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NET PRESSJRVN THE} WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Forecast br V. S. Weather Basoaiu OP THE EVENING HERALD Now BEavon; tor the month of March, 1927 4,996 Fair tonl^t and Tuesdajv \ PRICE THREE C E I ^ VOL. XLL, NO. 163. Classified advertising on page 12 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1927. (iPOURTE£a^ PAGES! PROTEST OF POWERS SACCO AND VANZETTI ON W AY TO HEAR DEATH SENTENCES fit ■. ^ RECEIVED BY CHINA

American Policy Followed CHANG ASKS GHOST” HEARD, By Other Nations—-U. S. U.S.T0BACK BY A REPORTER Backing No Horse In Weird Voice Over Phone Scares (jperatOr in Spring- China— The Notes. NORTH ARMIES field, Massr GIVES NO DETAILS Springfield, Mass., April • Washington, April 11. — 11.— “ The ghosV.’ of the I Says He Is Fighting Red Ele­ Whatley-South Deerfield Tele­ note handed the Cantonese Nation phone Line, whose moaning Frisco Thinks Steamer Was alists today by the foreign po\v- and cryings have excited, the TWOPATROLMEN ers represents a clear-cut victory m ent-Surprised at Nega- countryside, has travelled'into Of Ferry Fleet Plying Be­ for the American policy in the this city. A local newspaperman was GET SUSPENSIONS present turbulent state of affairs in j tire Action of American <8 » « ' W * talking, with' William G. tween Korea and Saim China. Strippe, ,Whatley selectman, The note is understood here to Government. whose brother, ; A rth u r, heard present a strong protest over the “ the ghost” when' a blood M idael Fitzgerald, Regular, No Sekh-Tragedy Bap^ Nanking outrages, with a demand ^ V v> '' curdling moaning entered the conversation. Miss Ruth Mc­ for indemnity and a stern warn­ Peking, April 11.— “ This is not Neil, telephone operator ,'n the and Robert McLeary, Su­ pened at Fn^n. ing against future attacks of the the time for the powers to send newspaper, was nearly over­ Nanking character— but there is protests— it would he wiser if the come by fright. no “ ultimatum” and no threat Telephone company Investi­ pernumerary, Dropped. Tokio, Japan, April 11.— sanctions. powers would back me Indirectly gators have been unable for a No Fist Brandishing and financially making it possible week tb^ind “ the ghost.” liumlred passengers Were belieTWl The American .government did for me to fight the Communist ele­ It was learned today that drowned when the Japanese stbam- not consider that anything would ments.” Whatley is divided between Regular Patrolman Michael Fitz­ er Daihachi China! Man,, «a®k at be gained by fist-brandishing at Chang Tso Lin, northern war Spiritualists and,, others, the gerald and Supernumerary Patrol- Its pier at Fusaii, according to ad­ this particular time. Officials here lord, made this statement today in :l Spiritualists claiming the voice, inan Robert McLeary of the Man­ vices received here late today. felt, rather, that coercion at this an exclusive Interview granted the of “ The Ghost” to be a mani­ chester Police "department have f-u '' '■■■'uld be calculated to furth­ International News Service. Bartolomeo VanzettI (1) and Nicola Sacco (2 ), principals in the internationally known Massachusetts festation. The Daihachi was one of tile reg­ er inflame anti foreign sentiment The International News Service murder case, photographed for the first time in many months as they arrived at the Dedham, Mass., Court ular passenger boats plying into 111 c.ii..a— perhaps with grave re­ learns that Chang Tso Lin desires House to hear Judge Webster Thayer sentence them to death in the electric chair. Note the left-handed shotgun guard at the right. Fusan. sults to the thousands of foreign­ the United States to advance to the Early reports flashed here did not ers still outside the zone dominat­ North China government a credit REDS DISTRIBUTE ed by the guns of the foreign war­ of $100,000,000. indicate the exact nature o f the ships. Also, this government want­ Chang Tso Lin, in the course of disaster, or what caused the boat; ed to make it clear to the Chinese within the harbor and near her the interview, expressed great sur­ URGES A U T H O R in SACCO PEHTIONS pier, to sink so rapidly that the. people that the role of the United prise that an American evacuation Ships Search Ocean passengers were trapped aboard. States is one of disinterested in North China should have been friendship for China in the strug­ ordered. gle toward unity. FOR OUR GOVERNOR Negative Action For Missing Sailors DID FERRY SERVICE. Read Interview “ I am pi/zzled by the attitude of Expect to Get Million Names San Francisco, Calif., April 11.— Officials read with interest to­ the American government,” said day the interview granted Inter­ The Daihachi China! Maru was not Chang Tso Lin, "why should it con­ in the trans-Pacific service, accord­ national News Service by Chang fine Itself to negative action? Does Halifax, N. S., April 11.— Search 2 In Effort to Save Lives of ing to ofBcers of loca l' Japanese Tso Lin, the northern war lord, in •> The rescued; Captain Frank y General Healey withdrawal of tb'« Americans mean of the North Atlantic for twelve Watts, Boston: Tony Foster, stew­ steamship companies and other ma­ which he expressed surprise at the they are never to return and they American evacuation of North Chi­ seamen-,- missing from the burned ard, Gloucester; Fred Wilson, East Two ItaiuK^^^^; ^ rine agencies. are to let China alone? Are all the Gloucester, Mass., fishing schooner Boston; James O’Brien, Lynn, Makes Several Sugges­ Japanese steamer agents here ex­ na, and expressed a desire for an American’s past endeavors to be Commonwealth, was under way to­ pressed belief the ship was one of a American loan. Mass.; Hiram Fender, Malden, sacrificed? If not, why does the day. ' Mass.; Joe Mulse, Gloucester, regular ferry fleet operating be­ Neither Chang, nor any other American government not fully A Canadian government steamer, tions In Final Report. New York, April 11.— Radical tween Shimo No SekI, on one of tbo war lord, is going to get any loan Mass.; J. Hines, Somerville, Mass.; support my efforts to shoulder the the Anrerican cutter Tampa and Joe Abbott, Everett, Mass. rumblings rea,ctlng froin the death islands in the Japanese archipelago, from the United States, it was burden of protecton of Ameritan and Fusan,,on the extreme tip of stated. The American . govern- steamships and schooners of the The missing: Richard Harding, sentences Imposed upon Nicola Interests. coast were on the lookout for the Gloucester; Bert Moulton, New Hartford, Conn., April 11.— Korea. This passage is through the government is not hacking any Can't Understand It twelve men, who left the blazing Sacco and Bartolomeo 'VanzettI be­ Korean straits and is said to be one horse in China, and least of all Foundland; Lemuel McComisky, That the governor of Connecticut “ I don't understand why the Commonwealth in three dories off Gloucester: Harry Lee, New Found- gan to be heard here today. of the roughest stretches of water Chang, who has demonstrated on American evacuation of North Lahave banks, sixty miles out. be given specific authority to act in the Pacific ocean. several occasions that while he is land; J. Meuse, Argyle, N. S.; Ed­ A man who gave the name of China has been ordered. Americans Eight other men in dories were ward Mason, Everett; James Leary, in all emergencies that, may arise supreme in his own Manchuria, in Peking should feel perfectly picked up by the Boston schooner Mario'.MInolch Iprunder arrest upon he has neither the power nor the New Foundlaird; Edward Corkum, while the State Leglslatijre is not gjife,. particularly, now that the Elizabeth Parker and brought into engineer, ‘Gloucester; Lea Powers* the tecluacal chargi'^oif disorderly., ’ ---Photo by Elite means of untfyln.T Chtn^ , a ^-^'OaniWiBhists nest In the'-hegation Shelbourne, N. S. in session Is Urgejl*, bY.',|^rank E. Michael Fitzgerald DR0I% INTO RAVINE vlding a stable governniOTX New Foundland; William Eno, New conduct, foll'bwlnlg ■filS^'ifctf^tf In quarter has been raided and the They said the cause of the fire Foundland, Thomas Christopher, Healy, retired attorney general of plastering windows along Twenty- The Protest was unknown. They feared that been -suspended by Chief of Police The notes of protest which have local Communist party is like a New Foundland and Daniel Surette, Connecticut in his final report to third street with posters bearing man without a head. their mates could not live in the Yarmouth, N. S. the governor. the words: Samuel G. Gordon until the Board been sent to the Nationalists are open dories as a howling snowstorm FROM UNION BRIDGE understood to make the following “ My campaign in Honan Is very The rescued men were under the ‘Sacco and VanzettI must not of - Police Commissioners can give successful. While Chang Tsung was blowing when all hands left care of doctors today as they suf­ Mr. Healy also urges the repeal demands: the side of the burning Common­ of the statute giving the attorney die.” v ,. them a hearing on charges brought 1. An apology , in writing from Chang’s troops are pushing the fered great hardships in the open Cjiatonese Invaders back upon, Pu­ wealth. boats in zero temperature. general the final say In matters of by Police Commission^ Willard B. Chang Kal Shek, • - military com- appeal from the decision of the The police - 'rbporfed< that* they Rogers. The • charge is that both luander of the Nationalist forces at kow, bur lines are solidly consoli­ found radical literature in Min- men neg^cted their duties and North End Man at Memorial dated, Justifying our previous with­ motor vehicle commissioner on Nanking. revocations of licenses of public cich’s possession along with a book spent excessive time in a local 2. Reparation for personal and drawal from Shanghai and Nan­ on how to make bombs printed in theater. , , king. In the meantime I am push­ EX-PASTOR’ S CASE service vehicle drivers. He believes Hospital— Injuries as Yet property damages. SEEK A SEPARATE the motor vehicle commissioner the Italian language. The suspension took effect Sat­ 3. Punishment of those guilty ing the fundamental problem of elimination of the Communists. himself should have the last word A plan to call a generaUatoppage urday and the men wJU,-Je given a of the Nanking murders and at­ in such matters, with, of course, of work for one hour ' protest hearlpg at the next meeting of the Undetermined. tacks. "The legation quarter raid, made with the assistance of the foreign GOK TO THE JURY TRIAL FOR WOMAN provisions for appeal to the Super­ against the death sentences will be police commission, ^ the date of The notes also state that appro­ ior. Court. carried out In every state in the which has not yet been set. It is priate measures will be taken if nations, has produced documents gravely implicating Soviet Russia Water Question nation, according to’ Raymond understood that Commissioner A north end man had a narrow demands are not promptly met. I Mr. Healy then tells the need, of Fasio, labor editor of “ The New Rogers noticed both patrolmen en­ This statement,, it is understood, is in plotting to arouse internal dis­ escape from death .this afternoon orders as well as to involve China legislation givinjg the governor or World” and chairman of an Italian ter the State theater Friday night more strongly voiced in the Brit­ Two Daughters and Holmes'! Judge Reserves Decision In some other constituted authority while on duty. He saw one of, when he fell from the Union street ish note than in the others. in international entanglement. Doc­ committee which will work for a uments seized in the Peking raid adequate powers to act in the mat­ pardon for the two doomed men. them come from the theater, ring bridige into the brook nearly thirty ter of diversion of the water of his box and return to see the show. N.\TIONALISTS BEATEN prove that the Murken vice-consul Mother Testify If; ¥k Be-j Snyder Case— Gray's At- Leaders’ Plans feet below. t of the Soviet received an appoint- the Connecticut river in Massachu­ Meanwhile members of the two The commissioner went into the According to the police Joseph Shanghai, April 11.— Military setts. The desire of Boston and theater to question the patrolman difficulties of the Nationalists at­ (Continued on Pago 2) Sacco-Vanzetti committees and Kazluski, who is about fijfty years half. torney Objects. Worcester to turn the waters of labor leaders throughout the city airf fo^nd the other also watching old and who lives at 3,4 IJnion tracted greater attention here to­ the Ware and Swift rivers, in west­ day than the delivery of the protest are conferring to determine means street, was under the influence of ern Massachusetts,, nito storage of freeing the condemned men. Impoi-tmit BeatS;!^ liquor when he lost his balance of the powers on tne Nanking inci­ reservoirs, Mr. Healy finds will dents. LUMBERMILL DESTROYED Boston, Mass., April 11.— Testi­ New York, April 11.— Counsel Some of the legal possibilities be­ The commissioners feel that the while standing on the bridge and jeapordize Connecticut interests If ing discussed are (1) appeal to the Main street beats are the most im­ fell into the ravine. Nanking dispatche- tonight de­ mony in the trial of Guy Willis for Mrs. Ruth Brown Snyder, at­ carried out. clare that the Nauonaiisis are in Supreme Court of the United portant in town since there are Found in Ravine Holmes, unfrocked Methodist min-1 tractive young housewife accused , His Suggestion disorderly retreat, fleeing along BY EIRE NEAR CANAAN with her paramour, Henry Judd States, (2) appeal to Governor Ful­ two banks and Manchester’s best He was found some time later ister of New Bedford, was complet­ “ The governor,” says Mr. Healy, stores under the police protection by a passerby who heard his cries the Tsinan-Pukov,' railroad in the Gray, of brutally slaying the wom­ “ should be empowered to enter in­ ler of Massachusetts and (3) the direction of Pukow. \ ed today and following arguments an’s husband, Albert Snyder, an art impeachment of Judge Thayer. in this section. They believe that for help and sounded the alarm. Damage Estimated at $40,000: to an agreement with the officials neglect of duty for even a brief Police were notified and Sergeant Flags Disa])iioariiig by counsel for the defense and the editor, today made their first moye of Massachusetts that would pro­ Petitions will be circulated The revolutionary flags which Fire Burns For Nearly Four sphee of time should be punished. William Barron was assigned to prosecutor, the case goes to the to save her from the electric chair tect their mutual interests in the throughout the United States in a have been prominent in Nanking j Hours. when they applied to Supreme concentrated endeavor to save the the case. Jury. waters of all these rivers. The state He took Kazluski to the Memor­ and Shanghai are disappearing, in­ Court Justice Townsend Scudder to ..of New York has such an agree­ two men. One million names will dicating that the public may again ial hospital where It was stated Canaan, Conn., April 11.— Fire The ex-pastor's two daughters separate the trials of the two de­ ment over inter-state rivers with be the goal of a petition to be pre­ be preparing to switch its support only swept through the saw m'.ll and his mother testified in his be­ fendants. Justice Scudder reserved sented to Governor Fuller, of this afternoon that the full extent the states of New Jersey and Penn­ of his Injuries was undeter^ned. to the victors. , J and storage sheds of Frank Bierce half today seeking to show that decision. sylvania. Without such agree­ Massachusetts, asking for a stay of The Nationalists have protested Tacoui or Chapinville, Just west v.then he was alleged to have been The motion for a separate trial X-ray pictures were taken this af­ ment th& state should not allow execution. ternoon to tell whether or not the of this village, doing damage esti­ in a local hotel with Miss An­ was made by Dana "Wallace, coun­ the diversion of these waters with­ (Contlnned on Page 2) toinette Fortin. New Bedford tea sel for Mrs. Snyder. man has a fractured skull and in­ mated over $40,000. Firemen from out seeking the aid of the courts in OFFICIALS GUARDED ternal injuries. He is suffering, Lakeville reached the fire in time room waitress, he was with his par­ Gray’s attorney, Samuel Miller, protecting its interests.” Washington, April 11— Extraor-, ishioners in that city. from numerous cuts and bruises. to save two adjoining dwelling opposed the move. So did District Mr. Healy’s final report re­ dinary precautions have been taken YOUNG CORBEn DEAD; On Pastor’s Knee. Attorney Richard S. Newcombe. houses, one of which had ignited views many cases in which the at­ to guard high government officials George A. Jackson, rebuttal wit­ To Submit Briefs. when they arrived. torney general’s department was because of the death sentence In ness for the government, testified Justice Scudder then gave both interested, and stresses the need FffiRCE SNOW STORM ONCE BOXING CHAMP The fire is believed to have start­ that he once saw Mrs. Pearl Svweet sides 24 hours to submit briefs, an­ the Sacco-Vanzettl case In Mass­ ed in the engine room of the saw for additional legal aid for the de­ achusetts. seated on the knee of the former nouncing he would reserve decision. partment. Mr. Healy takes occa­ mill and spread swiftly. Seventy pastor. Mr. Holmes claimed he was Both Mrs. Snyder and Gray are Whether actual threats have IN THE NORTH-WEST Gained Reputation by Knock­ thousand feet of lumber, two sheds, sion to extend appreciation to the been made against their lives was eating dinner with Mr. and Mrs. scheduled to go on trial next Mon­ heads of all state departments with ing Out McGovern in Hart­ and all equipment were destroyed. Sweet at the hour he was said to be day charged with first degree mur­ not divulged, but an ^ armed guard The fire burned for nearly four whom he was a co-worker for Five Pereons Kfilled Over Week- ford in 1901. In the hotel with Miss Fortin. der. They are accused of beating the eight years. has be6n assigned to protect the hours being finally extinguished Mr. Holmes’ mother testified that art editor to death with an iron house o f Secretary of State Kellogg, End— ^Fear Floods When Denver, Col., April 11.— Young Just before two o’clock. she spoke with her son on the night sash weight on the night of March and other precautions have been ' Snow Melts- Corbett, forty-six, once wearer of It Is understood Mr. Bierce had in question and that he told her he 20 after Snyder had come home taken. \ the featherweight boxing crown, is no insurance on the property. would be at the home of the Sweets. from a party with his wife. The government has had nothing : Calgary, April 11.— The wprst dead here today. The two daughters talked with their The courtroom was packed and MAN IS FOUND D E 0 to do with the Sacco-Vanzettl case, snow storm of the winter, piling up Corbett, whose real name was father that night over the telephone hundreds of persons milled about but a world-wide sympathy has drifts five feet high over- the week­ William Rothwell, dropped dead STATE POUCE PROBE from New Bedford to East Green­ in the corridors and on the stair­ been stirred up In their behalf. This end, took a toll of at least five per­ from heart failure in front of a wich, R. I., where they and their ways. IN POUCE STATION has resulted in a number o'f demon­ sons killed. It was shown in re­ downtown theater last night, not mother were visiting the latter’s Both defendants were in court. strations at American ■ embassies ports reaching here today. far from the old arena w’here he WILLIMANTIC BLAZE parents. Another witness testified Mrs, Snyder seemed calm and self- and legations abroad. to seeing Mr. Holmes in a garage Two railway men were killed first entered the ring in 1897. possessed. She wore a green close- — Photo by Elite when two freight trains collided on the night he was charged with fitting hat, long mink coat which Identified as Farm Hand— Had Corbett, hose home was in Den­ ADMITS KISSING-CAMPBELL Robert McLearj' near Seven Persons, Alberta, and ver, enjoyed a meteoric rise to One of the Tenants Said"^ She violating the true name law by reg­ covered her dress; gray stockings Been Arrested on a Charge Heard Explosions in Tene­ istering with Miss Fortin in a Bos­ and low shoes. She and Gray ex­ three persons met; their deaths glory when he knocked out “Ter­ Of Drunkenness. , April 11.— Mrs. Anna when their automobile was blown rible” Terry McGovern In the sec- ment Fire. ton hotel. changed, furtive glances. -Patrolmen use the State theater Mrs. Leah B. Geldard testified Walsh'Carrington a'dmitted on the over an embankment Into Swift on round at Hartford, Conn., in witness stand today that, she had building because of the toilet facil­ that she heard Lorenzo Lajoie, a ities which are available there. The Current creek, Sakatchewan. Seri­ 1901. Willimantlc, April 11.— State po­ New Haven, Conn., April 11.— kissed Campbell Carrington, broth­ New Bedford youth, speak of Miss — sanitary rooms of the theater • are ous floods are feared in the north­ In San Francisco, Jimmy Britt licemen from the Stafford Springs Police here today announced that a er of Colonel Edward C. Carring­ relieved Corbett of his title in a Fortin as his bride-to-be. The de­ always in perfect conditiop and western provinces when the snow barracks, came here today to Invcp- HE LAUGHS AT man found dead In a cell at head­ ton, her millionaire husband, who twenty round decision battle in fense sought to show that Miss For­ quarters yesterday following his ar­ the ppllcemen are free to use toll- melts. tigate the fire that early yesterday is suing for divorce on charges thpt 1904. The defeat wilted Corbett, tin was familiar with several young rest for drunkenness Is Richard Er­ etb there at any time. The police morning did damage of $25,000 to men and that the charges against GOLFERS’ WOES his comely 42-year-old wife was In­ 'S- and he never exhibited his famous the Central block on Union street An antidote for golfers’ wor­ win,. 47, of 22 Court street, em­ co.inmiSBiouers have no objection USED CARS. SELL punch with the same vigor again. the ex-pastor were in the nature of ployed as a farm hand in Wood- timate with the wealthy New York to>the police making use of . these and endangered the lives of many “ a shake down.” ries is appearing every day on lawyer. ' He retired hi 1910. tenants. Miss Maud Deming, one of the sports page of The Evening bridge. His only known relative, po­ facilities if the management does Quickly The Herald Way! Three weeks ago. Young Corbett the tenants who was rescued by lice say, is a sister, Mrs. Frank “ Yes, I kissed him,” said Mrs. not object, but they do not propose Herald. It’s a little sketch and Carrington during the cross-examir The North End Pilling Station fought an exhibition with “ Dago firemen, told police that two explo­ wise crack that takes only five Prey, of 283 Piedmont street, Wa- to have the patrolmen witnessing Mike” Mongone, with whom he JUDGE BOWERS’S CONDITION nation by counsel for the colohel. entermnments when they should wanted to sell a Ford roadster. sions preceded the fire. Working on seconds to read. You can slice terbury. A Herald Classified Ad was triad had staged a thirty-two round bat­ a theory that a still exploded in the your drives and displace the turf Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lipkin, “ We were at the summer cottage, be on the streets. tle at Cripple Creek in 1897. Judge H. 0- Bowers’s condition and Ned (the colonel) was lying on and on the second night of in­ basement the state police searched and turn in a score that looks keepers of a store at 62 Olive sertion the Ford was sold. “ He was the squarest shooter In the structure and announced they was declared good at the Memorial like the war debt— and still eit street, are being held without bond the couch to take a nap. Campbell TREASURY BALANCE the game,” commented Billy Gib­ found no evidence of such equip­ hospital at three o’clock this after­ down and have a laugh with for examination by Coroner Eli was sitting on the front porch and son, Gene Tunney’s manager. In ment. Their statement was vouched noon. He remains rational and a Kent Straat in “ Golfers You Mix, as sellers of liquor which was I walked through the living room Washingtoh, April 11.— Treas­ HERALD CLASSIFIEDS * Denver today for the champion’s for by local firemen who spent most complete recovery now seems as­ found on Edwin’s clothes when he and kissed him on the top Of his ury, balance as of April 8: $398,- Have Met.’’ ‘ ’ ‘ DID.ITi . ■■ -^11: exhibition bout here tonight. of the day working In the building. sured. was arrested. bald bead.” 236i542.78.


