eightha (ioi.s beachod | | peraoa, nnd Whether Clovtlaad BUja ln front pretty *- Johnaon Athletic of New after that tella." en- doi .nr.' the rlooi pa ir, ei nr Asaodatlon, hard grind June Kach factor an ns thia team play and nlertneaa rr-mnln ln camp.