CHPS FAMILY FAIR 3 23rd MARCH 2013 DAYS 10am – 3pm TO Get in the Spirit of out Fair! GO!!! CARNIVAL DRESS UP DAY nd Friday 22 March It’s time to get excited about the Assisting on stalls at our Fair Fair! Come to school dressed in your favourite costume or make A big thank you to all the parents who your hair crazy!! have already signed up to help on a Prizes to be won. stall. Some stalls still require more Please bring a gold coin donation. helpers though please to ensure that coordinators have enough support on FAIR DAY FLYERS the day. We have at the office heaps of Please if you can spare an hour of fair day flyers that need to be your day either pop your name on a popped into letter boxes this sign-up sheet in your preferred time week. They have been divided up slot, contact a stall coordinator with Melway sheets. directly or email us at If any parents are out walking
[email protected] this week and can help letterbox drop we would hugely appreciate MARKET STALL HOLDERS it please!!! WANTED RAFFLE TICKETS WHITE ELEPHANT, PRELOVED New Crafts, Gifts, Products CLOTHES AND BOOKS IfCan you haveall a smallRaffle business Tickets and would please like to sellbe your products at our school fair you can apply to If you have any last minute items to bring to returned to the school office by this have a market stall. the school please make sure it gets to us by Friday 22nd at the latest!! this Thursday 21st! For $40 and a small donation towards our silent auction, all profits made on the day are yours to We need to account for them all.