kow re]^rt8. .ao increaslQ^ ffienaM PROTEST OF POWERS there from unem^loy^ restl^ CHANG ASKS U. S. KIWANIS DIRECTORS ' NO b u il d in g b o o m ABOUTTOWN Hankow mobs. A'steamer Has been. LLocal Stocks N.Y. Stocks cbartere4 and tba-fi 6- Americana TO BACK HIS SIDE A still alarm this afternoon IS SENT TO CHANG maining in Hankow are living XFnrn^h^ by Putnam & Co.) DEVISE ACTIVITIES f e w h e r e a s y e t brought out part of thO'Manches- aboard It. ter" Fire Department apparatus to Americana who have avacuated High Low 2 p. m. (C«n tinned from Page 1) Building and. construction work extinguish a grass fire on Pine (Contlnned from Page 1) southern Chili are enroute to Bank Stocks. Am Sug Ref . 84 84 84 in Manchester has not yet exper­ Hill. Tientsin where the U. S. S. Ashe­ ienced the usual Spring boom, ac­ Bid Asked Am T & T . . .168% 168% 168% ment from Moscow as chief of the to the British consular authorities ville is stax^lng by.: Anaconda .... 46 % 46% 46% Russian secret service In China. cording to Building Inspector Ed­ Team 4 of the Luther League City Bk and Trust . .625 675 Jitney Players to Be Seen against British aeroplanes flying Am Smelt . . . 150% 149 149 The American military attache has ward C. Elliott, Jr. He Issued but will meet at seven o’clock this eve­ over the Woosung ibrts and Klang- Conn River Banking .300 — four dwelling permits during the TROOP MOVEMENTS Ameri Loc .. .110 109% 109% inspected the arms and ammuni­ ning at the Swedish Lutheran nan arsenal, declaring that the air London, April 11.— Cantonesi rirst Natl-Htfd...... 245 — 102% month of March and seven permits Am Car Fndy.102% 102% tion seized during the raid. Here; Another Benefit church, to discuss plans for the rights are Chinese even though con­ troops are concentrathig -at Nan­ Htfd-Aetna N atl___ 450 — 178% for garages. Atchison ....•178% ' 178% “ I was advised of the terms of confirmation reunion In May. cessions are leased to the foreign­ king; and‘all available keavy artil­ .Htfd-Conn Tr Co ...6 0 0 — 116% 117% The largest permit issued during Balt & Ohio .118 the protest the Amerlcanr and four Helge Pearson heads team 4 which ers. lery is being brought up, the Cen­ Land Mtg & Title. . . 59 Beth St B . . . 55% 53% 54% May Be Held. the month was to C. W. Hutchin­ other nations have handed the Na­ is to have charge of arrangements. Deserters Return ; j tral News Shanghai correspondent 'Htfd Morris Plan B’kl25 — Chill C o p ----- 36% 36% 36% tionalists as the result of the Nan­ son for a factory building on Por­ Phoenl.v St B'k Tr ..400 — ■ Any Nationalist soldiers,' who says. The extent of the Cantonsse Con Gas N Y. . 98% 97% 98 king incident, but I believe nothing ter street. The estimated cost of Hose Company No. 1 of the had previously deserted from Gen­ Park St Tonist...... 460 — Col Fuel Iron. 73% 70% 71% definite will come out of it. Eighteen directors and committeo construction is $8,000. The total South Manchester Fire department casualties is Indicated by tbo fact !>Rtverside Trust ....4 5 0 — eral Sun’s Army to the southern dies & Ohio .171% 169% 169% chairman of the Manchester estimated building for which per­ was called out to a brush fire this that 500 Nationalist wounded have U S Security...... 450 — “ Chuang Kal Shek is too weak to arm>, are reported to be return­ Cruc Steel . . . 93% 92% 93 punish his subordinates at the pow­ Kiwanis club met this noon at the mits were issued during the month afternoon at 1:30 at the corner of ing to the flag of their original al­ been ferried across the Yahgts* is $35,125. Bonds. Can Pacific ..184 184 184 ers’ bidding. However If the powers Harriet Brown tea room to make Hartford road and West street. An legiance. This has materially weak­ from Pukow. jEast Conn Pow 5 .. 99i* 101 Dodge A ...... 19 % 19% 19% resort to arms the leaders will es­ plans for work that the club hopes alarm was rung In from Box 24. ened the Cantonese defences at Htfd Ac Conn West 6s 95 — Erie ...... 55% 54 54% cape and only innocent Chinese VERNON PASTOR TELLS The fire lasted about ten minutes MORE BRITISH TROOPS to accomplish during the imme­ “STORY OF CROSS’’ HERE numerous points necessitating tbe Hart E L 7% ...... 325 330 Erie 1 s t ...... 58% 57% 58 people will suffer, thereby engen­ diate future. The biggest task the and no damage ..as done. This Is evacuation of a number of places Southampton, England, April IL Conn L V 5»,^s . . . . 109 1101/6 Gen Asphalt . . 82% 81% 82% dering hatred against foreigners. the fifth brush fire In three days — Amidst scenes reminicent of the club faces Is to finance the Hebron Rev, Edward E. Eells of Main in North Klangsu province. , , Conn L P 7s ...... 117 119 Gen Elec .... 91 , 88% 90% Blames Russians. Camp for Kiddles and a discussion and the seventh the South Man­ World War, the second battalion ot Conn L P 41/...... ' 98 99 street and pastor of the First Con­ The Japanese remaining at Soo- Gen Mot . ... . 185% 183% 184 “ I. wish to reiterate that a clash of means of doing this occupied chester Fire companies have been Scots Guards, with other troops, Brld Hyd 5 s ...... 103% 105 gregational church in Vernon, de­ chow are planning to evacuate at sailed today for China aboard the Gt North pfd . 87% 87 87 between Chinese and foreign troops considerable time at to'day’s meet­ called to within a week. once owing to increasing turbu­ livered a stereopticon lecture at the steamers City of Marseilles and Insurance Stocks. 111 Central . . .130% 130 130% would be disastrous. Therefore, it lence on the part of the Chinese 62% 62% would be wiser for the powers to ing. Second Congregational church audi­ ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Derbyshire. Aetna L i f e ...... 565 575 Kenn Cop .... 62% It was definitely decided to have laborers. 19% back me Indirectly and financially, torium last evening. It was on “ The Aetna Insurance ....5 0 0 510 Inspira Cop . . 19 % 19% the Jitney Players appear here this, Louis & Nash. 138% 138 138% making it possible for me to fight Story of the Cross,” depicting Mr. and Mrs. August WIttkofski Mobs at Soochow made a series Aetna Casualty Sur..740 760 summer again and a committee scenes in the last week of Jesus’ Marine pr . .. . 41% 40% 40% the Communist elements. , This Is of 14 Village street, announce the of hostile demonstrations against A u tom ob ile...... 220 240 headed by G. H. Waddell will try to life, from the triumphal entry into BARTHELMESS’ EX-WIFE Conn General ...... 1520 1550 Motor Whl .. . 24% 24% 24% not the time for the powers to send engagement of their daughter the Japanese compound and sur­ .183% 181 182 protests. It Is the time to deal di­ arrange another benefit entertain­ Jerusalem to the death agony on Amelia, to Clayton E. Holmes, Jr., rounded the consulate, holding Htfd Steam Boiler ..620 650 Nor West . .. the cross and the resurrection on Hartford Fire ...... 500 510 Natl Lead . . .190 190 190 rectly with the Russians who are ment. The attendance committee son of. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. prisoner a number of Japanese fam­ WEDS BRITISH MERCHANT reported that the average atten­ Easter morn. The colored slides Phoenix ...... 525 535 North Pac . .. 87% 86% really responsible for inciting the Holmes of Bigelow street. The ilies that had taken refuge there. 150% Nanking and other Incidents against dance of the club is now 89.3 per were unusually fine, and were in­ T ravelers...... 1150 1160 N Y Central . .151% terspersed with the old favorite wedding will take place In June. ' N Y N H & H . 54% 54% Americans and other fpreigners. cent, a gain of 43.3 per cent. • SOVIET PROTESTS Public Utility Stocks. hymns based on the events of pas­ Screen Star to Leave Stage to Pan Am Pet . . ."^ 8 1/. 57% “ This is a critical moment when Frank R. Hare was admitted to Moscow, April 11.— Although Conn P r -C o ...... S45 355 the Nationalists are fighting among sion week. Pennsyl . . . . 62 * 61% membership In the club. NO SECOND A n E H P T Alexis Tchernykh, Soviet charge at Live in India— ^Was-Married Conn L P 7 % ...... 114 — themselves, the people not knowing Golf Tourney Mr. Eells’ story was told simply Conn L P 8% ...... 120 123 People Gas . .141 140% 140% Peking, is returning to Russia to­ In Greenwich. who they serve between Commun­ A golf tournament will be con-^ hut Impressively and during the Conn Elec Ser pfd . . 69 71 Pierce Arr . ,. . 18% 17% 18 day and a vigorous protest has been ists— therefore it is hard to under­ ducted between members of the lecture slides of beautiful Illustrat­ Htfd Gas pfd ...... 53% — Press St . . . . . 64% 64 64% TO ROB CIRCLE SAFE made to the Peking, China govern­ New York, April 11.— Broadway 7 *> stand why the powers fall to give Hartford, New Britain and Man­ ed hymns were thrown on the Hart Gas com ...... 87 90 Rep Ir & St . . 72% 72 screen for singing by the congrega­ friends of May Hay, the dancer and a definite expression of financial chester clubs. It was reported at ment against raids on the Soviet Hart E L ...... 377 382 Reading . . 111% 110% 110% tion. “ The Psalms” was sung by W- Legation in Peking, the Soviet divorced wife of Richard Barthel- Chi R le & Pa 94% 93% 93% support to the Peking government today’s meeting and the local club Think DooriWas Left Open; mess, screen star, were surprised S N E T e l ...... 157 159 which is defending them.. They are J. Taylor and Mrs. George BOrst government is going to do its South Pac . . . 114% 114 114 will enter a team with hopes of sang “ What Will You Do With Nothing Found Missing Af­ to learn that she has been married Manufacturing Stocks. 126% obviously unwilling to surrender utmost to avoid open war with So Railway . .126% 126 trimming the city men, A delega­ Jesus?” following the picture show­ ter Investigation. again. She slipped away to Acme Wire . . , ...... 10 15 15% 16 their rights in China since they are tion of ten members is planning to China. Greenwich. Conn., -Saturday night Am Hardware...... 8 3 8 4 St Paul -----.. 16% sending foreign troops to retain ing Pontius Pilate, unable to find The official newspapers here Studebaker ... 56% 55 % 56 attend the Winsted charter night and was married by a justice of American Silver ; . . . 25 ~ ir - them, but on the other hand they fault with Jesus, putting the re­ Police said today thatthey dis­ Un Pacific . . .K2% 171% 172% celebration in the City- of W eirl point out that although the charge peace to Vivian Bath, 21-year-old Billlngs Spencer pfd . — 8 are yielding point after point to the sponsibility for the crucifixion on counted the report that another at­ in Peking has been recalled there U S Rubber . . 64% 62% 63% Events on April 26. An Interclub the angry mob, who had turned British rubber dealer of Singapore, Billings Spencer com — 6 Cantonese Indicating a readiness to tempt was made last night to break has been no full breach in diploma­ India. Blgelow-Htfd com . . 80 82 U S Steel .. . 172% 171% . 171% relinquish rights. Such a position meeting will be held jointly with against Him. into the safe In the Circle Theater. U S St pr . . .. .132% 132 132% the Hartford and New Britain clubs tic relations and the Soviet govern­ Now she plans to quit the stage Bristol B ra ss...... 6 % 8 is anomolous. Last night, the patrolman on ment is adopting very cautious and live in far-off Singapore. Be­ Colt Fire A rm s...... 31 32 Ward Bak .. . . 22 Great E.vpcnscs. i on June 6. A “ zero” hour will be duty is said to have found the Westliighouse 75% 74% 75% observed. During this “ zero” hour BRITAIN CANNOT ACCEPT tactic to “ avoid traps laid by the fore she leaves the country, she ■Eagle Lock ...... 108 112 “ The foreign niiuons are spend­ front door of tiie theater open and Imperialists in China.’’ hopes to persuade Barthelmess to West Union . 159 159 159 ing great sums of money to dis­ the national convention will bo Fafnir Bearing...... 85 90 the safe also open. He summoned Are “Burglars" give up their four-year-old child, Willys Over . 21% 22 patch troops to China. If the Na­ opened at Memphis, Tenn. Dele­ an employe of the theater, who re­ Hart & Cooley...... — 190 tionalists win they are likely to fol­ gates to this convention from Man­ A FRENCH COMPROMISE “ We must make it possible for Mary Hay Barthelmes, whose cus­ ported nothing was missing. provocateurs to carry out their tody was awarded six months a Int Silver p f d ...... 115 — low Russia’s example and cancel all chester will be President William Police r.re inclined to believe plans,” said Pravda, the official year to each of the parents. A Jewel Belting pfd ... 90 — foreign loans. Hence, the foreigner Knofla and Secretary George Wil­ that the door was left open by the­ Ln’drs Frary & Clark .— 91 would suffer from all sides which ItaVians Also Against It But for newspapei'. “ The outbreak of war divorce was granted to- BartheU \ cox.' Henry Nettleton is to be in ater workers and that nothing of mess and his wife in Paris on. Mann B’man Class A. 19% 21 BOY SCOUT NEWS should make clear the wisdom of charge of the arrangements for this Opposite Reason— Boncour’s value had been left In the safe. would give them a chance for open intervention. They are burglars and January 15. Mann B’man Class B. 12% 14 backing me.’’ pieeting. Proposition. I New Brit Mach p fd ..103 — Center No. 3 International News Service learns The president named the follow­ robbers and we could use other Troop No. 3 of Center Congre­ UP TO W’AR DEPT. New Brit Mach com . 20 22 that Chang Tso Lin’s plea for direct ing executive committee to have, Geneva, April 11.— Viscount Ce­ VANZETTI WORKER means, but we refrain in the name North & J u d d ...... 23% 24% gational church, with the accept­ aid is for financial credits. It is of peace.” charge of the finances for the cil, British delegate to the League New Haven, Conn., April 11.— Pratt Whitney pfd. . . — 90 ance of two boys as members Friday pointed out that he is unable to de­ of Nations preparatory arms limita­ Premier Rykoffl made a speech night, has now become a full Hebron camp; N. B. Richards, City officials here were engaged in J R Montgomery pfd .50 — pend on Manchuria to support a chairman: L. W. Case, Scott H. tion conference, today sent a letter LOSES STATE JOB before the All Russian Congress of J R Wontgomerv com 25 — troop, .this being due to the enthu­ war against the Cantonese. correipondence with t,he War De­ Simon, Lewis H. Sipe, Rev. J. S. to M. Boncour, the French repre­ Soviets last night, declaring that Peck, Stowe & Wilcox 21 23 siasm, attention to details and ef­ Chang Tso Lin desires a large sentative, stating that Q'"eat Brit­ Russia will strive to maintain partment, seeking a spot in the Russell Mfg C o ...... — 60 forts of Scoutmaster Merton temporary advance from the United Neill, R. LaMotte Russell, and W. Boston, Mass., -April 11.— Miss Sound where garbage scoWs may W. Robertson. The Child Welfare ain is unable to accept tiie French peace. He asserted however, that Smyth Mf? C o ...... 350 — Strickland. / States, secured by customs sur-tax- Mary Donovan, employed as an-,in­ “ any other country would have dump loads, of refuse to be taken committee which picks the children compromise proposals for naval Stanley Works coni . 68 70 Assistant Scoutmaster Heintz es. limitation because the French pro­ dustrial inspector in the State De­ sent troops long ago to China to from the $3,000,000 sewage dis­ Stanley Works pfd . . 27 — drilled the scouts in groups and to attend the camp will be: Clar­ partment of Labor and Industry, posal plants, that are to he con­ ence P. Quimby, chairman. Rev. W. position does not alTord sufficient avenge the infamous raids upon Standard Screw .... 99 103 formations, with discipline, review security. and actively engaged in the work structed by the city in an effort to and parade appearance, especially P. Reldy, G. H. Waddell, and the embassy.” T orrington...... 68 70 DISCOURAGING REPORTS Signor De Marinis, tbo Italian of the Sacco-Vanzetti defense com­ Rumors were current here today clean up New Haven harbor and in lines. Having been a sergeant committee will be assisted by Miss Underwood...... 52 53 delegate, announced Italy’s unwill- mittee, was discharged from her that recognition of the Cantonese the Sound. Start of work on the in the military service, he Is well Marguerite Bengs and Miss Jessie U S Envelope pfd .. .110 — i:ignes3 to accept the French com- position in the State Department government'in South China by the plants is being held up pending a \ Union Mfg C o ...... '2 3 26 qualified to do this work. ON BRITAIN'S FINANCES M. Reynolds. decision by the War Department as Assistant Scoutmaster Anderson Ijromise for reasons just opposite last Tuesday, it was learned at the. Soviets and Japan is impending. ^ j .Whitlock Coll Pipe . . 20 25 Fann Meeting to those oMhe British. The Ita’-ian.-; State House today. to. the dumping,, “ of Troop 5 Instructed the scouts • . • ».*}! J ' i Sometime during May a meet­ ji. I______ill______^______in new games and stressed the im­ think that the French proposition E. Leroy Sweetser commissioner RUSSIANS ASSIST Worse Since the Days of the ing of the club will be held and all “ goes too far.” SPEEDERS FINED portance of Indian dance rehear­ of labor and industry, declared this Peking, April 11.— White Rus­ World War, Says Churchill; the men in town and surrounding M. Boncour’s compromise propo­ afternoon that the Sacco-Vanzettl New Haven, Conn., April 11.— sal attendance at the Recreation places interested in agricultural sians, co-operating with Sh^tung Seventeen motorists who turned The Figures. sition provides that any nation un­ case activities of Miss Donovan had Center tonight. pursuits will be invited. This meet­ troops, have captured ChuchdV, 35 East Rock park drives into a mo­ Presentation was made of a willing to accept naval jjmitation by nothing to do with her discharge. I'G. Schreiber & Sons ing will be held during “ Egg” miles north of Pukow, and the Can­ tor speedway were in city court knapsack, won by Scout Cheney London, April 11.— Winston categories should announce in ad­ She has asked for a hearing, which week. The committee which will vance its naval construction pro­ tonese are withdrawing aeppsa. tiiei here today / following- -the ..opening In the efficiency contest instituted Churchill, chancellor of the ex­ will be public, and it will be grant­ Yangtse to Nanking, according tp w o f-a Siting campaign.agaifiat park by Ex-Scoutmaster Shelton, and chequer, stood before a packed try to. worl^ .up another benefit en­ grams during the life of any limita­ ed her within t\yo weeks. Commis­ tertainment is: G. H. Waddeli, tion covenant that might be drawn report reaching here today. speeders. The motorists paid ' General Contractors announcement of continuation of House of Commons this afternoon sioner Sweetser said. U. S. Consul Lockhart at Han- nominal fines of ten dollars each. contest under auspices of the and delivered what was perhaps the chairman, Frank H. Anderson and and accepted. Under the French Miss Donovan has been employed plan the nations rejecting the plan 1 \ troop committee was made. The most discouraging budget message George H. Washburn. by the state since 1916. She is a three highest scores in the contest Great Britain has heard since the of limitation by categories would be BuUdera of “ Better Built Homes’* compelled to make known in ad­ resident of Boston. She is record­ were as follows: Scout Cheney, 54; days of the World war. ing secretary of the Sacco Vanzetti Telephone 1565>2. Scout McIntosh, 50; and Scouts L. Stressing the statement that TRIPLE AUTO CRASH; vance the total tonnage planned. {■ ** " ■ defense committee and is one of Dotchin and Harrington with 47 great injury was done to trade and the signers of a petition to be for­ Shop: 285 West Center Street tied for third place. the exchequer by the general strike STATE HEALTH REPORT. NO ONE IS INJURED Hartford, April 11.— Few chang­ warded to Governor Fuller today in of last summer, Churchill declared behalf of the two men. T O D A Y and that though “ we meet under the es were reported in the state’s shadow of last year, it is not the health situation last week, disease STATE Autoist Tries to Pass One Car< totals remaining about the same as BREWER GETS NEW TRIAL SOUTH MANCHESTER Tomorrow time to bewail the past but it is Washington, April 11.— Daniel time to pay the'bill.’’ Hits It and Caroons on to in the previous week. Diphtheria Churchill reported that revenue was the only communicable disease J. Shields, Pennsylvania brewer, Truck. to show an appreciable increase, found guilty of liquor conspiracy, America’s Best Loved Allan Dwan Production' for 1926 decreased more than £17,- sentenced to serve one year in the 000,000 (approximately $87,500,- thirty-live new cases being report­ Play Becomes a Screen Milford, April 11.— Another ed as compared with twenty the Cambria, Penn., Jail and fined 000), while expenditures increased triple automobile accident here to­ Masterpiece— more than £14/500,000 (approxi­ week before. $2,000 today was granted a new day resulted in W. Orson Kimberly, trial by the Supreme Court. , ■ mately $72,000,000). Other totals of new cases were; A story of Love that tri­ of 37 Merchants Row, Boston, scarlet fever, 10; measles, 95; Th court found that the trial Expenditures for the year 1927- Mass., being held in ball for a hear­ umphed over the years— 28 were estimated by Churchill to whooping cough, 36; pneumonia, judge had sent the jury back for ing on a charge of reckless driving 77; chicken pox, 80, influenza, 7. further deliberations without noti­ and Vengeance appeased by Music Master be £818,900,000 . (approximately after a car owned by George L. $4,091,950,000). fying Shields or his attorney, thus a smile. ^Ith \ Gans, of 90 Lyons street, had been NEW $80,000 GYM denying him constitutional rights. Pathos and Humor — badly damaged and Kimberly’s own New Haven, Conn,, April 11.— LOIS MORAN \ car well battered. Tears and Laughter— and Plans for the erection of a $30,000 NEIL HAMILTON EOY SCOUTS PLANT Kimberly, going west through gymnasium at the county home in Mcllduff-Harrison the gentle eyes of the Mu­ Devon, tried to pass Gans' car, and A L E X B. FRANCIS Allin,gtown, were announced here studio De Danse sic Master glowing their YOUNG PINE TREES struck it and went into a truck today by Miss Emily Sophie Brown, benediction upon all. A Picture You Will Like. driven by Andrew Miller, o f ' 270 a county commissioner. Construc­ State Theater Building Crown street, Bridgeport, which tion work. Miss Brown said, would was west-bound. In spite of the start in June and the building Private, or Class Instruction ONE Fifty Make Trip From Hart­ damage to two of the cars, no one would be ready In the late fall. in Social Dancing. Wednesday DAY ONLY Wednesday ford to Cornwall— To Set Out was hurt. 50,000 Trees. DOUBLE FEATURE BILL CARROLL PAYS VISIT Hartford, Conn., April 11.— The TO AIOTHER’S GRAVE REGINALD DENNY in fir.st contingent of a group of fif­ ty Boy Scouts left for the Mohawk Pittsburgh, Pa., April 11.— state forest in Cornwall today Friends of Earl Carroll, New York RAINBOW ^^TAKE i t FROM ME** DANCE PALACE ^ * where a plan to set up the first in­ theatrical producer, today learned A Select Cast in “THE PRICE OF HONOR. stallment of 5U,000 young pine why he asked the courts for a ten- trees that the Hartford Council of day extension of the date on which VAUDEVILLE REVUE Boy Scouts has engaged to plant. he was to begin his year and day The boys will give their services sentence in Atlanta peuitefitiary for AND DANCE while the state supplies their food. perjury. 3 BIG ACTS Every Man Wants To Each boy is to work five hours Carroll, unheralded and unbe­ a day beside devoting some time to knownst to his friends, paid his an­ WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 20th preparation for advancement in nual pilgrimage to the grave of his Look W ell Dressed A t scout wor!;. Scout Executive Fred­ mother here as he has done since The First of the Season’s Attractions Booked for erick C. Hill is ill I'liarge and the she died, April 10, 1921. Connecticut’s Popular Dance Palace planting will be under supervision Carroll laid a floral offering on of E. S. Parker, district forester for the grave and hurried back to New Tonight Easter Time York, from where he is to journey Circle Western Connecticut . Our advice is to come here for your clothing. Snap­ to Atlanta. py styled and conservative models. All the latest fab­ PHYSICIAN PAROLED. . It Was a Struggle to Choose Between Love and Riches. rics and designs by Boston, Mass., April 11.— Wil­ TWO KILLED BY TRAIN liam M. Robb, former' physician, M A E BUSH m CHARTER HOUSE FASHION PARK serving a five to seven years sen­ Buffalo, N. Y., April 11.— A man and tence in connection with the death and a boy were instantly killed WILLIAMS’ OWN MAKE by Illegal surgery of Mrs. Emma here today when they were struck RIALTO "Walschendorf, was paroled from the by a New York Central passenger ^^Husband: Hunters*' $25 and up Rutland prison camp today. Robb train at the Sugar street crossing, has served three years and four Kchola. They were Rudolph Carl­ LAST TIMES TODAY AND THIS EVENING Our. no sale policy assures you bf the best values at months of his sentence. son, 14, at Niagara Falls, N. Y., TOMORROW AND WEDNESDAY right prices right at the peak of the season. The death of Mrs. Walschendorf newsboy, and Vincenzo Ferrone, 46, came to light with the finding of of Niagara Falls, Ontario. The man “GOING CROOKED” Hosiery Top Coats the woman’s torso in a suit case In was riding a bicycle at the time of STARRING BESSIE LOVE AN1> OSCAR SHAW Shoes Sport the Merrimac river near Lowell. the accident and the boy was walk­ cha^Mmomims Tbe finding produaed one of the ing. will whirl you ,via the j H ats Sweaters gieatest mysteries to confront po­ “THE WIND JAMMER” lice in years. Robb was finally ar­ JEWELRY STORE ROBBED BILLY St'LLlVAN IN A THRILLER. wings o f the famous miU rested and pleaded guilty to illegal Detroit, Mich., April 11.— Two surgery. bandits armed with revolvers and ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS into a land c / roars, » Our New Method of Merchandising knives held up the Blitsteln Jewel­ READY FOR OPENER ry company today, tied up the romance and adifmiwrel 5% for cash at time of purchase. . New York, April 11..,—Having watchmaker, Rubin Alzofon and es­ TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY -Zj. >■ i 2% for cash within 30 days. beaten again, four to caped with $1,300 in cash and Net on our popular 10 payment plan. three, by virtue of three hits by $10,000 worth of jewelry. Babe Ruth and Wiley Moore’s “BURNT FINGERS” pitching, the Yankees today were A Thrilling Mystery Story Whose Action Never Lags. ready for the opening gong. With EUeen Percy,-George O’Hara and Enda Mni'iihy. MARION OMflE The Giants will start the season MONEY TO LOAN George H. Williams minus the services of “ Bevo” Le- bourveau, outfielder who set the ON MORTGAGES, See «THE RED MIL Johnson Block American Association on fire while “HIGH HAND” Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Until 7.*30. with Toledo last season. He will be P. D. COMOLLO STARRING HARD.RIDING LEO MALONEY. Tuesday and Saturday. 9 :00. sent back to Toledo. The Giants to­ For Real Estate, Insurance, day will tune up for the opener by .Mortgages. AN HILARIOUS COMEDY AND NEWS playing the West Point cadets. 13 Oak St., Phone 1540 | ' f \ 1 ^ f ■ \ Manchester (conn.) innE^G he^^ li, iszt: r ; ,PAGE TOTEB''#■ V^ ■ ' ___ •' ■ ■' ■_____ ^_~^- -: 'V' _^_:__ _ 1 .-Jrr'-. ' ,-v ,--^i »;.'•; -.->=.- ; “-'V*,',.. . ■ . . , w FORMER LOCAL PASTOR' GIVE A PARTY.. Rockville ABOUT TOWN DEAD IN WALPOLE FI9RDISTRI(lDH>Un .i - Miss Priscilla Crosby who is teaching at the Junior High school Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chlcolne of Mrs. F. H. Whiton has received in Summit, N. J., is home for the CLASS OF FO R H a telegram from Walpole, Mass., Maple street were hosts yesterday to Spring vacation. a party of 25 local people promi­ announcing the death of Rev. E. A. . \ Adams, who was formerly pastor of nent in affairs of the ■ Order of S’ Moose and its auxiliary, the Women IS CONFIRMED the Second Congregational church from a week’s visit with friends in of Mooseheart Legion. Mr. and and later a missionary In Prague, Old Saybrook. Mrs. Chicoine kept open house in Bohemia. Mr. Adams died at his honor of T. J. Fitzgerald, district home last Saturday and the funer­ The Beethoven Glee Club will deputy supervisor, and organizer of al will be held tomorrow. He was have their usual weekly rehearsal the order who leaves shortly to take Special Program at German pastor of thb Second Congregation­ at the Swedish Lutheran church up work for the Moose in the New al church from 1867 to 1871. From this evening at eight o’clock. Haven district. Mr. Fitzgerald dur Cimrcli— Mothers Meet; here he went as a missionary to Ing his stay -of the past few months Prague where he remained for ten The Ladles’ Sowing Circle will in town has made a host of friends years. Returning to this country for meet Wednesday afternoon at two and has succeeded in amalgamating Personals. a year’s vacation and rest he vis­ o’clock at the Highland Park Com­ both lodges into one. He has been ited Chicago where the Bohemians munity clubhouse. frequently entertained at the homes there at that time numbered about of members and has proved a popu­ 40,000. They were without a lead­ George H. Allen of East Center lar promoter of good fellowship be­ , (Special to The Herald) er. Mr. Adams could speak their street, who with Mrs. Allen has tween the lodges and the Individual Rockville, April 11. language fluently and they became been spending the winter in St. Pe­ members. A class of forty were confirmed so attached to him they insisted tersburg, writes The Herald that The host and hostess arranged Sunday morning at the West Main upon his'remaining as their pastor. they are having regular June with Bailey and Ray. of the Phone- street German Lutheran church. A Mr. Adams did accede to their weather' down there, but it cannot .i-Pipe shop to serve a turkey din­ ■special program was given with wishes and continued in the work beat the summers of old New Eng­ ner to their guests shortly after one music by the German and En^glish until he reached the age o f 70 land. They are thinking of return­ o’clock. The tables were adorned On Our Profit Sharing Cliib Plan choirs. Mr. Osmar Graupner was when he retired from active work ing to Manchester about the 20th with spring cut flowers and the the soloist. Rev. John F. Bauch- and returned to nis old home in of the month. menu included fruit cocktail, roast $5.00 Down and a Whole Year to Pay Balance. Regular Profit Sharing Discount and Complete Dinner Set and mann took for his subject the Walpole, Mass. He had reached the turkey and gravy and dressing, Mirror Free With Each Suite, class motto. “ Storing Up Treas­ ripe old age of 8il. Town Treasurer G. H. Waddell mashed potatoes and peas, celery, ures.” A large congregation were Mr. and Mrs. Adams had a large will receive bids from the different pickles, stuffed olives, cranberry Dining Room section is full of good selection but mostly in samples only and must dispose of th ek to make room present to witness the confirma­ family of eight sons and daughters banks for the sale of $80,000 worth sauce, individual strawberry shorn ‘h- tion. most of whom were well educated of 4 per cent bonds. The bids will cakes with whipped cream, tea, cof­ for additional stock coming in. 3fothcrs’ Club Meeting One son, Edward, is now a profes be opened Thursday afternoon, fee and assorted fruits. The cater­ The Mothers’ club was held sor at Princeton; another son is April 1 at 4 p. m. ers were highly complimented on Friday afternoon in the Baptist professor at Leland Stanford Uni­ the excellence of the dinner. church dining room at 2:30 o’clock versity in California; a daughter is The Men’s Friendship club of Following the meal those who with Mrs. Louis Edwards presid­ now teaching in Constantinople the South Methodist church will take part in the coming Moose min­ ing. It was voted at the meeting another is dean of a western col meet for the regular monthly bus­ strel attended a rehearsal in the af­ Your Evening that a food sale would be held lege. iness session this evening. A supper ternoon. In the evening they return­ sometime in May, the .proceeds to Mrs. Whiton is one of the few will be served at 6:30. The speaker ed on invitation of Mr. and Mrs. be used for a picnic to be given the local people who remembers Mr will be Fred T. Moore of the Colt Chicoine to a supper of baked ham, Home Appoint­ children of the County Home in Adams. She ha^f kept up her ac Patent Fire Arms Company of salads, relishes, apple and apricot pie. Irving Kirpeen of Hartford who late June or the early part of July. quaintance with him and renewed Hartford and his subject will be Must ments for Mrs. Lena Griffith was appointed it in recent years in Florida. “ Firearms, Old and Modern.” The will play a prominent part in the minstrel, entertained with vocal, chairman of the committee for this program will be open to all inter­ sale. It was also voted that at the ested. banjo and mandolin numbers. Dis­ Always those who first meeting of every month re­ trict Deputy Fitzgerald made a speech, complimenting the host and freshments would be served fol­ SQUABBLES FEATURE Young People of the Cyp club, Come lowing a short program and that hostess for the success of the day’s wish them. who are to present the Easter play events. He assured his hearers that refreshments would be omitted at will hearse at the Center Congrega­ the second meeting and a speaker FORD-SAPIRO TRIAL he would not soon forget the cordi­ First tional church this evening at seven. ality of the people of Manchester. secured. During the latter part of This biblical drama is by the pen Call 121 the afternoon Frank W. Condon, , Short, speeches expressing their of Linwood Taft. The club will also 'appreciation of Mr. and Mrs. Chi- Y. M. C. A. county secretary, drop-1 Federal Building, Detroit, Mich, sponsor a play to be given May 6 coine’s hospitality were made by ped in and very gladly responded April 11.— A series of controver- for the purpose of raising funds to several of the other guests present. tp a request to speak to the moth- sies which marked the activities of send delegates to the annual sum­ ers present by talking on “ Tempta- Aaron Sapiro in organizing Colo­ mer conference at Storrs College. tions to Boys of Today.” Mr. Con- rado potato growers, were reveal don’s talk was very interesting and ed to the jury today in the million Evald Matson and Jesse Bald­ LONELY FARM HAND greatly appreciated by all present, dollar Ford-Sapiro libel suit. win of West Hartford, former Our Special 8 Pieces from this Suite $129.50 A short program followed consist- The Colorado stOry closely par­ Manchester residents, spent the BURIED BY TOWN ( 1 Year to Pay—But No Fi-eo Items With IHiis Suite. ing of a reading, “ Have You Heard alleled Saplro’s career among Ida- week-end with Clifford Hampton of It” by Mrs. Carrie Kane; piano so- ho growers, when he finally sued Summer street. With these 8 handsonie pieces you can make your dining room quite perfect. The arrangement includes the table, buffet aad lo by Miss Edith Preusse; recita- for fees thfough a clerk. The so- Roller skating periods for wom­ Complete mystery as to his an­ BIX comfortable chairs with tapestry seats. Made of walnut and guniwood with a very fine finish. * tion "My Mother,” Marion Gilpin. | called cooperative king also sued en will be held at the School street Refreshments of sandwiches, cakes ] the Colorado growers for fees in tecedents accompanied Juan Olaz- and tea were served by the com­ Recreation Center at 8 o ’clock to- ia, friendless middle-aged tobacco the same manner after having told niight. The period for men is 8 Piece Suite, Walnut and Guniwood mittee In charge of the April ] them he would accept whatever farm hand, to his grave in the scheduled for Thursday night at town plot in the East cemetery to­ meetings. compensation they offered for his the same hour. $130.50 services. day for no one has been able to 1 Year to Pay— ^Mirror and Dinner Set Free. BREAKFAST SUITES Personals learn any facts about him except John J. Machack of 174 East] Sapiro also clashed with Morti­ Mrs. W. P. Church has returned A splendid combination at a very low price. mer Stone, counsel for the Colo­ that he claimed to have originally In Beautiful Lacquer Finishes Main street has purchased the to her home in Norwich after visit- come from Portugal. meat market and grocery, business I rado Farm Bureau, when the lat- in,g her daughters in this town, A fine assortment to choose from, A beautiful linen lunch- of the late Stephen Swider. The ter attempted to draft organization Olazia came to Manchester last 9 Piece Suite, Walnut and Gumwood Mrs. Erma Warner of Doane street fall and got work with the Connec­ eon set free with each suite. new proprietor was formerly em- papers for local potato coopera- and Mrs. Edna Dwyer and Miss Al­ ticut Sumatra Tobacco com­ $207 ployed in Hartford where he held tives. Gapiro claimed this was his berta Works of Laurel place. a clerical position. legal work and ordered Stone not pany. He became ill, however, 1 Year to Pay— ^MiiTor and Dinner Set Free. and did not work all during the A large crowd attended the final to transgress. All this was given The women of Mooseheart Leg­ cold winter months, being content Table. Buffet, China and 6 Chairs. 5 Piece Suite Special \ I. O. O. F. dance held In the Elling-i the jury through the introduction ion will have their regular meeting to live alone in one of the little Ion Town hall Saturday evening. I of letters and telegrams in Tinker hall tomorrow evening, % Reed first finished an inquiry in­ homes which the company provides 9 Piece Suite, Walnut and Guniwood $34.50 Mayflower Rebekah Lodge will Avhen a class of candidates will be for its workers. One day last hold a meeting on Tuesday even­ to Sapiro’s connection with the initiated. It Is expected the Hart­ Idaho Potato Growers association. week Andrew J. Healey, superin­ $263 Table and 4 Chairs. ing. After the business meeting a ford Chapter will be guests and tendent, found Olazia seriously 111 1 Year to Pay— .Mirror and Dinner Set F re e . members’ whist will be held. Helen This organization went to the wall provide the entertainment, and al­ shortly after Sapiro sued it, and the man was removed to the A suite you will be proud to own. Quinn is chairman. There will be so bring with tnem the traveling hospital where he d ie i Friday. Finished in a handsome green prlzeti'and refreshments. through a clerk, for $2,500 in fees banner, which is going from coast and collected. It developed that the man had The Vernon Grange Glee ‘cliib to coast. As it visits each chapter been ill for a long time. Pulmonary and black lacquer with decorations. Reed then brought out that the 8 Piece Suite, Walnut and Gumwood met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. it is stamped with, the insignia and embolism and gangrene were the Table opens to 42 inches. Clarence teamforth on South street Idaho farmers were unfriendly to will be well covered before its direct causes of death. I $279 Friday evening. During the even- Weyl and Zuckerman, Lbs Angeles journey’s end. The meeting will 1 Year to Pay— Mirror and Dinner Set F re e . ing pinochle was played after commission men, whom Sapiro start promptly at eight o’clock. which the hostess served refresh- helped secure employment as sel- S. A. BAND PLAYS AT \. ments. ling agents for the cooperative. Mrs. R. K. Anderson of Oakland A real heavy suite worth much more than ' The teacher of the Snipsic school G. E. Keith Furniture Co. street has as her guests this week the price we are asking for it. awarded prizes last week to the her sister. Miss Florence Kauf- PRISON AND HOSPITAL Corner Main and School Street. pupils destroying the most tent nuinn and Miss Martha Parkhill, '' caterpillar masses. First prize NEW ANDOVER LAKE both school teachers in Asbury was awarded to William Aborn Park, N. J. The Salvation Army band visited who found four thousand.. Second OFFICIALLY OPENED Wethersfield Prison yesterday prize went to Joseph Miftit who Past Matrons of Temple Chapter morning and gave a musical ser­ found over three thousand. Order of the Eastern Star, will vice to the inmates of the institu­ SHEPARD FUNERAL Services at the home here' are set iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuijiiiiiiiiiimmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimit The Fittou Fire department have their monthly meeting Thurs­ tion. The service was held at the for 2:30 p. m. tomorrow. was called out Saturday afternoon The new Andover lake, created regular church time and lasted for day afternoon of this week with Miami Beach, Fla., April 11.— SheparS died at his home. La at 2:30 o’clock to a fire'which^as by the erection of a dam said to ’..e Mrs. Wesley Porter of Gardner one hour. It was presided over started by burning grass In the on the site of an old lake-bed in street. by Brigadier William Halpin of Funeral services at New York for Terredella. Death followed an ill­ rear of John N. Keeney’s property that town was opened officially on . After the prison Elliott Fitch Shepard, 51, million­ ness of nearly a year, and was the FRADIN’S on West street. Sparks flew onto Saturday afternoon in the presence aire yachtsman and grandson of I Herbert Flavell, of Spruce street service the band called at the direct result of pneumonia . con­ a shed,on the Grant property burn­ of several directors of the corpora­ turned today from Ormond Beach, Hartford hospital and gave a con­ the first Commodore Cornelius tracted last fall while Shepard ex­ ing the roof. The fire was soon tion, State Engineer Chandler of Florida where he has been engag­ cert for the patients, who evi­ Vanderbilt, will be held Thursday amined his new yacht in Boston. extinguished, doing little damage. Norwich, W. C. Hilliard, designer, ed as a cashier in the Hotel Orm­ dently greatly enjoyed it. The ser­ at Madison Avenue Presbyterian After a cruise last Friday on his Thomas North of Yale was the and a number of visitors. The dam ond during the winter season. vices at the Citadel were conducted church; it was announced today. yacht, he suffered a relapse. guest of his mother, Mrs. Max was closed and the filling of the Flavell made the trip home in a by Mrs. Field Major Bartlett and Wetstein of Talcott avenue, over lake bed begun. Ford roadstfer, bringing • with him good crowds attended the meet­ the week-end. The dam was built by the Man­ ings. There will be a special meeting a chum with whom he became ac­ miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chester Construction Company and quainted in Florida. They left of Stanley Dobosz Post No. 14 when the lake Is filled the area cov­ Ormond Beach Tuesday morning American Legion, in G. A. R. hall ered by water will be more than 30 and arrived in Manchester this HARTFORD RABBI Memorial building, this evening. It acres In extent. It Is the purpose morning. is hoped that every member will be of the corporation to develop tlie present as a big surprise Is in land around the lake as a summer TO ADDRESS KIWANIS I FARDPTS I store. resort. SURPRISE SHOWER The April meeting of Sabra Trumbull Chapter, D. A. R. will be FOR MISS BALLSIEPER Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman of held on Wednesday afternoon at Hartford will be the speaker be­ the home of Mrs. A. Leroy Martin WINS TRIP TO FRANCE Mrs. Carl Bengs gave a surprise fore the Manchester Kiwanis club on Davis avenue .Mrs. Francis T. linen shower at her home on Park- at the Wednesday noonday meet­ 1 EASTER I • Maxwell, regent, will preside. AS GENERAL’S FRIEND street Saturday evening in honor of ing at the Hotel Sheridan, when it The Ellen G. Berry Auxiliary, Miss Ruth Ballsieper, daughter of Is expected he will enlighten the Spanish War Veterans, will hold Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ballsieper of men on the American immigration its regular meeting in G. A, R. hall Prospect street. Sixteen of Miss problem of the United States. this evening at 8 o'clock. Frank D’Amico Says Brig. Ballaieper’s relatives and friends In the attendance contest, al­ COAT WEEK The Eastern Star Sewing society though Charlie Pickett’s “ Whip­ I I Gen. Logan Has Promised hereabouts were present. The even­ I - I will meet at the home of Mrs. Al­ Him Good Time* ing was spent m'i.st enjoyable with pets” put it all over Arthur Knof- wm Mi bert Hartensteln of 61 Spring singing and dancing. Some of the la’s “ Real Estate Barons” at the = Buying a coat during our Easter Coat Week means = street on Tuesday afternoon at big meeting at the Rainbow last Frank D’Amico Is back from the guests indulged n bridge playing 2:30. The third game in the ser­ and a buffet lunch was'served by week. Art’s side leads to date with s choosing from an assortment as big and varied as in any = ies of whists will be held and sunny south. Chock full of stories 90 per cent to 88.7 per cent for of good times and adventures he the hostess. Miss Ballsieper who is prizes will be awarded. tc' ;be married this spring to Ger­ the Whippets. Fayette Lodge, No. 69, A. F. & has had during the past summer Frank Conkey will furnish the I city store at much lower prices. Each coat is individual = season at Ormond Beach where he' ald Goodale of Jersey City, was A. M. will confer the Master Mason remembered by her friends with a attendance prize Wednesday. , degree at .a stated convention has been engaged in his favorite s — no two alike— and all are charming in fabric and line. i vocation, lifesaving, and bearing a wonderful collection of linen arti Tuesday evening in Masonic hall, cles for the home. THREE KILLED BY TRAIN Fitch block. After the meeting heavy coat of tan, Prank Is busy 1 SPRING UNDIES refreshments will be served. renewing acquaintances. He will Three persons were killed to­ be home but a few weeks for he day when the automobile In which has similar work awaiting him at MEETING TO URGE 2 Breathes there a woman with love for fine lingerie RAIL AND WATER RATE they were riding was struck by a the Bedford Springs Hotel pool in Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul lo­ = who will not marvel at the values of our Silk Underwear Pennsylvania which he will assume comotive. The dead: Washington, April 11.—The on June 1. SEWER COMPLETION Supreme Court today sustained an Einer Johnson, 27; Mrs. Allison Coats II for Easter. Fresh new piles of Crepe de Chine, Satin D’Amico, who was at one time Walters, 32, and her daughter, order of the Interstate Commerce lifeguard at the Globe Hollow Commission prescribing a rail and Margaret, 16. S and Rayon Underwear tailored or daintily trimmed with swimming pool here, reports he Action on the new sewer system water freight rate on cotton mov­ has had a succesful seasoii at Or­ Special Tomorrow ing from Oklahoma to Galveston In the Homestead Park and Pine- i laces, ribbons or hand embroidery in all pastel shades. mond Beach. Of all the exper­ hurst sections of the north end will EASTER FLOWERS by rail, to New York by water and iences of which Frank brags most, thence to New England destina­ probably result from the meeting is the friendship he gained with of the directors of the Eighth PHONE YOUR ORDER Costume Slips Bloomers tions by rail. Brig, Gen, Logan, well known TODAY The defendants, Chicago, Rock School and Utilities District this 1.00 to 2.98 World War figure. It seems Frank evening in the north end hose $ 1 8 - 5 0 j Island & Pacific and St. Louis-San taught General Logan’s children Anderson Greenhouses 1.69 to 4.98 Francisco railroad companies, de- house. The meeting is scheduled to Vests how to swim and in this way be­ take place at 8 o’clock and will be 158 Eldrldge ^t. Phone 2124 y V nled the authority of the commerce came an Intimate friend of both presided over by Dr. F. A. Sweet, Chemises 79c to 1.00 ' body to equalize rail-and-water Mr. and Mrs. Logan, His unex­ president of 4he district. rates with all-rail rates. and others from pected reward came at a reception The sewers in the district are 1.00 to 3.98 Jazz Sets The commission’s order provided the Other day in Florida whe% it about two-thirds completed but that the rail-and-water rate must was announced that General Logan work has been suspended during 10 to 59.75 Brassieres and be at least four cents a hundred had decided to take Frank / along the winter. It is expected that the Step-Ins ■ V ■ pounds less than the all-rail rate. with him as a sort of orderly and Step-Iris Hartford contractor, Nicholas Cas- Sizes 16 to '481/^ companion when he sails for siano, will resume the work shortly 1.00 to 2.98 1.98 Some singers only hit on one France with the American Le>glon and finish it this summer. V ^ - -v 's tonsiU next September. Other routine business will be Look our coats over before you taken up at the meeting tonight. 53234848485323232323484853235323482323234823534823482348 Socks worn by babies should decide. have a compartment for the big toe, Modern Definitions just as mittens have for the thumb, Home is a place where you have says a doctor. your mail sent. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin . V Advertise in The Evening fleraldlt P a ^


. V V7- • t " 4 ; v ‘4 - ‘ SffiV --^ -v 'H.-'- '^r*. • 0«T '-fo V Sf^CHEiSTER (CdNNO EVEOTNG HERA^ MONDAY,'APRIE1171927T \

Ity, Is not only entirely hopeless of stood that the editor-in-chief of the x^®anrl|MtMr favorable effect in this country, but Boston Herald, Robert Lincoln O’Brien, is a pronounced personal \M IGK»( ■that every such advocacy only \ Enpttlng ISfralb serves to stiffen the resolution of dry. PUBLISHED BY the American people not to be r a i THE HEBALD PRINTING CO. jockeyed Into an act of charity. SIGNIFICANT. Refurnisli the Living FojnCdd by Elwood S. Ela It Is entirely conceivable that The case of Nicola Sacco and Oct. 1. 1881 some time or other America, for the Bartholomeo Vanzetti would appear By RODNEY BUTCHER Every Evening Except Sundays .*.nd New York, April 11.— Not even Washington, April 11.— General Holidays. • world’s good or even for the good to be not absolutely hopeless when flowers escape the Influence of the For Easter Entered nt the Post Office at Man- Governor Fuller, refusing to ex­ Smedley Butler, Uncle Sam’s clean­ ,Chester as Second Class Mall Matter. of her 'own prosperity, may call off rich and the socially registered in up man, whose record Includes dis­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall the uncollected portion of the 'war press an opinion concerning pro­ Manhattan. ^ / Just how* complete a luxury fa tinguished service in China, Nicara­ Tslx dollars a year, sixty cants a debts. But if she does it will have tests from foreign radicals and gua, Philadelphia and at a Califor­ 'month for shorter periods. bunch of posies may become can By carrier, eighteen cents r. weelt. to be voluntarily, of her own mo- laborites, says: "The evidence in be appreciated only by one who nia cocktail party. Is back in China Single copies, three cents. '■'tlon. And propagandizing here by the Sacco-Vanzetti case has never has attempted shopping for them again at the head of his marines. SPECIAL advertising REPRE- been presented to me, consequently at the average Fifth Avenue flor­ Once more his aged parents— es­ „SE.\TAT.1VE, Hamllton-De Llsser, debtor advocates can have no pos­ pecially'his mother— are worrying Inline.. 2Sr. Madison Avenue, New York sible result but to delay that time. I have not formed any opinion of ist place. The humble cactus, r'^rnid C12 North Michigan Avfenue, which once cursed upon the Arizo­ about Smedley. Life for them, one it.” Chicago. na desert and which, upon those learhs from a family friend, has ' The Manchester Evening Herald Is STILL hlORE AVARFARE. Perhaps the Massachusetts gov­ been a long series of alternately on sale tn New York City at Schultz's sands, is common as dandelions in From the meagre and fretiuently ernor did not Intend this to be by the home town park, I find priced very proud, arid very anxious mo­ News Stand, Sixth Avenue and 42nd. ments' over Smedley. But It’s their' ‘'Street and 42nd. Street entrance of cabled news dispatches that cornc any way of invitation for the pres­ at anywhere from $4 to $24 per Grand Central Station. private affair and neither of them' from the Chiniese theatre of war it entation of the case to him, but he plant. Cactus, it appears, has be­ “ InternatloTial News Service has the come fashionable during the win­ would ever admit it. exclusive rights to use for repubilea- is indicated that the practically is not usually given to unconsider­ It was In China fighting the tiun In any form all news dispatches ter. credited to or not otherwise credit­ continuous successes of the Can­ ed statements, and it is hardly more Boxers, that Smedley was twice ed In this patter. It Is also exclusively tonese armies south of the Yaligtse tnan fair to assume that the road wounded. entitled to use for repuhllcatlon all But it Is at the annual flower river are becoming less continuous Just a Nuisance the local or undated news published to submission of the case to him is show in New York that one real­ General Smedley’s father is Con­ herein." izes, that flowers seem only for the in the north. This, together with still open. gressman Thomas S. Butler of stories of ruptures in the control of rich in this part of the nation. Pennsylvania, the grand old chair­ ]\:OXDAY. APRIL 11, 1927. ^ ------V------The humble apartmenteer may i the Nationalist movement, point to have his wistful geranium in a man of the House Naval Affairs at least temporary failure of the window box, but lack of space pre­ committee, who has the longest continuous service record In Con­ HOOVER FOR KELLOGG’S JOB. Cantonese to sweep over Chili and vents him from cultivation of any more sensitive plant. gress— 30 years of it. There is more than one point o£ take possession of Peking. "Old Man” Butler, as he is affec­ This ' suite made to satisfaction in a cuiTent report that Thus, checking the posies, one Watkins specifications If there is comfort in this out­ discovers that J. P. Morgan goes in tionately called, believes in having Herbert Hoover is likely to succeed look for those who are particularly heavily for cyclamens: the Guggen- an adequate navy and he believes^ from frame and covers Secretary Kellogg at the head of fearful of Nationalist ascendency in heims fancy the tulip and the in protecting American lives selected by Watkins buy­ ’ the State Department in the not amaryliss; George F. Baker, bne of abroad. ers. all China and who have entertained But he thinks it’s a blamed nui­ distant future. The business inter­ A AYELL-LOVED “ BUG” thi five richest men, lets a few of hopes that the foreign powers his dimes go to the support of the sance to have to go tearing in ests especially concerned with our might eventually deal with Chang By ARTHUR N. PACK acacia family, while the father of every so often after American citi­ ^Latin-Amerlcan relationships would Tso-Lln Instead of With the Nation­ Pre.sident, Americnn Nature Ass’ii. Countess Salm, as mi,ght be suspe.i- zens who Insist on staying in dan­ bo very likely to be unfavorably Who has not, when a child, ted, goes in for the more aristo­ ger zones with full warning of alist leaders, there is very little en­ what may happen. Thus, he thinks . disposed toward the appointment to caught a lightning bug and wond­ cratic orchid. SET the date now—Easter—and then start refurnishing the room! It’s couragement for those whose first ered why it did not burn and how What chance has a poor but hon­ it right that Smedley should be on ■ the secretaryship of state of any hope Is for peace. It is not to be be­ it was that it made its light and est gardener the job, but If he had ha.I his way so much more fun to have a goal in mind and then work towards it. A new liv­ person whose ideals’ 'were so ab­ lieved that any present success on where it carried its lantern. Now But if I could transplant to my tfiere’d have been no reason for the ing room suite will, of course, be the nucleus to build around. Then tlie rugs, comes the scientist to explain all toy to have been sent over in tii.; stract as to interfere with a proper the part of the Northern forces can Village garret just one sweet pea draperies and the little bits of furniture such as end tables, bridge and table .\ protection of American property the mysteries of this little beetle,, vine that climbed the old Michigan first place. be converted into suppression of and to take away, perchance, some "I’m not sure why our marines rights south of the Rio Grande or homestead, they could have their lamps, smokers and accessories will just naturally find a place for themselves 1 the Cantonese movement. The only of the glory from this childhood amaryllis, orchids and what-not. are there,” this scrappy 7 2-year-old elsewhere in the world. Confirmed result that promises from such suc­ favorite. father told NEA Service recently. "anti-imperialists,” of whom there cess is an indefinite continuation of The -fire-fly belongs to the fam­ There is, perhaps, no place "But I think they ar,; there be­ are many, would be suspicious of ily lampyridae. This means "to where the contrast of riches and cause some of our few .►housand the civil war,'further demoraliza­ shine,” and surely this bu,g lives nationals are in (lan.ger. . any oflicial, following Mr. Kellogg, poverty is more apparent, and yet tion of the Chinese people and up to Us name. It begins life as where there is so little conscious­ “ What I want to kno',v is why The 3-Piece Suite Sketched who did not possess in very definite greater risk and deeper hatred for a grub either in the earth or under ness of the gap. in the name of heaven those na^ degree a sense of the rights of small, all foreigners. old rotting logs. Here it feeds ^ The spires of the rich cast their Honals aren’t dra.ggc.d out by states to run their own internal af­ upon soft-bodied insects and food shadows over the tenements that force! of like nature. "Why, wc hKvri't long ago fairs. allj'but rub shoulders with them In $139 They are night prowlers, and many parts of New York, yet this tro-ight ’em bac c and I old ’eii '.o In Mr. Hoover there would seem MACDONALD’S VISIT. sluggish and inactive during the very propinquity seems to breed stay here, I don't knew. ’ The suite sketched above Is one of the Watkins Popular Pr|fed to be a happy combination of the When Ramsay Macdonald arrives day. It is probable their fitful a casual acceptance of circum­ Arre-ss Wi'Ii Hi -.-.-ih Upholstered Suites, made expressly for us. qualities most needed in our state flashes are a protective measure as stances. Newcomers frequently "Old Man” .Builer i; the seco\d in this country late this week he well as constituting sex appeal. department conduct at this rather remark this mixture of costly prominent peison ol importanco in The covers selected consists of a ^combination of Jacquard and will probably be admitted, despite apartments and humble neigh­ Washington to urge ihal. Ameri- plain taupe velours. 3 full size pieces as shown. Easy terms, if nervous time. He is the coolest of the fact that an earlier-coming rad­ bors, but in a short time it be­ c:!ns in China all b.» moved to a you desire. men. He has had so broad an ex­ ical member of the British parlia­ comes apparent Manhattan is such place of safety. The other was Sen­ a hodge-podge of the tawdry and ator Borah, chairman of the Sen­ perience of foreign governments ment was excluded. Mr. Macdonald and peoples, and under such trying the elegant that one learns to look ate Foreign Relations committee. announces that during his three upon incorngrulty and contrast as circumstances, that diplomacy is his "Old Man” Butler thi-.iks the weeks visit in America he intends s the rule rather than the excep­ Boxer outbreak should liav-3 taught . twaddle name. And at the same time to call on President Coolidge. AVe tion. ns a lesson. WATKINS BROTHERS. In c . Before the beginning of years GILBERT SWAN. has the most complete under­ have no doubt, that he will be gra­ There came to the making of •The cause of that oatbrenk has standing of the necessity of inter­ never been fully exphv.neo al­ CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES ciously received, as befits a visiting mari( national trade relationships and Time, with a gift of tears; though It was supposed to have former premier of Great Britain. been the animosity agniart forci.sn- the obligation of every nation, large Grief, with a glass that ran; But there are plenty of timerous trs,” he said. and small, to respect the rights of Pleasure, witli pain for leaven; souls in Washington, less courage­ Summer, with.rlowers that fell; "W e all got irto P.— ovarybody those engaged in extra-territorial A TH O U G H T ous than the President, who have Remembrance, fallen from heaven; who had an army. Wo used our nmrines and troops, kil'.cJ a lot of FUNERAL DIRECTORS ’ .^enterprises. ^ probably been* wondering if it was And madriess, risen from hell; It would be difficult to call to Strength, without hands to smite; Better is a dinner of herbs where marines and irci'ps, killed a lot of not somehow possible to keep this love is, than a stalled ox and hat* Oiiinaman, lost a lot of oiir own mind any person in the present gov- Love, that endures for a breath; "dangerous radical” out of the Night, the shadow of light; red therewith.—-Proverbs xv:17. people and w’oec It was all over, - -ernment of the United States, or the business pet'ple and the oilier^ country altogether. And life, the shadow of death. If fun is good, truth is better, If you’re seeking the sweetest and love best of all.— Thackeray. crowded back In. any private citizen for that matter, Because Ramsay Macdonald Is revenge try forgiveness.______possessing better all-around quali­ And the high gods took in hand “ The armies marched together to pretty fairly red, as redism goes in A German ship loaded with Peking to give the Chinese an ob­ fication for the headship of the Fire, and the falling of tears. the United States. The British La­ And a measure ft sliding sand beans sprang a leak on the Yang- ject lesson! slate department, tlian Mr. Hoover bor party is far more lurid in hue From under the feet of the tse river. The beans swelled, "Those Chinamen have learned EASTER FLOWERS at this particular time. bulged the decks of the boat and l-.ow to fight and they're armed. than would be the American Labor years; PHONE YOUR ORDER And if Dwight Morrow, as sug- And froth and drift of the sea. finally burst the seams. And there are boinething like four party if such a thing existed. And hundred million Cbinamen TODAY gested, were to succeed him as Sec- .\iul dust of the laboring earth; ■<5> Macdonald is its high priest. "J think we ought 'tO be relieved retary of Commerce, an ideal ar- And bodies of thin^.to be THE GREAT WAR Anderson Greenhouses It is to be presumed that while in the houses 6f death and of of such duties as are now forced 153 Eldridge St. Phli«ii» 9121 rangement would seem to have been TEN YEARS AGO TODAY he is in this country the British ex- birth; upom us again. I don’t set tlie .good hit upon. of this repeUtion of trouble for the premier will make some speeches And wrought with weeping and (By United Press) laughter, si ke of a few businesn houses.” — lectures, they will probably be One hundred and 'twelve INJURIOUS. And fashioned with loathing an 1 called. And he is reasonably certain love. munition workers, many of If there is one thing above all to talk almost as roughly here as With life before and after. them young women, killed : i others that the -educated Briton an unexplained explosion yes­ he does at home— and the Macdon­ And death beneatn and above. docs not understand it is American For a day and a night and a mor­ terday in the shrapnel loading ald tongue can be as rough as a mass psychology. If he had any row. shop of the Eddystone Am­ cat’s. There will probably be a large That his strength might endure munition Corporation at Eddy- comprehension of it he would know amount of indignation at the things for a span. stone, Pennsylvania. •s. tliat it is characteristic of the peo­ he will say, for they wilt be things With.travail and heavy sorrow. British army breaks through ple of this country, as it has prob­ The holy spirit of man. we are not used to hearing— things the Hlndenbui'g line in the ably always been characteristic of __Algernon Charles Swinburne: vicinity of Arras with a capture Feast day of St. Leo the Great. Your Automobile an Assot that we do not permit ordinary agi­ World’s longest deep-sea cable every successful young nation, that Chorus from "Atlanta in Calydon.” of 11,000 German prisoners. tators to say. telephone, connecting Cuba . and You rightly regard your automobile as an ASSET, but don’t they just naturally, automatically- Violent German counter-at­ or forget that it may become a LIABILITY— and in case of acci­ When Robert Lockhart, of Scot­ tacks recapture some of this Florida, opened by President Hard­ and spontaneously react adversely dent involve serious financial loss to Its owner. AUTHORITIES. land, tried to play golf in Central lost ground, according to Ber­ ing, 19<-1- ' to being instructed by outsiders in Park, New York City in 1888, he Birthday anniversary of Charles Professor Irving Fisher's decla­ lin. what they consider to be their own was arrested on suspicion of iusan- Evans Hughes. ration, after deep research into the 'Ity. We Suggest Insurance Protection. affairs. subject, that the consumption' of Sir George Paish, economist, Our office represents the best of stock and dividend paying alcohol in the United States is not companies. 1 painted a particularly gloomy pic­ more than ten per cent of what it Looks Like They Might Be Right, After All Let us Insure you now, so that wa may be at your service ture of worhl .prospect during his was prior to prohibition, does not tomorrow. talk at the Hartford club last night. Impress Hugh J. Fox, editor of the He forecast what he called a "com­ Periscope and somewhat of a statis­ plete breakdown of credit,” told his tician himself, as being conclusive. hearers that such a calamity had Holden-Ni^lson Co., Inc. Mr. Fox, who gets his figures from never occurred before and asserted Successors to R. E. CARNEY. sources seemingly quite as authori­ that the way out of it was to call tative as Prof. Fisher’s, disebvers 853 Main Street. Phone 2110 off all international'debts and ro-1 that the alcohol consumption of the parations and start anew on a basis country in 1926 was considerably When YOU hand-rinse and of world-wide free trade. greater than it was in 1918. He says feed a wringer yon are need- Now this is precisely the sort of ^11® the use of spirits has been‘doubled, . less^ doing the Last HardL i!iiiiii]iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiii!| thing that is best calculated to M B MB the use of wine trebled and tl\e Half of the washing job that build up, in this countryman immov­ use of malt liquors cut down to one- IN YOUR WASHER SHOULD DU.' ably stubborn resistence to debt f third. The one uiasher that does cancellation of even debt revision. We do not pretend to know the com plete jo b —washinf’y I Men’s Apparel For Easter | Any arguments favorable to such whether or not Mr. Fox is infallible rinsing and drying, without action, in order ta have the desired as a figure!'. But we do recall tliat I New line of Men's Neckwear " I' any hand labor is m m mm Effect on the American mind, must in the 1896 Bryan campaign Prof. come from Americans, for two rea­ Fisher figured It out that if the the Wringerleu I Men's Collar Attached Shirts. Both white | sons. In the first place the average United States did not adopt bimetal­ citizen of the United States has, not lism at the ratio of 16 to 1 the I and fancy. « * ' | without reason, a rooted conviction country would go straight to pot. that the nation to which he be­ We are still on the gold basis and I New assortment of Men's Spring Caps. | longs has demonstrated its ability Prof. Fisher was as wrong as Bry­ \ with to run its own affairs, since it has an. its -WW I Men's Fancy Half Hose and Golf Hose. | done so with very great success, The Savage rinses without and he resents being instructed by A SIDELIGHT. your putting a hand in water foreigners, English speaking or Lest an erroneous Impression f FOR BOYS 1 iout your feeding a MB ^ . . • - , MB otherwise. And in the second place should be drawn from announce­ wringer, or touching a pail. I Boys'Oxford in tan and black. *| he has a feeling that pressure for ments that the Borah-Butler prohi­ It even empties itself vmen the forgiveness of rfebt comes with bition debate in Boston the other you are through. the least possible grace from the day was a .victory for Senator I Boys' Plain and Fancy Golf Hose. ; • ' . I debtors. If he is going to forgive Borah, It would be borne in mind Over 100,000 Savase own­ international debts, now or at any that the Roosevelt club, under ers no longer toil through I ' Boys' Caps and Belts. ^ | time in the future, he is certainly whose auspices the debate was held, the Last Hard HalU Have us I going to do It of his own volition very definitely announced in ad­ demonstrate. No obligation. and not because he has let himself vance that there would be no jury, be talked into such action by its no Judges, no decision of any sort beneficiaries. sanctioned by the club. The judges The Manchester At the , risk of seeming Inhospi­ who did award the decision In fa­ table It is only fair to say, and it vor of Senator Borah and the dry would only be fair for all American side of the argument were of no Electric Co. m newspapers to aid in making it authority except that conferred ol^ Phone 1700 801. Main St., ; So. Mauchester 5 L. iknown, that debt-cancellation pro- them by their selection by a Boston .'i .1.. 'paganda, disseminated by visiting newspaper, the Herald. And it is <• Made and gaorontmJbyj^ , - .^ j . ‘ 4. : 'i * ;#*" Savage Arms Corporotion,Utica, N.Y. foreigners of any debtor natlpnal- oal^ fair that it should be under- %iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuu*M



venturess for the young district at­ jects also appear on the program. GRIPPING MYSIRRY and things look black for her. She loney which will be hard to sur­ Father— I feel .like whippte, m torney who goes crooked to prove T^e'double %fei?iuye. bill which receives aid from an unexpected pass in the way of . action. Other you. ’’ hack, his love for her— and the adven­ opens>a,Vt’^6;,day’s Tun a^ this play- quarter however and after a grip­ subjects to be shown Include a Son-^bon’t glve ih t'o your fert- - PAUL ON RIALTO’S BILL tures of a stolid detective who l^use .tpinbrrow has for a headliner ping climax everything turns out comedy and current news events. ■ Ings, Dad, ' ADAMS bungles the case at every turn. “ Burpt Fingers” a thrilling mystery for the best. Eileen Percy, George NEA. Service Thereby are thrills, suspense a real tale ivhich starts off with a bang O’Hara and Edna Murphy have the FRANCE love story, plenty of comedy and a Only one perpetual pension is A scientific, expedition In South h The glamour and mystery of the when Stockmar, internationally leads in this suspeiiseful drama. now being paid by the British gov­ America has discovered tunnel I'.istoric Los Angeles Chinatown to­ smashing climax at the end. Bessie known dancer and heart breaker is The other attraction being offered a Tills is the srcoml of a series of Love and Oscar Shaw are cast in- ernment. This is the annual sum of three miles long and several Inch­ gether witu a cleverly worked out found murdered. Everything points on these two days is “ High Hand,” 125,000 to the holdfer of the Nel­ stories by former meinber of tlio the leading roles. The co-feature to the guilt of his dancing partner es in diameter^ made and regular-. A. E. P., going back to France as plot and an exceptional cast goes a western drama starring Leo Ma­ son earldom. ly used by ants. ' to make “ Going Crooked” the fea­ stars popular Biily Sullivan in a a forerunner of the “ Second A. E, ture attraction at the Rialto thea­ picture that should gain him a le­ F.” Yesterday’s story told of C o ter this afternoon and evening one gion of new admirers. It is called departure from New York. f I of the most fascinating crook com­ “ The-Windjammer” and relates the edy dramas ever filmed. The story experiences of a timid youth who Nowhere is waning day more im­ revolves around the activities of a resorts to the prize ring in an ef­ pressive than on the ocean. It’s so, f"S gang of jewel thieves their one fa­ fort to save a circus from bank­ possibly from the utter alonencss tal slip, the love of a beautiful ad­ ruptcy. Other selected shorter sub­ of the ship. Land has long since i > ,,c » merged into the horizon and the sun has dripped down behind it. The water swishes as the vessel ploughs. Trails of steely, frothy bubbles race along the waterline. A lark cloud hangs over the port side, or maybe it’s the starboard side. MURRAY’S The. white rollers may be dimly seen,-.far out. “Correct But Inexpensive” A Chance to Remember Then, suddenly, darkness has settled. As if touched by the wand Solves The Hat Problem of a sorcerer, the blackness en-; t’elops. A deep, thick, unpierceab ;loom. It’s lonely, standing there, READY leaning on the rail. But it’s a de­ For Matron And Miss lightful loneliness. There’s so much chance for memories to play— so much of an opportunity to wonder about the ocean, the sky, and the star that comes glinting through. Was there ever a war? Was there _ever a song about the mademoiselle 'from Armentieres? Must have been Your Easter Toggery or there would be no Second A. E. F. Never was a moment made more lltting for deep reflection than when the twilight, then the dark­ ness, settles on mid-ocean. This striking picture shows life You Should The reverie is broken! boat drill on one of the big ocean Again .7omes tlie bugle c a il.... liners. Soupy, Soupy, Soupy; It’s dliin-: this lime. And if you’re at tli ’ iJo \ou suffer from cold feet?” skippers ’ .able ycu‘11 put on your the doctor asked the young wife. hixedo, if you want to— if any. “ Yes,” she replied. He promised to send her some At.tabI:— that first night. Two medicine.. Come to HOUSE’S coit cly young '.v)'ic-ii, :,ve with “ Oh,” she said, nervously. l’.'5-!.ing black evt.-, ;.r.d thr=;e “ They’re not— not mine.” g 'ntl-.^men. Intro In iiions Funnv! Kuppenheimer, Stylplus and Houses’s Special Clothes. two of the men weit; i:, iiit army ....b o t h were oflicers, too. Be­ < j ^ 1 *11 tick 91 Easter Hats, Easter Shirts, Easter Hose, E aster Neckwear, Easter Gloves. tween blowings on hot consomme $3.95 (not slum) there were reminis- Underwear and Handkerchiefs. censes. The officers were congenial Pre-Easter Values, presenting a collection fellows. One was only a “ shave-tail.” of the Newest Styles and Colorings. Co-operative and Selz Footwear for Men and Young Men. And he swore he never had stop­ Large and Small Headsizes. ped a private and demanded a ■IbMOPtiOCJO Buster Brown’s for Boys and Girls. salute. Oh, well. The war’s all over. All Priced Remarkably Low. Why argue? It was a good meal. Lates styles Dorothy Dodd, Red Cross and Enna-Jettick for Women. The Dance Dinner being astern, as they say Your every apparel requisite is here for Men and Boys embodying the latest style features from world-renowned in sea-going periance, the path was Others $1.95 up aloft to the saion where tea had makers. Our fitting service is unexcelled. been served In the afternoon with cinnamon toast. The orchestra was Easter Specials in Hosiery and Complete Outfitters at Low Prices for Men and Boys. sharpening up a few tist notes and, in a twinkling, burst out into a p Hand Painted Scarfs. tuneful bit of highly polished jazz. Boost your favorite The dance was on. Ankles and Votes Counted Today. shapely silk stockings twinkled. A (’There was never anything like Legionnaire for Free Watch for your favorite this on the old Anchises.) Acquain­ I MURRAY’S Trip to Paris. Inc. tanceships sprang up quickly. Millinery, Hosiery and Novelty Shop. C. E. HOUSE & SON, Legionnaire. There’s a spirit of easy good-fel­ I 741 MAIN STREET, STATE THEATER BLOCK Head to Foot Clothiers lowship on a boat. What! No taps! And no clumsy cork life pre­ wo. U. S. PAT. Will 1 ^ 1 server to drag into the cabin and id Bleep with all night! Times cer­ tainly have changed! The deck steward has folded back the sheets. Two pillows beckon irresistibly. A breeze floats through the port hole, opened to the stars. A healthy jfc s yawn or two. . . .a click of the light b u tto n ....a smile. Wars are not 30 bad— after eight years. Tres beans, in fact, tres beans. i Bum Soir! Fini, comme ca! THOUSANDS OF FLOWERS The promenade comes before breakfast, to guarantee an appe­ tite. No one turns out on ship­ 99 board until the deck steward has Are “SA YING IT barked his knuckles on the door trying to get some attention, not like the old days with a topkick Thousands of flowers are “ saying it” at our barking: “ Rise and shine, you guys!” Easter Flower Show. A symphony orchestra of And breakfast rare and precious blossoms are “ saying it” in the Plenty of Real Coffee music of color, form and fragrance. To your very Not the “ tay“ those lime-juicers door have been brought the choicest and loveliest splashed into messcups on the Anchises and the thick, sticky por­ flowers and plants that the best growers can pro­ ridge of those other days- But duce. grapefruit and orange juice, brown­ ed toast, golden muffins, eggs and FOR SALE We cordially invite you to visit our some ciisp rashers of bacon. In that silver tankard of coffee there’s This Well Built New House enough for a squad— and it’s strong enough to dissipate any fog 8 ROOMS that may have collected. Down WITH BREAKFAST NOOK AND LARGE . EASTER goes a few scorching gulps and then comes that first cigaret. The FIREPLACE. smoke curls away from the ash. Boy! It’s the life of Reilly! All Improvements. Good Location. FLOWER SHOW Going back! 2 Car Garage. Lot 60x120 Back to the land of ‘No Compre.” | and see our display of the immaculate Back to the Cafe Nationale up on ’ the Rue De Toot Toot. Back to I Price Right the 40 hommes and 8 chevaux. | Easter Lily, Baskets of Plant Back where there was mud in the ' rue and rats in the billet. ’Member Combinations Hermance? Or maybe it was Ce- Ipte or Joan? Regardless, she was John Sheehan Tulips, Roses, Hyacinths, “ Cherie.” Wonder what happened to her? Probably marriecT and Manchester Wallpaper Co. Genistas, etc. clomping around in her wooden 527 Main Street, Phone 2326, South Manchester shoes with a couple of bright-eyed Baskets of Assorted Flowers, Roses, youngsters at her heels. Going back! Carnations, Sweet Peas, No Tin Fish After all the years of reminiscing Easter Corsages, Violets, etc. and fighting the war all over with justifiable exaggerations. %SXS%%9^iXSX%%SS9S%SSS%XXXSSS%XSSS%S%XS;iSSSXX%%SX9SSX%^ This Easter “Say It With Flowers” Going back! Even on top of a good breakfast, pnd you will know you have said it it doesn’t seem hardly possible. But, as a second A. E. F ’er, it is \/ell. possible. The dream is coming true. DCX} OWNERS And remember, when you want to Orders— large and small— are given that per- Section 5, Chapter 269 of the Public Acts of 1925 of smoke, you can do it in the open. : onal attention and efficient service which insure No sneaking around behind a fun­ the State of Connecticut require that all'dogs must be satisfaction. nel or a life-boat, covering up in licensed on or before May 1st, 1927. Neglect or refusal the fear of submarines. The tin fish to license on or before that date will cost an additional ain’t out there any more. dollar as well as making you liable to arrest. Tomorrow: The “ Dog-Robbers.” Registration fee, Male or spayed female $2.00. Fe­ Our Flowers “Say It” male $10.25.. Under the law you must give the dog’s age instead of size. Veterinary Certificate required for Spayed Female not previously licensed. Office hours during the month of April will be as fol­ lows: Daily, except Sunday, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Also every Tuesday night from 6 :30 to 9 p. m. SAMUEL J. TURKINGTON, Town Clerk. CaW** 'E R O H O P LEADING FLORISTS columns Advertise in The Evening Herald-lt Pays! 985 MAIN STREET NEAR POST OFFICE

( . • /■ ■' ■■-■■■■-" ;■ '^^'■ T v V . V" ■ - - -/ ■ ••• ■■- \-«<»|>« * ! ,,«• . . > T. I ,. • » * . ' . j i t / . * ♦• ■ ' •r, -- MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, APRIL .11,. 1927*; PAGE SIX \ BUCKLAND’S PREMATURE DIVE covomtf HARITORD’S CHAMBER Coventry Grange, No, 75, P. of | BROADCAST NOVELTY H,, had' a good ‘ attendance at its UFESAVER FOR WATERBDRY last meeting, when Bolton Grange ------presented this Grange with ‘the The broadcasting program for raveling gavel. This-gavel is . trav­ Friday evening, April 15, at nine '^ Manchester High finished th ird p la c e in this event cost Manchester eling all over the state of Connec­ o’clock through Station WTIC of In tlie state interscholastic swim­ ten points and gave a similar num­ ticut and will be taken to Vernon Hartford, Connecticut, under the ming meet held in the Wilby High ber., to the'-winners and eight for Grange from this Grange. Echo auspices of the Chamber of Com­ pool at Waterbury Saturday after­ the winner of second place. Grange of Mansfield' Center also merce, presents some very attrac­ noon with thirteen points against Manchester qualified in every met with this Grange. Both grang­ tive novelties. The program is c ) thirty-one for Crosby High of Wa­ event and won four second places es furnished the program. Over 100 sponsored by the eight service terbury and thirty for New Haven and one fourth. were present; , luncheon clubs and the Advertising Hiilhouse. Ten high schools com­ Leslie Buckland finished second Mr. and Mrs. George Maskiell club. peted, the others being Bristol, five in the forty-yard free stroke ana and Mr. gnji Mrs. John E. Kings­ The feature of the program will points, Warren Harding High of also came in second in the forty- bury and son, John Jr.,...... have..... be re­ the appearance of the South Bridgeport, four points, Leavan- yard back-stroke after setting the turned from their aUto trip to I Sea Islanders in musical pictures 0 worth High of Waterbury, four best time in the trials.’ "R ed” Wellsburg. N. Y.. where they visit­ of Hawaii. This in itself is points. Central High of Bridgeport, Sheridan was second in the forty- ed Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mc- enouigh to keep the dial on the spot New Haven Commercial and South­ yard breast stroke event and Wes­ Knight. but the unique phrt of the program ington, no score. ley^ Warnock second in diving. Bob Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hamilton is the evidence of contact which J While Manchester lias no alibi to Treat finished fourch in the slxty- have returned to Chicago after these service clubs in Hartfbrd offer, finishing third being a com­ yai’d finals. spending the past two weeks at have with the welfare work among pliment to the school and Coach W. ■Manchester, aespite the fine their summer home in town. boys and girls of the city. J. Clarke, it is nevertheless true showing it made, missed the serv­ Robert Hamilton of Yale College ' Buddy Graves will tell in three that the S. M. H. S. mermen missed ices of its former captain, Arthur spent his vacation-with, his parents minutes what he thinks of the out­ a golden opportunity to win the McKay, one of tne best swimmers here this week. fit. Kenneth Shenton will provide state championship tlirough over­ ever developed ai ihe local school, Miss Laura K. Kingsbury of Con­ vocal entertainment and Edward anxiousness. This occurred during who has left school. Manchester necticut Agricultural College spent F. Ahern, Jr., will make the piano the relay. ^lanchester was several won the Central Connecticut Inter­ the week-end at her home, please us. Dr. George E. Tucker feet ahead when it was disciualifiejl scholastic swimming meet recently Robert Adhers, James Bennett will give one of his characteristic because Leslie Bnckland dove be­ and McKay played an Important and William Cobh of Harrisbn, N. talks for about four minutes, rep­ resenting all of the clubs, and giv­ Easter part in that triumph. Frocks fore being touched. The loss of a Y., spent the week-end at Mrs. George Benneti, Sr.’s, summer ing us a little idea of their very earnest, altruistic work. Inter­ These new frocks for Spriiisr are developed o’ '"' home. - Miss Ruth Taylor of Hartford spersed among this very attractive lines which impart that touch of smart stylishness to the program will be an unknown warb­ spent the week-end at her home. ler who must have been born on wearer. They are made up in crepe satins, crepe de chines, Wilfred Hill of ' Hartford spent LUDLOW DEFEATS MANCHESTER one of the Swiss Alps, judiging Georgettes— in the favored colors of the'nev/ season. the week-end with his parents. from his musical notes. Vincent Ingraham of Hartford While the program comes on ' spent the week-end at Fred An­ Good Friday evening, it is going to i derson's. be one worth while from the^stand- Miss Gertrude Anderson was point. of every .radio fan. This is home over the week-end. the fifth in the series of broad­ I ■Minus the services of four of 118=^ was still trailing 3 to 0 at halftime Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kingsbury \ regular ))laycrs, Mancliester forced but played much better in the sec­ casting programs given by the civic i and three children of Burnside and business clubs of Hartford un­ the Ludlow, Mass., Thistles to c:c- ond half and equalized with about I were Sunday guests at Autumn twenty minutes gone. Ludlow, how­ der the’ auspices'-’ of the Chamber ort themselves to score a 4 to 3 vic­ View Farm. tory in an c.xliibition soccer game ever,. managed to drive another of Commerce. ' They have no sug­ Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Harington gestion of commercialism but give at Mt. Nebo grouucis yesterday be­ goal into the net. have moved to Burnside where Mr. fore u large crowa of fans. The biggest game of the season marked evidence of a notable spirit Harrington has entered the employ of cooperation which obtains in Boots, Wilson, Nicholson and will take place next Sunday when at Woodlawn Farm near Laurel Bloxam were not in tlic lUanclies- ^Manchester goes to Hartford tp this city. Park. ter lineup which was, for once, meet t^e Thistles in the replay fob Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bllnn of composed entirely of ^lancliester the first round of the Protective Wethersfield were Sunday guests l)laycrs. Ludlow came to town with Cup. The two teams tied here two at the latter's brother’s, Fred Har- ISSUES A WARNING a strong team and gave a wortliy weeks ago, each scoring two goals. lo"’ - exliibition. Tlie Bay State aggrega­ Lawrence Hill and sisters, Lillie The greyhound is the fastest AGAINST WOOD FIRES tion tallied twice in the first ten and Marion spent the week-end at minutes of play. Marshall, their dog. One of them once ran a home. center, made both goals and later quarter'of a mile in 25 2-5 sec­ The Ladies’ Fragment Society tallied still another. Manchester onds. • <•„-...... State Forester Says Hi|E:h will meet at the parsonage this Winds and Dry Brush Make Wednesday. Mrs. Henry I. Karnes will act as hostess. There will be a For Danger. niiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiMiiliiiiiiMiiiiiiiimiin missionary hour at this meeting. ------! The Christian Endeavor society Hartford, Conn., April 11.— .\n is rehearsing for the play they hope appeal for state-wiae precautionary to present in a few weeks. measures to prevent forest fire" The Ready Helpers held, their was sent out today by Austin F. regular meeting Friday evening and Hawes, state forester. At the same voted to hold an entertainment and time Mr. Hawes put into effect stringent regulations to offset the COATS parcel post sale. The cpmmittee chosen is Mrs. J. N. Atwood,'Mrs. danger caused by prevailing high J. E. Kingsbury and Miss Lillian winds. , This is the time to select your Easter Ayer. >' FireJ wardens have been instruct- i coat. During this ■week stocks are at 'Ad to refuse permits' for brush ■ burning and for camp fires during their best, the stylfes are established, tha .\pril except on rainy days or days size ranges are complete. Here you following heavy rains. j will find the coat you want at just the HEBRON'V Fire wardens have been Instruct-1 price you wish to pay. The choicest Tuesday'^s Specials Harold Grey, commander of the ed to refuse permits for brush American Legion, G. Merle Jones burning and for camp fires during selections ai’e at ; Post, has received a communica­ April- except on rainy days or days tion from state authorities that a following heavy ra’iis. ; Wedgewood Butter consignment of trophies is to be Fire look-out stations of the de-1 $ shipped to the local Legion, "rhis partment are in operation today j 15.95 to $59.50 is in response to a request for a and wardens are out on constant patyo,l,D.f..'y99d/jj.^«ir?as. Four fires lb. £iel4,^piece to place on the grounds .. IIU,;/! I .r . surj;o,undin,g the soldiers’ monu­ on. Sunday burned considerable 1-4 lb. sections. ment? The consignment will ' in­ area before they could be extin­ clude 10 rifles, Mag. German guished. Strong winds made their Otlier Coats $13.75 to $125 M l898; 2 machine guns, German spread rapid. Tne fires reported I CALIFORNIA Maxim, M190S-15; 10 helmets, were; Plainfielc, Clinton, East stcell 6 sabers, enlisted men’s; Granby and North Coventry. The ., Ne^y3;, has been received o f . the last is said to have been set by a I Asparagus Tips Wrth .pf a daughter, Betsy Arline, fisherman who i'tarted a small to lift.Vand Mrs. Grover Clark, for­ camp-fire. mer resident of this place, now of ■ Brush burning tn Stafford last large can 29c Springfield, Mass. week resulted in the burning of Mrs. Charles W. Stewart of,T y- two sets of farm buildings with $7,- RED WING PURE lerville. is the guest of her daugh­ 000 loss. Records show that there ter, Mrs. C. C. Johnson, in Hbpe- were fifty-eight fires in March. Grape Jam Ibi |ar 25e vaie. The Red Wing Coal Company Miss Marjorie Martin has re­ turned, from a short visit in Hart­ OPERATED BY RUTLAND ford. - GILEAD Mrs. Frank Brown of South Manchester has been given a let­ The Orange held its regular THE MEECH CHAIN COMPANY Egg Preserve qt. can 29c ter certifying that she was a mem­ meeting Tuesday evening. The i WHO LICKS THE CUEA.M? pt. can .15c ber of St. Peter’s Episcopal church worthy lecturer, Rev. J. W. Deeter ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS while a resident of Hebron. Mrs. presented an. interesting program, ROSEBUD FREE RUNNING COAL COAL Brown desires to be received into as follows: I Automobile Insurance At Cost membership in a South Manches­ "Our State” Clean Coal. Courteous. Treatment. The Laiiibermen’s Alatual returned 2,'>% of the 1‘reniiom Salt 2 lb. box 7c ter church. Geographic Discription — Miss paid into every jiolicyholder last ^ear and have always done so. Warren Knowles, teacher at the E.xtra Special. Marcia Zabriskie. DID YOU GET ANY MONEY BACK ON YOUH POLICY? private school,. is , sp.end- Historic Events— Miss Ruth ! Prompt Deliveries. If you want to reduce the cost of your Auto Insurance see iffgT his spriuig vacation in Bridge­ Ellis. port. The school closed on Fri­ Agriculture and Dairying— Mer­ OFFICE AND YARD me before you renew your present iiolicy or Insure your car. Demonstration All This Week day and will open again in about a ton Hills; Garden and Fairfield Streets, East Hartford Conn. I will be glad to e.vplain how yoii can insure your car In the Fruits and Vegetables— Glover Telephone, Laurri 1295 S World’s Greatest Mutual at 25% saving. The final party of the serie* of whists given by the American Leg­ Rockwell. George Washington ion and Library association^ took Most Import Product— "Chil­ place at the town hall and w'as the dren” — Mrs. Clifford R. Perry. largest party of the season, there Poultry— Mrs. Alice E. Foote. Stuart J. Wasley PREPARED COFFEE being nine tables of whisL Ladles’ Roads— Robert E. Foote. meeting at Mrs. E. G. Lord’s In i HEAL ESTATE INSUKANCE David Earl, infant son of Mr; Makes a delicious drink. Come in and see how it is prizes were awarded to Miss Clar­ Hebron, Thursday afternoon. PLANES CARRY 827 Main St., Tel. 1428-2, Open Tuesday and Saturday Evenings. issa Lord and Miss Mildred Hough and' Mrs. Earl Post of East Hart­ There was a Farm Bureau meet­ made. for having the highest scores' for ford died at the Hartford hospital ing at. the hall Tuesday evening. the series. Randall Tennant and and was buried In the local ceme­ Mr. Manchester gave a talk on PASSENGERS DAILY Edward Hlldic.g captured the gen­ tery, Friday afternoon. Alfalfa. tlemen’s prizes. The evening clos­ Mr. and Mrs. J- B. Jones and gers make the trip from Boston to BANDITS GET 940,000 Men under the employ of the ed with refreshments served and Mrs. A. W ., Hutchinson were visi­ New Brunswick In ope hour and Fresh Fruit and state highway department are com­ Announcement Just Made; Portland, Ore., April 11.— Ap­ old fashioned dancing. tors in Willimantlc Thursday. thirty minutes. proximately $40,000 In cash was pleting the work, which was started W. O. Seyms of Hebrop has en­ : , Leaves Boston Every Even­ taken by seven bandits today from last fall, on the road in front of A. The Colonial Air Transport Co., X Vegetables Daily ROT.4. NULLIFIES WEDDING. tered the employ of J. L. 'Way, and ing at 8 O’clock. the Olds, Wortman & King coihr H. Post’s residence. which is under contract with the Fresh Peas, Ripe Tomatoes, Kale, Italian and French Rome, April 11.— The Sacred will move into the Post hojise as pany. department store here, police Tribunal of the Rota today nulli­ Mrs. Deems L. Buell returned "to New Brunswick, N. J„ April 11. government for mail service be­ reported. Endive, Fresh Clean Spinach, New Carrots and Beets, soon as the interior is re-decorat­ tween the two points. Is planning fied the marriage of Senator Gug- her home In Berlin, N. Y., Satur­ — A government mail-carrying While one of the bandits forced ed. to put on two adttional mail and Small White Mushrooms, California Navel Oranges, Tan­ lielmo Marconi, wireless inventor, The Young Women’s club held day after spending a week with her plane, fiying between Boston and the night watchman to make hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foote. passenger carrying planes. regular call rounds, the other six gerines, Thin Skin Grapefruit and Golden Ripe Bananas. to the former Beatrice O’Brien. its regular meeting at Mrs. Win- Hadley Field, six miles north of The marriage was performed in throp Porter’s Thursday afternoon. Hart E. Buell stepped out doord here is carrying passengers daily, The plane now in service leaves blew two small safes and drilled 1904, and wals dissolved by civil ac­ Mrs. C. Daniel Way and Mrs. E. Wednesday for the first time since It-was revealed today. Boston at 6:30 p. m„ arriving at through a larifo vault, according tion in 1924. E. Foote attended the W. C. T. U. his severe illness. As many as five and six passen­ Hadley field at 8:00 p. m. to reports to police.


i ^ a - i Tuesday Only! Fresh Fowl lb. 38c To Fricassee. /.

TENDER ROASTING CHICKEN, lb...... 39c S BRISKET CORNED BEEF, Ib...... 22c | Fetor drew hie eword RUMP CORNED BEEF, Ib...... ^ 22^ | By a prearranged sign, and cut off the e(9r of the .servant of the high Vil Then Judas cam^ b’to the garden with a great muir Judas said, *‘Hail, Mas- The enemies of JesUs then seized Him, ae Hit die- FLANK STEAK, lb ...... 25c | priest, but Jeeus rebuked titude of men ahd officers from the chief prieete and ^sr," and kissed Jesus, cipjes fled.. Bound, Christ w as taken first to Annas, who him," and healed the LEAN FRESH SHOULDERS, lb...... 22c Pharisee;$-~enemi9S o f, Jesus. • They carried torches betraying Him to those was the father-in-law of Caiaphas the high prU»t, and I wounded man. ' (John and were- armed with swords, stones and other who sought to arrest Him. then to Caiaphas. (John XVlii : 12-13) H A LE ’S SAUSAGE MEAT, lb...... 25c § weapons. (Matthew XXVI ; 47) (Matthew XXVI : 4p-49) XVfll : 10-11) ctssT oif WKS semicE. INC. __/ ..K--

V \



fires., With each three piece overstuff­ Satarday’s Fire ed living room suite, we give a 9 ) WAR OF DEALERS ABODTIOWN ‘BOYS’ BRIGADE’ TO These embryo firemen will by 12 Axmlhster nirg free with Today ^8 Best taught by the chief all the neces­ cash or credit. Don’t fail to look sary measures of fire prevention, them over. Benson's Furniture Ex­ CUTSPRICEOFGAS The special rehearsal of the HGHT LOCAL HRES as well as to keep a sharp watch change, 649 Main street.— Adv. R adio B et Men’s Choral club will be held this for grass and brush fires started by evening at 7:30 in High school unthoughtful people then left to McGovern Granite Co. hall, and not at the South Metho­ the eleinent df a chance wind Express Your ITALIAN MUSIC Motorists Profit When local dist church as previously announc­ Lads’ Fine Work at Blaze which sometimes make them de­ CEMETERY MEMORIALS CLASSICS AT KFI ed, The club Is rehearsing for its structive weapons of town proper­ * Kepresented by concert which will te given with ty, Director Washburn said yester­ Filling Station Men Start the Boston Symphony Orchestra en- Saturday Causes Com­ day that the fire brigade would re­ C. \V. HAUTBNSTEIN Individuality- A program of Italian musical jaemble on April 2i. ceive some sort of insignia where- 140 Sammit St. Telepbono 1621 classics will be broadcast from be they would be recognized as on your living room fur­ KFI at 9 p. m. Pacific time, Mon­ Hunt For Trade. Mrs. Jack Sanson, who has been ment— Chief Coleman Ap­ such. niture. It can be done at day, April 11. in the Memorial hospital, returned After the organization has been small expense if you em­ Some other program picks are: K home with her Infant daughter proves* formed members v/no wish to join ploy us to reupholster. . KLDS, 8 p. m. central time—• The war is on again between two yesterday^ must past his test of fire knowl­ edge in fighting grass and brush With coverings of your Mendelssohn’s “ The Elijah” by a factions of filling station operators, choir of 225 voices. fires before the chief In order to selection those pieces of it. was learned today, when the A car parked In front of the WEAP, 8 p. m. eastern time.-.- Johnson block almost got away Boys have been with us for such become a full fledged “fire bri­ furniture which have be­ The minstrels. price of gasoline dropped to 23 from its driver this morning but a long time, and their transition gade” member. The boys who join­ ed in the Saturday afternoon fire come* worn and shabby. WTIC. 8 p. m. eastern time— cents per gallon. The tank wagon was stopped by the curbstone. The into manhood' and citizenship is so Male quartet. will turn their names in to Direc­ We have wealth of mate­ price, it was said by one dealer, is driver had the hood up and was unpreceptive, that they are taken WHAU. 1:30 p. m. central time. tinkering with the motor when the tor Washburn at the Community rials from which you can 22 cents and each gallon Is being Club with their age and addresses. — Tony, Joe and John. sold at a profit ot one cent. machine started up. as a matter of course. But those make a choice of the cov­ Meetings will be arranged at a la-r WJZ, 9:30 p. m. eastern time.— It was said by a south end deal­ who look back upon boyhood days ings that will blend har­ Light opera hour. ter date, when the chj^f will give er this morning that one station Manager Jack Sanson of the from the heights of manhood rea­ the members; talks of instruction. moniously with floo^ WLW, 10 p. m. eastern time.— operator dropped his prices late State theater went to Springfield, lize that boys need guidance, edu­ coverings and wall deco­ Fii'e-fighter concert. last week to 23 centg and that to today to get costumes which will cation and control in a number of rations. KOIL, 10 p. m. central time.— protect themselves other dealers be used in the Moose minstrel fields to insure the making of bet­ “ Mose and Charley.” had followed suit. Operators usu­ show. ter men and citizens, ally make from 3 to 4 cents on each, gallon and the price until yesterday Another bi-wecltly well-baby j The real boys are hero worship­ AUTO LET US REBUILD was 25 cents. clinic will be held ac the Memorial pers, whether It be a baseball play­ ELECTRICAL SERVICE WTIC Every Now and Then hospital annex on Haynes street er; soldier, adventurer, fireman, KtFAIII WORK OUAKANTCCD Every once in ti while a war Of Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. and many other heroes that appeal YOUR MATTRESS to the' boyish mind. That the boy NORTON Travelers Insurtince Co., this kind hits Manchester and gas­ if CLCCnOCAl.tNSrRUMP«TCa likes to do the thngs that his par­ Rp'tlOVfl'f'i'n O’ Every mattress, no Hartford, Conn. oline prices drop. The “ ultimate The Board of Selectmen will M L U A I ^ S r . FHONB. GONE! 407. consumer” profits but the filling meet tonight in the Municipal ticular idol does was evidenced W«AW I<<0

HARTFORD INC. Only 12 Days Left to Secure Coupon for a The New Misses^ Shop Is Being Favored With a Most Gratifying Patronage By Girls, Juniors and Misses W ho Appreciate the Very Newest Beautiful Silvertone Coats and Dresses A t Moderate Prices. The Nei» Missei Sh

To Be Made at Dressy Frocks The New Studio 9 Johnson Terrace For Street, Afternoon AND GREYTONE FOLDER and Evening Wear Fashionably Correct Slewing The Neuy For 55c are the exquisite new You then have 30 days left to go to Studio for a sit­ Flowered Chiffons ting. Offer expires Saturday, April 23rd. W ith Flare Skirt, Slit Sleeves, Edged with Black Net. SPRING COATS This is an opportunity not to be neglected. Present The approach o f Easter heightens the interest in these garments or mail this coupon at once together with 55 cents today Printed Chiffon Frocks and avoid disappointment. and we have reached new limits in value-giving— Sleeveless Models with rows o f Flouncing on Skirt and a plain georgette coat. Manchester Evening Herald Portrait Department. Portrait Sabscription Date...... Coats at Coatee Frocks « • S25 You are hereby authorised to enter my eubscription ’ to A t this popular price a most complete as­ SPORT THE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD for three months, O f Flat Crepe. with the understandiRiTtbat delivery Is to start vvithln a few sortment or stylish garments in the wanted day*. with georgette overblouse and box plaited skirt. COATS In eonsideraUon of the above subscription and payment of fabrics: i^atin;Kashmir, Twills, Mixtures. 65 cents for a Greytone folder 1 am to receive a $5.00 Silver- tone portrait to be made at th(ae NEW------STUDIO, 9 Johnson One-Piece Frocks Sizes 36 to 46 Terrace. / 1 9 O f Georgette Name .with blouse effect, tucked flare flounce. In­ Jaunty Coats A ddress...... C ity ...... serts o f fine lace to form the yoke, long sleeves, Goats at ' some models have square or V*neck— M5 Is “ The Herald” delivered now? ...... smartly furred Also Georgette Frocks with saucy bow on Fascinating coats that fairly breathe the OLD SUBSCRIBERS SIMPLY PAY 56c for the folder. Only shoulder and another at hip line. presenting a one coupon to a person, but you may have one for each mem­ spirit of Paris in their new style themes, ber of the family. Colors Include expressed by ribbon bows, narrow collars, variety of Present or mall this coupon to the MAN'CHESTBR EVE­ Queen Blue, Beige, Flesh, Maize, Rose Beigt mixtures and NING HERALD and not the studio. Cooseberrs Green. .straight lines, tailored sleeves and other style innovations that contribute so much sports materials. Branch O0Bce at 10 Bissall Street Open Until 9 p. m. SIZES . to their effectiveness. to Present Coupons. 14-16- 18-20 ‘:- ,^r __ ^ A ■ ■ ■-■ • y - ' -


SENTENCE POSTPONED. Mrs. Elmer E. H|all and Mr. and Lord returned to het- home Tues­ EXAMINATIONS HERE Mrs. E. Allan Blish were callers In day. -19 ' $ MARLBOROUGH Hartford Wednesday. Washington, April-11.—Sentence Supenvisor James Wi*'Frow of HOLY WEEK MEDITATIONS of Harry F. Sinclair, multi-million­ Miss Adeline M. Pasani 6f East FOR UNCLE SAM JOBS aire oil magnate, for contempt of The pupils in the three schools Greenwich, R. I., who has been a Colchester visited schools In town the Senate, was postponed for thir­ are preparing for the speaking and guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. recently. ty days by Justice Hitz in District spelling contest which will be held “Loving God With Our Minds” Hai-old Agard, secretary of the Supreme Court today. The post­ in the near future. local board of civil service examin­ ponement was announced on the Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. ' Lord K*9eXS696SeS63069696K363«X3t36i6S63n(3iSt368e3tX)^^ court’s own motion. ers at the South Manchester Post and Miss Adeline Pasani were call­ “ Thou Shalt love the Lord, thy Sinclair was to have been sen­ ers in Norwich the first of the God, with all thy heart, and w ith office, stated today that federal civ­ tenced to a prison term of from one week. all thy soul, and w ith all thy il service examinations will be held month to a year for refusing to an­ Miss Fanny A. Blish, who teach­ mind.—Matthew XXII:37. in Manchester soon if there are swer certain questions propounded es in Glastonbury has been spend­ Rawick’s Shoe Specials sufficient applications. Mr. Agard to him by the Senate oil committee ing a week’s vacation at her home By CHARLES HAVEN MYERS, will supply full information and ap­ four years ago. here. D. D. plication blanks to Manchester Plymouth Cluirch of Shaker persons who desire, them. Inquiry For Easter Heights, Cleveland, Ohio. should be made at the post office. . We are accustomed to thinking The federal positions which are Advance Spring Styles for Men, Women of love as an emotion generally ex­ open for competitive examinations pressing itself in some form of af­ are listed as follows: and Children. New* styles and all the fection. But the word that Jesus Guard for United States peniten­ here employs means a deep, rever­ tiaries at Leavenworth, Kan., At­ new shades. ' ent love—a dedication, as it were, lanta, Ga., and McNeil Island, of the wliole personality. It is the Wash., at $1,500 a year. same word that the Master used in Junior physicist, departmental asking Peter—"Do you love me?” service, Washn:;ton, at $1,'800 a Worship is often expended in year. Applicants may select as op­ sentiment and emotional response. tional subject electricity, heat, me­ Religion may become, because of chanics, optics, physical metallurgy, an excess of feeling, very vapid and or radio. Women’s Shoes superficial. The saving element is Junior .veterinarian, department the consciousness that our intellec­ of agriculture, for duty in the field, tual life is an important part of re­ at, $1,800 a year. ligion. For we cannot maintain Field supervisor in Insect con­ $2.95-$3.45 our spiritual integrity by breaking trol, Bureau of Entomology, for our life up into compartments—re­ duty in the field, at $2,100 a year. serving certain thoughts for the Junior exhibits assistant. Depart­ hour of worship ar;d certain other ment of Agriculture, Washington, ideas whicli we are pleased to call at $2,000 a year. The duties are to $3.85 and $4.85 secular. No. Oirr minds must be assist in completion of plans for completely devoted to the highest preparation, assembling, shipment, gOkpd— or God. exhibition, and disposition of the Loving God with our minds im­ department’s exhibits. To really protect^ Special For plies inquiring ininds. If we close Petroleum technologist at $3,800 our minds, feeling -satisfied over a year, associate petroleum techno­ This Week what we iiave learned, we shall logist at $2,400 a year. Department paint must be soon cease to grow. of the Interior, for duty in Wash­ Men’s Oxfords and Loving God with our minds in­ ington, or in the field. All of tnesc sures noble thinking. There is so positions are connected with prob­ all through . . High Shoes much that is pitched upon a low lems concerning the production, plane—sordid, tawdry and cheap. conservation and refinement of pe­ W e sell the famous du Pont line of paints It is a responsibility that every troleum . $3.45-$3.95-$4.95 Christian man and woman assumes Senior lithographic transferrer. and varnishes—made by the makers of Duco. —to enrichen life. "High thinking” Weather Bureau, Washington, at That assures you of results that spell real Men’s Scout Shoes...... $1.98 is a part of true religion. A view of Jenisalein with the Mou iit of Olives in the distance. $1,860 a year. satisfaction—not merely when the paint is Loving God with our minds Associate aquatic biologist, Bu­ Men’s Moccasin Shoes...... $2.95 means to think hopefully. Other­ Loving God with our minds mind the Bible becomes a confus­ reau of Fisheries, for duty at Beau­ new, but for years after. wise me may become a prey to cyni­ brings us, inevitaoly, into associa­ ing book. But wltii this high mo­ fort, N. C., at $8,000 a year. ' Lei tu adobe $/oa hote yea eon Jo year Joh cism or sterile pessimism. The fu­ tion with the noblest thinkers of tive to guide us the Spirit of Truth Associate editor (industrial eco­ motl economieally and most quickly. Come ture awaits with blessing the one ail ages. The richest and best in interprets the hidden meanings. It nomics), Women’s Bureau, Depart­ Children’s Shoes • ^ . who realizes tlie gift of God—a poetryjind philosophy becomes our IS a part of the great command of ment of Labor, Washington, at $2,- in and see the new colors now being used by sound mind— and uses it to glorify possesmon. Jesus—"Thou shalt love the Lord 700, a year. Applicants must show faihioneble interior decorators. Special Lot of ChUdr'en’s Him. Without this employment of our thy God, with thy mind.” an aggregate of at least six years of Patent Leather Pumps $ 1.4 5 ‘* $ 1.95 work in a college or university of Misses’ S h o e s...... 10-YE.\R-OLD SOLDIER. recognized standing or of experi­ Manchester Decorating Co. SINGERS SUCCEED IN PARENTS MUST CONSENT ence, or a combination of the two, $ 2 .4 5 ‘* $ 2,95 Detroit, Mich., April 11.—Funer­ which must include at least two 74 East Center Street. al services for John Dorsey, 76, be­ years of specialized education or “OUVET TO CALVARY” TO ‘16 YEAR’ LICENSES lieved to be America’s youngest vet­ experience in pocial science or eco­ eran of the Civil War, will be held nomics, and two years o? specializ­ WEAR SHOES W ednesday. ed education or experience in jour­ Soloists and Chorus of 50 Give [Law Will Become Effective Dorsey ran away from home and nalism or publicity work. RAWICK’S joined Company “E” Twenty-Sev­ Fine Rendition of “Olivet to May 1 If Governor Trumbull The salaries named are entrance South Manchester enth Regiment of Missouri when he salaries. Higher grades are filled State Theater Building, Calvary” Signs Bill. i wa-s but ten years old and served through promotion. as a drummer boy. i O H Edward F. Taylor, Albert Pear­ Although the so-called "16-year- son and a chorus of 50 singers old license bill” has not yet been gave an excellent rendition of signed by Governor Trumbull, the Maunder's cantata "Olivet to Cal­ state motor vehicle department has vary,”. under the direction of Helge begun to receive inquiries from per­ Pearson, at the Swedish Lutheran sons between 16 and 18 years o’rJ church last night. A crowd which who want to apply for licenser, nearly filled the church heard the while there has not been a rush of cantata. such inquiries, there have been The work is written for - tenor, enough of them to cause the prep­ baritone and chorus, and contains aration of a printed letter which is several hymns which are taken part being sent to each inquirer, read­ in by the congregation. The solo ing as follows: parts were well taken care of by "The amended law which will al­ Mr. Taylor, who is a church singer low a minor between sixteen and with years of experience, and Al­ eighteen years of age to aiDply for ilitan bert Pearson, brother of the direc­ a motor vehicle operator’s license, tor, who has begun to make a name provided such person’s parent, par­ for himself in local musical circles. ents or guardian consent to sucJi It was Mr. Taylor’s first work in application, becomes effective on this captata, and it was the most May 1, 1927. ambitious that Mr. Pearson has yet “Application forms are not yet essayed. Both were excellent, al­ available and of course no such ap­ 'NdAND fETTING f/ though Mr. Taylor’s experience al­ plication will be accepted by this lowed him the better effect. His department until May 1st next.” expression and enunciation left The bill has been adopted by THAT IS A REMARK so often expressed by visiting New York news­ nothing to he asked for. The many both branches of the Legislature recitatives called out the best of his and will become a law when signed papermen who come to Manchester that there must be something skill. His soft tones were delicately by the governor, but not effective shaded while he negotiated the until the first of next month. The about THE EVENING HERALD that gives strangers that impression. high notes with the greatest of great majority of bills passed by ease. the Legislature go into effect with And there is. In every department, special efforts are made to keep Mr. Pearson's first attempt at the beginning of the state’s fiscal something as ambitious as "Olivet year, July 1, but tlie earlier date up to the Metropolitan standard. Here are some simple statements to Calvary” was crowned with suc­ when the amended license law is to cess, though he lacks the advantage go into operation is specifically of fact: of Mr. Taylor’s e.xperlence his sing- stated in the bill. -ing shows much promise. In the meantime the motor ve­ The chorus functioned smoothly hicle department is having special and with credit to its director. Most blanks prepared for the use of World News of the members of the chorus had such applicants. These blanks will Cartoons appeared in this cantata in previ­ provide a place wherein the consent The world news streaming in from the four Besides political cartoons supplied daily by ous years and the work was famil­ of either of the parents or the quarters of the earth on a special I. N. S. wire, is NEA your local paper has employed at consider­ iar to them. guardian of the applicant must be hours and sometimes days ahead of other new.s- able expense a Metropolitan cartoonist to draw The accompanists were Miss Eva certified. papers circulating here. Compare them daily pictures of local interest. There is not another Johnson at the piano and Miss E. to verify this. paper in the east in a town the size of Manchester Marion Dorward, director of the THREE BURNED TO DEATH which hires a cartoonist of this caliber to draw High school orchestra, at the or­ Maple Plain, Minn., April 11.— exclusive sketches of purely local events. gan. Three persons were burned to The lesson, on "The Passion of death near here today when fire 'Local News destroyed the home of George Christ,” was read by Rev. Ralph Local news is covered daily by eight writers and Women’s Page Mortinson of Hartford. Thayer, owner of the Thayer Farm s. the suburban news is covered by a dozen corre­ For women and the home THE EVENING The dead: spondents. All of these work exclusively for HERALD devotes an entire page. It Is under George Thayer. 65; his wife, THE EVENING HERALD. There is moie Man­ the direction of a woman who knows what inter­ No. Mabel. Him being a Rotarian 60, and Davis Robertson, 45, an chester news in one issue of THE EVENING ests local women. The latest inmodes and timely doesn’t, mean he’s an old rounder. employe. HERALD than in a week’s issue of other papers topics concerning the house and home are daily \ circulating here and TODAY’S NE-WS IS PUB­ published with the end in view of always applying LISHED TODAY. them to local conditions. liilllllllllllllllllllilllllillllllllillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllligilllllllllllllllligi Features Editorials As to features, a perusal of THE EVENING I HERALD editorials are written 'in .THE HERALD is all that is necessary. Comic strips, HERALD OFFICE within the day of publication. serial stories, strips for children, columns dealing They deal with the topics of the moment in a with the light side of life, pictures of news events spirit of justice and humanity and express at all as soon as they occur, photographs of celebrities’ times the convictions of the editors. It is their in all walks of life. In short the features co n st!-', oOOD THINGS TO EAT purpose to be intelligent, to be fair, to be un- tute a daily tabloid magazine. 7 afraid. SPECIAL—N. B. C. Cheese K lip s...... 15c box A very tasty little cheese cracker. m Advertisements' There is just as much news of interest In ' ‘ SPECIAL—Royal Lunch, 2 lbs. . 33c box A speaker at a recent banquet of the Manchester Chamber of Sports EVENING HERALD advertisements as there is ini ([^ommerce said: “I understand you have a newspaper here that refused Local sport news Is alwaj's given preference on the news sections. Dally products of the marts SPECIAL—Fresh Mixed Cookies .. 29c lb. to publish the salacious details of a New York court trial. Did you THE HERALD’9 Sport Page. All sports pertain­ of the world .are spread before HERALD readers j a write to the editor telling him you approved I’ll wager you did not.” ing to Manchester organizations and individuals by advertisers. Whatever is your question of _ . Pinehurst Creamery Tub Butter . 55c lb. are covered regardless of where the games are need, th advertisements have ready answer. To '|C :, THE EVENING HERALD has an OPEN FORUM column for its read­ played. Sports of state, national and interna­ advertisers THE EVENING HERALD is the Pinehurst Hamburg 25c lb. Round Ground 40c Ib. ers to express opinions on local or other questions of the day. Patron­ tional importance are covered by three news ser­ feet medium to reach prospective buyers. Its • " Native Veal, the tender milk fed white kind. We can ize it. It is for your special benefit. Send your name and address, vices, the L N. S.. NEA and United Press. There circulation takes ,it into nearly every house in; •: give you chops, cutlets, stews or roasts. is no better quartet of reliable sport writers than town and the‘surrounding territory. Its c la ssl-^ : not for publication but as a token of good faithi Your confidence will fled department will' find a lost stickpin as easily • ■ Tender Pork Chops. Honey Comb Tripe. be held. Davis J. Walsh, Henry L, Farrell. Joe Williams and Billy Evans. as rent the largest store. ; '7,. .’■if' SOUP BONE SPECIAL ...... 1 Meaty Soup Bone. ;‘.i vA 1 Soup Bunch. ■l-M

And You^ll Find All These Daily, In The * V -I i Asparagus is low, o n ly ...... 31c lb. .ir-.r.,-/ I Celery Ripe Tomatoes Cucumbers Spinach £ Peppers New Carrots U .'.’f • g New Cabbage m - I Try King Arthur Flour I First Delivery, 8 o’clock. -M ■KTf-, > ■ . r-/.; - •••■


which the party leaders don’t want George. Brennan, the Chicago thing more modern, a bit more is where ,tbe surprise comes. to mix. V , ^ ^ _ Democratic boss, probably will fav- sexy. Result, “The Music Mas­ Supporting Francis In the pic-v Gun-Shy o£ Wet Cities ' , vor Indianapolis if he knows the ter” remained as only a memory ture are Lois. Moran and Neil, Cincinnati Is also In Ohio, The convention can!t be held In Chi­ in the minds of thpse iwbo ,Iiad Hamilton^ 1 ‘ DEM0CRA1K LEADERS drys eontend . , that Cincinnati is cago. seen the stage play. But when wet and they’re certainly gun-shy William Fox decided to produce of wet cities following the 1924 the play on the screen his first fiasco. _ STATE CROWD THRILLED move was to sign up Francis fqr WAPPING Louisville wants thh conven­ the lead. And he has done some­ tion, but the powerful group of thing he will not regret. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mussy and leaders of whom we speak feels BY TH E MUSIC MASTER” State patrons utilized the little daughter from New Havea CONVEtmON SHOULD GO TO INDIANA there Is nothing to be gained In standing room in the theater on. were the guests of Miss Betty Kentucky. the picture’s first appearance here Stoughton at the home o f her par-- Detroit Is considered a wet city, Francis Is Second Edition of last night. Handkerchiefs were ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin ^JF. rather out of the way and In a David Warfield Ih This Pic­ used frequently for the pathos of Stoughton. V WHERE DEMOCRATS MAY FIGHT IT OUT. By RODNEY DUTCHER state which the Democrats never ture. the film is such that it brings tears The Pleasant Valley club held its (Copyright, 1927, NEA Service, Inc) carry In a presidential year. to the eyes. regular meeting at the home of Washington.— The next Demo­ Of course, Tom Taggart has al­ The story tells of a famous old Mrs. Wellman Burnham. Mrs, Rob­ His triumph in “ The Return of ert Skinner was to assist Mrs, cratic national convention will be ready got himself an Indiana can­ Peter Grimm’’ is surpassed by Alec musician who lives on New York’s didate in the somewhat obscure East Side, the real East Side as It Burnham as ln|stess but could not held In Indianapolis, a powerful B. Francis, famous character actor,' be present on account of a severe person of Evans Woolen, but in “ The Music Master,’’ which op­ was in 1900. Nothing is known III! group of Democrats who m et/ here while the other Democrats take of the old man but he has become attack of rheumatism and Mrs. 4 recently decided. ened a three day run at the State David Burnham took her place. Taggart himself rather seriously theater last night. Francis Is the the Idol of all the children in the This group, Incidentally, is com­ they don’t take Woolen seriously neighborhood. He ekes out a liv­ Mrs. James Baskervllle of East posed of men who have the Inter­ principal p^art of the film and the Windsor Hill was taken to the at all. production itself is a true to life ing* by giving music Wessons to the ests of the Democratic party at On the other hand, Indiana is children but his Identity is some­ Hartford hospita} where she under­ heart. Recalling what happened picture of New York and Vienna In went an operation for appendicitis. considered a doubtful state in the the years just following 1900,' thing that he keeps dark. !♦*+ In the New York setting in 1924, heart of an Important midwestern It seems that the .old man was A. C. Rose has his cellar for his they are extremely anxious to pro­ It seemed that a greater actor new house at Pleasant Valley 'v/cll area into which the Democrats than the world-famous David War- the leader of the famous symphony vide the most auspicious and least must break In 1928. It has an orchestra and has come to Ameri­ under way. objectionable background for the field had taken the stage star’s ideal location geographically. Its place. Francis, who has been ca to try to find his wife, who ran Wapping Grange will omit their take-off of 1928. railroad communications are the away with a younger man many regular meeting on next Tuesday The consensus of opinion In fa­ playing character parts for several best and adequate hotel accommo­ years, has never had any vehicle years ego. He falls in his quest evening, April 12, as they have vor of Indianapolis was almost dations are promised. but on his travels he encounters a been Invited to meet with East unanimous when the question was which could approach ‘“rhe Music A Doubtfui State Master’’ for sheer opportunity for young woman who is the living im­ Hartford Grange on that evening. brought up and the various cities The tentative agreement on In­ age of his beautiful wife. Certain Every Grange in the state of Con­ bidding for the convention were acting. And he has made good in necticut has been Invited and the dianapolis Is said to be the cold, itj The other characters in* the that she is his daughter, he pre­ considered. deliberate judgment of men in­ pares to keep his Identity secret so High Priest of Demeter is expect­ New York, of course. Is out of film are of the highest caliber but side the party who want to keep they are merely secondary fig­ that her happiness.will not be im­ ed to be present and deliver one the question. The Democratic na­ away from states which are defi­ paired. of his fine addresses. Each Grange tional committee selects the site ures when Francis is on the screen. is to furnish one number for. the nitely biased for one candidate or For years Francis has yearned to The climax comes with a sud­ and if Ne^v Yorfe obtained a half another. denness that leave's the audience program. dozen votes in view of the memo­ play the lead in this production. Mrs. Robert Risley of South Incidentally, Taggart, of course, But it had gone from the stage gasping. For it is not the Music ries of those packed galleries In favors Indianapolis, although he Master who is to make the sacri­ Windsor was the guest of her Madison Square Garden three with the Floradora Sextet and the has not been pushing It, and theater following wanted some­ fice, but another person,* and that mother, Mrs, William Baker of years ago. It would be lucky. Glastonbury last week. Boston AVanto It, Too Boston is tryir.fg to buy the con; vention, but Boston is regarded as an AI Smith town. % SN < r . 7 " -V l i i i M P i For similar reasons— with New s77\<^ i York and 1924 still In mind— Chi­ cago Is considered a worse site ^ ' " I b K . ' than New York, if that is possible. Denver and San Francisco are considered too far west— and Cali­ fornia, incidentally, has a candi­ date in McAdoo. St, Louis is eliminated because Special values for Missouri has a candidate. Senator James A. Reed. The drys add the objection that St. Louis is wet. m The Reed angle is regarded as also pushing Kansas City out of the picture. r-x '••'I 'yWM Cleveland has been seriously considered and still has a bare chance, but the Republican party EASTER is likely to hold its own conven­ The e.xposition and coliseum on the state fair grounds at Indianapolis, Ind., wlier tion there and, If only through Your A & P store has a complete stock c the iie.xt national tradition, the Democrats refuse to Democratic convention may be held, is pictured above. hold their own circus In the same ESTABLISHED tent. Furthermore, Ohio is also 1659 of Easter foods of the finest quality at likely to produce a candidate and there are cross-currents of faction­ exceedingly low prices. HERALD ADVERTISING PAYS—USE IT alism in the Ohio Democracy in WHERE ECONOMY RULES IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE A & P

A & P Stores in Manchester and vicinity close at 9 p. m. every Saturday.

_ Serve one of these delicately flavored hams! IS THE PRIME CONSIDERATION AND WE ' •< LB PAY THE PRICE TO GET!! Cudahy Hams \ l THE ROAD ,Ta GOOD l^any consider this the best'shoulder . . . tee do! INTENTIONS IS PAVED LB WITH I WISH I HADS Handy Shoulders SMITH’S READ Bananas ^ lbs. REALIZE AND DEL MONTE FRUITS PROFIT Raspberries . . . , . . ean 37c Sliced Pineapple , . No. 2 can 21c SELLING OUT! Crushed Pineapple , No. 2 can 18c Loganberries . No. 2 can 25c Sliced Peaches . , No. 1 can 15c Fruits-for-Salads 4 3 c 23c C h e rrie s ,, 35c No. 1 can 23c Asparagus Tips . No. 1 can 31c Spinach . . . . No. 2 V2 c a n 17c A p r ic o ts . No. 2 can 21c YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED These fine eggs are guaranteed . . . you^ll like them! DOZ SELECTED TUESDAY SPECIAL Eggs TOMORROW AT 9 A. M. | TOMORROW AT 9 A, M. Sugar cured, m achine sliced, rindless! Men’s Good 6 Ladies’ LB C g Men’s Athletic K B C SUNNYFIELD Quality Hose Silk Hosiery Union Suits Sliced Bacon Dill Pickles ...... qu art ja r 27c Sweet OP Sweet Mixed P ic k le s ...... quart jar 33o Sour or Sotir Mixed Pickles ...... quart ja r 27c 1500 PAIRS OP 1500 PAIR OF LADIES’ Made in the finest French manner! WHITE CANVAS Tomorrow CAKES LADIES’ SHOES Shoes, Strap Pumps, Lux ToUet Soap 3 Oxfords and Queen Quality, Grover’s and At 9 a. m. ' Nibbles of health . . . whole wheat, butter coated! 'f. Queen Quality. Tomorrow We have forced prices down to Combinations LB earth! We have squeezed the last Tuesday at Q CU TOMORROW Toasterettes nick of resistance out of them. If TUESDAY 5l 49c you know real values when you see AT 9 A. M. Gulden’s Mustard . . ja r 12c Iona Sauerkraut . . . . can 14c ^ Values up to $8.00. them Be Here Tomorrow. Values up to $5.00 Eagle Condensed Milk . c a n 19c H -O O a t s ...... p k g 13c Sunshine Hydrox . . . lb 32o All kinds of^Easter Candies ■ .W.I —7; :.;r , » Quick and Regular Tomorrow Tomorrow, Quaker Oats (Small Size) 3 pkgs. Mallory Tomorrow, MEN’S at 9 a. m. at 9 a, m. Straw Hats at 9 a. m. Imported English The lo a f that stays fresh longest! IBOYS’ AO QQ LARCffi Shirts, Broadcloth [SUITS C p O . i J O MEN’S MEN’S LOAF DRESS 98c = Values up to $8.50. ^ 1 Q 1 COLLEGIAN o I Grandmother’s Bread XV V Sisses Up to 17. PANT^ belts.... o Sc I 79c \■- ‘y 1*-s- The A & P News, published weekly, contaiiM many recipes and helpful household Idnts. Ask the store manager for your copy ...... ' < ■ - T liilE 1 T 1 A ® ^ T S ® . I » a i



BODILY BEAUTY’S UPS^ND DO W N ^if ^ Home Page Editorials Another Exerdse Entailing That Spine f^tretching. , .' ' Womeii^s Club .-(r>

SUMNER. ..V;, Q .im b i m By Olive Roberts Burton THIS HAS MA1*PEM30 her long, slim hands under her This is i to be-no llttle’item about BlIiliT WELLS. NYDA LOMAX, chin, “I never dreamed I’d be so bouncing mamas.; It' concerns WINNIE SHELTON and seTcn lucky!" bouncers for mama. In case you are What about the. woman’s club? other pretty slrls—all employe* Where Is It going? What Is It do- In the big OnrtI* Store—tein “Now, little Spitfire.” T. Q. too genteel to know Jus.t what a prises In n second intriguing turned toward Billy, with the air bouncer is, he Is generally, a man of ■Ing? V •''' V .V .■ *’•/ ^ contest staged by T. ft. CITRTIS of a man who has saved the best stalwart^proportions hired to'hauht The parent club planned in the himself. The prise Is an InTita- tlon to a formal dinner parly at for the last. “I told you I’d do the dance halls'aufi , eject ladies and beginning; with the culture idea, for the Curtis mansion. firing for the Curtis Store, and I’m gentlemen, forcibly. If need's be, the hotteriiieht and education of its Billy I* snnpiclons of T. ft.’* whose deportment leaves much to members has done the natural and - UP*'. motlTe*. “What I* the old man giving you notice right now. np tof” she asks herself repeat­ You’re fired, young lady, and be desired. normal thing. Women have dis­ edly.. Her nnsplclon* are height­ ordered to devote your time to your Bouncers for mamas of school covered that one of the best things ened iThen CLAY CURTI.S, son of children are asked for by Mabel the Mtore o m ie r. beg* her not to violin for the period of one year. that can happen to anybody is to do participate in the contests. She How about it?” Dougherty, a young “ school marm” something for someone else. disregard* his odyice. however. Tears blurred her eyes as she of Sgndy Creek school, N. Y, Miss Thfe original club idea has there­ Cloy has disinherited himself and Mabel was badly beaten up by the fore grown branches that bear Is living with the Wells family nodded at him dumbly, her lips mama of a young hopeful whom the In a poor section of the city, trembling so that she could not every possible kind of fruit— child working In a factory during the school teacher had chided. Serious­ day and vrriting mnsic nt night. have spoken to save her life. welfare, the education of Illiterates, ly, no human beings are so unruly, social service* tax systems, pure At the dinner. Billy sits be­ “For the first time I find you at so unfalb, so dangerous as emotion­ tween DALHART ROMA INF. and a loss for words,” T. Q. Jeered at milk and lovelier towns! Every PRESLEY WARBURTON. Curtis’ ally bUnded parents. It is only the form of benevolent political, social 'X i lawyer, who Is In a snlkv mood. her. “Billy, I have heard you play. exceptional parent who surveys his Romaine, with his fascinating and ci'vic activity is to their credit. personality, his Oriental good I believe you have genius. I hear or her offspring with unprejudiced looks, weaves about Billy a pain­ that my son believes you are des­ eyesi and it is, therefore, only the But the original culture club is fully delicious spell. Billy meets tined to be the greatest American exceptional parent, who is a good still going strong. There are many ^ring the evening RALPH TRU­ c)ubs that got together to read •*} I MAN. whose father owns the anto- violinist. And he should know, for parent, for nothing so harms, a kid ' ■/ f- ll mobile factory In which Clay Cur­ he has heard the best musicians as parents who think said kid al­ plays and books, discuss current tis w orks. events, and listen to lectures on When the party Is over, Billy alive today. Now, little girl, you’re ways 'right, because it’s “theirn.” tells Old T. ft. that she must going to have your chance. F irst- There, I feel better. Thank you so topics of the day. Self-improvement hurry so the hour will not strike much! is its definite aim. for her as it did for a previous how do you like this?" And he R'iSO Cinderella. With nnacconntable stooped for something concealed Sinclair Lewis took a rap at the seriousness. Old T. f t . askst behind his desk. Today’s Best Story! literary club in “ Main Street” that 'wK “What If the hour didn’t strike Here’s today’s best short story as rather hit it in the solar plexus. for yon nt nllf” When he straightened, he held a i'" w The next morning . Billy re­ violin in his hands. The beautiful, found .in the news.' Mai Ling Wong, You remember that the club of ceives . a telegram from Curtis, pretty, daughter of a rich silk mer­ Gopher Prairii dispatched the Eng­ asking her and her mother to be gracious thing that he held clum­ v ^ "I nt hi* home nt ten o’clock. At sily drew the girl out of her chair. chant of Peblng, fell in love with a lish poets neatly and absolutely in . 1 the Curtin home, Billy and her T. Q. put the Instrument in her white youth at am American- mis­ half an hour. ■.r*.') mother find Nydn Lomax and sionary school. But Mai Ling But It did not annihilate the club. WW- - Winnie Shelton. hands, smiled triumphantly as she - .... p$^*« Wong’s ;^parents had arranged mar­ It was like a dose of stiff medicine. NOW GO ON W ITH T H E STORY laid it reverently against her riage for her with an elderly gov­ cheek, her fingers trailing across Clubs sat up and took notice. They CHAPTER XIX ernment official, whose face was as shook themselves and got to work. its dark, gleaming surface as If she yellow as the river mu(jl. Pretty Mai DILLT and her motner seated needed the assurance of every They saw that if they were really •^themselves on a divan at some Ling-was carried to her wedding in going in for improvement they nerve In them that the wonderful a palanquin. When they opened the distance from Nyda Lomaz and thing actually existed. would have to do it Intelligently or Winnie Shelton. crimson silk curtains to carry out be the butt of all the Joe Millers. “Professor Navratll made a trip the little bride, they found her un­ “Good morning, girls. Er—good to Kansas City especially to buy it But the cultural club is still un­ conscious, her face a lake of blood. Poswl by Davenle Watson and Kathryn Aj^ar, of New Waybnm's studio. morning, Mrs. Wells. I presume it’s for me,” T. Q. explained, his own She had slashed her cheeks with a der the fire of criticism. It still Mrs. Wells?” T. Q. Curtis ap­ voice shaking a little with excite­ dagger. Her beauty gone, the elder­ bears the stigma more or less of By NINON peared In the door-way, bowing in ment. ly bridegroom did not want her, hut time waster. Why this should be I courtly fashion. “Allow me to “Now, girls, I do not want you the rest of the tale is not finished. cannot say. Women who give all That beauty has its ups and Sport Belt make you acquainted with my "7 should like to make you three girls my wards yor the period of one to decide without taking time for According to the story books, the their time to household duties and downs is demonstrated by the exer­ lawyer, Mr. Warburton, Mrs. year.” thought. Mr., Warburton here has white lover will be ready with open have no time nor opportunity at cises I am going to advise today. Wells.” prepared an agreement, at my dic­ 1 arms. Blit in real life—-well, that’s home to keep themselves abreast of It combines a number of highly ef­ Nyda rose, posing a little self­ the questionnaire contest. The swept over the fair, delicate fea­ tation, which ha will now read to the end of the story when we know the times certainly have the right fective muscular movements, with consciously, with one long, slim secqnd contest told me what vou tures of the girl v^ho had wheedled you, and which you will sign at this what will happen. for an hour or two a week to hear the spine-stretching that I recom­ mend so highly. • hand on her hip. “Mother had al­ would do with money, opportunity, a school teacher into filling out her hour tomorrow, after consultation intelligent discussions on up-to- ready gone to work when your If they came to you. Last night, un­ questionnaire for her. It passed with your parents. If they are will- hlary and Careers. date questions, reviews of worth­ Stand uprirght, knees toge'#.er, and arms stretched as high in the telegram came this morning, Mr, known to you, the third contest quickly, however, and was suc­ ing for you to accept. Please read A "career” Is just the only thing while books, and get authentic in­ was held. There is no necessity for ceeded by a lovely, eager bright­ air as possible. Then bend the Curtis. I hope it’s all right for me the agreement, Mr. Warburton.” in the world that makes life worth formation about people and affairs. knees until you are sitting on your to come alone—” my going into details as to how'' I ness, as she nodded her little sil­ While the lawyer read the heav­ living for women. Mary Garden said The leisured woman who has op­ chose the three of you—Nyda Lo­ very blond head emphatically. heels, at the same time lowering “Quite all right, under the cir­ ily phrased, legal document, Billy this Just before she sailed for her portunity-and time and money lO your arms until they are at right cumstances.” T. Q. smiled slightly. max, Winnie Shelton, Billy Wells” “If you accept my offer, Winnie, sat huddled in her chair. Vaguely summer on-the Riviera. “A career get first-hand information may per­ —he told the names off with one angles -with ygur body. Then up “And your—father, I believe it is. you will be enrolled immediately in she heard clauses that sounded should be the feet that propel a haps lay herself open to criticism and at it again. Miss Winnie?” forefinger tapping the other—“for the Knox Secretarial School, and queer—something about promising woman through life,” ' she said. by not having her membership in the rules of choosing must be my This is more strenuous than It “Yes, 1 have no mother.” Win­ will attend classes daily from nine not to be married during the year, ‘With a career, a woman can get a what may he called a utility club, secret. You were chosen. And I looks, and is apt to cause rather nie’s small, musical voice struck a to twelve. Your afternoons will be something else about “good con­ firm stand in the world and let all provided she does no other useful acute discomfort unless you begin plaintive note. “ Dad had already hope that you will be glad, when free—for pleasure.” duct,” an astonishing Jumble of the gales of love or sorrpw blow you hear the proposition 1 have work. ■with five or six- bendings and work gone to work, too.” “That—that will be perfectly words in which the Incredible sum that will. I am convinced for all But the average woman is a busy prepared to put before you.” up gradually to greater speed and The department store owner took lovely,” Winnie gasped. “And 1 can of five hundred dollars a month as time of the efficacy of expression woman giving much of her time to endurance. his own seat behind his big desk, Nyda and Winnie stirred in their really live here in this wonderful personal income for each girl was for women through work.” others. Why should she not he al­ As you raise your arms, try to and the lawyer. Warburton, drew seats and smiled self-consciously. house?” mentioned and emphasized, with Mary may not demand any reas­ raise your body as high as you can surance from me as to her view­ lowed a few hours a week to im­ a straight, high-backed chair up to “I don’t intend to keep you in “I hope that all three of you restrictions that seemed absurdly prove herself? from the hips, and make yourself the desk for himself. His face was suspense long,” T. Q. grinned at simple—but what did it all matter? point. But I can’t resist underscor­ as tall as possible. girls will live here,” he assured ing it. I am sure,, too, that Mary no. set and cold with disapproval. them. “As briefly as possible, this her. “Now, Nyda, if youi don’t mind She held in her arms such a violin This exercise is more interesting :bliw “ You may recall," T. Q. Curtis is what I should like very much to more excludes “ home-making” from if you do it with music. When you my calling you that—” as she had dreamed of, but had the “ career” list, any more than do 1 / ' j began, “that, in announcing the do—make you three girls my wards “Oh, no, sir!” Nyda gasped, her never dared hope to own. finish, it is well to rest by lying for a period of one year, taking you I. All women who, make real Jobs ten winners of the second contest, eyes glittering with anticipation. “Now, girls,” said T. Q., “I am flat on the floor. Then follow into my home exactly as if you of their home Jobs have their “ ca­ I told you that I felt the need of “Nyda, you have expressed a going to ask you to leave, without Lifers Niceties with previous exercises which may ■ :a were my daughters. During the reer” as surely as the Mary Gar­ The sort Of belt one will wear young life about me, in my home, very noble ambition in your ques­ further discussion. Your parents be done in a reclining position. year that you will be my foster dens who sing and the me’s who with sport clothes, wide and of now that 1 am childless as well as tionnaire and in your essay, ‘If I need have no fear of your entire daughters—if you accept my offer— write pieces for the papers. HINTS ON ETIQUET water snake. wifeless. My son. Clay, has, as he had a hundred thousand dollars. safety while under my roof. I r each of you will be trained for calls it, disinherited himself, for You say that you love children have arranged with Mrs. Lucia Lady Plumbers. Eggs preserved with a new pro­ reasons that appear good and suf­ the work for which you have ex­ Meadows, widow of a former gov­ cess for fourteen weeks produced pressed a high ambition.” with all your heart, and that you With cooking and cleaning class­ ficient to him. The fact remains would like to become a trained ernor of this state, to live here es f()r men cropping up in every 1. If a very old man and very chicks that were strong and heal­ EASTER FLOWERS that I am a lonely man, and 1 have For the first time in her life with you, and to act as your city, i t is not amazing to hear that thy. Billy Wells felt as if her sturdy kindergarten teacher, so that you young girl are introduced, PHONE YOUR ORDER a great deal more money than it is might do social service work in chaperon and as hostess of my classes for the purpose of teaching Augustus, in the document at­ good for one man to have.” heart was about to fail her. Her home. I hope all three of you will ■women how to handle household which name is spoken first? _ tached to his will, mentioned that TODAY hand tightened about her mother’s the day nurseries of a big city. Col­ .As he paused, Billy reached for fax is big enough now to need your decide to accept my offer. I shall plumbing, how to mend furniture, 2. Is an unmarried woman in- he had exhibited 8,000 gladiators her mother’s hand and held it until Mrs. Wells winced with pain. do my utmost to make you happy. and 3,510 wild beasts. Anderson Greenhouses services.” how; to wield a, saw and hammer, tro(iuced to a man’ied woman, 153 Eldridge St. Pl|poe.2f21 tightly, but her eyes never left T. “Miss Shelton—” T. Q. resumed Good morning.” are also taking enrollment. It’s not after a slight pause. Billy was forced to utter admira­ or is the married woman intro­ Q.’s stern, sad face. tion for Nyda’s self-control. Not by Mrs. Meadows! Billy stumbled especially funny nor at alii amazing. “1 have been casting about for “Oh, please call me Winnie, If a flicker of her pet black eyelashes to her feet. If Mrs. Meadows was to People Just get tired of the same duced to the single woman? weeks for a plan by which I could I’m going to be your daughter!” did she betray the fact that her make her home here, then her old Job.-—why not, and what of it? 3. What is the very worst bring happiness to at least a few Winnie’s musical, eager voice ambition had been born in Eddie nephew. Dal Romaine— possible '^pression to use ir. (HIDIIEN CRY^ members of the only family 1 have pleaded. “Oh, I could just die, I’m Banning’s fertile, crafty brain, and Nyd^, her eyes boring levelly introducing people? left-T-my store family. It has struck so happy!” that she disliked children with all into Billy’s, said slowly, “I wonder me, during the years that I have The Answers. “Foster daughter, or ward,” T. her lazy, man-crazy nature. how long the sheik’s going to be in TEST ANSWERS 1. The girl’s name, no. matter how F O R '^ R U ” been an employer, that girls have Q. corrected her, but Billy saw that “You will enroll for a course of town. Look at her blush, Winnie. young, is spoken first. The man is a much harder time of it than Here are the answers to “ Now he was pleased. “Well, Winnie, you instruction in kindergarten work Well, I give you fair warning, introduced to her. young men. If circumstances force have indicated on the question­ in the Cordelia Blount School, and girls. All’s fair in love and war.” You Ask One” for today. The ques­ Especially Prepared for Infants tions are printed on the comic 2. A single woman Is Introduced them to go to work early, any high naire that your highest ambition is will attend classes from nine to (To Be Continued) page: t(i the married woman. and Children of AH Ages ambitions they may have are sacri­ to fit yourself to be an expert pri­ twelve, having your afternoons 3. “ Shake hands with 1-^Cuneiform. ficed to the immediate necessity of vate secretary to a big business free for other study and recreation, Clay dampens Billy’s Joy wltk bis making a living. It was to learn 2.—Egypt, Babylon, (Jreece and Mother! Fletcher’s Castoria has man. Is that right?” just as Winnie will have.” dark forebodings as to her future been in use for over 30 years to re­ your ambitions that I decided upon A ludicrously blank expression “Oh, Mr. Curtis!” Nyda clasped as T. ft.’s ward. Read tomorrotr’s Persia (In the order named). chapter. 3— King Philip of Macedon. Shingling among women may lieve babies and children of Const!-* pation. Flatulency, Wind Colic and i—-The Athenian fleet defeated result in a race of bearded women, says a doctor who points out that Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness the'Persian fleet in the greatest arising therefrojm, and, by regulat­ naval’battle of ancient times. men who let their hair grow on their heads have practically none ing the Stomach and Bowels, aids Bread ...... 3 5— Mark. Antony, Lepidus and 3 0.5 18 on their faces. the assimilation of Food; giving Butter ...... 0 25 0 Octavius. natural sleep without opiates. Egg (one) ...... 6 6 0 6^—Augustus Casear. The genuine bearsf signature of Good Nature Brazil n u ts ...... '...... 5 20 2 7— Constantine the Great. Orange (one) ...... 0 0 10 8— In the Balkan'peninsula, MBS. ADA M. a n d Grapefruit (one) ...... 0 0 10 9— In 410 A. D. Vegetables, 5 and 10% g rou p s...... 0.5 0 1 10;—-Alaric. The person who chooses his diet wisely will select a sufficient pro­ MERRIFIELD portion of each of these dietaary constituents to provide the demands Good Ifailtk"^ of proper nutrition. ( Teacher of / Mandolin. ' Tenor Banjo TOO MANY CARBOHYDRATES so well adapted to human use when Mandola Cello-Banjo WILL M.AKE YOUR W’EIGHT these form the only source of pro­ Many fathers are now engaged Ukulele Mando-Cello A Tailleur If'the face powder'you now use THE DOUG AN DYE WORKS RISE tein in the diet. in workng their sons’ way through Banjo-Mandolin college! does' not stay on long- enough to CLEANSERS_AI®JDYERS \- By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN The starchy substances are, how­ suit you-—does not keep that ugly Ensemble Playing for Advanced ever, an important source of carbo­ shine away Indefinitely— does not Pupils. ' IBLEPHONB^IMO ’ Fditor Journal of the American All people smile In the sanae M . XudncAefiert^JLoBa.' « ^ ' Medical Association and of Hygeia, hydrates and thefr use is largely make your skin colorful like a Agent for Gibson Instruments. language. peach— try this new wonderful spe­ the Health Magazine associated with the tendency to Odd Fellows’ Block overweight. For Instance, potatoes, cial French Process Face Po'wder baked greens, green corn, boiled No man ever loved a woman called MELLO-GLO. Remember the At the Center.- -Boom 8. Mon- ^ The average American has a rice.and boiled macaroni contain 20 when h© was busy. name MELLO-GLO. Thera’s nothing day, Tuesday, Wednesday and ''iweet tooth. This, with his special per cent of carbohydrates; green like It. J. W. Hale Co.— adv* Thursday- Top Coat Weather ,, ’ desire for meat, is the major idi­ peas, artichokes, parsnips and can­ The only thing original about Now for the -windy Spring days.... too warm ” - osyncrasy of his diet. ned lima beans contan 15 per cent some folks Is original sin. of carbohydrates. The following for the heavy overcoat... .but just n^ht for ^ ^ T h e rise of cereal grains, includ­ table provided by Joslin indicates Wru”' ing rice, wheat, rye, maize and bar­ the number of gramms of protein, the top coat that has been on the hanger all ley, is one of the major develop­ fat and carbohydrates respectively ments of modern civilization. The in one ounce or '30 grams of some winter. Send it over to Dougan’s . .. .and proteins of beans and peas are not common food substances: HAVE COLOR IN CHEEKS Here In So. Manchester S’- ' r.~ for nine years— that’s a record that see what a snappy, up-and-coftiing cofit will Carbo- If yotu: skin is yellow—(ximplexion Protein Fat hydral pallid—tongue ccatkl-appetite poor— means something to every customer of come back to you in two or'three days'! Gm. Gm. Gm. you have a bad taste in your mouth-i- dairy products. 2 20 a lazy, no-good feeling—you should A film that has been in existence that 3 0 take O live T ablets. Cleaning and dyeing...... promptly andrji^ectly " Crackers, t w o ...... 10 1 1 Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets—a sub­ long has been giving the right kind of Oysters, six ...... 4 6 1 stitute for calomel—were prepared by service, and can be depended up (SB i . 1 0 6 SOfJTH MANCHfSTi/tCONN. tacon (cooked) ... h ave n o dangerous a fter ^ e c t s . ' •;* tjt • • « . 5 15 0 London’s death toll of street ac­ They start the bile and overcome con­ Ireaniv 40 per cent . . 1 12 1 ream, 30 per cent . cidents is lower than that of New stipation. Take niAtly and note the . 1 6 1' York City, although London .has ] pleasing results. Millions of boxes sold il.lt ...... S • • I . 1 i 1.5 larger pi^ulation by I.OOO.OOOJ, yearly. 15i^ 30c^ €0c. AUDnigpsts.

, m, :. ^■1 r -,i^* . .‘j.

. " ^ '-^9. ^ Mi^CHESTER (CX)NN.) EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, APRIL 11, l927i FAGS EEg^'ib t ; I

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0.y.-.?> M u U r \ n rs HE4.D1U» MOiic f»conc t h a n J C S ^ t *• MT.OIT. errrr 0'F«rreU Schalk Carrigan Moiiarty McO«Ui9t»r Mc$onis Howley BoiAi Where will these eight new managers land their Mdnnis.'Bush and O’Farrell are the new pilots In from the ranks, while. Mclnftis was acquired from elevated to manager from his position as coach. respective teams this season? the National League. - There are five new ones In the Pittsburgh to assume the managerial role. Moriarty is well known as a big league umpire. American League—Schalk, .Moriarty, McAllister, Bush is making his debut-in the National League, . Where will they land .their clubs? The early dope There exists little reason to r. some to expect a Howley ahd'Carrigan. while Carrigan is fetumlong to the Red Sox In the is favorable to Moriarty, O’Farrell, Bush and perhaps BASEBAU SEASON berth in the first division. Others are more optimistic Mclnnis, Schalk and O’Farrell are playing mana­ hope of restoring prestige that was theirs ten years Howiey, McCallister and Schalk, but there, is little A few face doubly hard tasks because of a good fin­ gers. The former is an inflelder and the latter two ago. Howley managed the Toronto club. International room for optimism in th e ’hearts of Carrigan and OPEtS TOMORROW ish by their clubs last season. are catchers. Schalk and O’Farrell were elevated League pennant winners, last season. McCallister was Mclnnis. terest. On paper, the Chicago club of Pirates, Reds, Cards And Giants In National, thie yga'r is no more impressive: Conran Calls Canade Ej^ect All Pirks to Be Jam- than last. Yet It has two strong points, a mighty good manager Athletics, Yanks, Indians AndrSenators In The: and a very efficient pitching staff, His Easiest Opponent ned For Opeoiog Game^ featuring Charley Root,: Tony, Kaufmann, Percy Jones, Fred American Is Evan*s Dope On Baseball Finish Blake, Guy Bush and some capable W ere Tkey Play. reserve performers. ' "Of course I will take Canade dug.up an old sore existing from a Of the five coptenders, I would on. 'Why, I consider him the easiest match a year- ago when he claims he rolled a south end man without rate Pittsbuzigh, Cincinnati and St. of all the south End bowers.. I am BT OAT18 J. WALSH Detroit, However, Is Robins, Phillies and Louis as the most formidable, a foul being called on his own al­ with the possibility they might fin­ willing to start a series of- twenty leys at the north end and then had (IKS Sports Editor) Dark Horse and May Braves Fail to Im­ ish In that order, while New York games with him Saturday' of this a foul called against him in the last Shatter Predictions press as Pennant and Chicago form the second tier week, foul line or Uot. I t mkkes no box' of his match at the south end Net»- Tork, April 11.—Profes­ of probable winners. Boston, difference to me. Only if it is % be on Murphy’s alleys when he needed sional pessimists, who like to'think About A’s. Possibilities. Brooklyn and Philadelphia brilng fool line snatchy A competent heu- a spare with a liberal filling which that the siege of Troy was a up the rear. txsl hersoh must be In charge.” he claims to have made, only ta BY BILLY EVANS ' That is the reply gained from an have ruled void. i^'carry” In order to make the thing By BILLY EVANS interview Saturday night with Conran said L. C. Clifford, man­ look good, vdll be trampled under Tommy Conran as to- whether or ager of the local branch of the foot in.-the rush toward the turn­ It strikes me that trying td dope the American League race la a far Five National ‘League clubs, to The modern girl is game, it seems; not he Is ' willing to accept the Southern New England Telephon« stiles tomorrow by a quarter mli- Local Basketball Authority Sees Abundance of 'Travel- my way of thinking, are entitled to bowling challenge hurled at him a Company would suit him as a ioul lioh souls, faithful always to their more difficult ta^k than the She’ll do just as she wishes; few days ago by Joe Canade, one of Nationa'l. be ranked as 1927 pennant con­ In fact, she’ll do most anything. line judge. ahnual^riyst with the game that Is It wouldn’t surprise me if, at tenders, The other three must the leading bowlers In the, senior C. as mnch a part of America as ing’’ Next Season; Says Change Has Merits As Well As go Into the also-ran class. Except the dinner dishes. B. A. A. league. Canade Issued a Bikrtholdfs Liberty and the corner various times during the summer, In order to get the proposition challenge through The Herald to cigar store. Major League baseball, the standing of the American niore definitely beforfe fandqnl, I Cdnran for a foul line match. And Airplanes have been used for League showed some decidedly un­ Faults; Likes Other Altera tions in Code. am going to immediately eliminate Conran’s answer means that It is sowing rice over marsh lands In buffeted and abused through a win­ usual complications, due to' unex­ Oh, well, a loving cup is merely ter of discontent, .is to have its three clubs-^Boston, Brooklyn and another thing to dust. now up to Canade to back up his Manitoba, Canada, to furnish food pected strength from certain quar­ Philadelphia-^from serious consid­ ofldal opening within twenty-four ters. statement. Howard Murhhy, his for wild fowl. kours and, regardless of whether By The Sports Editor. eration. manager, says Canade is ready, so its feet bo clay or wh^te lead, This despite the fact that every I cannot hold out much hope for it looks like action again. The cheetah, used In India for America Is willing to line its National League manager with Skepticism exists in the. mind of Wilfred J. Glarke, basket-, “Stuffy” Mclnnis, new manager of None are so blind as those who In insisting that competent offl hunting, is the fastest animal liv­ pockets with goW. in order to re­ whom I have talked, considers the ball coach at Manchester High school, regarding: the benefits to the Phillies. I fear he is to fol­ can’t see the other fellow’s duty. clalB watched the foul lines, Conran ing oven a distance of 200 yards. new a friendship, that will endure Philadelphia Athletics as the hot be derived from the drastic changes inflicted on the basketball low in the footsteps of his prede­ through the ages. choice in the American League, the cessors and finish last. The pen­ one best bet of the majors. rules by the joint rules committee'in its annual session in New nant stuff simply isn’t there. In New York York ^turday. The most Outstanding change, and the one Here In New York, Ty Cobb, a It is hard to get a big league While I cannot figure Boston as central figure in a mld-wlnter scan­ manager to definitely commit him­ which will probably draw fire from many of the leading coaches a pennant contender by the wildest dal that came to nothing, will be self on the race in his own league, throughout the country, is the restriction of tfie dribble to one stretch of imagination, still I can shown In the uniform of the Phlla- yet he will discuss the strength and bound. While it has its merits, a question exists as to whether see where the Braves, have enough weakness of the rival organization strength to be troublesome, delphia;:^thletlqa Jor the first IJme fwithbut the slightest hesitatlohi these wilL wershadow itia.4iefect^... The other changes-in the Brooklyn will get- -pretty good since Be' entered the major leagues code are o'f a trivial nature and are generally accepted as mark­ pitching and should offer a fairly ts^enty-two years ago. With him “The Athletics are in now,” was the way I heard John McGraw greet ed improvements. Coach Clarke likes them All except the drib­ good defense, but I fear the sta­ will be Eddie Collins, returning to bility of the infield will be the the scene of his early fame, and “Kid” Gleason. “I don’t see how ble alteration. any team has a chance to beat your cause of much worry for Manager Zaoh Wheat, almost a hallowed Previously, the number of the danger of fouling that is in­ Wilbert Robinson. figure now. club. It Is too strong in every de­ volved. Undoubtedly players will partment of play.” bounds In the dribble had been un­ Ta-the Philies is consigned last “The co-attraction will be Babe limited and the chief fault was be taught to pass the ball almost as place, with Boston and Brooklyn Buth, moat .famous of all ball play- Five other National League that it encouraged Individual play­ soon as they get hold of It. fighting it out for sixth place, the *rs, and the New York Yankees, managers expressed a similar ing, thus marring teamwork, and “But the dribble restriction has Braves having a slight edge. X the playing-through champions, opinion to me when I put the query also that it slowed up the game. its advantage too,” Clarke contin­ Having placed the three clubs as to whom they liked in the ued. It will go a long way toward and the thing is a push-in from a This is true to a great extent but that on form do not loom as pen­ y' box office standpoint. Only the American League. there are times when dribbling is eliminating persona/ fouls, much of nant contenders, let us ‘discuss the World Series Itself has witnessed a One manager, however-, took a necessary. Take,, for instance, when which have been committed on five that appear to be decidedly in of Merit bigg«r advance sale than the local definite stand to the contrary. “I a player,In possession of the ball players in the act of dribbling; It the running. opening. cannot see where the Athletics are has eluded the last opponent be­ should aid in tbe elimination of Since the St. Louis Cardinals Beautiful patterns, well tailoreii and the best- ' Eight New Managers* a much better club than last sea­ tween himself ^ d the enemy’s bas­ rough play and encourage team­ won the Pennant last season, also' Sight n ^ managers will make son,” he said, “even though sev­ ket and neither are there any work but I doubt as a whole wheth­ the world championship,'they are fabrics at GlenneJ^^s. their bow. BUI-Carrigan, famous as eral veteran stars have been added teammates in this territory, he will er the change will be for the good deserving of initial consideration Venway park itself, coming back to the roster of the club. either be forced to shoot, from of basketball or not. After a season in the matter of pennant possibili­ to Boston and the town where he “Will these veterans he able to where he is, or wait for a fellow- of practical use, however, it may ties. won woHd’h championship. Other go the route? Can they keep a fast player to dart under the basket for prove a great improvement. It Is , Unquestionably, the holdout sit­ pace from start tolflnish, as was a pass. This delay would, In nine altogether too early to make a def­ uation has hampered the spring new ones are Bob O’Farrell with inite , decision. Time, alone, will to $ the Cardinals; Dan Howley with their custom when at the top of cases out of ten, be fatal as It un­ training of several of the Cardinal $25 33-50 tell,” he-concluded. the Browns; Donle Bush with Pitts- their game? They -a'iH surprise m2 doubtedly would allow the oppon­ stars. .Even should they sign be­ if they do.” ents ample time to form a defense. Other Changes fore the opening of the season. It Two Pant Suits ^ burghi Ray Schalk with the White Second in Importance of the code strikes me that the condition of Sox; George Moriarty with the There you have the 'opinion of Under the existing rules, a player the only dissenting manager In the ill such a case,' simply dribbles alterations was the decision to take several , will have been seriously Tigeti, Stuffy Mclnnis with the time out on- all fouls. Heretofore, retarded because of failure to Phllllej and'Jack McCallister with National League, as to the chances quickly up to the basket where his of the Athletics to win in the efforts are usually awarded with an time has been taken out only on agree on terms. the indius. li Is a matter of record technical fouls and personal fouls Another angle that enters strong­ that a new manager never kept an American Ldague. easy try for two points. Coach Last season, while the experts Clarke, liowev^i, say^ it will be where two bhdts are* allowed. The ly into the Cardinal situation is ui addict away from an opening, game. possible for the players, in many new rule will add from between that of manager. The club will be In fact, granted > favorable were ridiculing the Yankees as the Joke club of the American League, similar instances, to employ a long, three to five minutes of actual piloted by Catcher Bob O’Farrell, weather. It would surprise no one hard and quick bounding dribble, playing time-to tne game and will a great receiver, making his debut If t h e r m s played to capacity, or I made this prediction in summing up the strength and the weaknes of that will ftut ihe ball ih position prevent stalling‘by teams that are as leader. That will give service at aH* times. With two pairs of thnreihoui, ia each of the eight for recovery much nearer the bas­ leading when they are attempting Will the quiet, soft-spoken favorM cities. The Phillies gen­ the various clubs. O’Farrell be able to get as much “The Yankees form a pretty good ket than the ordinary perpendicu­ foul tries. A team has often lost a Knickers, one long and one short trouser. erally! are picked to go nowhere lar dribble.' Tnis would come with­ game in the closing minutes of play work out of his players as the dom­ very tanldly; yet with Hornsby and ball club. The team Is far from be­ .because of this kind of stalling. inant Hornsby? I doubt it. ing as weak as some of the scribes in the new rules as It would involve, Eddie ^Rdusfa, new Giants, as the but one bound, ot the ball. 'The third change in the basket­ “O’F^rrell has a chance to re­ headliners, no customer will suffer are painting it. The Yanks will he ball code will, to a great extent, do peat it if they let. him alone,” says (rem loneliness at the Baker as good as they Want to be, for'the Biggest Trouble away with the so-called “whistle- Manager Rogers Hornsby, “but un­ to ^•tadinm. club is potentially strong. Spirit ‘ “The biggest trouble the coaches solo.” It forbids the sounding of less he asserts himself; he will $22-50 At Washington Trls Speaker will will determine the standing of the are going to have in teaching the the whistle on Jump balls, except have at least two other executives be the: headliner. club more than any other factor.” dribble change,” commented Coach on the beginning of periods and managing the club for him. That Neir York and Washington The Yanks early decided they Clarke, “is in keeping the players after time has been taken out. Pre­ will be fatal.” epeniMi cinnot wlsf; neither can wanted to be a very good club, so from ‘traveling.’ Of course, every viously the whlstle has been sound­ I do- not like the chances of the ileydl«Bd’K fnaugural with the they Went out and won the pennant time a player bounds the ball more ed after each basket and by Some Cardinals to repeat nearly as much , ilte Sox nor t^e champion Cardi­ Babe Ruth, in fine condition, eager than once, It is going to be a tech­ referees on .shots from, out pt as I would If the same aggregation nals invi^ion -of Chicago against a for a big year so as to command a nical foul—an outside ball' for the bounds. as last year were representing St. Boys’ OxfordS) Shirts, Blouses, Belts, Hosiery, ^rlsing young ball club that may fancy contract for 1927. came other side,; and by the way, there The ohanges in the rules will af­ Louis. The odds are certainly through. His spirit was the team’s will probably be an over-abundance fect all teams that play basketball against thf Cardinals. ^ live to knock them all off. Boston, McGraw -has' a good-looking of course, will support its Braves Inspiration. of such plays next season. Under under amateur rules in the county, [ Caps and Neckwear for Easter wear* The same holds good for the and no doubt will be the cause of ball club. Incidentally New York «ffainft the Dodgers as only Boston the new rule, however, I look for­ has John McGraw as manager, I eaa and St. Louis, convinced by the Yankees this year. The club can he ward to coaches discarding the Intensive, drilling long before 1927- The same careful attention will be given the. boys when Just as good as It wants to he. The dribble almost entirely because of 28 season looms. which Is some- item. However, I '|Oards that there is a Santa Claus, -______:______have my serious doubts as to his sent to this store alone as they would receive accompimiscl by ▼ill be out there to tell the Brown*; spirit shown by Ruth will have much to do in molding the showing pitching staff- If it comes through «sd Tigers that anything Is possi­ of the club. , ^ peat his big year and cafil George should present a strong front and for him, McQra'w is going to be a their parents. ble s)ew. Uhle again come through with 25 make a most respectable showing. contender all the way. The Pifates and Reds, pre-season Some of the exerpts are of the It’s a smart ball club-and should Of the other National League ivorltes, vlll be another “natural’' opinion that the Babe won’t be as or more games? get good pitching. contenders, the Pittsburgh club 'tor the Cincinnati opening. valuable this year, now that he is Those are three most Important The Boston Red Sox seem to he impresses me most. It seems to sitting on top of the world with a things to dwell on when you start the only club that can be pasked have no weakness ,and is well sup­ Ne'W' Arrivals ' pree-year contract. That • remains doping Cleveland’s chances to finish over, briefly.^ Bill Carrigan, great plied as,to> teserves. It is a much to be seen. There is no denying that better club .tharf ,it showed last . SWTHMOro GLASS A# seepnd or better. ' manager that he is, must do much nis play Is a vital point In cohsld- experimenting beforp he can figure Reason. Dissension then robbed it REO. LATE IN APRIL erlng the chances of the Yanks. • Detroit strikes me as the club of much of its strength. Despite that is going to be the dark horce on making any . great upward In Men’s Suits and Topcoats Washington in the American this, the Pirates, always had a The last swimming lessons of of the American League; It is a strides on the pennant ladder. League is much like New York fin chance. . . ’ - Something different that men are looking for. To be prdperly clothed wear clotlk* L the present series will be given on the National, a great club that pre- mnch better team than it showed Philadelphia, New York, Cleve-., - Donle ^ush is a capable,, aggres­ ■Tiesday and Thursday evenings of, sents much uncertainty as to its last season. No’ doubt a lot of the land and Washington get the ca.lL sive, resourceful manager, who ing bearing Glenney’s label. ' 1 this wdbk at the School street Rec. pitching. I players'Will be out to prove that for the first four; Detroit, Chicago, will get eyerythlng passible outiof and St. Louis are strongest po'sel- LOver a hundrdd woffien and girls BoMtlng a great Infield, the best fact. It Wouldn’t aurprise me If De­ the club. I would sax that he has babe been receiving instructions troit complicated the standing of bilities, yiith Boston trailing. dropped into, a pretty soft spot as m dfkly and many more have signi- outfield in the majors and a su­ perior catdhlng staff, Washington the Junior league considerably be­ jmknager. He has a fine chancs to jflld their Intentions of Joining the tween April and October. to over -in his first -yeari series ▼hlch begins the week win prove a whale of a team If It to $46.50 gets the pitching. I don’t like Ui Dan Howley, In his firsts year as Why does a red-headed woman Cincinnati has great pitching. I .01 ApHl 25, would rate its twirling staff the I On Tuesday evening. April 19 at Obanhes on that score any too well, manager ot • the fit. ^ Louis Broyrns, marry a very meek man? the more so' since the club Is to Is looking into, the future. .Ldo not She doesn’t. .He’* Juit becomes best in -the National League. That |;7:dO there will be a swimming that way. feature, alone entitles i(>. to serious ^ .. ty Cqr the members of the Tues- be handicapped by the loss of Wal­ rate the Browns< a strong pennant .consideration in trying to pick the f dijr classes. The Thursday classes ter Johnson ' for perhaps two contender, neither does Dan, but it winner. vlll haye their party on Thursday months. is a club that will make trouble. Econbiny. Ofyi^ords, ik it^e-firat'. rule of"good'W^riting. : : ' Chicago Is the mystery club. It svhning. April SI at at 7:30. I doubt If Cleveland will he as Howley Is now building for'the didn’t look like a first division G t E N N E Y ^ S All thbii who wish to sign up strong as last year. I cannot see future. iteam to me last spriM# yet it finr llor the party are requested to do how aqy club can lose so brilliant The loss of Johnny Mostil will be “What'g-that string on ybfir flng'i '^iahed fourth, with’a percentage of , wHhn^tnelr . class meets this a performer as Trls Speaker and nr for?” ' severely felt: by. Chicago. Despite — Plumber:"That’s to remind me .532. It was the dark horse of the JioV suffer. Will .George Burns re- this the Sox, under Ray Schalk, .to forget my. tools.” race, a contender most of the way aaA hr its shnwiiUK added macli


^ " • .j-.-i ji- \' ' Jlci»* -a Watch And Read Classiftcedioh t2i Decide NOW

Want Ad Infonoatloit Announcomeiiti S : tot' SiOe ^ 45 Farm and Land for Bade ^ 71 Hotuea for Sale 72 L e ^ Notices

SINGER SEWING MACHINES — ANTIQUES . 6‘ BOOM SINGLE for sale, U1 Im- 'AT A COURT OF PRO?ATE HELD Manchester Wanted the public to know that onr Antiques bought, sold, repaired, re­ fprovements, including heat and gas, at Manchester, within and-, for the office Is now at the Liadles’ Shop. stored. Reflnlsbing and upholstering 2-car garage, chicken coop, fruit district of Manchester, on the 9th. Evening Herald 535 Main street telephone 5S-A For of old and modern furniture. V. ihlckbn ’ favni.' ■.-Brlce':i‘$'4500.' / See trees, lot, 150x140, owner out of day of April. A. D., 1927. ____ ' new Singer sewing machines repair Hedeen, 37 Hollister, street Stu^rtirua.rt,'>'J. -. W asl^, 827. Main- street. ;tbwn, price $5500. See Jas. J. Rohan. , Present WILLIAM S .‘ HYDE, Esq., Classified Advertisements work, or genuine Singer needles, oil Telephone .1428. ;Tel. 1668. Judg^0« and supplies, Ii. B. Ashland, Is our Estate Pf Ellen Courtney .late of Count six average words to a llna BuSdingf Materials' 47 6" ROOM BUNGALOW in high loc^ only local representative. Singer -'-i- X-. -.‘•3’ Manchester In said district deceased. Initials, numbers and abbreviations, Sewing Machine Co. \ Hi.on, t-wo car garage, chicken coop, ‘ Upon application of John McGlinn, each count as a word and compound CONCRETE BLOCKSr-Cp3m« BBB , improvemonts, built two years ago, praying th^t ’an Instrument j purport-j words as two words. Minimum cost SPIRITUALIST MEETING will be I will give you; a= baiS^ln. Alfred with ;extra 16t Prooe $4400. $400 cash Ing to be the last will and testament is price of three lines. held at 216 School street, Saturday RoUet Wlhderihere street Telephone ••win take It. See' P. D. Comollo, 13 of said deceased be admitted to pro| evening, April 9th, at 8 o’clock. 1964-8. > V ’ ■ , ■ •■Oak' street TeL 1540. bate be 'ranted on said estate, as pe \ Line rates per day for transient application on file, it is STEAMSHIP TICKETS to and from 7 ROOM BUNGALOW, new, all im- \p.ds, Mectrlciid AppUaiic^s^liai^o'' Bim Bta A o t Sale tprovements. In - good locality. Price ORDERED:—That the': foregolr Effective March IT, 182T all parts of the world—Cunard, application be heard and 'idetermine \ Anchor, White Star, French, Ameri­ >0‘is the price. Robert J. Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., WILLIAM S. HYDE bility for errors in telephoned acs Garden— Farm— 'Dairy Prodiicts 50 Tenements for Bent 63 •SroUjj.ilOO? Ma.Ip. Judge. Judge. M’ill bo assumed and their accuracy EXPERT KEY FITTING — Lawn FOSTER ST., 91—Six room tenement Estate of Hatry H. Hottaling of H-4-11-27. mowers sharpened and repaired,, also with'all Improvements. .Phone 1320- Manchester, in. said District. cannot be guaranteed. scissors, knives and saws sharpen­ APPLES—Gano, .Greenings, W|nesap, PURNELL BLOCK—3 room heated • : ■ ..'ixiegal Ncitices 79 and Seek-NorFurthers, Green Moun­ ’ 12 or 409-3. 'The Administratrix, Ida Hottaling AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD ed, Work called for and delivered. 4 ROOM FLAT—Bath, gas and lights, apartment with kitchenette and _.v - - - u------having exhibited her application for Phone 664 Harold ■ Clemson, 108 North Elm tain potatoes, and sweet cider. bath. Modem improvements. Rea­ at Manchester, ■ within and for the Edgewood Fruit Farm. Telephone second floor,, rent $22. 326 Wood- AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD allo-wance for support during settle­ District of Manchester, on the 9th. .\SK •^'OR \VANT AD SERVICE street, Manchester, Conn. Tele­ bridge street. O. E. Powell. sonable price. Apply G. E. Keith at Manchester,- .'within and for the ment of said estate, to this (Jourt for phone 402. 945. W. H. Cowles. Furniture Company. day of April, A. D., 1927. District-of Manchester, on the 9th. allowance, it Is Present WILLLAM S. HYDE, Esq., Index of Classifications APPLES—Hand picked, sprayed Bald­ 4 ROOM . t e n e m e n t —12 Moore day of April. A. D„ 1927. ORDERED:—That the 16th. day of Judge. LAAVN MOAVER SEASON is almost street, all improvements, $20 month. RIDGEWOOD ST.—4 room tcibement, Present -WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., April, A. D„ '1927, at 9 o’clock, fore­ liere. Avoid the Inevitable conges­ wins. $1.00 per bushel. Ruta-Ragas, 2 steam heated furnished 'rodm'S, Estate of Thomas .T. Crockett late Evening Herald Want Ads are now 90c. Peter Miller, 743 Tolland Turn­ Apply 13 Moore street, Judge. noon, at the Probate Office, in said of Manchester, in said District,, de­ grouped according to classifications tion with consequent wait by hav­ .gas, set tubs, pantry and clothes Estate of Alexander. B. Miller late Manchester, be and the same is as­ ing yours taken care of NOW, be­ pike. Telephone 364-3. closet, eleotrielty and '.ath, also ceased. below and for handy reference wili FIVE ROOM FLAT—All modern im­ of Manchester, In said District, de- signed for a hearing on the allow­ The Executoi* having exhibited his appear In the numerical order indi­ fore you need It, Bralthwalte, 150 provements. Inquire 147 East Cen­ single rooms. Call 109 Foster street. C€^86d ■ > .. ance of said I administration account j Center street. APPLES—Baldwin apples, true to administration account with said es- I cated: , name and taste, grade A 76o pfr ter Street The Trustee having exhibited its with-said estate, and this Court di­ tate to this Court for allowance. It Is Lost and Pound ...... ^ RENTALS—Several desirable rents annual' aoc'oiint 'With said estate to rects the administratrix to give pub­ SHARPENED lawn mowers, knives, basket, grade B 50c. Telephone 38-6. 5 ROOM TENEMENT with new with modem improvements. Inquire this Court JTor allowanfoe. It is lic notice- to all pei'sons infere.'Jted ORDERED:—That the 16th. day of Announcements ...... " •sissors, razors. John Garibald, 110 Walter N. Foster, Foster Farm, Edward J. Holl. TeL 560. April, A. D., 1927, at 8 o’clock, fore- ' Personals ...... ^ Wapping. garage,' all Ipiprovements. Call 73 ORDERED:—’That the 16th. dhy of therein to appear and be heard tliere- 1 noon, at the Probate Office, In said Antomoblles Spruce street. Cottage street April,. A:'D.V 1927, at 9 o’clock, fore­ on by publishing a copy of this order THREE ROOMS-^Heated apartments noon, at the Probate Ofllpe,- in said in sdme newspaper having a circula- ' Manchester, be and the same is as- i Automobiles for Sale ...... | BARBERRY BUSHES. 3 years old. with bath. Apply shoemaker, Trot­ signed for a hearing on the allow­ Automobiles for Exchange .... 5 Help , Wanted— Female 35 $5.00 per hundred. Telephone 861.4 Manchester, be and the . same is as­ tlqn In ' said District, on or before ance of said administration account Auto Accessories—Tires ...... « 5 ROOM FLAT, upstairs. Apply Mrs. ter Block. signed for a 'hearing on the qllow-' April 11, 1927, and by posting a copy or call at 36 Griswold rtreet. -Annie Macomber, 58 Birch street of this order on the public signpost with said estate, and'this Court di­ Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 GIRL for making small parts. Nor­ ance.. of said administration account rects the Executor to give public no-j Auto Schools ...... Business Locations for Bent 64 'With said estate, and this Court di­ in the Town where the deceased last ton Electrical Instrument Company, FLAT—New 5 room, all Improve- dwelt 5 days before said day of liear- tice to ail persons interested therein ( Autos—Ship by Truck ...... » Hilliard street. Phone No. 1. SHRUBS ani Roses; Vines and Bulbs. rects the Trustee to give public no- to appear and be heard thereon by Autos—For Hire ...... ' . ments. Inquire 270 Oak street, after tlc3 to all persons interested therein Ing and return make to this Cou t. Reasonable prices. Tel. 1364-13.' "5. LARGE FRONT ..ROOM, seepnd floor, WILLIAM a HYDE publishing a copy of this order in Garages—Service—Storage ...... lu POSITION as housekeeper. Address ’ Watkins Block, 13 Oak street. Apply to appear and' be heard thereon by some newspaper having a elrculatloiv Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 SWEET CIDER — Freshly made, Watkins Brothers. - publishing a copy of this order in ' • Judge. in said District, o"n or before April AVanted Autos—Motorcycles ... 13 Housekeeper, 21 Bralnard Place. PLATS-r-Two. upstair flats, with Im- some newspaper having a clroulation H-4-11-27. Tel. 1474. right from'the press at 26c a gal," by provements; also store. Rents very 11, 1927, and b y posting a copy ofj Busiiicsa and Professional Services the barrel!, Baldwin Apples $1.90 bu. OFFICE ROOM to rerft, desirable.- in, said District, on..or before April this order on the public signpost in 1 Business Services Offered ...... 13 reasonable. ‘ Apply 244 North Main 11, '1927, and‘ by- posting 'a' copyrof SEVERAL WOME.. for pleasant out­ Call 970-5. H. Sllversteln. ■street. Telephone 28-2 or 409-3. Also store. 100 ;by 19 1-2 fe.et Iq the Household Services Offered ....13-A door work, representing The Herald. ___ _ 1 * ' ‘ I new De-Wey-Richman blec)c. Apply- .this. order bn • the : public signpost" in day Building—Contracting ...... Ij the Town 'where' the'.'deceased last DistrictPUlrIM of Manchester,Manbh,.l.r. on the» o -st». hearing n S , See A. Meredith, 10 Blasell street, ’ Household Goods 61 GREENACRES—Five room ‘upper at Dewey-Richman-company stoife. day of April. A’ D., 1927. to this ] Florists—Nurseries ...... •‘■5 South Manchester. 9 A. M. 'dwelt, 5" dayk.before' 'sald'day of hear­ Court. Funeral Directors ...... 16 flat, all modern improvements, ing and return'inake to thi« Court.- Present 'WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., WILLIAM S. HYDE Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .. 17 GAS RANGE for sale, secopd hand; garage. Inquire 181 Wadsworth St Apartment Balldings-for Sale 69 -WILLIAM S. HYDE Judge. WOMAN to do general housework. Phone 1198-5. Judge. Insurance ...... 18 No laundry-work. Mrs. Walter also bread mixer, and a ipuaic mas­ Judge. Estate of Hugh Morlarty of Man- H-4-11-27. Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 19 ter loud speaker. 29 Park street. ^ H-4-U-,2.7. , ; ■ ; . ■ epester, in said District, incompetent. Olcott, 21 Forest street, telephone JOHNSON b l o c k . Main street 3 t e n ROOM PI»AT for sale, excellent Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . . 20 357. condition; convenient terms, 1-2 ' The Conservator having exhibited Painting—Papering ...... "1 METAL AND GLASS POLISH — We room apartment all modern im­ minute from Center street. Inquire' AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD its annual account with said estata-to Professional Services ...... 22 want every housewife In Manches­ provements. Apply to Albert Harrl- of owner. Call 812, .. at Manchester,, within, find for. the this Court for allowance, it-is Repairing ...... -3 Help Wanted— Male SO ter to try It No rubbing. Especial­ . son,. 38 Myrtle street Phone 1770. District of Manchester.'’.;'on ' the 9th. . QRDERED:—That the 16th. day of “ R E D U m i” SHOWING ’T.alloring—Dyeing—Cleaning .. 24 ly good for silver, brass and nickel. THREE FAMILY FLAT .on Lllley day of April, A. D., 192.7.' April,' A. U.. 1927 at 9 o’clock, fore­ 'Toilet Goods and Services ...... 25 The Novelty Shop, 997 Main street. Ma in ST., 370, second floor five room street. All three floors, steam heat-d Present WILLIAM S.'’ HYDE, Esq- noon, at the Probate Office, in said CARPENTERS, finishers. Apply 54 flat Apply 372 Main street Phone Judge. ' ' Manchester, be and the same is as­ AVanted—Business Service . . . . . 26 Oxford street, between 5 and 6 p. m. " 465-2. and neatly arranged in five rooms! , AT CIRCLE TO M O M O W : Educational OLD CARPETS and rugs made In'o : Pribe' is ver>’ reasonable. Robert J; Estate of James Dalztll late, of signed for a hearing on the allow­ Courses and Classes ...... 27 YOUNG MEN—Several for special fluffy ruga; work gua,rqntee'd. Rugs Manchester, in said DfstWet, deoeas- ance of said administration account for sale. G. O. Case, agent. Peerless MIDDLE TURNPIKE. 135 west. Five I 1®09 Main street | pd; : ‘ with said 'estate, and this Court di­ Private Instruction ...... 28 sales work. See A. Meredith, 10 Bls- * room second floor flat, all, modern ------Dancing ...... 28-A sell street, So. Manchester. 9 A M . Rug Co.. South Windsor.' Conn.. P. The/Trustee-.haying exhibited its rects the conservator to give public n , . • rv Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 O. Burnside, R F. D, :TeL Laurel Improvements. Phone 168-3. TWO KILLED. IN FIRE '? annual/aceduat with 'said estate:',W Jiotlce to all persons interested there- M arion Jjavies, (Jwen MoorCi AVanted—Instruction ...... 30 261-3. • ■i V this court fo'r. allo'wa'nce,’ -it is- Financial Help Wanted— Male or Female 37 ORDERED:—That: the* 16th. day of ,VUV’'oX NotaW' Cast-_“Hos- Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 Joseph J. and Elsie M. Hobb of New York, April 11.— Two per-' April, A - 1927,.at 9 o^clock, fore­ some newspaper having a circulation i band Hunters” Tonight. Business Opportunities ...... 32 SPARE TIME WORKERS can earn PARLOR SUITE for sale, practically Orchard street have bought the sons, a man and a woman, were; noon, at the Probate. Qffice. -ln said in said District, on or before April, Money to Loan ...... 33 two dollars per hour. See A. Mere­ new. Leaving town.; Phone,. 1827, Isabel McCprmijfk farm at 'Vernbn Manchester, be and the;'8ame is as- II, 1927, and by p'ostlng a copy of this i Money Wanted ...... ; . . . 34 dith, 10 Bissell street!. South Man- killed and several others injured In’ signedi. for a'bearing oh the allows order on the public signpost in the Maffion Davies and Owen Moore! Center near the, Tolland County Sgta Town of Manchester" 5 days be­ \. Help and SltuatiOBB cnest^^r. 9. A. M. Machinery mid Tools 62 tf fire which swept an , apartment .aneq. of-said .aiecodnt -with said estate, What a combination of stars to bei Help Wanted—Female ...... 35 temporary home foV children. The house pn West 66th street today. ‘ ; and .this*' Cpurt ■ directs, the Trustee to fore-said • day of hearing and return gi.Ve public noitfce ..to all; persons in­ make to this Court, seen in. one production. Both are Help Wanted—.Male ...... 36 Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 ■tF$tnsfer was made through the It was feared " other lives rnayi Help Wanted—Male or Female.. 37 FORDSON TRACTOR with ploughs ■i ^Wallace D. Robb agency. terested-: therein- - tq-aj>pear and be return make to. this Court given leading roles in the Circle’.? Agents AVanted ...... 37-A and harrow, just overhauled, in A haYjB.bfcen lost and the ruins were; hoard' therein, by Jhihfl|hing a copy WILLIAM S. HYDE pictuje of tomorrow and; Wednes* Situations Wanted—Female ... 38 POMERANIAN PUPS for sale. Pour No. 1 condition. Ready for work! L. being searched. 1 of .thisvcurder.-ln'some newspaper hav­ day, “ The Red M ill/’ a whimsica Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 black Pomeranian pups six weeks N. Hevenon Wapping, . Conn. Tel. ing a .clrshlaffon in. said Dfttrlct. on Employment Agencies ...... 40 old, two males, two females, ex­ 67-4. .. “ Oh, how I miss you tonight!” Sfs. Joseph Smlrllan fell three; or before;April 11, 1927, and by post­ comedy of Dutch life. Also appear Live Stock—Pets—Poultry—Vehicles ceptionally small, price right. Tel. .sang John fls he was playing bil­ stories from a fire escape and Is Inj ing .-a.'eqpy: of Uhls order on the public ingTn major parts are Karl Dane, Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 2348. Call after 5 p. m. Joseph Wearing Apparel—^Htrs 67 liards. . ; , a critical condition. , “ signpost in-the-Town-where the fie- Louise Fazenda and deorge Sleg- Live Stock—Vehicles ...... '2 Chicolne, 163 Maple street. South ceased.;last.dwelt, 5.days before said BRUSH FIRES KEEP man. Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 Manchester, Conn. day'ot hearing and return make to Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 TAILORS—English woolen company, r this (Jourt. ' • Miss. Davies’ - whlmslcid comedy For Sale—Misccllnneons tailors since 1898. Local dealer . j. WILLIAM S.'HYDE talents find a ready opportunity ln| Live Stock— Vehicles 42 Harry Anderton, 38 Church street FIREMEN ON JUMP ■Articles for Sale ...... 45 South Manchester. Phone 1221-2. the new romance of the Land o({ Boats and Accessories ...... 46 Dykes;, she romps through a Building Materials ...... 47 BAY HORSE, one team, weight 1400 Diamonds—Watches—.lewelry .. 48 lbs. Inquire after five o’clock at 609 Wanted— To B.ny 68 charming role in plgtairs, and wood­ Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 Keeney street. Tel. 1194-5. Chuse Four Alarms Over Week- en shoes, dainty as a painted figure Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A Ph()rie ;Y6ur M ’ S FIREMEN GET on a bit of Holland china; bher does Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 Poultry and Supplies 43 ANTIQUE FURNITURE 'and brlcra- t' •: End and One Gets Into Glenr Household Goods ...... 51 brac. Frederick B. Hughes, Pitkin i some acting that reaches the Machinery and Tools ...... 62 street. Phone .386-2.' I ' .T o the wood Street Woods* heights of genius In the dramatic BABY CHICKS — Smith Standard Musical Instruments ...... 53 JUNK—rl will pay highest ■ prices for moments with George Seigman, the Office and Store Equipment . . . . 54 Cert-o-culd thoroughbred from free -villain of the new play; her love Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 55 range stock. Chicks on hand at all all kinds of jiink; also buy alpklr.ds The season for brush fires Is In Specials at the Stores ...... 5^ timYs. Manchester Grain and Coal of chickens. Mbfrls H.\ Lessnlir, tele- , full, blopm'Just now and the South scenes with Owen Moore are ro^ Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... S'? Co.. Apel Place. Tel. 1760. phone 982-4. - ' ’ Foytyrtwo«memtlB.w-Lpf Hose Co., Manchester fire department an­ manticaliy delicate. 'Vanted—To Buy ...... 58 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS—Prize RAGS; MAGAZINES—Bundled paper ■No. 1, .conytilned ' b^Ineas with swered four alarms on Saturday The new type of gold digger, th Rooms—Board—Hotels—Resorts husband hunter, is explained in th Restnnrants winning stock in fancy and utility and junk bought at highest cash pl0asufe.;-^.tur.daiy: Right when the and Sunday. Chief Albert Foy Is- classes. Eggs for hatching $2 per 15, prices. Phone 849^8 and I will calL L regular monthly, meeting, aitd. the picture, “ Husband Hunters,” which, Rooms Without Board ...... 59 Etsenberg. sue.d. a.' warning today concerning Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A $11. per 100. J. P. Bowen, 570 Wood- banquet to wind up the'bowling ends its two-day engagement at th bridge street Phone 2121. the; burning of rubbish. He advises Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 seasRP ;werefhhlii' In pi^e. A chicken hpbsebplders to avoid burning, Circle theater tonlghL Hotels—Restaurants . . . . . '...... 61 Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 ;,EGG&—Single Comb Rhode Island and:.spagh.etti Bahp.^ ;. . to*^'their cleaning up on days fol- ed chorns girls who take the coun­ I per hundred, 612 Keeney street. Tel. Crold plebes’weiwawarded memr Apartments, Flats, Tenements.. 63 j 1194-12. IpklixF Tain ,If possible. try girl under their benevolent pro-' Business I.ocations for Ren. .. . 64 And Ask for a Want Ad Taker r ;: here’ of''the' -wlnnitag.;.. team In the ‘ 'The alarms on Saturday were on tectlon and teach her how easy it is Houses for Rent ...... 65 bowling lekgue. FreMi -Behrend, the to capture a rich husband. Instead, Suburban for Rent ...... 66 EGGS—For Sale, for preserving. Will Two motor vehlclb/ .violators Autumn street and Charter Oak Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 deliver if desired. Inquire Karl ’ Tell Her What You Want capthin, Raymond L. Bldwell. Ar­ street between 2 and. 3 o’clock, of being a gold digger. With all th AVanted to Rent ...... 63 Marks, 136 Summer fcv.eet or tele­ were before Judge Johnson in the thur LashiOBke . and Jason Chap­ advice given, the little girl falls in, phone 1877. Manchester police conft”thTji,"inbrn- •Hose Co. No. .3 Went out on the Real Estate For Sale ^',expierienped operator wiU thke your ad. help you man, .were->Btenibeni of this coih- first alarm at 2:15 and No. 4 an­ love with an ordinary clerk, and i Apartment Buildings for Sale... 69 S. C. R. 1. CHICKS, Pines quality. Ing. Chafl.e8 F. Walker ■'oi.’Sprliug Wnatioh. . r ,; . Business Property for Sale ...... 70 street,/Glastonbury, |tald^.a. ffne of 'word it*< for; best results, and seie that it is properly . in- 1 swered, the second at 2:45. is from, that point „that the stor: These chicks will produce winners .Th'e piriB© vter high Nl°sle, alBo.a Ob Sunday No. 3 went to the unfolds itself in -great dramati Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 and layers. Call W. S. Haven, Coven­ $10 and costs;'for driving his car >si^.d. Bill will .he mailed-same day ' allo'wlng" Vou Houses for Sale ...... 72 try. Tel. 1064t4. gold iPlP^. /wsts awarded to Joseph School street damp to extinguish a high spots and cbmedy situations I.ots for Sale ...... 73 with improper brakes.. ' - until seventh day after Insertion to take advantage of BphreUd..’ -:/Rrlzes-Ifer.. high three Mae. Busch is the hardened and' Itesort Property for Sale ...... 74 Robert Pefreft of -'ISO..; Maple fire there and brhlle this company - the, CA8H RATE. * ' ■- : ‘ atrJiig.t«{nid. high'.'averages were not was busy No. ■ 4 answered a still seasoned chorus girl while Duane Suburban for Sale ...... 75 TWO GANDERS for-sa le.- Phone street was alBO; fined llO and costs Real Estate for Exchange . . . . « 76 265-12. givj^';bec«U8’e.'.it,:l8,. a/.rule that no alarm> turned in from the home of Thompson and Mildred Harris aaj AVanted—Real Estate ...... for the same oJJenSe. 'PeyF«tt 'was li-’ 'niPiQber ahjajl ..rpeplyo/, two prises. arrested by .(MKcer . I®ar,tln' - anti: Carl'J-dhpfon of c-lenwood street. A other chorines give a more thar Auction—Legal Notices V V: .Members pH.-the committee Auction Sales ...... 78 Herald • Wants Ads rent furnish­ Walker by'Off IcferPrentide. hrui|h fire had spread to the woods creditable performance. The rest o Legal t otlces ...... 79 ed rooms. receiyeed,-goId'plepps; adjpinlng the Johnsdn property. the cast who add to. the story In Finished -with the fire at the dump, clndes Charles Delaney, Robert; -No. 3 went to Clen-wood street and Cain, Walter Hiefs, James Harri GAS BUGGIES—Ah Ha! Dirty Work. 'assisted in putting ont the- fire son, James Mack and Alfred Fish­ th«re. . ' er. ' . IV E BEEN! WORRIED X DIDN'T Like ABOUT THAT NOTE HIS LOOKS A LITTLE' OH; I H E Y . . . . HEM—. S LOW Ul>! ! ? WARNING YOU NOT TO BIT. HE REMINDED GUESS HE'S X KNOW YOU WANT TRY AND COLLECT ME OP A SNAkE. HARD-UP. TO BIS ON TIME FOR HOW' AM-‘£ “ ' VOUR SHARE OF AND HIS LONG BUT AT TH E READING OF THE eoirsris TO s id m ,, HERMAN SHN0PS‘*5 RI6AMAR0LE ABOUT [THAT. IF A WILL,'BUT THERE’S UP^ WHEN ESTATE. I WOULDbTT DROPPING A n ic k el NICKEL^ NO SENSE IN WANT ANYTHING TO TH A T ROLLED UNDER LOOKS SO tfACIN6 ' ISOWN / BRAKES HAPPEN____ SAV-. OUR CAR SOUNDED BIG TO ' Wb will offer for sale Tuesday. April 12th. at 12 o’clock, noon' at A. E. Honce Co. Stables. Charter Oak Park, West Hart­ w h a t ’s TH A T MAN ^ FISHY TO ME. ^ H IM . HE ' WORK ? DOING UNDER S L O W Ul> ford, Conn., 40r—FRESH .IOWA AND OHIO HORSES— 40 SHOULDN'h?r u : ' ' : r s OUR CAR? Twenty from Ohio selected by Mr. Honce personally and'twenty HAVE ANY .carefully selected by Elmer Winslow of BirminghaeV; Iowa. TROUBLE Some of these horses are of the show horse t j ^ . Several fancy FINDING matched pairs, for draft, farm chunks, also several purpose horses weighing from 1,400 to 1,900 pounds. Some of the cheaper Mud good using farm* chunks. These without doubt are two of as: i^od cmrloads of horses as have ever been unloack ed in ^is vicinity. If in need cf horses for any purpose you will find them in this lot. Several second hand using horses which have been taken in trade will be sold. In addition two high class saddle horses will be offered for sale. Any day iire- vlous to the sale will be inspection day. during which time'Mr. ; Honce yrill give information and conditions of the sale regarding the horses. Sale rain or shine. Robert M; Reid. Auctioneer, 201 Main Street, Manchester. Phone 41, • V


------j------X FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: SENSE M NONSENSE SKIPPY by Percy Cr^by w nefte do Several new automobiles are to I DONNO. DO I OUNNO W6LC TH6IV- L e ri: make their appearance soon. Now y a u v e ? i all that’s needed is a new and easier yoij awe?, CwAlr IN TH6 way to meet the installments. “W illie!” . “Yes, mamma.” “What in the world are you pinching the baby for? Let him alone!” “Aw, I ain’t doing nothing! We’re only playin’ automobile, ah’ he’s the horn.” Bandit (to bank teller): And get a move on you! Don’t you know I can only park my car out there for fifteen minutes? s A girl who listened to a proposal in an automobile accepted it in the hospital.

The Cop: “Were you speeding?” The Girl: “No, but I just passed REQ. o. S. PAT. OFF. some one who was going 60 miles Copyright, P. L. Crosby, 1927, John.son Features, Inc e i K T B T NEA 6ERVICC, INC. an hour.” Boys will be boys, but girls nro 23RD PSALM MODERNIZED. A Practical Use for the Blame Books By Fontaine Fox WASHINGTON TUBBS H running them a clothes second. The Ford. The Ford is my motor, B y C rane I shall not want (another) j It maketh me lie in muddy rohds, // I It leadeth me into much trouble, You 4>o f=i/ \MvSe O lie. ON m DATES, HEUEM. DEA^. WH£(?.E Yea, though I understand my Ford Work" perfectly, DO H o M £ . W o r k \MVtH u eu ev i's "SOO JU ST TVUNK. HOVJXV- 1 E V E ^ ^ i T h e r e a p-e I fear much evil. f o R Y oo " G\ST6R. XOO HAVE — ilY i EV-PV-AiVl? TvNvMS THEP.E'S SOMi: ANt'IKXT HISTORY For the steering wheel or axle GOTTA DATE \a1\TH A might break. , , HER. If you studied your ancient his­ It hath a blow-out in the presence tory when you were in high school of mine enemies. tod'ay.’s set of questions won’t I anuointeth the tire with a patch, bother you much. The answers are The radiator boileth over: on another page in case you need Sprely this thing shall not follow ’em: all the days of my life, as I 1— What name is applied to the shall dwell in writing system of the ancient As­ The house of poverty forever. syrians and Babylonians? 3— Name the nations in whose Underground passageways for pedestrians, it is said, offer the religions the following Gods and ^'’ W H Y Y E 5 ,;IC’N P/^ETTY g o o d Th e a n s w e r t © that Goddesses figured: Isis, Astarte, i only solution for Insuring their Zeus, Zoroaster? j safety. We think too many pedes­ ON THOSE CtOE5TloN5 IS THOMAS CTe FFEKSoM' trians are already underground. 3— Who was the father of Alex­ AKD ANSWER ^ ander the Great? 4— What historic event took Stationary Engines. Books" p place in the bay of Salamis, on the "Where do all the old motor cars go? coast of Greece? They don’t. 5— After the murder of Julius ^ 5 ^ Caesar, what three men ruled The Average Code. Borne as “the triumvirate’’? Have you ever stopped to consicT^ 6— Of what Roman emperor is I gotta er the signal code of the average GOZ.V, f it said that “he found Rome brick driver? It is a very simple code and UAOGH and left it marble” ? not difficult to acquire. It follows: >0 CERfAVVJ 7— What emperor made Chris­ To indicate a right turn—stick HAD A DP tianity the state religion of Rome? out your hand. vjJ vTh m oo. S—When the Teutonic “barbar­ To indicate a left turn—stick ians” began to overrun the Roman out your hand. outposts about 400 A. D., where To indicate that you are about to King (5EOR6E THE N(oW ^ GOT a l l m y did the first outbreaks occur? stop—stick out your hand. 9— When was the city of Rome To indicate that you are about third and THE HOME WoRk ’ cEPT that taken by these invaders? tq back— stick out your hand. Ne s s i a Ks " 10— Who led this marauding To emphasize your conversation First quEsnoN ;iC army in that expedition? with your fellow passenger^stlck out your hand. AST Ya " Viewpoint is everything. A To flick the ashes off your cigar Chinese official says the white race — stick out your hand. is a menance to civilization. This is the generally accepted code. Under the circumstances It is remarkable that accidents are nbt Bill: What is the hardest thing more frequent. you ever did? "Wee Betty had been shopping W ill: Make ten easy payments. with her mother. She was tired and as home was yet some distance If the same button is off a man’s away she said, “Mother, let’s inhale e> \ O l 9 2 T BY NEA SERVICE. INC REG, U. S. PAT. OFF. shirt for several weeks he ought to a taxicab.” Fontaine Fox, ]927, hrT. 5>yndicate, !nc.) get m arri^ , or ^ivorced.^§ the case niay' be!' r - ■.■!« j , Faith once moved mountains, but that was before one could flivver There is a law agaiust driving around them or fly over them. under 16, and there should be one FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS N ew s! By Blosser against driving over that many. Voice Over Wire— “Madame, your husband has been run over by f 0Y GEORGE’. ) VM&'LL b u il d OURSELVES" /XOMEV./ WAY AAVEM'U 'I'he grocer usually has to walk a tru ck!” A Al&VNMOUSE.’.' TMlWkL because his slow paying cu'kcmers ‘Good Heavens! On the afternoo’n ( \ HAVE Ai V i (xOODMeSS!/ W E sl u m p e d AMD SAVED vmAT A AOME OP OOR OABOy.^'AAlEy/ ride. of my bridge party!” bot; aeaoi2V.a a v e ALL7AESE VEARS UMTH_ H G^EAT VhlHAT \S OVOM WILL MEA/J 7 0 OA. X’M MOUSE i w s o /ja ; a \T? WE MOAIEV EAiCXiSA WEAAVE AilME TAOUSAMD US=«WE’I2£ 60IK 6 To TARILLED to TEtLALLTA' SYOP AAMDI/OS MO/oey FOIS S O a \ A /0 DOLLAJ2S m GOOD SECURITIES.' WELL SO AAEAD AMD WORR uov'.' y e s - ki/ps.V OUER 7t> A UAiDER'7Ak)/0S? o u r PLA/JS A/OD SURPRISE a b s o l u t e LAA4DLORD/ a l l ou r FEIEMDS it WILL , SE C R E cy.' BE A SE C R E T BETWEE/0 y o u AMD ------

R tt U. S. PAT. OFF. 01927 BY NRA SERVICE. INC. "V. - y j i V-// SALESMAN SAM P o o r Polly By Sm all

5AY. Re^^e^AEeR T h(v t Pa r r o t P o o r R i r d p \e o ev/ER HeARt>y \ p\oN’r \X W m l k e \> THe y -USED t a HAVe in t h ' s-rb R e . OF aFiTTeRiKe- ^ o f \ r - FROMr OF ,, ’CROSS TH' s t r e e t — Wo n d er w h a t 9ARROT ? IT Wi t h ©ECAfAE O F s■Tep^^^ r o l l e r ; OlNM e Y e s / =\' r F e e s No HELP fclfeV- ANTED ACK'5^, WANTED 7 / . ACKeKEL TODAY, fAAKE. ' VeSTeRPP'Y, IARKer f' / © IX HOfA

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PRlJME$ PREimS Picks P06HS Pork 0 .PICKLES P(Es,er

01S27 BY NEA SEHVICC.11'III INC. REG. U. S P A b T T B O ^ ^ A ^ ^ //V. JACK LOCKWILL’S POLO PONTf by Gilbert Patten (Bead the Story, Then Color the Picture) 11 The rooster crowed on, merrily, stop. I think I smell some tempting then walked away. Quite proud was food. Let’s go inside and seq.'” But, he. The Tinies watched him strut first they rapped upon the door and along ’til he was out of sight. Then in about a minute more, a n»an ap­ Scouty shouted, “Catch him quick, peared and said, “Hello! Cpme in ¥ ’cause he has dropped his fiddle and cat with me.” stick.” And, as he shouted, ho be­ The Tillies did, and oh, such gan to run with all his might. food. They ate so much 'twas al­ The others followed right behind. most rude. This baker was the man Their plan, of course, was very who makes the dandy pat-a-cakes. kind. They shortly caught the roos­ “Go right ahead,” said he, “and ter and then told him of his loss. eat. ’Twill cost you naught. 'This is Said downy, “Here’s your fiddle my treat.” Poor Clowny shortly stick.” “If I had lost this thing.” shouted, “Oh, my poor old tummy said he, “my master would be aches.” ' cross.” The man then said, “My work is The bird then thanked the Tiny- play, and I bake cakes the live long mites and told them of some dandy day. I ’ve always been a baker since sights that they could see if they a very tiny tike. It’s fun to bake From tho top of the load of gravel, Snucka Cowl shook his fist at Riding hard. Jack reached € would go on down the winding lane. such cakes as these. You know; they Jack, and mocked him as he came galloping up, too late. ‘Tm The railroad ran in a longf, the abandoned road beyond the “YouGl find a baker man who are the kinds that please. It’s fun to cornin' back here and git you some day!" ha yelled. After a moment sweeping curve, so that Jack village— the road over which makes the finest brand of tasty do things when you know They’re of uncertainty, LookwHl aant tha broncho onward again at top apeed, could reach it by riding a little he’d pursued Delia Wayiia'a cakes,” said he. And then the Tlny- things that people like.” over the croseing and away through the village toward tho open more than half the distance tha runawaypony. Ha whirled into flJJSrS' a ll* , whim. •Oi »«•'•« “jiS'lSSi.iSJfmn mites were on their way again. country beyond. “ Now what’s ho goln' th at way for?” wondered train would travel. "C o!"" he it. Dynamite leaping the fence They shortly came upon a shop (The Tin.vmitcs meet little Bobby y C o w i. . shouted to Dynamite. ' again. . and Coppy said, “Here’s where we Sh^toe hi Uie next stqrj^.X MUJSDAY, A FRll. 11, 1927. PAGE FOURTEEN jfilattrifMtFr i£v(ttUta Mtntld

his own jazz orchestra at night. NOVELTY MINSTREL The organ at the North Metho­ AND DANCE 15 YEAR OLD BOY dist church has been distinguished WHliam Kanehl by the fact that many prominent Harding School musicians have played on it. Among them was the late Royal General Building Auspices Community Club CHURCH ORGANIST Talcott of Talcotiville, who, al­ TOMORROW EVENING though he lived six miles from the Contractor and Mason Schendel’s Orchestra. church, walked to Manchester every Sunday for many years without 519 Center Street. Tel. 1776 Collins Driggs to Play For missing one service. ABOUT TOWN Services at North Method­ I Will Finance Your Building During Construction. Up to this morning less than 150 EASTER FLOWERS dog licenses had been Issued by ist. ’ PHONE YOUR ORDER Town Clerk Samuel Turkington. TODAY He was on the job all day Saturday We Offer at Reasonable Prices to give the dog owners an opportu­ Anderson Greenhouses nity to secure their licenses and Manchester has a boy who is be­ 153 Eldridge St. Phone 2124 ] Our Fine Quality lieved to be the youngest church less than 25 appeared on that day. I organist in Connecticut. He is Col­ Hose Company No. 1 of the lins Driggs, 15-year-old son of Mr. GLADIOLA Manchester Fire department will and Mrs. Dayton Driggs of Wells hold its regular monthly meeting street and has been appointed or­ \ this evening at the fire headquar­ ganist of the North Methodist Epis­ Helge E. Pearson BULBS ters, Main and Hilliard streets. Af­ copal church. .V selection of our miinerous varie­ ter the business a'spaghetti supper Tlie boy, who is a student at the Teacher of Piano, ties will give entire satisfaction. will be put on by a committee of local High school, has been playing the cooks of the company under the piano for about five years and Organ and Theory —THE— the chairmanship of Richard Gates. has put in one year of study on tlic organ under Alfred Driggs of East Woodland Gardens A marriage license has been is­ Hartford, well known church or­ For Appointments Call aster sued to David Collins and Stella Tel. 1274. 236 Woodland St. E ganist. He began his study under \M ay Peterson at the town clerk’s Mrs. Harry Trotter of Holl street. at Studio. We are having a Hosiery Contest throughout the store this week and we are out to sell one thousand pair. Every office. He has been connected with the employee will receive a special commission on the total amount of hosiery sold. Get a ticket from your favoritd South Methodist church orchestra, 1009 Main St., Tel. 1925-") Manchester Camp, No. 2640 Roy­ the High school orchestra, and has clerk today! al Neighbors will have its regular paid for his lessons by playing with Post Office Building. Herald Advs. Bring Results Every girl and woman in Manchester will need a new pair of hosiery for meeting in Tinker hall this even­ Easter. ing. Hale’s is the place to buy them. The largest assortment in town, which The auction sale of the Ely prop­ Of Course will also compete very favorably with any of the capitol city stores. erty, better known as the Dr. F. B. Every pair canies Hale’s guarantee of satisfaction. Adams estate, was held Saturday afternoon at three o’clock. While there was a fair gathering of peo­ Manchester’s Exclusive Boys’ Department ple there were very few bidders present. The property was bid in 250 PAIRS for the present owner, II. J. Mon­ aco of Hartford. The Ladies’ auxiliary of the A. O. H. will meet promptly at eight Full Fashioned Silk Hose o’clock this evening at St. James’ parish hall. At 8:30 the ladies will adjourn to the Pearl street casino where they will bowl against a team from the Hibernians. An in­ Silk-to-The Service teresting game is anticipated. $1.19 Welt Weight Daughters of Liberty, I. O. A. 3 Pairs $3.25 will hold its regular meetir,g to­ night in Orange hall. A class of These stockings were specially made for short skirts as the silk extends way over the knee. They are seconds of our reg­ candidates will be initiated and af­ ular $1.95 pure silk hose and they come in the popular service weight. Stock up now when you can buy a pure Bilk, full ter the business a social hour will fashioned hose so cheaply. Colors: be enjoyed. Miss Anna Black who is chairman of the social commit­ ATMOSPHERE ALASAN ALOMA GRAIN tee for this month has for her as­ FR. NUDE SUNSET sistants Mrs. Margaret Bain, Miss MOONLIGHT Georgiana Burns, Mrs. Susan Col- grove and Mrs. Mary Carson. Loyal Circle of Kings Daughters will meet this evening at the Cen­ ter Congrc.gational church. The hostesses for the social hour will Phoenix be Mrs. William Remig, I\Irs. B. F. ^{um nin^ ^ ird Andrews. Mrs. J. A. Hood. Miss REG.U.S.PAT.OFF,, .*, PURE SILK, h o s i e r y Alice Riiiuio and the Misses Chris­ WEARS LONGER tine and Mary Miller. Hosiery iK Rev. John E. Dnxbury of North HEAVY WEIGHT HOSE, PURE SILK HOSE, ^lain street has sold liis four acre PAIR $1.85 SILK AND RAYON HOSE, PAIR $1.25 place on q'olland 'I’nrnpike to PAIR $1.00 Stanley and Victoria Mikolonis of This is a good quality heavy weight hose Humming Bird hosiery is made of pure Wells street. Mr. Duxbury’s An inepensive hose for general wear. with the gold stripe—no run that starts Three seam back. All the light shades. silk and has the three seam back. A won­ daughter. Mrs. Alvin W. Maxwell above this line can pass the gold stripe. derful hose at this price. A wide range of and family who have occupied the Colors: Op rose, gun metal, pink, maize, the newest colors. house, will move to Willimantic. i grain, alasan, champagne, sunset, rose PURE SILK HOSE, ’riie sale was made by the Wallace taupe, sandust, moonlight, etc. PAIR $1.50 D. Robb real estate agency. Full fashioned, pure silk hose— “silk-to- Hultman’s—Boys’ Clothing and Furnishing Department. the-welt.” Colors include: white, grain, FULL FASHIONED HOSE, The Men’s Choral club will re­ champagne, sunset, atmosphere, aloma and hearse at the South Methodist SERVICE WEIGHT HOSE, French nude, as well as black and white. PAIR $1.50 cliurch this evening instead of Fri­ PAIR $1.95 day evening, which is Good Friday. Largest and most complete showing of Boys’ Clothing in town, This is a new number in the well known A full attendance of the singers is Silk-to-the-welt, made especially for the SERVICE WEIGHT HOSE, brand—Humming Bird. It is made of urged in view of the approaching featuring “Jack O’Leather,” Hultman’s and “Right Posture” makes short, snappy skirts, no need of showing PAIR $1.95 pure silk and it is full fashioned. All concert, Tlinrsday c\eninrg, April cotton knees when you can buy a Silk-to- A popular number in the service weight. the light shades, as well as black and white 21 at High school hail. the-welt hose at this price. All the popu­ This hose can also be had in the “silk-to- can be found here. Very complete showing of Boys’ Wash Suits for play and dress. .the-welt.” Colors; flesh, shadow, sandust, Large assortment “Victor Make” Blouses and Shirts. lar tan and gray shades can be found here. Mrs. A. R. Coe of 7 4 Henry beige, grain, white sunset, atmosphere, street will be hostess to Ever Boys’ Ties, knit and art silk. aloma, French nude, pearl gray and black. Ready Circle, Kings Daughters, Boys’ Wide Belts, Tongue and Initial Buckles. CHIFFON HOSE, CHIFFON HOSE, tomorrow evening at 7:45. Mrs. Boys’ Sport Sweaters, fancy jacquard patterns •'’■'o licavy Shaker Knit Sweaters, ALL SILK HOSE, PAIR $1.95 R. T. Seymour of Wethersfield, PAIR $1.95 PAIR $2.00 plain colors. A sheer chiffon hose silk from top-to-toe. who attended the international All silk, full fashioned hose—silk from Silk from top-to-toe in the service convention at California, will speak Boys’ Sport Hose and Caps. weight. F’ashioned foot. About a dozen It can be had in the light evening shades on that subject. Assisting Mrs. top-to-toe.’ All the new, and smart and as weil as the darker street shades. Boys’ “Wool Lumber Jacks.” evening shades can be had in this brand— attractive shades to choose from. Match t'oe will he Mrs. II. A. Cook, i\Irs. Boys’ Nainsook Unions, Sealpax and Topkis make. Alien A Balbrig'':r.n Uiiion Suits. your Easter shoes here—you are sure of Joseph Wright and Mrs. J. S. Wol­ mauve, shadow, gravel, atmosphere, op Complete assortment Boys’ Pajamas. rose, pink and grain, as well as black and getting the shade you desire. cott. I Boys’ Odd Knickers, regulai* and balloon styles. white. Members of tiro Manchester Gar­ den club are rentinded of the April niectlrrg wlrich takes place this ev­ Special! ening at the White House, 79 North Main street. The speaker- will he Ernest Dodds of Hartford, 50c Children ^s an English gardener who has trav­ Pointex eled all over the world. Hosiery A dauglitcr was born Saturday Hosiery night to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pon- Rayon Hose ticillo, of 177 Spruce street. SERVICE WEIGHT HOSE, Grant Skewes, 23, of 153 Pearl 2 9 c p r . street, had his tonsils r-enroved to­ PAIR $1.85 RAYON SOCKS, day at Memorial hospital. Silk to the hem. The “Pointex” heel First qualtiy rayon hose with the PAIR 50c slenderizes the ankle. Colors include three seam back. Colors: atmosphere, Roy, two year old son of Jilr. and grain, sandust, beige, French nude, Plain or fancy colored tops In the popu­ grain, atmosphere, white, sandust and lar shades of blue, pink, white, peach, Mrs. Robert Thompson, of 618 flesh. moonlight, pearl gray, etc. While they Center street, unaerwent an opera­ last— 29c pair. maize, champagne, black and crash. tion for acute appendicitis last niglit at the Memorial hospital. To­ day lie was reported as progressing HEAVY SILK, sa{isfactorily. PAIR $1.95 PHOENIX SPORT SOCKS, Just A Few Of The PAIR 50e A heavy silk hose that comes in the pop­ ular shades. You can surely find just the A good looking hose suitable for school sliade you want here. The “Pointex” heel Many Shades in Stock or play wear. It comes In smart checks ITALIANS HERE slenderizes the ankle. in tan, gray, blue, etc. Plenty of sizes. Grays Tans HELP PINEDO GORDON V LINE HOSE, Opal Champagne PAIR $2.98 RAYON HOSE, Pearl Op Rose PAIR 59c A pure silk chiffon hose with the new Sandust Vote .J Contribute Toward I double pointed heel. This hose also has Shadow For Easter Sunday the young uilss will the new arrow which extends from the top. Des Green Alesaii want to wear a pair of these good looking Colors: flesh, dune, aloma, etc. rayon hose. Come in and, buy her a pair New Plane For Italian Fly­ Shell Gray Opal Rose tomorrow. All the latest shades. Moonlight Parchment er. JACQUARD LACE CLOCK HOSE, Grain PAIR $2.98 Rose Taupe LISLE SOCKS, A good looking heavy weight hose, sflk As well as the popular shades of ■ x PAIR 69c Eleonora Duse lodge met yester­ Hultman’s Boys’, Children’s, Misses Shoe Dept. from tip-to-toe, with the new jacquard lace ' "4 ^ • day afternoon with an attendance clock. The colors, of qpurse, are the very Gun Metal Flesh Beige A good quality lisle sock In quiet checks of 45 members. A short talk on newest: flesh, shell gray, des green, parch­ with gay colored tops. All the new shades Italy was gven by Angelo BoSco, Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes and Oxfords. ment and seine. Black > White can be had In this Hose. who has recently returned from that country. Other speakers were Featuring Pied Piper shoes for Children, Misses and growing girls*. Also our own Julius Pagan! and E. Pagani, the Hale’s Hosieryr-Main Floor latter taking as his subject the make. •.'■•S' death fund of the lodge. The lodge voted to give $5 to­ ward the purchase of a new air­ plane for the Italian aviator, de Boys’ Rubber Boots, Rubbers, Keds and Slickers. Ask About All The Plnedo, who is making a tour of A the world. De PInedo’s plane was Newest burned up In Arizona the other Our Repair day when a boy threw a lighted match In a pool of oil near the Service SOUTH 'MRNCHESTER ' CONN Shade;^ machine. ARTHUR L. HULTMAN Herald Want Ads sell automo- m fiiles. / ' V . .

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